Beautiful white rooms for girls. How to decorate the interior of a girl's room in a modern style. Organization of the working area

Room design for a girl very different from the interiors of the children's rooms in which they grew up. Their traditional design is associated with a large mirror, with a bed set opposite with a wall-colored bedspread, a compact closet in which your favorite evening dress is folded, pleasant curtains and the scent of perfume that complements everything.

Children do not understand exactly what they need in their corner. Growing up, they already have a better idea of ​​​​how to furnish the usable area. When the dimensions of the premises should be designed for its inhabitants. In addition, it is important to understand that dissonance in the interior is considered excusable for young ladies. In contrast, it should be kept in one style - it can be classic, country, ultra-modern style, hi-tech, baroque, provence or, for example, shabby chic.

What is the design of the girl's room?

The design of a room for a teenager or older girl must certainly contain an area for work and relaxation. The required attributes are:

  • wardrobe;
  • mirror table;
  • computer desk;
  • bed with bedside table and lamp;
  • a small TV (although a computer can replace it);
  • one or two chairs for receiving guests.

The photo above does not show all the main elements. In addition, below we will pay attention to the auxiliary details of the design - on curtains, carpets, shelves, pictures, night light etc. This is the most used list of elements for a girl, however, it can be reduced or expanded depending on the needs. The interior should speak of the imagination and taste of the inhabitant of the room. Consider original ideas for decorating the room of a young hostess.

Noteworthy girl's room designs

DIY bedroom design for a girl

Using your skills in arranging the premises is a good enough idea. However, its implementation requires a lot of free time, but using the materials and ready-made solutions presented below, you can do everything much faster.

Color scheme in the design of the room

To create an interior design for a girl's room, you need the right choice of primary color. The advantage of using bright colors or pastel colors has already been described above. So let's start by choosing a base color. A win-win option is muted colors that make the room fresh and blend well with furniture. The best option for wall covering is considered to be wallpaper. This option allows you to choose any pattern, type and texture.

Bedroom design furniture

After the primary colors for girls bedroom design determined, you need to move on to the choice of furniture. Let's start with choosing a cabinet. It should not be bulky, taking up the entire length of the wall (although in the photo below, a closet is perfectly built in by the window, in which a bed with a bedside table is perfectly placed). It should be remembered that cabinets should be high, even if a fragile girl does not reach the top shelves without a stool. Low cabinets have a significant drawback - they do not allow you to use the height of the room, dividing it with shelves, at the same time, you will certainly put something on top of the cabinet. Shelves that are inaccessible without a stool can be used to store out-of-season clothes - you don’t get them every week, after all, not even every month. Let's move on to choosing the rest of the furniture. The bed should be comfortable and complement the interior with its appearance. Most likely, a white nightstand will suit her. It is better to choose a table with a non-standard shape; it can be used to place a computer.

Girls room design elements

Selection of design details for a girl's room. Firstly, these are the curtains, which should be simple, in the color of the walls and ceiling. It is better not to use heavy curtains, especially in small rooms. Linen curtains can be a great solution. You can not do without a large mirror or even a trellis. Designers advise giving preference to a full-length mirror so that a girl can quickly select her outfit, comparing how all its elements fit together. The most practical solution is to place a mirror on the cabinet door.

As old-fashioned as it may seem, girls bedroom design there must be a place for placing plants. It is better to choose flowers that do not require special care, because the need for daily procedures for flowers for young housewives can be a big disappointment.

Room design for a girl photo

Below is a selection of photos of room design for girls 16, 20 and 25 years old - the main age categories that require special room interiors. To see how different rooms are configured with each other, take a look at .

The following photos are a great example of a room design for a young girl, it is made in bright red colors and combines the most necessary elements. Note. that the area of ​​​​the premises is quite small, but all design solutions are very well implemented.

The following interior design of a room for a girl is made in light gray tones that visually expand the scope of the room. There is so much freshness and spaciousness in the space below that one involuntarily wants to make all the rooms in the apartment the same.

Pastel colors are also beneficial. They are not intrusive and, like the gray tones, perfectly reflect the light.

The design of a small bedroom for a girl with bright color accents is perfect for dreamy ladies with a lot of imagination. These are not boring rooms that make the brain work.

The following bedroom interior designs for girls are made in the style of minimalism. There is not much furniture in them, the colors are muted, closer to light gray.

The following 4 interiors, presented in the form of a photo, are a kind of echo of rich classicism with voluminous furniture and a large number of decorative ornaments.

Below is a good selection of photos of room design for girls of various styles.

A children's room, even the most stylish, cute and comfortable, will not suit a young girl. After all, her territory does not represent fluffy teddy bears, but awakening femininity. Here they arrange pajama parties with girlfriends, dress up for a first date, try different styles of makeup.

In the girl's room it should be comfortable to relax, dream, consult with friends, but you should not forget about the need to study or work. What should this room be like?

Bright girl's room interior design

The main nuances of arranging a girl's bedroom

The first thing to choose is the overall style of the interior. Not all girls will like bows and ruffles, but in a rich glam rock style, not everyone will feel comfortable. That is why we focus on the preferences of the owner - if dreamy and romantic beauties like Provence, then more temperamental and active will suit pop art or modern.

Room decoration with hints of Provence

But there are parameters that are important no matter what style is chosen:

Nuances of zoning and choice of style

The room of a young girl is not a bedroom in the classical sense, but a living room, a place to sleep, a dressing room and an office (read). Each zone must be carefully planned and isolated, which can be difficult to do, especially given the small dimensions of the room.

The option of separating the working and sleeping areas

You can zone the space with the help of spectacular finishing materials, or you can highlight the areas with color - the main thing is to arrange the furniture in a practical way.

Suitable finishes for a girl's bedroom

There are three materials that are ideal for a young girl's room:

  1. Wallpaper- best of all, resembling crumpled fabric or decorative plaster.
  2. Dye. It can be used to paint wallpaper (non-woven), choosing a tone that best conveys the mood of the owner, or it can also be used to finish the ceiling. The classic trick is to create a white surface that resembles suede.
  3. Laminate how wonderful. It delightfully conveys the texture of natural wood and is immune to mechanical damage - even to point loads from women's heels.

Important. As for styles, for girls who value luxury, baroque and empire are suitable, allowing you to actively use gilding and rich fabrics. Feminine connoisseurs of natural beauties will like Provence or country, and fans of minimalism and exotic will like oriental style. If the owner of the room is a determined girl, then an original and contrasting finish in the spirit of glam fusion or pop art can even be used.

What furniture should be in a girl's room?

The wardrobe will always be the centerpiece of a girl's room. It is better to immediately choose a wardrobe as a more practical, roomy and at the same time compact option. It is divided into two zones: the first - in fact, and the second - all kinds of racks and shelves where you can store films, books, magazines and cosmetics.

The sliding wardrobe is convenient in use

Well, if one of the wardrobe doors is a full-length mirror. This design will allow you to turn a standard piece of furniture into a full-fledged dressing room, where the girl can lay out all her outfits and experiment in front of the mirror with the creation of new images as she pleases.

Workplace for classes

You will definitely need a table - preferably a small one, but one that fits both writing instruments and a computer. A practical superstructure with shelves can also be provided. Directional bright lighting is also required here. No less important is the dressing table (if necessary, it can be replaced with), which is complemented by a soft ottoman.

Cape on chair and fur rug on the floor

Bookshelves, shelving and an armchair are all appropriate in a girl's room, if they do not clutter up the space. You can also find a place for an easel or a synthesizer, a lot of pillows on the floor or a hanging cocoon chair, an embroidery machine - it all depends on the preferences and hobbies of the owner.

Important. The girl's room combines the function of a living room and a bedroom, and therefore a spacious bed here in most cases is out of place. Better to use . If space allows, then a full bed is installed - and then the recreation area is fenced off from the rest of the room with screens, curtains, threads or a canopy.

Option with two beds for sisters

The nuances of choosing colors

If schoolgirls are almost completely delighted with the shades of raspberry, fuchsia, lilac and pink marshmallow, then for girls these shades may seem sugary-sweet. Especially if their nursery was decorated in these colors. But even if black suddenly became the favorite color of a young beauty, then you should not turn the room into the chambers of a Gothic castle. As always, you will have to find a compromise, trying to choose the right color scheme, combining the main color with companions.

Advice. For a girl's room, a combination of bright shades with muted ones, pure watercolor tones with pastels and deep ones will be ideal.

A win-win option for the main color is any muted tone. It is chosen so that it refreshes the room, makes it more spacious. In addition, the shades of the walls and furniture facades should be in harmony with each other. It is not recommended to use more than three basic tones at the same time, and one of the selected colors should still dominate.

The combination of yellow and purple

A room for a young girl will look sunny and bright if you use warm pastel colors for its decoration - peach, yellow, orange, orange. They are combined with contrasting shades. In general, one of the important design rules says that a bright tone must be balanced by a contrasting calm one so that the room does not look aggressive.

The predominance of purple tones

You need to use bright shades in a dosed way - although they go well with an explosive active girlish temperament, they can bring chaos to a harmonious interior. But the bleached, watercolor tones are "responsible" for a rich imagination. It is they who in most cases are used in a small room when you need to visually enlarge the space.

Unsaturated shades are suitable for calm and romantic natures, but you should not make everything light without exception - walls, furniture, and textiles.

Combination of bright colors with light gray shades

Interestingly, fans of modern glamor are not in a hurry to give up pink - in their room they just need to use a different, non-childish shade. The impressiveness and chic of this tone can be made even deeper if you combine it with blue flowers - light sky or turquoise.

Combinations of blue and brown are also possible.

If a girl does not tolerate glamor, but prefers sharpness, then a contrasting black and white design option or a pop art style with red, yellow, blue color spots will suit her well.

Bright pink dilutes the monochromatic interior

In a girl's bedroom, a combination of styles is also appropriate, but such a mixture is only performed on large areas. When it comes to a small room, they choose the principle of zoning - for example, the work area is emphasized by wallpaper of a different, more dynamic color.

White combined with gray-brown tones

And do not forget about textiles - curtains and bedspreads in the girl's bedroom should always be present, even if the room is decorated in the style of hard minimalism. , for romantic styles with lace and ruffles, for modern ones with metallic finishes or even leather inserts. But in any case, do not forget about practicality - keeping a girl's room clean should be easy, and this applies to textiles, and flooring, and furniture facades.

In the next article we will tell you how to equip.

Youth is a beautiful stage of life that needs an ideal environment. This also applies to the circle of friends, and the books chosen for reading, and the furnishings of the room. The changes that take place in the life of a girl who has graduated from school should also be reflected in the interior of her bedroom: bright colors, children's drawings and toys are being replaced by restrained colors, exquisite accessories and a subtle smell of French perfume.

Bedroom for a young girl

The bedroom of a girl who has entered a wonderful time of youth is significantly different from the familiar children's interiors. There are changes in everything - from color to the choice of decor, so designers are trying with the utmost care to create thoughtful and unique images of rooms for true ladies, touching Turgenev girls, playful coquettes, serious athletes, daring creative natures.

Girl's room interior

To create a harmonious interior, regardless of its style orientation, the following principles should be observed:

Choice of color and style

The older a person becomes, the more balanced he approaches the choice of color design for his home.

Girls gravitate toward pastel colors: delicate shades of beige, peach, lavender, lime and pistachio create a unique feeling of spaciousness and tranquility in the bedroom. And the smaller the room, the lighter shades should be chosen so as not to overload it with color.

In spacious and well-lit rooms, you can take more liberties in playing with shades: for example, decorate one of the walls with a bright tone or decorate it with floral wallpaper. Such an accent will enliven the formal interior, add personality to it.

ADVICE. Those who want brightness and rich colors can dilute the neutral background with expressive accents: pillows, carpets, lamps or paintings.

Choosing among dozens of styles that are appropriate in girlish interiors, it is worth stopping at the following:

Furniture and decor for a young girl

Furniture for the bedroom of a young girl should be selected with special care and attention to detail, because every little thing is important for young charmers. Contrary to popular belief, the central part of such a bedroom will not be a bed, but a closet - large, roomy and practical, which will be able to accommodate all the outfits available and some more new ones.

Room design for a girl

For girls, well-known fashionistas and fans of long-term shopping, it is extremely important to properly organize a clothing storage system: convenient shelves, drawers, boxes, hangers, baskets, and more.

ADVICE. If the size of the room allows, then instead of numerous wardrobes, it would be more practical to separate part of the room for a dressing room with a large mirror and excellent lighting for long fittings and fashion shows.

An undeservedly forgotten sleeping place should be comfortable and practical. Therefore, instead of a large bed, girls prefer to see a comfortable sofa or sofa in their rooms, which during the day plays the role of a place to relax or receive guests.

The girl’s workplace should satisfy not only the requirements of comfort, but also showiness: pick up a neat desk-table with an elegant chair, equip light shelves for books and stationery, provide the work area with high-quality lighting. This part of the room should set in a serious mood, stimulate creative development and knowledge.

Girls love to decorate their room on their own: usually this process stretches for several months, because for them the process of finding new details and improving an already completed space is of particular charm.

Textiles are selected with special care: heavy night curtains, light tulle, pillowcases for numerous pillows, bedspreads, woven floor mats. The walls are traditionally decorated with paintings, posters or themed panels. On the shelves there are figurines, figurines, watches, caskets and other trifles dear to the heart of girls.

The girl's bedroom is a cozy corner in which she can relax and unwind, be herself. The comfort and functionality of the interior should be in harmony with its attractiveness and showiness. But the most important thing is to choose the image of the room so that the hostess feels her reflection, character and emotions in the design decision.

Designing a room for a girl in a modern style is not an easy task. And all because there are many stylistic trends, but there is only one room, and it is difficult to choose something specific. The main requirements are originality, style and functionality.

The main features of modern trends in design

There are a number of universal solutions that designers use to create a cozy, bright and inviting atmosphere in a room of any size. A room for a girl should be practical, so it usually contains several functional areas. In fact, this is a bedroom in which there is a working, guest area and, if the size of the room allows, a dressing room. Suitable, in terms of functionality, will be any popular modern style due to its versatility.

Photo gallery: modern room for a girl

Solid furniture, beautiful textiles and bright accents on a white background look elegant Provence style is incredibly cozy thanks to a large amount of textiles Modular furniture allows you to arrange objects in any order Minimalist room is concise and not cluttered with interior items Wooden beams on the ceiling, brick walls - all this is inherent loft style Suspended bed looks harmonious in a country-style room Canopy - an integral part of a room in the style of romanticism The combination of romanticism and Provence styles fills the room with comfort and romance Mixing art deco and modern styles gives a stunning result Tenderness and comfort Provence style provide pastel shades and natural textiles Bright accents and interesting textiles are inherent in the Art Deco style Smooth outlines and a minimum of furniture are characteristic of the Art Nouveau style A pull-out bed will save a lot of space Wardrobe holds a lot of things and saves a lot of space oh room

Choosing a style for a room

Modern style is eclecticism or a mixture of different trends, united by colors, materials and interior elements. First of all, the hostess of the room should decide which of the directions her soul lies in. Someone will suit a romantic interior, someone - strict and concise - it all depends on preferences.


This style is characterized by a minimum of things and interior items. It provides a lot of free space, so it is suitable for small rooms. Shades are used neutral - gray, sand, beige, black and brown. The ceiling is white or contrasting. Since minimalism is a modern version of ancient Japanese and Chinese styles, legless furniture, fan-shaped or Chinese vases, floor mats instead of chairs, and rice paper screens are often used. In the room you can place only a bed, a neat table and a wardrobe. Contrasting details of bright colors are also allowed - shades, paintings and pillows. The light is dim, dim. Textiles are concise - instead of ordinary curtains, blinds or Roman blinds.

Photo gallery: room for a girl in the style of minimalism

The minimalism style is sustained thanks to the laconic setting. Despite the apparent simplicity, the interior in the minimalist style looks elegant and feminine. The minimalist style is characterized by a minimum of furniture. The minimalist style allows bright accents against the background of the main calm tone.

Mediterranean and Scandinavian styles

They also welcome free space, natural materials and light shades. The difference is only in the color scheme: the Scandinavian tones are warm, and the Mediterranean ones are cool. More often than others, designers use lavender, light green, Neapolitan yellow, soft purple, white, blue and turquoise. Open shelving, shelves for light-colored books, a bed made of white-painted wood will be appropriate in the room. One of the walls can be decorated with photo wallpapers. Built-in ceiling lights and table led lamps are welcome. Light floor - birch, bleached oak, ash or their imitation in the form of a laminate.

Photo gallery: Scandinavian and Mediterranean styles for a girl's room

In the Mediterranean style of the interior, cold shades are often used.
White is often used in Scandinavian style. White furniture, an abundance of textiles and blue accents give the Scandinavian-style room a cozy feel.
Blue is often used in Mediterranean style.
The nautical theme is characteristic of the Mediterranean style. The Mediterranean style uses decor made from natural materials.

High tech

The high-tech interior is usually monochrome - these are gray-black tones diluted with white. Chrome and glossy details and surfaces, technical devices and gadgets - a room in this style is functional and resembles an office. Point light, LED strips are also often used for illumination. The floor is gray or dark shades, you can lay a short pile carpet. The decor is mainly technique or reproductions with urban landscapes. One of the walls can be made mirrored. Textiles are simple, made from natural fabrics. Instead of curtains - metal blinds.

Photo gallery: high-tech girl's room

High-tech interiors can sometimes contain bright accents The presence of a variety of techniques is typical for high-tech style Urbanistic notes emphasize the features of high-tech style Laconic design in gray tones with one bright accent is typical for high-tech style High-tech interior uses a minimum of furniture Dark colors are often used in high-tech interior design.

art deco

This style is extremely popular due to its decorative and bohemian character. The main thing in it is expensive jewelry and decor items: furs, dark wood, steel and brass in a contrasting neighborhood. The main color should be calm and not annoying - gray, beige, lilac, milky. The rest of the color scheme is based on the main tone with small splashes of additional shades. Wenge furniture, dark walnut, bleached oak. Art Deco - style for glamorous girls. Everything is possible in the interior - curtains with lambrequins, a crystal chandelier, plush quilted furniture.

Photo gallery: Art Deco room for a girl

Art Deco room always looks expensive and elegant Bright accents, incredible combinations are inherent in Art Deco style Art Deco interior is unusually elegant Art Deco interior always has expensive furniture Curtains with lambrequins are inherent in Art Deco style Luxury and chic - characteristic features of Art Deco

Country and Provence

Wooden furniture, floral prints, natural fabrics - country style is first of all comfort. The Provence style is characterized by lilac, lavender, light green and yellow finishes. And all of them, as it were, faded, burned out in the southern sun. The furniture is vintage, wicker or forged, antiques are welcome. Ordinary furniture is artificially aged or covered with craquelure. There should be a lot of decor items - these are various caskets and boxes, vases and chests, dried and fresh flowers.

Photo gallery: country styles and Provence for a girl's room

Floral motifs - a feature of country style A window sill can serve as a study table Vintage furniture - a highlight of Provence style Delicate textiles and vintage furniture create a feminine and cozy atmosphere
A large amount of textiles brings coziness to a country-style room. Aged furniture is used in the country-style interior.


This is a combination of minimalism and hi-tech styles with optimal functionality, but without pretentious details. Distinctive features are geometric shapes and extreme asceticism. For this direction, typical modern “assemble it yourself” furniture is suitable. Color solutions can be any, but you should avoid too bright shades. The style is universal and unobtrusive.

Photo gallery: room for a girl in the style of constructivism

The interior in the style of constructivism is not overloaded with household items A room decorated in the style of constructivism is suitable for a child of any gender In the interior in the style of constructivism, a minimum of furniture is used A folding bed helps save space in a small room Conciseness and minimalism are the main features of constructivism Calm colors and conciseness of forms are characteristic of the style constructivism


The style is reminiscent of constructivism, but differs in the layout of the old and the new. Brick or carelessly plastered walls (or their imitation), rough wooden floors, metal details and non-trivial decor are typical for a loft: musical instruments, a spyglass, a microscope, and so on. Upholstered furniture transforming. Loft-style lamps are original and unusual. This style is suitable for creative and freedom-loving people.

It should be remembered that the loft is applicable only to large rooms.

Photo gallery: loft-style room for a girl

Unusual decor and furniture are characteristic of the loft style Brick walls are the calling card of the loft style An extraordinary loft makes the room modern and unusual Brick wall and rough wooden floor are inherent in the loft style
Loft style is used for large rooms Lamps in the form of spotlights complement the loft style well


This is another affordable and versatile style that meets the latest fashion requirements. Smooth lines, exquisite colors (brown, gold, orange, beige), comfortable modern furniture, original lamps, natural materials - all this will create an elegant atmosphere in a girl's bedroom. Curtains are necessarily strict, preferably blinds or roller shutters. Art Nouveau is characterized by the most unexpected combinations: wooden and lacquered furniture, simple textiles and a long pile carpet.

Photo gallery: modern style for a girl's room

Modern original furniture well complements the interior in modern style Brown color is often used in modern style With the help of a shelving, you can divide the room into two zones Mirrors visually enlarge the space In the modern interior, soothing colors are used Original lamps are typical for modern style

The choice is quite wide, therefore, first of all, you should focus on the taste, lifestyle and character of the future hostess. Avoid clichés. Not all girls love pink, flowers and ruffles. Remember that tastes change, so use materials that are easy to replace.

The older the young lady, the more attention is paid to the guest area.

Decorating a girl's room

The creation of the interior takes place in stages:

  1. Choice of style and color. The color scheme should completely suit the future owner. The room should be cozy and comfortable, so it is better to stay in neutral shades - white, turquoise, beige, tea rose color, smoky gray and so on. When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the type of temperament of a teenager. For melancholy natures, cheerful shades are chosen, and for choleric people - calm and pacifying. A monochromatic interior will quickly get bored, so it is better to combine two or three colors. The basic rule is that bright colors are combined with pale ones. If a girl likes bright colors, then one of the walls is formed in it, for example, at the head of the bed. Interior items can also be contrasting: furniture, lamp shades or textiles (curtains, bedspreads). If the color of the walls is dark, then the furniture should be light. It is important to remember that white color suits any temperament.
  2. Room zoning. As a rule, three zones are allocated in the room - for rest, study and receiving guests. Zoning can be done using mobile or static plasterboard partitions or tongue-and-groove slabs. Color zoning looks interesting. The sleeping area is finished in soothing shades, while the guest and study areas are finished in bright and juicy ones. These may be versions of the same color. Zoning small rooms is done using screens or curtains. The curtain separating the sleeping area looks especially nice. In addition, furniture is often used for zoning - shelving and cabinets. Particular attention should be paid to the working (training) area. There is usually placed a table (computer or writing) and shelves (cabinets) for books. Most often, the table is placed by the window to enjoy natural light. But the artificial lighting of the working area should be optimal. Zoning can also be done with lighting. In the evening, the lamps serve as zone markers.
  3. Selection of furniture, textiles and accessories. Furniture is chosen according to the size of the room and its style, and it should be of high quality and comfortable. For example, a bed equipped with an orthopedic mattress and a box for bed linen. The same goes for the sofa. If a chair is planned in the room, then it should be folding. You can stay on a soft bean bag. If there is no space, then a thick carpet and pillows are laid on the floor to receive guests. The color of the furniture is preferably light, especially for small rooms. Since a woman's wardrobe is impressive at any age, the best solution would be to install a built-in wardrobe. There you can place clothes, shoes and other household items. The plus is that one of the wardrobe doors can be made mirrored. An ordinary two-door wardrobe is also suitable. Well, the most budget option will be shelves with baskets on them. Modular furniture is good because at any time you can change its facades and update the interior.

Video: room for a teenage girl

Design of a small room for a girl

In a small room, a podium will be an excellent solution, under which a sleeping place is hidden, and a working area will be located on top. Another option to save space is a folding bed that hides in a closet. Compact modular furniture is available for small rooms. It is worth paying attention to folding tables and folding chairs. You should abandon the curtains that hide the space and replace them with blinds or Roman blinds. The window sill can be made wide by arranging a place to rest on it.

To decorate a small room, it is better to use light colors.

Creating an interior is a creative and very interesting job. To make the result no worse than that of professional designers, you should use some tips:

  1. If you decorate a room in a neutral range, then the interior is easily updated with a simple change of accessories.
  2. It is better to make the ceiling white, and if it is low, then glossy.
  3. A practical floor is parquet or high-quality laminate.
  4. Cabinet furniture is good because it can replace facades.
  5. Decorative details can be selected gradually.

According to feng shui, the bed should be installed so that the door can be seen. It should be new, not grandmother's - the Chinese are sure that things retain a person's energy and can affect fate. An aquarium and climbing plants take energy, so they do not belong in a teenager's room. Do not place a mirror in front of the bed. A lamp in the northeast corner will contribute to academic success.

Video: room design for a girl

Making out the design of a room for a girl, first of all, you should listen to her wishes. But at the same time, do not forget about the functionality and decorativeness of the interior. Only then will the room become a real dream come true.

In the process of apartment renovation, parents are often guided by a stereotype that says that the design of a room for a teenage girl of 16 or 17 years old is the full prerogative of adults, and the design does not have to be made in accordance with the personal wishes of the girl herself. To level the problem of "fathers and children", we can recommend a number of practical artistic techniques that create a universal youth room design, the interior of which will meet the tastes of all generations, bringing maximum practical benefit.

Color field adjustment

Adolescents 16-17 years old tend to load their personal living space with numerous social paraphernalia. Therefore, a room for a teenage girl should be designed taking into account her interests and the prevailing color tone of these decorative elements. Here it is possible to use two techniques to create an interior that is pleasing to the eye and calms the psyche of the occupant of the room:

  • reception of color contrast. In this case, the contrast is created by the color of the walls and the color of the floors, and the paraphernalia plays the role of bright elements that create a unique avant-garde design;
  • a color softening technique based on creating a neutral color scheme in the room that does not break the walls, ceiling and floor into perpendicular planes. The social attributes of a girl of 16 in this case will make the design of the room modern and full of nuances. This interior can be easily seen in the photos distributed on the Internet.

To determine the optimal combination of color accompaniment that characterizes a girl's interior, you just need to look at the artistic color wheel - the colors located opposite each other are the most contrasting and will easily fill the design of the youth room with the spirit of avant-garde.

The tonal ratio of walls and furniture - in the case of a contrasting approach - is based on active colors. On the contrary, the surfaces of muted tones will fill the interior with a sense of peace and tranquility.

Room zoning techniques (16-17 years old)

At the age of 16 and 17, a girl perceives her room as a multidisciplinary personal space, which at the same time is a bedroom, a dressing room, a place for friendly meetings, an office and a beauty corner, the interior of which should be made in the appropriate styles.

For the most compact combination of all these zones within the same room and their visual separation, it is necessary to use the technique of combining the subject and color content of the room.

For example: the design of each of the zones can have its own predominant color of the walls, floor, layout of items relevant to this area. Functional areas are also well distinguished by suspended ceilings, their own lamps controlled by individual switches; original designs are also created on raised drywall floors.

The sleeping area, which is a place of rest, in the case of the hostess - 16 years old or a girl of 17 years old - is preferable to furnish a sofa, which, together with a coffee table, is a cozy interior of the zone for friendly communication.

An interesting option would also be the location of the sleeping area on a raised plasterboard floor, in which it is appropriate to create several drawers for storing linen and blankets - this way the interior will combine style and practical sides. And if everything is clear enough with the sleeping area, then you should consider in more detail how the room of a teenage girl looks like in other sectional angles, in theory and in the photo.

Corner of girlish beauty

On the video: room design option from the "repair +" program.

(the first 37 seconds in Ukrainian. The rest is in Russian)

This zone is created exclusively according to the wishes of the girl herself, as it reflects her spiritual and physical beauty with the help of mirrors, jewelry, drawers with fashionable hairdressing accessories and cosmetics - creating a youthful female interior. The adjoining wall can be covered with photo wallpaper, hung with photos or posters of female idols - this technique will make the design more expressive and brighter.

It is advisable to create a ladies' corner and a furniture set near the window so that at least oblique sunlight falls on the mirror reflection - on the other side of the ladies' table it is also desirable to place a wall sconce - to correct oblique sunlight and make it easier to apply the right even makeup.

It is better to place a girlish beauty corner on the side of the room opposite from the front door.

Thus, no walk-through actions from the rest of the apartment will disrupt the self-care process. It is advisable to paint the wall reflected in the mirror in a soft pastel tone - it will not annoy a 16-year-old girl, distract from applying makeup, or somehow “pull” some of the color onto itself. At the age of 16 or 17, girls are very picky about their appearance and strive for a visual resemblance to idols, which is determined by their star photos that fit well into the room design.

Place of reception of friends: how best to equip the interior

For girls aged 16-17, the main free time is spent communicating with like-minded people, so the interior of the room area intended for friendly communication will have a number of specific features:

  • the design of the territory of the section for friendly communication implies the transfer of a music center, speakers, several additional chairs or modern frameless spherical ottomans to it;
  • the bright color of the walls and decorative elements will stimulate a positive and active mood - an improved addition to the furniture set will be the creation of a special ceiling lighting that highlights the entire area. Lighting can also be built into the carved false ceiling.

There is an option to combine a working area or an office with an area for friendly meetings. This option is especially suitable for rooms with a small area, when a computer desk and the equipment installed on it in the face of speakers and a computer act as a music center and a cinema at the same time. In this case, it is also more expedient not to split these two zones into parts by several color planes, but to combine them into one, using the techniques of combining common light and the subject environment.

The sofa is the preferred choice for combining a relaxation area and a social area - the interior can be made spacious at any time by simply folding it.

Decorations for a girl's room

The use of specific and standard decorative elements in the design of a room for a teenage girl (we recommend reading: ““) will not only give her personality, but will also bring some practical benefits. They can be conditionally divided into several types:

  • stationary design elements. These include wallpapers with a printed photo pattern, prints and other images;
  • technical elements of the interior - unusual clocks, various photo frames, paper clips of various shapes, and so on;
  • electric lighting fixtures, represented by chandeliers, lampshades, built-in recessed ceiling lighting bulbs, night lamps of various configurations that accompany the interesting design of the room;
  • textiles and bed linen, which also have a variety of photographic prints.
    A room for a teenage girl is a single subject-color ensemble, the design of which is based on compliance with its intended configuration and is achieved by exercising continuous control over the construction of its subject-color composition.

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