What to eat for fat content in breast milk. Fat content of breast milk. What foods should a nursing mother eat? Misconceptions about foods that increase lactation...

Breastfeeding is a very popular topic today, because the Soviet practice of breastfeeding is now actively criticized, and completely different principles and approaches are proposed in return. But this is where the biggest difficulty lies: there are a lot of recommendations on how to properly breastfeed a child and how to optimally organize the lactation process. Often, pediatricians and lactation consultants offer radically different approaches to feeding babies.

So, for example, there is still no consensus on whether it is necessary to express breast milk. But if you have ever done this, you might have noticed that the milk looks rather “poor”: gray, transparent, almost blue, like water. And of course, in this case, the mother will certainly be asked how to increase the fat content of breast milk.

Conversations about the quantity and fat content of mother's milk also begin if the baby is not gaining weight or begins to demand the breast very often. Today we will talk about how the fat content of mother’s milk is related to the well-being of children’s health, as well as whether it is necessary and possible to somehow influence the nutritional value of this product.

On this issue, as well as on others related to breastfeeding, there is no unity either among specialists or among nursing mothers. The practice of checking the fat content of breast milk and trying to increase it comes from the past. And many pediatricians today consider it outdated and incorrect.

Modern breastfeeding experts assure: a woman’s breast milk always perfectly meets the needs of her baby. If the mother is poorly nourished, if her diet is unbalanced or the body lacks certain nutrients, then the milk still contains everything necessary for the baby, with the only difference that it is produced due to the mother’s health, and not due to proper varied nutrition

And there is no way to improve the quality, in particular the fat content, of breast milk, and there is no point - its composition and nutritional value are programmed at the genetic level. The experience of many mothers confirms the veracity of this judgment: no matter what they eat, it doesn’t make the baby feel any better.

On average, breast milk from all nursing mothers has a fat content of 4-4.5%. Even if someone manages to increase it artificially, it will not be beneficial for the child: fatty milk is more difficult to digest and is less absorbed; the newborn does not yet produce in sufficient quantities the enzymes necessary to process such heavy food. As a result, the baby’s digestion and bowel movements are disrupted: colic, flatulence, abdominal pain, constipation, dysbacteriosis and other health problems occur. In addition, fatty milk is much more difficult to suck! Scientists also believe that if the fat content of mother’s milk is higher than that necessary for the child, he will still “take” the percentage he needs, and the excess calories will be absorbed by the mother’s body.

It is noteworthy that breast milk always meets the needs of the breastfed baby at a particular age. As the baby’s gastrointestinal tract matures, its growth, development and “maturation,” breast milk also changes. Moreover, its composition and fat content differ not only at a certain age stage (colostrum comes first, then it is replaced by the so-called transitional milk, and only later mature milk begins to be produced), but also on different days, times of day, and even during one feeding. Thus, breast milk is conventionally divided into fore and hind milk. Foremilk serves as a drink for the baby and consists of 87% or more water, while hind milk is the most valuable and nutritious. It is with this that the baby is satisfied, and it is on this that weight gain depends. Therefore, if your baby is not gaining weight well while breastfeeding, then you need to think about how to properly establish the lactation process, and not about how you can increase the fat content of the milk.

The problem is actually solved very simply, you just need to use the services of a lactation consultant. Do not spare money for such a consultation - it is worth it. Save money on something else instead. But a specialist will show you how to properly put a baby to the breast, what various comfortable positions exist for this, how to understand that the baby is full, and in general, how to breastfeed your baby correctly.

If it seems to you that your milk is low-fat or the baby is hungry, then first of all it is necessary to increase the frequency and duration of breastfeeding and ALWAYS “feed” the baby the breast until the end. With frequent breast changes, the baby does not “get” to the nutritious, satiating hind milk - and will not gain weight, remaining hungry. In order for the baby to be full, he must suck on one breast for at least 20-25 minutes, because only after 10-15 minutes of active sucking does that same hind milk begin to flow to him.

You should not be afraid that the baby asks for the breast very often. Firstly, he really feels a colossal need for it, because the baby is able to solve all his difficulties and problems (discomfort, resentment, pain or poor health, cold, fatigue, desire to sleep, fear, etc., etc.) only in this way .

Sucking at the breast is not limited to just satisfying hunger or thirst. Secondly, all nursing mothers experience so-called lactation crises - periods when there is not enough breast milk. But these periods are very short-lived, and the crisis can only be overcome by one method: putting the baby to the breast more often. It is as a result of lactation crises that many mothers lose milk due to incorrect actions, in particular the introduction of supplementary feeding.

In principle, by this moment the question of what you need to eat for the fat content of mother’s milk should not have arisen in your mind. And as persuasion, let us present one more argument of modern experts: increasing the caloric content of the diet leads to the formation of excess weight in a nursing woman, but does not improve the quality of breast milk!

Consultants generally do not advise nursing mothers to go heavy on calories. The main thing, they believe, is to balance your diet and eat healthy food - then both mother and her baby will feel good and comfortable.

We are talking about fractional, reusable meals, which should consist of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats (preferably vegetable ones) and lean proteins, and exclude potentially dangerous products: gas-forming, allergenic, synthetic.

But any reader has the right to disagree with the point of view provided in the article. If the experience of your grandmothers is more authoritative for you, and you still want to know how to increase the fat content of breast milk at home, then, of course, you can try to do this, but you must understand that responsibility for all consequences falls entirely on you.

  • Condensed milk.
  • Tea with milk.
  • Seeds.
  • Nuts.
  • Infusion of nuts with milk (2 tablespoons of walnuts are infused in a glass of boiling milk - the infusion should be drunk in 3 doses).
  • Butter.
  • Hard cheeses with a high percentage of fat content.
  • Homemade cottage cheese.
  • Meat (preferably beef).
  • Liver.
  • Wine "Cahors" (1 tbsp per day).

Also, many advise expressing the front milk a little so that the baby can immediately begin to produce the hind milk. But we don't recommend doing this.

We should also say separately about drinking. There is an opinion that drinking plenty of water “dilutes” breast milk, reducing the percentage of its fat content. This is a misconception. Experts advise mothers to drink as much as her body requires - without deliberately limiting herself, but also without forcing her (if there are no problems with lactation). The best thing for this is, of course, raw purified water, as well as teas and decoctions. Rose hips, chamomile, and fennel will be beneficial for mother and baby. But undesirable individual reactions are possible in any case!

But you should be careful with milk, especially fatty milk: try drinking it, starting with small portions, and at first it is better in a diluted form.

How to check the fat content of breast milk

Very often, all these far-fetched problems with fat content begin with pumping. The mother discovers that her milk is translucent, draws conclusions about its low calorie content and nutritional value, and a modest layer of cream on the expressed milk or its complete absence only confirms the theory of “bad milk.” But let's figure this out a little.

Firstly, we have already talked about the front and rear portions: so it is almost impossible to strain the rear portion manually - it is only accessible to a baby who is actively sucking. That is, you cannot judge the fat content of milk by its first portion!

Secondly, it is indeed possible to find out the approximate fat content of breast milk at home, but not in any way. If you still have itchy hands and doubts, you should buy a standard test tube at the pharmacy. Milk is expressed into it after 15-20 minutes of feeding the baby (that is, its rear portion) to a level so that it fills the vessel 10 cm upward. Afterwards, the product is left at room temperature for 5-6 hours, and only after this period can a measurement be made. By this time, the milk will be divided into fractions, the fattest of which will be on top. This layer of cream needs to be measured in height with a ruler: the number of millimeters will correspond to the percentage of fat in the milk.

Of course, this is only an approximate measurement. But you shouldn’t spend it either - it’s better to rest for an extra few minutes.

The most important thought that every nursing mother should hear: how long she will breastfeed her baby depends only on her burning desire. And there’s no need to worry about the quality of the milk! Scientists convince us that even the milk of a mother who is poorly nourished and leads an unhealthy lifestyle is better than any formula.

And finally - an interesting fact. There is a scientific opinion that only 2 products can significantly affect the taste of milk: garlic and alcohol. Some children happily eat their mother's breasts even after eating sharp teeth. But babies do not like “hot” drinks and are harmful, scientists assure. But every mother can influence this criterion...

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIOVA

In order for a child to develop harmoniously, a nursing mother must have nutritious breast milk. This means it must be fatty and contain a sufficient amount of microelements and other useful substances. Sometimes women feel that it is “empty”, that is, it is not fat enough and the baby does not get enough to eat. Is fat content really so important, on what parameters does the quality of lactation depend, what to do to increase fat content and increase the nutritional value of the product - questions of interest to nursing mothers.

Breast milk is a unique natural product that has no real analogues. Only such food meets the needs of the baby, because together with mother's milk he receives all the microelements, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats necessary for growth.

Breastfeeding mothers often have concerns about the nutritional value and fat content of milk. In order not to worry in vain, you just need to understand the mechanism of its formation in the body, what is included in the composition.

What determines the quality of lactation?

Already during pregnancy, the process of preparation for lactation begins, which is manifested in hormonal changes in the body and external changes in the breast. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen increases, which stimulates the start of the production of another hormone - prolactin. It is he who is responsible for lactation. Towards the end of pregnancy, its level increases, and during childbirth the hormonal background is already completely transformed for milk production.

Factors on which the quality of breast milk depends:

  • hormones;
  • child's requirements;
  • Times of Day;
  • emotional state of a woman.
  • How hormones affect breastfeeding

    A sufficient amount of milk is formed due to the interaction of prolactin and oxytocin. The main function of prolactin is to stimulate milk production in the body of a pregnant and then lactating woman. The process of its effect on lactation is approximately as follows:

  • The baby sucks at the breast, touches the nerve endings located on the nipple, and sends signals to the mother's brain.
  • Prolactin reacts to these signals and the concentration of the hormone in the body increases at the time of breastfeeding.
  • By the next feeding, thanks to prolactin, enough milk is already produced in the breast.
  • Another hormone, oxytocin, is responsible for stimulating the release of milk from the mother's breast. It is responsible for contracting the muscles inside the mammary gland, more precisely, those muscle cells that are located near the alveoli. Thanks to this, milk flows through the ducts to the nipples.

    The oxytocin reflex is the process that connects your baby's stimulation of the nipple with the release of milk from the breast. The prolactin reflex is a process that connects baby's nipple stimulation with milk production.

    How can you increase the amount of milk according to your baby's demand?

    This connection is quite simple: in response to the baby sucking at the breast, milk production will increase. In other words, the more often and more the baby suckles, the more milk will be produced. As much milk as the baby needs, there will be as much milk.

    If a mother seeks to increase lactation, she needs to put the baby to the breast more often and keep her there longer. Expressing the remaining milk also helps in this matter.

    Time of day tracking

    More prolactin is produced at night. Because of this, it is important not to forget about night feedings to maintain lactation. In addition, milk is always thicker during the day than at night, so there is no need to worry that night feeding will negatively affect the baby’s intestinal function. You can think of it more as a drink.

    The influence of a woman’s emotional state on lactation

    The emotional state of the mother affects the oxytocin reflex, and therefore affects the receipt of milk from the breast in such a way that it complicates or facilitates it. This reflex is inhibited by the feeling of discomfort, excitement, pain, and anxiety of the mother. Psychological factors also cannot be excluded, which is why it is so important for a nursing mother to rest often, relax more and enjoy such a special state of unity with her child.

    Chemical composition of the product

    Breast fluid is produced through the synthesis of blood and lymph, but not from food. Even during pregnancy, the body accumulates all the necessary nutrients for both the development of the fetus and for future feeding. Thanks to this, the usefulness and fat content of the product is optimal for the full growth of the child. And until 9 months it is not necessary to introduce complementary foods. Although you can let your baby try juices and fruit purees.

    The composition of milk is related to the timing of lactation:

  • Colostrum is produced in the first days and is highly nutritious.
  • Transitional - appears 4–5 days after the birth of the child, is characterized by less minerals, but there is still a lot of fat.
  • Mature - nutrition stabilized in composition, which begins to be produced when the baby is already 2-3 weeks old. Its average fat content is 3.5%. In this case, the baby receives milk of two fractions, differing in fat content:
    • the first is liquid and less fatty;
    • the second is viscous and dense, the child sucks it with effort and not avidly, like the first, and its fat content is at least 4%.
  • The first part of mature milk is often called “front”, and the second part – “back”. When pumping, only the “front” goes, which often causes concern among mothers who consider it not fat enough.

    How to determine fat content at home

    Low fat levels can be determined by simply observing the child’s condition. If he is in a good mood, has normal bowel movements, his tummy does not bother him, and he takes the breast with pleasure, then these are signs that the fat content of the milk is sufficient.

    Another way is to conduct a small experiment. You need to do the following:

  • prepare a container with a measuring scale and express the remaining milk into it (approximately 100 mm);
  • leave the container for 7 hours at room temperature so that the fat rises to the top;
  • evaluate the result - 1 mm = 1% fat content, norm - 4%.
  • How to increase the nutritional value of a product

    Despite the fact that the diet of a nursing mother is not a determining factor in the quality of the baby’s nutrition, it is important to provide the diet with a variety of dishes. There is no need to increase the calorie content of the diet, since this will not lead to an increase in the fat content of milk and all excess will accumulate in the mother’s body. Accordingly, she can noticeably gain weight. A poor diet is also the wrong choice. If the body does not receive enough nutrients, this will affect the mother’s health and emotional state. And this, as explained above, negatively affects lactation.

    Pediatricians' opinion: is it worth increasing fat content and why?

    Most pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, are of the opinion that there is no need to consciously increase fat content. This simply does not make sense, since the composition of milk does not depend on a woman’s diet. Moreover, the desire to make it fatter and healthier often becomes dangerous and causes digestive problems in the baby.

    It is more important to master the rules of breastfeeding, among which the most important are not to exclude night feeding, to give each breast in turn and only on demand, to maintain the emotional and psychological comfort of the mother. Don’t neglect nutritional recommendations and stick to a balanced diet. A sensible approach to nutrition is important for healthy lactation.

    Doctor Komarovsky about breastfeeding - video


    Proper nutrition for a nursing mother to improve the quality of lactation

    A nursing mother should create a diet that provides her body with all the nutrients. The diet should be varied.

  • include grains, potatoes, cottage cheese, fish and lean meat in the manya;
  • provide the body with fiber, for example, eat apples baked in the oven;
  • increase the fat content and nutritional value of milk by consuming beef liver, walnuts, and condensed milk;
  • introduce butter into the daily diet - butter (at least 25 g), olive (15 g);
  • limit sugar;
  • eat fractionally and in small portions;
  • add greens to dishes;
  • replace white bread with black bread.
  • What foods, not just fatty foods, increase the nutritional value of a woman’s milk - photo gallery

    How to “increase the fat content” of breast milk for a nursing mother - folk recipes

    Although lactation depends on the hormonal and psycho-emotional state of the woman, the quality and quantity of milk can be improved using time-tested recipes:

  • Cumin seeds. 1 tbsp. l. caraway seeds pour 1 liter of water, add peeled and chopped lemon and 50–100 g of sugar (preferably honey). Place the mixture in the oven and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Drink a glass of the cooled mixture twice a day.
  • Vitamin mixture. Take raisins, figs, dried apricots, walnuts in equal proportions and grind. Add 100 g of honey per 400 g of mixture, mix and consume 1 tbsp. l. before each feeding.
  • Carrot milkshake. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and pour hot milk completely, then add honey, cool and drink the mixture 2-3 times a day, starting with a teaspoon and gradually increasing the dose to a third of a glass.
  • Walnuts. Steam the nuts in a thermos with hot milk (leave for at least 1 hour) and eat in small portions throughout the day.
  • Whitened black tea. Brew tea in hot milk instead of boiling water and drink with or without sugar 5-6 times a day.
  • Often milk secretion decreases due to the wrong approach to breastfeeding. For example, a baby is bottle-fed and breastfed alternately. The child quickly chooses an easier sucking option - a bottle, and is lazy to suck milk from the breast. As a result, the mother's body reduces the production of nutrient fluid. The use of a pacifier and feeding “on a schedule”, without taking into account the needs of the child, also have an effect.

    In addition, your milk supply naturally decreases over time. In the first time after childbirth, the mammary glands work in an enhanced mode, creating a kind of “reserve”. The body then adapts to the child's needs, producing as much nutrition as he needs. Another common occurrence during breastfeeding is a lactation crisis. In this condition, milk is not produced for several days, and then lactation resumes.

    The baby's health status also affects the amount of milk. Infant jaundice, a short frenulum of the tongue, and even naturally increased drowsiness prevent the baby from completely sucking milk from the breast.

    But the most important factor is the mother’s well-being. Often, lactation stops in women with anemia, hypothyroidism, hormonal and postpartum problems. Chronic fatigue, taking certain medications and smoking have a negative impact.

    Products with lactogenic properties help improve the secretion of mother's milk. They speed up metabolism and increase the level of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which are responsible for lactation.

    How to check the volume and fat content of breast milk at home

    On average, the mammary glands of a healthy woman produce up to 1.5 liters of milk per day. This amount fluctuates at different periods of feeding, and depends on many factors - age, health and, of course, the mother’s diet.

    The nutrient fluid is conventionally divided into “front” and “back”. The first has a thinner consistency and contains more water, minerals and carbohydrates. It enters the baby's stomach at the beginning of feeding, quenching thirst and stimulating appetite. The “back” portion is yellowish in color, thick and highly saturated with fats and proteins.

    At home, it is impossible to measure exactly how much milk a baby sucks. But you can find out if he has enough nutrition based on 3 signs:

    • The baby looks relaxed and satisfied after feeding.
    • There is a constant increase in weight. It is 130 - 230 g in the first 4 months, 115-130 g at the age of 5-8 months.
    • The child urinates at least 10 times a day.

    However, not only the quantity matters, but also the fat content of the product - at least 4%. You can measure it yourself by expressing 0.5 cups of hind milk. It is poured into a transparent container and placed in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours. During this time, the milk fat will concentrate on top, forming a layer of cream. Its thickness is measured with a ruler. Each millimeter equals 1% fat content.

    What foods increase lactation?

    One of the key factors for successful breastfeeding is the mother's correct diet. It should include proteins, poly- and monounsaturated fats, complex carbohydrates and fiber. For weak lactation, you need to use the most effective lactogens:

    • Cereals. The most useful are oatmeal, pearl barley, brown rice and. They accelerate the synthesis of prolactin and provide energy to mother and child.
    • Whole wheat bread. It is rich in vitamins B and E, which enhance the secretion of breast milk, as well as complex carbohydrates.
    • Meat. To increase the protein content in milk, a nursing mother needs to eat turkey, chicken, and lean veal.
    • Spinach and beet tops. Vitamin C and iron contained in leafy vegetables help restore lactation in anemia.
    • Carrot. This root vegetable contains beta-carotene, which speeds up the production of mother's milk and improves its taste.
    • Apricot. Potassium in the fruit works as a metabolism stimulant.
    • Fatty fish. Salmon, mackerel, salmon enrich the mother's body with Omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
    • Garlic. Just 1-2 slices of the spicy vegetable per day will increase lactation by 5%. To reduce the intensity of the odor, you can add garlic to stews or soups.
    • Nuts. Particularly effective for lactation are those saturated with Omega-3 fats.
    • Cow's milk. It contains a special secretion, iga, which forms antibodies that are useful for the baby’s intestines.
    • Black . It not only stimulates the production of breast milk, but also saturates it with calcium.
    • Dill and basil. Fragrant greens contain a lot of lactogenic substances and vitamin C.

    Some drinks also increase the secretion of breast milk - barley decoction, coconut water, artificial coffee made from chicory or dandelion roots.

    The lack of fat in a baby's diet affects, first of all, its growth and development. But it is not so much the quantity as the type of fatty acids that is important. Poly- and monounsaturated fats help absorb vitamins and proteins, which accelerate cell division in a growing body.

    A mother's diet cannot affect the fat content of breast milk, but it can determine the type of substances that are passed on to the baby. Here are the most valuable fatty acids that should be included in the menu of a nursing woman:

    • Omega-3. These organic substances stimulate the growth of the child’s muscle mass, accelerate the development of the brain and retina, and strengthen the immune system. Omega-3 fats can be obtained from walnuts, flax seeds, soybeans and fatty fish. You should eat 2-3 dishes from these products per week.
    • Omega-6. They promote brain cell division. Large amounts of Omega-6 are found in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and olive oil.
    • Monounsaturated fats. They lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and are responsible for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Monounsaturated fats are found in poultry, avocados, nuts, peanut oil and olive oil.

    To increase the nutritional value of milk, it is useful for mom to drink special drinks - for example, milkshakes with protein powder and hot tea with walnuts and condensed milk without sugar.

    What foods should you not eat while breastfeeding?

    Modern doctors believe that a nursing mother should not limit her diet to strict limits. You can eat everything that a woman is used to, the main thing is that the calorie content of the diet is 3200 - 3500 kcal per day. However, there are a number of products that are extremely harmful for lactation:

    • Alcohol. Ethyl alcohol quickly passes from the mother's blood into breast milk. It produces a dangerous effect on all organs and systems of the baby, but especially on the brain and digestive tract.
    • Caffeine. It overstimulates the baby's nervous system, causing insomnia, unreasonable crying and even convulsions. Therefore, coffee and chocolate are excluded from the menu in the first 4 months, and then consumed no more than once a day, in the intervals between feedings.
    • Parsley, mint, sage. These herbs have the property of reducing lactation. They can help with hypersecretion when breast milk is in excess.
    • Certain varieties of fish. The meat of shark, mackerel, eel and dorado concentrates mercury, which is toxic to children.

    Several more products are considered conditionally harmful - they cause negative consequences only in certain cases. Among them:

    • Hot spices. Mustard, horseradish, and red pepper bother some babies. If a woman often used hot spices while pregnant, the baby does not show negative reactions.
    • Garlic. The aromatic vegetable enhances the production of breast milk, but gives it a unique smell and taste. It does not affect children whose mothers ate garlic frequently during pregnancy.
    • Potential allergens. This group includes eggs, nuts, citrus fruits, fish, soy, dairy products, and gluten from cereals. They should be excluded from the diet if, 12-24 hours after feeding, the baby shows allergy symptoms - runny nose, cough and skin rash. Allergies are also indicated by colic, diarrhea, gas and vomiting. If the child tolerates the products normally, the mother can consume them in moderation - 2-3 times a week.

    Herbal remedies - leaves, fruits and seeds of medicinal plants - help to enhance milk production. Here are 5 proven remedies:

    • Cocktail with sesame seeds. For it, mix a glass of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of black sesame, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon powder. Drink once a day, preferably in the morning.
    • Caraway infusion. Rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus, cumin grains accelerate metabolic processes. For infusion 2 tbsp. spoons of seeds are brewed with a glass of boiling water, poured into a thermos and left overnight. The strained infusion is drunk 6 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons.
    • Raspberry leaf tea. Raspberry leaf contains high levels of iron and vitamin C, which accelerate the synthesis of lactogenic hormones. 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh or dry leaves are brewed with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, drink 0.5 cups 3-5 times a day.
    • Nut smoothie. It is prepared from 200 g of chopped walnuts and 0.5 liters of boiling milk. The ingredients are combined in a thermos and left for 4 hours. The finished smoothie is filtered through cheesecloth and drunk half an hour before each feeding.
    • Fenugreek decoction. The seeds of this plant contain a lot of phytoestrogens that stimulate lactation. To obtain a healing remedy, pour 2 teaspoons of grains into a glass of cold water, leave for 3 hours, then boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day along with seeds.

    Ordinary culinary dishes also help improve lactation - chicken soup with barley, beet salad, oatmeal with dried fruits.

    Breast milk is the ideal food for a baby. It contains all the necessary nutrients for the child to grow and develop normally. Every nursing mother wants her baby not to go hungry, so she worries about the quality of the milk. Then the moment comes when you need to know how to determine, increase or decrease the fat content of milk, and what foods can affect calorie content.

    The normal fat content of breast milk and how to determine it at home

    Breast milk has a unique composition. It contains about 400 useful elements, and the quantitative indicator varies depending on the needs and age of the baby, as well as the duration of feeding. The quality composition remains constant throughout its production.

    During feeding, the so-called foremilk, which is bluish in color and consists of 90% biologically active water, first comes from the mammary gland. It is intended to quench thirst. After it comes the rear - fattier and more nutritious. The fact is that fat molecules that accumulate in the milk ducts gradually move toward the nipple during feeding.

    Foremilk has a bluish tint and is intended to quench thirst, hind milk is fattier and more nutritious.

    In order for the child to receive more nutritious food, during one feeding he should be given only one breast.

    It should be taken into account that the fat content of milk is an unstable value. It changes depending on the stage of lactation, as well as as milk is sucked out during one feeding.

    It is impossible to determine fat content by appearance. Its nutritional value should be judged only by the baby’s healthy appearance and weight gain.

    You can check the fat content of a dairy product at home by performing a simple test. To determine the fat percentage, only hind milk is needed, since this is the baby's source of nutrition. The following steps need to be taken:

    1. First, pour the foremilk into a separate bowl.
    2. Then express the hind milk into a glass or transparent container. At least 10 ml will be required.
    3. Leave the dishes in a horizontal position for 6–7 hours to allow the liquid to settle. Do not shake the container, otherwise the result will be incorrect.
    4. After a layer of cream appears on the surface, it must be measured with a ruler. This will be an indicator of the fat content of the milk. One mm of layer corresponds to 1% fat content.

    After expressing, a layer of cream appears on the surface of the milk - 1 mm corresponds to 1% fat

    The method for determining the fat content of breast milk at home is not recognized by official medicine and is considered common practice.

    Table: nutritional norms

    Note that breast milk formula has an ideal composition of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - 1: 3: 6.

    Milk analysis

    An accurate analysis of breast milk for fat content, immunological coefficient, sterility and the presence of bacteria is carried out only in specialized laboratories. In order to get accurate results, you need to properly prepare for the study:

    1. Prepare two containers (jars or test tubes) and boil them for at least 10–15 minutes.
    2. Wash your chest and hands with soap and dry with a clean napkin.
    3. Express the foremilk into a separate container (approximately 10–12 ml).
    4. Distribute hind milk from one and the other breast into clean containers. It is strictly forbidden to mix fluid from the left and right mammary glands.
    5. Milk should be delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours after expression.

    Reasons for decreasing or increasing nutritional value

    The fat content of breast milk depends on many factors, including:

    • heredity,
    • woman nutrition,
    • emotional state of a nursing mother,
    • age and needs of the baby.

    Fats occupy up to 4% of the total composition of breast milk. They are the main building material for the child's body and the main source of energy. The highest concentration of fat is contained in milk, which begins to flow to the baby 15–20 minutes after the start of feeding.

    Poskachina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, breastfeeding consultant


    Typically, the fat content of breast milk is normal and it is not recommended to specifically increase it. Otherwise, the development of dysbacteriosis (disturbance of microflora in the intestines) and malfunction of the baby’s digestive system is possible.

    The reason for low fat content may be an unbalanced diet of a nursing mother. In this case, the child does not eat enough, is constantly capricious, and does not gain weight well.

    How to increase or decrease fat content

    Before increasing the fat content of breast milk, it is necessary to make sure that the child’s nervousness or low weight is not associated with other reasons. When applying to the breast, you need to make sure that the baby completely grasps the nipple and areola around it. In addition, if a woman changes breasts during one feeding and expresses the rest, the baby receives only foremilk, which is less nutritious. Therefore, alternating breasts at one feeding is considered an effective method of reducing the fat content of breast milk.
    During feeding, the baby should grasp the nipple and areola around it - this ensures effective feeding and reduces the load on the mother’s breasts

    The higher the fat content of the milk, the more effort it will require to digest it, the harder it will be for the baby to suck and for the mother to express. Therefore, there is no need to deliberately increase the fat content of milk by consuming large quantities of fats (sour cream, pork, butter creams, etc.). Vegetable fats (sunflower, olive and corn oil) are preferable to animal fats.

    E.O. Komarovsky, pediatrician

    In order to normalize the calorie content of milk fluid, a nursing mother is recommended to balance her diet. The diet should contain foods that affect the quality of milk:

    • fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • low-fat boiled fish and meat;
    • cereals;
    • dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk);
    • dried fruit compotes, including dried apricots and raisins;
    • herbal teas.

    A nursing mother should remember that the increase in fat content of breast milk is closely related to the breaks between feedings - the shorter they are, the more nutritious it is. Therefore, breastfeeding experts recommend feeding the baby more often, while the woman also needs to eat in small portions - as many times as feedings.

    In order for the nutritional value of milk to correspond to the norm, the mother’s diet should consist of 50% fruits, vegetables and cereals, 20% proteins and 30% fats.
    The diet of a nursing mother should be balanced and consist of 50% vegetables, fruits and cereals, 20% proteins and 30% fats

    According to lactation consultants, fat content does not depend on the calorie content of the food a woman eats, but on how balanced her diet is, as well as on the daily feeding periods.

    Video: breast milk is clear and low-fat, what to do

    Breastfeeding women need to remember that the fat content of milk is affected by its quantity. The mammary glands should produce about 800–900 ml of nutrient fluid per day. Insufficient milk production leads to a decrease in its fat content. To increase lactation, a woman should increase her drinking regimen to 2.5 l/day. In addition, the following drinks will help increase milk production and fat content:

    • Carrot. 2 tbsp. l. finely grated carrots, pour 250 ml of warm milk. Drink immediately after preparation. The effect is noticeable already at the next feeding of the baby. The vegetable strengthens bone tissue, helps reduce stress, increase lactation and improves mood. It should be borne in mind that the child may have an allergic reaction, so it is necessary to monitor the baby’s reaction to the product. Contraindications for use include digestive problems in a nursing mother and stomach ulcers.
    • Dill tea. 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (250 ml) over dill seeds. Wait 5–7 minutes, strain, drink in small sips of ½ cup 2 times a day. The effect occurs the next day. Dill improves digestion, appetite, helps normalize sleep, and increases breast milk production. Dill tea should be consumed with caution if you are allergic to this spice or have low blood pressure. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance and cholelithiasis.
    • Rosehip infusion. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over crushed fruits (4 tablespoons). Leave in a thermos for 7–10 hours, be sure to strain. Drink 1 glass warm 30 minutes before feeding. Rosehip improves metabolism, improves immunity, and stimulates lactation. As a rule, the effect occurs the next day. The infusion can cause an allergic reaction in the baby, so you need to start drinking the drink with a small dose - 1 tsp. Rose hips are strictly contraindicated for thrombophlebitis, stomach ulcers, and high acidity.

    Gallery: products to increase lactation and nutrition of breast milk

    Carrots stabilize hormonal levels, improve mood, increase hemoglobin levels, increase the volume of breast milk, but can provoke allergies in newborns. Dill tea stimulates lactation and prolongs the period of natural feeding. Rose hips should be taken with caution by those women whose babies are prone to allergies

    A nursing mother should introduce any foods into her diet with caution to prevent the development of an allergic reaction in the baby.

    There are many recommendations regarding products that increase the amount of milk (nuts, yeast, nettle decoction, beer, etc.), as well as medications that have a similar effect (nicotinic and glutamic acids, apilac, pyrroxan). But under no circumstances should you overestimate their importance.

    Believe me, a healthy child and a mother who sleeps at night, who is not nervous and does not twitch over little things, contribute to the production of a sufficient amount of milk to a much greater extent than all food and medicines combined.

    E.O. Komarovsky, pediatrician


    In order for breast milk to have normal fat content, a woman should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • You need to eat small portions 5-6 times a day.
    • Avoid stressful situations.
    • Drink 2–2.5 liters of liquid per day.
    • Feed the baby on demand, developing an individual regimen.
    • Before each feeding, massage the mammary glands.
    • Diversify your diet.
    • Maintain a sleep-wake schedule.
    • Make sure your baby empties the breast completely. Give another breast only if there is a lack of milk.

    In order for a newborn baby to develop well, the mother’s breast milk must be sufficiently fatty and contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements. But how to influence this? What foods improve lactation and the fat content of breast milk, and, in general, is it possible to change nutritional levels with food?

    How the composition and fat content of breast milk changes

    Many people believe that breast milk is produced almost directly from food. This opinion is absolutely wrong. The formation of human milk mostly comes from the blood that enters the mammary gland. However, the blood differs significantly, which is due to the presence of two important mechanisms in the chest: filtration and synthesis. During the filtration process, milk is selectively enriched with only those blood components that are necessary: ​​vitamins, pigments, some proteins, hormones, enzymes, and minerals. Along with this, milk fat, most of the protein and lactose, which are not present in the blood, are produced in the breast. This is how a unique product is formed - breast milk.

    The composition of milk will directly depend on the lactation period, needs and age of the child.

    1. Colostrum appears in the first days after birth. It is a thick liquid that is extremely rich in protein, immune protective factors, salts, antioxidants and hormones. The fat content of colostrum and lactose are less than that of mature milk, which makes colostrum easily digestible.
    2. Approximately on days 4 and 5, transitional milk is produced. Here the amount of protein, salts, and some vitamins decreases, but the content of lactose and fat increases.
    3. At 2-3 weeks after the baby is born, mature milk is produced. It is characterized by a relatively stable composition, subject to change depending on the needs of the child.

    Fat content of breast milk in percent (according to A.F. Tour)

    In addition, the cause of insufficient body weight can be improper attachment to the breast, improper latching of the nipple during feeding, a special feeding regimen, that is, the breastfeeding technique itself.

    Therefore, we can safely say that a child’s weight gain depends on various factors - established breastfeeding, the physical health of the mother, her emotional state, adherence to the regimen, but certainly not on the fat content of the foods consumed by the mother. The main indicator of sufficient nutritional value and fat content of breast milk is the baby’s stable weight gain, the baby’s good health and good mood.

    How to determine the fat content of breast milk

    It is not possible to accurately determine the fat content of breast milk, even in laboratory conditions, since it is not a homogeneous liquid in terms of this indicator. Many mothers want to know about... This can be done, however, as mentioned earlier, the results may not be entirely reliable.

    1. If you are interested in analyzing the fat content of the entire volume, then you need to express it from the very beginning, and if only hindmilk, then after feeding the baby.
    2. into a container, mix well.
    3. Take a glass test tube with a measuring scale (sold at any pharmacy) and fill it with expressed milk to the 10 ml mark.
    4. Leave the container for 7 hours at room temperature. The fat will rise to the top.
    5. The result is determined by measuring the thickness of the resulting strip on the surface - 0.1 ml is equal to 1% fat content. Fat content standards are indicated in the table above.

    Finding an organization that conducts laboratory analysis for the fat content of breast milk is quite problematic, since the accuracy of its implementation and expediency for the reasons stated above raises serious doubts. Even if some research institute takes on this, the expectation of the result and the result itself will be another reason for mother’s worries, which she has absolutely no need for.

    Nutrition of a nursing mother is the key to milk quality

    It is impossible to increase the fat content of breast milk by eating any foods or adjusting your diet. Nevertheless, a nursing mother must try. Special mixtures can also help with this:,.

    The optimal ratio of fats and proteins is 30%/20%. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals, and fish must be present. Thanks to this, the mother’s body will receive a variety of nutrients and minerals, such as calcium. This element is very important for the development of the baby and the health of the woman herself. Meals should be five times a day, small portions.

    It is quite difficult to increase the amount of milk through food. An approach that involves eating this amino acid can indirectly influence an increase in the synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which increases the synthesis of the hormone oxytocin, which affects the release of breast milk by the breast. There are also food additives specially designed to increase the amount of milk:,.

    Breast milk fortifiers

    Many mothers believe that it is possible to increase the fat content of breast milk during breastfeeding by adding it to expressed breast milk. However, there is one important detail that many do not take into account. These mixtures are prescribed only to low birth weight (weight up to 1800 g) and premature babies and are developed taking into account their physiological needs for nutrients and energy.

    It is worth noting that opinions vary regarding the benefits of breast milk fortifiers. Some pediatricians believe that this product is very valuable for the development, activity, growth of the baby, and helps when necessary to gain weight, while others consider it truly useless. Opponents of the innovation argue that the best food for a baby is breast milk and all additives are harmful. In addition, additional stimulation occurs during feeding, and when expressing, the quality and quantity of breast milk decreases significantly.

    1. The entire feeding process should be natural. You should not express your front milk and feed your baby only your hind milk.
    2. It is not possible to influence the amount of water in milk by drinking more liquid. All efforts aimed at increasing the concentration of fat and nutritional value through such a method are doomed to failure.
    3. Feed your baby on demand, don’t take him off the breast prematurely, make sure he’s latching correctly, and then your baby will be provided with milk of normal fat content.

    Unfortunately, there are no products that increase the fat content of breast milk. The same answer awaits women who are wondering how to reduce the fat content of breast milk. Food must be balanced and contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. In addition, to obtain high-quality milk, the woman’s general condition, her emotional health, and adherence to sleep and rest patterns are also important.

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