What colors are best for the bedroom. Recommendations for choosing a color scheme for the bedroom. What parameters of the room to focus on

The bedroom is the most treasured place in any apartment, where guests rarely come and where the owners prefer to relax. This room is often hidden from prying eyes, because it is in the bedroom that a person spends a lot of time, getting enough sleep and gaining new strength. Therefore, it is so important to create in this room not only a stylish, but also a comfortable environment. When decorating the interior of the bedroom, it is important to remember that everything - from the color of the walls to the pillows, should contribute to relaxation. When choosing the best colors for the bedroom, it is worth considering not only your own preferences, designers' advice, but also the influence of color on human psychology.


Chromotherapy is a science that explores the influence of colors on human psychology. Even in ancient times, it was noticed that different colors can stimulate, excite, soothe, suppress appetite, create a feeling of warmth or coolness.

Important! Most of the ancient cultures used various natural crystals to refract the sun's rays and create a certain color scheme to influence the internal organs for healing purposes. Today, this technique is actively used by doctors and cosmetologists.

Chromotherapy is also adopted by interior designers. The right combination of shades is an art that allows you to create conditions for a comfortable stay. If we are talking about a residential building or an apartment in a high-rise building, it is especially important to choose the color of the bedroom, because this is the room where a person must rest, sleep, and recuperate for further exploits.

Color spectrum

Before choosing a specific color scheme, think about what you want to end up with. Various techniques will help visually correct the shortcomings of the room, make the room bigger and brighter, and even set your mood in the morning:

  • Warm muted shades contribute to a sound undisturbed sleep and complete relaxation.
  • If you find it hard to wake up in the morning, add lemon yellow to the interior. This will help you get a boost of energy as soon as you open your eyes.
  • The north side should not be decorated in cold colors, if you use blue, blue, purple shades, then only in a room facing south. Otherwise, you will end up with a cold and gloomy bedroom.
  • The monochromatic design is suitable for lovers of stability and tranquility. But you should not make all the elements of the interior exactly the same. When it comes to the bedroom, the contrast between adjacent colors should not be too strong.

Important! If you plan to give preference to several colors, you first need to carefully study the rules for their combination. In the bedroom, there may be a sense of diversity, but not of contrast, since bright color transitions have an exciting effect on the psyche.

white bedroom

The best colors for the bedroom are soothing shades. And here white is in the lead. Many consider it too monochrome, and the interior with white furniture is lifeless, boring and sterile. We hasten to assure you that this color does not in any way affect your health negatively, although some people consider white to be too cold and associate it with a hospital.

But it doesn't:

  • White is a symbol of purity, peace, meditation, space. By creating an absolutely white interior of a sleeping room, you take care of a calm and peaceful environment that can relax you after a hard day, set you up for rest and a calm, deep sleep.
  • This noble color can have dozens of shades - grayish, bluish or pearl. Properly combining them with each other, you can achieve a stunning effect.
  • White is ideal for creating a contrasting interior. It goes well with any other color. Such an interior will not be boring for sure.

Important! It is white that gives scope to the imagination. Your bedroom set and walls can be a pure shade, and textiles can be a contrasting one. Or vice versa - you can choose furniture of a different color scheme, and the walls and bed linen will be, again, white. There are a lot of options that will look advantageous, stylish and comfortable.

Beige bedroom

  • Beige is never bright, this color in any of its manifestations pleases the eye and does not put pressure on the human psyche. It has a calming effect, which is good for sleep quality and energy recovery.
  • It is this shade that creates comfort throughout the year, regardless of whether it is summer outside the window or winter, your windows face south or north. And this is the most important advantage of this color.

Important! If you want to create a neutral space where an atmosphere of stability and peace will always reign, it is recommended to stop at the monochrome version. In the design of such a room, several harmonious beige shades should be used. But if you decide to add colors - do not be shy.

Beige has become one of the best colors for the bedroom because it goes well with all colors without ever overpowering them:

  • By adding a few elements of brown to a monochrome interior, you will get a richer and more textured room without losing restraint. In order for brown not to interrupt the main background, its amount should be minimal. Drawings on curtains or wallpaper, pillows, lampshade or bedspread.
  • The beige and red bedroom is perfect for a young couple. This combination causes passion and a storm of emotions, encourages activity. Red can be present in textiles, lamps or floor lamps, even in decorative wall panels.
  • The combination of beige with green or blue is an equally successful combination. The atmosphere in such a bedroom is cozy, peaceful and relaxing. Suitable for everyone, without exception.
  • Beige-orange bedroom will be a great solution for melancholic and depressed people. Bright colors add emotions, cheer up. The only condition is that the orange color should not be too bright and saturated. It is better to give preference to muted shades.

Important! Bedrooms look good, where beige is partnered with lavender, pistachio, pink colors. The design principle remains the same. The main task is to ensure that bright shades do not interrupt the calm neutral background, but only competently emphasize the chosen style.

blue bedroom

Blue symbolizes purity, freshness and coolness. A bedroom made in such a color scheme is highly respected by leading European designers, because it has several advantages:

  • If you want to relax and fully recover, then choose this particular color. According to scientists, blue has calming properties.
  • Light shades of this color, like any other, will make your room visually larger, the space will become brighter.
  • Blue is best used in those rooms that face south. Bright rays that emphasize this shade will add warmth to the interior.
  • Another plus of blue is the feeling of freshness in your room. It creates the illusion of purity. This will help those who have breathing problems.
  • Blue is the color of fidelity. The bedroom in blue is very suitable for couples who love each other and want to prove it again and again.

Important! The fact that blue is the best color for a bedroom is confirmed by psychologists. They found that people who wake up every day in such an environment feel great. Blue gamma slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure, which, in turn, leads to an increase in life expectancy and an improvement in its quality.

Designers agree with psychologists and give some advice on how best to use this beautiful color:

  • Furniture made in warm colors is ideal for blue walls. If you do not heed this advice, and purchase a bed, wardrobe, dressing table in the same cold colors, then your bedroom will resemble an ice palace.
  • To keep your mood always upbeat, combine blue with yellow. A positive attitude is guaranteed to you, as well as a feeling of warmth in the bedroom.
  • Large paintings made in suitable color shades will help fill the room with coziness and comfort. In addition, you will add some chic to your bedroom.

green bedroom

Another favorite of interior designers is green. It creates a special, harmonious environment and promotes relaxation. Green is associated with nature and gives freshness to the interior:

  1. Juicy bright shade of green - most suitable for use in the interior design of the bedroom of teenagers and children. Light green color is successfully combined with peach, graphite, yellow, white, salmon and orange flowers.
  2. Intense emerald is ideal for creating a bedroom interior in styles such as boudoir or Art Deco. The surfaces of pieces of furniture that have a light emerald tone look very nice. Best of all, this shade will be combined with white, gold and silver.
  3. Mint - perfect for a bedroom that is devoid of natural light. In the summer heat, coolness will reign in the bedroom, because bright mint tones can absorb excess ultraviolet radiation, invigorate and tone. This refreshing shade works best with white, turquoise, pastel pink and blue.
  4. The shade of lime will be a great option for a bedroom with windows located on the north side. The color will create an atmosphere of psychological comfort, even on frosty days the bedroom will be warm and cozy.
  5. The olive tone will give you softness and mutedness, as well as calmness and peace. The interior, decorated in olive color, will look great both modern and antique pieces of furniture. And this shade gives any interior a special, bohemian chic.

Important! Green color is one of the most relevant for the bedroom. It can be used as decoration of the rest room for a married couple. The main thing is to choose muted shades.

red bedroom

Many people think that red is not the best color for a bedroom. But designers have long used these bright shades in the design of sleeping rooms, because this color personifies warmth and comfort. And it can create a different mood, depending on what you combine it with.

There should not be a lot of red in the interior of the bedroom, otherwise it will have an overwhelming effect on the owners. This shade will be appropriate in detail:

  • Red looks great with white. The combination of pure colors gives a sense of style and comfort. Ideally complements this combination of wood furniture.
  • Most often, designers choose red for curtains. This window design is appropriate for any style, and in combination with bed linen of the same color looks very advantageous.
  • Another acceptable shade for the bedroom is the shade of red wine. You can't imagine a more noble color. It will add sophistication to your interior. In this color scheme, either bedroom textiles or part of the furniture can be made.
  • Your bedroom will look fresh and light if you make a red wall above the head of the bed. On adjacent walls, made in light colors, it is worth installing red shelves, or placing a red table against the opposite wall.

Important! This technique - painting one of the walls in red, will look great in any case. It will accentuate and set the mood. The main thing is to make the rest of the interior details in soothing shades that perfectly complement the bright nuance and smooth out the brightness of the red.

purple bedroom

The color of kings - this is what purple has been called for many centuries. Every year he graces the fashion runways as part of the autumn wardrobe. It is also included in the list of the best colors for the bedroom.

This color has several special advantages:

  1. It is highly valued for its calming effect on the human nervous system. Violet shades in home decoration are recommended for people who have a busy lifestyle - it not only calms, but also provides the necessary energy.
  2. It is also useful for people suffering from insomnia. If you do not fall asleep well, be sure to add purple to the interior of the bedroom - changes in the quality of sleep will not be long in coming.
  3. Another plus of purple is that it helps to calm down before going to bed, stops the flow of thoughts, and helps to relax.
  4. Amazing purple helps to both relax and concentrate. It will help you focus if you need to pass some important test or exam tomorrow.
  5. Another interesting property of purple is that it suppresses the feeling of hunger, so it will be ideal for anyone who is losing weight.

Shades of purple - purple, fuchsia, burgundy, will not only please the eye, but also give your bedroom a sophisticated touch of style and novelty. Decide which ones you like best - light or dark, and apply the following tips:

  • If you settled on dark shades in which the walls will be painted, then you need to lighten the room with glass or silver additives, white accents. Keep in mind that dark purple can make a room look smaller.
  • Another great trick is to paint one of the walls purple. For example, the one that will be located behind the head of the bed. This will give the interior saturation, but will not overstrain with an abundance of color.
  • Visually enlarge the room will help light shades, such as lavender. It goes well with white nuances, for example, with glossy facades.
  • Light shades indoors will look good with a dark brown floor. This bedroom is a modern, feminine and elegant interior. Plus, it's very practical.

gray bedroom

Now it is very fashionable to decorate the interior in gray. But you have to be careful with him. It turns out that sleep in a gray bedroom is reduced by about an hour, which leads to lack of sleep and fatigue. Psychologists generally argue that people who are on the verge of psychological exhaustion strive for a gray interior. If you still really want a bedroom in these shades, then designers advise combining it with other shades:

  • If you decide to make gray walls, then the best combination for them will be an emphasis on beautiful furniture or textile elements. For a small bedroom, the wallpaper ornament should be chosen small, for a large one, you can take rolled material with large segments.
  • If the decoration does not imply a pattern, then zoning can be applied: one wall or part of it is done in a dark tone, the rest in lighter ones, or vice versa. So allocate piers, a wall with a window or a door, as well as an area near the bed. Moldings or decorative skirting boards in contrasting colors will help to distinguish between shades.
  • The ceiling in a gray bedroom is made much lighter than the walls, it can be pearl, silver gray or matte white, but not snow white, but rather creamy with a slight yellow or lemon tint. Such a tone softens and successfully sets off the dullness of the walls, does not cause “hospital” associations, and has a calming effect.

Style and color

When choosing the best color for the bedroom, designers are advised to consider how this or that shade will be combined with the overall style. And here are some tips:

  1. Beige, brown and milky shades are suitable for the classic style and the Modern direction. They can be successfully combined with dark or bright patches.
  2. If high-tech style is preferred, then its basic rules should be followed. That is, an abundance of metal and glass accents. It can be a combination of white, gray shades, black and red.
  3. Ethno-style requires caution. Many mistakenly choose wallpaper with a bright ornament for the walls. But such motifs are best used for decorating furniture and bed linen. The walls are better to paint in natural soft shades.
  4. Provence and Country are directions in which not only natural colors should be used, but also materials. If it is difficult to decide which colors are best to use in the bedroom, you should turn to nature and pay attention to its shades and textures.
  5. The Rococo style is replete with a large number of rich and noble shades. Brown, gold, ivory - all this can be combined with antiques.
  6. Oriental style is another option for those who cannot decide what color is best for the bedroom. Bright colors prevail here, with which you need to be careful. The walls can be either beige or red or green. Fantasies are clearly where to roam.


Today, construction companies offer a huge number of wallpapers of various textures and colors, which must be combined with furniture and other decorative elements in order to create a complete, and most importantly, cozy interior. If you approach the issue of color design in a complex way, then your bedroom will set you up for rest and relaxation for a long time.

What color to choose for the bedroom is a whole science. Practice shows that the wrong choice of gamut of shades can greatly affect well-being, and therefore other aspects of life, such as work, personal relationships and inner balance.

Many do not even suspect that the choice of the main room is a delicate matter that requires careful consideration. The choice should depend not only on your own preferences, and, moreover, you should not buy in a store or salon that furniture and decoration that you just like at first sight.
You need to learn in more detail how this or that shade affects the human psyche, and how it can affect healthy sleep and well-being:

  • Chromotherapy is a science that studies the influence of colors and their shades on the human psyche. And this influence is so significant that it often helps to cure serious mental illnesses.
  • Most often it is used in the creation of interiors. After all, this is a practice in the life of every person, and is the most unobtrusive way of influencing shades on his condition. Since interior colors cannot be completely neutral, and we are constantly forced to make a choice in one direction or another, we should pay more attention to the design of the bedroom.

Note. Often, many do not even think that the cause of excessive irritability, constant nervous breakdowns and headaches lies in the sharp and bright shades of furniture or walls. And the bedroom is a place where we open up as much as possible, give ourselves over to our thoughts and emotions, and, of course, want to fully relax from problems.

What colors are suitable for the bedroom is a question that not in vain worries everyone who decides to start a renovation in the bedroom, or equip it from scratch.

What colors will be optimal for the bedroom

All psychologists and designers agree that calm and soft shades are more suitable for the bedroom. More like pastels.
Therefore, even if preference is given only to red or other bright colors, it is better to replace them in the interior of the bedroom with calm variations:

  • The same red is perfectly replaced by coral, and green - by pastel light green, or - by a coniferous shade.

Advice. The same applies to all other colors. But, the harmony of shades is also an important factor. No designer will recommend an abundance of light or dark colors in the bedroom. They certainly need to be in harmony. As a result, to set up the inhabitants of the bedroom for complete psychological and physical relaxation, a calm and restful sleep.

  • Therefore, which colors are most suitable for decorating a bedroom will not always be relevant, the main thing is how to present them.

But according to the latest UK survey data, the majority of people prefer the following colors for their bedroom, claiming that they have a positive effect on the duration and quality of sleep:

  • Orange.
  • Gray (see).
  • Blue.
  • Yellow.
  • Green.

Note. And, psychologists confirm the opinion of the majority. It is these colors that help to calm the psyche and bring it into a calm state.

The most ideal for the bedroom is blue, since the retina of the human eye is most sensitive to it. Responding to blue color, the receptors send a signal to the part of the brain that is responsible for circadian rhythms.

A little more about the influence of blue

Quite in vain, shades of blue and blue prevail only in. And in the interiors of bedrooms for girls, as you know, preference is given to pink.

  • Regardless of the gender of the child, blue and blue have a positive effect on the duration of children's sleep. Surrounding the baby with these shades, parents obviously care about his mental state.
  • In addition, another popular color for the bedroom is white, which looks great with shades of blue.. This combination will always be stylish and relevant, and will fit into any modern interior.

Color calms and slows down the processes in the body, it is this factor that is the key to a calm and healthy sleep. Therefore, if the question arises, what color to paint the bedroom, these shades will be the most relevant.

What colors to make a bedroom?

Naturally, not everyone prefers shades of blue. If the question arises, in what color is it better to make a bedroom, you can use almost any shade.
The main thing is to know how to present them correctly.
Next - a little more about what colors are best to use in the bedroom:

  • Red color for the bedroom is clearly not the most relevant. But, its pure shade can be replaced with a softer one.
    Before giving preference to the red palette in the bedroom, you should consult with a specialist what modifications will ensure normal sleep and will not cause excessive irritability and lack of sleep. Darkened coral and its shades are perhaps the most suitable shades of red for the bedroom.
  • Yellow is the perfect color for creative minds. It contributes to the rapid restoration of strength and pushes restless people to further creation.
    That is why melancholics and simply calm individuals who are not prone to excessive activity may not feel too comfortable in the yellow bedroom.
  • Orange. Again, do not abuse its bright options. Orange is in the middle, between red and yellow.
    It is already suitable for both creative and active individuals, as well as for calmer ones. If it is difficult to decide what color is better to make a bedroom in orange shades, it is better to give preference to peach or apricot. But, in no case - not with tangerine shades, which only excite the psyche.
  • - one of the most relevant for the bedroom. It can be used as decoration of the rest room for a married couple.
    But, it should be remembered that the shades of pine needles soothe and help to relax after a hard day's work. But light green - on the contrary, excites the psyche and helps to increase human activity.

Brown and its shades can look great both as the main color of the bedroom and as auxiliary ones. Brown is the natural color of wood.
It dominates in expensive and noble furniture, because shades of brown in the bedroom can give the room a touch of aristocracy.

What colors should not be used in the design of the bedroom

With the question of what color should be in the bedroom, we sorted it out a bit. Now you should remember which colors you should not use. For example, the abuse of black can have an overwhelming effect on the human psyche.
And if its abundance is also combined with bright red, you can not count on normal sleep in your bedroom:

  • No matter how girls and girls love all shades of pink, you should not paint all the walls in it and use it only in the setting.

Advice. Even a light and pleasant pink color can negatively affect the psyche, being a constant irritant. Use it as a bedroom decoration should be normalized, diluting it with white, shades of lilac and blue.

  • As mentioned earlier, you should not make the bedroom too bright. It must be remembered that this is, first of all, a rest room.
  • If its owners like bright and rich colors, let them be minor parts of the interior, for example, inclusions in the picture, or flower vases.

It is necessary to give more preference to pastel and soft colors, because even they can make the bedroom elegant, or, on the contrary, unusual for perception.

How to coordinate the style and color of the bedroom

It is almost impossible to give preference to one or another range of colors without focusing on a particular style.
In order to avoid common mistakes, you should learn some rules about which color for the bedroom is better to choose so that it matches the style of the room:

  • Beige, brown and milky shades are suitable for the classic style and modern direction. They can be successfully combined with dark or bright patches.
  • If high-tech style is preferred, then its basic rules should be followed. That is, an abundance of metal and glass accents. It can be a combination of white, gray shades, black and red. Again - in normalized doses.
  • Ethno is a style with which you should be careful. Many mistakenly choose wallpaper with a bright ornament for the walls. But such motifs are best used for decorating furniture and bed linen. It is better to paint the walls in natural soft shades.
  • Provence and country are directions in which not only natural colors should be used, but also materials. If it is difficult to decide which colors are best to use in the bedroom, you should turn to nature and pay attention to its shades and textures.
  • The Rococo style is replete with a large number of rich and noble shades. Brown, gold, ivory - all this can be combined with antiques.

Oriental style is another way out for those who cannot decide what color is better to make the bedroom, or what color the spouses' bedroom should be. Bright colors prevail here, with which you need to be careful.
The walls can be either beige or red or green. Fantasies are clearly where to roam.

DIY bedroom and its price

Many mistakenly believe that a beautiful bedroom will certainly require significant costs. But the video in this article can tell you otherwise.
Detailed instructions on how to design a bedroom, what materials, colors and furniture to use will help make the bedroom not only beautiful, but also economical.

Good afternoon!

It is known that the colors for the bedroom are essential and affect the mental state of a person. Some of them cause a feeling of calmness, others, on the contrary, make you reach the maximum concentration and get a charge of vivacity. What are the best color solutions to implement in the bedroom, what to refuse, we will analyze in detail in this article.

What color to choose for the bedroom - the main factors

The color of the bedroom is a direct reflection of the inner state of the owner's soul, it becomes the driving force that sets the rhythm of life. The decor of the bedroom and the palette in which it is made lays the greatest imprint on the human psyche. This is the first message that we receive at the moment of awakening and the imprint that is embedded in us at the moment of falling asleep.

To choose the right palette for the bedroom, you need to take into account a huge number of factors from its dimensions to character traits.

All criteria can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Depending on the area - the smaller the room, the lighter and cooler the shades should be for its design.
  2. From the level of lighting - for spaces with poor lighting levels, the use of dark tones is unacceptable.
  3. The style of the room - certain colors are characteristic of a particular direction.
  4. psychological factor. The bedroom is a room where we should relax and its color should contribute to this.

Each of these factors, to a greater or lesser extent, should be considered when choosing a color scheme for a bedroom.

What psychologists say

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that each color evokes certain emotions and associations in us.
What exactly should be the colors of the bedroom in order to have a beneficial effect on our consciousness is far from an obvious question.

To make the right choice, you need to take into account several indicators at once, from personal preferences to the climate zone, aspirations and goals of a particular person.

Conventionally, the following combinations can be distinguished:

  • to increase efficiency and believe in your own strength, you should give preference to a beige-coffee palette, a mix of gray and ivory;
  • sand, orange, yellow-pastel colors will contribute to the charge of vivacity;
  • relax and cool blue, blue and green;
  • A mix of white and beige will help relieve tension and get rid of stress.

As for black, red, purple and pure white spaces, there are many conflicting theories. They are united by the recommendation not to use such shades in their pure form, but to dilute them.

Pure red excites and excites. This palette is best left for another room.

Orange has a positive effect on mood and causes a surge of vitality. Its light shades will be successful for children's rooms.

Yellow color has a positive effect on mood and performance.

Green is soothing.

Blue reduces activity and relaxes. This palette is beneficial for tense and irritable people.

Blue lowers efficiency and promotes a philosophical mood.

Violet causes a decrease in efficiency, a slowdown in life processes and even the development of depression.

A feeling of warmth and restraint will give a brown palette.

The black palette will lower the mood and performance.

Gray in dark colors can be oppressive.

White is calm and even tone and maintains stability.

For a melancholic bedroom, preference should be given to blue tones.

Green shades have a beneficial effect on phlegmatic people.

Sanguine people are close to the yellow palette, and you can somewhat reduce their stormy temperament with a splash of purple.

You can compensate for the temperament of the choleric with blue and green. He will be comfortable in the red palette, if you choose its soft variations.

feng shui rules

The best bedroom color options can be chosen based on interpretation. There are certain recommendations that will help determine the choice of palette.

The color of the walls for the bedroom according to Feng Shui depends on its location. For the bedroom of the southeast or east side, the green color is very harmonious.

The southwest, center and northeast require brown tones and the palette of the Earth.

For the south side, preference should be given to red.

Northern rooms should be decorated in blue. However, it needs to be diluted.

All shades of Feng Shui for the bedroom should be muted. In any combination, you need to find the red elements that are responsible for marital harmony.

Dependence on the cardinal points

Bedroom color schemes can also be dictated by the location of the room.

By choosing the right color combinations, you can compensate for the lack of lighting or neutralize excessive radiation.

All colors can be divided into cold and warm shades. For northern and poorly lit rooms, choose shades of a warm palette that will have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

If the windows of the room face south, choose cool tones. The blue color will give a feeling of coolness.

Lack of lighting can occur even if the windows face south. For poorly lit rooms, you should choose light colors that will visually make the room brighter and more spacious.

What color to paint the bedroom - the optimal range of colors

The color scheme for the bedroom also largely depends on the excellent preferences of the owner.

However, there are certain most successful shades for this room. Numerous teachings and opinions of psychologists tend to suggest that soft shades are suitable for the bedroom.

Even if you love reds and bright colors, choose a more neutral version of them.

Favorable for the bedroom are: orange, gray, blue, yellow, green, blue, brown, beige.

It is very good to combine them with white.

How to combine colors in the interior of the bedroom

To create successful color combinations in the bedroom interior, you need to know the basic principles and laws of their mixing and use. This will help to make the principle of contrasts when opposite shades are selected.

Solid or monochrome option involves the use of shades of the same color within the design of the room.

A mixed type of combination in which the main palette and additional details are selected. In this case, harmoniously perform three-quarters in the main shade, add twenty percent of the dilution tone and give five percent to the accents.

Organic combinations

Organic color combinations for the bedroom are considered to be a certain number of combinations.

White color is successfully combined with pastel shades, black, gray, gold, cream.

Gray can work with cool blues, greens, warm yellows, oranges and reds, or black and white.

Black is combined with orange and red, gold, purple and green.

Red can be diluted with gold and brown. It is not recommended to make it dominant.

Orange will make a good combination with white, brown, blue, green, purple and even pink.

For rooms with low light, this color is ideal.

Yellow can be combined with brown, purple, light green, orange, white and gray tones. It will bring sunshine to the room.

Green looks good in combinations with yellow, brown, pink and black and white tones.

Pink loves pastel colors, beige and blue shades.

Blue can be combined with all colors except purple and black. This combination is bad for the psyche.

If you decide on purple in the bedroom, dilute it with white, beige, yellow, orange or green.

Brown goes well with yellow, orange, turquoise, green, all shades of beige and black.

Contrasting combinations

If you choose to use contrast, use softer tones.

The most common and successful combinations:

  • turquoise and green;
  • gray and purple;
  • red with blue;
  • turquoise and beige;
  • pink with green;
  • yellow and berry red;
  • brown with orange;
  • blue and red;
  • yellow and black.


When using patterns for the bedroom, you should remember an important rule: the more complex the pattern, the softer the shade.

Bright patterns in the bedroom are acceptable for one of the walls. This is usually the head of the bed.

Patterns should be in harmony with the main color of the palette. Only gentle and uncomplicated drawings that cause peace should be used.

Combinations with furniture

The color should be in harmony with the tone of the furniture. The best option is the choice of colors in the same palette with the bed, wardrobe and other items.

If the bedroom suite is in light natural shades, bright colors are acceptable.

Dark furniture is combined with light pastel shades and a light delicate palette.

How to coordinate the style and color of the bedroom

The choice of color for the bedroom will largely depend on the stylistic direction.

For you should give preference to white, cream, pastel and golden tones.

White color is almost universal and will suit any direction from classic to.

If you are focusing on eco-style, African or Moroccan motifs, choose beige, gray, light brown in combination with natural tones of green.

Delicate pastel colors and natural brown shades will become an integral part of the country style.

The best colors for a small bedroom

Small spaces have certain requirements for the color scheme when they are designed.

A small bedroom in a dark color will look dull and gloomy. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to light colors.

The ideal colors for a small bedroom would be a light and pastel palette. You can experiment with bright and sunny colors like yellow and orange in their more neutral form.

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Color plays a huge role in shaping the style, atmosphere and mood of the bedroom, each shade has its own influence on a person, so when choosing a palette, many factors must be taken into account. In this room, everything should contribute to relaxation, quality rest and sleep, flashy and ultra-bright colors in the interior of the bedroom should be avoided.

Calm shades are preferable, which help to concentrate vital energy and restore inner harmony. Next, we will figure out what color the bedroom should be, and find out what psychologists, designers and Feng Shui experts advise.

auspicious colors

The segment of the color palette for the bedroom is quite wide: from saturated bright to very light, pastel colors, and the choice depends on the design style, geometric features, the location of the room relative to the cardinal points, but mainly on the personality psychotype.

According to the general recommendation of experts, favorable colors for the bedroom are pale, pastel colors: beige, powder, creamy, natural muted palette: sand, blue, green, some shades of brown, yellow and orange. It is better if the main wall decoration is monochrome, using 2 colors, a maximum of three, highlighting the accent wall with beautiful wallpaper, unusual materials, or photo wallpapers depicting a landscape or flowers.

The combination of colors in the bedroom, a photo of how to use different shades of the same palette segment correctly

Advice: Cold shades will bring coolness to a bedroom located on the sunny side, but even they should be balanced with a warm color in accents. For shaded rooms, a warm spectrum is recommended.

How to choose the main color for decorating the bedroom

Designers insist that no more than seven colors should be present in one room, here you should consider:

  • decoration of walls, floor, ceiling;
  • the whole range of shades of textiles - curtains, bed linen, pillows;
  • color of furniture and accessories.

The optimal solution is to choose 2 conceptual colors, for example, the floor is wenge, the walls are lilac, all other furnishings and decor should be selected to match, darker or lighter, but in this range of palettes.

So, furniture can also be wenge, curtains and textiles - from pink to purple. To make the bedroom interior more expressive, it is recommended to add a few bright or contrasting spots to the monochrome finish, but not more than 10% of the entire surface area, these can be vases, picture frames, a blanket, partially upholstered furniture, a pillow case, colored lamps and etc.

Monochrome color scheme of the bedroom, photo of competent placement of accents

  • loft - white, gray (concrete), terracotta (brick);
  • classic - walls in light colors: beige, very pale green, coffee with milk, in rococo - white combined with gold, in classicism - dark brown or black with silver or white;
  • Mediterranean - sand, yellow, white and blue, including rich, azure, turquoise;
  • modern - almost all colors are acceptable, but in the bedroom you should choose a muted segment;
  • high-tech - white, black, here the emphasis is on the glossy texture of surfaces;
  • minimalism and eco-style - calm natural shades;
  • oriental directions - it is recommended to balance bright colors with a dark background, such a design solution is suitable for creative natures who are not afraid of expression;
  • Japanese - beige and dark brown;
  • Provence - white, very light gray, pale shades of green, pink, blue.

The dark color of the walls in the bedroom, a photo example of how to effectively play on contrasts

Important: For the design of small bedrooms, it is better to use a light palette. For low rooms - a vertical strip in the decoration, for narrow ones - a horizontal one.

Psychology and Feng Shui

Feng Shui bedroom colors should be soothing, conducive to relaxation and accumulation of vitality. Best suited for decoration: beige, cream, pistachio, ivory, gray, for boys - calm light green and blue, for girls - pale pink and powdery.

But calm color schemes for the bedroom often seem boring, and modern interiors require the implementation of new, original ideas. To decide in what colors to make the bedroom, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of color perception:

  • Red is an aggressive color, suitable for temperamental natures, this color helps to create an atmosphere of intimacy. Bordeaux is suitable for the bedroom, it is better not to use bright shades and scarlet as the main background, they do not contribute to the restoration of energy, it will not be possible to relax in such an environment.
  • Yellow is an ambiguous color, it increases vitality and promotes the development of creative energy. The best colors for the bedroom are pale and dusty shades of yellow for the main finishes, a bright segment for details.
  • Blue - relaxes and calms, it would seem a great option, but it slows down the psychological processes in the body, which does not contribute to sexual energy, so this palette is recommended to be used in doses.
  • Green is considered one of the most harmonious colors for the bedroom, it will create an atmosphere of relaxation, relax, and help in the concentration of vitality. This is the only wall color in the bedroom that all experts advocate.
  • Lilac, purple - relieve irritation and anxiety, develop intuitive thinking, suitable for sophisticated and creative natures, but with business acumen. Colors reconcile opposites, pacify and dispose to inner harmony.
  • Black / white - it is not recommended to use them in their pure form in the bedroom, it is better to dilute them with other colors or use them as accents. Only in rare cases, for extraordinary natures, for example, if the interior is in the style of gothic or high-tech.

Even classic interiors will sound in a new way if they are made in extraordinary colors.

Good to know: the texture of the material significantly affects the color, for example, a matte and pebbled surface will make the shade softer, the gloss looks cold.

The combination of colors in the interior of the bedroom

It is quite obvious that everyone chooses the best colors for the bedroom on their own, guided by the style of the interior and the temperament of the individual. We also found out that the color of the walls in the bedroom should be monochrome, and for greater expressiveness it is recommended to add a few accent spots. Here it is important to correctly not only color, but also the tone of the shade:

  • gray is combined with olive, pink, lilac, muted yellow, turquoise;
  • red will look good with warm beige and cream, with gold, it can be in contrast with white or black;
  • sand, yellow, blue, white, green - the ideal solution for creating light, natural and original styles.