What is plastic fittings for? Characteristics and types of plastic reinforcement for the foundation. The main nuances of products

What is the purpose of plastic fittings? Why do foundation reinforcement? These questions are relevant for beginners in the construction business, let's try to find out the pros and cons of using reinforcement in modern construction. Plastic reinforcement for the foundation in the construction industry has been used for a long time. With its help, you can increase the strength of concrete structures. Basically, reinforcement is made of durable steel with excellent technical parameters. Plastic reinforcement is 7-8 times stronger than concrete itself. By placing reinforcement bars in concrete, it is possible to obtain a monolithic system, the service life of which is several decades.

Varieties of material to strengthen the foundation

Plastic rods for the foundation have appeared in the construction industry relatively recently. Basically, reinforcing bars are made of steel. Depending on the degree of ribbing, a profiled and smooth shape is distinguished.

Advice! In the case when it is necessary to evenly distribute the load, use a ribbed shape.

To give a certain design the desired shape, smooth reinforcement is used.


Plastic fittings for the foundation are actively promoted in the modern construction market today. Not all professionals recommend this material to strengthen the foundation. Plastic reinforcement: pros and cons, we should talk about them in detail in order to analyze the effectiveness of using this material in construction.

Plastic does not conduct electricity, so plastic fittings are suitable for arranging grounding. Its weight is 4-5 times less than the mass of steel counterparts. This material is offered to consumers in special bays.

Steel bars are shaped directly on the construction site. With polymeric materials, such actions will not work. If you need irregularly shaped plastic rods for arranging the foundation, you must order them in advance from the factory.

Attention! It is impossible to change the shape of polymer reinforcement on your own.

Plastic fittings, reviews of which can be found on construction sites, are made from a high-molecular compound of organic origin, which provides this material with chemical resistance to aggressive substances. Plastic does not collapse if excess moisture enters the concrete. If all the technological requirements for this material are observed, the resulting structure will retain its original characteristics for decades. We also note the disadvantages of this material.

Plastic melts at a temperature of 200-300 degrees, and the melting point of steel is 600 degrees. The foundation, made of concrete with the addition of plastic reinforced reinforcement, will sag after a short period of time. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the elongation coefficient, which exceeds its value for steel by 10-11 times. Sagging is also observed during the arrangement of the strip foundation.

Advice! If you plan to build a monolithic two-story house, it is better to use classic steel reinforcement.

About the parameters of the material for creating the foundation

When choosing a material for the foundation, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the soil, the material of the walls and roof. When determining the diameter, the flowability of the soil, the degree of its freezing in winter, the mass of the structure being built are analyzed. Fiberglass rods involve the use of rods made of durable glass fibers.

The main advantages of this material, highlighted by consumers, are low weight and high strength. Fiberglass reinforcement is used as an alternative to metal structures. The advantage of plastic rods is their resistance to the corrosion process. There are two varieties of such a polymeric material: basalt and polymer reinforcement. The polymer base has an insignificant weight, it is mainly used in individual construction. Fiberglass material is a composite rod, characterized by low weight. Its main purpose is to strengthen and bond concrete structures.

When using reinforcement of this type, they strengthen structures on a solid foundation, and also reinforce unstressed concrete foundations. Fiberglass rods are suitable for aerated concrete, asphalt concrete. Reviews indicate that such a material has practically no disadvantages, so they may well become an alternative for heavy steel structures. Such reinforcement can be used in the construction of unforeseen structures. Owners of summer cottages acquire such rods to create supports for plants.

About characteristics

A fiberglass rod has the following characteristics:

  • spiral pitch parameters;
  • Weight Limit;
  • inner and outer diameter.

In the manufacture of reinforcement of this type, the following numbering is used: 4, 5, 5; 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 14, 18. These numbers match the outer diameter parameters. When changing the profile number, the weight of the structure changes, as well as the parameters of the outer diameter.

Attention! The value of the profile step is unchanged, it is 1.5 cm.

The mass of the rod is calculated taking into account the profile number. This parameter is in the range of 0.02 - 0.42 kg per linear meter. There are several elements in the composition of the composite rod. The first part is presented in the form of the main trunk. It is made of fibers placed in parallel, combined into one structure with the help of a polymer resin. The video provides interesting information about polymer reinforcement

This part of the structure is responsible for strength. The second element of fiberglass reinforcement is fibrous raw material. It is presented in the form of sand spraying or winding in two directions. The advantages of this material is that it is offered to customers in the form of huge bays. As needed, they are deployed, making the rod suitable for certain construction tasks. Fiberglass reinforcement is transported horizontally.

In modern industrial and private construction, steel reinforcement is increasingly being replaced with polymer rods. Fiberglass has such a quality as elasticity, so the fiberglass rod significantly reduces the weight of the foundation, and without losing the operational characteristics of the foundation. Fiberglass reinforcement has low thermal conductivity, so it is suitable for tying multilayer wall masonry, carrying out inter-row reinforcement of masonry. Corrosion resistance allows the use of fiberglass material for strip-type concrete foundations.


The main reviews of fiberglass reinforcement are positive, so this material has a wide range of applications. Currently, this material is used to perform the reinforcement of many porous materials, such as aerated concrete. At a cost, polymer rods are significantly lower than steel analogues, which attracts an increasing number of consumers. Currently distinguished:

  • lightweight structures (greenhouses, fences);
  • structures of medium gravity (capital two-story buildings, stone fences);
  • heavy structures (buildings with 3-4 floors).

Any modern construction is associated with the use of reinforcement. This building element must connect the individual elements of the structure, strengthen the monolith of the base material, and fix the facing material on the wall.

In connection with the development of nanotechnology, traditional materials are giving way to new composite materials created from polymeric chemicals. Plastic reinforcement is placed in the concrete mixture during direct pouring in order to strengthen the monolithic concrete structure. To increase adhesion, eliminate the risk of cavities and pores, vibration equipment is used at the point of direct contact. In addition, shaft-type polymer reinforcement is used to fix the mesh, which prevents the collapse of rocks, strengthens shaft vaults and walls. Fiberglass materials perfectly resist aggressive environments, so it has gained popularity in the construction industry.

The main advantages of composite reinforcement are its low weight, high tensile strength, high chemical and corrosion resistance, low thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion coefficient, and the fact that it is a dielectric. High tensile strength, which is much higher than that of steel reinforcement with equal diameter, allows the use of composite reinforcement of a smaller diameter instead of steel.

You can’t even imagine how beneficial the use of fiberglass reinforcement is! The economic gain from its use is made up of a number of factors, and by no means just the difference in cost between a running meter of steel and composite reinforcement.

Feel free to look at the full description of the factors that make up your savings in money, time, man-hours, electricity, consumables, etc. in the article "SAVINGS FROM THE USE OF COMPOSITE REINFORCEMENTS"

But, it must be remembered that composite reinforcement has significant disadvantages. Most Russian manufacturers do not advertise these disadvantages, although any civil engineer can notice them on their own. The main disadvantages of any composite reinforcement are the following:

  • the modulus of elasticity of composite reinforcement is almost 4 times lower than that of steel reinforcement even with the same diameter (in other words, it bends easily). For this reason, it can be used in foundations, road slabs, etc., but the use in ceilings requires additional calculations;
  • when heated to a temperature of 600 ° C, the compound that binds the fibers of the reinforcement softens so much that the reinforcement completely loses its elasticity. To increase the resistance of the structure to fire in the event of a fire, it is required to take additional measures for the thermal protection of structures in which composite reinforcement is used;
  • composite reinforcement, unlike steel, cannot be welded by electric welding. The solution is to install steel tubes (at the factory) at the ends of the reinforcing bars, to which it will already be possible to apply electric welding;
  • such reinforcement cannot be bent directly on the construction site. The solution is to manufacture reinforcing bars of the required shape at the factory according to the customer's drawings;


Despite the fact that all types of composite reinforcement are a fairly new material on the Russian construction market. Its application has great prospects. Today, it can be safely used in low-rise construction, in foundations of various types, in road slabs and other similar structures. However, for its use in multi-storey construction, in bridge structures, etc. — it is required to take into account its physical and chemical features even at the stage of preparation for designing.

A curious fact - reinforcement in bays!

The main application of reinforcement in low-rise construction is its use for reinforcing foundations. At the same time, steel reinforcement of class A3, with diameters of 8, 10, 12 mm, is most often used. The weight of 1000 linear meters of steel reinforcement is 400 kg for Ø8mm, 620 kg for Ø10mm, 890 kg for Ø12mm. Theoretically, you can buy steel rebar in coils (if you can find it), and later you will need a special device to re-align such rebar. Will you be able to transport 1000 meters of such rebar in your car to the construction site in order to reduce shipping costs? Now imagine that the indicated reinforcement can be replaced with a composite one of a smaller diameter, namely 4, 6, 8 mm instead of 8, 10, 12 mm. respectively. The weight of 1000 linear meters of composite reinforcement is 20 kg for Ø4mm, 36 kg for Ø6mm, 80 kg for Ø8mm. In addition, its volume has slightly decreased. Such fittings can be purchased in coils, while the outer diameter of the coil is slightly more than 1m. In addition, when unwinding such a coil, composite reinforcement does not require straightening, since it has practically no residual deformation. Could you imagine that you could transport the fittings required for the construction of a country house or summer cottage in the trunk of your own car? And you don't even need help with loading and unloading!

Every building needs a foundation. To make it stronger, reinforcement is inserted into the concrete. Previously, it was made exclusively of metal. Modern technologies make it possible to produce reinforcement from composite. It has its pros and cons, and therefore, before using it in the construction of a bath, you should carefully study the features.

Material Features

Reinforcement, which is made from various composites, has found application both in private and in capital construction.

Composite reinforcement can be of two types depending on the material of manufacture. It is made from fiberglass or basalt fiber. The latter is much more expensive, although its properties slightly exceed the quality of fiberglass rods.

The peculiarity of composite reinforcement is that it consists of two layers - internal and external. The inner part is a core of fibers arranged in parallel. These fibers are interconnected by a composite of epoxy or polyester resins. It is from the core that the characteristics of the reinforcement depend.

Fibers are wound onto the core in the form of a spiral, which are also interconnected using a composite. This part is responsible for adhesion to the concrete solution.

Since the composite material does not have sufficient bending strength, it is not suitable for knitting when laying steel bars. To do this, it is better to use plastic clamps.

Advantages and disadvantages

The carbon fiber rods are fastened with special clamps; there is no need to use welding for fastening

The advantages of composite reinforcement include:

  • light weight;
  • the cost is lower than that of the metal;
  • strength;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • excellent heat-insulating properties, which is the main advantage in the construction of a bath;
  • is not a conductor, and therefore does not interfere with radio waves;
  • service life can be 80 years;
  • fittings are sold in bays, and therefore the length of the rod is unlimited.

And yet, composite reinforcement also has disadvantages:

  • it cannot be operated at temperatures above 200°C;
  • not too tight. However, the last drawback is important only in the construction of high-rise buildings. In the foundation of the bath, elasticity does not play any role.

If you are not going to heat the bath foundation to too high temperatures, then the best choice is to use composite reinforcement. Durable and lightweight material, which can be cut into pieces of any length, has excellent reinforcing properties.

After the invention of composite reinforcement, the pros and cons of the new material remained the subject of heated debate for some time. But practice has shown that the technical and operational characteristics of the material allow it to successfully compete with classical steel reinforcement. For the production of composite reinforcement, fibers impregnated with a special substance - hardener are used.

Like steel, the composite structure has ribs to improve adhesion to concrete. In some cases, the ribs are replaced with sand spraying.

Types of composite reinforcement

The production of reinforcing rods of this type is carried out from different fibers. This feature determines the type of composite reinforcement:

CFRP and Kevlar reinforcement differs from other types in increased characteristics of the modulus of elasticity. These materials are very expensive and are used mainly in the construction of military facilities. Civil engineering prefers to use fiberglass reinforcement. It is the best combination of technical characteristics and affordable price.

Advantages of composite reinforcement

All consumers note the relatively light weight of the material. On average, one linear meter accounts for only 0.07 kg. Fiberglass reinforcement is 5 times lighter than metal. This feature simplifies the transportation of the material, its laying. When mounting, the use of tie wire or plastic clamps is sufficient to obtain a solid structure.

In the construction of medical centers, laboratories, test facilities, composite reinforcement is increasingly being used due to its dielectric properties. She is inert to:

  • electricity;
  • magnetic field;
  • radio waves.

The chemical resistance of the material allows it to be successfully used in areas with high alkalinity and acidity of soils. At the same time, the foundation retains its properties even after partial damage to the concrete. Fiberglass reinforcement is resistant to acids and alkalis, which include sea water, solvents, bitumen, concrete milk. At the same time, high corrosion resistance is also observed. Thermosetting resins do not react with water, so the composite reinforcement is not subject to oxidation.

The possibility of concrete separation due to sudden temperature changes when using composite reinforcement is minimized. This is explained by the similar value of the thermal expansion index for glass composite and concrete.

Disadvantages of composite material

Fiberglass reinforcement has a small number of disadvantages, but each of them imposes certain restrictions on working with it. For example, it can only be used at temperatures above -10°C. This is due to the fact that at lower temperatures the material becomes brittle, unable to withstand even minimal loads.

With the mechanical method of pouring concrete, the structure made of composite material is characterized by poor stability. With the manual method of filling, this problem is easier to deal with.

Fiberglass rebar has a much lower modulus of elasticity than steel. In the case of fiberglass, the modulus of elasticity differs by a factor of 4. With the slightest defect in the placement of the reinforcement, this indicator can cause cracking or delamination due to the weak work of the material in tension. Craftsmen and engineers need to carry out additional calculations during work in order to ensure high strength structures.

Glass composite cannot cope with increased loads, for example, curved areas, exit points for bonding with walls. Such areas require work with metal.

According to the recall of the masters, other features of working with it should be attributed to the shortcomings of the material:

At the same time, manufacturers are often ready to offer ready-made curved parts of different sizes. Research to find a way to increase the strength of the composite material is still ongoing. There are already various options on the market that are seriously different in their properties.

Comparison of metal and composite reinforcement

The pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement are easier to highlight when comparing the main characteristics with metal. Corrosion of metal elements is considered to be the main problem of reinforced concrete structures. In the process of work, they often resort to additional costs for primer mixtures, but even they are not able to protect the metal from rust. Rust contributes to the destruction of concrete.

The advantage of composite materials is their tensile strength. Metal yields 3 times. Light weight saves on shipping and labor when loading or unloading. If specialists cut composite rods directly at the construction site, then the customer gets the opportunity to save on material scraps. In warm weather, composite fibers of any thickness can be easily cut with wire cutters or bolt cutters.

The material is resistant to temperature changes. At the same time, fiberglass, due to its thermal expansion index, does not provoke concrete defects. This is another plus in favor of composite structures. The low modulus of elasticity of fiberglass reinforcement is successfully compensated by a decrease in heat loss. Unlike metal, composite fibers do not cause cold bridges in concrete.

Many craftsmen in their review of the properties of composite structures include an indication of the possibility of complete replacement of metal with fiberglass. It is already being used for:

According to consumer feedback, fiberglass reinforcement is much more economical than metal. At the same time, the price per linear meter of composite fiber is slightly higher than for steel. The benefit is achieved by the absence of scraps, ease of storage, transportation, the absence of the need for welding and additional processing of the structure with special protective compounds.

The advantages of fiberglass reinforcement are enough, but for me it has one significant drawback. When sawing raises dust with small particles of glass. It is not always possible to work in tight glasses and a respirator, so after sawing it feels like there are a million glass splinters in the throat and nose.

Ivan. Concrete worker. Experience 4 years

My husband and I were going to put a bath. When buying fittings, they diligently tried to convince us to opt for fiberglass, arguing that, according to experts, it is better in many respects. In front of my eyes, the child broke off a piece of the rod with his hands. But the seller insisted that this was normal, because the reinforcement must withstand longitudinal loads. In general, I was categorically against it, and my husband was tempted by the low cost. It turned out that it is more convenient to lay it than metal. We poured the foundation and it has been successfully standing under the bathhouse for 3 years already. Didn't burst, didn't bend over.

For a long time, customers have been suspicious of composite reinforcement. But in the last 5 years it has become popular. Accordingly, they began to produce it at many factories. To attract the attention of the buyer, various dyes are added and the number of winding ribs is increased. In practice, it turned out that some color pigments worsen the strength of the fiber, and the number of ribs affects only the cost. Otherwise, I am satisfied with the composite reinforcement: it is comfortable to work with it.

Oleg. Concrete worker. Experience 8 years

The construction industry is constantly evolving. New materials appear on the market that meet high requirements. Residential and industrial buildings are built in a short time. Various modern materials and innovative technologies are used in their construction. Recently, fiberglass reinforcement was presented to the developers, which began to compete with time-tested steel bars.

Pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass has advantages over steel that are worth considering in detail.


  1. Less specific weight. The mass of the structure is reduced several times, and this is important in certain construction conditions.
  2. Corrosion resistance - will not rust or rot.
  3. Its tensile and compressive strength indicators are much better, which is important for the construction of multi-storey buildings.
  4. Resistant to aggressive, chemical environment.
  5. Range of application at various temperatures - from -60 to +100 degrees.
  6. Applicable in any geographic latitudes.
  7. Ease and convenience of transportation. Fiberglass reinforcement is sold in small bays, they are compact, so that if necessary they can be transported by cars.
  8. Fast and practical installation. You can cut the material with a grinder, and connect the elements together with plastic clamps. But it is worth noting that when working with this material, it is necessary to use protective equipment, both respiratory tract and hands.
  9. Absolute radio transparency of this type of reinforcement.
  10. Favorable from an economic point of view - the low cost of such a material. At the same time, in places where it is necessary to use metal rods with a cross section of 12 mm, fiberglass reinforcement 8 mm in diameter can be used.
  11. It does not conduct electric current, which makes it preferable in the construction of buildings and structures in the energy sector.


Despite the positives, there were some negatives.

  1. Low bending elasticity. If load-bearing structures are being designed, then this must be taken into account.
    It will not work to equip welds on this reinforcement, but this is often impractical, if not provided for by the project.
  2. Low strength at high temperatures. As soon as the material is heated to 600 degrees, all its strength characteristics completely disappear, since the high temperature changes the structure of the material.
  3. Although there are not so many minuses, they must be taken into account during construction.

Pros and cons of steel reinforcement

Steel products also have their advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Proven by time. Material release standards have long been developed. There are regulatory documents that specify steel reinforcement.
  2. Various number of sections of bars. Is issued in the range from 3 to 80 mm.
  3. Long and predictable life. Such fittings serve more than 50 years, provided they do not come into contact with water and chemical environment.
  4. It has good bending characteristics. This material has 4 times better elasticity than fiberglass reinforcement. It has a much higher bending strength.
  5. Availability. Sold in many construction markets.
  6. Several mounting methods. You can tie with wire, fasten with clamps or apply welding.
  7. Environmental friendliness. The negative impact on the human body is zero.
  8. Ease of making anchors. If the rod is heated with a simple burner, then it is simply bent into an angle of 90 degrees. With this in mind, it is easy to manufacture anchor elements directly on the construction site.
  9. Excellent adhesion to concrete mortar. The mortar and reinforcement have almost the same coefficient of linear expansion, which makes it possible to obtain a durable tandem.
  10. Frost resistance. If the fittings are installed in places with high negative temperatures, then its structure remains unchanged.


  1. Bar length limitation. The maximum length of steel reinforcement elements is 11.7 meters, bars of 12 meters in length are rare.
  2. Large specific gravity. To deliver this material to the site, special trucks will be required.
  3. Tendency to corrosion. When steel is exposed to an aggressive environment or water, the corrosion rate is from 0.1 to 1.5 mm per year.
  4. Special storage requirements. It is impossible to store for a long time in an open area and on the ground, the material becomes rusty in a few months.

As you can see, the disadvantages are not comparable in quantity with the positive aspects.

Comparison of fiberglass and steel reinforcement

  1. Fiberglass has greater tensile strength, but steel bars have 4 times higher elasticity.
  2. The strength and coefficient of linear expansion of metal reinforcement is greater and similar to concrete, which cannot be said about SPA.
  3. Fiberglass is non-conductive, while metal is electrically conductive.
  4. The range of sections for steel structures is much larger, so their use on complex construction sites cannot be replaced by fiberglass reinforcement.
  5. Fiberglass is sold in coils - 50, 100 and 150 m.
  6. The cost of reinforcement made of composite is much less than that of metal.

If we consider the strength of these materials, then it is worth considering that fiberglass reinforcement has a lower bending strength. During the construction of a heavy building, the bars take a larger cross section than steel material. In fact, the difference in price, on the scale of construction, remains in question.


From a comparative analysis, it is clear that fiberglass reinforcement is well suited for the private construction of houses from lightweight materials. For the construction of complex and heavy structures, steel should be used. It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question: which is better - steel or fiberglass reinforcement.