Four-pitched roof for a 3x4 gazebo. Rafters for the gazebo: set according to the rules. The main types of hipped roofs used in the design of the gazebo

Each suburban area and cottage should be equipped with a place to relax in the fresh air. Residents of the metropolis do not travel tens of kilometers to sit within four walls. Thanks to the presence of a gazebo, you can simultaneously be on the street and receive absolute comfort. Benches, foundations, parapets - all this is extremely important, but the main role in the design falls on the roof. It protects from rain and the scorching sun, and in winter it does not allow snow to enter the interior. And below you will learn how to make the roof of the gazebo with your own hands, see photos and videos, learning about the technology of work in more detail.

Types of roof for a gazebo

If you are going to build a country cottage, the lion's share of effort, money and attention is spent on laying a high-quality foundation structure. In the case of the gazebo, everything is exactly the opposite - the main thing here is the roof. It protects the interior from the effects of atmospheric phenomena, creates an atmosphere of comfort and complements the landscape design.

The roof of the gazebo can be seen from afar, so it is important that it is not only beautiful, but also as reliable as possible.

There are a huge number of roof shapes, the enumeration of which would take more than one page. We propose to consider the most common among them.

  • Shed - a simple design used for quadrangular arbors. On the rafters at an angle, lay the finish coating and fix it in a suitable way. We will talk in more detail about the arrangement of a gazebo with a pitched roof below.
  • Gable - a design that is especially relevant for rectangular buildings. It should be made of hanging and layered rafters. This form is one of the most common, but at the same time not the most successful, since such a “house” significantly reduces the view of the site.
  • Hip, or four-slope - is distinguished by ease of use, ease of implementation, fits perfectly into any landscape. It is built on the basis of layered and sloping rafters.
  • Semicircular - also used for rectangular arbors. These roofs are made on the basis of a metal rafter lattice.
  • Hexagonal - quite difficult to perform. The hexagon gazebo roof is well suited for round and square structures and fits perfectly into any landscape design.
  • Tent is a very original solution that will transform the site and give it a style. It is a kind of hipped roof, only in the usual case 2 slopes are made in the form of a trapezoid, but here they are presented in the form of triangles. Such a roof does not have a ridge, and all triangular components converge into a ridge knot. The structure is built on the basis of rafters and joists. To make such a gazebo protected from rain and wind, you can increase the weight. Performing the roof in the form of ribs curved inward, they will resemble structures in an oriental style.
  • Round - a rather complicated roof in terms of construction, but at the same time unusual and beautiful. If you make a slight slope, then it will be made in the form of a ball, and the sharper the angle, the more elongated the structure will be. For installation, rafters are used, on which a circular crate is installed.

Despite the differences in design features and forms, all types of roofs for gazebos are united by one fact - they all consist of a crate, a rafter system and roofing material.

Do-it-yourself gazebo roof: photo and choice of roofing material

It is especially important to treat the choice of roofing for the roof of the gazebo. It directly affects the performance, durability of the structure, as well as the appearance of the site. When choosing a coating, it is necessary to build on its cost, taking into account the weight of the material, technical qualities and the method of its fastening.

When thinking about how to cover the roof of the gazebo, it is worth considering that the roof covering of the gazebo should by no means be heavy. Otherwise, you will have to build a powerful rafter system, and thick rafters are heavy, so you need to strengthen the foundation. In order not to create unnecessary problems, discard such materials and heavy ceramic tiles.

The design of the roof must meet the climatic conditions of the area. It mainly concerns the angle of inclination. You can find information on this topic in the relevant SNiP, but in short, the angle of inclination of the roof directly depends on the amount of winter and autumn precipitation, as well as the average wind speed. Living in the southern region of the country, where unbearable heat reigns in the summer, the roofing material must be fire resistant. The situation is exactly the same with if you are going to place a decorative fire pit or barbecue in the gazebo.

For the arrangement of the roofs of gazebos, soft and hard materials are distinguished:

  • soft - bitumen-based tiles, roofing felt, polycarbonate (relatively soft);
  • rigid - slate, tile, pulp and cardboard fiberglass, polymer-based composite boards.

In recent years, polycarbonate has often been used to make gazebo roofs. It is similar to plastic, which has all the characteristics to create the perfect roof. Thus, it can be used for structures of any complexity and a variety of shapes, from shed roofs to hexagonal and domed ones.

Polycarbonate does not make noise during hail and rain, unlike metal tiles and corrugated board. This material has a small weight, which is especially important for the gazebo. If we talk about aesthetics, then in this regard it wins in every respect - a rich assortment of colors and textures allows you to realize all the designer's ideas and harmoniously fit the buildings into the surrounding landscape.

As for caring for a polycarbonate roof, there is nothing complicated here - rain will wash away all the dust and dirt. In extreme cases, you can wipe the surface with a rag. Despite the transparency, the material is perfectly protected from the sun and does not transmit UV radiation. It can withstand significant temperature fluctuations, so it is ideal for operation in all regions of our country. Polycarbonate has only one drawback - in direct contact with fire, it emits toxic smoke and melts, so such a roof is clearly not suitable for gazebos with a barbecue or fireplace.

Another popular material for roofs is ondulin. It is characterized by high strength, attractive appearance, durability and reliability. It is easy to work with it, so you can completely handle the installation with your own hands, especially since this will require only fasteners, a saw and a hammer.

For large structures with serious walls, it is better to give preference to a tiled coating. This is a rather expensive option, but such a gazebo will be used for many years. The only drawback is that over time you will have to be cleaned of moss, otherwise the surface will be covered with a green and fluffy carpet and will collapse faster.

Also, shingles are often used for roofs of gazebos. It is a wooden plank made of different tree species (cedar, ash, fir, spruce, etc.). The thickness of the boards is no more than 2 cm. The wooden roof is environmentally friendly, durable and very beautiful. But keep in mind that the cost of a wooden "tile" sometimes forces you to resort to alternative solutions.

Before you start building or buying materials, you need to complete the drawings of the roof for the gazebo. Based on them, calculate the amount of building materials and determine what will be the load on the truss system.

What should be taken into account when calculating:

  • roofing cake weight;
  • the total weight of all components of the truss system;
  • wind load;
  • snow load;
  • the weight of the equipment attached to the truss system (ventilation, antennas, etc.).

The basis of the roof directly depends on the method of fastening and the weight of the finish coating. For example, rolled materials require a solid flat support, for this reason it is necessary to make a crate of wooden slats and a boardwalk for them.

Attention! Special attention should be paid to the slope of the roof. First, familiarize yourself with the climatic conditions of the region and the regulations on this topic in the SNiP. The design of the truss system, as well as the choice of material for the roof, directly depends on the angle of the roof. For example, some of them can be installed on a roof with a strong slope, and vice versa. The degree of inclination of the slopes directly affects the fastening of the crate, the installation step of the rafters, which in turn affects the total weight of the entire structure.

As you can see, these moments are interconnected and they need to be carefully thought out by painting at the design stage of the gazebo roof project.

Arrangement of the truss system

As mentioned above, all roofs of gazebos have a base, represented by a truss system. It is she who determines the geometry and type of roof. Rafters are used as the main material - wooden beams with a rectangular and square section. They bear the main load, and the crate, which is stuffed with rafters, distributes it over the supporting pillars and the entire surface.

It is important to accurately determine the optimal section of the rafters, given the following:

  • rafter length;
  • the weight of the roofing cake (material, lathing, insulation, waterproofing);
  • roof pitch;
  • rafter installation step;
  • roof type.

To make the structure stable and rigid, a rafter crossbar is used, attaching it to the rafters. For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the picture.

Here you will see a structure that consists of inclined rafters:

Hanging rafters form a protective canopy at the gazebo, as a result of which wind or precipitation does not penetrate inside.

The rafter legs in wooden structures rest against the upper crowns, and in stone ones - against the bars and the Mauerlat strapping. Arbors are extremely rarely built of stone and are usually classified as a type of wooden frame structures.

Mauerlat is an integral part of the truss system. It acts as a connecting element between the walls of the building and the rafters. To install the Mauerlat, it is laid on the end of the wall (upper) and attached with powerful bolts, brackets or grooved joints to the floor beam.

The choice of supports directly depends on the type of roof, the size of the gazebo and the method of placing the rafters. For example, hanging rafters are created without central supporting elements. Their ends rest against the walls, and between the two rafter legs there is a connecting screed, which acts as a support.

Attention! If the span is less than 8 mm, it is necessary to make a crossbar insert between the top of the rafters and the screed so that they do not sag. If the span is more than 8 mm, you need to install a vertical element - the headstock.

To fasten the headstock, staples, bolts or tightening clamps are used. To begin with, the ends of the rafters cut up the headstock, after which they are attracted with bolts and an iron lining. Exactly the same way they do with a puff. As an alternative, “nests” are chosen on the headstock, and “spikes” are made in the struts - this connection is more stable and durable.

Attention! If you are going to build a gable roof, it is recommended to use a thick wooden lining to fasten the headstock, nailing it to the ridge. If you use an iron crate for this, use large bolts to fasten it.

The design of the roof with four slopes in this regard is much simpler - the rafters enter the headstock with spikes, and the crossbars, fastened with a cross, reinforce the strength. They are fastened with long nails to the rafters.

Do not forget that if a ceiling is not made in the gazebo, then the back side of the roof will act as a decorative component of the interior. For this reason, it must be made beautiful and neat. In this case, it is recommended to replace the crossbars with struts, as a result of which the vault will be symmetrical. Often this decision applies to six- and four-sided roofs.

Do-it-yourself gazebo roof: photos of different designs

  1. Single roof.

It has the simplest design. In fact, this is an ordinary canopy, which is under a slight slope. To do this, it is attached at different levels on the walls. It is better to turn the slope to the windward side so that the snow is quickly blown away in winter and does not linger on the surface for a long time. In such simple gazebos, there is usually no separate ceiling, as a result of which the back side of the roof acts as a decorative part.

The choice of slope of a shed roof directly depends on the roofing material, the amount of precipitation and wind load in your area. For example, in arid climatic zones with a slight gust of wind, the slope can be as low as 5°, while in areas with strong winds and heavy rainfall, the angle can be up to 60°.

The correct angle of inclination of the roof for the finish coating:

  • 30° - metal tiles;
  • 5° - roofing material and other roll materials;
  • from 18° to 30° - folded roof;
  • 8 ° - corrugated board;
  • from 20 to 35 ° - slate.

If you make the angle of inclination less than required, this will entail a lot of trouble - water stagnates on the roof surface for a long time and spoils the roofing material. As a consequence, it penetrates inside, and the roof will leak. In areas with strong winds, a sloping roof is subjected to significant loads - gusts of wind will blow under it, and the base may come off.

When equipping a truss system on a shed roof, coniferous wood is usually used. Before installation, all wooden components should be treated with flame retardants and antiseptics.

Do-it-yourself gazebo roof construction

For a shed roof, an elementary truss system is required.

  • Lay the rafter inclined beams across the Mauerlat, adhering to a step of 70-80 cm, use nails 100-1200 cm for fixing. In the event that the gazebo is concrete, it is necessary to fix the cross member with anchors.
  • To make it easier for you to move at height, it is recommended to lay wide boards on the rafters - they must be removed when the roofing material is installed.
  • Attach the batten to the rafters at a right angle of 90°. Most often, slats from a bar of 50x50 mm are used for crates. Moreover, the step of the crate should be such that the slate comes out on both sides by 20 cm.
  • Lay the waterproofing over the crate (from bottom to top). The material should be stacked on top of each other, as well as on the walls by 15-20 cm. Connect the segments together with a wide adhesive tape. As a rule, a simple film of 200 microns is used for roof waterproofing. The material is nailed to the crate using a construction stapler.
  • Then you can start laying the slate. At the bottom, make the first row, overlapping the pieces of slate. The components of the second row should be somewhat on the lower ones so that the water flows calmly from the roof and does not penetrate inside. Nail the material to the crate at the intersection points of the sheets using special nails. Nail each element from the edges of the roof with nails (two per sheet) with the same pitch.
  • Attach the wind board with nails to the rafter joists at the lower and upper ends of the roof. Thus, the wind will not be able to rip off the roof, and rain and snow will not blow under the roofing material.
As you can see, making a shed roof on a gazebo is the easiest way. But the simplest will be the arrangement of a roof made of polycarbonate. In total, everything takes no more than one day.
  1. Quadruple roof.

Such a roof looks attractive, convenient to use and maintain. It creates a high-quality shelter from the bright sun and bad weather and perfectly complements the ensemble of structures on the site. Such a roof is especially relevant for rectangular or square buildings. In the case of square arbors, it is a hipped analogue of a simple hip roof and consists of triangular (isosceles) segments.

hipped roof

It is worth noting that almost any finishing coating can be laid on a hipped roof. It does not block the view from the inside, and if you show imagination, you can stylize the entire structure by making an oriental gazebo.

A roof with four slopes can withstand significant wind loads, even with a slight slope. Precipitation does not linger on it, so you can not think about repairs for many years. The hip roof with wide overhangs perfectly retains heat in the gazebo and does not allow the wind to blow out the leaves, snow or rain.

Among the disadvantages of this type of roof, it is worth highlighting the need for accurate measurements and calculations, which will be very difficult to handle even for a beginner. For this reason, if you are not confident in your knowledge and strength, it is better to entrust the design stage to experienced craftsmen, and take on the practical part.

Watch a video on how to make a roof on a gazebo with your own hands and avoid mistakes during installation:

For this roof, you need to correctly calculate the load and determine the characteristics of the entire truss system. To ensure the necessary rigidity, it is important to provide for the installation of puffs and struts. On the roof diagram, it is worth indicating information regarding the location of the components, their parameters and installation technology.

To create a roof with four slopes, several types of rafters are used:

  • Central - connect the skate to the frame. In fact, the task of Mauerlat falls on them.
  • Sloping - diagonal components that define the shape of the roof and can withstand a significant load.
  • Narozhniki - short rafters, resting at one end on the Mauerlat, and at the other - on the diagonal diagonals. Installation is carried out parallel to the central rafters.

How measurements are made

If you decide to take measurements yourself, get ready to do everything as carefully as possible, because due to an error you will have to pay for a long time. For measurements, take a measuring rod 2-3 meters long.

Measurements consist of the following steps:

  • define the axis at the top of the supporting beam frame;
  • calculate ½ of the thickness of the ridge beam;
  • make a mark where the first central rafter will be fixed;
  • attach the measuring rail to the mark and mark the location of the second rafter;
  • repeat the procedure for each corner of the roof.

We raise the roof of the gazebo

A four-slope roof can stand on brick, wood, concrete or stone walls or on a supporting frame. In the latter case, installation requires accuracy and a special approach. Make sure that all racks are securely fastened and are strictly perpendicular to the ground, because the roof may collapse. At the bottom of the rack, you need to tie jumpers to increase the rigidity of the frame. Jumpers located at the top simultaneously perform strapping functions. For better reliability, install diagonal jumpers so that the poles do not move apart from a strong load.

Building a roof for a gazebo with your own hands

  • You need to start work with the installation of a ridge beam, attaching it to vertical supports and special struts.
  • At the required angle (written in SNiP), fix the diagonal rafters that form the slopes.
  • Set the optimal length of the lights, increase them with thick overhead boards (if necessary).
  • Fix the tripods and the central rafters.
  • Lay a special waterproofing film over the rafters and attach it with a building slab.
  • Stuff the wooden crate on the waterproofing. If the roof covering requires additional ventilation, then make a control batten before laying the ventilation foil.
  • Mount the roofing material that you have chosen for the gazebo according to the provided technology.

If you are going to make a hipped roof with your own hands, follow the same instructions, only without installing a ridge element. Instead, tie diagonal rafters into a ridge knot.

A cozy gazebo is a great place to spend time with guests on the site of a country house in the summer. Unexpectedly bad weather can spoil your outdoor activities. A hip roof for a gazebo with your own hands will not only be a source of pride for the owner, but will also reliably protect from bad weather.

Benefits of a hip roof

The hip design is one of the varieties of the hipped roof, it is distinguished by practicality and elegant appearance. If you look at it from above, then in appearance it looks like a closed envelope. Two large side slopes have the shape of a trapezoid, and at the end there are two small ones - a triangular configuration, which are called "hips".

Although the design of a four-slope structure is much more complicated and its installation is more expensive than a gable roof, it has a number of significant advantages:

  • large hip roof overhangs retain the heat accumulated during the day longer;
  • perfectly protects from the sun, without limiting the outlook;
  • hipped roof better withstands wind loads;
  • more slopes provide reliable protection from rain;
  • the correct choice of the angle of inclination will eliminate the need to clear snow in winter;
  • due to the rigidity of the structure, the roof does not require frequent maintenance;
  • it is possible to mount the roof with your own hands with one assistant.

The only drawback is the need for accurate calculations when designing a structure.

Structural elements of a hip roof

Hip roofs have the same set of nodes and elements that are assembled in a certain sequence, and are the basis for the installation of more complex roofing systems:

Since all elements of the truss system are made of wood, they are subject to the damaging effects of moisture and fungus. These factors affect the service life of the structure, leading to its premature wear. Before installation, be sure to carry out antiseptic treatment. If it is planned to install a barbecue or brazier in the gazebo, then all structural elements are treated with fire retardants, which will prevent the roof from igniting in case of fire.

For the manufacture of all elements of a hipped roof, experts recommend using the same lumber and using the same fastening method.

hip roof design

Any construction begins with a project. You can perform the calculations yourself or choose a suitable project on public resources. It is very important to choose the correct angle of inclination of the hip roof, not only the roofing material, but also the service life of the entire structure as a whole will depend on this parameter. After a suitable roof configuration has been selected, it is necessary to draw up a general drawing of the gazebo and, on its basis, make calculations, taking into account the main loads acting on the roof structure:

  • weight of roofing;
  • winds prevailing in the region;
  • load produced by atmospheric precipitation;
  • the total weight of all elements of the truss structure.

When drawing up a project, it is imperative to take into account the mass of all workers who install a hipped roof.

The configuration of the future roof depends on the imagination of the owner of the gazebo and his financial capabilities. When drawing up a hip roof diagram, it should be borne in mind that a complex structure will require more material and time for its construction. If there are any problems with the calculations, it is better to seek help from specialists. This will require additional finances and time, but in the end the result will justify the investment. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting an unreliable roof, which after a while will have to be redone.

Stages of installation of a hip structure

Before you build a roof, you need to provide the gazebo with maximum stability. To do this, reinforce the upper trim of the walls, laying a layer of boards. There may be two layers depending on the thickness of the material. The boardwalk will also provide added convenience and safety when building a roof. A puff beam is fixed to the boards along the long wall.

Stepping back from the middle of the puffing beam in both directions by 50 cm, vertical racks 1 m long are installed. So that during the operation of the rack they do not change their position, they are temporarily fixed with struts. A ridge beam is fixed on top of the racks.

At the next stage, the central and intermediate rafters are installed. During installation, it is necessary to strictly observe the distance between them, obtained in the calculations. Then the diagonal rafters are fastened, sawing their upper ends in such a way that they serve as a continuation of the ridge beam. Fastening to the ridge is made with ordinary nails; to fix the lower ends of the diagonal rafters to the Mauerlat, a movable fastening is used - a slider. The next step is to mount the sprigs, fixing one end to the diagonal rafters, and the other to the upper trim of the gazebo.

After that, it is necessary to waterproof the frame. The material is fixed to the rafters with slats of the counter-lattice. To ensure tightness, waterproofing strips are laid with an overlap of 10 cm.

After installing all the additional supporting elements, the crate is laid, fixing it with ordinary nails. This completes the assembly of the hip roof frame and you can start covering it. As a roof, you can use any material at your discretion, as long as it is reliable and durable.

If all the calculations were made correctly, and the work was done in strict accordance with them, the hip roof will reliably protect the gazebo from the sun and bad weather. It remains only to arrange the furniture and add decorative elements to your taste.

Sergey Novozhilov is an expert in roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

A four-pitched roof for a gazebo is a building solution that gives the finished building volume and a monumental appearance. At the same time, one- and two-pitched roofs look somewhat monotonous and meager.

Preparatory activities

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to create detailed drawings of the future structure, as well as determine the necessary building materials. Usually, when building a hipped roof, wood is used for mounting the truss system, fasteners, roofing material and a waterproofing film.

A quality roof will protect you and your gazebo from the rain

Depending on the idea and size of the future roof, you must purchase:

  1. A bar with a section of 150x150 or 100x100 mm. It is used to make Mauerlat. The choice must be approached carefully, the beam must be even, without cracks, rot, mold. Poor quality material can jeopardize the reliability of the entire future design.
  2. For the manufacture of rafter legs, boards with a section of 100x150 and 50x150 mm are needed. Here it must be borne in mind that the length of the diagonal rafters exceeds the length of the ordinary ones. The thickness of the boards for diagonal rafters should be twice as large as for ordinary ones.
  3. When installing the crate, unedged boards of 40x100 or 30x100 mm in size are used. Taking into account the fact that the crate will be covered with roofing material, it is possible to use not new boards, but the second or third grade.

Since wood is a material of natural origin, subject to the influence of various environmental factors, which over time can worsen its condition and lead to the complete destruction of the structure, it is necessary to treat the wood with antiseptic agents. If the future gazebo is equipped with a barbecue or stove, then additional treatment with fire retardants will be required (to prevent fires).

When drawing up the drawings of a pitched roof, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the structure, but also to calculate the height of the ridge, the angle of inclination of the slopes and the load. Thus, it will be possible to easily select the cross section of the rafters. Also in the drawing indicate the location and dimensions of the future truss system.

Use treated wood for a quality roof

To perform any work, including the construction of a hipped roof, it is necessary to use a certain tool. As practice shows, the more reliable the tool, the faster, better and faster the work is done. Most often they use a planer, saw, drill, screwdriver, hammer, various types of fasteners and other tools.

Video "Building a gazebo with a hipped roof"

From this video you will learn how to build a cozy gazebo made of wood with a hipped roof:

The construction of a hip roof

There are several options for building a hipped roof, but one of the simplest and most commonly used is the hip construction. Its construction provides for the phased implementation of the following actions:

  1. The upper trim must be reinforced with boards, while all work is overlapped.
  2. A tension beam is attached to the long side of the gazebo using metal corners.
  3. Two meter racks are installed on puffs.
  4. Temporary struts are often used to fix vertical struts, but such work is not mandatory.
  5. The highest part of the roof is the ridge run, which is connected to the tops of the racks.
  6. With a step of about 65–70 cm, sprigs (shortened rafter legs) are attached to the diagonal rafters and the upper harness.
  7. At the final stage, the waterproofing material and the roof are laid.

Construction of a half-hip analogue

As an option, you can consider a gazebo with a half-hip roof. The basis of this construction process is the implementation of almost the same actions as in the arrangement of a hip roof. Its peculiarity is that one of the slopes is performed strictly vertically, at a smaller angle or has a triangular shape. Thanks to this solution, on one side the roof looks like a gable.

This option implies a large selection of technical solutions, so everything depends solely on the owner’s idea (on how he sees the future structure).

Installation of a tent structure

The hip design is inferior to the hip design in its popularity, which is primarily due to a more complex technological process and the need to have certain knowledge in roofing. This process includes the following steps:

  1. Strengthening of a bar with a size of 100x100 mm. This action must be performed along the diagonals of the upper trim of the frame. Maximum attention is paid to the crossing point, which will be the center of the gazebo.
  2. At the intersection of the diagonal bars, it is necessary to attach a column. Most often it is made of the same timber 100x100 mm. When performing this type of work, it is necessary to take into account the angle of the roof.

Create a gazebo with your own hands
  1. Rafters are attached to each side of the upper trim from the post (it is best to make them from a 50x100 mm board). In order for the laying to be as reliable and dense as possible, small cuts are made at the right angle.
  2. In the case of large dimensions of the structure, reinforcement can be made using wind boards or struts. After that, the lathing and laying of the roofing material is carried out.

Chinese style roof assembly

Roofing made in the Chinese style is a complex, original and unusual option. This method is rarely used in the construction of gazebos, but it makes it possible to distinguish the gazebo from other structures.

When assembling such a structure, special attention is paid to the selection of materials. First of all, we are talking about non-standard rafters and a special rack-and-beam system. Thanks to this, you can achieve the traditional Chinese style with the edges of the roof turned up.

In general, the Chinese-style roofing system is somewhat similar to the process of arranging a tent structure, but in this case, the base will resemble a Christmas tree structure.

When the design of the hipped roof is ready, the question arises of which roofing material to choose. In this case, you can use almost any material, but still experts advise giving preference to the so-called soft roof. We are talking about bituminous tiles, which are durable and elastic plates. Such material is distinguished by durability, a large selection of colors, ease of installation and looks more beautiful than many other materials.

Polycarbonate is also a good material, which, depending on the thickness and color, can fill the gazebo with a certain amount of sunlight. But this material has a significant drawback - poor resistance to some environmental factors, so before you cover the roof with polycarbonate sheets, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

After completing the construction of a house on their own site, their owners often think that it would be nice to ennoble the site itself. There are a lot of ways and methods of landscaping the site, so choosing the best option depends on personal preferences. However, there is one element that most owners sooner or later come to the desire to install - a gazebo that allows you to arrange gatherings on the street in any weather.

It is quite possible to assemble a small gazebo on your own, especially when it comes to a simple design. One of the simplest options is a gazebo with a hipped roof, which can be done with little to no experience. How to make a hipped roof for a gazebo, and will be discussed in this article.

Four-pitched roof device and main characteristics

Pergolas with special geometry require their own roof design:

  1. For square arbors, a hipped roof is best suited. Its device includes four triangular-shaped slopes, the upper edges of which are brought to one point.
  2. Rectangular arbors are most often covered with a hip hipped roof, which includes two trapezoidal slopes and two triangular ones located at the ends of the structure. Unlike the previous version, when installing with your own hands, the hip roof for the gazebo is equipped with a ridge installed parallel to the long sides of the structure.

Design Benefits

The main advantages of a hipped roof for a gazebo are as follows:

  • Excellent ability to drain water, due to the large number of slopes;
  • The ability to accumulate a lot of heat on warm days, which will come in handy in case of late events;
  • The hip roof gives excellent protection from the sun without any viewing restrictions;
  • A well-equipped roof does not require regular maintenance and cleaning, which is due to the ability to independently remove precipitation;
  • Ease of installation allows you to assemble the roof even on your own (unless one more person is required for high-altitude work);
  • The low cost of materials makes a hipped roof quite cost-effective.

Selection and preparation of materials for the gazebo

For the construction of a hipped roof for a gazebo, the following materials will be required:

  1. Beam for Mauerlat, racks and puffs. As a rule, beams with a square section are used for arbors. Dimensions - 100x100 or 150x150 mm. Naturally, the material should not have defects.
  2. Boards for rafters. Products with a section of 50x150 or 100x150 mm are quite suitable. Before buying, you need to consider that diagonal rafters are usually longer, so long boards may be required. In addition, to install the rafters diagonally, it is better to take boards with a greater thickness (or connect two ordinary boards).
  3. Boards for crates. The best option is unedged products with a section of 30x100 mm. For crates, it is not necessary to select first-class boards - it is quite possible to save on this.
  4. Boards for the counter-lattice. The counter-lattice is made of slats with a section of 30x30 mm.
  5. Wind and cornice boards.
  6. Waterproof film.
  7. Required number of fasteners.

Before you make a hipped roof of a gazebo with your own hands, the wooden elements of the future structure must be impregnated with an antiseptic. It's all about the organic nature of wood, because of which the material is constantly affected by moisture and bacteria. To compensate for this factor, it is necessary to use protective coatings. In addition, flame retardant treatment will not be superfluous, especially if an open fire is planned in the gazebo.

The design of the truss system - how to do it right

Before work, it is necessary to carry out calculations and create a drawing of a hipped roof for a gazebo. The drawing should show all roof elements and their dimensions. Properly executed drawings of the truss system of a hipped roof will allow you to create a high-quality and reliable design.

The roof frame for the gazebo includes the following elements:

  1. Mauerlat, which holds the entire roof on itself and evenly distributes its weight over the supports. The supporting element in the case of the gazebo is the upper wall trim.
  2. Rafter legs, the upper point of which is connected to the ridge run, and the lower point to the Mauerlat. The rafter attachment step can vary from 60 to 120 cm, but with one condition - there must be at least 3 rafter legs on each side of the roof.
  3. Diagonal rafter legs that connect the ridge and corners of the gazebo.
  4. The spears necessary for the formation of a hip slope. The upper edge they are connected to the diagonal rafters, and the lower part is attached to the Mauerlat. The installation step of the sprigs is no more than 60-80 cm.
  5. Ridge run, necessary for connecting the upper ends of the vertical racks. In addition, the ridge run is the top support for conventional rafters.
  6. Racks - vertical supports that are mounted on puffs. Racks support the ridge part of the truss system and transfer the load to the load-bearing elements of the structure.
  7. Puffs installed between paired rafters to reduce the bursting load on the walls of the building.
  8. The crate to which the selected roofing will be attached in the future.

Do-it-yourself roof installation sequence

A four-pitched roof for a gazebo with your own hands is created according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first step is to strengthen the strapping of the walls. For this, one or two layers of ordinary boards are usually used. Parallel to the long wall of the gazebo, a puff beam is attached to the harness.
  2. Half a meter from the center of the tightening, meter vertical racks are installed on both sides. To keep them in an upright position throughout the installation work, it is worth using temporary struts. In the future, the racks will be attached to the ridge run.
  3. The next step is the installation of rafters. When installing them, you should monitor the pairing of the rafter legs and the uniformity of the step between them.
  4. Next, you can attach the diagonal rafter legs. Before installing them, you need to make cuts that will allow you to fix the rafters so that they are a continuation of the ridge run. Fixing the rafters to the ridge is carried out with ordinary nails. It is necessary to install the rafters on the Mauerlat using a slider (special movable mount).
  5. After installing the rafters, the turn of the rafters comes. One of them is attached to the diagonal rafter legs, and the second - to the upper wall trim. The optimal distance between the sprigs is about 60-70 cm.
  6. A layer of waterproofing material is attached to the rafters. For reliability, the strips of material must overlap each other with an overlap of at least 10 cm. The waterproofing along the rafters is fastened with counter-lattices.
  7. After installing all the supporting structural elements, you can lay the crate, fixing it with nails.
  8. The last step is the installation of the selected roofing. Self-tapping screws are usually used to fix it, unless the material implies a different fastening.

If the do-it-yourself drawings of a hipped roof for a gazebo were correctly calculated, and the work was done correctly, then the resulting design will be quite reliable and effective protection from the sun and precipitation.


The hipped roof for the gazebo is quite suitable for do-it-yourself assembly - there are no difficulties in its design. The assembled gazebo can only be furnished and decorated with decorative elements to your liking.