The children's sandbox has. Sandbox with your own hands. Step by step instructions with photos. The procedure for making a sandbox with a lid

The suburban area actually requires attention and care all year round. Adults, busy with chores, cannot devote enough time to children. Therefore, it is very important to organize the leisure of children in the country. The ideal option is to build a children's playground. And it is better to start the device of a children's corner with a sandbox. A do-it-yourself sandbox, even as an independent element, will keep little fidgets busy for a long time.

It is necessary to choose the place of installation of the future sandbox and materials for its manufacture, taking into account the following factors:

  • Children, even those who are keen on the game, need supervision. Therefore, the sandbox must be installed so that the child is always visible to adults.
  • The sun's rays can harm the health of the child, lead to sunstroke and burns, but a solid shadow is not the best option. Therefore, it is desirable to place part of the sandbox in the shade, and part in an open place so that the sand can dry out after rain.
  • Drafts and excess moisture also adversely affect the health of children. Therefore, the sandbox should be located away from the water and not stand in the open wind.
  • From trees, especially old ones, dust and dry leaves often pour. Therefore, in order to avoid sand pollution, it is better to install the structure away from them.
  • Some plants lead to allergies, and some attract stinging insects. Therefore, you need to make sure that there are no honey plants and plants that cause allergies nearby.
  • Well-crafted wood and reliable fastenings will help to avoid splinters and injuries.
  • Hard materials such as stone, brick or iron can also cause harm, so it is advisable to stop using them. And of course, you need to make sure that there are no sharp corners, nails, cords, and so on.

In addition to the entertainment function, sand games perform a developing and psychological one. Soft bulk material calms and liberates the nervous system, promotes the development of creativity, fine motor skills of hands, perseverance.

Different types of sandboxes: pros and cons (table)

Classification parameter View Description
Design featuresopen sandboxA typical simple design that performs the main function - a playground
closed sandbox
  • The presence of a cover allows you to keep children's crafts intact, protect the sand from weathering, debris, excess moisture and unpleasant "gifts" from animals that can use the sandbox as a toilet.
  • It is easy to store children's equipment under the lid.
  • And the cover, which transforms into benches, will provide additional space for relaxation and games.
  • Natural, eco-friendly material is easy to handle. With good tools, even an inexperienced craftsman will cope with the manufacture of the simplest design.
  • It is important to sand the parts well, round the corners and edges to avoid injury.
  • The only negative is that wood is short-lived. It dries out, rots, bugs can start. You can avoid this if you carefully process the future sandbox.
  • Plastic is a durable, strong, safe, beautiful material.
  • Such a model is easy to dismantle, put away for storage or transport to another place.
  • The main disadvantage is that not everyone can afford a plastic sandbox.
Other materialsTo this day, other materials are used to make sandboxes: brick, stone, metal. But these materials do not guarantee the safety of children. Hard, sharp surfaces increase the risk of injury.
Type of allocationadvancedThe sandbox can be deepened into the ground, which is very effective for strengthening the foundation. In this case, drainage with a thickness of about 15 cm is necessary in order to avoid the accumulation of moisture. Then it is covered with agrofiber or a dense film, in which holes are made every 10 cm. Such a base will prevent grass germination, the appearance of insects and sand mixing with the soil.
upliftedThis design is installed on a concrete base or grass. It is necessary to provide that even the smallest child can independently climb into it, for which low sides 380-400 mm high are made, which are half covered with sand.
ConfigurationFigured sandboxesConstructions in the form of cars, boats, flowers, animals, and so on, serve as an additional game detail.
Game centersThe simplest example is a stump sandbox. The child can not only play with sand, but also run around the structure itself.

Photo gallery of options

You don't have to stick to the traditional square shape. Use of car tires
It is necessary to protect the child from the sun's rays: a bright large umbrella will help The lid will help protect the sand from debris and moisture. The bright cover transforms into comfortable seats, thus adding a place to relax Easier to use, but more difficult to manufacture, solid lid version It can also serve as a separate game element Such a sandbox allows the child not only to play with sand, but also to walk along the sides, to warm up a little Typical sandbox - easy to manufacture To protect children from the sun, you can make a canopy It will also protect the sand from dirt. The original boat will please your child Another version of the sandbox in the form of a ship

Preparatory work

Given all of the above, it is more convenient and practical to make an in-depth wooden sandbox with a lid.

Drawings and dimensions of the children's sandbox

Initially, you need to decide on the size of the future design. If there are a lot of children and there is enough space on the site, then you can make a large sandbox 2x2 m in size. For one or two children to play, it is quite enough to make a square structure 1.5x1.5 m in size.

Despite the simplicity of the design of the future sandbox, it is better to have a visual diagram in front of your eyes. Thus, you first need to draw a drawing that will help you determine the right materials, correctly calculate the dimensions and quantity.

Looking at the drawing, you can see that the side boards on both sides should be slightly longer in order to form the correct closed angle.

How to choose material

Consider the following facts:

  • Tree tree - discord. The durability of the structure may depend not only on the quality of processing, but also on the type of wood: pine, linden or larch are less susceptible to decay.
  • The sides of the future design must withstand heavy loads. To ensure strength, it is necessary to use boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm.
  • Sanding and sanding an already assembled structure is extremely inconvenient. It is advisable to grind the prepared parts well before assembly and treat with an antiseptic, which will avoid unprotected places. It would be prudent to paint the iron hinges in advance too.
  • Most importantly, do not forget what is inside. The sand must be clean, free of foreign impurities, well sculpted. Therefore, it is better to give preference to river or quartz sand, after sifting it through a fine sieve, which will help get rid of dust, possible insects, and foreign objects.

Materials and tools (for a structure measuring 1500x1500 mm)

When purchasing materials, the presence of a foundation cannot be discounted. To build the foundation you will need:

  • expanded clay, small stones or river pebbles for drainage;
  • agrofibre, dense polyethylene or plywood sheet.

The basis of the sandbox is a frame with sides of 1500x1500 mm. To make a frame you will need:

  • timber 50x50x450 mm (for corner elements) - 4 pieces;
  • beam 50x50x1000 mm (for strengthening corners) - 1 piece;
  • board 30x150x1500 mm (side walls are short) - 4 pieces;
  • board 30x150x1560 mm (side long) - 4 pieces;
  • sealant - 1620mm;
  • self-tapping screws 45 mm - 50 pieces.

A transformer cover will be attached to the finished frame. For her, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • board 20x125x1560 mm - 12 pieces;
  • timber 30x30x250 mm (for fastening the seat) - 4 pieces;
  • timber 30x30x450 mm (to strengthen the back) - 4 pieces;
  • loops (canopies) 40 mm - 12 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws 45 mm - 50 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws 25 mm - 60 pieces.

For processing and registration you need:

  • wood preservative;
  • wood primer;
  • paint or varnish for coloring.

The materials are ready, but without the tools, the process will not budge. Therefore, it is necessary:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • pegs with a rope tied to them;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • grinder or sandpaper;
  • drill and drills;
  • screwdriver or a set of screwdrivers.

Step-by-step instructions: making and installing a wooden sandbox with a lid

The work is best done in several stages. First of all, it is desirable to assemble the frame of the sandbox, then make the base and install the box in the prepared place. And only after that, install the cover.

Case assembly

We fasten the sanded and antiseptic-treated boards together in the form of a square with the help of corner elements - long bars, not forgetting to pre-outline and drill holes for self-tapping screws.

If ordinary insulation is glued between the first and second tiers, the boards will fit closer to each other and the sand will not spill out into the cracks.

To avoid spilling sand through the cracks between the boards, it is advisable to glue the usual insulation

To give greater strength to the future sandbox, you need to securely fix the corners with the help of additional bars.

An additional bar attached diagonally will add reliability to the structure

The ends of the corner bars, approximately 15 cm long, will be in the ground, so they must be covered with drying oil, bitumen or used machine oil. Now the frame of the future sandbox can be carefully transferred to the installation site.

The frame of the future sandbox is ready for installation

Foundation construction and frame installation

The site, selected taking into account all the tips and recommendations, is leveled and cleaned of debris. For more accurate marking, it is necessary to add 15–20 cm to the dimensions of the future sandbox on each side. We make markings with the help of pegs with a rope stretched over them, checking the correctness of the angles.

We remove the top layer to a depth of about 20–25 cm, making a slight slope towards the center. This is necessary so that the water that gets into the sandbox does not accumulate, but falls into the drainage. In the center we make a hole with a diameter of about 50 cm and about the same depth. We fill it with material prepared for drainage.

Then it is necessary to pour a five-centimeter layer of sand and carefully compact it.

The base itself, which can be made of different materials, is laid on the resulting “pillow”. The main thing is not to forget to make holes in it at a distance of about 10 cm from each other, again to prevent the accumulation of moisture.

We install the finished frame on the resulting base. Now you can proceed to the main stage.

Mounting the cover that transforms into seats

We thoroughly fasten two boards on each side to the sides. Then we proceed to the assembly of the moving parts of the cover. To do this, we fasten the remaining boards in pairs with the help of bars.

The elements obtained from the first pairs will serve as the seat, and the elements with long bars will serve as the back. The protruding parts of the beam will act as a support, preventing the back from leaning back.

We attach the “seat” element to the firmly screwed boards with the help of three loops located at the same distance from each other. In this case, the hinges should be on top, and the bars connecting the seat boards should be on the bottom.

We attach the back to the seat, also with the help of hinges, not forgetting that this time the hinges “look” inside the box, and the bars are outside.

In this assembly option, the last stage is rather problematic, because the back part has to be screwed on actually by weight. There is another way. First, fasten the back and seat together, and only then put them on top of the box and attach them to the rigidly attached boards.

Attention! To avoid possible injuries, it is important to "drown" the hats of the screws. You should also check that the lid opens and closes easily.


So, the sandbox is ready! Now it is desirable to smooth out possible corners with sandpaper or a grinder. After that, even if all the wooden and iron parts have already been processed, it is better to go through the antiseptic again.

You can simply varnish the resulting design, but it is best to paint. And here fantasy comes to the rescue. Do not forget that this is a playground for children. And kids love bright colors. Color the sandbox with different colors. Additionally, you can draw patterns, funny pictures by hand or apply through a stencil. The main thing is that the children are happy, and they feel comfortable in the new sandbox.

To prevent small builders from spreading sand throughout the site, it is better to make a separate path to the sandbox.

Video: do-it-yourself transformer sandbox making workshop

It is easy to please a child by making a bright, beautiful sandbox with your own hands. It doesn't matter if it's a simple sand box or an interesting design. The main thing is that the sandbox is pleasing to the eye, safe and comfortable. And then the child will receive incomparable pleasure. And if the children are happy, then the parents are happy.

I decided not to shelve the sandbox story that I mentioned and talk about the construction process. In addition, we still have warm Indian summer days ahead of us and, perhaps, someone will even have time to do something similar. :)

Almost all summer my wife and daughters spent at the dacha with grandparents. For children there expanse. You can walk on the street all day long, pluck raspberries and strawberries straight from the bushes, and generally enjoy your childhood and life. :)

But, no matter how good it is, and without the main component of childhood (unless, of course, it takes place in permafrost conditions), the mood of any child will not be the most positive. I'm talking, of course, about the sandbox. So my child at some point remembered that in the city, they say, there is this same sandbox, but in the country, much to the chagrin, no.

As a result, after agreeing with my grandmother (our main dacha field marshal), at an emergency family meeting, a decision was made - there will be a sandbox! :)

After wandering around the Internet and reviewing a bunch of sandboxes of various shapes and sizes, I decided to stop at a fairly simple, but functional and convenient option. But since I couldn’t find any diagrams and drawings, I had to do it “just like in the picture” :) The photo below was found by me on the Internet and was taken as the basis for construction.

Having estimated the approximate dimensions of the future sandbox, I went to the construction market. I bought boards, timber, wicket hinges and paint.

After I sawed the required number of parts, it remains only to grind everything and assemble it into a single structure. My faithful assistants helped me with these tasks :)

Grinding was carried out using a grinder and a grinding wheel, which is not entirely correct, since the process produces a lot of fine dust, which literally clogs everything. Next year I want to buy a grinder with a dust collector, otherwise cleaning takes almost as much time as building itself.

After all the details were processed, I proceeded to the assembly.

I extended the beam, to which the boards of the side walls of the sandbox were attached, since later I planned to dig it into the ground and these “tails” were supposed to serve as supports for the entire structure so that it would not fail.

Gathering everything together, pulled this colossus into the street. It turned out impressive (the sides of the square were about one meter and twenty centimeters).

For strength and reliability, I reinforced the corners with the help of the remnants of the timber.

Went through the first coat of paint. The “legs” of the sandbox were treated with used machine oil.

Well, more precisely, I didn’t paint the legs at all ... :)

I figured in place the pre-painted boards of the future sandbox cover.

With a grinder with a rough skin, he removed the edge from the boards, giving them a prettier look.

I firmly fixed the first two boards by screwing them with self-tapping screws. Then he began to assemble the first part of the movable sandbox cover, adding two more boards and attaching the gate hinges.

Something is starting to happen... :)

Then proceeded to the second part of the cover. The fact is that this lid is not simple, but with a curious mechanism that turns it into a shop! To do this, I added two more boards and fastened them with the help of bars.

Attached two boards, fixed with bars to the previous two boards, using the same wicket hinges. As a result, I got this design:

The bars are calculated so that when the lid is opened, they rest against the wall of the sandbox and serve as a support for the back of the bench.

Thus, our cover folds up and turns into a comfortable bench.

The fifth and sixth boards are fastened with the bars that I spoke about above. In the same way, I strengthened the third and fourth boards, reinforcing them with additional small bars. Now the boards are held not only on hinges and securely fastened to each other.

In addition, these short bars protect children's priests from being scratched on the hinges, and also serve as a back stop for the back of the bench so that it does not fold and fall on the children's arms and backs. Still, don’t say anything, but safety is above all! :)

So that the bench does not sag under the weight of those sitting, I screwed a small support plate in the center onto the first two boards.

After one side of the sandbox lid was finished, I proceeded to assemble the second side.

I decided to make the second half of the lid without a back, thus modifying and improving the original design. :) The fact is that if an adult suddenly decides to play with a child, it is convenient to do this without getting entirely into the sandbox, but sitting on its edge. In the original version of the sandbox, from which I took an example, both sides of the lid were with backs, which made it difficult for adults to board.

In my version, there are no such problems. :)

I closed the corners with a wooden corner so that the ends of the boards do not absorb moisture, and in general it looks much neater.

Having fully assembled and painted the entire structure, I went to look for a shovel ... :)

Having dug a pit along the perimeter, I lowered the supporting legs of the sandbox into it so that the side walls lay on the lawn.

It is good in the summer outside the city, especially in the country or in a country house. You can just relax, enjoying the fresh air or gardening. In general, there are many things for an adult to do. And what are the children to do? The easiest option to keep a child busy is to make him a sandbox. Moreover, making a sandbox with your own hands is quite simple.

Of course, a sandbox can be purchased, but good wooden sandboxes are not cheap, and plastic ones resemble a basin in some way, they are small and are unlikely to be comfortable for a child. Therefore, it remains one thing to buy boards and make a sandbox with your own hands. However, before proceeding with the construction of the sandbox, it is necessary to determine the size of the installation site and additional accessories such as benches or lids.

How to choose a place for a sandbox?

First, the simplest is the installation location of the sandbox. When I made the sandbox, I proceeded from the fact that the child should be comfortable so that he does not get cold and at the same time does not overheat. Since the sandbox is located next to the house, I chose the western side of the house under a tree. There is a lot of sun on the west side and it shines all day, which allows the sand to dry well after rain, thereby reducing the risk of hypothermia. The tree also creates a shade, which saves from overheating. The south side is also good, but I don’t have trees there, and, accordingly, there is no shade, and it was not supposed to make an additional umbrella to create shade.

Sizes of the children's sandbox

Now a few words about the overall dimensions of the children's sandbox. In my opinion, the most optimal size of a sandbox is a sandbox in the form of a square with a side of 1.2 - 1.5 m. size is not difficult to find a place.

In addition, if you use boards no longer than 1.5 m long, then two boards 6 m long are enough to build a sandbox. We can say that this is a very technological size of the sandbox. Minimum waste, maximum use of material.


Sandbox height. In my opinion, 2 boards are enough, which is about 25 cm. Why? Firstly, it will not be difficult for a child to climb into it himself, which is no less important, and secondly, a layer of sand of 10-15 cm is quite enough to build not only Easter cakes, but also something more serious.

Do I need a lid and bench in the sandbox?

Now a few words about additional accessories. In my opinion, to make it convenient for a child to play in the sandbox, you can provide a bench or a table. And to protect the contents of the sandbox, it's good to have a lid. Why protect? From fallen leaves, foreign objects, and most importantly from cats and other animals. It is unlikely that you will be pleased if a child finds a gift from a neighbor's cat in the sandbox. The best solution is when the lid of the children's sandbox turns into a bench and a table, i.e. three in one.

List of required materials

So, the terms of reference are defined, so you can safely start creating a children's sandbox with a lid. This will require two boards 32x120x6000 for the frame of the sandbox and two boards 20x120x6000 for the lid of the sandbox. It is also necessary to purchase six loops, impregnation for wood, self-tapping screws, etc.

Assembly procedure for a children's sandbox with a lid

We cut the purchased lumber into the desired size and plan it. Planing should be mandatory, since children do not need splinters!



Bugs immediately flock to freshly planed boards for a children's sandbox. It must have been breeding season. Don't be afraid of them, they don't bite. But theoretically they will be able to gnaw on the future sandbox.


In addition, given that the sandbox is wooden and stands directly on the ground, it is advisable to treat it with an antiseptic to preserve it and protect it from decay and fungus.

Boards for the cover are processed separately.





After the antiseptic has dried, you can make the bottom of the sandbox from the covering material. The bottom is necessary, firstly, so that insects do not climb from the ground into the sand, secondly, so that plants do not grow in the sandbox, and thirdly, so that the child does not get to the ground and mix sand with it.

How to make the bottom of the sandbox?

The bottom of the sandbox is conveniently made of agrofibre. It passes water well, and therefore there will be no puddles in the sandbox, it also does not rot, which means it will last for a long time. I used the densest agrofibre. Fastened to the sandbox with a furniture stapler.




Next, I leveled the platform for the sandbox and installed the lower half of the frame. On the upper end I glued the sealant left over from the windows. I did this so that the sand through the crack between the boards would not spill out.




Then I installed the upper part of the sandbox frame. Then he fastened them together with a bar. The bar, as well as the rest of the details of the children's sandbox, was treated with an antiseptic.




Sandbox lid assembly

Now it's time for the cover for the children's sandbox. Since the lid is both a table on one side of the sandbox and a bench on the other, it actually consists of two parts. First I made a table. It consists of two boards, one of which is attached to the sandbox itself, the second is attached to the first with the help of loops. Thus, it turns out that you can increase or decrease the size of the table. Unfortunately, only this photo remains. Fig.19. The lid of the sandbox consists of three elements: a base fixed on the sandbox, a bench and a backrest. All elements consist of 2 boards. The elements are fastened with loops. The boards are fastened with bars.

The photo shows how to install the hinges and connect the boards.

Fig.20. Fig.23. The bench lid does not cover the entire sandbox, so you can make a table on the other side. It is made from 2 boards. Boards are interconnected with loops.


We looked at how to make a simple small children's sandbox with a lid. The great advantage of such a sandbox is its protection from various animals and insects. The sandbox is protected from insects by agrofibre, which is used for the bottom. The lid protects the sandbox from cats and mice, as well as foliage and fruits of trees. In addition, the lid can be easily transformed into a seat or a table, which is very convenient for playing in the sandbox. Your child will surely like such a sandbox, and he will be happy to play in it.

It will not be possible to fully relax in the country with small children due to the constant monitoring of the kids. These fidgets will not be in one place, so every now and then you will have to be distracted and keep order. How to lure children so that they all play with interest in one place? There is a way out of this situation - you need to install a sandbox with a lid. To create a play area for children and a comfortable stay for you, you can buy a ready-made sandbox design. However, this pleasure is not cheap, so it is quite possible to build a structure with your own hands. This process does not take much time, it does not require any specific materials. Enough improvised means, your elementary locksmith skills and imagination.

Types of sandboxes. Advantages and disadvantages

There are different types of sandboxes, which are divided into:

By material By type of construction
WoodWith a covered lid that will protect the sand from debris and rain. It is made in the form of a removable panel or a door attached to metal hinges.
Plastic and plasticWith a lid that can transform into a shop.
MetalThere are sandboxes with a collapsible frame, which are bars with equal cuts in height and width.
Cloth or polyethylene that creates a shadow. These materials are fixed on racks and look like an umbrella or a canopy.
In the form of a house, where there is a play area with stairs, a slide and a climbing wall. In this case, the sandbox is located under it or next to it.

Wooden structures are traditional and familiar from childhood. They are made from natural wood or plywood.

Plastic and plastic structures are the modern version of sandboxes. As a rule, they are purchased ready-made, since these materials are inconvenient for self-processing.

Advantages disadvantages
In the manufacture of these sandboxes, high-quality and harmless plastic is used.Materials change their physical properties when exposed to direct sunlight and at low temperatures.
In the first case, plastic and plastic can be melted, in the second - increased brittleness.
It does not require constant maintenance and periodic painting.Over time, the color of these materials will fade.
This material is not afraid of weather precipitation.
Installation of this design is not difficult.
Plastic is very light material, so it is convenient to carry it if necessary.
Structures made of these materials have bright and rich colors.

Metal structures are less common, as they have more disadvantages than advantages.

Options Gallery

The lid has turned into another recreation area
This sandbox will be comfortable not only for children, but also for their parents.
Great location under the play area, will protect from the sun or rain
Option with extra play space
This sandbox has a smooth surface and is light in weight.
The red canopy easily turned into a cover
Thanks to removable fragments, such a sandbox can be given any shape.
This design will decorate the yard
The height of this sandbox is comfortable for playing

Preparation: drawings, dimensions, diagrams

Before you start creating a sandbox, you need to carefully design all the construction steps. Even such a small design requires accurate calculations. Having spent a little time on this, you will create a reliable, and, most importantly, safe building for children. The drawing and diagram you have drawn up will help speed up the process of assembling the sandbox.

The most popular form of this design is the square. So that the sandbox is not bulky, its length and width are made in the range from 150x150 cm to 300x300 cm. These parameters and the form of manufacture are not mandatory. The size of the board should be sufficient to keep the sand inside and at the same time convenient for children's games. In this regard, the optimal height of the sandbox is a size of 30 to 40 cm. If the structure is made of wood, then this value is equal to the thickness of two or three boards.

An important point will be the correct choice of the location of the sandbox. There are several criteria that meet this goal:

  • the sandbox must be placed in a visible place so that the child is always in your field of vision;
  • it should not be under the direct rays of the sun, it is better to install it under the shade of trees or on the veranda;
  • the sandbox should not be located in close proximity to outbuildings, as nails, chips, glass or other construction debris can get into the playing area;
  • there is no place for this design near buildings that contain pets - this increases the risk for the child to contract infectious diseases;
  • you can not have a sandbox and any other playing area under old trees.

Given the advantages and disadvantages of the previously described materials for the manufacture of a sandbox, one should dwell on wooden structures. For these purposes, coniferous wood, namely pine, is most suitable. This option is optimal if you compare its price and durability in use. Spruce boards are not recommended, as this material is prone to rotting. Can be built with wood that is resistant to adverse conditions, such as oak or larch. However, it is very expensive to use these materials to build a sandbox, but again, it depends on your wishes and means.

It should be noted that before any construction work, the material of which is wood, it must be treated with antiseptics and antifungal impregnations. This must be done when using any type of wood.

Particular attention must be paid to the quality of the sand. Many people think that this is not important, but its composition, the size of the grains of sand and the presence of impurities can affect the health of the child. To understand what kind of filler is needed in the sandbox, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. For these purposes, river sand is suitable, which should at least be sifted and have approximately the same size of grains of sand.
  2. If we understand this issue in more detail, then the spread of fine sand particles should be no more than half a millimeter. The permissible diameter of one grain of sand will be from 1.4 to 1.8 mm.
  3. Sand should combine the qualities of lightness and sufficient mass. It should be small to hold the shape when sculpting, but not so weightless that it rises under the influence of the wind, falling into the eyes of the child.
  4. The material should be pleasant to the touch.
  5. When buying sand, you need to opt for options that have the appropriate quality certificate. Thanks to this, you will be sure that the bulk material is safe for children and does not contain harmful impurities.

Calculation of materials (with examples)

Since the construction of the sandbox is square, boards of the same size are needed for each side. For the side of the frame of one side, two boards with a section of 150x30 mm and a length of 1500 mm are required. For the four sides of the sandbox, you will need: 2 4 \u003d 8 boards 1500x150x30 mm. In this design, there will be two benches located opposite each other, which can be transformed into a lid.

For one seat you need:

  • The lower part and the base for fastening - 2 boards measuring 175x30 mm, 1500 mm long;
  • The back of the bench - 2 boards measuring 200x30, 1500 mm long;
  • Limiters - 2 boards measuring 60x30 mm, 175 mm long;
  • Emphasis for the back of the bench - 2 boards measuring 60x30 mm, 700 mm long.
  • 2 metal door hinges.

Since there are two covers, the entire amount must be doubled, therefore:

  • 2 2 \u003d 4 boards measuring 1500x175x30 mm (for the lower part and base for fastening);
  • 2 2 \u003d 4 bars - 1500x200x30 mm (for the back of the bench);
  • 2 2 = 4 limiters - 175x60x30 mm;
  • 2 2 \u003d 4 stops - 700x60x30 mm;
  • 2 2=4 metal door hinges.

The wooden elements of the sides of the sandbox will be fixed with the help of bars with a section of 50x50 mm and a length of 700 mm. For one side, 3 of these elements are needed, respectively, for the entire sandbox: 3 4 \u003d 12 bars measuring 700x50x50 mm.

A waterproofing coating is required for the base of the sandbox. As such, dense polyethylene is suitable. To find out the required amount of this material, you need to calculate its area. This requires the width of the sandbox multiplied by its length: 150 cm 150 cm = 225 cm². Since it will be necessary to make small sides from polyethylene, it is necessary to add 10 cm to each side.

About two tons of bulk material is needed to fill structures with these parameters with sand. Doing an exact calculation doesn't make sense, as some people like a small amount of sand, while others will want their children to build high slides.

To process the joints of the wooden elements of the sandbox, a primer for wood is needed. The finished structure will need to be painted, so 1 can of oil or acrylic paint is enough.


To make a wooden sandbox with a lid, you will need the following tools:

  1. Bayonet and shovel.
  2. Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  3. A hammer.
  4. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  5. Building level.
  6. Sander or sandpaper.
  7. Paint brushes and roller.
  8. Chisel.
  9. Electric drill.
  10. Square.
  11. Wood drill set.
  12. Bolts with nuts.
  13. Self-tapping screws.
  14. Construction roll.
  15. Wooden stakes and cord.

DIY step-by-step instructions for making a sandbox with a bench lid

  1. First you need to make a markup on the site. For its accuracy, it is convenient to use wooden pegs and a cord. To do this, you need to drive in pegs along the intended perimeter and pull the cord. To make the corners even, use a tape measure and a square.
  2. Then, using a shovel, remove the top layer of soil. The depth of the soil to be removed must be 30 cm. This small pit will ensure the stability of the sandbox structure. First of all, this is necessary in order to exclude the appearance of insects and rotting plants.
  3. Smooth out its surface. Fill the pit with a mixture of sand and gravel to make a layer of 10 cm. Tamp the inside of the pit. This layer will serve as a drainage layer, thanks to which water will not accumulate under the sandbox, but will be absorbed into the ground. So that after rain water does not accumulate around the sandbox, you need to make a similar drainage layer around the perimeter of the structure. Make the width of the pillow from 40 to 50 cm.
  4. In the pit along its perimeter, dig 9 holes 40 cm deep, 10 to 15 cm in diameter. Fill the bottom of the holes with gravel and sand to make a layer 5 cm thick.
  5. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the base of the sandbox. Lay insulating material - polyethylene - at the bottom of the pit. With a nail, make several holes in the coating. This is necessary so that moisture does not linger in the sand.
  6. Make a frame for the sandbox. To do this, it is necessary to make the sides of the structure from boards measuring 1500x150x30 mm. Each of the four sides of the sandbox looks like two boards of the specified size fixed one above the other. It makes no sense to talk about methods of fastening wooden elements, since there are many of them. Only one rule should be taken into account - only self-tapping screws, bolts, metal corners and plates should be used to fasten sandbox parts. These fasteners are quite enough, since the sandbox frame will not be subjected to significant loads. As a connecting part, use bars with a section of 50x50, 70 cm long, which fasten the sides in the inner corners of the structure and in the middle of each of its sides.
  7. For these elements, use bolts with nuts. To prevent metal parts from protruding, it is necessary to make holes using wood drills with a diameter larger than the nut. These supports, like all wooden parts, have previously been impregnated with antifungal mixtures and antiseptic agents. At this stage, as an additional insulating material, it is necessary to cover them with liquid bitumen.
  8. The result should be a structure on nine pillars.
  9. Next, you need to fix the boards that serve as the basis for the lid, which transforms into a bench. To do this, parallel to the upper edge of the board, with a wide side, attach a board measuring 1500x175x30 mm to the screws.
  10. Attach door hinges to the indicated boards on self-tapping screws. They must be installed, stepping back 30 cm from the edge, as shown in the image.
  11. Then, attach another board measuring 1500x175x30 mm to the hinges. Do the same with the loops on the opposite side.
  12. Now you need to attach the boards that will serve as the back of the bench. To do this, you need to install wooden parts measuring 1500x200x30, securing them with self-tapping screws.
  13. Attach the limiters to the base of the seat using self-tapping screws.
  14. To the boards serving as the backs of the benches, attach the bars with a section of 700x60x30 mm. They will serve as anchors.
  15. The design of the sandbox made of wood with a transforming lid is ready. You can install it in prepared pits by tamping them or cementing them.

Finishing and nuances of use

Starting finishing work, you should first of all get rid of burrs and sharp protruding fragments in the wood. To do this, it is convenient to use a grinder with interchangeable discs that have coatings of different grain sizes. If such a machine was not found, you can quite cope with ordinary sandpaper. Particular attention should be paid to the corners of the structure. When all external and internal surfaces of the sandbox are sanded, it is necessary to treat the joints of the elements with a primer designed for wood. This must be done, because over time, fragments of wood fibers at the edges of the boards can split, causing burrs to appear.

To further protect the wood from natural precipitation and give the sandbox a beautiful and finished look, it is necessary to paint it. To make it look more creative, you can paint each board with a different color or draw patterns on a children's theme.

To cover the sandbox, you can use oil and acrylic paints. In the latter case, a couple of layers of varnish must be applied to the sandbox, which must be water-based. It contains much fewer chemicals, which is important for the health of our children.

When all surfaces have been treated and the time has passed for them to absorb and dry, you can fill in the sand and delight the children with a new play area.

Video: How to make a wooden sandbox with a lid

Having built a wooden sandbox with your own hands, you will give your children a little holiday. This design will be not only a decoration of the yard, but a useful structure that will interest the kids at least for a while. Thanks to this building, you will not be distracted by looking after the children, and when they become adults, the sandbox can be turned into a beautiful flower bed or a mini-garden.

The sandbox brings so much joy to children! But it is very easy to build it yourself, you only need a little material, skill, imagination and skillful hands.


Sandbox placement

First you need to decide where to organize a cozy corner for the baby. When choosing a place, be guided by the following rules:

  • The sandbox should be located in plain sight so that adults can control baby activities. A playground for children's games is not a place behind a barn or high bushes.
  • think about shadows. The play corner must be equipped so that one half of it remains in the sun, and the other allows you to hide from the scorching rays. It is good if a tree with a lush crown grows nearby.
  • Or create a shadow themselves. There are no tall trees on the site, or are you not ready to constantly sweep fallen leaves from the sandbox? It doesn't matter: make a nice canopy in the form of an umbrella.

Size and preparation of the base of the sandbox, protection from moisture

Anyone can make a children's sandbox with their own hands! If there are a lot of kids, then, of course, it should be more spacious. However, the most common are square structures measuring 1.7x1.7 m - it will be cozy here for both two-year-old little ones and already grown up tomboys. It is not difficult to build such a structure. But first you need to mark the site and make basis. To do this, you need a cord, marking tape and pegs.

The preparation of the base is carried out in several stages:

  1. Fence off the desired area around the perimeter.
  2. Remove the top layer of soil - about 30 cm is enough.
  3. In the center, dig a hole with a diameter of 40-50 cm and a depth of 60-70 cm, fill it with small loose material, for example, crushed stone, and tamp it down. This is necessary so that excess moisture does not accumulate in the sandbox.
  4. From the sides to the center, make a slope along which rainwater will flow.
  5. When everything is ready, you can begin to build the base of the sandbox.

Sandbox base

This role can be played by anyone dense material: polyethylene, plywood (just do not forget to make holes in it, otherwise water will constantly accumulate in the sandbox), paving slabs. The main thing is to pour a small layer of sand before laying the material.

DIY sandbox photo step by step

The foundation performs several important functions. So, it protects the play area from mice and insects that are not averse to settling in the sand. And also a film or plywood will help keep the sandbox clean, preventing earth and stones from getting into it.

Sandbox sides

It's time for the sandbox. They help to mark the territory of the playground, do not allow the sand to crumble and are actively used by children as an "exhibition area" for Easter cakes or just for relaxation.

For the sides will come in handy:

  • bars 45x5x5 cm;
  • boards 150x30x2.5 cm (you can replace them with narrow blanks 10 cm wide);
  • wide boards for horizontal benches.

DIY sandbox photo step by step

Since do-it-yourself wooden sandboxes are usually square, 4 pieces are required.

The material must be carefully processed, otherwise the tree will quickly deteriorate, and the children will get a few splinters. Take a grinder or an electric drill, put on a sanding attachment and walk along the boards for horizontal sides. It is not necessary to grind the remaining boards and bars, but it is necessary to cover them in several layers with drying oil or any antiseptic. Bitumen is great.

To obtain the base, the bars are dug into the corners of the future sandbox to a depth of about 15-20 cm. Boards are nailed to them. Finally, horizontal linings are fixed around the perimeter.

Lid for sandbox

An important design element is lid. In principle, you can do without it, but in this case, garbage, branches and leaves will constantly get into the sand, and animals will surely choose it as a toilet. Therefore, it is better to make a lid for the sandbox after all. This role may be played by:

Sandbox decoration

The do-it-yourself children's sandbox is ready, but will the child be interested if left without decorations? You can simply paint the design in any color or draw an ornament on it, various pictures, letters, funny faces - whatever you want!

The last "touch" is filling the sandbox. Usually, high-quality river or quartz bulk material is used for this, in which insects will be uncomfortable, and children, on the contrary, will be safe and fun!

DIY sandbox photo

Let's move on to practice

Materials and dimensions of the sandbox

DIY sandbox photo step by step

So, you have decided that your child needs a sandbox. It is not necessary to do it yourself: now, in any children's goods store, ready-made designs are sold, which can only be installed in the chosen place. But this product is expensive, and it’s more pleasant to make a playground with your own hands. Moreover, it is easy to find hundreds of photos on the net that will inspire and help you easily decide on the materials and sizes of the sandbox.

Before you start work, find the boards of the right size and well polish them so that the children do not get splinters. The width of the blanks should not be less than 30 mm.

Now make a drawing, choosing the location of the playground and deciding on the size. Standard sandboxes are made in the form of a square with a side of 1.5-2 m. Sufficient depth is 20-30 cm.

Sandbox with your own hands. Drawing

How to make a children's sandbox?

When the materials are ready, it's time to proceed directly to creating a wooden sandbox with your own hands. It's quite easy if you follow the instructions:

Determine place for the playground. As mentioned above, the sandbox should be installed so that children do not suffer from hot sunlight and are visible. An open area is not suitable - choose a corner under a spreading tree that gives enough shade. And do not forget: the site should be clearly visible.

If shadow is not enough, docanopy. It will perfectly protect both from the scorching rays of the sun and from the rain, if it suddenly catches the kids during the game, and, in addition, will increase the life of the sandbox.

Process woodantiseptic composition, which will not allow the material to rot and suffer from insect invasion. The sandbox is located on the street, so the protection must be of high quality, otherwise precipitation will quickly render the boards unusable.

Prepare the surface and base for the sandbox. It must be such as to prevent the entry of insects and rodents, as well as the mixing of sand with the ground. Good for this purpose, agrofibre is suitable, which is attached to the boards using a conventional furniture stapler.

DIY sandbox photo step by step

Install bumpers sandbox, connecting the boards with self-tapping screws. This is the most convenient and affordable mounting option, which will give the structure the necessary strength. Even the constant pressure of a mass of sand cannot deform it.

Fasten wide horizontal boards around the perimeter of the playground so that children can relax while playing. You can also sit on comfortable benches with backs, which are easy to install on both sides of the building.

To understand how to make a sandbox with your own hands and find answers to all questions that may arise in the process, it is better to watch a video explaining all the installation steps. Perhaps you will find some ideas for various sandboxes made by yourself useful.

A simple sandbox made of large logs with your own hands

The design slightly resembles a traditional log house. Whole logs were used as walls, wide boards covered with light paint and used as benches were fixed on both sides. The flooring has become an excellent base that prevents soil from getting into the sand.

Sandbox-transformer with a folding lid

Perhaps the most practical and interesting option. It is done like this:

  • As for a conventional sandbox, a box is mounted from prepared boards.
  • Materials for the cover are being prepared: 12 narrow boards (6 on each side) and hinges - standard door hinges and with one long shelf (4 pieces each).
  • On both sides, two boards are nailed to the finished box.

Short shelves of loops are attached to the received parts of the future cover, and the next pair of boards is screwed to the long ones. Keep in mind: the size of the blanks should be such that the long loop captures no less than half the width. This is necessary for structural strength.

The next board is attached using a regular loop, and so that the shelves remain on the other side. To install the second workpiece, a small bar is useful, which is stuffed on both sides, stepping back from the edge about 15 cm.

A piece of wood of suitable size is stuffed onto the first pair of boards, which will not allow the lid to bend and press on the hinges in the folded state.

It turns out an interesting sandbox with a do-it-yourself lid, which remains only to be painted. Even at the preparation stage, you can use a special impregnation, which not only protects the wood, but also gives it one shade or another. The paint can be any, the main thing is that it is intended for outdoor work and does not deteriorate under the influence of the sun and precipitation. Turn on your imagination and turn the sandbox into a little miracle for your child!

To make the playground even more practical, we recommend that you use the space under the seats to store toys, fencing off the space like a compartment. All the same, children mostly play in the center of the structure, and it will be possible to save money on sand.

DIY sandbox boat

A wonderful option for little tomboys is a sandbox-boat. Probably every boy dreams of going sailing at least once in his life, so why not give him such an opportunity? Do-it-yourself sandbox is built like this:

An ordinary square base with low sides is constructed.

Two blanks are driven into the ground near one of the sides of the hull, to which boards for the "nose" of the future ship are attached. It is made in the form of a triangle with sides, the height of which should be noticeably higher than the main part. In the corners of the board, it is necessary to fasten it by hammering nails obliquely.

We make a ladder of 2-3 steps so that the child can easily move from the sandbox itself to the “nose” and back.

The top of the triangle is sewn up with boards.

Decor and additional devices are being built: equipment, masts, etc. The resulting boat is painted.

The structure can be added upon request. annex, which is installed on the other side of the sandbox. It is made from beams that are driven into the ground as poles, and sheets of plywood. In such a house it is convenient to store toys and start a variety of games.

DIY sandbox truck. step by step photos

The playground is a favorite place for kids to play. For adults, it will not be difficult to make it bright and cozy. For example, it is not difficult to make an interesting element with your own hands - a sandbox in the form of a truck, which will bring a lot of joy to children.

What you need

Any important business begins with planning. To create a sandbox, you need to prepare materials and design a structure.
For this you will need:

  • a sheet of plywood 1.5x1.5 m 1.8 cm thick (several sheets);
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws, screws, metal corners);
  • jigsaw;
  • slate pencil, drawing tools, drawing paper;
  • primer;
  • outdoor paint;
  • unnecessary car parts (steering wheel, wheels, toggle switches, headlights, etc.)

Manufacturing process

The sandbox in the form of a truck consists of two large parts - the cab and the body. They can be made from 13 parts:

  • Board of the body (2 pcs.)
  • Hood
  • front end
  • body seat
  • Body seat bottom
  • Side with doorway (2 pcs.)
  • steering wheel panel
  • Roof
  • Cabin seat
  • Cabin seat bottom
  • Back wall

DIY sandbox drawings. A photo

In order not to make mistakes with the calculations, it would be advisable to first draw sketches of the parts on paper and find their optimal location on plywood. Then transfer the image to a tree and saw it along the lines with a jigsaw.

Using fasteners, we assemble the structure, process the edges and protruding parts to avoid injury to children.

Since the truck sandbox will be used outdoors and exposed to the weather, it should be treated. To do this, the entire surface is first covered with a primer, the second layer is applied paint for outdoor use.

DIY sandbox truck. Step by step instructions with photo

It remains to add realism to the truck by installing the steering wheel, switches, you can also attach real wheels and lights.
Thus, it will take only a few hours to make a sandbox with your own hands. And how many fun minutes happy children will spend in it.

Sandboxes with a canopy. A photo

Very practical and decorative sandbox with a canopy. Many execution options:

A simple wooden structure with benches around the perimeter and a fabric canopy. For its construction, holes are made in wide horizontal boards on both sides of the sandbox, through which long thin slats pass, which serve as the basis. The roof is attached to them.

Sandbox with canopy. A photo

The sandbox is given the shape not of a square, but of a boat. To do this, on one side, two boards connected by a triangle are attached at once. The steering wheel is placed in the "bow". The fabric canopy is mounted on four supports.

A sandbox in the form of a house: wooden poles are placed at the corners of the base, a gable roof with a carved ridge and other decorations is mounted on them. An interesting effect is created by the sides of the structure, which are made not from boards, but from many bars set by a palisade.

Roofed sandbox. A photo

Another ship. As in the variant above, a base of the appropriate shape is made, a fabric triangular canopy is installed (two supports are driven in on the sides near the “nose”, and one more in the center of the board on the opposite side). A "captain's bridge" with a helm is being built.

A laconic do-it-yourself sandbox with four supports, on which a waterproof fabric is stretched on top so that the sides are formed along the edges. You can make a cover from the same material: you just need to stretch the fabric, tying it to the pillars in the corners.

A playground with poles driven into the corners, on which a wooden gable roof is installed. At a small height between two pillars opposite each other, wide boards are fastened, acting as benches.