Help with learning. Synergy University - distance learning

LMS Indigo is extremely convenient for teachers who want to test students' knowledge. It supports almost all types of tests. In other systems, tasks are usually reduced to the banal "choose one of the options." The answers to the Indigo tests are much more varied.

The subject may be asked to:

  • select multiple options
  • put them in one order or another
  • enter the answer from the keyboard (the computer will compare it with the correct one)
  • write a short essay (the teacher will check it later)

Different answers can give you different points. If necessary, the program itself will generate answer options. And also - carefully mix the questions so that they do not repeat themselves, and students cannot copy from each other. After the end of testing, the teacher can receive a detailed statistical report, with all kinds of samples and rankings.

The Indigo system supports many languages ​​and recognizes a huge number of characters. You can insert pictures, videos, audio recordings into tests. Therefore, it is possible to arrange exams in the most specific subjects in Indigo.

In addition, the program "spy" on its users - keeps track of what other tabs are open in the browsers of students. Therefore, the possibility of finding a solution to Indigo tests on the network with impunity is practically zero.

Of course, there are some positive qualities in this system for users as well. Indigo is able to withstand serious loads, and at the same time "serve" several hundred or even thousands of people. And you can go to the site with tests from any browser, including from a mobile one.

Which institutions use Indigo?

This system is paid, so it is not very common in Russia. Not all universities have the funds for it. (Although in fairness it should be noted that the license is paid there only once, without any updates.)

The Indigo system is actively used at MGIMO. It has been used there since 2009. However, the educational materials of the university are stored on another platform, and this one is used only for testing.

The use of Indigo in KubGAU is not advertised, but on the website of the system developers, this university is included in the list of satisfied customers. Also appear on the Indigo page of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, MEPhI, RANEPA.

State structures (MFC, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal Tax Service), banks, transport and energy companies, large retail chains use this system very actively.

Help with learning

The developers of this LMS have made a lot of efforts so that the student could not use outside help on the Indigo exam. And yet there are ways to bypass the “protection system”. But only professionals can provide it.

We are ready to help you pass the Indigo tests. Our specialists have extensive experience in passing such tests.

Previously, we offered help only in solving individual tests - but many clients need to overcome several disciplines at once, it turned out to be inconvenient. Now we offer Indigo students to pass the turnkey session. The cost of the service is negotiated individually, depending on the number of exams.

When the need for distance learning reached its peak, and information resources developed in foreign countries could not meet domestic standards, the platform was created. Its first launch was carried out in the late nineties, and at that time it was used by the educational institution that created it - the Moscow International Institute of Econometrics, Informatics, Finance and Law - MMIEIFP. For three years, the platform has significantly expanded its capabilities and has been actively used by other higher education institutions.

What is the essence of the platform

The development of Internet technologies has made it possible to receive additional education without leaving home. To complete training programs using, you will need:

  • Personal Computer
  • Internet access
  • composure
  • Responsibility
  • self control
  • Time
  • Desire to gain new knowledge

Examples of completed work in E-Educatinon


As for time, professional retraining programs are available around the clock, which eliminates the dependence on the time zone. Upon completion of the training program, all students receive a state diploma.

  • The portal has several categories in which educational institutions are located. For the convenience of the user, all information is divided into:
  • Directions of secondary vocational education
  • Directions of higher professional education
  • Master's Degrees
  • Obtaining additional education
  • Information section

The educational platform is constantly developing and replenished with new directions. All this is done to provide students with the best possible education.

How training is organized

Each educational institution wishing to use the platform creates its own profile on it. In this case, it is much easier for students to navigate the expanses of the system. Profiles of educational institutions are placed on the main page of the platform. The student must choose the educational institution in which he is studying the educational program. The system will automatically send it to the personal account of the student named after his university. Login and password are used to enter your personal account. The information necessary to enter the system, the student receives from the educational institution itself, after successfully passing the entrance examinations. Educational institutions using the platform as distance learning accept applications for admission and entrance examinations using Internet resources.

preliminary acquaintance

If the applicant wants to first get acquainted with the possibilities of the platform, he needs to select the section corresponding to the direction of the desired education on the main page.

Each section has subcategories, for example, the section of secondary vocational education, offers training in the following areas:

  • Economics and Accounting
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Banking
  • Automated information processing and control systems

Having decided on the direction, the applicant will receive information about the chosen specialty and educational institution, through which you can get education remotely. The coordinates of the selection committee are also posted there.

It should be borne in mind that obtaining education using the distance learning platform is carried out on a paid basis.

Who uses the platform

Moscow Open Institute

Information about the educational institution is located on the official website:

Graduate School of Finance and Management

Information about the educational institution is located on the official website:

Login to the student's personal account:

University "Synergy

Information about the educational institution is located on the official website:

Login to the student's personal account:

What options are available in your personal account

Personal account features provide the following functions:

  • Academic plan
  • Guidelines
  • Intermediate tasks
  • Test tasks
  • Electronic record book
  • Direct communication with the curator and teacher
  • Lecture materials

Lecture materials

Lecture materials are available for download in several formats, which gives the student the opportunity to study them regardless of the Internet. For the convenience of students, lecture materials are provided in the format of presentations and tables. The clarity of lecture materials makes it easy to learn the necessary material. If there are no additional programs necessary for studying the lecture material on the student's computer, such programs are installed automatically at the beginning of the lecture. The platform is aimed at minimizing the time required to organize the student's educational process. Lecture material is divided into topics of various categories of complexity. Each topic contains a control test task. Tests are performed online (real time). Until the test task is completed, the student will not be given the opportunity to move on to the next topic of the lecture material.

Student Control Procedure

In addition to test tasks, the student must complete course projects and practical tasks. The implementation of course projects and practical tasks consists of several stages:

  • Receiving a task (the topic of the work, the requirement for filling and content, the requirement for registration)
  • Execution of the received task
  • Transfer of completed work to the teacher

A certain time is allotted for the implementation of the assigned tasks, the student himself is responsible for the distribution of the time interval. The lack of self-control of the organization of the educational process on the part of the student will be a huge obstacle to education. The teacher controls not only the implementation of the course project as a whole, but also the implementation of each stage separately. So a separate time interval can be set for the implementation of some separate part of the course project. The completed part is immediately sent for verification, depending on the correctness of this stage, the teacher will give recommendations regarding the implementation of the course project as a whole. Teachers react negatively to missing the time allotted for the implementation of tasks. Even when using the distance learning system, it will not be possible to postpone the exam dates.

Help with distance learning

Sometimes students have difficulties in completing a particular task. The reasons can be of a different nature, from lack of time to lack of information base. In such situations, it is worth using outside help. DCO service. RF offers assistance in distance learning. Using the services of the service, you can successfully write and submit a course project, a thesis, get answers to tests in any field of study. A turnkey service is available. When using this service, the student transfers full access to his personal account, while retaining the possibility of full control over the implementation of the necessary tasks and stages of training.

The modern system of distance learning education allows you to improve your skills, get a profession remotely. Professional education can be obtained in more than ten different specialties. To do this, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment or spend time traveling to teachers, which is very profitable.

Examples of solved tests in your account

More about the system

To take full advantage of education, you need to have a simple computer connected to the Internet. Studying remotely is very beneficial for many reasons. Some services are provided free of charge, and the entire course is relatively inexpensive. The specialty Information Systems is represented by the Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy. It was created taking into account all modern requirements, international experience in training specialists by leading organizations. Thanks to the system, you can quickly get help from teachers, get answers to important questions, take tests and pass exams. It uses the most modern, best distance technologies of the educational industry. If necessary, any student can urgently order e-education tests and slowly pass them at home.

You can get e education answers via the Internet at any time convenient for the student. The program allows you to study without interruption from ordinary life and work. All students at the end of the course receive a diploma of the standard established by the state. The uniqueness of the system also lies in the fact that thanks to it you can get ready-made tests and other educational materials while at work or at home, from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. Academic disciplines are combined and integrated into courses, which are systematically presented material necessary for study. It is presented clearly and quite accessible, it has elements of interactive technologies, it covers several disciplines of one area that are dependent on each other. The material is provided in a form that fully reflects all the requirements of international standards that are established for systems created in electronic form. It has e education answers to tests that help you test your knowledge on your own.

Taking the test remotely - from 999.99 rubles *

Passing the exam remotely - from 1000 rubles *

Thesis defense via Skype - from 2500 rubles*

All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense was successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit an application for calculation.

More about courses

Studying one course, the student will master three to five disciplines at once and gain knowledge in a complex way. In e education, synergy courses allow you to get a complete picture of each of the presented disciplines in the student's subject area and in the entire system scheme. The presented courses are accompanied by whole methodological complexes, which include basic textbooks and training programs, tests for control and they describe situations in the workplace, everything a student needs to quickly master the profession.

The E-Education portal is a real virtual campus. Thanks to the system, you can get an education in the best colleges in European countries, America and Asia. It fully complies with IMS, SCORM, ISO and other standards, and also meets the principles of interoperability, convergence and mobility of education. Many have already taken advantage of the training system and received the specialty they need remotely, which helped them advance in their careers, improve their business, change their profession to a better paid one, and receive other dividends.

The most important

1. Synergy University - distance learning
1.1. Specialties and areas of study in distance learning
1.2. student life
1.3. Synergy Diploma Samples
1.4. Reviews about distance learning in Synergy
2. Login to the Synergy student's personal account
3. Schedule for students
4. Synergy Electronic LibrarySubmit an application

Now everyone is talking about Synergy University with distance learning. The latter allows him in recent years to be a leader in the market of higher distance education. Thanks to the well-placed work with students, most of the process takes place online. This is convenient for working people and those who want to get a second education without waiting for the end of full-time education.

Synergy University - distance learning

The advantage of distance learning is the ability to master a specialty without attending a university. There are a number of tools available for this. MFPU Synergy personal account allows you to see the training program, schedule of exams and tests. Thanks to the availability of this information, the student can independently plan his time, regardless of his location.

Synergy University provides its students with:

  • state diploma;
  • the quality of education that meets European standards;
  • the possibility of admission in any month of the year;
  • training from anywhere in the world;
  • the opportunity not to break away from work, family and other affairs;
  • tuition fee from 19,000 rubles per semester;
  • teaching staff from among practitioners and successful businessmen;
  • interactive learning materials;
  • Diploma Supplement in English;
  • access to online library resources.

    You can apply for training on the page . All useful information about study and student life is available on the page . There you can go to your personal account, find the class schedule, read the latest institute news and announcements of upcoming events.

    Specialties and areas of study in distance learning

    Synergy offers distance learning for many programs, but keep in mind that not all specialties can be studied in this way. Their list can be clarified on the official website or in the dean's office.

    IMPORTANT: In remote mode, you can master those professions that business needs right now.

    The official website of the Synergy University offers to study the content of the curriculum before entering.

    With distance learning, you can get professions in demand on the market. The first and second higher education is given in the following areas:

  • software and administration of information systems;
  • organizational psychology;
  • translation and translation studies;
  • design;
  • banking;
  • hospitality management;

  • Only the first is provided in several specialties of IT, project management and human resources, civil law. Applied Informatics is a second higher and master's program. After graduating from Synergy, one can become a master in finance and credit, law, banking, and management.

    student life

    The main building of the university is located in Moscow. There is also a center for organizing student life. In addition to training programs, Synergy offers many additional classes:

    • sport;
    • art club;
    • the intellectual show "Voroshilovsky shooter" is held;
    • eSports school.

    There is an extensive library, it is available to students of Synergy University. A large number of meetings are held, both with large businessmen and with famous artists and athletes.

    The university promotes the ideas of a healthy lifestyle, therefore it does not welcome the use of alcohol by students.

    Synergy Diploma Samples

    Synergy University allows you to get a state diploma. There are several levels of issued document:

    • undergraduate;
    • magistracy.
    This is fully consistent with the standards of education of the Russian Federation.

    Reviews about distance learning in Synergy

    Many students leave positive feedback about the university. They note a successful teaching system.

    A university diploma cannot be bought on the black market, which ensures the competitiveness of graduates in employment. The defense of the WRC in synergy always takes place within the framework of the general rules for any graduate.

    Entrance to the personal account of a Synergy student

    To start training, you should create a student's personal account at the Synergy University. It is built on the megacampus 2.0 program and is located on the page Here you can enter the LC (personal account). The megacampus 2.0 page contains all the data you need to learn.

    Previously, the entrance was carried out at, now it does not work.

    For any action from studying the lesson schedule, completing tests and assignments, to graduation practice, you must enter the site. The video clip shows the main features of the portal

    Schedule for students

    You can study at Synergy from anywhere in Russia, but the schedule for individual regions may vary. There is an individual schedule for Omsk ( and Cherkessk ( Students from Moscow, Perm, Kazan and other cities study according to Moscow time.

    The current schedule can be viewed at The table presented here contains information about the date, type of classes, discipline, building number, audience, teacher's name and designation of the student group.

    Since the educational process is carried out according to the LMS system, the student passes most of the classes on his own. He is given a series of lectures in video format to help him.

    Students regularly attend workshops on the basics of business and other subjects. This allows not only to consolidate the acquired knowledge, but also to evaluate the quality of training. The educational program necessarily includes practice in specialization. This is a prerequisite for distance learning.

    Synergy Electronic Library

    Synergy students have access to the electronic library. It contains a collection of professional literature in the ru-segment of the Internet. Having gained access to the library fund, you can study social science, economics, jurisprudence, as well as many other sciences, expanding the area of ​​your knowledge. To simplify the work of readers, the literature has been digitized.

    ATTENTION: All students can download the necessary books to their gadget, and then read them at a convenient time.

    Access to the library can be obtained after registration on the page .