An order to cancel the contract sample. Cancel the employment contract. Conditions for canceling an employment contract

When hiring a future employee, an employment contract is concluded. This document defines the labor function of the employee, his mode of work, wages and much more.

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But the signing of an employment contract by an employee does not mean that he will actually begin to perform his labor function within the time period specified in the document.

What does the law say?

If the employee has not started to perform official (working) duties, it becomes necessary to recognize this agreement as invalid.

The norms of Part 4 of Article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), after being amended in 2007, clearly regulate the conditions for canceling an employment contract.

This is documented both at the request of the employee and at the initiative of the employer, depending on the specific situation.

Conditions for canceling an employment contract

Employee initiative

This situation is a common practice, especially when it comes to working personnel, when a failed employee comes to the personnel department with the words “changed his mind”, “found a better job”, etc.

Further actions of the personnel officer imply two scenarios:

  • Option 1: The employee writes a statement addressed to the head of the organization with the wording: “I ask you to cancel the employment contract concluded with me dated 00.00.0000 No. 00.”
  • Option 2: The employee and the employer organization enter into an agreement on the annulment of the employment contract. The agreement necessarily reflects that the parties do not have mutual claims against each other, due to the fact that they did not enter into labor relations.

Forms of agreement and statement are not unified by law.

Agreement example:

Agreement Example

Both the application and the agreement are the basis for an order to annul the employment contract, with which the employee must be familiarized against signature.

Agreement on and cancellation are not equivalent terms.

Termination refers to the termination of an employment relationship, while cancellation means that the employee and employer have not entered into an employment relationship.

Employer initiative

The legislation gives the employer the right, but not the obligation, to cancel the contract, the terms of which the employee has violated.

But the employer can wait for some time in the expectation that the employee will nevertheless begin to fulfill his duties.

Absence from work may be due to illness or injury of the worker.

The employer is not obliged to execute the cancellation of the contract on the day when the fact of absenteeism was recorded.

But it should be remembered that all the time until the contract is recognized as not concluded, the employee will be listed in the organization, and he is entitled to social security by law.

Amendments to article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation make it easier for the employer, since the concept of "good" and "disrespectful" reasons is excluded.

Therefore, the employee's incapacity for work is not an obstacle to recognizing the contract as not concluded.

Employer action plan

As court practice shows, despite changes in labor legislation, decisions in resolving labor disputes are often interpreted in favor of the employee acting as the plaintiff.

The employer may be required to provide copies of documents confirming the conclusion of an employment contract and the fact that the employee is absent from work.

Therefore, it is impossible to throw away the employment contract and the order for admission - you should justify your actions.

Depending on the initiator of the cancellation of the contract, the employer draws up the following documents:

Firstly, it is necessary to formalize the fact that the employee did not start to fulfill his duties by position (profession).

The Labor Code does not oblige the use of a unified form of the act; it must indicate:

  • date, time and place of drawing up the act;
  • Full name of the employee;
  • a brief description of the circumstances.

The act is drawn up by a personnel officer in the presence of at least two witnesses.

They are usually the head of the unit, and the person responsible for maintaining time records. They also certify the act with their signatures, after which the document is approved by the director of the organization.

The basis for drawing up the act is usually a memorandum of the head of the department where the employee was admitted.

Examples of drawing up an act:

Sample act on the absence of an employee at the workplace
An example of an act for the annulment of an employment contract

Secondly, an order is issued to annul the employment contract and cancel the order to hire an employee.

Order example:

Sample order to cancel an employment contract

Thirdly, a letter (registered with a notification!) Is sent to the address of the employee's residence with a request to pick up his work book, or send a written consent to the organization to send it by mail.

This obligation of the employer is due to the requirements of part 6 of article 841 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Ivanov I.I. was hired by Barberry LLC as a plumber. The employment contract was concluded on 02.09.2015. The start date is the next day. In due time Ivanov AND.AND. did not show up for work and did not start work.

Master of the production site Sidorov S.S. wrote to the director of Barberry LLC Petrov P.P. report on this fact. It was considered by the director of the organization, and transferred to the person responsible for maintaining personnel records management, Shishkina Yu.I. In the personnel department, an act was drawn up stating that the employee Ivanov I.I. did not start work.

On the basis of this act, the organization issued an order with the following content:

Order example

After the issuance of the order According to the current legislation, the employer is obliged to make an entry about the work in the work book of the employee after five working days.

Therefore, if the employee did not go to work on the first working day, he must receive a work book without a record of employment. If an entry has been made for any reason, it should be cancelled.

The rules for maintaining work books do not contain information on how exactly the entry on the cancellation of an employment contract should be formulated, since the legislation does not provide for it.


An example of an entry in the work book when canceling an employment contract

What if the employee is a foreigner?

Article 50.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation fills in the gaps in the legislation that existed before its introduction in the field of employment of foreigners.

However, neither this article nor other legislative acts contain a specific procedure for canceling an employment contract with foreign citizens.

Apparently, it is assumed that a foreigner who has received a patent to work in the Russian Federation and is registered with the Federal Migration Service will start working in any case. It remains to be assumed that if such an incident nevertheless occurred, it is necessary to send a notification to the FMS and the tax service - just as when hiring a citizen of another state.

The employer may have a situation where it is necessary to cancel the employment contract with the employee.

When can an employment contract be canceled?

You can cancel an employment contract for one reason - the employee did not start work on the day the work began (,). As a rule, this day is determined in the employment contract. If the parties have not prescribed it, then the employee must begin to perform the labor function the next day after signing the contract.

With candidates who successfully passed interviews, employment contracts are most often signed on the first working day. The main points, in particular the mode of operation and the level of earnings, are voiced to them at personal meetings. Then they enlist the consent to take a vacancy and stipulate the release date. Later, the hr-specialist tells the future employee by phone what time, where and with what documents he needs to arrive to apply for a job.

Another situation is not excluded: the employer signs an employment contract with a suitable specialist in advance. For example, when before leaving the previous company, he wants to receive job guarantees. Then the parties draw up a contract in writing 2 or more weeks before the start of work.

Regardless of when the employment contract was signed, workers change plans, sometimes reaching curiosities. Some of them, having visited the office, signed all the papers, familiarized themselves with local acts and handed over the work book, go home. In such cases, the employer has no choice but to cancel the employment contract by issuing an appropriate order. This will allow the contract to be considered void. After that, the employee will not be able to demand from the employer the fulfillment of the conditions provided for in it.

Sample order to cancel an employment contract

What to look out for

BUT) An order to cancel an employment contract is issued on any day, including the one that is defined as "the day the work began." For example, if an employee was supposed to start working on March 2, 2015, but did not, then the order can be dated 03/02/2015. A later date of the order (March 3 or 4) will not be a mistake, but it is better not to delay it. Let's explain why.

With his copy of the employment contract, the employee will be able to claim sickness benefits. Such claims will be justified on one condition: temporary disability occurred in the period from the day the employment contract was concluded to the day it was canceled (part 4 of article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,). Moreover, the citizen himself must get sick or get injured; sick leave to care for a sick family member is not taken into account. Therefore, it is more profitable for the company to “close” the story with the failed employee as soon as possible.

B) The wording of the order should indicate the annulment of the employment contract, and not its termination for absenteeism. It is impossible to punish a negligent employee by applying a disciplinary sanction to him. Absence from work entails only one consequence - the annulment of the contract.

In addition, it is necessary to recognize as invalid the order by which the employer, in accordance with Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation formalized the employment of an employee. The original order remains in the binder with other similar orders. There is no need to take it out of business and destroy it. After all, the order for admission was issued legally and its presence only indicates that the employer, when hiring an employee, fulfilled all the mandatory requirements.

AT) Orders often indicate who is responsible for a particular task. In this case, it is advisable to assign responsibility for the execution of the order to the one who is responsible for processing the admission and dismissal of personnel. He will make sure that the missing employee does not get into the time sheet, and if the latter managed to deposit the work book, he will send him a notification about the need to appear for it. Such an obligation is not provided for in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but in the case of claims of a failed employee, it will allow to prove (along with other evidence) that the latter did not begin to fulfill his duties, which means that the employer had the right to cancel the contract.

G) The basis for the order will be an act stating that the employee has not started work. This document is not mandatory, but if necessary (in court or during an audit), with its help, a representative of the company will justify why the employer decided to cancel the employment contract (determinations of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court dated 07/07/2014 in case No. 33-6435, B-10 , Khabarovsk Regional Court dated July 16, 2014 in case No. 33–4126/2014).

The period of absence of an employee, after which an act is drawn up, is not specified in the law. It is more convenient to do this shortly before the end of the first working day (15-20 minutes). For activation, it is advisable to involve the head of the department where the employee was accepted, his failed colleague and a representative of the personnel department. The main thing is that real witnesses participate in the preparation of the act. Then their words will be difficult to doubt.

The employer has entered into an employment contract with the employee, which determines the term for entering the workplace. But the employee, for some reason, did not begin to perform his duties. What should an employer do? You can fire an employee for absenteeism, but then you will have to follow a special procedure. Meanwhile, for such cases, the Labor Code provides for a simpler action - the annulment of the employment contract. In this article, we will consider under what conditions it is possible to cancel an employment contract, what circumstances can cause this and how to properly draw up documents.

Cancellation conditions

Labor relations between an employee and an employer arise on the basis of an employment contract concluded in accordance with the Labor Code. An employment contract enters into force from the day it is signed by the employee and the employer, unless otherwise provided by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or the employment contract itself, or from the day the employee is actually admitted to work with the knowledge or on behalf of the employer or his representative. 1 article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employee is obliged to start the performance of labor duties on the day determined by the employment contract. That is, if the contract is concluded, for example, on 07/02/2012, then the day the work starts can be 07/04/2012, and 07/20/2012, etc. agreements in force.

If the employee did not start work on the day it began, the employer has the right to cancel the employment contract. A canceled employment contract is considered not concluded, that is, it does not give rise to any legal consequences, except for the employee's right to social security benefits in the event of an insured event in the period from the date of conclusion of the employment contract to the day of its cancellation.

An employer can cancel an employment contract regardless of the reasons why the employee did not start work: whether he changed his mind about working in this organization, fell ill or was injured. Attention here should be paid to the wording of the cancellation condition - "if the employee has not started work." Perhaps he nevertheless came, but, having assessed the working environment or the team, he decided not to start working in this organization and left. Either he came and intended to start work, but before entering the office he stumbled and injured his hand. In both cases, according to Art. 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract can be canceled.

Note. Prior to amendments to the Labor Code in 2006, it was possible to cancel an employment contract only if the employee did not start work on time without good reason within a week.

Note that the annulment of an employment contract is a right, not an obligation of the employer. He decides whether the employee will be able to start work in the future or not.

Some employers, if a newcomer has not started work and at the same time an order for employment has not yet been issued and an entry has not been made in the work book, simply destroy the employment contract. This should not be done - after all, a copy of the contract remains with the employee, who may not agree with the actions of the employer and apply to regulatory or judicial authorities. Therefore, although the Labor Code does not establish a specific procedure for canceling an employment contract, it is still better to take certain actions. Let's consider them in order.

Registration of cancellation

So, first of all, it is necessary to record the fact that the employee has not started work, and bring this information to the attention of the employer. An act is drawn up, which, as a rule, is signed by employees of the organization in the amount of at least three people, and a memorandum - by a personnel worker or head of the unit in which the newcomer was supposed to work. The question immediately arises: when do you need to issue these documents? We believe that it is better to draw up an act at the end of the day, making sure that the employee did not come and start work, for example, an hour before it ends. After all, if the employee nevertheless appears and takes up his duties, you will no longer be able to cancel the employment contract, but you can apply a disciplinary sanction to the employee for absenteeism (absence from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during the working day (shift)) up to before being fired. As for the report, it is more expedient to draw it up at the beginning of the next day.

If the employee nevertheless went to work, but changed his mind about starting it, you can request a statement from him refusing to start work.

We give approximate examples of a memorandum and an act.

Chief physician

V. I. Markov

From 08/07/2012 N 5

Memorandum on the absence of the employee at the workplace on the day the work began

I bring to your attention that the accountant Larisa Ivanovna Kochkina, with whom an employment contract of 08/01/2012 N 18/12 was concluded, did not start work on her first day of work, determined by the employment contract - 08/06/2012.

Kochkina L.I. informed the chief accountant Petrova T.V. about the reason for her absence from the workplace on 08/06/2012 at 16.00, saying that she could not leave on the first day of work due to poor health.

In connection with the need to perform the function for this position, as well as the availability of a candidate for another employee who is ready to start working as an accountant on 08/08/2012, I ask you to consider the possibility of canceling the employment contract with Kochkina L.I. in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Application: act dated 08/06/2012.

MLPU "Dental Clinic"

06.08.2012 Moscow

Act N 14/1 that the employee did not start work on the day it started

Compilation time: 17 h 50 min.

I, the head of the personnel department, O. N. Maslova, in the presence of the chief accountant T. V. Petrova and the personnel specialist M. N. Khokhlova, have drawn up this act on the following.

Accountant Kochkina Larisa Ivanovna, in violation of clause 1.4 of the employment contract dated 08/01/2012 N 18/12, did not start work on 08/06/2012.

Kochkina L.I. notified the chief accountant Petrova T.V. at 16.00 on 06.08.2012 about the reason for her absence, citing poor health.

Head of the personnel department Maslova /O. N. Maslova/

Chief Accountant Petrova /T. V. Petrova/

HR Specialist Khokhlova /M. N. Khokhlova/

If the head of the organization, on the basis of a memorandum and act, decided to cancel the employment contract, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order. The leader expresses his decision in the form of a resolution on a memorandum. Cancellation of the contract is carried out by order of the employer, drawn up in any form. Note that if the employer has previously issued an order to hire an employee, it must also be canceled. This can be done in the same order (see sample order on page 43).

MLPU "Dental Clinic"

07.08.2012 Moscow

Order N 45-k on the annulment of the employment contract

I order:

1. Cancel the employment contract dated 01.08.2012 N 18/12, concluded with the accountant Kochkina Larisa Ivanovna, due to the fact that she did not start work on the day it began, established by paragraph 1.4 of the employment contract on 06.08.2012.

2. Cancel the order on hiring Kochkina L.V. dated 08/06/2012 N 42-k.

3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the head of the personnel department Maslova O.N.


1. Memorandum of the head of the personnel department Maslova O. N. dated 08/07/2012 N 5.

2. The act that the employee did not start work on the day it began, dated 08/06/2012 N 14/1.

Chief physician Markov /V. I. Markov/

Familiarized with the order:

Head of the personnel department Maslova, /O. N. Maslova/

Chief Accountant Petrova, /T. V. Petrova/

There are no requirements to familiarize the employee with this order in the Labor Code, but if he appeared at work on the day the order was issued, he should be familiarized with this document (if he refuses, draw up an appropriate act). If the employee no longer came to work, the cancellation order should be sent by registered mail with notification and a description of the attachment.

After completing all the specified documents on the canceled employment contract, the personnel department employee should make a note: “The employment contract was canceled by order of 08/07/2012 N 45-k”, and certify it with the signature and seal of the organization.

You may also have to make an entry in the work book - if you managed to make a job entry in it. Of course, such cases are quite rare, but they can occur. Since this issue is not regulated by law, there are several opinions about the wording of such an entry. Some experts recommend making the following entry in the work book: "The employment contract was canceled in accordance with part 4 of article 61 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the order of admission dated 08/06/2012 N 12 / k was canceled." But since the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 N 69, provide for the recognition of the entry as invalid, we recommend the following wording:

N records the date Information on hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal (indicating the reasons and referring to the article, paragraph of the law) Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
Number Month Year
1 2 3 4
Municipal health care
preventive institution
"Dental clinic"
(MLPU "Dental
04 06 08 2012 Hired Order from
Accountant. 08/06/2012 No. 42-k
05 07 08 2012 Entry number 4 is invalid. Order from
The employment contract has been cancelled. 08/07/2012 No. 45-k
HR Specialist Khokhlova

In this case, in the column on the basis document, the details of the order to cancel the employment contract should be indicated. If the work book remains with the employer, he is obliged to send a notice to the employee about the need to appear for it or agree to send it by mail. At the written request of an employee who did not receive a work book after dismissal, the employer is obliged to issue it no later than three working days from the date of the request (Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

And we recommend that personnel officers do not create unnecessary problems for themselves - do not rush to make entries in work books and issue an order for employment until the employee has started it. Moreover, by virtue of Part 3 of Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to issue a work book for an employee within five days, and an order can be issued within three days from the date of the actual start of work (part 2 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What is the right of the employee in case of cancellation of the employment contract?

When canceling an employment contract, the employee has the only right (except for the right to appeal the cancellation): to receive compulsory social insurance in the event of an insured event in the period from the date of conclusion of the employment contract to the day of its cancellation.

That is, if the employee within 30 days from the date of cancellation of the employment contract brings a certificate of incapacity for work, the employer will be obliged to pay him a temporary disability allowance for the first three days of incapacity for work (Articles 3, 5 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-ФЗ “On Mandatory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood”). The remaining days of temporary disability will be paid from the FSS.

Thus, if the employment contract was concluded on 08/02/2012, the employee was supposed to start work on 08/06/2012, but fell ill and on the same day (08/06/2012) opened a disability certificate, and the employer canceled the employment contract on 08/07/2012, the employee has the right to receive benefits for the entire period of illness, since the insured event occurred in the period from the day the employment contract was concluded until the day it was canceled.

Some features of the cancellation of an employment contract

Let us pay attention to the mistakes made by the employer when canceling the employment contract, which, in the event of litigation, may become the basis for compensating the employee for lost earnings and moral damage. Let's take a look at some judgments.

Not always the observance of only one condition - the employee did not start work on the day it began - will be sufficient grounds for canceling the employment contract. When considering disputes related to cancellation, the courts take into account whose fault the employee did not start work. That is, if he could not do this due to the fault of the employer, who did not provide the conditions for starting work, the employment contract cannot be canceled. An example is the appeal ruling of the Kemerovo Regional Court, by which the annulment of an employment contract with S.A.M. was declared illegal. As a result, wage arrears were collected in favor of the employee.

Between S.A.M. and SibMining LLC concluded an employment contract, according to which S.A.M. was hired as a driver in a convoy engaged in the transportation of rock mass in the technological process. The start date of work was determined on the basis of an employment contract, it was also indicated that the employee was familiar with the internal labor regulations and job description, which is confirmed by his signature. According to the employer, within the time period established by the contract, C.A.M. did not start work. However, according to the testimony of S.A.M., which is confirmed by the testimony of witnesses, he regularly went to work and visited the head of the column. But they explained to him that the new machine on which he was supposed to work had not yet arrived, and they promised to pay compensation.

Some time later, S.A.M. wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will, about which an order was issued and an entry was made in the work book. However, he was not paid wages for this period. Such actions were motivated by the fact that the employment contract with S.A.M. was canceled on the basis of the act and the time sheet, in which the absence from work was affixed. The fact that the contract was canceled, the employee was not informed, a record of dismissal of his own free will was made, having met him halfway.

MYSELF. appealed to the court, but by the decision of the Central District Court of Novokuznetsk dated December 27, 2011, he was denied the satisfaction of his claims. However, the Determination of the Kemerovo Regional Court canceled this decision, and the claims of C.A.M. satisfied, and here's why.

1. After making an entry about the reception of S.A.M. for work, no entries were made in the work book about the cancellation of the order for employment and the annulment of the employment contract.

2. No evidence was provided that the employee was familiarized with the order to cancel the employment contract.

3. LLC did not provide the employee with the means to fulfill labor obligations, while not issuing any documents on the introduction of the downtime regime, which actually took place.

4. By dismissing the employee at his request, the LLC thereby confirmed the existence of an employment relationship between the parties.

As a result, in favor of S.A.M. wage arrears, compensation for unused vacation and non-pecuniary damage were recovered.

And now let's consider the cassation ruling of the St. Petersburg city court dated 12.12.2011 N 33-18356 against the complaint of Trust ... LLC, on the example of which we will see that not only the incorrect execution of the cancellation of the employment contract, but also the absence of certain conditions in it (for example, about the workplace), as well as a negligent attitude to maintaining strict accountability documents, can serve the employer in disservice.

The crux of the matter is as follows.

T. entered into a fixed-term employment contract with Trest ... LLC, according to which she was supposed to start working as a dump truck driver. After the expiration of the employment contract, she was not paid wages according to the number of flights she made. Trest LLC believed that the employment contract with T. was canceled because she did not appear at the facility and did not submit the documents necessary for employment - a copy of her passport, PFR, TIN, work book.

At the same time, the employment contract did not contain conditions that would determine T.'s place of work, namely the object referred to by the representatives of Trest ... LLC. Evidence of T.'s absenteeism on the first day of work LLC "Trust ..." did not provide. Also, evidence of the annulment of the employment contract was not presented - the decision to annul and notify T. about it.

In addition, T.'s lack of evidence of the work performed cannot serve as grounds for dismissing the claim, since the employer bears the obligation to keep track of the time actually worked by the employee (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Based on the above, guided by the provisions of Article. 56, 57, 61, 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Dzerzhinsky District Court of St. Petersburg decided to satisfy the claims for the recovery of salary arrears from Trest ... LLC. The Court of Cassation upheld this decision.

Summing up, once again we draw the attention of the employer: before canceling the employment contract, you need to make sure whether the fact that the employee has not started work actually takes place; fix this fact; issue a cancellation order and notify the employee about it; and, if necessary, cancel the order for employment and entry in the work book.

The procedure for documenting the cancellation of an employment contract - the only way to recognize a relationship with an employee as invalid - is not prescribed by current legislation. In practice, the procedure most often comes down to issuing an appropriate order on the basis of an act or a memorandum on the employee's absence from work. For information on how to draw up an order to cancel an employment contract, read the article.

From this article you will learn:

  • in what situation the employment contract can be canceled;
  • what to pay attention to when issuing an order to cancel an employment contract;
  • Why do you need an employee absenteeism report?
Sample Documents

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In connection with the absence of an employee from work at the time specified in the employment contract

The wording of the order must comply with the norms of labor law: we can only talk about the annulment of the employment contract, and not about its termination for absenteeism or about imposing a disciplinary sanction on a negligent employee. At the same time, drawn up in accordance with part 1 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is recognized as invalid.

It is advisable to indicate in the text of the order to cancel the employment contract the person responsible for the execution of the procedure in order to fully control the process, preventing the data of the failed employee from entering the time sheet and notifying him in time of the need to appear for the work book deposited with the personnel department of the organization .

It is not necessary to draw up an act stating that the employee has not started work, but it is desirable: it, like a memorandum of appropriate content, can be referred to in the order to cancel the employment contract, and during an audit or trial, such a document can be used in as evidence of the rightness of the employer. The period of absence of an employee from the workplace, after which the employer has the right to draw up an appropriate act, is not specified by law, so this can be done 15-20 minutes before the end of the first working day.

It is advisable to involve real witnesses in the preparation of the act: employees and the head of the department in which the employee who did not work was employed, a representative of the personnel department, etc., so that the information recorded in the document would be difficult to question in the event of a trial.

Order to cancel the employment contract. Sample

ORDER No. 98
on the annulment of the employment contract


Due to absence from work within the period specified in the employment contract,


The samples available on the site are relevant for both beginners and professionals. Samples are compiled taking into account the current legislation. Some samples can be used without significant editing. In the content of such a sample, you only need to enter your specific circumstances and sign it. It must be remembered that an incorrectly executed document will be left without consideration, which means that only a thoughtful approach to filling it out will guarantee that your application will not be ignored. Contact us! We will help you complete your application.

Order on cancellation of the employment contract (sample filling)

Limited Liability Company "Verona"

(LLC "Verona")


November 29, 2009 No. 25


About cancellation of the employment contract


1. Cancel the employment contract dated 11/28/2009 N 17-09 td, concluded with the contract department specialist Mikhailov Ivan Makarovich, due to the fact that the employee did not start work on the day the work began, 11/29/2009, the condition for which was included in labor contract.
2. To consider invalid the order of November 28, 2009 N 40-p "On the hiring of Mikhailov I.M."
3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the head of the personnel department E.E. Sidorov.
4. Head of office work department A.N. Varganova to bring this order to the attention of the head of the personnel department E.E. Sidorova.

Reason: act dated November 29, 2009 N 2 "On the annulment of the employment contract dated November 28, 2009 N 17-09 td, concluded with Mikhailov I.M."

Director A.V. Baranov

Familiarized with the order:
head of department Varganova 29.11.2009 A.N. Varganova
head of department Sidorova November 29, 2009 E.E. Sidorova

What is a sample for?

The need to go to court arises when the right of an individual or legal entity has been violated and this person has no other way to protect him other than going to court, unless the law provides for an alternative.

You have decided to go to court. You have two options: first find a specialist; the second is to draw up a statement of claim (statement) to the court independently. In the first case, everything is quite simple, you need to pay for the work of a specialist and get a legal service in the form of a ready-made statement of claim. The second case is more difficult.

Writing a statement of claim to the court will require from you not only the knowledge of the terms of law, but also knowledge of the current legislation. If you do not have this, then you will need samples, templates, standard forms available on our website.

How to use the sample correctly

It must be remembered that the sample statements of claim are of different content. Some can be made in the form of a template (standard form), others in the form of real statements of claim. The template of the statement of claim, as a rule, does not contain a detailed description of the circumstances that served to go to court. The compiler of the application is invited to enter these circumstances into the content of the statement of claim independently. However, this is not easy to do without proper preparation. If you are unable to correctly compose a statement of claim based on the template, then you are looking for samples of statements of claim with ready-made content. The samples available on the site are relevant for both beginners and professionals. Samples are compiled taking into account the current legislation. Some samples can be used without significant editing. In the content of such a sample, you only need to enter your specific circumstances and sign it. It must be remembered that an incorrectly executed document will be left without consideration, which means that only a thoughtful approach to filling it out will guarantee that your application will not be ignored.

Information download rules

The Internet allows not only to watch a variety of information, but also to "take" it for yourself. You can find the materials you need and then download them to your computer disk. In this case, the information has become yours. This is beneficial, since at any time you can open it without the Internet, move it to a USB flash drive or to a disk. It is even possible to transfer it by e-mail or skype. In the event that this information is removed from the Internet, then it will still open in your "unchanged" form. Such an action "taking" from the network is usually referred to as downloading. We remind you that you can download both text data and videos, music, photos and computer programs. The problem with downloading may be that there is a variant or even several download options for downloading each type of data. We “download” text in one way, video or music in another, photos in a third, etc. Unfortunately, there is no one universal instruction in each case it has its own.

You can download the sample in formats: TXT, DOC, DOCX, WORD

You can order the selected sample in the formats: TXT, DOC, DOCX, WORD from the site archive.Checkout .