Osb decryption. OSB (OSB) plate: application, characteristics, reviews. Indoor work

For living in any climate, the most comfortable is a wooden house. It perfectly retains heat in frosty winters. In hot areas, the walls do not let the heat in. Unfortunately, wood swells from moisture and is destroyed by insects that sharpen passages in it for their homes or eat. The disadvantages include high cost, flammability. OSB board inherited all the positive qualities and got rid of the disadvantages of solid wood.

We install and install OSB boards

Production of plates from several layers of large chips and chips

My friend is a scientist and periodically travels to various international conferences. Returning from another trip, he immediately called me and first of all asked a question about the material that surprised him from long conical pieces of wood of various shades. He couldn't wait to find out exactly what it was.

It turns out that instead of a multi-storey hotel they were settled in cottages. The floor, walls, and ceiling were mostly slabs, the unpainted surface of which showed splinters. At the same time, it felt like you were in a log hut:

  • Fresh air;
  • optimal humidity;
  • slight smell of natural wood;
  • the floor is warm, pleasant for bare feet;
  • warm, even though it's cold and windy outside.

Most of all, Vadik was surprised at the speed with which the settlement was built. It wasn't there last year. Driving by, he then drew attention to the surveyors making markings.

A friend lived in a cottage, the frame and walls, which are made of OSB boards. They are made from scrap wood. Unlike other similar materials, relatively large fragments glued together with wood resins are used in the production. The composition of binders is close to coniferous wood.

Unusual abbreviation for familiar material

OSB boards for walls

Vadik's story was about OSB boards. The meaning of the abbreviation in Russian stands for Oriented Strand Board. Large chips and thin long chips are pressed into several layers. In this case, the wood fibers are arranged in a certain direction in several layers. Outer along the pressing direction as the plate passes through the rolls. The middle ones are perpendicular to them.

International designation -OSB. This abbreviation stands for oriented strand board, which makes it possible for the second Russian designation, consonant with English - OSB plate. All three names have uses for slabs. The labeling uses the Latin alphabet.

The OSB board has collected all the best qualities of materials, reducing the shortcomings to a minimum. Orientation, more precisely the perpendicular arrangement of chips of the inner layers, as in a parquet board and plywood, eliminates warping when wet.

OSB board due to pressing under high pressure has become denser than solid wood and repels water. It is used to sheathe the frame of the house outside and in wet areas.

High environmental friendliness match solid wood

Self-finishing OSB boards

The OSB board consists almost entirely of natural wood. Approximately 2-3% are resins and synthetic wax. Boric acid is used as an additive. Only a stove made in violation of technology can emit formaldehyde during combustion, which exceeds the norm for natural wood. The use of material for sheathing the frame from the inside of the house, the manufacture of furniture, including children's furniture, is possible if it belongs to the E1 group, which is indicated in the labeling of the plate.

Chipboard has advantages over other building materials used to sheathe frame or brick walls.

  1. Thermal insulation qualities are the same as solid wood and exceed wall materials by 5-8 times.
  2. Easily worked with woodworking tools.
  3. Holds fastener well.
  4. High surface adhesion. The OSB board can be mounted on the frame with glue. Spackled, painted. Under the wallpaper, you can not do surface preparation.
  5. High flexural and torsion strength. This shows such a test as the resistance of OSB houses in seismically active areas.
  6. The material does not contain the usual wood defects in the form of delamination, cracks, knots.
  7. The aesthetics and natural originality of the pattern, characteristic of wood, make the use of OSB boards compatible with many modern styles in the design of interiors and facades.
  8. Possibility of fast construction. It is possible to cut the slabs and sheathe the frame in a few days.

The walls of frame houses withstand an earthquake

OSB board

Vadik and his colleagues were settled in frame houses not by chance. The city was located in a zone of seismic activity. Once in California and Japan, houses with OSB walls were practically not damaged after strong aftershocks. Concrete and brick walls cracked and even collapsed. Many countries are switching to a practical and safe material.

In areas with cold winters, sandwich panels are mounted on the frame. Their outer layer is made of OSB boards, between them is expanded polystyrene. The low specific gravity of the wall material allows you to work at height without a crane and build a house from the foundation of a full wall in a week.

Pressed wood chips are also used to create warm attics. Sheets of various thicknesses are laid under the roofing material. Such a base allows you to make budget options and stick flexible tiles.

OSB laminated - durable formwork when pouring concrete

On the territory of the Russian Federation, they mainly build houses on strong strip foundations, pour supports and other elements of the base with concrete. Formwork made of plywood and other materials withstands several cycles and collapses.

Waterproof laminated oriented strand sheets are used by builders as formwork 50 times or more. The surface does not swell from moisture. It does not react to the components of the solution, it is easily removed without any traces of erosion.

Laminated panels from OSB sheathe walls in bathrooms and bathrooms. Moisture resistant sheets are covered with a decorative film. The disadvantage of such sheathing is the low vapor permeability of OSB. Enhanced ventilation required.

Application in the interior to create warm floors and walls

In many modern styles, such as eco, natural, Scandinavian, natural unpainted wood elements predominate. Designers use OSB sheets for wall cladding. The floor is made of thick tongue-and-groove slabs, and partitions are built. The texture of the material, its aesthetic appearance make the interior unique and warm.

When facing the facade I use frost and water resistance. OSB is both a heater and a facing material. This significantly reduces material costs and time for facade repairs. Panels can be mounted on the walls with glue on flat surfaces and with self-tapping screws to the crate or relatively even masonry.

After my story, Vadik, using OSB paneling, insulated the attic and turned it into a cozy cottage-style home. The floor was made from thick grooved sheets. Sides and top in lacquered.

Sturdy cabinet furniture frames made of OSB

In modern construction, materials that have proven themselves for decades are often used. One such proven material is OSB board. It was developed more than thirty years ago, but time has not changed the popularity of this product. What is it we will consider in detail in this article.

Its features

The original name of this material sounds like OSB (OSB) and stands for orientation strand board. The creators of this plate tried to get a material that can withstand the stress of natural conditions and humidity. The result is a slab that is superior in many properties to previous products from.

The main component for creating a product is shavings. It may be too small or large, but in any case, its size does not affect the density of the surface. This is due to the multi-layer, as the principle of manufacturing such a plate.

The inner part of the panel elements is directed in one direction, and the outer part in the other. This gives the panels a special strength of the central axis and parts in a bend.

Usually, when creating this material, the main elements are treated with a special composition capable of resist fire and water intrusion.

The scope of OSB boards is different, but it occupies the main place in the construction, packaging and furniture industries. In addition to these areas, it is also successfully used in production:

  • When creating shelving and.
  • When creating roofing for roofs.
  • As a sheathing material for exterior and subfloor walls.
  • When creating rigid elements used in upholstered furniture.

If it is necessary to build a building of various kinds, the consumer has a need to purchase high-quality and, at the same time, cheap material that can serve for many years. OSB panels are just like these parameters and are used in work in buildings for both residential and non-residential purposes.


For the manufacture of such plates, wood of various species is used. coniferous or deciduous trees. Chips are located in the longitudinal and transverse directions, which gives the surface additional protection from external influences.

OSB boards have a number of positive characteristics:

  1. a convenient ratio of material quality and a relatively low price, which attracts buyers who want to save money;
  2. resistance to moisture, which contributes to the fact that the plates can be located in difficult rooms and not change their properties;
  3. relatively small weight of the product;
  4. ease of coating and processing with other materials;
  5. environmental friendliness, as a guarantee of the health of the surrounding people living in a dwelling with similar plates;
  6. reliability and stability of the material. These products have been proven over the years and are used even in areas with seismic hazard.

OSB panels have few negative properties, the main of which is susceptibility to fracture. Almost all tiled products are prone to this problem, so this disadvantage is not significant.

Another significant disadvantage of this product is the presence of formaldehyde in its composition. If improperly manufactured, the panels will emit this substance, which can cause serious harm to people.

If the owner decides to install such a stove inside a residential building, he needs to consult a specialist and read all the technical specifications before installation.

Comparison with plywood

Many craftsmen are interested in the question, which material is more profitable and better: plywood or OSB? Plywood was used by builders much earlier than OSB panels. It is difficult to characterize between the two materials because both products come in different models.

When comparing two products, it is better to take the OSB-3 class as an example. If we evaluate the technical characteristics inherent in plywood sheets and OSB panels of this type, then the second will cost the buyer more, and in terms of technical characteristics, they will be almost the same.

If we take into account the manufacturing technology, then plywood is made from veneer, and OSB from wood chips. Both materials are categorized environmentally friendly materials, since they contain almost no harmful impurities. For OSB panels, needles are often used as the basis of the product, and birch can be used for plywood.

The number of layers for the two products is also different: three, and sometimes four layers, and sometimes more layers are required for plywood.

By weight, the OSB board is much smaller than plywood, and by the content of harmful substances in it - formaldehyde it is also inferior to a veneer product.

For many homeowners, the aesthetic component is important, in which OSB sheets are significantly inferior to plywood, but with proper processing, the appearance is greatly improved.

If we compare the durability of products, it becomes clear that beetles and other insects that spoil the surface of the boards prefer plywood more.

However, plywood is less susceptible to deformation when exposed to various mechanical forces.

Comparison of OSB with chipboard

Both OSB and fiberboard have been used for many years for cladding a dwelling or laying a floor. Many novice builders who have not encountered similar types of cladding compare these materials. In order to determine which one is stronger and better, you need consider the properties of each.

The production of chipboard was launched at the beginning of the twentieth century and continues to this day.

The manufacturing principle of the product is in pressing woodworking waste and gluing them together resin based formulations. After reproduction, the chipboard is impregnated with special compounds to create a fire-resistant and water-repellent effect.

Such products are divided according to the degree of surface smoothness. One of the smoothest is the first grade, where there are no bumps and chips.

When drawing a parallel between materials, it is obvious that they are similar in the degree of creation and in the product from which they are reproduced, but there is a significant difference between them. The chips at the orienting chipboard are quite large in size, and sometimes reach 15 centimeters, and Fiberboard consists of small elements with uneven and rough surface.

The layer of resins that fasten OSB panels is much thicker than when gluing fiberboard. The nature of the location of the chips gives the OSB an advantage ahead of the competitor in center reliability and flex.

At first glance, it may seem that the products are similar, but they are not, there are a number of differences between them:

  1. the OSB panel has greater moisture resistance, which can hold out for some time in humid conditions, which cannot be said about fiberboard;
  2. both plates are highly reliable, but fiberboard is more prone to shedding of the surface in the end area;
  3. processing on these materials is more likely to damage fiberboard than OSB, because these sheets are susceptible to crumbling when the nail or screw is re-twisted;
  4. Fiberboard is much cheaper than OSB, and this is justified by a number of disadvantages inherent in such a plate.

If OSB panels can be used not only as a floor, but also for facade work, then fiberboard is not recommended to be attached to the facade. This is due to insufficient strength and instability to moisture.

In terms of aesthetic properties, fiberboard is also inferior to its competitor. Such panels look unattractive, unless, of course, they were covered with a special decorative film. OSB is often used for houses, and many owners like it because it is somewhat reminiscent of wood surface.

If we talk about the density and resistance to mold, then the indicators for the two products are approximately the same.

OSB or drywall?

Modern masters use it as the main material for finishing houses, because it has a number of positive characteristics:

  • environmental friendliness of the product. The composition of the material contains gypsum, water and cardboard;
  • strong structure;
  • durable use;
  • the ability to paste over the slab with various decorative elements, such as stucco, paintwork or porcelain stoneware;
  • safety for others. Only when cutting the product you need to know that the mouth and eyes must be protected from chips;
  • price is an important component of the product. The purchase of this material can save significant financial resources;
  • lightness of structures. This is especially important when one master is involved in the repair.

Despite many advantages, drywall has and minuses, such as the:

  • Increased deformation of the plates when trying to attach heavy objects to them.
  • Cutting the product is accompanied by the appearance of debris in the perimeter of the room. You need to protect your face from it.
  • Reducing space due to the additional need to install a frame.
  • Difficulty in hanging additional items on drywall walls.

If you compare two products with each other, you can understand that they are about the same price, which means that the choice must be based on other parameters.

By the minimum impact of harmful materials on human health, of course drywall wins, as it practically does not evaporate substances that can cause harm. As part of the OSB, there are resins that negatively affect a person. The remaining parameters are selected according to the individual preferences of the owner.

Comparison with lining

Made from natural wood and does not contain harmful impurities. It is made from aspen or coniferous trees, including larch. In appearance, it is a plate of wood, which is tightly fixed to a similar structure, using grooves for fastening.

The lining has positive properties, such as:

  • natural composition of the material;
  • has many types, divided into classes, of which the most popular is the one that has the mark "E";
  • has an aesthetic appearance and attracts prying eyes.

If we compare with OSB, then in the price category they will be approximately equal, in terms of technological properties too. The aesthetic and environmental component, of course, will be on the side of the lining. But the last decision remains with the owner of the house, because only he can decide, what material will decorate its facade?

The principle of manufacturing the plate

The manufacturing principle of OSB panels is pressing chips in many layers by exposing them to high temperatures and pressures. In order for the chips to fit snugly and not fall out, and the layers to be uniform, they are coated with formaldehyde or phenol-based resins.

(Image is clickable, click to enlarge)

The resulting mixture is additional fix with wax for maximum grip. The use of the latest generation of machines in the creation of plates gives the products an ideal surface without the appearance of chips and extra chips peeking out from the inside and outside.

The entire production process consists of the following steps:

  1. the formation of chips from wood;
  2. the process of drying and processing wood chips;
  3. installation of elements in the approximate direction;
  4. coating chips with resin;
  5. work on pressing and cutting plates.

Manufacturers divided the plates into four classes:

OSB-2 also used exclusively for interior decoration of the home and in the frame production of furniture.

OSB-3- this is the most popular type of slabs, which is used for external and internal finishing work. Differs in the increased resistance to wear, and does not spoil structures under the influence of wet masses.

OSB-4- this is the highest class in terms of material strength, but it is rarely used in conventional house construction, because the price of such a product is much higher than those listed above.

OSB-3 panels meet all the latest developments in the field of building technologies and are resistant to moisture. It is this quality that makes them popular when choosing facing materials, in particular, in frame construction.

The slab withstands moisture, but with one condition that must not be forgotten: the slab contributes to the protection of the building only with short contact with water.

If you install panels in the bathroom, then you need to carry out processing with special compounds, preventing the product from getting wet and, as a result, the loss of its useful properties.

We learn from the video about the decoding, the pros and cons of OSB, the scope, how to choose it correctly and how to work with it:

OSB (OSB) plate: application, characteristics, reviews

OSB boards (OSB) are a relatively new high-tech wood-based building material that has already become indispensable in wood-frame housing construction, furniture manufacturing and decoration. Important advantages of OSB (OSB) boards are strength and elasticity.

OSB board - what is it?

Oriented strand board(OSB) quickly took their place among traditional wood-based building materials, along with plywood, chipboard, fiberboard. Universal OSB (OSB - Oriented Strand Board) have a number of competitive advantages. No wonder OSB boards are called "improved wood".

OSB (OSB / OSB - all these abbreviations mean the same material) is a dense pressed three-layer slab of large oriented wood chips. In practice, OSB replaces plywood and chipboard. The name clearly explains the appearance - it is easy to recognize oriented strand boards by elongated chips.

The OSB (OSB) plate consists of 3 layers. In the inner layer of the OSB, the chips are located transversely, in the lower and upper layers - on the contrary, longitudinally. Each layer of OSB board is pre-glued with waterproof resins and pressed under high temperature.

The main raw material for the production of OSB boards is medium- and low-quality coniferous wood, as well as thin wood, which is not suitable for processing in the production of plywood and sawmilling. Wood waste is not used here.

Did you know that the appearance of the first OSB dates back to the late 1970s and is associated with the development of wafer board production in the USA. Starting in 1978, the material quickly began to gain popularity. By 2000, the production of OSB boards in the United States was almost equal in volume to the production of plywood.

OSB plate - dimensions and characteristics

One of the features of the manufacture of OSB (OSB) boards is the elimination of crushed product and small chips. The technology allows you to significantly reduce the amount of glue used in OSB (2-3%), unlike others wood-based building materials .

So OSB boards (OSB) acquire water resistance, resistance to loads and stretching, elasticity. OSB boards are similar in physical properties to softwood plywood, but OSB cost is much cheaper, given the low quality requirements for wood raw materials. Improved mechanical properties, in comparison with conventional chipboard, are achieved by the multidirectional orientation of the chips in the layers of the OSB board. With static bending, the tensile strength of OSB boards with a density of 650-720 kg / cu. m is 40-50 MPa in the longitudinal, 20-25 MPa in the transverse directions. For comparison: birch general-purpose plywood has a static bending strength of 55-60 MPa.

OSB boards retain all the useful properties of solid wood in flat chips, but exclude its defects - delamination, warping, falling knots, internal cracks and voids. OSB (OSB) is distinguished by high uniformity of structure. The standard sizes of OSB board are 2500x1250, 2440x1220 and 3660x1220 mm, with a thickness of 8-40 mm.

OSB ECO boards (OSB ECO) have the highest environmental parameters. OSB-3 is produced on the basis of polyurethane resins with a minimum formaldehyde content. The environmental safety of OSB ECO boards is confirmed by certificates.

OSB boards (OSB) - application and possibilities

The characteristics of OSB boards significantly expand the scope of their application for both interior and exterior decoration. OSB (OSB) are suitable as a basis for many types of roofing materials. They provide good sound absorption, thermal insulation, high rigidity and are able to withstand heavy snow and wind loads.

Draft floors are assembled from OSB boards, used as a full-fledged floor covering. OSB boards(OSB) are perfectly combined with any external cladding for wall cladding. OSB plates are also used for the construction of supporting structures in wall and interfloor ceilings, repeatedly - for removable concrete formwork. In addition to construction and finishing, OSB (OSB) is in demand in the furniture industry and the packaging industry.

By changing the design of OSB (OSB), for example, the thickness and number of layers, the size and orientation of wood particles, the type of binder and consumption, the boards are given different properties that determine their purpose. The surface of the OSB board can be varnished, laminated, tongue-and-groove.

OSB boards are easy to process and hold any fasteners well. OSB fastener retention rate (OSB) is 25% higher than that of softwood plywood and chipboard.

OSB 3 boards: what does the marking mean?

In terms of strength and moisture resistance, four types of OSB boards are distinguished. Marking OSB 1 means that the plate is intended for use in dry rooms, for the manufacture of furniture, decoration and decor elements. OSB 2 is also recommended for conditions with low humidity. OSB 2 boards are suitable for creating load-bearing structures.

Designations 3 and 4 allow the use of plates OSB 3, 4 in wet areas. For OSB 4 boards, a high mechanical load is permissible.

When choosing OSB boards, pay attention to the type of material in terms of strength and moisture resistance - there are four in total. OSB 3 is the most versatile, they are suitable for both indoor and outdoor work.

LLC "Wiener-skif"

What is an OSB? This is an oriented strand board, abbreviated as OSB, that is, in English, oriented strand board. This building material consists of several (at least three to four) layers of wood chips of various sizes, from the smallest to thin chips. The shavings in the composition of each layer are pressed and glued, but the main difference from similar materials is that they are laid in a certain direction. Usually it is longitudinal for the outer layers, and transverse for the inner ones.


OSB is a relatively new product on the building materials market. The first developments began in Canada in the 60s of the last century. It became possible to create an improved alternative to traditional building materials made of wood, such as chipboard, and at the same time use tons of waste from the woodworking industry developed in these regions. Therefore, it was in Canada in the early 80s that the industrial production of oriented strand board started, which quickly gained popularity.

OSB appeared on the Russian market much later. The first production starts began back in the Soviet years, at the end of the 80s, but those attempts failed, and the subsequent years were destructive for all types of industry, so the new technology was abandoned. This material appeared on the Russian market as an import from leading Western, including European, companies already in the late 90s. For a long time, the spread of OSB in the country was hampered by cases of poisoning due to the purchase of cheap and low-quality raw materials, which included phenol-formaldehyde compounds harmful to humans.

However, progress does not stand still, and today the product has taken its rightful place in the Russian market. In recent years, several domestic factories have been opened, producing OSB according to international quality standards.


OSB produce 4 main types. There is such a classification for strength and moisture resistance (European standard):

Plate type Strength Room type Scope of application
OSB-1 low only for dry rooms furniture manufacturing, packaging coatings, wall cladding
OSB-2 high only for dry rooms can be used for load-bearing structures and interior decoration
OSB-3 high can be used for load-bearing structures and exterior finishes
OSB-4 very high Can be used in high humidity increased load is permissible, used for load-bearing structures

Types of OSB are also classified according to the type of coating:

  • unpolished;
  • polished;
  • varnished - varnished on one side;
  • laminated - covered with laminate;
  • tongue-and-groove - OSB board with machined ends.

Areas of use

OSB is used for very different purposes in modern construction, renovation, furniture and packaging. The areas of application differ for different types of material: from light and durable furniture for an office or apartment, boxes and boxes, installation of advertising counters and stands from plates of the first type, to load-bearing external walls of a house from sufficiently moisture-resistant plates of the fourth type, designed for significant loads.

The most versatile, as well as affordable, the most popular and in demand is the OSB-3 type. Its share in production and sales reaches 90%. (The characteristics of the fourth type of plates are even better, but its price is about twice as high). From OSB boards of the third type, internal walls of the room can be assembled, floors are laid, the foundation for the roof is laid or the walls of residential buildings and technical premises, such as a railway car, truck, trailer, are sheathed.

Pros and cons of OSB

Let's look at the pros first. First of all, these are its following technical characteristics:

  1. High strength. It is achieved precisely by mutually perpendicular arrangement of chips in different layers. The correct use of OSB, including the correct choice of plate thickness, will allow the structure to withstand loads of up to several hundred kilograms.
  2. Light weight. The standard weight of a whole plate - up to 20 kg - can be lifted by any worker, which allows you to work in a variety of conditions.
  3. Elasticity. The structure of the material provides sufficient flexibility, which allows the surface to be bent without the risk of fracture. This is used when working with rounded and other non-perfectly flat surfaces.
  4. Moisture resistance. Achieved through resin treatment. Compared to wood materials, OSB board is much less susceptible to deformation from the influence of water and humidity.
  5. Simplicity and convenience in work. OSB boards can be worked with using simple tools such as a saw, drill, screwdriver. In this case, the cuts are quite even and do not require additional processing. The plate well fixes the most affordable fasteners: nails, screws, self-tapping screws. Installation of OSB is very fast.
  6. Heat and sound insulation. Compared to other wood-based materials, OSB performance is much better.
  7. Chemical resistance is also achieved by treating the board with resins.
  8. Environmental friendliness. Chips treated with special impregnations and glued are not afraid of fungus or mold.
  9. Affordable prices.
  10. Attractive woodgrain appearance that does not require additional design work.

Among the shortcomings, perhaps, it can be noted that when working with a stove, especially when cutting, protective equipment is needed, such as a mask or a respirator. Wood dust, in addition, treated with chemical compounds can be harmful to the respiratory system. In addition, some grades of low-quality board may release toxic carcinogenic gases during operation.

Harm to health

Disputes about the dangers to human health of OSB boards have been going on for many decades. Wood itself is an environmentally friendly and safe material. Plates are made mainly from coniferous wood, less often - hardwood (aspen, ash, poplar). The danger to humans is only the composition of the resins with which the chips are glued together. They included phenol-formaldehyde components, which, during operation, emit toxic gases such as formaldehyde, phenol, benzene. These are toxic, allergenic and carcinogenic compounds that adversely affect the skin, eyes and respiratory tract of a person. That is why the use and production of OSB for a long time did not receive the proper scale.

The release of gas is affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment. The higher they are, the more toxic fumes. Therefore, OSP-3 and OSP-4 intended for high-humidity rooms are safer for health.

Currently, non-toxic carbamide resins are used in the production of quality products.

The safest for humans and suitable for interior decoration (toxic emission index E0 - E1) are the products of such leading companies in the industry as Glunz (Germany), Norbord (Canada), Egger (Austria). But the plates "Kronospan", "Kronopol" with the index E2 - E3 are suitable only for exterior decoration and non-residential premises.

Products that do not contain formaldehyde are labeled Green or Eco. You can be calm about it and use it to decorate the interior of your own house or apartment.

The second risk factor is low-quality wood. Often, in pursuit of low cost, a manufacturer can use low-quality raw materials, simply speaking, with garbage and hazardous waste.

Therefore, when working with OSB, it is necessary to reasonably evaluate the quality of products used for a particular object, this will minimize harm to human health.

Main dimensions

The size of the finished plate from the manufacturer is of two main types:

  • 2440 mm x1220 mm;
  • 2500 mm x1250 mm.

Russian-made plates can also have the following sizes:

  • 2500 mm x 1850 mm.

The thickness of the product can be: 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18 and 22 mm.

For board with grooved edge, the following values ​​are available: 15, 16, 18, 22 mm.

Estimated prices

The price is usually quoted per sheet. Sometimes the price per cubic meter is used, since the price of a sheet is proportional to its thickness. The most popular type of OSB-3 board on the market. The price for one of its sheets ranges from 500 Russian rubles for the thinnest (9mm) to 2100 Russian rubles for the thickest (22mm). As you can see, sizes and prices are correlated indicators.

More detailed sizes and prices can be found in the price catalog of a particular seller. Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the resins and the manufacturer if you buy OSB for interior decoration.

Features of choice

The most common mistake when choosing wood chipboard is the difference between the European and American classification system. If the classification of OSP-1, 2, 3, 4 is adopted in Europe, then the American system offers only three types of products:

  • interior;
  • Esposure1;
  • Esposure1 Type Exterior.

In this case, additional markings “F”, “R” and “W” are used (floor, roof, wall for floors, ceilings and walls, respectively).

So a domestic buyer, intending to purchase products corresponding to the characteristics of the most popular OSP-3, could receive the wrong product that he actually needs. This was often used by unscrupulous intermediaries, and consequently, a false opinion has developed among Russian users about the low quality of North American OSB boards. This is not true. It was Canadian factories that were the first in the world to start producing these products, over the decades the technology has been developed and improved, but when buying, you must carefully study the accompanying documentation.

Well-known and trusted manufacturers

The pioneers in the production of OSB are, of course, North America:

  • Norbord, Canada;
  • "Georgia Pacific", "Louisiana Pacific" USA.

In Europe, production began later, but the Russian market mainly receives products from the following manufacturers:

  • Kronospan has factories in 26 countries of Eastern and Western Europe. Production started in Austria;
  • Glunz, Germany;
  • Egger, Austria, UK;
  • "Bolderaja", Latvia.

More recently, just a few years ago, production began in Russia, these are factories:

  • "Hillman", Vladimir region;
  • "Kalevala", Karelia;
  • Kronospan Group, Yegorievsk, Moscow Region.

At present, the orientational strand board is the most modern and practical of all wood-based building materials. Increasingly, masters prefer to use it because of the excellent value for money, as well as a large number of advantages.

In this article, we will consider the concept, types and application of OSB boards. Currently, this type of material is very popular in the construction and renovation of apartments, houses, cottages and other premises. And so, let's consider everything in more detail:

Oriented Strand Board(OSB, English oriented strand board, OSB) is a multilayer (3-4 layers) sheet, which consists of wood chips glued together with various resins with the addition of synthetic wax and boric acid.

OSB is subdivided into:

OSB-1 - used in conditions of low humidity;
OSB-2 - used in the manufacture of load-bearing structures in dry rooms;
OSB-3 - used for more severe operating conditions (in the manufacture of load-bearing structures in high humidity conditions).
OSB-4 - used in the manufacture of structures that carry a significant mechanical load in conditions of high humidity

OSB classification:

Lacquered - lacquered on one side
- Laminated - covered with laminate (for reusable formwork during concrete work: the number of cycles - up to 50)
- Grooved - a slab with groove-toothed ends, from 2 or 4 sides of the slab, for laying over the surface area.

Properties of oriented strand board (OSB):

High strength
-Gives rigidity to the structure of the roof and walls
-Very low moisture swelling coefficient
-Easy and quick installation
- Excellent elasticity
-High aesthetics in interior decoration
-Virtually waste-free use of material
-Light weight of the cladding

Scope of OSB:

wall cladding
- draft floors
- overlap
- single layer floors
- I-beams
-sandwich panels

At the moment, the above material (OSB) competes well with materials such as chipboard, plywood, drywall, plasterboard and DSP. When choosing a material for construction and renovation, proceed from your needs and the scope of OSB, as well as listen to the advice of construction professionals.