Calculate tarot card by date of birth. Tarot Arcana by date of birth

Every card in the Tarot deck has a hidden sacred meaning. They determine the past, present, and future. They also help to reveal a person’s character and the lines of his destiny. The major arcana correspond to personality archetypes. Using them, it is easy to find out what type you are, what life events await you, and your strengths and weaknesses. Cards reveal karmic tasks and guide you towards the right goals.

How to find out your card

The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards: 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones. The magic system allows you to find out:

  • events of the past, present, future;
  • answer to a question of interest;
  • psychological portrait of personality;
  • thoughts, feelings of another person;
  • upcoming changes;
  • your personal card;
  • compatibility of partners.

Calculation of control numbers

The numbers of a person’s birth contain the matrix of fate. By calculating your main arcana, you can learn more about your character, talents, karma, purpose. There will be three personal cards, and they will determine your destiny. You can use online calculators to calculate. Let's look at how to calculate tarot by date of birth yourself.

To calculate the first number, you need to take your birthday. If it is less than the number 22, then it will be the desired result. If it is more, we subtract 22 from it. For example, you were born on May 5, 1995. The first personal arcana will be the Hierophant.

We find the second lasso by summing up all the birth numbers: 5+5+1+9+9+5=34−22=12, Hanged Man.

The third lasso can often coincide with the second, which means that you have two personal arcana, not three. To find it, you need to add up all the birth numbers separately. 5+5=10, 1+9+9+5=24−22=2, 10+2=12. Hanged. A person has only two control arcana.

The meaning of the cards

Each lasso carries its own information for a person:

  1. First lasso- the most important. It clearly reveals a person’s individual traits and talents. It contains a decoding of the task of the current incarnation.
  2. Second lasso connected to our unconscious. This is the second side of personality. Shows psychological characteristics, fears, complexes.
  3. Third lasso will tell more about the fate and life events of a person. He can tell you whether the fortuneteller will have a family or not, and whether he should build a career.

It is these three major arcana that are the personal alignment of a person’s fate. They, like an astrological horoscope, very accurately describe the potential inherent in a person. There is secret knowledge that helps you change your destiny with the help of cards. For example, the author’s method of the famous tarot reader Natalia Ladini “Diagnostics and correction of fate: 22 arcana”. It allows you to change future events using tarot and numerology.

Characteristics of the Arcana

The major arcana have been created over centuries; they carry the energy of the basic archetypes of psychological personality types.

Decoding the tarot arcana by date of birth:

  1. Mage A gifted person, marked by God. These people have very bright abilities. There may be an innate magical gift. These are sociable, creative, enterprising individuals. A magician can become the creator of his own destiny: the outcome of life depends on his choices.
  2. Priestess. A very sensitive, vulnerable person. Often endowed with special psychological and psychic gifts. They make good psychologists, doctors, and healers. There are many clairvoyants among them. This sensitive nature often falls into pessimism.
  3. Empress. This is a natural mother. Even the men of this card have a special ability to take care of others. The Empress stands firmly on the ground, earns good money, loves her family. They have high sexuality and fertility, and often suffer from an explosive temperament.
  4. Emperor. This is a born boss, a director: he likes to control everything and give instructions to others. Those born under this card need to build a career, but not forget about spiritual values. Their negative traits are authoritarianism, despotism, and stinginess.
  5. Hierophant. Fate invites this person to follow the spiritual path of development. Among them are many clergy, psychologists, mentors, gurus, and speakers. They have the gift of teaching and leading a crowd. If the Hierophant clings to the material world, he will become cunning and deceitful.
  6. Lovers. Romantic, cheerful, full of energy people. Everyone around them loves them because they are full of charm. High sexuality attracts the opposite sex to them. It is important for these people to give up on romance and start a family in time.
  7. Chariot. Decisive, courageous, very active person. He needs to be on the move all the time. Does not tolerate whiners and passive people. These people travel a lot, value their freedom highly, and can achieve a lot thanks to their tireless spirit.
  8. Justice. A reserved person with high intelligence. Always thinks everything through carefully before giving an answer. Their special gift is insight and analysis. Among them there are many lawyers, barristers, and judges.
  9. Hermit. Born sages. They draw their strength from solitude. They have strong intuition and clairvoyance. Such people need to follow only the spiritual path, otherwise they will face a lot of suffering.
  10. Wheel of Fortune. Energetic, active optimists, favorites of luck. They are really lucky, they seem to be under the protection of higher powers. But they should remember that they have to pay for everything.
  11. Force. Energetic, athletic, powerful person. He is stubborn and always achieves his goals. His task is to help the weak, to be a motivator. There are many entrepreneurs among them.
  12. Hanged. Dreamy, wise, kind nature. Among them there are many musicians and artists. It is important to learn to build your boundaries and not allow others to take advantage of you.
  13. Death. A powerful personality who endures many blows of fate. These people are not afraid of death. They often work as military personnel, surgeons, and esotericists.
  14. Moderation. A gentle and good-natured person. Children and animals adore him. Their purpose is to bring balance and harmony to the world.
  15. Devil. An incredibly gifted individual. They can choose any profession where they can influence others. Their sexual magnetism can bewitch anyone. Among them there are many sorcerers and sorcerers: dark matter attracts them.
  16. Tower. People with difficult destinies, full of disasters. Endowed with strong will and endurance. Having gone through hell on earth, they will be able to help others get out of crises.
  17. Star. The lucky ones of fate. They have a strong guardian angel who guides and protects. Spiritual, creative, subtle people. The card indicates bright talent.
  18. Moon. These are unpredictable people. They are endowed with strong intuition and see prophetic dreams. In everyday life they are caring and generous. But they can often become depressed and despondent.
  19. Sun. A man-child, born to shine on stage. They succeed in everything easily; nature has endowed them with incredible charisma. The card indicates the need to have descendants.
  20. Court. Wise, calm people. In life we ​​go through many crises. At the end of life they can become spiritual teachers. They understand the laws of the universe well and believe in karma.
  21. World. A very harmonious personality. They have a happy path because they were born with pure karma. Their task is to make others happy.
  22. Jester. People with an unusual destiny. They are very freedom-loving, often abandon their family. They can discover extrasensory abilities. Many consider them a little out of this world.

Tarot Compatibility

Using Tarot cards you can easily predict the future of your relationship with your partner. Four cards are analyzed here. The first card will show the general nature of the relationship; the second one will tell you what the first partner will get as a result; the third talks about the second partner; the fourth is the result of the relationship, how everything will end. This system for calculating compatibility is very accurate, as it is based on knowledge of numerology and magical symbolism.

To calculate, we need the birth dates of both people. First, all the digits of the date of birth are summed up, as in the method described above.

To find first compatibility number, you need to subtract the number “22” from the sum of dates of birth. For example, dates of birth of partners: 08/10/1977 and 06/5/1981. Let's sum up the numbers without reducing them to a simple series: 1+8+1+9+7+7=33, 5+6+1+9+8+1=30; 33−22=11; 30−22=8. We add the final numbers again: 11+8=19. The number 19 will be the first, describing the nature of the relationship. If the number turns out to be higher than 22, you need to subtract “22” from it. The resulting number will be the first in the compatibility description.

Second the number is calculated by adding the first number and the second personal card. 19+11=30−22=8.

Third- similar to the second, substitute the number of the second partner: 19+8=27−22=5.

Fourth the card will tell you about the outcome of the relationship, or how it all ends. You need to add all three numbers into one: 19+8+5=32−22=10. The interpretation of this card will determine what your future together will be like, whether the union will be strong and happy.

Arcana of love

Compatibility by date of birth according to Tarot:

Attention, TODAY only!

Tarot numerology is an integral and very important component of the card system. As you know, Numerology is a separate self-sufficient doctrine of numbers, the founder of which was Pythagoras. It is Pythagoras who is credited with the famous phrase: “The world is built on the power of numbers,” thereby emphasizing the importance and unconditional influence of numbers on the objects, events and processes of our world. It is enough to remember the rule of the Golden Section in order not to question the statement of the brilliant thinker of antiquity.

The influence of Numerology in the Tarot is enormous - the numerical order, connection and interaction of the arcana and numbers gives the Tarot systematicity, logic and completeness. As we know, each major arcana has its own constant serial number, which is one of the main symbolic “keys” to understanding the arcana. The exceptions are the cards Jester, Justice and Strength, since in some decks the classic numbering order of the arcana is broken. And this phenomenon causes ongoing and, in my opinion, quite justified debate among tarot readers of different schools. The minor arcana in each of the four suits have ten numbered cards and four court cards. Knowing the basic numerological meanings of numbers and correlating them with an existing suit belonging to one of the four elements, you can quite quickly understand, remember and feel each card of the minor arcana.

Since each arcana has its own number, Tarot numerology makes it possible to calculate the quintessence of the layout - a method that allows for a deeper immersion and understanding of the cards drawn.

Perhaps the most striking modern example of the interpenetration and interaction of Tarot and Numerology was the system of Alicia Chrzanowska. This is the creation of a psychological portrait based on Tarot cards by date of birth. A very interesting topic to study and a very extensive one, which has its followers and admirers. Along with the Chrzanowski system, there are many other simplified techniques that are combined with Tarot Numerology, for example, a fate card by date of birth.

Minor Arcana and Tarot numbers.

The minor arcana, as already mentioned, contains 56 cards, which are divided into four suits (elements) . And in each elemental group they represent a number series from Ace (corresponding to one) to ten. Plus four court (figure) cards - page, knight, queen (queen), king, which in some Tarot schools have corresponding numerical values ​​- 11, 12, 13, 14.

The minor arcana in the Tarot system are called minor because they illuminate the more ordinary, primitive side of life. To some extent, they serve as translators of the Major Arcana into a more understandable human language. This in no way diminishes the importance and significance of the minor arcana, but, on the contrary, makes the “conversation” with the Tarot more understandable, meaningful and simple, introducing nuances and zest into the combinations of the Tarot arcana.

When making layouts, you should always pay attention to the minor arcana. Namely:

  1. The predominance or absence of any suit in the layout, the interaction and balance of the suits (elements) with each other, the suit’s correspondence to the question asked. This will show the overall energy picture, the sphere of life involved in the layout.
  2. Dominance in the layout of court (figure) cards. It may indicate the involvement of many people in the process, the presence of a human, social factor or property of the situation, or a process of a higher level than what the numerical cards show.
  3. The presence of many inverted Tarot cards, if you use them in your work, indicates disharmony and imbalance in the layout. Some practitioners refuse further interpretation, especially when all the cards in the layout are turned upside down.
  4. Combinations with the Major Arcana. There are several varieties of such combinations - senior combinations are when the senior lasso comes out before the junior one. Minor combinations - in the dropped pair of cards, the minor arcana is in front of the senior one. There is a fairly well-known Connolly technique for determining time limits.
  5. Having several cards with the same numeric number. This is a rather important indicator, emphasizing the strength and potential of the drawn cards, increasing their energy content, symbolic content and interaction.

As already mentioned, Tarot cards are a system, which means that if you understand its basic principles, the study of Tarot will become much faster and easier. The numerical values ​​of the minor arcana contain the accumulated esoteric experience of numerology. Each numerical value of the minor arcana determines its symbolic meaning, the essence and in the interpretation it is necessary to start from this, in order to, in turn, relate it to the question asked and the area under consideration, the scope of application.

Aces in Tarot.

Aces in Tarot correspond to one. Unlike zero, one is already a manifestation of matter, which has further development. Aces in the Tarot Minor Arcana system are a label, an indicator of a suit, and signify impulse, new beginnings, a starting point that has chance and potential.

Twos in Tarot.

Twos in the Tarot reflect the duality of the world, phenomena and processes occurring in it. This is the unity and struggle of opposites. In a word, twos in the Tarot can be described as exchange and interaction, which, depending on the situation, can be either a plus or a minus sign.

Threes in Tarot.

Threes in the Tarot are action, the embodiment of an idea, the emergence of a new quality, expansion. Three is a rather important number for our world; it is involved and reflected in absolutely all aspects of human existence. The Troika manifests itself in the concept of triad and trinity, “accompanying” humanity throughout its history.

Fours in Tarot.

Fours in the Tarot signify stability, stability, order, completion, and sometimes stagnation. Depending on the situation, the four can both limit and serve as protection.

The four, like the three, has long ago, tightly and harmoniously fit into the human picture of the world, being one of the systemic fundamental concepts and images, such as the four cardinal directions, seasons, four elements and suits, etc.

Fives in Tarot.

Fives in the Tarot indicate a violation of the stability that we observed in the fours of the minor arcana. Fives are a crisis, a challenge, a conflict, a risk. At the same time, this is a necessary condition for further development. You have to undergo tests, change, solve problems, get out of your comfort zone, gain experience and draw conclusions through trial and error.

Sixes in Tarot.

Sixes in the Tarot are harmony, restored balance, comfort, achieving results, receiving benefits and bonuses. Positive meaning for all stripes.

Sevens in Tarot.

Sevens in the Tarot speak of instability and uncertainty, the importance of making the right decision and, overcoming difficulties, implementing your ideas without a guarantee of a positive result. “Measure seven times, think, count, estimate - cut once” - this is about seven and the problem of choice when you stand on the threshold of the new, unknown.

Eights in Tarot

Eights in the Tarot reflect cause and effect processes. Eights are transformation and movement, depending on the suit, the interpretation can be either positive or negative.

Nines in Tarot.

Nines in the Tarot are the concentration and culmination of the suit; it means achievement, completion, summing up, the experience gained, both positive and negative. In the symbolism of various cultures and traditions, nine occupies a significant place and is the number of perfection, representing a triple triad.

Tens in Tarot.

Tens in the Tarot mean the end of one cycle and the transition to a qualitatively different level. A map of metamorphoses, maximum satiety of the suit and, therefore, a forced transition to another step due to the impossibility of remaining in the old one.

Fate card, calculation by date of birth


So, from any date of birth you can get the three most important arcana of fate.

1) 1st lasso is the number of birth (without month and year). If the number does not exceed 22, everything is simple, this is the lasso number. If it is more than 22, then we subtract 22 from the birth number and get the desired lasso.
I noticed that the lasso associated with the birth number is very similar in its manifestations to the ASC in traditional astrology. This is like our face, the most noticeable qualities. Our main character traits, behavior, interests.

2) 2 lasso is the sum of all numbers included in the date of birth (day, month, year), we do not count zeros. For example, someone was born on February 23, 1980, add 2+3+2+1+9+8=25. If the total is greater than 22, subtract 22 to get the required lasso. If it is less than 22, we immediately get the desired card.
This birth chart is perhaps the most important. It gives the main meaning, showing a person’s program, his tasks, mission and life path. It also gives knowledge about a person’s karma, his past “sins,” and the level of development of the soul.

3) 3 lasso is calculated as follows. We separately reduce the day, month and year of birth to a single number (from 1 to 9) (as in classical numerology), and then add all these numbers together. For example, someone was born on December 13, 1975. 13=1+3=4, 12=1+2=3, 1975=1+9+7+5=22=2+2=4. As a result, we got three numbers - 4, 3, 4. Add them together, 4+3+4=11. This is the third lasso. IMPORTANT! If the total amount is more than 22, then we add the numbers again, as in classical numerology. For example, 25=2+5=7!
It happens that the first two arcana do not reflect the essence of a person, and the third is the leading one. Everything here is very individual. But, I noticed that all three cards find a very clear expression in a person’s fate.

Example: date of birth 07/10/1856

1) First lasso - 10 Wheel of Fortune
2) Second lasso - 1+7+1+8+5+6=28-22=6 Lovers
3) Third lasso - 10=1+0=1, 7 (we don’t add anything). 1+8+5+6=20=2+0=2, in total, 1+7+2=10 Fortune

Now a few words about karma and sins. Since these expressions are often used in the article, I would like to provide some clarity. By karma I mean the sum of accumulated actions (positive and negative) in past incarnations that affect our lives today. By “sin,” I mean, of course, not the generally accepted Christian sin (although somewhere these concepts will intersect), but negative actions committed in past incarnations that interfere with the development of the soul. These are also the lessons that each of us must understand and learn in this life. These are our weaknesses that we must work on throughout our lives. Or our shadow, if you like!

1 - In Tarot cards this is the MAGIC. An active, active person. This is a creator with great potential. Strong-willed, firm. He is an authority for others. Most often he has his own business, his own business or strives for it. Does not tolerate instructions from outside, knows a lot, constantly learns. Excellent communication skills, easily finds common language with people. Such people usually do not have serious karmic sins. They have control over their lives and can change a lot. But remember that any number has both positive and negative sides. A person may not develop the talents and abilities laid down by the creator; he may follow a low path. This is bad, the personality does not develop, problems appear in life.
If a person with birth number 1 follows a low path, he becomes an egoist and a deceiver. Often uses his abilities as a communicator for personal gain. There may be a weak will, an inability to resist life's difficulties. I have often seen this number among alcoholics. Horror! They pretend to be victims, sit on the necks of their relatives and do not want to change. And it is necessary!
Recently at a reception there was a woman from Kharkov, 33 years old, Svetlana. Her second birth number is 1. She created her own business - tailoring. She has already released her own brand. I achieved everything myself. At the age of 10, my father died and burned down in his apartment while drunk. At 17, my mother dies of cancer. Sveta is left completely alone. Nightmare. If not for the energy of the unit, it is unlikely that it would have survived. The magician helped her cope with life's problems. Well done, what can I say!

2 is the number of the PRIESTESS in the TAROT. It is associated with intuition, secret knowledge. A subtle, emotional, patient person. He perfectly senses those around him, their mood, thoughts, hidden desires. These are good psychologists, teachers, educators. The people are intelligent, but a little soft. In life you need to learn firmness and perseverance. It is necessary to learn to empathize, but not to take other people's pain upon yourself. “Twos” are very susceptible to outside influence. They are often pestered by energy vampires. In general, there are two types of “vampires” - solar and lunar. Sunny people are usually aggressive, emotional individuals who try to “push” the other person to the wall. They provoke anger, conflict situations, and try to unbalance a person. Thus, receiving the necessary energy. And “lunar” vampires are more insidious. Most often, these are close friends, girlfriends who come to you and start complaining about their problems. How bad everything is, how unlucky they are in life. They pretend to be victims. Having dumped their adversities on you, they feel better, and you experience an outflow of vital energy. Vampires like these need to be driven out. So, in the life of “twos” there can be a lot of “lunar” vampires. Usually these are close relatives or friends. It is necessary to analyze and break unnecessary connections, otherwise health problems may arise. After all, first of all, they steal from you the energy that is so necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body.
It happens that the “two” itself has some kind of extrasensory abilities. It is important here that they are applied in the name of good.
If a person follows the low path, then he becomes very unpredictable and talkative. This is a man with a double bottom. He always tries to benefit from everything. Very cunning nature. These are good actors in life, they can pretend to be victims so that they will be pitied and helped. But, in reality, all these feelings are feigned. In almost 80% of cases, there are problems with the nervous system or mental disorders. There may be alcoholism, drug addiction, as an escape from reality. Many witches, I mean black witches, have this number.
I remember one girl who could not get married. Her name was Lena, I think, although it doesn’t matter. The main number of fate is two. She was about 29 years old. When they started looking into it, it turned out that Lena still lives with her mother, although she has a separate apartment. Mom is constantly sick, she needs care and care. That's why Lena is constantly with her. What’s most interesting is that the mother also has a Priestess in her birth chart. A typical “moon vampire”, constantly pumping energy from his daughter. And Lena is a soft, kind girl. So mom “takes advantage” of this. There is only one way out - to live separately. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any marriage. And there are any number of such cases. Parents, most often mothers, tie their child tightly to them. Usually in words they wish him happiness and worry, but in reality it is pure vampirism. Some are conscious, some are not. Count, analyze, try to improve your life.

3 is the EMPRESS card in the Tarot. A very strong and good number. It is the number of motherhood, growth and vitality. For a person with this number, children and family play a big role in life. These are wonderful fathers and mothers. They strive for order and harmony, and are very homely, especially women. This number is also associated with money. “Troikas” are good economists, they often have their own business. They strive for comfort and material well-being. Life can give them a lot: a happy marriage, money, success in society. The main thing is to know when to stop and follow the principles.
When the negative aspect of this number is turned on, a person becomes very selfish. This is a conservative, striving for power in general and in particular over his children. A man is often heavily dependent on women. They pump money out of him, but he continues to love them. There may be sexual problems, especially in women with this number. Problems with childbearing. Unequal marriage. Also, “threes” can be very fixated on money and material things. But all this can be overcome if you try to follow the “bright” path of the EMPRESS. This card is not related to karma, a person has freedom of choice, he has the power to change everything.
For Vladimir Putin, this particular card is his birth number. Here's your crown and power and money. Everything works very well!

4 - THE EMPEROR in the TAROT. A powerful, active, self-confident person. He can lead the people. These are born bosses and leaders. By nature he can be explosive, sometimes even aggressive. Practical, analytical mind. Values ​​order and discipline. Success in life, career advancement. Such a person knows what he wants and most often achieves his goal.
Unfortunately, usually “immature” Emperors who follow the wrong path come to the reception. These are very stubborn people, tyrants, despots. Women dominate the family and try to keep everything under control, especially the lives of their children. These are the most difficult mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law; they will always remain dissatisfied with the choice of their children. They need to learn to control their emotions and be tolerant of the shortcomings of others. Men with the negative influence of the “four” strive for power at any cost, either in the family or at work. Interestingly, many alcoholics are born with this number. Why? Because they always want to keep everything and everyone under control, and this rarely works out. Stress, depression appear and, as a result, the desire to drown your grief in a bottle. That's it, number four.
This number is not strongly related to karma, so such a person is given greater freedom of choice in life. However, in practice, all fours are terrible bores, stubborn to the point of indecency. This is where the problems in their lives come from. They just don't want to change. Always confident that you are right. It can be difficult to work with them in a session.

5 - PRIEST in TAROT. A person who has this card in his date of birth usually comes to earth with a pure soul. In a past life, he really could have been a holy man, helped others, and absolved sins. In this life, most often, these are very bright people. They carry natural wisdom. Their movements are leisurely, they are always calm. Always ready to listen and help with advice. I noticed that children with this card grow up quickly. Already at the age of thirteen - fifteen they have a very smart look, they are not interested in being with their peers. Typically, such children have friends who are older in age. And that's completely normal.
However, like other cards, this one has its own shadow side. A person can become incredibly proud, hypocritical, and an empty talker. He considers himself always right and often uses his official position for selfish purposes. They are given a lot, but they also ask a lot.
I remember one case from practice. A very worried woman came to the reception. Her son was finishing school and was going to enter the University to study law. The competition was huge, my mother was naturally worried: “He’ll get in, he won’t get in!” She knew the dean quite well, we went to school together, and tried to turn to him for help. Still, they are not strangers. And what do you think, he openly asked for a bribe, and a very decent one, citing the fact that everything had to be paid for. Naturally, given my client’s small income, she did not find that kind of money. You probably already guessed that the birth card of this dean was just a Priest. We analyzed the situation for a long time, I said that my son would act in any case, and this “penny-pincher” just needs to be forgiven and released to God’s judgment. So she did. The most interesting thing is how this story ended. Six months later, my mother appeared on my doorstep again. I came to thank him, my son entered on a budget. But the dean found himself in a very unpleasant situation; he was caught red-handed while taking another bribe. Naturally, he was removed from his post, and the trial is now underway. In this story you can perfectly trace the impact of the five. The man was given a fairly high position, but he imagined himself to be God and began to use his position. The result is complete collapse!

6 - LOVERS in Tarot cards. This is a very interesting number and an interesting card. Perhaps this is one of the kindest and most peaceful numbers. Therefore, a person has a calm, gentle character. He loves everyone, always strives for harmony, and is completely conflict-free. But there is a small problem here. Such people are often faced with some kind of choice in life. They can have two lover(s) at the same time, two jobs, two houses. It is very difficult for them to settle on one thing, hence the constant doubts and uncertainty. They think for a long time before making any important decision in their lives, which is why they miss good chances.
In a negative manifestation, such a person is in constant doubt, he is unlucky in love, because he does not dare to take the first step. Girls with such a card simply sit and wait for the prince on a white horse to knock on their door. They don’t have serious karma, they just need to learn to act actively, throw away complexes and doubts.

7 - CARRIAGE in Tarot cards. He is an active person, very mobile, travels a lot, and is always interested in learning new things. He is brave, confident, and loves risks. This card does not carry large karmic debts; it gives an interesting and rich destiny. The life of such people is usually not characterized by any serious problems. And they rarely come to the appointment. However, this card also has a downside.
In a negative sense, the card can denote a very self-confident person. He has delusions of grandeur, he rushes forward, not noticing the dangers on his way. Then dangerous situations enter their lives: accidents, injuries, operations. Especially, you need to be careful when traveling, follow all the rules, and not take risks.
Sometimes this number makes a person very passive, you cannot move him from a dead point. Is that bad! This means that a person goes against the energy of the number seven. I often met people with criminal tendencies. Therefore, if you find this number in your child, take care that he does not fall into bad company.

8 - JUSTICE in TAROT cards. This is the first karmic card, pay attention! Its appearance in calculations should alert you. This suggests that the person carries sin from a past life, and the sin is quite serious. He broke the law. It could be anything. For example, a person really was a judge and did not pronounce the sentence correctly. He could have been an executioner who killed innocent people. He could have been an inquisitor who sent unfortunate women suspected of witchcraft to the stake. In a word, this is a violation of the law in any of its manifestations.
There are two possible situations in this life. Or a person is again given power and, along with power, a constant temptation to break the rules. If a person follows the highest path, honestly uses the power given to him, he corrects karma. And if not, then you become to blame for all your problems. The punishment is usually severe. Very often there is imprisonment, and this is not always a prison. I had a client with this card who was in an accident and forever remained disabled, confined to a wheelchair. So much for limiting freedom. By the way, before that he held a very high position at one enterprise. Apparently he couldn’t take advantage of this chance properly.
On the other hand, a person with the Justice card may constantly clash with people in power. And these people will always put pressure on him and act unfairly. This is necessary to make a person feel like a victim. If he begins to be offended by life, by these people (who, in essence, are his karmic teachers), then he again receives punishment - imprisonment. How to behave in such a situation?! You need to thank people who cause inconvenience, sincerely repent of your sin and live a very honest lifestyle. Then the karmic program will go away and the person will gain power over his life.

9 - HERMIT in Tarot cards. A closed person, loves loneliness, makes contact difficult. He doesn't like noisy parties or large gatherings. He needs peace and quiet. He is full of wisdom, a philosopher who tries to find answers to the most complex questions of the universe. The character is serious, practical and has a thorough approach to everything. This card is not strongly related to karma; rather, it can cause problems in upbringing. I noticed that such children do not receive much love from their parents; they always feel unloved. They need extra attention.
In a negative aspect, this number can give sullenness, closedness, fears, suicidal tendencies, and preoccupation with one’s problems. It is necessary to develop an optimistic outlook on life, not to isolate yourself from the outside world, not to become embittered.

10 - FORTUNE in Tarot cards. This is another karmic card. A very bright and interesting map. People have a progressive mind, constantly learn, move through life. Their fate is a bright kaleidoscope of events. Often, this is an indicator of very good karma accumulated in past incarnations. Such a person cannot sit still, he needs to constantly develop, travel, comprehend other cultures, and improve spiritually!
Sometimes, FORTUNA gives a rather tough and programmed fate. In practice, it has been observed that the life of a person born under this card is not particularly diverse. He seems to go with the flow, not striving to actively act. Everything about him is somehow gray. But, at the same time, a person with a Fortune card is not as simple as it may seem from the outside. After all, fortune is luck and money. Such a person strives for material comfort, he is lucky, he can truly pull out a “lottery ticket” in his life.
One day a very interesting girl, Evgenia, came to a reception. Twenty-five years old, very attractive, stylishly dressed, but behaved quite modestly. She told me the story of her life. I was born in a small village somewhere in the Urals, almost everyone in the family was an alcoholic, including my mother. They lived with their stepfather, who constantly beat and abused their mother and children. Horror, once, drunk, almost stabbed Zhenya to death. Thank God it worked out. Can you imagine what a “cute” childhood it was? When Zhenya turned sixteen, she packed her things and left for the regional town. All alone, naturally, no one was waiting for her there. But she clearly decided that there was no turning back, that she would never return to this hell. You guessed it, her birth card is Fortune. Indeed, luck smiled on her. Everything happened as if by itself. I got a job as a secretary and at the same time studied to become a hairdresser. Then they took me to a very prestigious beauty salon. And then, as in a fairy tale, the prince appeared. I fell madly in love with Zhenya and got married. Now Evgenia has her own beauty salon, she is the director!
This is how the Fortune card sometimes works. First, it gives tough tests in life, and a person cannot escape from them anywhere. Most often, this is a very difficult childhood, bad attitude of parents. And then, suddenly, unexpected luck! This could be a very successful marriage or a promising job. The biggest danger this card poses is the danger of getting stuck in life, surrendering to the will of fate and doing nothing. After all, take Zhenya. She decided to take a very brave step. If she had stayed in her village, she would have simply drunk herself to death, like the rest of the family.

11- POWER in TARA cards. Oh, these are fighters. People with such a birth chart spend their entire lives fighting to defend their rights. Very brave and desperate people. They often take risks, and unjustified ones at that. They cannot stand injustice, violence, or dishonesty. These are very strong and energetic individuals. They are emotional, they have an explosive character. Sometimes it is not easy to find a common language with a person born under the Strength card.
Most often, such people have a very problematic personal life. Why? Yes, because they do not have a simple character. They are terribly jealous, love for them is a drama. They cannot love calmly; they always have a sea of ​​emotions, worries, and constant jealousy. Often unrequited love arises, for them it is simply a disaster. If you have this card in your calculations, be careful and try to change. Understand that you can do this. Learn to be calm about your love defeats. Don’t make a tragedy out of it, don’t try to tie your loved one to you. Know that the universe is so rich that there is YOUR soulmate out there for you too.
Often, people with such a birth chart become cruel and ruthless. They are desperate for power and money. Aggressive, hot-tempered. They absolutely do not know how to control their anger. Many criminals have this card at birth. But, do not be alarmed, dear parents, if the Power falls to your child. Everything can and should be corrected. Instill strong moral principles into it; it is necessary to exclude any violence and aggression, and raise the child in a calm and harmonious atmosphere. Then you will completely remove the negative influence of this card from his life.

12 - THE HANGED MAN in Tarot cards. A very complex karmic map. A high level of karmic debts that a person carries from the past. It is difficult to say what exactly a person’s sin is; the second card in the calculations can provide additional information. For example, if the second card is Emperor, the person manipulated others and was a tyrant. If the Devil, black magic. In general, look, think, use your intuition.
So, the Hanged Man forces a person to make sacrifices in this life, to clearly work out his past mistakes. Very often these people are gentle and kind, but they are constantly made fools, they are constantly deceived. A lot of people, relatives, friends, are riding on his neck. This is the scapegoat of all numbers. He tries to make everyone feel good, but in the end he remains to blame for all human troubles. Such a person constantly sacrifices himself. Almost always, women with this card devote their lives to family and children. They forget about themselves and are ready to break into pieces for the sake of the happiness of their husband and children. What do they get in return?! Alcoholic husband and selfish children. I explain, you need to sacrifice, you need to help, but there is a limit to everything. If God gave you talents, opportunities in life, and you cross them out and give all of yourself to someone else, then this is disrespect for God.
I will never forget one client who had an appointment several years ago. Her name was Victoria, fifty-five years old, the mother of two grown sons. The main birth card is the Hanged Man, the second is Strength. Oh, and her life is fun. For twenty-five years she has been struggling with her husband and son, both alcoholics and terrible egoists. She completely forgot about herself and devoted all her strength to her family. And in the end, twenty-five years have passed and nothing has changed. She codes them, six months later they break down, and again an endless nightmare. Humiliation, fights, bullying. Lord, how can you tolerate this? It’s clear that I had to run away as soon as it all started, before I gave birth to children. This is a life lesson, you should have forgiven your husband and not tried to change him. And all her life she has been offended by fate, by God for giving her such a husband. And he drinks again, lets loose again. In short, a vicious circle. Victoria has gone very far, completely confused. I cried the entire session. Understand, I sincerely feel sorry for such people, but until they want to change, want to rebuild something in their lives, it will not be possible to help them
A few more words about the Hanged Man card. A person under its influence sees everything as if upside down. It is difficult for him to evaluate people and events. It is difficult to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. Therefore, such people are constantly deceived. They are subject to other people's influence. Therefore, you must always be on alert, check everything, “don’t trust anyone”!

13 - DEATH in Tarot cards. Don't be afraid of the name of this card. Those who are already familiar with Tarot cards know that Death is rarely associated with physical death. This is a map of changes, transformations, dramatic life changes. Yes, they don’t always go smoothly, but in the end, a person is reborn. It is not for nothing that in the classic Tarot, on the Death card there is an image of a newborn baby.
I must say that this is a complex karmic map. The life of a person born under this card is characterized by constant changes and transformations. Usually a person goes through serious life trials: divorce, job loss, loss of loved ones, financial collapse. However, remember that a person can get a lot in life. The biggest mistake of people with the Death card is the desire to hold on to the past, the fear of taking a step into the future. For example, women can delay divorce for a very long time, even if family life becomes completely unbearable. They hope to the last that everything will work out, that the husband will change. It’s useless, there’s only one way out - get a divorce and start a new life, and the sooner the better! Remember everyone who has this card in a birthday reading - if you feel that some stage in your life is coming to an end (marriage, work, relationship with someone), do not try to frantically glue the pieces of a broken cup, feel free break all ties and step into a new life. Understand that Death is a very cruel card. In the end, they will still take away what you cling to so tightly and force you to start a new life. However, it will be more painful. So, don't drag your feet. This is your karma!!!
This card also has a positive side. It gives people wisdom, power, and great intellectual abilities. They have a rich inner world, their imagination works well. Very often, such a person has psychic abilities. Well developed intuition.
Clients often come to appointments with this birth card. After all, their life is not very simple. One of the clients was Maria, fifty years old. We worked with her for a very long time, probably for a year. The situation was not simple. Maria worked at a large factory, was the chief accountant, and did an excellent job with her duties. But, you already understand, the life of people with the number thirteen sometimes plays such tricks. One fine day, an active struggle for power began at the plant. Maria came under fire. The most vile means were used: blackmail, gossip, manipulation of facts, they even resorted to the services of black magicians to remove Maria from the post of chief accountant. And she struggled, although I immediately said that it was useless. However, sometimes it is very difficult to convince clients because they believe that they are always right. Especially Maria, whose second birth card is the Empress. In a word, all this continued for a year, in the end, Maria was forced to leave, and with great shame, accusing her of theft. Horror, a person naturally has a nervous breakdown and, as a result, a heart attack. She is currently undergoing a rehabilitation course. I hope she realized her mistake and will now get better.
Here, my dears, is the lesson of the Death card. I should have left immediately; it was useless not to prove I was right. Sometimes you just need to walk away and start over!!!

14 - MODERATION in Tarot cards. This number does not carry a serious load. There are no big karmic sins here. A person with this card may have a calm, balanced character, and a tolerant attitude towards people. He is gentle, does not tolerate conflict situations, and strives for harmony in everything.
However, if the second birth number is quite active (for example, strength, emperor, death), then such a person can become, on the contrary, very unbalanced, restless, and eccentric. He does not know the limits, for him there is no concept - a border, a limitation. Intemperance in food, sex, alcohol and drugs. Here is the shadow side of the Temperance card. Try not to break the rules of space, follow the bright path!

15 - THE DEVIL in Tarot cards. A very complex card associated with large karmic debts. A person born under the influence of this card is usually very attractive and sexy. But there is always something devilish, evil, frightening about him. These are dangerous people. Most often, they put their own desires first, and then everything else. On the way to the goal, they use any means, the main thing is to get what you want faster.
As I said, this is a serious indication of mature karma. Such a person has sinned to the fullest in the past. He could be a black magician, an executioner, a soulless rapist and a murderer. Money played the main role for him, and for the sake of wealth such a person could do very low things.
I have noticed more than once that in this life, clients with the Devil card often have problems in the financial sector. And the more they try to earn, the more losses they have. Remember, the Devil very often tempts a person with money. He brings into life difficult situations where a person is forced to go against his conscience, break the law, but in return they promise a good reward! Unfortunately, this is just a trap and another life lesson! If you agree, you will end up losing much more than you can earn. Don't get attached to material things if your card is the Devil. Understand that there are many other values ​​in life: children, marriage, creativity. Then you will adequately undergo the “devilish” education and cope with karmic debts.
It is necessary to mention one more important situation that clients born under the Devil card often have to face. This is manipulation in love. Such people either become pathologically dependent on their partner or try to act as a manipulator themselves. Women cannot leave their husbands, although the feelings have long faded away, the children have grown up and there is nothing left in common. What's the matter?
I will never forget one client. Her name was Nina, 48 years old. An ordinary fate. At 20 I got married, I thought it was for love. Although now she understands perfectly well that she got married because, as she herself put it, “It was inconvenient to sit among girls, all my friends got husbands, and I’m alone!” The result is an unsuccessful personal life. At first my husband was nearby, everything was quiet and calm. But when both were over thirty, the husband began to go for walks. Yes, it’s not easy to walk, but on black ground. He might not show up at home for several days. Nina couldn’t imagine life alone; she was scared to even think about divorce. A friend advised me to go to my grandmother. Like, they bewitched your man, so he cheats! Nonsense. He cheats because he has become wildly addicted. After all, Nina was the Devil in this situation. And few people like to feel under constant control. So the husband ran away. But Nina went further. She still went to her grandmother and cast a love spell on her husband. I started giving him magic water and reading spells. Several months passed, my husband calmed down and began to spend more time at home. Nina was in seventh heaven. But the happiness did not last long. After some time, the husband began to drink heavily, there were quarrels and aggression every day. And now Nina herself is glad to get rid of such a husband, but now HE doesn’t want to leave. Vicious circle. Why did this happen?
As you understand, Nina's card is the Devil. There are many sins in a past life. One of them is manipulation of a loved one. In this life there is a clear development. Instead of realizing her mistakes, Nina tightened the knot around her own neck even more. There is only one way out of this situation - to forgive your husband, sincerely repent of your mistakes and let him go. And then we need to start a new “correct” life!

16 - TOWER in TAROT cards. Complex birth chart. The tower is a symbol of serious disasters, unexpected changes in life. This karmic card. She says that in past incarnations a person was very aggressive, angry, and tried to impose his will on everyone. He could rob, kill, rape. In a word, a monster.
In the present incarnation, a person can be placed in very harsh living conditions. Often such a person attracts dangerous situations: accidents, injuries, fights, accidents and much more. He usually had a difficult childhood, abused by his parents. Therefore, from a young age a person develops serious psychological complexes. He is offended by the whole world, he considers everyone an enemy and he himself begins to broadcast aggressive emotions.
I really don't like this card. She is perhaps the heaviest in the entire deck. People born under the influence of the TOWER can be incredibly stubborn. It is almost impossible to convince them, to open their eyes to their own problems. What to do! I'm not God, I can't wave a magic wand and make everything go back to normal. This requires active work, first of all, on the part of the client. And if he doesn’t really work, but simply simply doesn’t want to admit his mistakes!
Please do not be alarmed or panic if you find a TOWER card in your date of birth. Yes, it's heavy. But people live with this card too. And sometimes they live very happily. I'll tell you a secret. This card has one positive side. Usually, it provides some immunity to danger. The client can get into serious accidents five times, but always gets off with a slight fright.
However, don't tempt fate. Work with your inner world. Forget about violence and aggression. Learn to accept other people for who they are. You are not an angel either! Put your selfishness aside and learn to forgive!

17 - STAR in Tarot cards. Calm and balanced person. He loves to communicate and easily finds a common language with others. He usually has a lot of friends. This card is not associated with serious karmic sins. The only mistake that people born under this card very often make is denial and reluctance to develop their talents. And there’s a wagonload of talent and a small cart. Dancing, music, drawing and much more. You just need to put aside fear, unnecessary complexes and do what you love.
I will never forget one client. He left a lasting impression. He was a fairly successful businessman. He devoted his whole life to his business, working day and night. Yes, he achieved some success, but with success came serious stress. At the age of 50, my client realized that he had devoted his entire life to something he didn’t love. His first birth card was STAR. I asked him if he was involved in any kind of creativity. But in response, Nikolai (that was his name) only shook his head negatively. I started to dig deeper and put him into a light trance. It is in this state that a person can very often remember what blocks his consciousness. That is what prevents him from living a full life. It turns out that in early childhood, when Kolya was five years old, a very curious incident occurred.
Kolya loved to draw, but, unfortunately, his mother did not see the wonderful creative inclinations in the child. Once again, when her son came up to her to show off his drawing, the mother rudely replied, “Leave me alone, take away your scribbles!” Don’t you see, I have no time!” So, in one phrase you can close a great talent. Which is exactly what happened. For a small child who is closely connected with his mother, this is a serious psychological trauma.
Years passed, Kolya grew up, childhood memories faded into the subconscious. Since then he has not touched paints or colored pencils. Although, the STAR, as a birth chart, says the opposite - a person is simply obliged to bring the creative principle into life, is obliged to create.
What happened next surprised me greatly. At the age of 50, Nikolai enrolled in a school of fine arts, overcoming all his inhibitions. He started drawing again. Three years later, he completely left his old appliance business and started a new business. Nikolai began organizing exhibitions of young and talented artists. You can't imagine how much he has changed. First of all, internally. Fear and depression are gone. It was as if the man had been born again. Interesting people appeared in life, troubles became a thing of the past. And most importantly, Nikolai could confidently say that he was doing HIS business!
Learn from other people's mistakes. If you have a STAR card in your date of birth, be sure to find at least one talent in your arsenal and begin to actively develop it. Understand, I am not forcing you to go to the theater or start painting. (Although, as you understand, this also happens). Try to understand that you can be creative even while working as a plumber. You just have to want it!

18 - MOON in TAROT cards. An interesting and controversial card. As always, she has two sides.
In a positive aspect, this card is associated with creativity, a very vivid imagination. It is somewhat similar to the previous Star card. But the Moon is more active! It is very bad if a person born under this influence does not engage in creativity in one form or another. Also, such people are excellent psychologists, they have strong intuition and can sense danger a mile away.
The Moon also gives a very strong influence of women on a person’s life. First of all, this is a mother. I noticed that the father in such a family simply fades into the background. Or even the parents are divorced and the mother is raising the child alone. There is nothing wrong. However, sometimes a mother is overly protective of her child, preventing him from developing as an independent person. This is especially bad for boys. Such a mother sees off and picks up her son from school, chooses his friends and hobbies. When the boy gets older, she selects a girl with whom he should date, clearly stipulating all his free time, all his actions. Such mothers even talk about their son’s problems in the plural: “Today we got a D again, we liked the girl from the next door..!” etc. It is not normal!!! In the end, the child will never be able to find a family, and even if he gets married, his life turns into constant control by the mother! Similar cases can be found when the Moon appears in the birth code.
A young man came to see me. Dmitry turned 33, but he was still not married, he lived with his mother in the same apartment. Dmitry's father passed away early due to an accident. The mother raised her son alone. She was very worried after the death of her father and directed all her concern to her son. It turned into some kind of nightmare. As a child, she sat at school, waiting for Dima to finish his lessons in order to take him home. During breaks, she stood next to the class, watching, so that God forbid, whoever offended her son. At the slightest scratch, she immediately dragged him to the hospital. When Dima turned 22, he fell in love with Maria, they studied at the university together. But mom didn’t like Masha right away. After all, she could take away her only son and then what. Larisa Ivanovna did everything to ensure that the young people separated. She even turned to the village witch. They really broke up. Dima was under extreme stress and decided to break off this vicious relationship with his mother. I packed my things and went to live with a friend. That same evening, the mother threw a terrible scandal, said that she was swallowing pills, that her son did not care about the person closest to him. “After all, I have done so much for you...” she repeated without interruption. Dima could not stand it and returned home. Since then he has not dated women, life has turned into a nightmare. Hatred towards my own mother grew every day, like a snowball. Dima could not stand it and turned to me for help.
You guessed it, his birth card was the Moon. Larisa Ivanovna, Dmitry's mother, was born under the Empress and Strength cards. It's a nice combination, isn't it? Of course, I had to work with Dmitry for a long time before he gained self-confidence and found the courage to step aside. Of course, there were threats and blackmail from the mother. But time passed, passions subsided. Larisa finally realized that her son had grown up a long time ago. She resigned herself!
In a negative aspect, the Moon gives a huge number of illusions. A person constantly lives in a fictional world. He is often deceived. He cannot distinguish between a good and a bad person. You need to be brave and throw off your rose-colored glasses. Descend to the sinful earth.
Very often people with the Moon have strong intuition and extrasensory abilities. In a past life there could have been a sin of black magic, witchcraft. In this life you need to use your abilities for good purposes. No nonsense!!!

19 - SUN in TAROT cards.
A bright, strong card. Here is a man, like the sun, shining and smiling. Gives light to the people around you. These are complete optimists. They never lose heart. Even in the most difficult situation they will try to find a way out. Usually, they lived their past life quite “sinlessly” and in this incarnation they receive many “gifts” from higher powers.
Children occupy a special place in the lives of people with the Sun card. These are wonderful mothers and fathers. Children are the pride of their whole lives!
There is also a negative side to this bright card. Egocentrism. “I am the navel of the earth,” is a common motto of people born under this influence! They are always trying to attract the attention of others. They are often hysterical, capricious, unbalanced people.
Another drawback of the Sun chart is the strong desire for power. Moreover, a person can do very vile things just to get what he wants. Often a person born under this influence had power in a past life and used it very ineptly, for selfish purposes. In this life, he is again drawn to the old path, but you already understand that karma must be worked off.
According to my observations, positive “sunny” clients most often come to appointments. They are optimists, very sociable, and try not to get hung up on problems. In short, it is a pleasure to work with them.

20 - JUDGMENT in Tarot cards
This is another card that should get your attention. She is karmic. That is, if you see that JUDGMENT appears in the birth code, it means that the person’s soul is old, he has seen a lot in the past, has a lot of experience. Accordingly, there is great wisdom in this life. I love this card. It says that a person has accumulated positive karma, therefore in real life he should receive gifts from fate.
The court gives a calm, balanced character, wisdom, love for people, and understanding of higher cosmic laws. Extrasensory abilities and strong intuition may appear.
The only drawback of this card is tightness, lack of self-confidence and self-confidence. Such people always doubt and listen to others. They think that others know better how they should live! Wrong! You only need to listen to your inner voice. The task of people born under this influence is to learn to trust their intuition. What is intuition? This is the first impulse, the first impression. And then the brain and logic kick in and we move away from the right decision. Believe me, everyone has intuition, but most people are so inhibited that they simply cannot hear their inner voice. But sometimes it is so necessary!
Recently there was a young girl at a reception. Irina from Perm. She has two cards: Judgment and Lovers. As you remember, Lovers give some serious life choices. But a person can miss the chance and be left with nothing! So Irina lived quietly in her city, graduated from the University with honors, and got a job in a small company. In a word, a calm, measured life. There was a loved one nearby. They met Anton back at the University. Both had a balanced character. It was easy for them to be together. Of course, Irina understood that she did not have deep feelings for Anton. But he suited her perfectly for family life. In six years of communication, they never even quarreled. However, in her heart Irina wanted something more romantic. After all, her card is Lovers. And such people are always looking for their ideal soul mate. And then one fine day it happened. Irina was sent to Moscow for advanced training courses. There she met Victor. Tall young brunette, gentle, intelligent. Irina fell in love. They did not part for exactly a week while she lived in Moscow. Every day there were flowers, candles, champagne, declarations of love. In a word, just a fairy tale! But the week flew by like one day, and Irina returned to Perm. Anton immediately noticed changes in his beloved girl. And it was difficult not to notice how much Irina had changed. Victor called several times a day, he insisted on moving to Moscow. He said that he had already found an excellent place of work for Irishka. But my client hesitated. After all, the wedding with Anton had already been scheduled, how would she explain everything to him, his parents! What if Victor is just a crazy passion that will quickly go out?! What then? Birth cards manifested themselves in life almost one hundred percent! Crazy love, choice, indecision. Irina turned to me for help. We have thoroughly studied the entire situation. It turned out that they had already met with Victor. In a past life! There was love, but they were separated. Fate decided to give Irina a second chance! Of course, I said that we had to go, leave everything behind and just start life over with a new leaf. Luckily everything ended well. I called recently and thanked her. She said that she couldn’t think that such love could exist in life. May God grant her long happiness. And if you have the Judgment card in your birth code, feel free to make drastic changes in your life if your inner voice tells you such a decision. Know that fate can give you wonderful gifts for your good deeds!

21 - THE WORLD in Tarot cards
One of the best and most positive cards in the deck. This card carries very light energy. The world gives man great wisdom. He has a very old soul, he has seen a lot, experienced a lot.
On the positive side, the world card gives a very good life (if, of course, the second card is also good). A person receives everything he asks for from a higher power. He is given great freedom of choice, but also great responsibility. Usually such people are too wise to do evil. But there are always exceptions. Remember, if a person with such a card takes the dark path, the punishment will be terrible!
I'll tell you the story of a friend who was born under this influence. Lena is my age, a smart, interesting woman. Even when Lena was studying at medical school, she discovered the gift of healing. He sits with the patient, holds his hand, and the pain goes away, recovery proceeds at breakneck speed. I often had prophetic dreams and was good at fortune telling with cards. One day, her good friend Tanya came to Lena. All in tears, upset and told her story. Tanya had been dating Igor for a month. He was an ideal lover, held a high position and had a magnificent figure. There was, however, one drawback - Igor was married. Tanya didn't know what to do. She fell head over heels in love, but her lover immediately declared that he would not get a divorce and made no promises. This didn’t stop Tanya. She was divorced a long time ago, had no children, and encountered only “idiots” along the way, as she put it. In general, she no longer dreamed of meeting a man like Igor. “So what, just think, married, divorced. “No matter what, I’ll achieve my goal,” Tanya thought. Lena listened to her friend and reassured her. She felt sorry for Tanya. What follows is pure mysticism. When Tanya left, Lena took Igor’s photograph and began to mentally talk to him. Lena told me how good, kind, and thrifty Tanechka was. In short, an ideal match for the role of a new wife. Everything happened somehow automatically. Then Lena put the photo aside and went to bed. The next evening, an excited Tanya came running and from the doorway began to tell me that Igor had changed a lot. He suggested we go to Egypt for a week. You have already guessed the continuation of this story. Three months later, Igor filed for divorce, there was a terrible scandal. The wife was hospitalized with a heart attack. Less than six months had passed after the first meeting, and Tanya had a sparkling engagement ring on her finger. She achieved her goal. Really, at what cost?
Lena realized that she played the main role in this story. This mental conversation of hers worked like a hard love spell. It worked once, so it will work again. But the main problem with which women come to a fortune teller is love. So Lena decided to make some money from her unexpectedly discovered abilities. People flocked to her. Love spells worked, girls paid crazy amounts of money to have their loved one. Lena quickly became rich, she got a car and expensive things. In a word, she could not resist the temptation. I tried to explain to her that she was evil. Useless!!! The man didn't want to hear me! And two years later I found out that Lena was admitted to the hospital. Breast cancer. One breast was removed, but the disease did not go away. When I saw Lena, I was shocked. She has always been curvy, although she exhausted herself with various diets. But now a skeleton covered in leather was looking at me. Lena began to cry. She realized her mistakes. But at what cost? Although, thank God, at least now I realized what I had done.
This is how terribly such a good map of the World came to fruition. However, do not be alarmed, the situation does not always develop according to this scenario. Just think about what you are doing. They are not children, after all. Use the positive potential of this card. Develop your psychic abilities, help people. Believe me, you will be rewarded in triplicate!

22(0) - Jester in Tarot cards
Oh, and an interesting map. These are special people. They cover a deck of 22 cards. In different traditions, the Jester card is assigned a different number. Either 22 or zero. I am of the opinion that the jester has number 22. He is wise beyond the weather, he can fool around and amuse people, but behind the mask of the holy fool hides intelligence and great intuition. People born under this influence have extraordinary abilities, they usually have many talents, they are very creative people. Therefore, it is difficult for such people to choose just one path in life. My advice is to try everything. Don't be afraid to quit one profession and start mastering another. This is your destiny.
Jesters have psychic abilities, without exception. They are born clairvoyants. If you have this card in your birth code, be careful with your words. Don't waste words, your wishes can come true. Develop your natural gift, help people. This is your purpose.
Now a little about karma. A jester is an indicator of a very old soul. You have lived a single life, you have wandered a lot, you have known both joy and sorrow. You have gained enormous wisdom from past incarnations. In this life, it is important to use this wisdom correctly. Use your knowledge only for good! Your sin could have been carelessness in a past life; you were a very careless person, you wandered a lot, and could not find your place in life. In this incarnation, errors must be corrected. There must be a system, compliance with laws, one cannot be careless, especially in relation to other people!!! If your profession is connected with other people, this point becomes especially important for you!

If a person with the birth card - JUST follows a low path and does not develop, then he becomes a capricious child, a player who lives only in the present. A person who lacks any strict moral principles. He is like a weather vane, where the wind blows, he turns there. He is highly susceptible to bad habits, especially alcohol. Many alcoholics have come with this birth card. They seem to be unable to cope with the colossal energy given at birth. Alcohol, like other drugs, is very dangerous for such people. They break away from reality, go into another world, from which it is sometimes very difficult to return.

Description: a young man stands in front of a table on which there is a sword, a rod, a cup and a pentacle, in his raised right hand he holds a double-sided candle, his left hand is lowered down; above his head is an infinity symbol. The man is dressed in a red robe, with flowers around him. The main meanings of the card in the upright position are: intermediary (between source and receiver); the power to act and make decisions; active will; sexual energy; ability to decide

Description: A nun sits near two columns - black on the right and white on the left, with ripe pomegranates behind her. The woman holds a scroll in her hands. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: feminine sensual principle; harmony, balance of opposite principles; openness of soul, patience; the archetype of the feminine, with beauty and danger; mutual understanding, deep affection, care; openness, readiness for a new meeting; spiritual powers; secrets, secret affairs; moral principles; subconscious; female priest; lesbian sexuality; force

Description: A young woman sits on a soft throne, which is located in the middle of a wheat field. Not far away there is a river and a forest. The Mistress herself is dressed in a light dress, her head is crowned with a crown of twelve stars, and she holds a scepter in her right hand. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: A woman who has known love; Fertility, abundance; Physical and spiritual creative power; Stability, harmony, prospects for growth and prosperity in

Description: An elderly ruler sits in a throne, mountains behind him. The ruler's head is crowned and he holds a scepter in his right hand. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Head of the family, boss; Brutal, ruthless power; Superiority of Mind; Denial of feelings; Upholding your authority; Divine Mercy; Strength and authority based on experience; Leadership, ambition; Aggression, stubbornness and, at the same time, inner wisdom; Discipline; Perseverance, determination; Success depends only on the strength of the questioner; Pragmatic approach to business;

Description: A monk sits between two columns. His head is crowned with a high crown, and in his left hand he holds a thin scepter. At his feet are two crossed keys. And a little further from the monk, two men sit, looking at him. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Connection of wisdom and mercy; Spiritual leader; Search for deep meaning, true calling, “super task”; Tests for morality, a test of strength; Growing trust

Description: Two naked young people (a man and a woman) stand in the foreground. Behind the woman is a fruit tree, behind the man is a tree with lights. An angel soars in the sky. The woman's gaze is directed to the angel, the man's gaze is directed to the woman. Main meanings of the card in the upright position: Important choices in life; Getting rid of illusions and prejudices; Awareness of your capabilities; Love, not infatuation; Refusal

Description: Man sit in a chariot. His head is crowned with a crown with a star. In his right hand he holds a scepter. The chariot is harnessed to two sphinxes - black and white. Behind the chariot is a castle. Main meanings of the card in the upright position: Success, victory through hard work; Self-discipline, clear thinking; Success in financial transactions; A big step forward; Perseverance, courage, desire for success; Own picture of the world; Start of a new relationship; Novelty

Description: A woman sits on a throne in a red robe. Her head is crowned. She holds a sword in her right hand and scales in her left. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: The path of karma; The nature of the true, inner self; Balance, honesty; A new cycle of balance and harmony; Responsibility for your thoughts and actions; The need to comply with the rules of the game; Payment of bills; "Sobering"; Logically thinking mind; “As it comes around, so it will respond”; Order restored; Intervention of the law; Conclusion of contracts;

Description: An old man, dressed in a gray robe with a hood, bowed his head over the road, he illuminates his path with a lantern in which a star is burning, which he holds in his right hand. In his left hand he has a staff. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Path of knowledge, contemplation, meditation; Inner Light; Wisdom; Spiritual Guide; Acceptance of the teaching; Revision of previous ideas; Liberation from other people's opinions; Loneliness, loneliness “together”, the ability to get by

Description: In the center is a disk/wheel with eight symbols. On top of the wheel sits a blue sphinx with a sword in her paws. The wheel is supported from below by a creature with the head of a dog; it is red. The card also depicts five golden creatures that do not touch the disk - these are a man, a bird (eagle), a bull, a lion and a snake; they all, except the snake, have wings and

Description: The card shows a woman and a lion. The woman is dressed in a light white dress, surrounded by flowers, with an infinity sign above her head. A woman plays with a lion, who, recognizing her dominance, tucks his tail between his legs. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Feminine as a source of energy. The triumph of spiritual intuition over brute force; Bravery and perseverance; Highest creative enthusiasm; Work “not for fear, but for conscience”; Passion,

Description: A man is hanging upside down on a pole, his hands are tied behind his back. His head emits light. Basic meanings of the card in the upright position: Teaching, a lesson to be learned; Opposite view of things; Temporary restriction of freedom; A journey through your spiritual growth; Refusal of worldly concerns; Friendliness, openness to new ideas; Conductor of light; Slowing down of business, stagnation; Crisis in consciousness; Dead end; Long life alone/in an absurd union; Experience, testing period; Insight;

Description: The card shows a Skeleton in armor on a white horse. In his left hand he holds a black banner on which is depicted a flower with five petals. Behind the horse lies a dead man. In front, stopping the horse, is an old man dressed in golden robes. Near the old man there is a young woman and a child. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Personality renewal; Change, transition, rebirth, rebirth; Parting with the past; Ending

Description: The card shows a woman with red wings standing in a lake. She has two jugs in her hands, and she is pouring water from one to the other. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: The end of one life stage, the beginning of the next; Equilibrium, balance; Coordination; Strong sense of personal integrity; A period of happy union of souls; Friendship, trust, reciprocity; New acquaintance, new connection; Patience, the golden mean; Sense of tact, lack of prejudice; Compromise; Artistic creativity; Competitiveness; An association

Description: In the center of the card is the devil, he sits on a stone to which a man and a woman are chained. Main meanings of the card in the upright position: Worldly, material affairs; Limited beliefs and values; Tendency to temptation; Unethical behavior; Inappropriate use of force; A victim of his own vanity and pride; Getting to know your own shadow side; Meaningful promises, teasing flirtation, sensual passion; “We sin for a moment, but we repent all our lives”; The power of negative thinking; Excessive dependence; Unnecessary feelings of guilt;

Description: The map shows a tower hit by lightning, as well as two people falling down. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Complete collapse; Revolution of ideas about the world; Cleansing the soul; Selfish plans and projects that will not bear fruit; Conflict with catastrophic consequences; Destruction of frameworks; Destructive beginning; Revolutionary views; Sudden insight; Devastation; Shock, awakening; Death of illusions; Rapid change; New job, new housing; Separation, divorce; Theft, job loss; Family quarrels; The truth about yourself. Basic values

Description: A woman stands near a lake, in her hands there are two jugs from which water is pouring - onto the ground and into the reservoir. There are eight stars in the sky. The eighth is the largest, yellow, the rest are white. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Hope; Inspiration; Good health; Gifts of love and spiritual guidance; Growth of intuitive powers; Moving on to something new; Prospect for the distant future; Important meetings and contacts; Inspiration, luck;

Description: The card shows a large moon with two dogs howling at it. Two towers are visible in the distance. You can also see a pond and crayfish on the map. Main meanings of the card in the upright position: Cycles of change; Dreams; Intuition and extrasensory abilities; Fear, uncertainty about the future; The path to yourself; Development of your qualities; Development of complexes; Call of the moon, roots in the animal kingdom; A time of passivity and receptivity; Powerful emotions; Hidden Truths; Medium, other world; Acting; Entertainment industry;

Description: The card shows a large sun with a face. We also see other symbols of the sun - four sunflowers. There is a wall in the background. In the background is a boy riding a horse. His head is crowned with a wreath of flowers and feathers, and he holds a scarlet flag in his left hand. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: World of light and joy; Clear mind; End of stage; Joy happiness; Good health;

Description: An angel in the clouds trumpets, awakening all people who rise from their graves. Main meanings of the card in the upright position: Rebirth, return to the spirit; Pleasant events in life; Good health, energy and vigor; Renewed clarity of thinking; New wisdom and understanding; Big changes at work; Successful completion of the case; Freedom from drug addiction; Upcoming Union; Important choice; Change of status; End of an era; Rejuvenation; Tough decision; Call to action; Cleansing, regeneration; Personal crisis; Break with conventions; Start/End; Period of inspiration.

Description: In the center is a naked woman, holding a staff in her hands. This woman is wearing a large green wreath. In the corners of the picture are depicted the head of an angel and the heads of animals: an eagle, a lion and a bull. The main meanings of the card in the upright position: Personal rewards; Fulfillment of all desires; Triumph, happiness, success; Personal freedom; Exploring new horizons; New phase of partnerships; True calling; Joy from the work done; Harmony and sincerity in

So far we have looked at cards that were familiar to us to one degree or another. Another thing is that in the Tarot their symbolism acquires new meanings, a new meaning, of course, for us, since the cards themselves with their more or less similar interpretations come from time immemorial.
Now we will move on to consider cards that are less known, although they are the ones that carry the most complex and interesting ideas about the Tarot. Apparently, their name is connected with this, emphasizing their dominant role.


They contain 22 cards, each of which has its own name and its own traditional number. It should be noted that Arthur Edward Waite, for some reason, swapped places, in comparison with traditional decks (for example, the Tarot of Marseilles), two cards with numbers VIII and XI. It’s hard for me to say what this gave him, but the author of another famous deck, Aleister Crowley, returned the previous arrangement of cards. Programmers will be pleased to know that the numbering of cards in the Major Arcana traditionally starts from zero, and not from one. It is widely believed that zero is a relatively recent invention and that the ancient Greeks did not know it. But this is not true.

Zero was used in mathematical works in ancient Babylon, from where it came to Greece. However, Greek mathematics was focused mainly on geometric constructions, so zero was simply not popular there, although it was used to denote empty space. I made this slight digression so that the presence of a zero in the numbering of Tarot cards would not be interpreted as a sign of their relative youth. The most interesting thing about the numbering of the cards, both in Rider-Waite and Crowley, is that the card numbers are written in Roman numerals, although there is no zero in the Roman notation for numbers.

So, we list the cards of the Major Arcana in the order used in the Crowley and Marseille Tarot decks, with the names Rider-Waite and Crowley. Since both Waite and Crowley gave the cards names in English, we will give them as well:

Already from the names of the cards it is clear that their interpretation will be very difficult. The symbolism of the cards of the Major Arcana is very figurative and in many ways does not fit into our consciousness, which is accustomed to clear formulations and exhaustive verbal descriptions. It seems to me that women will have a more difficult time getting used to this formal uncertainty, but in the future they should be able to interpret the meanings of the cards more easily. This is connected, in my opinion, with the peculiarities of female psychology and the notorious female logic. Women, as a rule, get lost when there are unexpected changes in the environment; they need certainty. On the other hand, they themselves prefer uncertainty and ambiguity in their actions. All this goes well with the uncertainty and vagueness of the interpretation of Tarot cards.

The Major Arcana are considered representatives of the highest secrets of the Tarot. They are so individual that they have little connection with each other. In any case, I was not able to group the cards the way I did in Leo Tarot with digital cards of the Minor Arcana. Therefore, we will further consider each card of the Major Arcana separately.

The topic of our next meeting will be a card that, according to many authors, occupies one of the most important, if not the most important place in the Major Arcana, and in the entire deck of Tarot cards -