Siberian Cossack army

Siberian Cossacks have a long history. Their centuries-old service was tense, varied, exhausting. This can be confirmed by the fact that the Siberian Cossack army was responsible for an incredibly large, vast space. The "zone of responsibility" of the Siberian Cossacks stretched for 1920 kilometers from Tobol to the Mongolian Altai. This is comparable to the territory from Warsaw to Paris!

The difference between the Siberian Cossack army and all the others (Don, Terek, Ural) was that it was created by the state. The Siberian Cossacks served the country from the very beginning of its existence. Some sources say that the Cossacks in Siberia began their history with the ataman Yermak and his free Cossacks - the conquerors of the Siberian Khanate. Yermak's campaign really had great importance but the story unfolded a little differently.

In 1586 on the territory of Siberia, the sovereign administration was entrenched, and there were only 90 Siberian Cossacks. The main force for the formation of new Cossack lands by the authorities at that time was not the Siberian Cossacks, but the so-called "eager people". For the most part they were all residents of the Russian North. Thus, we can assume that the Siberian army does not originate with the ataman Yermak, although Yermak's campaign was of great importance.

The Siberian Cossacks arose in the 18th century. It was at this time that the Russian state completely formalized its border in the south Western Siberia. The Omsk fortress became the basis of a new frontier for the formation of the Siberian Cossack army. This object will become the future capital of the Siberian Cossacks of the Siberian Army.

About three centuries have passed since the time of Ataman Yermak, and August 19, 1808 The Siberian linear Cossack army appeared. Here is such an amazing story of the Siberian Cossack army, its formation and appearance. The Cossacks in Siberia defended the southern borders of Western Siberia with all their might.

The Bukhtarma line was built in case of penetration of the Chinese into the upper reaches of the Irtysh. The rest (and Bukhtarma in the end) Cossacks in Siberia covered themselves from the raids of the Mongol-speaking Dzhungars (they are also known as Oirats), as well as Turkic-speaking Kazakhs.

The history of the Siberian Cossack army for almost throughout the 18th century put up with the presence of the Dzungars. They owned the entire north of present-day Kazakhstan, they had many conquests in the east as well. As for the Kazakhs, they did not pose a big threat to the Cossacks in Siberia. This people wandered in those days far to the south, only from time to time breaking through to the Siberian borders.

It was a very difficult period XVIII century. The Cossacks of Siberia at that time defended the borders as best they could.

The vast length of the borders and the small number of Cossack heroes are recorded in many documents. For example, according to the state for 1787 there were only 2,000 Cossacks on 2,400 km of harsh Siberian lines! This is about one person per kilometer.

In fairness, it is worth pointing out that the Cossacks of Siberia at that time were helped by the Don and Yaik Cossacks, Bashkirs and Meshcheryaks. Until 1812, together with the Cossack heroes, several dragoon regiments served here at once. But these forces were clearly not enough to resist the nomads. In 1812 the dragoons went to fight Napoleon. Heroic Cossacks remained the only cavalry on the territory of Western Siberia. Cossacks in Novosibirsk and on the territory of many other "northern" points served in the 19th century selflessly and faithfully from the age of 17 until then, "as long as they could" ...

A small handful of servicemen of the Cossacks of Siberia served without rest and endured constant "transports" to all kinds of work. Having changed from his post, any Siberian Cossack (even if it was the ataman of the Siberian Cossack army) went to build and repair fortifications, prepare firewood, hay, and timber for the treasury. In the 18th century the Cossacks of Omsk were engaged in the fact that they worked on state arable land. Even the chieftain of the Siberian Cossack army could not dream of his own plowing. There was not enough time, just as there was not enough money.

The salary of the Cossacks of Omsk, like the Cossacks in Novosibirsk and other cities, was small. And for these "crumbs" it was still necessary to purchase a fighting horse, weapons of the Cossacks and clothes!

For this reason, it is completely unsurprising that the “thinness” at that time was not only of the “serving” Siberian Cossacks, but also of the atamans of the Siberian Cossack army.

General G.I. Glazenap, who in 1808 gave a description of the Cossacks of Omsk and all the Cossacks in general, was simply shocked. He wrote that the clothes of the Siberian Cossacks were terribly leaky, their weapons of the Cossacks were not quite modern, but their attitude, their morale, prowess could strike anyone. Despite the fact that the Cossacks in Novosibirsk were poorly trained, despite the fact that the clothes of the Siberian Cossacks could not even compare with the military uniform of the army, despite the fact that many chieftains of the Orenburg Cossack army and their subordinates were not literate, the Siberians are always with honor performed even the most difficult tasks.

Since the 1810s all Siberians began to undergo systematic training in military affairs, they got their own form. And it was no longer just the ordinary clothes of the Siberian Cossacks, but uniform blue uniforms with blue trousers and red stripes. This form of the Siberian Cossacks did not last long. Two decades later, from December 1840 the uniform of the Siberian Cossacks was made dark green.

About in 1812 chieftains of the Orenburg Cossack army, his Siberian Cossacks were awarded red shoulder straps. For officers, special silver (in artillery - gold) epaulettes were introduced. From that moment on, the Red Cossacks appeared, who were distinguished by their courage, military prowess, and prowess. The courage and courage of these servicemen, known to her since the time of Yermak's campaign, is what the Cossacks were famous for in the 19th century. They accomplished many deeds, saved many destinies. Who is the Red Cossack? This is the one who stood out for his fearlessness in battle and readiness to defend those in need at any time.

Under Nicholas I, the uniform of the Siberian Cossacks did not change, but other reforms were made. The servicemen began to resemble regular dragoons. Life began to flow under the signals of the pipe, the weapons of the Cossacks were replaced by a dragoon gun with a bayonet, the style of attacks changed (open lava, so familiar to the Cossacks, was replaced by attacks in close formation).

Early 20th century Cossacks, chieftains of the Orenburg Cossack army took part in the war with Japan, and in the First World War. At this time, the weapons of the Cossacks reliably defended the borders of the state.

Time passed, and approached 1917 The 200-year service of the brave and famous Siberian army was coming to an end. Ahead, the Red Cossacks will have to survive ... decossackization and the transfer of part of their military lands to the control of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. October coup 1917 marked the death of the Siberian Cossack army. October was followed by a terrible Civil War, which became another reason for the split of Russia, the split of the Cossacks. The Civil War ended, and official propaganda began to work with all its might in such a way as to lead to the death of the Siberian Cossack army, to the fact that all the heroic pages of history were erased from memory. The Bolshevik government seemed to spit on the opinion of the famous writer and philosopher L.N. Tolstoy, who said very succinctly and correctly: "The Cossacks created Russia." Instead of this most truthful phrase, the expression of L.D. Trotsky was taken: “The Cossacks generally have no merit before the Russian state and the Russian people.” From myself: only an ardent hater of Russia and the Russian people, who was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, could say this.

This expression of Trotsky became the basis of the policy of the Soviet government. The whole policy was based on denying the original history of the Cossacks. Looking deeper, the target was far more horrific. Not just to make the people forget about their customs, about their traditions, but to completely destroy them, lead to the death of the Siberian Cossack army. But this is a completely different page of history.

Today, unfortunately, there is no more opportunity to return to the past, to change something. Many customs of the Cossacks and traditions of the Cossacks were lost in time, forgotten. The former way of life, the former dances of the Cossacks, traditions can no longer be returned. Now there is a slightly different task: to restore the connection between generations forcibly interrupted by the Soviet authorities and to prove that the culture of the Cossacks exists. Today, the Union of Cossacks with the IPO "Siberian Cossack Host" are trying with all their might to revive those customs of the Cossacks that have existed for many years since the conquest of Siberia by Yermak.

The Siberian Cossack army - an association that was able to strengthen the ataman rule to a large extent, was able to strengthen the regional branches. To strengthen the fighting spirit and create a sense of unity of this people, the anthem of the Siberian Cossack army was developed, there is also the coat of arms of the Siberian Cossack army.

Ataman boards today interact very effectively and constructively with the existing bodies of state power and local self-government. All the richness of the customs of the Cossacks, their military affairs are transferred to those who study in the Cossack cadet classes. The culture of the Cossacks can be seen at the annual festivals of Cossack culture, at camp-field gatherings, at shooting exercises of Cossack youth. The experience of the ancestors, permeated with the customs of the Cossacks, is studied especially carefully.

In education, a lot distinguished the young Cossack from all other strata of society. A young man from the cradle was inspired by simple and indisputable truths that "idleness is evil, and lies are a great meanness, that theft is a sin." The culture of the Cossacks paid much attention to the loving attitude towards their family, towards a woman, towards veterans. Whatever you take the Cossack district - a woman is revered everywhere, they do not skimp on affectionate words for her.

Many Siberian Cossacks, whose photos are stored in the museum, were distinguished not only by their strength, steadfastness in battle, but also by their reverent attitude towards the second half. Family ties for a Cossack are of great value.

Special attention is given to veterans, those who have preserved part of history, part of their identity. What are the specific ranks of the Cossacks worth: the highest military rank was enrolled in each army. He did not serve in the army, while being an honorary Cossack, whose authority was inviolable.

Symbolism became an integral part in the life of a Cossack. And this is not only what is depicted on the coat of arms of the Siberian Cossack army. In the service, in the life of a Cossack, everything is filled with a certain meaning. An earring for a man in any Cossack district is not just an ornament. This is the detail that shows the place, the role of the Cossack in the family.

Any Cossack should know not only the titles of the Cossacks, the history of the campaigns of the Cossacks in Siberia, but also the names of all the heroes of the Cossacks. Otherwise, what kind of warrior is he if he does not know his history?

All those Cossacks who had reached the age of 19 had to gather in a prearranged place in the Cossack district on the best horses and with full equipment. Remote riders received elegant bridles, weapons, and decorated saddles from the ataman. To receive such an award for any Cossack in Siberia was considered really very honorable.

Sending off to military service became a real holiday with the dancing of the Cossacks, with the traditional songs of the Siberian Cossacks. Experienced fathers gave their advice to their sons. The Cossacks not only lived in the present, but also looked to the future, saw it before in their children and grandchildren. It is for this reason that the Siberian Cossacks paid great attention to their education.

Today we can say that there have been positive trends in the consolidation of healthy, experienced and future-oriented forces of the Cossacks. The Siberian Cossacks are experiencing their second birth.

430 years of the Siberian Cossack army is a date that gives impetus to further development based on loyalty to traditions. That campaign of the Cossacks in Siberia, which was carried out several centuries ago, paved the way for a new path. The path that is being walked today Siberia Cossack, and the path that she had already passed on the eve of the holiday of 430 years of the Siberian Cossack army. The coat of arms of the Siberian Cossack army, the anthem of the Siberian Cossack army - this and that shows us the unity and spirituality, the inner core, courage and strength of the Cossacks.

The Siberian Cossack army from the time of its appearance, education has played a key role. The east of the country was reliably protected by Cossack Siberia. Its role can only be compared with that of the Great Don Army in the European part of the country. The Siberian army, whose history does not begin with the campaign of the Cossacks in Siberia, but a little later, became the progenitor, the ancestor of the Cossack troops, which were located behind the Ural Mountains. And now, for 430 years, the Siberian Cossack army has kept traditions and defended their homeland. In the territory Russian Empire Many people knew the songs of the Siberian Cossacks and their traditions. And this is quite understandable, because Siberia was the third in terms of seniority after the Terek Cossack army and the All-Great Don Army. The titles of the Cossacks, who left their mark on history, are known to all.

Before 1917 Siberia Cossack military holiday celebrated December 6 the old fashioned way. This is December 19th new style. It was not the day of the coat of arms of the Siberian Cossack army, not the anthem of the Siberian Cossack army, but the day of annexation of Siberia to Russia.

And precisely for this reason, they are not indifferent to which path, in which direction history will go further, the development of the Cossacks, whether the death of the Siberian Cossack army will occur. Will modern society, the Siberian Cossacks, be able to build a solid Cossack house with a solid foundation, or will they “build” a hut that will fall from one breath of the breeze? The Siberian Cossack army of Omsk (as well as other cities) today faces a choice, where to start building this house of theirs: the foundation or from the roof? Of course, that from the foundation. And this foundation, the basis, is the culture of the Cossacks, the spiritual and moral education of the Siberian Cossacks, the gradual strengthening of the Cossack communities, the preparation of a mobilization reserve. Everything matters here, even the uniform of the Siberian Cossack army.

The tasks that are reflected in the Strategy can be read.

It is impossible to develop the civil service without education, without training, without taking into account the culture, the songs of the Siberian Cossacks, the customs of the Cossacks, and the strengthening of the Cossack community. Speaking more figuratively, it will not be possible to put a cart in front of the horse. The subjects of the implementation of this Strategy are to improve the culture of the Cossacks: .

The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the affairs of the entire Cossacks, not only the Siberian Cossacks, is an advisory body. Federal executive authorities, executive authorities in the regions and local self-government, which influence the history of the Siberian Cossack army, the culture of the Cossacks - the concepts are very broad.

The All-Russian Cossack Society, together with the All-Russian Public Association of Cossacks, are public organizations with a completely different legal framework that protect not only the Cossacks in Siberia.

The general characteristics of the movement of the Cossacks of Siberia is one of the important points that is reflected in the Strategy. Cossack Day is celebrated by a large number of people, but there are 1440 total Cossack societies registered in the country. Membership in 2010. military Cossack societies reached 452424 people. It is with these data that the 430th anniversary of the Siberian Cossack army is celebrated today.

In memory of the Cossacks Art. Atbasar (now Kazakhstan). Music: "Beyond the Urals, beyond the river", a marching song of the Ural and Siberian Cossacks.

The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia reports that the number of members of the Cossacks (including the Cossacks of Siberia) public reaches approximately 20 thousand people. The data of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia indicate that the total number of members of Cossack societies - Cossack heroes, who assumed the obligations of civil service, other service reached in 2010. 148991 people. This is a serious weapon of the Cossacks. All those who consider themselves to be among the Cossacks, those who know the history of the development of Siberia by the Cossacks, the history of the service of this people for the good of the state, for the good of the fatherland, for the good of the history of the Siberian Cossack army, have to face many problems. In particular, these are the questions that relate to the attitude towards the modern Cossacks of Omsk and other settlements. The Siberian Cossack army of Omsk and other regions is forced to admit that the attitude towards it is very contradictory.

Some call those people who are wearing the uniform of the Siberian Cossack army, claiming the status of a kind of separate estate. Those who have defended the country throughout history are called pseudo-patriots. It's a shame, but there's nothing to be done: the happy day of the Cossack, the history and courage of the development of Siberia by the Cossacks in the Soviet era were forgotten and trampled. Fortunately, there are those who see in the Cossacks in Novosibirsk, the Cossacks of Omsk the beginnings of the revival of the lost, forgotten on the pages of history, the foundations of the culture of the Cossacks, the customs of the Cossacks, morality. These two contradictions cannot be overcome in any way. The modern development of Siberia by the Cossacks is a whole and unified phenomenon.

We must try to look at the representatives of the Cossacks of Siberia in different ways, from different angles. The goal here is an attempt to clarify the situation with the real history of the Siberian Cossack army and those speculations that appeared during the Soviet period. The Cossacks in Siberia (at least from the point of view that prevails at the moment) are not at all an ethnic layer that is trying to dominate the rest.

Even the coat of arms of the Siberian Cossack army, the attributes that have appeared today, clearly show that we are simply a public organization that is designed to resolve some problems of the Cossacks of Siberia. But just whose interests and how will this organization of the Siberian Cossack army protect? Perhaps society is not ready to recognize the existence of the Day of the Cossack and this culture in general?

The term "Cossacks in Siberia" is used as a synonym for honor, patriotism, culture of the Cossacks, devotion, deep rootedness of moral traditions, customs of the Cossacks. But these values, which each Cossack district has, can easily be distorted. And then the picture “Cossacks write a letter to the Sultan” becomes an ugly creation, patriotism in the culture of the Cossacks turns into nationalism, moral values, the titles of the Cossacks undergo changes.

Some, as a result, to the anthem of the Siberian Cossack army, are ready to serve the Fatherland with all their might, while others at this time simply try to blind a hastily PR campaign, accelerating the death of the Siberian Cossack army. Under the coat of arms of the Siberian Cossack army, all those who remember and honor history are united, who do not breathe evenly towards the honor and dignity of the uniform, the uniform of the Siberian Cossack army, and valor.

Not so long ago, as an experiment, there was a new initiative of the Red Cossacks. This is not a study of how Yermak behaved in Siberia and not an attempt to interfere in private life. Not! The Siberian Cossacks, after appropriate approvals from the local authorities, along with law enforcement agencies during public events, etc. took over some of the law enforcement functions. People in the form of the Siberian Cossack army caused a real split in society.

Some members of the society openly expressed their negative attitude towards the representatives of the Siberian Cossack army, not at all intending to obey the requirements of the Cossack patrol. And others at that time reacted to the Siberian Cossacks somewhat more calmly, believing that the protection of public order through the use of the Cossacks of Siberia is such an event that it is distinguished by its exceptionally positive character. And this is not a historical question about whether Yermak can be considered a hero in Siberia. This is an everyday problem, which, as the ataman of the Orenburg Cossack army correctly noted, can cause such a conflict in society. About how some relate to the celebration of the Day of the Cossack, to the history of the Siberian Cossack army, it’s not worth talking at all.

Cossacks can only seek protection from themselves, uniting under the coat of arms of the Siberian Cossack army. The state, which is called upon to help find a balance of interests, in this case, will not be an assistant for the Siberian Cossacks. Throughout history, the interests that the Cossacks had in Siberia and those of the state did not always coincide. This begins with the question of whether Yermak was the conqueror of Siberia or not, and ends with discussions about the changes brought to the history of the Siberian Cossack army by the Soviet authorities.

But this does not mean at all that the Cossack song will never sound online. Despite the contradictions and "stretched" relations with the state, the Cossacks of Siberia at the first danger are ready to come to the aid of the people, to unite under the emblem of the Siberian Cossack army. forget all the nonsense that pseudo-scientists and journalists tell about Yermak in Siberia. Those who have defended the borders for many years are ready for dialogue (what is the painting by the famous artist “Cossacks writing a letter to the Sultan” worth?).

Cossack songs online will definitely sound! It only takes time, you need to decide how to restore respect for them. The ataman government, the ataman of the Orenburg Cossack army, the ataman of the Siberian Cossack army are sure that without the formation of a very solid foundation for the culture of the Cossacks, without the presence of full-fledged communities of the Cossacks of Siberia, the whole meaning of the Cossacks is lost. You cannot recruit into the ranks those who came from the street, who do not even know that it was Yermak who conquered Siberia, and not some other historical figure.

Performance of the children's group Kupalenka junior group at the concert "Russian folk song" February 7, 2014. in the hall SCCD Rainbow

The process of reviving the history of the Siberian Cossack army has begun, it continues exclusively on a voluntary basis. Speaking in the language of power, it passes "from below". The Cossacks write a letter to the Sultan, the Cossacks are actively engaged in this, that, a festival was held where Cossack songs were played online ... Such informational messages have ceased to be something new and unique for the Cossacks in Siberia. And this means that the authorities are ready to conduct a constructive dialogue with the Siberian Cossacks in order to establish interaction.

True, sometimes it does this without taking into account the historical features of the Cossacks that existed for a long time, the history of the Siberian Cossack army, and the customs of the Cossacks. Sometimes you can see the obvious imposition of dead-end paths of life and development on representatives of the Cossacks in Siberia.

What is worth only one fact of the appearance of the Siberian Cossacks, because from time immemorial it has evolved precisely from the need for Cossacks as heroes of service to the people, the Fatherland, and not on the bourgeois principles of mercenarism. It is probably not worth predicting the death of the Siberian Cossack army, trying to get ahead of the stages of development of society and the state. It is not worth it to be impossible obligations for both the Siberian Cossack army of Omsk and modern society. Nevertheless, we need to work, to honor the holiday of 430 years of the Siberian Cossack army.

Concert - 430 years of the Siberian Cossack Army. CNC, Nizhnevartovsk. 08.12.2012

The most important areas of activity since the conquest of Siberia by Yermak still remain before the Siberian Cossack army, such:

such a revival of the history of the Siberian Cossack army, the revival of the culture of the Cossacks, the revival of traditions, the revival of the customs of the Cossacks, the implementation of patriotic education of citizens, youth, the Cossacks of Siberia, the presence of a widespread strengthening of the authority of the Cossacks in Siberia.

The last point is probably one of the most difficult. The authority of the Siberian Cossack army can be strengthened only by the daily very painstaking and creative work of the entire Cossacks of Siberia.

The future depends on the professional training of the ataman of the Siberian Cossack army on his intellect, on the government and the ability to organize really high-quality, painstaking work for the benefit of all Cossack heroes.

In the Strategy, which was called a little higher, many measures are prescribed that contribute to the development of the history of the Siberian Cossack army. What has been done and what is going to be done can be read.

As a result of this work, it should be noted that today it is necessary to carry out important activities in the field of education (and everyone should know that it was Yermak who conquered Siberia, that the history of the Siberian Cossack army is full of contradictions and mysteries, but at the same time full of courage, courage and military prowess), the culture of the Cossacks, the development of relations between society and Cossack Siberia. The all-Russian public organization, which is called the "Union of Cossacks", is the most organized, most massive association of the Siberian Cossack army of Omsk, which consistently defends the interests of the Siberian Cossacks in detail. At the moment, we have been awarded the opportunity, the high honor, if you like, to observe how public opinion has been changing for the past 22 years, the position of the authorities and its representatives in relation to the Siberian Cossack army, the Cossacks in Siberia.

For these 22 years it was possible to observe more than once that many representatives of the authorities (and not only the authorities) made an attempt in one way or another to play in their interests the history of the Siberian Cossack army, the Cossack card. Such attempts, unfortunately, the Cossacks in Siberia see today. There's nothing to be done here. It is almost impossible to fight these phenomena in the history of the Siberian Cossack army. And if you try to resist, then the Cossacks in Siberia will not have enough strength for other spheres and regions. The only thing that remains indisputable truth for the Siberian Cossack army is the defense of the country's borders and the readiness to always come to the aid of its people, despite all the insults, oblivion of the customs of the Cossacks, all the lies.

The Cossacks of Siberia are confidently ready to declare that ours fully coincide with the tasks that were set by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. And all of them are sent to strengthen the chieftains of the Orenburg Cossack army of the entire Russian state, to strengthen the Cossacks of Siberia. It will be necessary to take all the best from this Strategy in order to use it in the future for the benefit of our native Fatherland.

You can read about the urban Siberian Cossacks.

You can read about the serf Siberian Cossacks.

The text of the anthem of the Siberian Cossack army

Surrounded by harsh silence,

Shining with golden domes,

Military Temple, with its alarm,

The circle calls the Cossacks.

For the face of St. Nicholas

Let's tear from the scabbard the shine of the blades.

For the honor of Siberia and Altai,

We will die under the flags of the regiments.

In an alarming hour, Cossack roots,

Chopped with steel and lead.

But still we honor and remember

Testaments of grandfathers and fathers.

We, the sons of the Cossack freemen,

United by friendship for centuries,

Under the bells and whistles of church belfries,

Let's sing to the glory of Yermak.

The dawn burns with a bloody banner,

The ringing of horseshoes kisses the earth.

Sons of Siberia with a firm step

Join the brotherhood of the Cossacks.

A little more video

The long-term target program "Cossacks of the Omsk Irtysh region", adopted by the Government of the Omsk region, should become the basis for further strengthening the Cossacks in the region. As Ataman of the Siberian Military Cossack Society Gennady Privalov noted at a press conference, the program will make it possible to give a purposeful character to the process of revival and formation of the Cossacks, to more actively involve the Cossacks in solving socio-economic problems, to pay more attention to the patriotic education of young people, to help preserve the Cossack culture. The conference, in which, in addition to Gennady Privalov, Nikolai Afanasiev, Ataman of the Omsk Departmental Cossack Society and Archpriest Alexander Gorbunov, military priest of the Siberian Cossack Army, took part, was held on the eve of a big celebration that will take place in the Omsk Region on December 19 and is timed to coincide with the 430th anniversary of the formation of the Siberian Cossack Society. Cossack army. A solemn meeting, a festive concert will be held at the Omsk Musical Theatre. On this day, representatives of the Cossacks from different regions of Russia will arrive in Omsk. All day in honor of the holiday in Omsk churches there will be services. Omsk has been the historical capital of the Siberian Cossack Host since 1808. At present, the center of the Siberian Cossacks is deployed in the city - the military administration and the headquarters of the Siberian military Cossack society. Today, the Siberian Cossacks continue to develop their traditions, uniting spiritually to preserve the historical, cultural, and economic heritage left by their great ancestors to be passed on to their descendants. The most active part is taken by hereditary Cossacks - the keepers of traditions and legends.

How young Cossacks are brought up

The story of the Cossack about the history of the Siberian Cossacknature

Acquaintance with the Cossack culture

Several videos of the Siberian Cossack training system

    Printed counterpart: Smirnov A.M. Watch empires. Siberian Cossack army in the service of the fatherland // Motherland. 1997. No. 8. pp. 41-43.

    If it is possible to describe in a few words the appearance of each of our Cossack troops, then for the Siberian one the definition is immediately found: a trouble-free army. In his history there are neither Razins nor Mazepa - nothing but the hard and not always noticeable work of the servants of the White Tsar, the guards great empire. With every right, without prejudice, the Siberians sang a hundred years ago:

    We served faithfully,
    How they swore before the cross;
    Having sworn, did not change
    Before God and the King.

    To answer the question of how varied, intense, exhausting this two-century service was, it is enough to say that none of the Cossack troops, except for the Siberian, had to be responsible for such a vast space. For 1920 kilometers - from Tobol to the Mongolian Altai - its villages were spread. And it's the same as from Warsaw to Paris or from St. Petersburg to Perekop! Siberians "broke off" one and a half to two thousand miles, controlling the endless Kazakh steppes. None of the Cossack troops, except for the Siberian, was obliged by the Russian Empire to one fifteenth of its territory - we are talking about half of today's Kazakhstan. At the same time, by 1916, the Siberian Cossacks - about 172 thousand souls of both sexes - made up only a thousandth of the population of the empire.

    Unlike the descendants of the free combat communities - the Don, Ural, Terek troops - the Siberian was created by the state and served the state from the very beginning. At one time, however, they tried to lead his story from the free Cossacks of Ermak Timofeevich - the conquerors of the Siberian Khanate. In 1903, the army was given seniority from December 1582, when, as it was believed, the Yermakovites became "the royal service army." However, in 1586, when the sovereign's administration was established in Siberia, only 90 Cossacks remained there. And the basis of the Cossack detachments formed by the authorities for the development and defense of new lands was not they, but “eager people” from the inhabitants of the Russian North. Actually, the Siberian army arose in the 18th century, when Russia formalized its borders in the south of Western Siberia.

    The basis of the new frontier was the future capital of the Siberian army - the Omsk fortress. In 1716 - 1720, the Irtysh fortified line was stretched southeast of it along the steppe right bank of the Irtysh, from the "fortifications" of which Pavlodar, Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk later grew. From Ust-Kamenogorsk, the chain of fortifications turned northeast, towards Kuznetsk (now Novokuznetsk), and by 1764, the 749-kilometer Kolyvano-Kuznetskaya line ran along the foothills of Altai. And in 1781–1792, the Irtysh line was extended to the southeast: about 170 more Bukhtarma lines were added to 932 kilometers.

    In 1752, a 576-kilometer Presnogorkovskaya line was drawn west from Omsk (here, in the Ishim steppe, there were many fresh and salt lakes). It was also called Gorkaya, and sometimes Presnogorkovskaya (from the village of Sibirsky to Petropavlovsk) and Gorkaya (from Petropavlovsk to Omsk) were distinguished ...

    At the Tobol River, the Presnogorkovskaya line joined with the Orenburg line, which was defended by the Cossacks of the army of the same name. And those who served on Presnogorkovskaya, Irtysh and Kolyvano-Kuznetskaya, from the 1770s began to be called "Cossacks of the Siberian Line" and received special management. Until the end of the 18th century, the new service corporation was replenished more than once with Siberian peasants, soldiers' children, exiled Cossacks and volunteers from among the Bashkirs, Meshcheryaks and Donets who temporarily served in Siberia. Finally, on August 19, 1808, it received the official name of the Siberian linear Cossack army.

    From whom did you have to defend the southern border of Western Siberia? The Bukhtarma line was built in case of penetration into the upper reaches of the Irtysh by the Chinese. Others (and eventually Bukhtarminskaya) covered themselves from the raids of two nomadic peoples- Mongolian-speaking Dzhungars (Oirats) and Turkic-speaking Kazakhs (the first in Russia were called Kalmyks, and the second - Kirghiz). At the same time, throughout the first half of the 18th century, the immediate neighbors of the Russians in Western Siberia were the Dzhungars, who owned the entire north and east of present-day Kazakhstan. The Kazakhs then wandered far to the south and only occasionally broke through to our Siberian border. Only in the 1760s, the Middle Kazakh horde occupied the lands of the Dzungars scattered by the Chinese and for many years became the main enemy of the Siberian Cossacks.

    Already in 1765, on the border with the “Kirghiz steppe”, it was necessary to arrange a kind of control and trail strip - a barrier of poles and cut down trees, stretching along the Presnogorkovskaya and Irtysh lines, 10 versts in front of them. The second such band was formed by slingshots placed between the fortresses and redoubts on the line itself. Cossack pickets were standing along the barrier, Cossack patrols were moving around - “from lighthouse to lighthouse, from station to station”. When the scattered barrier informed them of the appearance of a horde, the lighthouses lit signal fires - and all living things sought to hide under the protection of the fortifications, and the Cossack detachments on duty were preparing to rush to intercept the nomads.

    The tension of the linear service of the Cossacks in Western Siberia was exacerbated by the obvious discrepancy between their numbers and the enormous length of the border. Back in 1787, there were only 2,009 local Cossacks per 2,400 kilometers of Siberian lines, in 1795 - 2,884, and in 1803 - 5,038. True, in the 18th century, several hundred more Don and Yaik Cossacks, Bashkirs and Meshcheryaks served there, and until 1812, several dragoon regiments. However, this was not enough, and the dragoon cavalry also turned out to be of little use for fighting the flying bands of nomads. In 1812, the dragoons left to fight Napoleon, and the Siberian Cossacks of the line remained the only cavalry in Western Siberia, serving from the age of 17 and "as long as they can" ...

    This handful of servicemen had almost no rest, and they were still driven to all kinds of work. Having been replaced from his post, the Siberian Cossack built and repaired fortifications, prepared hay, firewood and timber for the treasury, floated all this for hundreds of miles along the Irtysh, transported government provisions and mail, looked after government warehouses, and in 1746–1770 even plowed government arable land. There was no question of his own plowing: the Cossack often had no time even to grind the state ration of grain, and he gave the last kopecks of the state salary for grinding ... But for this salary it was still necessary to purchase a horse, weapons, equipment, clothes!

    Therefore, the "badness" of the Siberian Cossacks of that time, the poverty and dilapidation of their weapons and equipment are not surprising. But “people in the army,” General G. I. Glazenap noted in 1808, “both in physical and in moral attitude excellent, honesty, kindness, fidelity to one’s duty, together with Cossack daring and quickness, have been preserved inviolably from primitive times. Poorly trained in shooting and formation, little or no illiterate Siberians performed the most difficult tasks with honor. In 1814, the centurion Starkov, “barely breathing” due to the strong rarefied air, crossed the Tien Shan in its highest part and descended into the still almost unknown to us Kashgaria.

    In 1812, the army received its first award for "zealousness and readiness for service" - a weather vane for peaks. In 1810 schools for active service Cossacks were opened, and in 1815 (for the first time in the history of the Cossacks) compulsory primary education was introduced. In order to train officers in Omsk, a military school was created in 1813, and already in the 1830s, the educational level of Siberian officers was higher than that of their colleagues in the Kirghiz steppe - the Urals and Orenburgers. At the same time, the army began to stand out for the education of the officers and many ordinary Cossacks.

    Since the 1810s, the Siberians began to undergo systematic military training, dressed in uniform dark blue uniforms and the same trousers with red stripes (from December 1840, the color of the uniform became dark green). Around 1812, Siberian Cossacks for the first time put on red shoulder straps, and officers - silver (artillery - gold) epaulettes.

    This new generation of Siberians has gone beyond the line, into the Kirghiz steppe: the time has come to finally reconcile the restless neighbors.

    The service of the Siberians in the Kirghiz steppe showed what the Russian Cossack was capable of. Army foreman Lukin passed through the deadly desert of Betpak-Dala. The centurion of Rebrov in the summer of 1840, despite the 35-degree heat, lack of food and fodder, pursued the rebellious nomad camps to the very Aral Karakum, passing about 2000 miles in 45 days. On July 11, 1827, Zauryad-centurion Kudryavtsev with 14 Cossacks fought off 500 Kazakhs with rifle fire for the whole day - and retreated only by order. On the night of November 3, 1829, the cornet Potanin found himself in a similar situation, 13 of whose Siberians were attacked across the Chu River by a detachment of 300 Kazakhs. But Potanin did not have an order to withdraw, but had an order to get to Tashkent - and the Cossacks forced the attackers to retreat ... And the cornet Rytov with 33 Siberians on December 5, 1837 was already caught in the bare steppe by 1000 soldiers of the Sultan Kenesary! Lined on three sides, the Cossacks fired back for three days, and then rushed to the breakthrough and overturned the enemy.

    At that time, the army already operated on a space of a million square versts, and even in 1863 it had only 12,155 people in its service. Meanwhile, the Siberians were not exempted from service on the line. And those who were not dressed up for a steppe campaign, patrol, guard, convoy, to a customs outpost or for training, were sent to military cloth factories, tanneries and brick factories, military mills, sawmills, fishing and hayfields, to clean and drive out military horses, build state-owned buildings and boats, repair bridges and roads, manage the service of a policeman, a coachman and a liquor store ... If the Cossacks served in other troops in turn (in the Urals, for example, they did not dress up for service for 10 years in a row), then the Siberians still knew almost no rest. In the end, in 1846, the Siberian Cossack had to be made a real “official man”: now he received from the treasury and the troops not only salaries and provisions for himself and male children, but also a horse, uniforms, equipment, weapons. True, they began to serve no longer for life, but only for 30 years.

    In general, the Siberian Cossacks under Nicholas I began to resemble regular dragoons - both in life at the signal of a trumpet, and with a dragoon gun with a bayonet, and attacks in close formation (and non-Cossacks - with open lava). However, in the Kirghiz steppe, where the Siberians have always been in an absolute minority, only by attacking closely and it was possible to win. Or it was necessary to dismount and shoot back, hiding behind the horses laid on the ground. And such a battle could turn into hand-to-hand combat - and then a bayonet was needed ... But dragoon skills did not prevent the preservation of the Cossack spirit!

    Only in 1861 was the “economic front” liquidated in the army, and service on the line was also canceled, so that the word “linear” disappeared from the name of the army. At the same time, the number of Cossacks called up was reduced, and the service life (since 1866 - 22 years) was actually reduced by a factor of three: every two years, a Cossack was entitled to a 4-year vacation - a “benefits”. But after 1861, the Siberian had to be fed and equipped for service at his own expense. But he had neither the skills of agriculture, nor the habit of self-management! Sometimes I had to sell houses, send wives to work - but they went to the service in good condition ...

    And now they served beyond the Chu River - the conquest of Central Asia began. The uniforms of dark green cloth gave way here to white linen shirts, dark green harem pants to red suede suits, and dark green caps with three red piping disappeared under white cases.

    The Kokand Khanate was the first to enter into conflict with Russia. Since 1860, Siberians have been participating in campaigns from Semirechie to the west, to the fortresses of Tokmak, Pishpek, Merke and Aulie-Ata. On October 21, 1860, in a ferocious felling near Uzun-Agach, hundreds of lieutenant colonel Shaitanov beat off a retaliatory blow from the Kokand cavalry. From Aulie-Ata in 1864 they turned south, towards Chimkent and Tashkent. After the capture of the latter in 1865, the 15-year service of the Siberians began in the Syrdarya region, newly formed from the Kokand possessions. 70 Cossacks were in the Khiva campaign in the spring of 1873 and, having overcome the Kyzylkums, watched the surrender of another khanate - Khiva. But the culmination of the Turkestan service of the Siberians was the Kokand campaign of 1875. As part of the equestrian detachment of M. D. Skobelev, the Cossacks of the 1st Siberian regiment pass through the entire Ferghana Valley - they repel the attacks of the Kokand troops near Makhram, are cut down at Min-Tube, and on October 1, 1875, dismounting and joining the rifles with bayonets, they are the first to break in in Andijan.

    As before, each Siberian was an independent combat unit. “For example, I scattered into a chain, and he was in reserve,” explained the Cossack Sergei Dokuchaev, answering the question of how, together with Sidor Ivanov, on August 7, 1875, they fought off 30 Kokand horsemen.

    This magnificent single training of the Siberian Cossack, who did not get lost either in front of the thousand-mile Asian desert, or in front of the thousandth Asian crowd, manifested itself in all its splendor in 1880-1883, when the Siberians of the 1st and 2nd regiments served in the Kulja Khanate transferred by us to China . The Cossacks dispersed the gangs of Dungan robbers here, guarded the Uyghurs who were resettling in the Russian Simirechye. And in January 1883, a detachment of 130 Chinese soldiers, accompanying a party of workers, asked the Russians for protection ... for himself. They were entrusted with the order of the 1st Siberian Regiment, Svetlichny, with two Cossacks: both sides rightly considered that this was quite enough. Upon learning that a gang of Dungans was waiting for the detachment, the Chinese officer completely transferred command to the Russian Cossack corporal. Svetlichny, it seemed, was just waiting for this - he sent a strong avant-garde forward, dexterously posted guards for the night ...

    By the end of the 19th century, the life of the Siberians gradually improved. On the Irtysh line with its luxurious flood meadows, they fed on cattle breeding, on the Biyskaya (the part of the Kolyvano-Kuznetskaya that remained after 1848, from Ust-Kamenogorsk to Biysk), the Bukhtarma (extended in the 1870s along the Southern Altai), Ishimskaya (as it is now often called Gorkaya and Presnogorkovskaya) lines and in the Kyrgyz steppe - cattle breeding and arable farming. In addition, they sowed coarse "Linear" tobacco, traded in cartage, and some - in petty trade. In the 1870s, the Siberians already occupied the fifth place among 10 Cossack troops in terms of the average per capita harvest of bread, and the fourth place in terms of the number of horses per capita. In general, the standard of living of the Siberian Cossacks of those years can be described as “average Cossacks”: they lived more modestly than the Urals, no worse than the Don, Kuban and Orenburg, and more prosperous than the Terek, Astrakhan, Semirechensk, Transbaikal and Amur. In the Siberian army itself, the Cossacks of the Biysk line stood out for their diligence and housekeeping.

    Transbaikalian Cossack Vladimir Rogalev, who in 1891 made a horse ride through the lands of a number of Cossack troops, Siberians seemed not only prosperous, but also "very lively." The latter may be due to the traditional relatively high literacy of the Siberian Cossacks. True, it decreased compared to the first half of the 19th century, but even in 1876, in terms of the number of men's schools per 1,000 people, Siberian ranked first among the Cossack troops. Subsequently, the number of those who graduated from school constantly grew, and if in 1874 28% of men over 7 years old were literate, then in 19-3rd - already 43% of the male population of the army, and in 1915 - 66.5%.

    Since 1880, they went to the "real" at the age of 21 and served only 3-4 years. In peacetime, the army fielded three cavalry regiments, in wartime - three more regiments of the second and third stages, where 25-32 year old Cossacks were called up.

    In May 1883, the Siberian Cossack regiments (since 1894 they were called the 1st and 2nd Siberian Cossack regiments) guarded the border with China in Semirechye, from the Tien Shan in the south to Tarbagatai in the north. For thirty years - until the World War itself - the service of the Siberians lasted here.

    The path running along the border winded along the slopes of the mountains above the river Khorgos. Either it hid in a dense forest or impassable reeds, then it stretched across a desolate desert, then it climbed the Ketmen ridge and clung to the rocks of the “Devil’s Gate”, hanging over the abyss ... Kazakh border. Alarms and skirmishes alternated with intense chases, swamp fever plagued, and in the Dzungarian Gates - a hurricane winter wind ibe ... Hundreds were always short of people, and a Cossack who returned from a patrol often had to get up instead of rest as a sentry to the hitching post. The posts huddled in dugouts or dilapidated yurts.

    Due to lack railways Siberians traveled to Semirechye and back on horseback. But from Dzharkent, where the headquarters of the 1st and 2nd regiments were stationed, to the village of Kokchetavskaya - the center of the 1st department of the troops that completed the 1st regiment, it was 1803 kilometers, and to Presnovskaya - 2063! Almost the same number was to the villages of the 2nd department (with a center in Omsk), from where they were called up to the second regiment. The passage along the postal route and steppe paths took three to three and a half months!

    To the north of Semirechye, from Tarbagatai through the Zaisan gates and Southern Altai almost to Tuva itself, since 1872 the border with China was covered by the 3rd Siberian regiment. From spring to late autumn, his Cossacks guarded the Kazakh and Mongolian sheep at the passages through Tarbagatai and Saur, in the Black Irtysh valley, at the mountain lake Markakol in Altai, and then at the famous Chuisky tract. The distance between the extreme Altai and Tarbagatai posts in different years was 400–700 versts, and the length of the siding line in 1892–1893 reached 1042 kilometers! Siberians of the 3rd department served here, the center of which was Ust-Kamenogorsk.

    Meanwhile, the mobilized Cossacks of the second and third stages twice visited the northeast of China - in Manchuria. The Siberian Cossack division (4th, 7th, 5th and 8th regiments) did not have time to fight there in 1900 with the Chinese who attacked the Chinese Eastern Railway, but in 1904 it was one of the first to grapple with the Japanese.

    It is customary to accuse the Cossacks of the Trans-Ural troops participating in the Russo-Japanese War of poor combat training and excessive addiction to foot combat. The Siberians were no exception. To the captain of the General Staff, Count A. A. Ignatiev, they seemed to be just "driving infantry."

    “... Siberian Cossacks,” he wrote, “were sitting on outbred, motley, poorly fed horses, as if yesterday their plows were unharnessed. Yes, and the riders differed from the peaceful peasants only, perhaps, in their caps with a red band, put on sideways.

    Let us, however, make an allowance for the origin of the memoirist from the capital guards, who involuntarily approached the Cossacks with the standards of his native heavy guards cavalry. It is clear that the Cossacks of the third stage, who had become unaccustomed to the formation, did not look like “distinct” young cavalry guards, but undersized (133-147 cm at the withers) and exhausted by combat suffering, the Kyrgyz horses did not look like six-topped (169 cm) cuirassier “bears” carefully selected by suit "... But the best refutation of the opinion about the Siberian division of 1904 as a "driving infantry" is, of course, Yudzyatun. Only two cavalry battles took place during the Russo-Japanese War, and the Siberians became the heroes of the first of them.

    On May 17, 1904, near Yudzyatun, south of the Vafangou station, two hundred of the 8th Siberian Cossack regiment, led by Yesaul Zheltukhin, attacked a squadron of Japanese dragoons - and in a few minutes almost all of them were pierced with pikes. Separate blows not only pierced through the Japanese horsemen, but also wounded their horses ... The squadron commander, Major Tanaka, who mockingly shouted to the Siberians before the clash, was also killed: “Russians, remove your shafts!” This dashing deed then thundered throughout Russia (the second battle - on April 18, 1905 at Tsaudiap - was won by the Cossacks of the 4th Ural Regiment).

    With peaks, in horseback formation, the Siberians also scattered the Japanese infantry that surrounded their patrol near Dagushan on May 23, 1904.

    And what about the guard and intelligence service, which the Siberians carried throughout the war, from the Yellow Sea itself?

    “People who are close to the (Siberian. - A.S.) Cossacks,” noted the correspondent of the “Sibirsky Vestnik” V. Simple, “completely impartially speak of them with great praise, pointing out that the Cossacks always do everything they can very carefully from them".

    From unequal skirmishes, the Siberian patrols invariably came out with minimal losses.

    “This is explained by the natural sharpness of the Cossacks, who are able to immediately navigate in difficult times and find a way out of difficult circumstances.”

    However, the Siberians still skillfully acted on foot. On August 20, 1904, during the Laoyang battle, 19 of their dismounted hundreds for a long time detained a Japanese infantry brigade that was bypassing the flank of our army at the Yantai mines.

    After joining the first world war Turkey The Siberian Cossack brigade (1st and 2nd regiments) left Semirechye for Transcaucasia. She drove the Turks out of Ardagan, which they captured, and on December 21, 1914, the 1st Siberian Cossack Regiment of Colonel E.F. Raddatz scattered the column retreating from the city, put 500 people in place and took the banner of the 8th Turkish Infantry Regiment. This is where the unpretentious Kyrgyz horses, accustomed to frost and galloping in deep snow, came in handy!

    The reputation of an excellent combat formation, earned in the very first battle, distinguished the Siberian brigade throughout the war among the numerous Cossack units of the Caucasian army of N. N. Yudenich. In the Erzurum operation, having 152 hundreds of Kuban, Terts, Transbaikal and Don residents, Yudenich appointed exactly 12 hundreds of the Siberian Brigade to develop success after the breakthrough of the front. Moving after entering the gap off the roads, on the virgin snow, the Siberians nevertheless tenaciously hung on the tail of the retreating enemy and on January 6, 1916, chopping up to 1000 and capturing up to 1500 Turks, they were the first to reach the formidable forts of Erzurum. And on February 4, near the village of Ilidzha, they again attacked in deep snow in checkers - and forced the remnants of the 34th Turkish division to surrender.

    The 200-year service of the Siberian army was coming to an end ... The year 1917 was approaching, the decossackization and transfer of most of the military lands of the Kyrgyz ASSR - the future "sovereign Kazakhstan". But this is another page of our history.


    1. Putintsev N. G. Chronological list of events from the history of the Siberian Cossack army ... Omsk, 1891. S. 70, 74–75, 88.
    2. There. S. 89.
    3. Horoshhin M.P. Cossack troops. Experience of military-statistical description. SPB., 1881. S. 285.
    4. Usov F. Statistical description of the Siberian Cossack army. SPb., 1879. P. 140; Report on the state of the Siberian Cossack army for 1903. II (civil part). Omsk, 1916, p. 55.
    5. Ignatiev A. A. Fifty years in service. M., 1988. S. 174–175.
    6. Our Cossacks in the Far East. Storybook. Issue II. SPb., 1910. S. 45
    7. There. S. 46

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    (to the city there are only 48 villages).

    The Cossacks lived in 48 stanitsa settlements (the centers of villages), 123 settlements and 16 settlements. In 1917, most of the Cossack settlements separated into independent villages, the number of which reached 133 by August 9, 1917 (old style).

    The Siberian Linear Cossack Army is a special, historically established class-state institution of the Russian Empire that existed in the 19th and early 20th centuries. and having its own territory, administration, military organization, the system of educational institutions and economic structures. The Cossack population of the army, which constituted a separate military estate, was serving a special military service, which was based primarily on the principles of using land for military service, as well as material, full or partial, self-sufficiency when the Cossacks entered this service. The army was government agency, and not an autonomous unit, since real self-government existed before the revolution only at the level of the Cossack community - the village. The settlement collection and the ataman were engaged in the distribution of agricultural land and zemstvo duties among the members of the community. The stanitsa chieftains and the collection performed mainly military functions (accounting for the service staff, preparing the preparatory category, monitoring the state of equipment and horses, etc.) and were strictly dependent on the higher authorities. Atamans of departments were appointed from above. A military ataman automatically became a person whom the Emperor appointed the Steppe Governor-General. He was called the ataman, that is, he served according to the order and command of the Sovereign. Military self-government arose only in 1917, when large and small military circles began to convene, when members of the Military Council and the military ataman (Major General P.S. Kopeikin) were elected.

    Anthem of the Siberian Cossack Host

    Words by Yesaul A. Lyakh and cornet N. Demyanenko; Music of the Cossack V. Kupriyanov

    Surrounded by harsh silence,
    Shining with golden domes,
    Military Temple with its alarm
    The circle calls the Cossacks.

    For the face of St. Nicholas
    Let's tear from the scabbard the shine of the blades.
    For the honor of Siberia and Altai,
    We will die under the flags of the regiments.

    In an alarming hour, Cossack roots
    Chopped with steel and lead.
    But still we honor and remember
    Testaments of grandfathers and fathers.

    We, the sons of the Cossack freemen,
    United by friendship for centuries,
    Under the bells and whistles of church belfries
    Let's sing to the glory of Yermak.

    The dawn burns with a bloody banner,
    The ringing of horseshoes kisses the earth.
    Sons of Siberia with a firm step
    Join the brotherhood of the Cossacks.

    Adopted on April 24, 2007 at the Great Circle of the Siberian Cossack Army in Omsk
    Written by Novy Urengoy 1995-2006

    History of the Siberian Cossack Army

    Officially, the army led and is starting from December 6 (16), when, according to chronicle legend, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, as a reward for the capture of the Siberian Khanate, gave Yermak's squad the name "Tsar's Serving Army". Such a seniority was granted to the army by the Highest Order of December 6, and, thus, it began to be considered the third oldest Cossack army in Russia (after the Donskoy and Terek). However, the real connection between the army and the retinue of Yermak is little tangible and is difficult to detect. The core of the military estate of the Siberian army genetically ascended to the urban Cossacks of Western Siberia in the 17th century. [ ] The surviving Yermakovites and their children, having laid the foundation for the military service class of Russian Siberia, soon disappeared into the mass of the so-called newly recruited Cossacks. During the next, XVIII century. part of the city Cossacks were moved to the border lines, and they gave rise to the Siberian linear Cossacks. The army as such was formed only in the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. a number of different orders of the central government, caused by military necessity. The Provision of the city can be considered a milestone, from which the history of the Siberian linear Cossack army itself is usually counted, which was recruited from different sources human resources.

    Many of the captured Poles who served in the Napoleonic army were enrolled in the Siberian Cossacks. Shortly after the end of the campaigns of 1812-1814. these Poles were granted the right to return to their homeland. But many of them, having already managed to marry Russians, did not want to use this right and remained in the Siberian Cossacks forever, later receiving the ranks of conscripts and even officers. Many of them, having a completely European education, were appointed teachers in the military Cossack school that opened soon after (the future cadet corps). Later, the descendants of these Poles completely merged with the rest of the population of the army, becoming completely Russian, both in appearance and language, and in faith and the Russian spirit. Only surviving surnames like: Svarovsky, Yanovsky, Kostyletsky, Yadrovsky, Legchinsky, Dabshinsky, Stabrovsky, Lyaskovsky, Edomsky, Zhagulsky and many others show that the ancestors of the Cossacks bearing these surnames were once Poles.

    Particularly indicative in this regard were 1846 and 1849, when due to the enrollment of peasants (both old-timers and settlers from European Russia) into the Cossacks, the number of troops almost doubled! That is why the “native” Siberians, who were direct descendants of the urban Cossacks of Western Siberia in the 17th century, made up only a part of the military class, its core.

    In 1861, the army underwent a significant reorganization. The Tobolsk Cossack Cavalry Regiment, the Tobolsk Cossack Foot Battalion and the Tomsk City Cossack Regiment were assigned to it, and a set of troops from 12 regimental districts, which fielded a hundred in the Life Guards Cossack regiment, 12 horse regiments, three foot half-battalions with rifle half-companies, one a horse artillery brigade of three batteries (subsequently the batteries were converted into regular ones, one was included in the Orenburg artillery brigade in 1865 and two in the 2nd Turkestan artillery brigade in 1870).

    Key dates in the history of the Siberian Cossack Host (SKB)

    If we take the Regulations of 1808 as the basis for the history of the SLE, then the main dates are as follows:

    • g., August 19 (O.S.) - According to the new provision, the army was named the “Siberian linear Cossack army” and for the first time received the correct military structure as part of ten peacetime departments, which in wartime were transformed into 10 Siberian linear Cossack cavalry regiments N 1 - N 10 and two cavalry artillery companies. The Siberian linear Cossack army consisted of 5950 people, with the obligation to serve from the age of 17 for life, to receive a land allotment of 6 acres per capita, to use a salary of 6 rubles. 16.5 kopecks, flour - 3 quarters and oats 7 quarters each per year, hay at a price of 2 kopecks. with pud and produce fishing in the Irtysh, above Bukhtarma.
    • - the regiments were granted ten banners in the form of bunchuks, and the banner of the Tomsk Cossacks, received in the city, became the military banner. The officers were granted scarves for uniforms.
    • g. - departments in peacetime are called regiments N 1 - N 10. For services to Russia, the army was granted:
      • special uniforms of the uhlan type, which had no analogues in any other Cossack troops;
      • on the Cossack peaks of the weather vane of the established colors "In the greatest distinction, diligence and serviceability in the highest service." Only the Siberian Cossacks were allowed to carry weapons according to the ancient custom of the Siberians - a carbine on the left side, and ammunition on the right.
    • g. - many of the prisoners of war of the Poles, who wished to remain forever in the Siberian Cossack army, were enlisted in the Cossack rank. In Omsk, a Cossack school was opened with military funds. The Siberian military army remains the only cavalry in Western Siberia.
      • the management of the Siberian linear Cossack army is entrusted to the head of the 24th division (the former inspector of the troops of the Siberian inspection - he is also the commander of the troops of the Siberian line), and with the establishment of the Separate Siberian Corps in the city - to the commander of the corps. A military office was established under the chairmanship of the military ataman, two members, two assessors and a prosecutor, it was subordinate to the local provincial authorities and the Siberian governor-general.
    • - the Separate Siberian Corps was established.
    • city ​​- in the Kyrgyz steppe, outer districts were formed - Karkaralinsky and Kokchetavsky.
    • 1824-1847 - Siberian Cossacks fought against the uprising of the Kirghiz under the leadership of Kenesary Kasymov.
    • February 18 (O.S.) - all military settlers in Siberia were converted to stanitsa Cossacks. Cossacks of the Siberian linear Cossack army were granted the right to trade without established certificates in their villages and cities of Omsk, Semipalatinsk, Petropavlovsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk.
    • g. - the population in the army reached 37 thousand people of both sexes, of which over 8 thousand Cossacks were in active service. According to the recall of Major General Gurko, who inspected the army, in the 30s, “Siberian Cossacks, who replaced the dragoons withdrawn from Siberia, received a regular arrangement and, making up the indispensable regiments located on the very border, are kept according to the combat unit on almost the same rules as exist now in the whole army. Equipped with state allowances, they should be more honored by the sent cavalry regiments than by the Cossacks.
    • 31 January (O.S.) - the dispatch of 30 Siberian line Cossacks for service in the Life Guards Horse Grenadier Regiment was approved (service continued for 48 years until the city).
    • December 5 (O.S.) - more than 6 thousand state peasants and 4 thousand settlers were assigned to the army, as a result of which its number grew to 29,138 males.
      • a new “Regulations on the Siberian Line Cossack Host” was approved: 9 regimental districts were established, fielding 9 cavalry regiments (No. 1-9), 3 horse batteries (No. 20-22), 1 team in the Life Guards and 9 reserve teams. At the same time, the horse regiments were divided into 3 brigades.
      • The Omsk Cossack School was transformed into the Siberian Cadet Corps.
    • summer - part of the Cossacks and peasants from the Orenburg and Saratov provinces settled in the southeastern part of the Kyrgyz steppe and founded here the villages of Shchuchinskaya, Koturkulskaya, Zerendinskaya, Lobanovskaya, Akanburlukskaya.
    • December 6 (O.S.) - by the highest decree, the ranks of the army were granted the rights and advantages of the ranks of the army.
    • On September 6 (O.S.) - the 10th regiment was formed from the linear Cossacks and migrant peasants who arrived in the new Kokchetav villages, the command of which was entrusted to the military foreman Kazachinin.
    • December 2 (old style) - the 10th regiment was renamed and named the "Siberian linear Cossack cavalry regiment No. 1." All regiments of the troops are divided into 4 brigades.
    • d. - A trading company of 200 Cossacks was established in the army. Cossacks entering a trading company contribute 57 rubles to military capital for 30 years. 50 kop. every year and then they do not carry out any personal service, and they do not receive maintenance either from the treasury or from the army.
    • 1860-1861 - Siberian Cossacks participated in "deals" with the Kokand and Kirghiz at Uzun-Agach, Pishpek, Tokmak, etc.
    • March 5 (O.S.) - a new regulation on the army was approved. The army was named "Siberian Cossacks", the Tobolsk Cossack cavalry regiment, the Tobolsk Cossack foot battalion and the Tomsk City Cossack regiment were included in it. As a result, a set of troops was established from 12 regimental districts, recruiting 12 cavalry regiments (Nos. 1-12, 11 and 12 regiments were made up of newly enlisted units); three foot semi-battalions No. 1, 2, 3 with rifle semi-companies; one team in the Life Guards; one horse artillery brigade of three batteries No. 20,21 and 22 (subsequently, the batteries were converted into regular ones: one was included in the Orenburg artillery brigade in 1865 and two in the 2nd Turkestan artillery brigade in 1870).
    • and gg. - Siberian Cossacks were in the detachment of Chernyaev and participated in the capture of Tashkent, Chimkent, Turkestan and Aulie-Ata.
    • g. - Siberian Cossacks participated in a clash with the Chinese at Borokhudzir.
    • 20 October (O.S.) - postal chase (was the duty of the troops) along the Siberian cordon line and in the Kirghiz steppe was transferred to a civilian department. Zemstvo persecution was left to the duties of the army and had to be served by the Cossacks either in kind or by hire, without any allowance from the treasury or the army.
    • g., July 14 (old style) - a special Semirechensk Cossack Army was formed from the 9th and 10th regimental districts.
    • d. - The 11th and 12th Cossack districts were turned into a civil state, with the exception of the Berezovsky, Surgut and Narym Cossacks, from whom they formed Cossack foot teams, later abolished.
      • Also, during the formation of the steppe regions, the lands of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and part of the 6th regimental districts became part of the Akmola region, and the other part of the lands of the 6th, as well as 7 th and 8th regimental districts became part of the Semipalatinsk region. The main control of these regions and the army was entrusted to the Governor-General of Western Siberia, who was also the commander of the troops of the West Siberian region. in the rank of military ataman. The military governors of the above regions were assigned the rights of chief atamans of the troops located in their regions. The affairs of the troops were in charge of the Cossack department, which existed under the Main Directorate. Economic issues were resolved in the military economic boards established in the regions, and in military terms, the troops were divided into four military departments.
    • August 6 (O.S.) - a regulation on public administration in the Cossack troops was issued: the Cossack population is administratively subordinate to the general regional and district administration.
    • - Altaiskaya and Zaisanskaya villages were founded in the Semipalatinsk region.
    • - Siberian Cossacks participated in the Kuldzha campaign.
      • The new provision on military service - the composition of the Siberian Cossack army was determined in peacetime by a set of 3 regiments of 6 hundreds each and a team of 30 Cossacks in the Life Guards, in wartime it was supposed to field 9 regiments of 6 hundreds each, foot battalions at the same time were abolished.
    • d. - a military economic board was formed, the army was divided into three military departments, and the governors were deprived of the titles of atamans.
    • - Siberian Cossacks participated in the Khiva campaign.
    • d. - Siberian Cossacks participated "in cases" against the Kokand under Khake-Khowat and the assault on Andijan.
    • May 7, June 9 (old style) - the Siberian Cossacks were granted the right: to allocate to the lower ranks from 30 to 60 acres per capita for a land plot, and to give reinforced land plots to Cossack officers upon their resignation.
    • d. - the Cossack branch of Western Siberia was abolished, all office work for the management of the Siberian Cossack army was concentrated in the Cossack branch at the headquarters of the West Siberian Military District.
      • In Omsk, a preparatory boarding school was opened to prepare the children of officers and officials of the Siberian Cossack army for admission to the Siberian military gymnasium (cadet corps).
    • - A military veterinary paramedical school was established in Omsk.
    • d. - The law on military service was approved. The Siberian Cossacks were obliged in peacetime to give 3 six-hundred cavalry regiments for the "state service" and in wartime - 9 of the same regiments.
    • 1880-1882 - participation of the 1st Cossack regiment in the Kuldzha campaign and the occupation of the Ili valley.
      • Under Emperor Alexander II, they were awarded badges for headdresses "For Distinction" (in the city - the 2nd division of the 21st horse artillery battery, the 1st and 2nd hundred of the 1st cavalry regiment) and silver St. George's pipes ( in the city - the 4th hundred of the 1st cavalry regiment).
    • December 12 (Old Style) - in memory of the 300th anniversary of the conquest of Siberia and in order to perpetuate the name of its glorious conqueror, Cossack Ermak Timofeevich, it was ordered to assign his name to the Siberian Cossack Regiment No. 1.
    • December 24 (old style) - the day of the military holiday is set - December 6.
      • 1890s - Endowment of the Cossacks and officers of the army with lands.
    • May 24 (old style) - a new name of the regiments was established: without a number, but with a number in front of the name.
    • g., August 2 (old style) - a simple banner was granted to the 9th Siberian Cossack regiment.
      • The Siberian Cossack regiments 4, 5, 7, and 8 as part of the Siberian Cossack division participated in the campaign in Manchuria, but were not involved in the cessation of hostilities.
    • g., December 6 (O.S.) - the military banner of St. George was granted to the "Valiant Siberian Cossack army for the excellent, military exploits marked service" 1582-1903 "with the Alexander jubilee ribbon. The seniority of the troops was established from December 6, 1582 and the inscription was approved on the bracket of the military banner.
    • - gg. - Siberian Cossack regiments 4, 5, 7 and 8 took part in the Russo-Japanese War.
    • May 31 (O.S.) - A ten-verst strip of 1.5 million acres was granted to the military property by the Highest.
    • - gg. - to maintain order within the Empire, the entire army was mobilized.
    • April 23 (O.S.) - all the lands that it previously owned and used were assigned to the army "for all eternity".
      • September 10 (old style) - St. George's banners were awarded "For distinction in the war with Japan in 1904-1905." - 4, 5, 7, 8 Siberian Cossack regiments.
        • - The State Council, in view of the special merits of the Siberian Cossack army in the Russo-Japanese war, folded the entire debt from its population into military capital.
          • The formation of the Life Guards of the consolidated Cossack regiment began again, which included fifty from the SLE.
    • g., December 6 (old style) - in commemoration of the special Royal favor and as a reward for faithful and zealous service, both in peacetime and in wartime, single white buttonholes were granted on the collars and cuffs of the uniforms of the lower ranks of the combat units of the army .
    • April 14 (old style) - simple commemorative banners "1582-1909" with the Alexander commemorative ribbon 1, 2, 3 were granted to the Siberian Cossack regiments.
    • March 29 (O.S.) - The Emperor agreed "to leave for storage in the Siberian Cossack Army the old banners of the 1st Yermak Timofeevich, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Siberian Cossack regiments and the Highest certificates for the award of these banners.
    The old banners of the Siberian Cossack regiments were deposited in the Military Nikolskaya Church.
    • February 18 (old style) - The approval of the badge of the Siberian Cossack army followed by the highest permission.
    • 21 February (old style) - a deputation from the Siberian Cossack army took part in the capital's celebrations dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty. The deputation included military ataman E. O. Shmit, retired lieutenant general G. E. Katanaev, retired major general G. Putintsev, military foreman Volosnikov, adviser to the Military Economic Board, Ya. Ust-Kamenogorsk V.Drozdenko.
      • November 15-30 (O.S.) - holding the 1st Congress of agronomists and overseers of the military lands of the North Caucasus.
    • - gg. - The Siberian Cossack army sent to the front 8 Cossack regiments, 3 separate Cossack hundreds, and since May - 3 Cossack horse batteries. The Siberian Cossack units were merged into the Siberian Cossack Division (Western Front) and the Siberian Cossack Brigade (Caucasian Front). In January-February, 3 more special Siberian Cossack hundreds were formed.
    • July 31 (O.S.) - a riot of Cossacks of the 4th and 7th Siberian Cossack regiments in a mobilization camp near Kokchetav, provoked by the cruelty of one of the officers. 8 participants in the rebellion were shot, 20 were sentenced to various terms of hard labor.
      • December 21 (OS) - The 1st Siberian Cossack Yermak Timofeevich Regiment defeated the 8th Turkish Infantry Regiment with a horse attack and captured its banner.
    • November 12 (O.S.) - the military council decided to establish a printing house and editorial office of the newspaper "Siberian military statements" under the Military Economic Board.
    • July 13 (old style) - by decree of the Holy Synod, the Omsk Nikolaev military church was converted into a cathedral church with the name "Military St. Nicholas Cathedral of the Siberian Cossack Host."
      • December 7 (old style) - Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II took patronage of the 1st Siberian Cossack Ermak Timofeev Regiment and enrolled Tsarevich Alexei - Ataman of all Cossack troops - in the lists of the regiment.

    Renaissance. Siberian Cossack Military Society

    During the Soviet period, the Cossacks as an estate and as a self-organization ceased to exist on the territory of the Siberian region. The revival of the Siberian Cossacks began in the late 80s - early 90s of the twentieth century.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 632 of June 15, 1992 “On measures for the rehabilitation of repressed peoples in relation to the Cossacks” and Resolution of the Supreme Council on the rehabilitation of the Cossacks No. 3321-1 of July 16, 1992, these documents allowed for highest level discuss the problem of the revival of the Cossacks. Since the beginning of the 90s, there has been a rapid growth of Cossack societies in the form public organizations, which led to the appearance of "false atamans" who presented themselves as Cossack generals.

    Currently, the Siberian Cossack military society consists of: Omsk Departmental Cossack Society (OKO) (Omsk region) - 2nd department, Altai OKO (Altai Territory), Ob-Irtysh OKO (KhMAO), Ob-Polar OKO (YaNAO), Kemerovo OKO ( Kemerovo region), Tomsk OKO (Tomsk region), South Tobolsk OKO (south of the Tyumen region), Novosibirsk OKO (Novosibirsk region), Gorno-Altai OKO (Republic of Altai). Established and formed: the Embassy village of the SVKO in Moscow and the Moscow region (Istra), the Embassy village in the Southern Federal District (Zheleznovodsk), the Embassy village in Germany (Berlin), the Embassy village in France (Lyon).

    The center of the Siberian Cossack military society is the city of Omsk.

    Military units


    • Generals have no gaps on shoulder straps.
    • A cavalry general has no stars on his shoulder straps, a lieutenant general has 3 stars, and a major general has 2 stars.
    • The staff officers on shoulder straps have two gaps.
    • Colonel on shoulder straps does not have stars
    • The military foreman has 3 stars.
    • At the chief officers - on shoulder straps, one clearance
    • The captain has no stars on his shoulder straps, the captain has 4 stars, the centurion has 3, the cornet has 2.
    • The cadet has a longitudinal galloon stripe, an officer's cockade and a lanyard on the pursuit.
    • The candidate has a galloon chevron on his left sleeve.
    • The sergeant-major has a galloon transverse stripe on his shoulder straps.
    • At the platoon officer - on shoulder straps, three narrow transverse stripes of braid.
    • The junior sergeant has two stripes on his shoulder straps
    • The clerk has one stripe on his shoulder straps.

    To me, as a person whose ancestors moved to Siberia from Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century, living near the “gray-haired” Irtysh (where Yermak’s squads settled), the topic is close and interesting Cossacks of Siberia. I heard a song from my grandmother about the Cossack Doroshenko, who "does his Viysko, Viysko Zaporizhzhya well."

    From school time and until now, characters from the books “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol, “Quiet Flows the Don” and “Virgin Soil Upturned” by M.A. Sholokhov, as well as heroes from feature film"Kuban Cossacks". This is what prompted me to show the role of the modern Siberian Cossacks using the example of the village of Generalovka in the Odessa district of the Omsk region.

    Cossacks of Siberia - historical milestones

    • The first Russians who appeared in Western Siberia were precisely the Cossacks. They came here 425 years ago under the leadership of the legendary ataman Ermak Timofeevich. As a result of bold and daring strikes by a small detachment of Cossacks, Yugra was annexed to Russia under the rule of the Russian Tsar. By decree of Ivan the Terrible, the Cossacks in Siberia were granted a special status, a proud name - the Siberian Cossack Host. And from that time on, it stood up for the faithful and vigilant service of its state, its people.
    • The Cossacks of Siberia had to live in special climatic and geographical conditions: harsh nature and remoteness from state borders. This determined the main directions of their service. Siberian Cossacks accompanied the mail, transported prisoners, guarded cities and towns.
    • Love for the land and the desire to stand firmly on it marked the beginning of the development of fertile lands, to be the first cultivators of Siberia. And here the Cossacks managed to very successfully engage in agriculture, organize a reliable and comfortable life for themselves and their families. This, in turn, allowed the army to be one of the most active and prosperous segments of the population living in this territory.
    • The Siberian Cossack army officially originates from the first Cossack settlements in Siberia. As an independent army, it was formed in 1808. It was formed mainly at the expense of the Siberian city Cossacks, resettled Zaporozhye and Orenburg Cossacks, peasants of various provinces.
    • A characteristic milestone of the Cossacks of Siberia was the first West Siberian agricultural, forestry and commercial and industrial exhibition, which opened in Omsk on June 15, 1911. In the center of the exhibition stood the mighty figure of Ermak Timofeevich, the conqueror of Siberia, with a sign over it that read: "SIBERIAN COSSACK ARMY" 1582 - 1911
    • It is noteworthy that the Siberian Cossack Army presented a rich collection of different varieties wheat, rye and corn. There were spring wheats from Minusinsk: Chernokoloska, Golokoloska, Kubanka, Beloturka. Of particular interest was a new Siberian variety of spring wheat grown in the Tara and Tyukalinsky districts - lezhedka, as well as southern, steppe varieties: Chubildai and Blagodat. In addition, the Cossack farmers showed winter wheat: Semirechenskaya, Kurganskaya, Tyukalinskaya.
    • Livestock breeding sectors were quite widely represented: horse breeding, cattle breeding, sheep breeding, pig breeding. The organizers of the exhibition did not disregard deer, deer, northern dogs, poultry and, what makes me especially happy - bees
    • In 1913, the population of the Siberian Cossack army numbered over 130 thousand people of both sexes. Of these, in active service in peacetime consisted of up to 3 thousand Cossacks, who completed one guards and three cavalry regiments. In total, there were 53 villages, 118 settlements, 437 farms on the territory of the Siberian Cossack army. The army owned 5 million acres of land. The capital was the city of Omsk. supreme authority in the Siberian Cossack army, the governor-general of Western Siberia (Steppe governor-general), who was also the commander of the troops of the Omsk military district in the rank of military ataman of the Siberian Cossack army, possessed. The army consisted of three military departments: the 1st - with a center in Kokchetav, the 2nd - in Omsk, the 3rd - in Ust-Kamenogorsk.
    • The Siberian Cossack army is a special, historically established class-state institution of the Russian Empire. It had its own territory, administration, military organization, system of educational institutions and economic structures. The Cossack population of the army, which constituted a separate military class, was serving a special military service, which was based, first of all, on the principles of using land for military service, as well as material, full or partial, self-sufficiency when the Cossacks entered this service. The army was a state institution, and not an autonomous unit, since real self-government existed before the revolution only at the level of the Cossack community - the village.
    • After the fall of the autocracy, the Siberian Cossacks took a wait-and-see attitude. The proclamation of Soviet power divided the Cossacks into Reds and Whites, dragged them into a fratricidal slaughter. In January-February 1919, the negative policy of the Bolsheviks towards the Cossacks was determined. In fact, the structure of the Cossacks was destroyed, the leadership was abolished.
    • The Cossacks were again in demand in 1941, the very way of life of the Cossacks meant instant inclusion in the fight against the Nazi invaders. During the years of the Great Patriotic War Cossack units were awarded the title of "Guards", were part of the shock armies, individual units. Many famous military leaders emerged from the ranks of the Cossacks. In the postwar period, the Cossacks joined in the restoration of the national economy.

    The Cossacks of Siberia are being revived

    In 1994, the Concept of State Policy towards the Cossacks was approved, and a year later the Presidential Decree “On the State Register of Cossack Societies in the Russian Federation” was issued. A revival of the Cossacks began throughout the country.

    Over a long history, the Cossacks in general, and the Cossacks of Siberia, in particular, have accumulated many traditions, preserved the experience of their ancestors, did not forget their historical roots. It was on this basis that the revival of the Cossacks began.

    It was important to restore the foundations of the way of life that have not lost their significance until now, to see one’s place in the changed world, to become useful for modern society. Behind recent times the main directions of the activity of the Siberian Cossacks are becoming more and more clear: the restoration of traditional forms of management of the Cossack society, the organization of the preparation of the Cossacks for military and other service, the provision of civil and territorial defense, the introduction of new forms of land use.

    The Cossack gathering, dedicated to the development of the Siberian Cossacks, took place on March 21, 2008 at the Generalovka farm in the Odessa district of the Omsk region.

    The meeting of representatives of the military Cossack societies of Siberia was held by the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Anatoly Kvashnin, who worked at that time. The governor of the Omsk region Leonid Polezhaev, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation of the district, as well as federal executive authorities, atamans of military Cossack societies of the Siberian Federal District, heads of public organizations took part in the gathering.

    The purpose of the Cossack collection– determine measures for the further development of the Siberian Cossacks, develop ways to increase the role of the Cossacks in the socio-economic development of the regions, ensure the border and economic security of the Siberian territories, and patriotic education of young people.

    “The modern Siberian Cossacks are an organized force with a clear structure and centuries-old experience in serving to protect the country's borders while maintaining economic activity”, - said Anatoly Kvashnin.

    More than 70 representatives of the Cossack communities of Siberia took part in the gathering. Four military Cossack societies operate on the territory of the Siberian Federal District: Siberian, Yenisei, Irkutsk and Transbaikal. The Siberian Cossack movement includes about 150,000 people.

    The collection decided to create a Council for Cossack Affairs under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District. This is remarkable: such an important decision was made in one of the villages of the Irtysh region, with the life of which I intend to acquaint the readers of the blog.

    Cossack villages are being revived in Siberia

    It is no coincidence that it was in the village of Generalovka that the plenipotentiary of the President of Russia uttered the following words:

    We pin great hopes on the revival of the Cossack settlements in the country, Siberia was mastered by your ancestors, and I hope that the real Cossack spirit has not disappeared from the local settlements. Therefore, today we will discuss the problems of the development of stanitsa communities and talk about the prospects for cooperation.

    Love! - Atamans supported the plenipotentiary in a friendly chorus.

    Historically, the Siberian Cossack troops guarded the borders of their homeland, and in return received land plots from the Russian state. It's time to bring back the forgotten good traditions. Cossacks should participate not only in the military-patriotic education of young people, but also in watchdog activities in the border zone, protection of forest and water resources and ensuring environmental safety. The formation of ancestral Cossack estates on earth will bring abandoned Siberian villages back to life and raise agriculture from its knees.

    Story stanitsa Generalovka in this regard, unique and deserves to take the experience of the Omsk Cossacks into service on a Siberian scale.
    Cossack village, indeed, looks curious. In just a few years, the captain Grigory Ostapchenko and his associates managed to turn the village, which had collapsed after perestroika, into one of the leading villages in Russia.

    The short conversation I had with Ataman Grigory Anatolyevich Ostapchenko left an indelible impression on me. The scale of plans, solidity in judgments, pride in what has already been achieved inspire confidence that General's Cossacks will honestly serve their homeland, work selflessly on Siberian soil.