And the “starry sky” is above us. Astronomy lesson "Starry sky" Starry sky celestial sphere presentation on astronomy

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The world around us 2nd grade Starry sky

Guess the riddle. Peas are scattered across the dark sky. Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs. And only when the morning comes, All the caramel will suddenly melt. Stars

What do you know about stars?

The world of stars is very diverse. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky above your head is strewn with many stars. They appear to be small sparkling dots because they are very far from the Earth. In reality, every star is a huge glowing hot ball.

The hottest stars are blue, while others, less hot, are red.

There are stars - giants, and there are stars - dwarfs. Giant star Dwarf star

The sun is... one of the stars

To equip the eye And make friends with the stars, To see the Milky Way You need a powerful... telescope

Telescopes have been used to study the life of planets for hundreds of years. The smart uncle... the astronomer will tell us everything

Icons of different sizes on the map show stars from the brightest to the least noticeable. Each star has its own name. The brightest of them are Polaris, Vega, etc.

Work according to the textbook Read the 1st paragraph on page 31 and answer the question: What is a constellation? A constellation is a group of the brightest stars visible in the dark sky. What constellations did we meet in 1st grade?

Constellation Cassiopeia Read the 2nd paragraph in the textbook on page 31

“W” [double yu] is close to CEPHEUS Means “woman” in English. That is the wife of King CEPHEUS, Proud CASSIOPEIA.

Constellation Orion Read the 3rd paragraph in the textbook on page 31

Belted tighter, equipped for hunting, ORION sets forth. Two stars from the major league IN ORION - this is RIGEL In the lower right corner, Like a bow on a shoe. And on the left epaulette - BETELGEUSE is shining brightly. Three stars diagonally decorate the belt.

Constellation Cygnus Read the 4th paragraph in the textbook on page 31

Between CEPHEUS and LYRA, Wings spread over the world, the SWAN slowly flies in the heights, DENEB sparkles brightly on its tail. On a clear night on the Milky Way, try to find the Northern Cross!

Journey through the Zodiac Read the text in the textbook on pp. 32-33

Answer the questions: What is the Zodiac? How many constellations are there in the Zodiac? How long does the sun “stay” at each constellation? What constellation is it customary to start your journey through the Zodiac from?

Sources http:/ / http://www. 47938398.html?parent_id=47941000

Constellations of the starry sky

Astronomy Presentation

Completed by physics teacher V.S. Pronkina

  • Ursa Major is a huge constellation of the Northern Hemisphere, representing seven bright stars arranged in the shape of a ladle with a long handle. The penultimate star bears the Arabic name Mizar (“Horse”). Very close to it there is a not bright star Alcor. ("Rider") These lights can be used to check visual acuity.

  • This is how the Big Dipper was depicted in the ancient star atlas.

  • The Big Dipper has a long tail. This doesn't happen with bears. The Greeks said that Zeus once fell in love with the beautiful girl Callisto. But Zeus' jealous wife Hera turned her into an ugly bear. Then Zeus dragged the beast into the sky and made it a beautiful constellation. He pulled it by the tail and it pulled out.

Ursa Minor

Next to the Big Dipper, a smaller seven-star bucket shines - this is the constellation Ursa Minor. According to legend, Zeus turned Arkad, the son of Callisto, into Ursa Minor.

Dragon constellation

The long constellation Draco seems to wrap around the North Pole, surrounding Ursa Minor on three sides. The Greeks associate it with the myth of the battle of gods and titans. During the battle, one of the titans threw a dragon at the goddess of wisdom Athena, but she grabbed the snake by the tail and threw it into the sky. The writhing dragon flew to the very celestial pole and there froze to the sky.

Constellation Andromeda

The huge constellation Andromeda represents a girl with outstretched arms. The wrists were chained to the rock. This is how Perseus saw her. He fell in love with a girl and decided to save her. The king and queen promised Perseus that they would give Andromeda in marriage to him if he protected the girl from the whale. The waves foamed and a sea monster emerged. The whale was ready to attack Perseus, but the young man showed him the head of Medusa. Under the gaze of even the dead Medusa, the whale turned into a huge rock. Perseus freed the rescued Andromeda from her shackles. The lovers shone in the sky with constellations

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Constellation Cassiopeia

Easiest to find in the sky. It shines in the sky like a giant letter "M"