How to make a cozy rented apartment - ideas that will come in handy. How to make a rented apartment a real Home: five budget ideas How and what to make a removable panel

For one reason or another, many car owners believe that their car just needs window tinting, how to do it yourself is described. However, not everyone has a certain amount of money to purchase factory tinting. What to do then? Make a removable tint with your own hands. After all, the technology of its production is not so sophisticated, so as not to figure it out on your own (although the work is quite painstaking and not the easiest, so it is better to have an assistant in this matter). And if the desire to tint glass and at the same time be able to dismantle the tint so as not to attract problems with traffic police is very great, then you have definitely come to the right place.

So, you will need:

  • polyester sheet 0.5 mm thick;
  • tint film;
  • knife + replaceable blades to it;
  • pencil or other marking tool;
  • metal scissors or those that can create a lot of pressure;
  • distillation for smoothing the film;
  • spray;
  • a flat and clean surface (you can use thick glass, laying it on the table) for applying a film to plastic.

When everything is prepared, you can get to work.

Step-by-step instructions for installing removable tinting with your own hands.

1. First of all, you need to remove the pattern from the glass. To do this, disassemble the doors and dismantle the glass. For patterns, you can use tracing paper. Attach it with double-sided tape to the glass, and then circle the contour along the sealing rubber bands. Next, cut out the pattern along the marked line.

2. The next step will be work on the manufacture of the template and blanks. You need to transfer the removed pattern to a sheet, for example, drawing paper or other thick paper and fit the resulting dense pattern to the exact dimensions of the glass by inserting the cut paper between the glass and the seals in the cabin.

3. Having achieved perfect accuracy, cut out the plastic blanks using metal scissors, according to the pattern made. Treat imperfect edges with sandpaper or sandpaper.

4. Apply tinting to the resulting blanks. Cut out three contours of plastic blanks from the tint film (in case one of them is damaged). Peel off the protective layer on one side of the polyester and allow it a little time before the static effect disappears so that the film does not bubble.

5. After 15 minutes, using a spray bottle, moisten the surface of the workpiece with soapy water. Do the same with the tinting film, removing the protective layer from it. Next, attach the tint film to the workpiece and smooth it over the surface with the help of distillation. Aligning, constantly moisten the surface of the film. Then, using a knife (drawing it clearly along the edge of the plastic), cut off the remaining film along the contour. In the same way, apply a tint film to all blanks. Dry the finished products for 2 hours. When the first side is dry, do the same procedure on the reverse side.

6. Achieve the required level of light transmission when choosing a film for tinting. Keep in mind that by applying a film with 35% light transmission on both sides, you will get 15-18 percent light transmission. And further. Before use, let the removable tinting stand for several days so that the film sticks as firmly as possible. Otherwise, the service life of tinting will be significantly reduced.

Many drivers are struggling with the dilemma - to install tinting and put your head on your shoulders at the sight of each patrol post, or to leave the windows intact and at the same time endure the sunlight that hits your eyes and the curious looks of passers-by? A useful invention, which is called a new generation of removable tinting, will help to solve this problem in one fell swoop. And this is not in vain, because it not only masks the interior of the cabin, but will also be available for dismantling at any convenient time. Well, the decisive argument can be called the fact that in our time it is quite possible to make a removable tint with your own hands.

In order to understand the principle of manufacturing, you must first determine what exactly such a film is. So, reusable removable tinting is a sheet of translucent material that is cut out in the shape of glass, on which it will be glued. In order to attach such a tint to the surface, for the most part, a soap solution in a spray bottle is used. When the product is on the glass and is well leveled, the water dries up and then the film is held due to static. That is why you can attach and remove a new generation of removable tinting at any time.

Thanks to the functional features of such a product, you get many advantages:

  • The film prevents up to 70% of the sun's rays from entering the cabin. This is doubly necessary, because in addition to the fact that the light prevents the driver from following the road, in hot weather the interior very often overheats, as a result of which the upholstery burns out, and the temperature inside the dashboard rises significantly. A simple film will help protect your interior from all these harmful effects.
  • Removable tinting does not create a mirror effect and does not let prying eyes inside the cabin. In addition, with such a film, it becomes much more difficult to break the glass, since it holds it to some extent. The same applies to accidents - if the window breaks, the fragments will not fall on passengers only thanks to the existing tinting.
  • If you are afraid that burglars will be attracted by things left in the car or an expensive audio system, you will be much calmer with a film, because it will reliably hide the contents of the cabin.

On the other hand, some types of tinting adversely affect the visibility from the inside, make the glass cloudy, and the image blurry. Such an effect can be observed in the first days of the film's operation, and may remain throughout the entire period of its use.

But this is the least of the evils, because a well-chosen product will not create such problems. And in order to provide really high-quality tinting for your car, you need to know which materials are the most optimal in our case.


A wide variety of polymeric materials are used for production. However, from the list of those that can be obtained for making with your own hands, there are only a few types of products.

One of the most popular and in demand is a material with the complex name polyethylene terephthalate. In "everyday life" it is also called verolight, the simplest and abbreviated name is PET. According to reviews, removable PET tinting is characterized by good adhesion (adhesion) and a wide operating range. The whole problem is that it is not so easy to get such high-quality material, since it is used only in industry and is sold in huge volumes, which it makes no sense to buy if you decide to just make a removable tint on your forehead.

That is why enterprising car enthusiasts go the other way and purchase A-PET, which is made in China. As a rule, Chinese products are not of high quality and this case is no exception. The operating temperature regime of such material is limited, and the period of use is not too long. To understand better what the problem is, it is enough just to know that standard plastic bottles are made from A-PET, only flat sheets are used for machines. You can buy such raw materials in a printing house or an advertising agency, while even the largest sheet will cost you quite inexpensively.

In addition to PET, home-made reusable removable tinting uses plexiglass and other available materials, such as ASWF or D-C-FIX film. However, the resulting properties and disadvantages are always about the same. Some quick-release car tints can only be applied with water, while others require a soapy solution. There are some that can break during the first removal, but these are products of the worst quality. In order to avoid the last troubles, it is better to use hard removable tinting.

Another fairly common option is car window tinting made of silicone. The special charm of such a film is that a wide variety of toning shades are available for sale. Thus, we are seeing a fairly large selection of bases for materials with which you can make a removable tint with your own hands. And if you have decided, then it's time to study the process itself.

How to make it yourself

Making a decent removable car window tint at home is quite simple.

  • To do this, you first need to find a template that would fit both the front removable tint and the side windows.
  • Then you need to transfer this form to the draft material and only then to PET. Even the toughest removable tinting should not have a thickness of more than 0.75 millimeters, otherwise it will provoke constant difficulties in its installation.
  • If you haven't found a decent tint template, this video will show you how to make one using the car glass itself. You can remove the seal and attach a draft from the outside, or you can dismantle the glass itself and circle it on the floor. The first option is definitely easier.
  • After the draft template is ready, you need to try it on the glass one more time, and if everything fits the shape, then you can transfer the shape to the film.
  • Next, you need to get rid of the special protective layer on the sheet and tint the glass in the most common way - that is, using a soap solution. This process is quite simple: first, the glass is thoroughly cleaned using standard household chemicals, wiped dry, and then a soapy solution is applied to its surface. To do this, we need a spray gun with a small sprinkler. When the surface is processed, you can attach the film.

It must be carefully leveled using a soft rubber spatula. When the product dries, the reusable removable tinting will be ready for use. Of course, such a procedure will have to be done every time after dismantling the film, however, in its simplicity and low cost, the new generation of removable tinting cannot be compared with anything.

It can be concluded that the purchase of such a simple product as a reusable tinting film can greatly simplify the driver's life. In addition, if you know how to make a removable tint with your own hands, then you no longer have to spend money on the services of professionals.

Video "Do-it-yourself removable tinting"

This video shows the procedure for creating and installing a do-it-yourself removable tint film.

In Russian practice, economy-class rented housing rarely has a design solution and euro-repair. Usually it is old furniture and redecoration, perhaps not even fresh. At the same time, a rented apartment for many becomes a non-temporary dwelling, one can live in it for decades, but often during this time it is never settled to the end. Why? Firstly, there is a feeling that housing is not one’s own, that one can move out of it at any time, which means why invest effort and money to remake it for oneself? Secondly, there is constraint in the form of the will of the owners. Someone will calmly react that you will change everything, but someone needs to call before every hammered nail.

But this is no reason to look at cracks in the plaster for several years and put up with Soviet furniture. We have compiled for you a kind of instruction on the transformation of rented housing in budgetary and harmless ways. All ideas are suitable for easy changes in your own apartment.

Step one: get rid of the excess.

Many owners rent an apartment not only with furniture, but also with its filling. Old books, figurines and other trinkets, as well as pieces of furniture you do not need, can be given to the landlord. If the owners do not want to take them, carefully put everything in boxes and put it away. Let it be better on the shelves to be spacious, but only those things that have some meaning to you or are ideally suited to the interior will stand on them.

Even if order was put in place for your move, during all the turmoil and analysis of things, dust still accumulated. Do a general cleaning - in the process you will just understand what you need to buy or change.

Step two: decide the fate of the furniture.

If among the furnishings provided by the owners there is a necessary piece of furniture, for example, a coffee table, but you don’t like it outwardly, then it can be replaced or transformed. In order not to go broke, a prettier and more comfortable piece of furniture can be bought on or in a thrift store. When moving, it will be possible to sell it in the same way and lose almost nothing.

If you are purchasing furniture that will travel with you to your next habitat, look first for compact and foldable options. They are easier to transport and can be placed in any configuration of housing. Ikea has a lot of lightweight folding and inexpensive furniture.

If the furniture that comes with the apartment is not so easy to get rid of, you can bring it to a decent look. Wood furniture can be helped by maintenance, such as a new coat of varnish or wax. Remodeling furniture can also be harmless: buy new bright drawer handles or print a stylish pattern on cardboard and attach it to the back of the shelving unit.

A good option is to seal problem areas with stickers or put something on top.

We'll talk more about how to mask the imperfections of furniture and all surfaces in the apartment in the next step, which will start tomorrow. Do not miss!

Car - a trend that is present on the pages of almost every automotive site. And such information is by no means accidental. To date, most motorists have chosen such a solution as removable tinting. With your own hands, such an action is quite doable.

Detailed description of tinting

Do-it-yourself removable tinting is carried out as follows. For this procedure, we will need:

  1. A-PET sheet, the thickness of which should be from 0.5 to 1 millimeter.
  2. Glass mold.
  3. Film for toning.
  4. Stationery knife, scissors with a lot of pressure.
  5. Distillation, which are designed to smooth the film.

What is the manufacturing process

If you do not know how to make removable tinting, then it is worth noting that the process begins with the removal of patterns. They can be purchased from tinters. But if this failed, then there is an opportunity to do everything yourself. To do this, take a transparent layer of film, which is intended for the toning procedure. Moisten it with soapy water and smooth it well over the surface of the glass. After that, it should be carefully cut along the seal and glass. Instead of a film, there is an option to use tracing paper and double-sided tape. Everything, the pattern is in full readiness. In the future, we transfer the finished pattern to the surface of the drawing paper and carry out the process of cutting it out. After that, it is possible to finalize the pattern on the machine itself. Each edge of the Whatman paper must exactly coincide with each edge of the glass. After the template has been brought to an ideal state, you need to transfer it to the surface of the plastic blank and carry out the cutting process. The best option for the cutting process would be to use metal shears, as they will leave less burrs as a result. This process is considered quite tedious, but it has the status of one of the most responsible during the entire production.

Applying tint film

Do-it-yourself removable tinting is created after plastic parts with the desired shape have been obtained. For the direct pasting process, you will need a knife, distillation and a spray bottle with soapy water. We make a rectangular pattern from the film, referring to the format of the pasted plastic. But before that, you should leave a margin of a couple of centimeters on each side. After that, it is necessary to remove the protective layer from the plastic and wait about ten minutes. You need to wait for the moment when the static effect disappears. In the future, it will be necessary to moisten the plastic with a soapy solution and attach a moistened tint film to it. Now it’s worth starting the finishing work, after which you will have a removable tinted car windows.

Finishing work

After that, we begin to carry out the distillation of water. After wetting the film on the outside, we carry out the work without pressure. And then with the help of strong pressure we complete the process. It is only necessary to cut the film along the contour of the plastic. Similar work is done with another piece of plastic. It is recommended to wait a couple of days before using the tint film. Do-it-yourself removable tinting is a budget solution to the issue, but still it will require certain financial costs. It is also worth considering that it may not last very long.

Faded wallpaper, an old sofa, a leaky faucet in the bathroom - this is what the phrase “rental apartment” is often associated with. But if you show a little diligence and imagination, any apartment can be made clean and comfortable. Many owners rent apartments in excellent condition, with good repairs, which do not require investments. But for their rent will have to pay a rather large amount every month.

At the same time, there are simple secrets and ways to ennoble your modest rented home that do not require significant cash injections. Easy Useful shares with you tips on how to turn a rented apartment into a cozy home.

Step 1. Throw out the trash

First of all, you need to talk with the owners of the apartment and find out if they consider it acceptable to throw away some items that seem unnecessary to the tenants, whether they are allowed to make cosmetic repairs, buy furniture, rearrange.

It is not uncommon for people to use apartments that they do not temporarily live in as a warehouse for unnecessary things. It is necessary to decide whether it is possible to get rid of at least part of the rubbish, or to offer to move them to another place, for example, to a garage.

Perhaps a lot of garbage was left by the previous tenants. These can be old boxes, broken boxes, non-working small appliances, discarded clothes.

After getting rid of the trash in the apartment, it becomes easier to breathe, free space is freed up, which can be rationally used.

Step 2. Light cosmetic repairs

On sale you can find cute wallpapers at an inexpensive price. As a rule, paper wallpapers have the lowest cost. It will take only 1-2 days to paste over the room, but the room will immediately take on a neater look.
How to deal with the ceiling? Stretch ceilings almost always look like new, no effort is required. If the ceiling is simple, it can be whitewashed or painted with paint.

Shabby floors can be covered with a new coat of paint or covered with an inexpensive carpet. It is important to understand the principle: budget materials can also look neat. However, you should choose only natural products made of wood, paper, textiles. Plastic panels and cheap linoleum not only do not ennoble the room, but can also be harmful to health.

Step 3. Updating the fittings

Every day we touch switches, sockets, door handles several times. Very often, these items are not only old, but also broken. Their replacement will be inexpensive, but will give housing newness. All sockets and switches must be in good working order - this is a simple safety rule.

You can also update the faucets in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Comfort in an apartment is made up of little things, and such an insignificant thing at first glance as a dripping faucet will nullify all efforts. If you do not want to "give" the owners a new expensive faucet, do not throw away the old one. Put it back when you leave.

It is important to make sure that all the doors of cabinets and lockers are not loose: you need to tighten the bolts, lubricate the hinges so that an unpleasant creak is not heard. If it is difficult to do it yourself, there is no problem in calling the wizard.

Step 4. Decor elements

To create coziness, you can purchase a small coffee table, a couple of ottomans. When there is a soft covering on the floor, it immediately creates a feeling of comfort. There is always a choice - to buy one medium-sized carpet or several small ones. If you can’t afford a new product, you can make a do-it-yourself rug from scraps of fabric using master classes from the Internet.

Walls can be decorated with vinyl stickers. They do not damage the wallpaper and can change the room beyond recognition. Many choose stickers in the form of plant elements, butterflies.

Particular attention should be paid to the design of windows. New curtains instantly transform the room. Their color scheme should be in harmony with the rest of the design of the apartment. Lightweight fabrics made from eco-friendly materials look beautiful and modern. Window design is a very exciting activity: you can make multilayer curtains, hang them asymmetrically, experiment with lambrequins. The contrasting color combination of curtains and sofa cushions looks especially impressive.
Decorating a rented apartment is a real high point for needlewomen. With your own hands, you can knit a tablecloth for a table, various napkins, sew a blanket from small patches using the patchwork technique, hang embroidered paintings on the walls.

Step 5: Lighting

It is important that the apartment has good lighting. You can buy powerful but inexpensive chandeliers for the ceiling light, and a few wall lights. They can be turned on in the evening - the light from them will be soft and muffled. If one of the family members works a lot at the computer, table lamps will be needed.

If you want to visually expand the space in the room, you can use mirrors. They will make the room visually more spacious and bright. In addition, the mirror can be framed in a beautiful handmade frame.

Step 6. Pleasant little things

Little things create a unique atmosphere. If there are children in the family, you can hang their drawings on the walls, arrange crafts. Shared family photos will also please the eye.
Do not forget about indoor flowers. Unpretentious plants not only delight with beauty, but also purify the air, saturate it with oxygen. Some can be placed on window sills, others on a coffee table. Wall climbing plants look very impressive. Growing and breeding flowers can turn into a real hobby.

New potholders and towels in a single color scheme will give an elegant look to the kitchen. In the bathroom, you can also update the necessary little things - buy a new soap dish, stand for toothbrushes and paste, hooks for towels, toilet paper holder.

Step 7 Fragrances

It's always nice to come back to a house that smells good. Knowing how to choose fragrances for your home is a real art. On sale there are various aromatic lamps, candles and sticks, essential oils. With their help, you can fill your home with various pleasant aromas - fresh, fruity, herbal.
Be sure to pay attention to bottle labels: you only need natural oils, not just liquid with chemical flavors.

To feel at home in a rented home from the very first days, you need to fill it with things that are dear to you. It can be a blanket sewn with your own hands, a few favorite soft toys, a vase dear to your heart. However, the primary condition that will make the house cozy is cleanliness, so it is important to keep the bathroom and kitchen in order, put things in their places and do wet cleaning regularly. Follow these tips, and even a rented house will be your own!