Rough letters. A comic letter to Santa Claus with missing adjectives. You were always there, we rarely shouted “my girlfriend forever” to each other, but we proved it without words and without any “you must / you must”

Watch the expression on the child's face and from time to time stimulate the process of play with remarks like: "I think we can add more flowers. Let them fall slowly, slowly, so that Alyosha has time to enjoy them." Ask individual children what their flowers look like, how they smell.

It seems to me that you are doing everything very well, and Alyosha can fully enjoy your flowers. Alyosha, do you want more flowers?

Complete the exercise by asking the child in the center, "Did the class give you enough flowers?"

And now you can stop the flower rain, and Alyosha can get out of this flower snowdrift. You can all take your seats. Thank you.

Joking letter. Game 68 (from 9 years old)

Goals: Often a problem is easier to solve if you approach it not only optimistically, but also with a sense of humor. In this exercise, children can write a playful letter to an acquaintance with whom they have difficulty communicating. This letter belongs to the category of those that can be written, but should not be sent.

Materials: Every child needs paper and a pencil.

Instruction:Pick someone you've been angry with recently with with whom you have a complex and difficult relationship. Write this person a joking letter in which you immensely exaggerate all your feelings towards him. Also, you can limitlessly exaggerate the "faults" of this person. Try to write in such a funny way that you yourself want to laugh at this problem or this conflict.

Exercise analysis:

How did you feel when you wrote a joking letter?

What was the most difficult thing about it?

Was it easy for you to exaggerate your own feelings, such as anger or resentment?

Probably, we will never have, as in the USA. Clinton persuaded a woman to blowjob - the whole country is indignant, and they rape me with the whole village - the policeman doesn't care. Galya B., Smolensk region

He is a real man - tall, broad-shouldered, pumped up. And the profession is very masculine - it kills cattle at a meat-packing plant. Lena Sh., St. Petersburg

I asked him just like that: are you a normal human Homo sapiens or a wild animal, a two-legged porcupine? Lydia, Bryansk

An ex-girlfriend spreads obscene gossip about me, and some of them are not even true.

I hide the money in a place where no one can find it. Except maybe two or three people.

In the morning I got ready for work, but she did not let me go in such a way that I did not regret it.

I often remember him and sometimes I go through memorable erotic places where we met with him.

He went on a day off, said that he was looking for bread, and returned two days later. And he laughs, impudently, says that the queue was long.

They didn't give me to anyone.

I am 13 years old. I have never slept with guys... But I'm already interested in brothels.

I'm interested to know: were Robinson Crusoe and Friday during their stay on the island "gay" or "zoophiles"?

I propose instead of the word "cunnilingus" to use a more appropriate-sounding "leasing".

Is it possible to get a venereal disease from a guy if he is sick with it, but does not yet know about it?

We have all gone not just like that, but far and difficult.

I called him a freak, but paid attention to his behavior and fell in love.

In my soul, Seryoga, you hid forever.

For all men, a woman is bedding. Girls! Be friends with the "blue". They don't want anything from us.

What kind of willpower should be in order to be alone with Anatoly's proposal, to find the strength to answer: "Well, let's go."

As a child, Nina and I ran naked on the beach, and now she is embarrassed to see me naked. But after all, I have everything, as in childhood, only ten times more.

When Vitka scratched his buttock on the wire, I said: "Let me see, maybe I can help." He replied: "Fuck you, not viewing." I didn't object.

You can, of course, hunchback all your life: clean, wash, cook. Or, it turns out, you can just change your gender and drink beer in front of the TV.

And let him forget about anal sex. Although I have not tried it, I think that this is the same as going to the toilet "in a big way" on the contrary.

My personal vibrator quickly broke down, although I used it according to the instructions for no more than 14 hours a day.

I'm not a sheep to be led on a string like a goat.

I generally suspect that menopause is a reward for hard bed work.

When we sat down at the table, I found myself between two Valeras. They told me to make a wish. I made a wish, but it was not my wish that came true, but theirs.

So, as I fucked with Svetka, I have not had anyone yet. My only regret is that I got drunk the night before and didn't remember anything.

Her hand was between my legs, but, unfortunately, I had nothing to please her.

I wonder what girls found in men before, when there was no money or cars?

I was so sad and melancholy that Mitya immediately began to comfort me as best he could. And he could only do it twice.

In the same hostel, the boys, laughing, dragged me into their room. But we Siberians do not give up so easily. At first they had to run for wine, and then they sang songs all night long.

I was jealous of everyone and foolishly told the girls that he was a transsexual. But it turned out the other way around: everyone began to run after him to find out how he did it.

There is an opinion that most women love with their ears, not their mouths... Semyon R., Ufa

And when Borka began to "love" me from behind, I could not resist and hit my head on the battery. Only then did the thought flash through my mind: they forgot the condom!

And when Zhenya married her, on their wedding night, I was mentally with them.

I was raped everywhere and everything. But all this is in the past. Now I'm worried about the future of my figure.
- When I was young, I spent days and nights in the laboratory. Then I could not imagine that my passion for mice would lead to many years of celibacy. Andrey V., Moscow

She showed up at the checkpoint, showed her belly and began to demand a wedding. Yuri M., Borzya.

He said that candles can be inserted not only in candlesticks. I felt myself blushing, and he melted the wax and glued the candle to the plate. Zhanna P., Berdsk

Now he is five years old. He is soft, affectionate, even somewhat feminine, and I am very afraid that nature has messed something up. After all, at the ultrasound they told me that there would be a girl, which means that he was already hiding pussy in his tummy ... Zoya Ts., Khabarovsk

He followed me all the way and looked into my eyes. Regina D., Moscow

The cabin was smoky and dirty, and the stewardess smoked along with the rest and cursed. Have you ever seen this? Personally, I never! A.L., Tula region

I have never regretted marrying her, especially now, when she has been wandering around for four years now... Ivan Zh., Dmitrov

I am already 21 years old, and I still do not understand not only my mother, but even myself ... D.Zh., Norilsk

My husband says that I am "weak in the front." And he definitely doesn’t have a mistress, but there are more and more male friends. I think - maybe he has become "weak in the back"? Xenia, Rybinsk

Zhora called me first love, but it turned out that he had another, much more first... Larisa, Murom

In bed, she screams so loudly that the neighbors have already called an ambulance and the police more than once ... Yury B., Kemerovo

When my mother-in-law and wife start fighting because of me, my father-in-law breaks his tummies: he doesn't care about both of them... Ivan, Tyumen

I hesitated for a long time whether to use my mouth to satisfy the patrons at the bar. But I was persuaded, and I sang.

We woke up so late that it was too early to go to work.

My husband and I have an odd marital relationship. Since childhood, I like to watch football and support Spartak, but he doesn’t even allow it on TV. He says that there everyone is hugging - kissing and holding on to different places. And then I come - he is watching figure skating!

Yesenin, she says, I’ll read it to you ... I thought he was cultured, but he began: “Drink with me, you lousy bitch ...” Katya P., Vologda

I asked him to marry me, but he promised nothing but rare and strained intimate relationships... Vika, Voronezh

Serega's attitude towards me can be called touching: as soon as he sees me, he starts touching me in different places ... Galya, Bryansk

We are three sisters; Olya got married for love, Galya - for convenience, and I, a fool, for "flight" ... Valentina, Astrakhan

I still don't have an orgasm with any guy, even with my husband... Marina, Moscow

At first I was not afraid, but when he took off his underpants and I saw his huge anus, I felt uncomfortable ... Yana, Mytishchi

Every year there is less and less hope that the person I love will fuck me ... Nonna, Tolyatti

Unfamiliar guy wanted me t [email protected] chug, but I was afraid, then he said: "Don't be afraid, I have a little one ..."

She invited me to her home. As a man, I bought good wine, a bouquet of flowers and a couple of condoms.

He answers me with the love of sex, but not of the soul.

My name is Lyosha. Everyone teases me with "the clitoris". You know how embarrassing.

Masturbation is long overdue for citizenship...

What should a husband do when his wife has an orgasm?

I can love a girl I like from 10 to 14 times a night. Not all girls endure my passion.

At first I fell in love with her with sexual love, and then, over the course of 10 years, she gradually turned into platonic love with sex.

If Sanya had not apologized then, then our relationship would have come to an end. And so we went on for a few more days.

Last year, a surgeon reshaped my nose. He found me with his wife.

The first time I got married was to train for my second marriage.

Artyom began to stroke me gently, as if he was looking for a weapon.

Current page: 9 (total book has 9 pages)

joke letter

Game 68 (from 9 years old)

Goals: Often a problem is easier to solve if you approach it not only optimistically, but also with a sense of humor. In this exercise, children can write a playful letter to an acquaintance with whom they have difficulty communicating. This letter belongs to the category of those that can be written, but should not be sent.

Materials: Every child needs paper and a pencil.

Instruction: Pick someone you've been angry with recently with with whom you have a complex and difficult relationship. Write this person a joking letter in which you immensely exaggerate all your feelings towards him. Also, you can limitlessly exaggerate the “faults” of this person. Try to write in such a funny way that you yourself want to laugh at this problem or this conflict.

Exercise analysis:

How did you feel when you wrote a joking letter?

– What was the most difficult thing about it?

Was it easy for you to exaggerate your own feelings, such as anger or resentment?

Can you laugh at yourself sometimes?

What do you think the person to whom you wrote would say if he read your letter?

When is it good to laugh at a conflict?

Heaven and hell

Game 69 (from 8 years old)

Goals: During this game, children can discuss different ways of resolving and mitigating conflict situations that help them not to bring the situation to violence and fighting.

Materials: Every child needs paper and pencil.

Instruction: I I want to tell you a story:

“One young warrior came to a wise old man and asked him: “O sage, reveal to me the secret of life. What is the difference between heaven and hell?“

The sage thought for a moment and replied, “You stupid young fool. How can a person like you understand this? You are too ignorant."

Hearing this, the young warrior became furious. “Yes, for such words, I’m ready to just kill you!”, he yelled and pulled out his sword from its scabbard to punish the sage. At that very moment, the sage said: “This is what hell is.”

Hearing these words, the young warrior put his sword back into its sheath. “But this is heaven,” said the old man.

From time to time, each of us in a conversation with someone has a different point of view and wants to prove his case at all costs. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with such a dispute, but sometimes it turns into a real open fight. Can you recall a time when your argument with someone almost ended in a real fight? Maybe you were so excited that you were ready to start a fight yourself, or maybe the other wrangler was ready to pounce on you in a fit of rage! Or maybe you were both ready to fight, but something allowed you to avoid the assault...

Write down what happened then and how you felt about it. Tell us how you managed to avoid a fight. Give this story a title. (b minutes.)

After that, the children read their notes.

Exercise analysis:

What can you do to keep the argument from turning into a fight?

What do you do when someone wants to take something away from you?

What do you do when someone insults you with words?

Are there times when you have to fight?

Is fighting a good way to resolve an argument?

What do you do when you see that two other children are about to fight?

What is the difference between an argument and a fight?

Have you ever had to fight? How did you feel about it?

Why did the old sage say that violence is hell?


Game 70 (from 10 years old)

Goals: Often we try to solve our problems on the principle of "An eye for an eye, an eye for an eye." When someone offends us, we respond with even stronger resentment. If someone threatens us, we also respond with threat to threat. In this way, we only increase our conflicts. In many situations, it is much more useful to take a step back, acknowledge your share of responsibility for the emergence of this conflict, and shake hands with the other as a sign of reconciliation.

During the proposed journey into the world of fantasy, children can learn how to make a gesture of reconciliation after a quarrel or misunderstanding between them.

Instruction: What do you do when you notice that you offended someone? Can you ask for forgiveness in such a situation?

How do you feel when someone hurts you? Can you forgive him?

Who is the easiest person for you to get along with? Who is hard for you to get along with?

Now sit back and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out.

Choose someone important to you with whom you recently quarreled and with whom you still continue to be angry or offended.

Imagine this person as carefully as possible. Pay attention to the expression on his face, look at what mood he is in right now.

When you think you can see the person clearly enough, invite them to sit next to you. Maybe you would like to start the conversation by talking about what you like about this person, why he is important to you...(30 seconds)

Then you can tell this person that the quarrel between you was very hurtful to you. You can tell him how you felt then. If you want, you can ask him how he took this quarrel. And then in simple words you can tell him that you are very sorry that you offended him then and that it is very important for you to restore peace between you. Try to tell him all this yourself.

Since all this is very serious for you, it is important that your interlocutor understands this.

Just tell him"At I have a present for you." And as soon as you say these words, in your hands, to your surprise, a small bag will appear. You know that it contains a gift for your interlocutor and give him this bag with the words: "This is for you."

He takes the gift with both hands. He smiles as he unpacks the present. Maybe this package contains something that this person really needs, or maybe your gift says that you want to make peace with him. For example, it could be a flower, a candle, a chocolate heart, or something similar. Let it be a surprise for you that your interlocutor will get out of the package.

Now look into the face of your interlocutor. See if he says something to you in return, or maybe he reacts to your gift in some other way, shows his joy and surprise in some other way.

But it's time to say goodbye to this man. Remember the feelings that arose during your reconciliation with him. Remember what feelings you had when you told him about the reasons for the quarrel and that you really want to make peace with him.

And now you can gradually come back to us. Stretch, tense and relax your muscles and open your eyes.

Exercise analysis:

Was it hard for you to forgive someone else? How did you feel about it?

Did you manage to see what was in the package?

How did the other react?

What happens when you get angry with someone for a long time?

Do you think forgiveness is a sign of strength or a sign of weakness?

Why is it so important to forgive others?

True friend

Game 71 (from 9 years old)

Goals: With the help of directed fantasy, children can in this exercise create an imaginary friend with whom they can discuss all their problems and complex issues. The inner friend can combine the two most important needs of every person - the need for independence and the need for warmth, support and care.

Instruction: Who did you trust with your worries and problems when you were little? Maybe it was your parents or grandparents? Were they your brothers and sisters or friends? Or maybe you talked with toys or with a good fairy?

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths...

* * *

Imagine that you are walking along a small path in the forest. Tall slender trees grow around you. You hear the splash of water, approach the bridge over a shallow calm river, stop in the middle of the bridge and look down at the water. On its surface you see your reflection.

And suddenly you feel that you are not alone here. There is someone else nearby and you feel that his presence calms you, you are pleased that someone is now next to you. Down on the water, you see another reflection appear next to yours. You feel that this is someone who treats you very well and understands you very well. Maybe you already know him, or maybe you're seeing him for the first time. It could be a wise old person, or it could be some kind of animal or someone who lives only in your imagination. It does not matter, the main thing is that you feel that this is your true friend, who has known you for a long time and well, and whom you can completely trust.(30 seconds.)

Your faithful friend is calling you to cross this small bridge with him. Together you climb a soft hill, overgrown with warm, pleasant grass. There you find a cozy cave. Your friend enters it first and sits at a distance, inviting you to sit next to him.

After a while, he starts talking to you. He only tells you about your life. You could not even imagine that someone else could know all your hidden thoughts and feelings so well and speak about them with such understanding.(15 seconds.)

And then you realize that you can talk with your faithful friend about the things that are most important to you. Perhaps you have a particular question that you would like to ask your friend. Now you can do it. Perhaps you will hear the answer in his words, maybe maybe he will come to you in a different form - sounds, a special facial expression or in the form of a special movement.(1 minute.)

Your faithful friend tells you that you can come to him again at any time when you need his advice or understanding. You can find him at any time in this cave to discuss with him things that are important to you and hear his opinion on this matter ...

Now thank your faithful friend for the support and say goodbye to him for today.

Slowly follow the same path over the hill to the small bridge. Take another look at your reflection in the water. Do you remember how nice it was when you were not alone on this bridge, how good it is when you have a person you can completely trust. Now stretch, tense and relax your whole body and slowly open your eyes. Focus your attention back on us. Be cheerful and rested.

Exercise analysis:

Who was your true friend?

How did you feel in this exercise?

How could a true friend help you?

Game 72 (from 9 years old)

Goals: This is a great method for everyone, even young children, to express their opinion on some issue in the process of making a joint decision. This technique allows you to get the opinion of each child, spending not so much time on it.

Instruction: After you have been discussing a certain topical issue for the class for a long time and want to move on to making a decision, please formulate the final question in one sentence. For example:

Let's see how each of you feels about going to the historical museum next Sunday. Express your opinion with your fingers!

Now I will explain to you how this can be done.

When you put your palm with five fingers spread out on the desk, this means that this decision suits you completely. Showing us four fingers, you tell us that this decision suits you in principle, but from your point of view, it could be better. When you show three fingers, it means that you agree with the decision, but do not feel enthusiastic about it. Two or one finger means even less satisfaction with the decision. If you put a clenched fist on the desk, it means that you don't care if this decision is made or not. If you are against the proposed solution, then you can show it by pointing your fingers down. If you are pointing down with all your fingers, it means that you are very opposed to making such a decision. If only one of your fingers looks down, this means that you are only a little against such an offer. So, how many fingers will you show me?

When most children show three, four or five spread fingers on the desk, then it can be concluded that the class accepts the proposal in question. If the number of neutral or negative reactions is high, then you and the class will probably have to look for another way to resolve the issue.

If only two or three children speak out against the proposal, then, obviously, the opinion of the majority wins. However, you can show respect for a minority opinion by asking children who disagree to tell you why they don't want to make the decision. Sometimes important points can come to light that can call into question the original decision.

New frames

Game 73 (from 10 years old)

Goals: Any person copes with the problems facing him more easily if at the same time he looks at the world with an optimistic view. For example, if there is noise and din in the classroom, then, looking at all this from a pessimistic point of view, you can assume that the lack of respect for you as a teacher is to blame. But you can also choose an optimistic framework, looking through which you can tell yourself that the noise in the classroom indicates a high dedication of children to learning material that is interesting to them.

To help children learn to be optimistic about life, you can do the following. Make cardboard frames as large as possible, about ten centimeters wide. Write on one of the frames (on all its sides) various pessimistic statements, for example: “I can’t do anything about it”, “Everyone turned against me”, “We live in a useless world”, “Everything is so hopeless”, and so on. .

At the same time, on the other frame (also on all its four sides), write optimistic phrases: “I can do it!”, “What a wonderful world it is!”, “I have so many friends!”, “Life is wonderful!” etc.

Materials: Each child needs the following items:

- frame made of white cardboard

- wax crayons

– two photographs or two paintings (one sad and one funny)

- several multi-colored sheets of cardboard larger than photographs (paintings).

Instruction: I brought you two large photographs. Then you look at them. Each time I will show these photos in a new frame so that you can determine whether your perception of the color of the frame affects your perception.

Attach a fun photo first to sheets of black, gray, blue, red and yellow cardboard. Ask the children to describe how different frame colors affect how they feel when they look at pictures. Then repeat the same with the sad photo.

When we look at the world, we also use colorful frames, only these frames are from our thoughts. Sometimes we look at the world through the framework of "black" thoughts.(Show the children a box of pessimistic phrases you prepared ahead of time, and invite the children to give examples of how they once viewed the world through similar boxes.)

Sometimes we use frames of bright and joyful thoughts, such as these.(Show the children a box with optimistic statements and ask them to think of examples from their lives when they themselves saw the world around them through such boxes.)

Now each of you will receive blank frames that you can decorate however you want. Through this framework, you will perceive everything around you the way you want to now. If you want, you can also write whatever you want on them.(When the children have their frames ready, they will need to hold them up in front of them and look through them.) What comes to your mind when you look through your specially decorated frames at the school, teachers, classmates?

Exercise analysis:

– How is it that some people look at the world mainly through sad frames, while others look at the world through joyful frames?

– How do you feel when you look at the world through the framework that you created for yourself?

Whose frames do you like the most?

– Was it difficult for you to decorate your frames?

– What can you achieve if you look at the world through a joyful framework?


Empathy is a form of understanding another person through temporary and partial identification with him. - Note. scientific ed.

Perfectionism, or the "excellent student syndrome" is a neurotic attitude exclusively to perfect and impeccable actions, when the child painfully perceives any hint that his actions were not good enough. Such children, as a rule, prefer not to do at all than to do not well enough. - Note. per.

A rigid child is a child who hardly switches from one emotion or desire to another, “gets stuck” on each action longer than others, and changes his plans with difficulty. - Note. per.

Visualization is a method of self-hypnosis and self-regulation by creating in the imagination a vivid image of what you are striving for. - Note. scientific ed.

Graffiti - inscriptions and drawings that teenagers usually make on the walls of buildings and fences with spray guns for painting cars (English). - Approx. per.

Just twenty years ago, almost no one had a mobile phone, and those people who had them used the phone only as a means of communication. The distribution of SMS messages began somewhere in 2005. Then the first programs appeared, with cool sms to friends and girlfriends. Since then, the number of such programs has increased hundreds of times. And this means that now we have millions of cool SMS to friends and girlfriends with which you can surprise your friends.

In the past few years, a rather unusual humorous genre has become popular - sms about friends or funny correspondence between several subscribers. What is special about this genre? This is SMS correspondence between two participants on various topics with funny content. Like jokes about friends and girlfriends, but in a telephone version. SMS data about friends quickly gained popularity on humorous portals and their number is only increasing.

What can funny correspondence of friends contain? Primarily, funny sms to friend sent to congratulate him on something. Sometimes an SMS is sent to a friend to scare him with some event, and then burst out laughing, explaining that it was a joke. Numerous joke sms to a friend are sent every day with different motives. But one thing unites them - cool SMS to a friend perfectly cheer up in any situation.

What jokes about friends do you know? The first thing that comes to my mind is comics. Why comics? I love drawn humor, especially if the comics are really funny. they can amuse no less than comics, because sometimes in correspondence there are rare dialogues that cannot be found anywhere else.

Often sms jokes about friends are forced to beat in agony with laughter because of the irresistible degree of absurdity shown in correspondence.

SMS to friend

SMS jokes about friends instantly cheer up. Just imagine the heroes of the correspondence themselves. When do you send friend friend sms Are you overthinking the meaning of the message? And there are correspondences in which the meaning is completely absent. Or there is a good banter of one hero over another. If photos of friends and girlfriends can cause not only a smile, but also tenderness, then after reading a text message to a friend, only wild laughter attacks us.