Dangerous resorts. Which countries are safe to travel in? Dangerous exotic Thailand

Taking care of tourists, the insurance company from Britain informs them about the worst and most dangerous resorts of accidents, robberies, scams and poisonings. The statistics are taken from the result of a study and study of about sixty thousand different complaints from travelers from different countries and continents.

Let's get started, the top six worst resorts in the world:

1. Thailand

In the recreation areas in this country, you are most at risk of poisoning, getting into an emergency and being robbed.

If you decide to go there, then try not to go on incomprehensible excursions, especially if their cost is much less than the average prices for this service. When getting into a taxi car, make sure that you have found a common language with the driver and that he understood you correctly. Otherwise, you can get entangled in a bad story and be left without values.

Do not forget to take a business card at the reception with the Thai address of the hotel and directions to it. This will make it much easier to communicate with the taxi driver.

It is better to buy water in Thailand only in bottles - using it from a tap you risk spending a vacation in a Thai hospital with poisoning. And take bottled water not only for drinking - brush your teeth and wash fruits with it.
Try not to accept treats from strangers or buy food on the street. From exotic it is better to give preference to spa and massage.

2. South African Republic

This holiday destination is notorious for its high crime rate among the population. There you can be robbed, your suitcases stolen on the way to the hotel, or simply beaten.

Even if you are an extreme, it is still not worth visiting Kettlehong, Johannesburg, Alexander Bay, and it is also better to bypass Hillbrough and Soweto.

3. Snake Island (off the coast of Brazil)

We think you guessed what threatens tourists on this island, which is difficult to name. Yes, yes, exactly - it is simply teeming with snakes, of which there are only about 5 poisonous ones per square meter. For example, a spear bite from a snake's head will instantly cause your tissues to die and lead you to a sad end. Despite the fact that officially trips to this place are prohibited, extreme lovers still visit it every year.

4. Barbados

It's amazing that this place made it to the list of the worst resorts in the world. But there are reasons for this, in the form of poisonous insects and inhospitable inhabitants of the waters - such as rays and sharks. In all other respects, the island is an ordinary paradise - small villages, cottages built according to the best projects. It is in such a place that you want to settle for a long time, organize a veranda overlooking the sea and enjoy life .... But as often happens - bright beauty hides sharp thorns, and it's better to live in our latitudes.

It is in this country that most accidents, food poisoning and theft occur.

Pay attention if you are still in Thailand. Do not agree to dubious excursions (even if the cost is much less than what you will be offered at the official tour desk); when traveling by taxi, always clearly find out whether the driver understood you correctly. Otherwise, you can get into an unpleasant story, at best, saying goodbye only to valuable things.

Every time you leave the hotel, take a business card with you (at the reception, free of charge), on which the hotel address and directions to it are written in Thai - this is necessary to explain the way to the taxi driver.

And also: in order not to spoil your vacation with poisoning, do not drink tap water. Always buy bottled water (it is possible that the hotel will give it for free).

Also use it for washing fruits, brushing teeth and more. Refrain from buying food and drinks on the street, as well as treats from strangers. It is better to try the exotic in Thailand in the form of a relaxing massage and spa treatments!

South Africa

When traveling in South Africa, tourists are most often robbed (including with the use of weapons) or their suitcases are stolen on the way to the hotel. The crime rate in South Africa is very high.

Pay attention to the cities in which it is better not to meddle, even if you really want extreme sports: Johannesburg, Soweto, Hillbrough, Alexandra and Kettlehong.

Snake Island (off the coast of Brazil)

The most dangerous poisonous snakes of the continent are found here. For example, spearheads - one bite of a snake of this species leads to instant tissue death and death. According to statistics, the number of poisonous snakes ranges from 1 to 5 individuals per square meter of the Snake Island. Therefore, officially visiting the island is prohibited. But all the same, every year there are extreme sports.


Oddly enough, this well-known island resort of the Caribbean also made the list of not the most attractive vacation destinations. And all because of the large number of poisonous tropical insects, as well as unfriendly underwater animals (sharks, rays and other predators).

Please note that if you are going to relax in Barbados, swim only on civilized beaches that are fenced off from the ocean by coral reefs.

It is recommended to go to this country only after passing all vaccinations in order to protect against poisonous insects, viruses, infections and other infections. In India, the mortality rate of tourists is quite high due to infection with local insects and animals, as well as infections that can be caught when drinking water or swimming in local rivers or reservoirs full of sewage.

According to many tourists, this paradise is dangerous because here you can catch a surprise from Venus and get hooked on drugs faster than you get to the beach.

The British insurance company NUTI (Norwich Union Travel Insurance) annually conducts surveys of travelers around the world. Based on the opinions expressed, employees compile lists of the most unsafe countries for individual research.

The first place where you should be wary of dishonest hands and thoughts of people is Thailand. Thanks to the large influx of tourists, some Thais have discovered a new profession for themselves: fraud. Avoid people offering cheap sightseeing tours; pseudo-beggars, stealing up to your wallets and greedy taxi drivers.

Modern Thailand is also famous for poor-quality drivers: in this country, there are many accidents in which tourists die.

The second place in the unpleasant list was occupied by the Republic of South Africa, whose capital, Johannesburg, has the title of "the most criminogenic zone in the world." In this place, tourists need to take care of the safety of their belongings and their lives. In South Africa, luggage thefts are frequent, as well as armed attacks with the aim of robbery.

In third place settled paradise Cuba. Here the danger lies in the drugs that are widespread throughout the region. The second aspect is venereal diseases, which are easy to catch, seduced by the exotic beauty of local priestesses of love.

The fourth place in the list of dangerous resorts is occupied by Rio de Janeiro. However, it is not so much the city that should be feared here, but the popular Copacabana beach. Basking in the sun, carefully monitor your belongings and those around you. In order not to become a victim of an attack, leave valuables and money in the hotel.

Fifth place in the British ranking was taken by one of the most beautiful European countries - the Czech Republic. The main problem of the romantic region is "inconspicuous robberies", i.e., clever pickpockets. The authorities note that guests should always be "on the alert." Theft occurs in shops, transport, popular attractions and markets.

Dangers created by nature

Many dangers lurk in the most beautiful places on the planet. Gorgeous beaches, clear waters, untouched by civilization nature attracts many travelers. However, it is worth remembering: in paradise there will always be a poisonous enemy.

The leader of the list was the resort island in the Caribbean, which annually receives many tourists - Barbados. Here you can easily become a victim of poisonous insects. Also, hungry stingrays and sharks await your appearance on wild beaches. Therefore, swimming is recommended only in specially designated areas. But even in them you should not go into the water at night.

Civilized beaches have reef-enclosed "pools" for swimming. They are relatively safe, but you should wear special shoes and be extremely careful.

India settled in second place: travelers should go here only after the course. Every year, many tourists die in the country, who become victims of poisonous insects, animals and infections. Don't drink tap water and don't swim in enclosed bodies of water or rivers.

The third place was shared by two American regions: Florida and California. In the first, dangerous aquatic inhabitants are attracted by a pleasant sandy bottom and an excellent climate in which you can always find food. And California coasts are rich in "shark delicacy" - seals. That is why numerous species of predators flock to the region, among which the most dangerous is, without a doubt, the white shark.

There are many beautiful cities on our planet that amaze the imagination with their beauty, architecture and the number of various attractions. But not all of them, unfortunately, are safe for tourists. And in some it is better not to come at all.

1. San Pedro Sula (Honduras)

There are a lot of drug-related murders in this city. Therefore, it is better to minimize your stay here.

Acapulco has many luxurious resorts. However, this does not make it safe for travelers. The authorities recommend not to leave the tourist area, so as not to become a victim of murder, robbery or attack.

The unstable political situation in the city makes it dangerous for travelers. When planning a holiday in Yemen, this place is best avoided.

Street robberies, shootings of various gangs, numerous murders - all this used to make Caracas one of the most dangerous cities in the world. It's a little quieter here now. But the city is still at risk.

The crime rate here has increased by 70% over the past decade! Impressive, isn't it?

Cali, with its stunning scenery, leaves an indelible mark on the beauty of the soul. Now it is safe enough. But until recently, history was created here by revolutionaries. Therefore, you should not lose vigilance when getting into a taxi, and it is better to refuse to walk along the streets at night.

There is also a thriving drug business. Hence the robberies, murders and attacks.

The activities carried out by night gangs make many travelers stay away from the second largest city in Kenya - Nairobi.

Tourists who find themselves in the poor areas of this beautiful city risk losing both expensive things and life. Rape is also not uncommon here.

Gang squabbles that have become more frequent in recent years (which is worth one ISIS banned in Russia) make visiting this city unsafe. However, if you follow certain precautions, nothing bad will happen to you there.

These are the most dangerous cities in the world. Visit them, observing all precautions, or pass - the choice is yours. But remember: it would be nice to find out more about this place, including from the media, before traveling somewhere.

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The British insurance company Norwich Union Travel Insurance ranked the worst resorts of the world- life-threatening tourists, with a high level of accidents, theft, poisoning, as well as with poor quality of service, scams and other “divorce” for big money. The rating was compiled on the basis of an analysis of more than 60 thousand complaints from tourists from around the world.

If you still decide to go to one of these countries, you can book a hotel at a bargain price on hotels.tochka.net
So, countries where it is not recommended to go:

1. Thailand

It is in this country that most accidents, food poisoning and theft occur.

Pay attention if you are still in Thailand. Do not agree to dubious excursions (even if the cost is much less than what you will be offered at the official tour desk); When traveling by taxi, always make sure that the driver understands you correctly. Otherwise, you can get into an unpleasant story, at best, saying goodbye only to valuable things.

Every time you leave the hotel, take a business card with you (at the reception, free of charge), on which the hotel address and directions to it are written in Thai - this is necessary to explain the way to the taxi driver.

And also: in order not to spoil your vacation with poisoning, do not drink tap water. Always buy bottled water (it is possible that the hotel will give it for free). Also use it for washing fruits, brushing teeth and more. Refrain from buying food and drinks on the street, as well as treats from strangers. It is better to try the exotic in Thailand in the form of a relaxing massage and spa treatments!

2. South Africa
When traveling in South Africa, tourists are most often robbed (including with the use of weapons) or their suitcases are stolen on the way to the hotel. The crime rate in South Africa is very high.

Pay attention. Zones in which it is better not to meddle, even if you really want extreme sports: Johannesburg, Soweto, Hillbrough, Alexandra and Kettlehong.

3. Snake Island(located off the coast of Brazil)
The most dangerous poisonous snakes of the continent are found here. For example, spearheads - one bite of a snake of this species leads to instant tissue death and death.

According to statistics, the number of poisonous snakes ranges from 1 to 5 individuals per square meter of the Snake Island. Therefore, officially visiting the island is prohibited. But all the same, every year there are extreme sports ...

4. Barbados
Oddly enough, this well-known island resort of the Caribbean also made the list of not the most attractive vacation destinations. And all because of the large number of poisonous tropical insects, as well as unfriendly underwater animals (sharks, rays and other predators).

Pay attention if you are going to relax in Barbados. Swim only on civilized beaches that are fenced off from the ocean by coral reefs.

4. Czech Republic
It is in this country that most tourists become victims of pickpockets.

In India, the mortality rate of tourists is quite high due to infection with local insects and animals, as well as infections that can be caught when drinking water or swimming in local rivers or reservoirs full of sewage.

6. Cuba

According to many tourists, this paradise is dangerous because here you can catch a surprise from Venus and get hooked on drugs faster than you get to the beach.

7. Barcelona

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