Complete catalog of apple and pear varieties. What varieties of apple and pear trees to plant? Overview of the best varieties How to prepare fruit trees for winter

This set me up to sum up my many years of work on testing the varieties of the two most important fruit crops for our zone - apple and pear. I have been doing this work since 1993 and have tested 46 apple and 25 pear varieties to date. To give a complete description of the variety of apple and pear, you have to work with them for 10-12 years. After all, they begin fruiting from 5 to 7 years, and the first two years the fruits do not yet show their size, color, taste. And in order to determine winter hardiness, productivity, resistance to diseases, keeping quality of fruits, one has to study them for at least five years from the beginning of fruiting. As a result of 25 years of work in this direction, certain conclusions have emerged.

Let's start with the apple tree. Its varieties are conditionally divided into three groups: summer (early ripening), autumn (mid-ripening) and winter (late-ripening). Most summer varieties are small-fruited, their fruits quickly deteriorate, crumble heavily. I was forced to gradually abandon some of the varieties that are widespread in our zone, namely: TERENTYEVKI (yielding, winter-hardy, apples can be stored for about a month, but too small (30-40g.), The taste is average, the fruits crumble heavily), ARCADA SUMMER (fruitful, winter-hardy, excellent taste of fruits, but the fruits crumble strongly and easily deteriorate), MOSCOW PEARS (excellent taste of fruits, high yield, but bears fruit periodically: once every two years, average winter hardiness, high fruit shedding), EARLY CHINA EOLOTA ( winter-hardy, ripens already in mid-July, delicious honey apples, but small, often showered heavily unripe), SOLNTSEDAR (winter-hardy, productive, elegant fruits, medium size, (60-100g), pleasant taste, fruits ripen already in mid-July, but fruit shedding is high; in windy weather, the entire crop can crumble). I suggest growing the following summer varieties:

1) SILVER HOOP: the variety is winter-hardy, the crown is low, but wide, the fruits are easy to collect, they begin to ripen in the second decade of August and hang firmly on the tree for about a month. Having allowed the fruits to ripen on the tree for two weeks, I collect them, put them in boxes, put them in storage, where they are stored for about a month. Apples are beautiful, excellent taste, weighing 70-90g. Thus, apples of this variety have a period of consumption of about one and a half months. Buyers, having tasted apples of this variety, sort out its seedlings in the first place.

2) DREAMER. This variety has been fruiting for me for three years, but in some respects it surpasses the previous variety. The fruits are large, weighing 80-120g, white with a raspberry blush, balanced taste (acids and sugars are about the same). The tree is tall, with a strong crown, productive, fruit shedding is weak. In storage, fruits are stored for up to a month and a half. The fruits ripen from mid-August.

3) CANDY. Well suited for small gardens, as the fruit consumption period lasts 3-3.5 months. It seems to be a summer-autumn variety. The fruits begin to ripen unevenly from mid-August, and they all ripen at the end of September, and if in mid-September most of the fruits are collected and stored slightly unripe, then they are stored for about two months. Fruits weighing 90-100 g, sweet, without sourness, hang quite firmly on the tree. Winter hardiness in our area is above average.

4) For cold areas (highly ventilated, low, little snow) from summer varieties, ALTAI ROUGH is better. The variety has very high winter hardiness, early fruiting (it can begin to bear fruit from the fourth year), resistant to scab. The crown is wide, the fruits are small (50-60g), yellow, with a dark red blush, sweet and sour. The fruits ripen in the second half of August, crumble a little, are stored for two weeks.

In our zone, two late-summer varieties WHITE PACKING and PAPIROVKA are popular with gardeners. The first has a balanced taste, the second has a fresh-sweet taste. Their main drawback is reduced winter hardiness; they bear fruit well in only warm areas protected from the wind.

Autumn varieties usually have larger and tastier apples, stored for 2-5 months depending on the variety. For storage, their fruits should be laid a little unripe, when the seeds inside the fruit become half brown. The set of autumn varieties for our zone is sufficient, I will name the most successful varieties:

1) URAL FLUSHING - highly winter-hardy early autumn variety. Apples ripen in September, if put into storage at the end of September, they are stored for one month, that is, the consumption period is two months. Apples are small, weighing 30-40g, yellow, sweet and sour, pleasant taste. The tree begins to bear fruit from the fourth, sometimes even from the third year. Productivity is high, shattering is average. This is perhaps the most reliable variety, yielding a crop even after very harsh winters.

2) BASHKIR EMERALD - created using the Ural Bulk, took the best performance from it. The fruits ripen at the end of September and are perfectly stored until the end of January due to their thick peel. Fruits weighing 60-80g, yellow, sweet and sour.

3) BASHKIR BEAUTIFUL - the most common variety in the republic. The variety is winter-hardy, has a well-formed crown, large apples, weighing 100-140g with a red striped blush, with a sweet and sour good taste, ripen unevenly from the third decade of August and are stored until the end of January. But this variety has a significant drawback - the shedding of fruits (sometimes it reaches 50%). To eliminate losses, I collect for storage at several times, removing them a little underripe.

4) PHOENIX ALTAI - highly winter-hardy, with a strong, well-folded crown variety. Fruits weighing 70-80g, yellow, sweet and sour, ripen in early September, stored until January, are not affected by scab, slightly crumble. This variety can bear fruit in the harshest conditions.

I am testing two autumn varieties of Sverdlovsk selection: GIFT OF AUTUMN and ANIS SVERDLOVSKY. Both have excellent fruit taste, but winter hardiness in our zone is still average, in the winter of 2018 both varieties received frost holes.

Winter varieties usually come with larger, higher tasting, and longer lasting fruits. Winter grade apples should be stored unripe when the seeds inside the fruit turn brown. At the end of September (no later than October 10), all fruits must be removed from the tree, otherwise the tree will not be able to prepare for wintering and may freeze in winter. During storage, unripe fruits gradually ripen, their taste improves and the color typical of this variety appears. I give a description of the most suitable varieties for our zone.

1) BUZOVYAZOVSKOE - winter hardiness is above average, fruits are large, weighing 100-120g, with an orange-red blush, sweet and sour, with a good aroma, very pleasant taste. Keep until March. The fruits crumble slightly. But the variety has one drawback: the branches are rather weak, they can break under the weight of the fruit, so you should install props during fruit ripening.

2) BASHKIR BELFLEUR. The winter hardiness of the variety is above average, fruits weighing 140 g, with a purple blush, sweet without sourness, ripen in mid-September, stored until March. The main disadvantage is the shedding of fruits at the end of ripening, so they need to be harvested in a timely manner, at several times.

3) SEEDLING OF TITOVKI. The winter hardiness of the variety is above average, fruits weighing 90-140 g, with a brownish blush, sweet and sour, are stored until April. It crumbles a little. There is a drawback: some of the fruits wither on the tree.

4) BASHKIR WINTER. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to scab, with a well-folded crown, fruits weighing 140 g, greenish, with a red striped blush, sweet and sour, pleasant taste. The fruits ripen at the end of September together, stored until May.

5) PERVOURAL. The variety is winter-hardy, the crown is strong, well-folded. It begins to bear fruit already from the fourth year, fruits weighing 90-120g, orange-red, sweet and sour, with excellent taste and delicate aroma, are not affected by scab, are stored until the end of May.

6) NORTH SYNAPSE. The variety of the middle band, in our zone, winter hardiness is average. The main advantage of this variety is excellent preservation during storage, they can be stored until August without losing their taste. Fruits weighing 90-120g, green with a brownish blush, turn yellow during maturation, and the blush turns orange, the taste will improve until April, then it remains stable at this level.

The pear for our zone is a younger culture compared to the apple tree. Varieties suitable for our zone began to appear only 20-30 years ago. Of the summer varieties, SEVERYANKA is the best. Winter hardiness is above average, the crown is spherical, strong. Fruits weighing 70-80g, yellowish-green, the taste is pleasantly sweet and sour. Fruit ripening begins in mid-August and stretches for three weeks, the harvested fruits can be stored for 2-3 weeks (the consumption period can be extended up to one and a half months). Another advantage of the variety is that a third of the fruits are formed without pollination, therefore, if the weather is cold during flowering (pollinator insects do not fly), this variety will still be harvested. The second common summer variety in the republic is BASHKIR SUMMER. It is winter-hardy, very productive, the fruits are slightly larger, yellow, juicy, slightly inferior in taste to Severyanka, ripen 3-5 days earlier. But there is a serious drawback: the fruits quickly lose their taste during storage and deteriorate. The entire period of consumption lasts no more than two weeks. In recent years, a new late summer variety of the Bashkir selection SHATLYK has appeared. Its fruits ripen in the third decade of August, weighing 80-100g, yellow, with a sweet and sour pleasant taste, stored for three weeks. The tree is medium-sized, winter-hardy, resistant to scab. In recent years, another late-summer variety CHIZHOVSKAYA has appeared. Winter hardiness is average, the crown is pyramidal, fruits weighing 120-140g, yellow, with a beautiful shape, pleasant sweet taste. If you collect the fruits slightly unripe, you can keep them for three weeks, and in the refrigerator for three months.

Of the autumn varieties, the BASHKIR AUTUMN and POVISLAYA varieties have been in zoning for a long time. But their fruits crumble a lot, have only a mediocre taste, so I rejected them. I recommend growing the following varieties of Sverdlovsk selection, tested by me:

1) ZARECHNAYA - early autumn variety, winter-hardy, medium height, with a compact crown. Fruits weighing 100-130g, golden yellow, very good sweet taste, do not crumble during ripening, ripen in early September, consumption period is one month.

2) FLUTE - the crown is low, compact, winter hardiness is high. The fruits ripen in early September, weighing 80-120g, yellow, with an orange blush, good sweet and sour taste, consumption period is about a month. The main advantage of the variety is its high resistance to shedding.

3) OCTOBER. Fruits of excellent sweet and sour taste, ripen at the end of September, stored for 1.5-2 months.

There are no winter varieties suitable for our zone yet. There are several varieties suitable for our late autumn ripening zone, the fruits of which are stored until the new year.

1) MYTH - a winter-hardy variety, fruits weighing 50-70g, yellow, ripen at the end of September, are stored for 2-3 months, the fruits crumble at the end of ripening, so you need to collect a little earlier and put them in storage.

2) DECEMBER. The tree is winter-hardy, medium-sized, the fruits are dark yellow, weighing 90-120g, sweet, stored until the new year.

3) SULTAN. The winter hardiness of the variety is average, fruits weighing 160-200g, yellow, with a pink blush, sweet and sour, are stored until the new year.

When buying seedlings of apple and pear trees, it is important to skillfully select varieties for your garden. Some gardeners take unreasonably many summer varieties (3-5 pieces for one garden), without really realizing the consequences. And they are as follows: several varieties will ripen at the same time, it is impossible to store, it is impossible to process everything, at this time it is difficult to sell them, and most of the fruits are wasted. Therefore, summer varieties should be 1-2, autumn - 2-3, winter - even more.

Pear varieties should be selected even more carefully, as they are more productive, the period of fruit consumption is shorter, and the fruits are not stored better.

Maurice Talgatovich Nagimov. Fruit grower. The village of Kim, Alsheevsky district.

They meet 5 important criteria: productive, frost-resistant, not affected by scab, their fruits are large and very tasty.

Summer varieties of apple trees

Orlovim. The taste of these apples is estimated by professional tasters at 4.5 points (out of 5 possible). Apples are very juicy, sweet and sour, with a rather strong aroma. Fruit weight 120 g. They ripen in the second half of August. Productivity up to 100 kg per tree.

The first apples appear in 3-4 years.

The winter hardiness of the variety is very high. Scab resistance is at the genetic level.

Red early. Early summer period of consumption. The tree is medium-sized, with a sparse, rounded, compact crown. Fruits weighing 80 g, maximum 120 g, leveled, rounded and flat-rounded, smooth. The integumentary color is dark red, washed out with wide merging stripes. Subcutaneous dots are white, oblong, of medium size, clearly visible. The pulp is creamy, dense, juicy, with a medium aroma. The taste is good, sweet and sour. The annual yield is above average. Fertility is average. Universal.

Red early

The beginning of ripening is 7-8 days earlier than the fruits of the Papirovka variety.

Summer is red. Late summer consumption. The tree is undersized, with a rare pyramidal crown. The average fruit weight is 180 g, one-dimensional, truncated-conical. The color is golden yellow with a red blush on 3/4 of the fruit. The pulp is creamy, fine-grained, tender, sour-sweet, with aroma. Fruit tasting score 4.8 points.

Melba. Late summer consumption. The trees are medium-sized, with a rounded crown. Fruits of medium size, weighing 120-140 g, sometimes up to 300 g, round-conical regular shape, smooth or slightly ribbed. The main color is light green, integumentary - in the form of an intense red striped blush, occupying about half of the surface of the fruit. The pulp is snow-white, tender, juicy, with a strong candy aroma, excellent sweet and sour taste. Fruits are stored for 1-2 months. Winter hardiness is above average. Partially self fertile. Fast-growing. Dessert.

The pour is white. Early summer period of consumption. The tree is medium. The crown is round-spreading, dense. The type of fruiting is mixed. Fruits weighing 100-120 g, not aligned, round-conical, sometimes broadly ovoid, slightly ribbed, often with a sharp longitudinal seam. The skin is smooth, thin, shiny, very fragrant, covered with a wax coating. The main color is pale white, the integumentary color is absent, sometimes in the form of a cloudy tan. The pulp is white, fragrant, friable, fine-grained. The taste is pleasant, wine-sour. The fruits do not ripen at the same time. Winter hardiness is very high. Frost resistant. Fertility is average. Universal, mainly table.

Pouring white

Papiroyantarnoe. Summer period of consumption. The tree is medium-sized with a rounded crown. The fruits are one-dimensional, rounded, with an average weight of 100 g. The color of the fruits is light yellow. The pulp is creamy, juicy, dense, fine-grained, of good taste. Tasting score 4.4 points.

Wonderful. The taste of 4.9 points is the highest score among the ideal summer varieties! The pulp of apples is juicy, sweet and sour. The mass of fruits is 140-160 g, and sometimes up to 200 g. They ripen in August. Productivity of 100 kg from a tree. This is despite the fact that the apple tree is very low - no more than 2 m. The first crop yields in the 3rd year after planting.

Winter hardiness is very high. Scab resistance is excellent.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

Orlovsky pioneer. Autumn period of consumption. Medium-sized tree with a fast-growing, rounded crown. Winter hardiness is very high, resistant to scab. Fruits of medium and above average size, 135 g, maximum 170 g, juicy, sweet and sour taste, good. The main color is light yellow, integumentary - in the form of a blurred pink blush and red stripes. The yield is high. It is immune to four of the five races of scab.

Welsey. Autumn period of consumption. The tree is low-growing with a spreading compact crown. The fruits are large, with an average weight of 160 g, round-oval, smooth. The main color in the phase of removable maturity is yellowish-green, in the phase of consumer maturity of a golden hue. Integumentary coloration in the period of removable maturity in the form of dark red stripes on a dirty red or basic background. The pulp is white, tender, fine-grained, juicy, sour-sweet with a slight aroma. Tasting score of taste 4.6 points.

Rock. Taste 4.8 points - the most delicious of autumn apples! The pulp is tender, sweet-sour, with a slight aroma. Fruit weight 290 g - the largest in this group of varieties! Ripens in the first half of September. Keep until mid-November. Yield up to 40 kg per tree. The first apples can be tasted for 5-6 years.

Winter hardiness is unbelievable - even 40 ° C frost is unbearable for the Rock! Scab resistance is at the genetic level.

Assumption. Taste 4.6 points. Apples are juicy, tender, with a slight aroma. The taste is sour-sweet. Fruit weight 160-200 g. They ripen in September and lie until November. Yield 30-40 kg per tree. Fruiting begins at 5 years.

Winter hardiness is very high - it can withstand frost up to 40 ° C. Scab resistance is at the genetic level.

Winter varieties of apple trees

Belarusian sweet. Taste 4.6 points. The pulp is sweet, very tender, with a slight aroma. Fruit weight 135-200 g. Apples ripen in October. Keep until February. Yield 30-35 kg per tree. The first fruits appear in 2-3 years.

Winter hardiness is excellent - the trees can withstand frosts down to -36 ° C without any problems. Scab resistance is at the genetic level.

Bryansk. Taste 4.8 points. Fruit weight 150-300 g - the largest of all winter varieties! Apples ripen in October. Keep until February. Yield 40-50 kg per tree. The first harvest gives for 3-4 years.

Winter hardiness is excellent. Scab resistance is at the genetic level and several genes are responsible for it at once.

Blagovest. Winter period of consumption. The tree is vigorous. The fruits are medium, weighing 160-190 g, one-dimensional, rounded in shape, slightly flattened. The color is greenish-yellow with a raspberry blurred blush on the larger surface of the fruit. The pulp is yellowish, medium density, tender, fine-grained, juicy. The taste is sour-sweet with a medium aroma. Tasting score of taste 4.5 points. Drought tolerance is average. It enters fruiting in the 5th year. Fruiting is regular. The fruit consumption period is September - January.


Bolotovskoe. Winter period of consumption. The trees are above average. Fruits weighing 170 g. The skin of the fruit is oily, dull, without wax coating. The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow, whitish-yellow in the period of consumer maturity. Integumentary color on a significant part of the fruit in the form of a red blush, consisting of stripes and specks. The flesh of the fruit is greenish, dense, juicy, sweet and sour taste. The variety is productive. Immune to scab.

Christmas. Winter period of consumption. The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing with a wide-pyramidal sparse crown. The fruits are round-conical, medium one-dimensional. The coloration is greenish-yellow with a diffuse red blush and cherry-colored speckles. The pulp is white, creamy, dense, prickly, tender, very juicy, sweet and sour, with a slight aroma. Tasting score 4.3 points. Winter hardiness at the level of Antonovka ordinary. The variety is immune to fruit and leaf scab.

Lobo. Winter period of consumption. The tree is tall. The crown is wide-rounded, rare. It bears fruit on kolchatka, as well as on fruit twigs. Fruits of medium and above average size, weighing 130 g, maximum - 200 g, from flat-round to flat-round conical shape, slightly ribbed. The skin is smooth, shiny, dense, with a bluish wax coating. The main color is yellowish-green, almost completely covered with a striped, blurry marble-like, elegant, crimson-red blush. Subcutaneous dots are numerous, large, white, clearly visible over the entire surface of the fetus. The pulp is white, tender, juicy, fine-grained. The taste is very good, sweet and sour. Fruits are stored for 4 months. Yield is annual. Canteen.

How is taste judged?

The taste of apples is evaluated by professional tasters - they try each new variety and give points from 1 to 5. This is the so-called tasting assessment. According to it, all apples are divided into 5 groups:
inedible - up to 3 points;
mediocre - 3-3.7 points;
good - 3.8-4.3 points;
very good - 4.4-4.7 points;
excellent - 4.8-5.0 points.

The most delicious pears

Summer pear varieties

August dew. Summer period of consumption. The tree is small, fast growing, with a slightly drooping crown of medium density. Fruits weighing 130 g, short pear-shaped, medium one-dimensionality. The color is greenish-yellow with a slight blush. The pulp is white, tender, fine-grained, juicy. Tasting score 4.5 points. Withstands frosts up to 36 °C.

August dew

It is resistant to the most common fungal diseases. A variety with a low degree of self-fertility. The best pollinator in memory of Yakovlev. Trees begin to bear fruit 4 years after planting in the garden, fruiting is annual. Fruits and leaves are not affected by scab.

Dessert Rossosh. Taste: 4.0-5.0 points. The fruits of this variety are quite large, weighing 160 g. Leveled, smooth, similar in shape to an apple or a short pear. When fully ripe, they are light yellow with a slight pink blush. The pulp is white or slightly creamy, juicy, tender, sweet, without stony patches of excellent dessert taste.

Dessert Rossoshanskaya

Autumn variety, harvest ripens in early September. Fruits well transfer transportation on a long distance. They can be eaten fresh, cooked from them amazing recipes and delicious compotes.

Fruiting begins early, at 5-6 years. The harvest yields annually and is quite decent - an average of 70 kg per tree, but sometimes up to 150!

Resistant to scab - over the years of the existence of the variety, he was not affected by this disease even once.

Lada. Early summer period of consumption. Medium-sized tree with a conical crown. Medium-sized fruits (100-120 g), wide pear-shaped, wide-ribbed. The main color of the skin is light yellow, the subcutaneous dots are small, barely noticeable, the integumentary is bright red, it occupies less than half of the surface of the fruit. The pulp is yellowish-white, tender, juicy, fine-grained, sweet and sour, very aromatic. Fast-growing. Universal purpose. Winter hardiness is high. Scab resistant. The yield is high. Partially self fertile.

Marble. Taste: 4.8 points. The fruits are large, weighing 160-170 g, everything is like a selection - rounded, smooth, even. Their coloration is greenish-yellow with an orange-red blush. The pulp is white or creamy, coarse-grained, tender, very juicy, melting, sweet and aromatic, of very good taste.

Harvest ripens in late August - early September. Fruits are stored for 60-70 days. The peel and fruits are strong, so they tolerate transportation very well.


Fruiting begins at 6-7 years from budding in the nursery. The yield is about 70 kg per tree, but sometimes up to 140.

The variety is winter-hardy. Very resistant to scab and powdery mildew.

Chizhovskaya. Late summer consumption. Standard tree, medium height. Medium-sized fruits (120-140 g), obovate or pear-shaped. The skin is thin, smooth, matte, dry. The main color is yellow-green. The integumentary color is absent or very weakly expressed in the form of a blurry pink blush. The pulp is dense, juicy, semi-oily, sour-sweet, very good taste. Tasting score of taste 4.1-4.2 points. Fruit shedding is weak. Almost self fertile. The best varieties-pollinators: Lada, Severyanka, Rogneda. Fruiting is regular. Scab resistant. Highly resistant to extreme environmental conditions. Productivity is high, annual. Fast-growing.

Winter pear varieties

There are not so many late varieties in the State Register of the Year - only 18. While there are 167 apple trees.
Of these, 6 are recommended only in the very south of Russia. Of the remaining 12 that can be grown in more northerly regions that taste great (with a score of 4.8-5 points) ... only one! And we counted 5 apples.

And yet, there are a few pears that tasters give a rating of "very good" - this is a taste in the range of 4.4-4.7 points.

Gera. Taste rating: 4.5. Tree of medium height with a compact crown. Winter hardiness is relatively high. The first fruits ripen in 4-5 years. Medium-sized pears (180 g), green, sour-sweet, with a slight aroma. The yield is high. The variety is not affected by diseases.

Nika. Taste rating: 4.5. Tree of medium height. Winter hardiness is high. The first harvest gives for 5-6 years. The fruits are medium in size (140 g), although there are up to 200 g. They look very beautiful, red. The taste is tender, sour-sweet, with a pleasant aroma. The yield is high. The variety is not affected by diseases at all.

Extravaganza. Taste rating: 4.5. Tree of medium height with a compact crown. Winter hardy. The first harvest pleases for 5-6 years. Pears in this variety are most often medium in size (130 g), but some reach up to 210 g. Green, with a slight blush on the side. Very juicy, sweet, but the aroma is not strong. But the yield is high.

Yakovlevskaya. Taste rating: 4.5. Medium height. Relatively winter-hardy variety. The first pears can be tasted for 5-6 years. Fruits weighing 125-210 g. Green, with a red blush, tender, juicy, sweet and sour. The yield is high. The variety is disease resistant.

Pear varieties that keep the longest

Pears are much more tender than apples and they are stored worse. But there are several varieties in which it is written in the genus to lie until February-March. And there are more persistent! All of them are winter.

Yakovlevskaya. Shelf life: March.

The fruits of this variety are medium in size (130-210 g), juicy, sour-sweet, very good taste (4.5 points).

Trees of medium height, begin to bear fruit for 5-6 years. The yield is high.

What is even more pleasant - this variety is very winter-hardy (can withstand up to -38 ° C). It is also resistant to scab and entomosporiosis.

Belarusian late. Shelf life: February (in some years it lies until March, or even April).

Pears in the Belorussian late are medium in size (110-120 g). But very tender, juicy, with a light refreshing acidity (score 4.4 points).

Trees are low. The first harvest can be tasted for the 5th year.

It tolerates winters of the middle zone well, but in very severe ones it can freeze a little. In very damp and cold summers, it can be affected by scab and bacterial burn. And one more minus: this variety requires other pollinating pears, otherwise the yield will be low.

Gera. Shelf life: February.

These pears are also of medium size (180 g), but sometimes there are also large ones - up to 250 g. They taste sour-sweet, tender, with a weak aroma (score 4.5).

Trees grow low and compact, which is important for small areas. And what is most pleasant, earlier than other winter varieties, they begin to bear fruit - already for 4 years. And the yield is always high.
Gera's resistance is good. In addition, it is not affected by scab, septoria and entomosporiosis.

Extravaganza. Shelf life: February.

The fruits of this variety weighing 130-210 g are very juicy, sweet, fragrant (taste score 4.5 points).

Trees of medium height. The first pears can be tasted in 5-6 years.

Feria has a high yield.

The variety is resistant to many diseases.

Miraculous. Shelf life: February.

Fruits weighing 130-200 g, tender, juicy, fragrant. The taste is sour-sweet (score 4.3 points).

The trees are low, fruiting begins at 5-6 years. The yield is high.

It tolerates cold winters well. It is very resistant to fungal diseases, but is sometimes affected by pear sucker.

Before purchasing seedlings, it is very important to first determine at least approximately the range of varieties you need.

In the beginning, I want to note that it is a thankless task to advise specific varieties. Each has different tastes, different requirements for the variety (in terms of storage, ripening time, disease resistance, etc.). Naturally, the conditions are also very different. And it often happens that a variety from which, for example, I am delighted, someone from my acquaintances does not like at all. But the varieties mentioned in the article are precisely those that are considered "excellent" according to many amateurs and experts. Each variety has its own zest, but the variety is valuable precisely because of the complex of properties and features, and I tried to name the varieties that deserve recognition. Naturally, varieties capable of growing in the Yaroslavl region are mentioned.

summer varieties

Let's move on to the selection of varieties. The season for apple consumption is opened by summer varieties. The earliest varieties are White Bulk, July Chernenko and a new Belarusian variety , ripening two weeks earlier than White Bulk. The earliest varieties are practically not stored, and other summer varieties are clearly not record holders in terms of storage. Therefore, you need to soberly approach the determination of the number of trees in the garden with summer varieties. There should not be many of them, since your family should consume their fruits as they ripen, that is, from the tree. Processed products from them are usually not of the best quality. By mid-late August, most summer varieties ripen, such as those known as, Mantet, (the variety is productive, quite winter-hardy in our country and has a very good taste rating), , , Beauty of the Garden, etc. Some of them ripen at the same time, some have an extended period of consumption. many can lie down for a week in the refrigerator, and some for a month. All these data are indicated in the descriptions of varieties and you yourself must decide what is more profitable for you. Recommended for lovers of sweet apples and . It is desirable to have in the garden varieties with a guarantee (in case of extreme winter), such as, for example, Summer Striped. (although affected by scab, medium-sized, but early and very winter-hardy).

Autumn varieties

Autumn varieties ripen in October. The requirement for them is already higher, because the main "hunger" has already been satisfied, the varieties can already lie down for a month, and many much longer. Juices and jams are made from autumn varieties. Of course, they are also consumed fresh. The number of trees with fall season varieties may be higher due to the storage capacity of the fruit. And for many gardeners who do not have the opportunity and place to store apples for a long time, autumn varieties become the main ones in the garden. Of the autumn varieties, you can try to grow the excellent Bessemyanka Michurina variety (unfortunately, its winter hardiness is not very high), as well as the Young Naturalist and Autumn Joy. The old variety is still popular. . a very good variety, but in severe winters it will freeze slightly. Very reliable and productive variety (can be attributed to winter), with large and tasty fruits. Good grades of taste and winter hardiness in the variety . very reliable variety with medium-sized tasty fruits, but is affected by scab in epiphytic years. has a very good sweet taste. Separately, I want to note the variety . Its fruits do not have an integumentary color and do not cause allergies. Described in the catalogs as a winter variety, I read an excellent autumn variety. Thin skin, delicate fine-grained pulp of excellent harmonious taste, consumption without dosing from the tree makes this variety very popular. The new Ural varieties showed themselves well in our garden, these are primarily VEM-Yellow (Danila) and Rodnikovaya. Excellent taste, high yield and excellent winter hardiness make them gradually very popular.

Winter varieties

In varieties with a winter consumption period, the main characteristic is the shelf life of fruits. Not every winter variety can be eaten directly from the branch. And all of them must lie down for some time to set the declared taste. In the description there are such terms "consumer maturity period" and "removable maturity period". That is, the dates for harvesting the fruits are indicated (as a rule, when the seeds begin to darken) and the dates when the taste of the fruits is optimal. There are a lot of interesting winter varieties, I would not be fond of varieties with a very late ripening period, due to the fact that they will not be able to ripen here and as a result they will freeze a lot, even in ordinary winters. From the proven varieties, you can choose Student, Moscow Winter, Uspenskoe, Sinap Orlovsky (in severe winters it will freeze slightly). Interesting variety March . As well as new varieties Blagovest , (winter hardiness north of Moscow is insufficient) Bylina (very high yield), YES 65-17 . Belarusian varieties Alesya (very long stored), Charavnitsa, Zorka, Syabrina, Belarusian Sweet (purely sweet taste) . The winter hardiness of these varieties is different, I would not recommend growing Charaunitsa as a tree in Yaroslavl.. From the Ural varieties, you can pay attention to good news and Pervouralskoe. As for the famous Antonovka, it should still be attributed to the autumn varieties (in terms of consumption). The variety continues to be popular due to its winter hardiness, plasticity, good resistance to scab and, of course, an indescribable aroma.

When deciding to plant winter apple trees, the following should be considered - You should provide a place to store the crop, such as a cellar or a cold basement, since the fruits should be stored in a cool place with a temperature just above zero. If you have a place for storage, then plant varieties with different terms of consumer maturity, in the amount necessary for your family, and if there is a place for storage en Since you are limited, it is better to choose varieties whose fruits can be consumed immediately from the tree and in small quantities in order to have time to process and eat everything before the onset of severe frosts (if the fruits are stored on the balcony, on the veranda or in the garage). Another point that must be taken into account when growing winter varieties (especially in the northern fruit growing zone) is the ability of the variety to ripen in the conditions of a short northern summer. More nuancescultivation of late varieties are discussed in the article

The number of trees depends on how vigorous the tree is. The yield (in kilograms) for dwarf and vigorous trees differs by an order of magnitude.Therefore, before buying seedlings aboutBe sure to ask the seller on which stock the seedlings are. (You can read more in the article) As for summer varieties and partially autumn ones, in my opinion it is optimal to grow them in the form of multi-varietal trees. When different varieties are grafted into skeletal branches on the same tree. Reasonably choosing varieties, we get a tree with an extended period of fruiting and consumption. Such trees are grown either to order, or by independently mastering the vaccination.

Well, a few words about. With her, unfortunately, in our area is not easy. Most of our autumn and winter varieties are simply not winter-hardy. A pear needs more heat for the ripening of shoots and fruits. We only grow summer varieties. They are not stored for a long time (if you pick the fruits a little unripe, you can store them for up to 2-4 weeks in the refrigerator). The trees are tall and therefore keeping more than 2 pear trees on the site does not make sense in my opinion. One thing is possible, for example, due to the high degree of its self-fertility (the ability to self-pollinate). It is also a good option to have a multi-varietal pear tree in order to diversify the taste of fruits and slightly stretch the terms of their consumption. Of the interesting varieties for the Yaroslavl region, one can also mention Akademicheskaya, Lada. interesting quite winter-hardy variety Ural varieties are also relevant, for example , , but they still need to be checked.

Here is a brief overview of apple and pear varieties that, in our experience, are really worth paying attention to.

Let's start with apple trees, briefly recalling the classification. Early-ripening varieties are considered summer, which ripen already in August, but are practically not stored. Their purpose - approached, plucked, ate - ideal for children, as well as for processing into juices, compotes, etc. Autumn ones ripen a little later, they can also be eaten directly from the branch, but they are stored for two to three months. Winter fruits are stored for a long time - several months, but they have one drawback: their fruits are not tasty to eat immediately after harvest, they must lie down for some time and "ripen" already during storage. True, there is one winter variety that is devoid of this drawback - Krasa Sverdlovsk (it has very large and tasty red fruits immediately upon removal).

Until now, old varieties have not lost their relevance, the taste of which we have known since childhood from our grandmother’s garden - such as winter Antonovka (very fragrant) and Bashkir handsome (the most stable local variety), autumn Ural Bulk (small yellow apples of a uniquely pleasant sour sweet taste), summer Moscow pear (fruits in the form of a small "turnip") and Solntsedar (the earliest variety).

But selection does not stand still, new varieties appear that are significantly superior to the old varieties in taste and disease resistance. Particular attention should be paid to apple trees bred at the Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station - bred in the Middle Urals, they have excellent winter hardiness. The famous Ural breeder Leonid Andrianovich Kotov explains the popularity of his varieties very simply: "We have little sun in Yekaterinburg. Our varieties with good taste in the sunnier Central Russia and the Southern Urals accumulate more sugars and acquire simply excellent taste."

Of the Sverdlovsk varieties, the pouring Silver Hoof (summer variety) and the large-fruited Nastenka (winter variety) with a red blush can be especially noted. The achievement of modern breeding is the emergence of varieties that are immune (completely resistant) to scab. L.A. Kotova is a whole constellation of them - winter Danila (yellow medium-large), Nastenka (large with a red blush), Pervouralskaya (very large red-orange), Rodnikovaya (large yellow with a pink blush), as well as the autumn variety Rosochka (pink, very tasty ) and the summer variety Ural pink (with coarse-grained crispy flesh).

Pears that withstand our winter have not had a special taste until recently. But now there are really tasty winter-hardy varieties. Summer varieties Lada (medium-sized yellow) and Chizhovskaya (large green-yellow), extremely winter-hardy autumn Bere yellow (with tasty oily pulp) have already become popular.

Chelyabinsk breeders pleased us with several autumn varieties, of which Vekovaya (very large, beautiful, excellent taste) and Long-awaited (highly winter-hardy, smallish, but very tasty) can be noted. Of course, the Sverdlovites did not bypass the pear, with autumn varieties Gvidon (large greenish), Pink barrel (large, very sweet), Sverdlovchanka (large green, dessert taste) and Sentyabrina (medium with a red blush, very good taste). Unfortunately, breeders have not yet been able to obtain stable winter varieties of pears that can be stored for several months. Most of these varieties require timely removal and retain their excellent taste for only two to three weeks. Therefore, you can plant three or four varieties with different ripening periods in order to stretch the pleasure of "consuming" pears for two to three months.

Apple varieties

Varieties of intensive type

These varieties are characterized by an early onset of fruiting, a rapid increase in yields, their abundance and regularity. In the full complex, all these properties are found only in some varieties, individually - in a large number. For example, while most varieties begin fruiting in the fourth or sixth year after planting and even later, some - Melba, Lobo, Welsey, Young Naturalist, Orlik, Zhigulevskoe, Spartak, Papirovka's Daughter, Elite- begin to bear fruit in the first three years after planting. At the same time, it is important not only the early start of fruiting, but also the rapid increase in yields.

Varieties differ in the ability to regularly bear fruit. Some - regularly fruiting - produce crops annually, others - periodically fruiting, bear fruit in a year. Many varieties are characterized by an average frequency of fruiting: they alternate high yields with small ones, and in some years even a complete absence of fruits is possible. The frequency of fruiting in these varieties is usually associated with the conditions of their cultivation: with careful care, they bear fruit annually, with poor care - after a year. The main reason for the periodicity of fruiting is excessive yields. There is a "failure" in fruiting. That is why varieties with a fairly high, but at the same time regular fruiting, are especially valued, for example Zhigulevskoe, Northern Sinap, Kuibyshevskoe, Spartak, Papirovka's Daughter, Kutuzovets.

Since the frequency of fruiting is related to the size of the crop, it is clear that in young trees it manifests itself to a lesser extent, and with age, with increasing yields, it increases.

Evgeny Sedov, academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Orel: “I think that the future belongs to immune varieties. Extra 5-6 sprays can be eliminated. These varieties have quite high commercial and taste qualities.

Varieties immune to scab

Scab is a common disease of the apple tree and is truly the scourge of our gardens. It affects leaves, fruits, reduces tree yields, worsens their condition, winter hardiness. The infection in the garden is spread in the spring by spores of a fungus that hibernates in leaves that have fallen since autumn. Even cultivars such as Welsey and Cinnamon, previously resistant, have become vulnerable. The only way out is chemical treatment or new varieties that are immune to the disease, that is, they are not affected by the disease even in the rainiest summer. This advantage allows you to do without numerous spraying of the garden.

Here is a brief description of the new varieties.


Winter, relatively winter-hardy variety. The trees are quite large, with a relatively rare crown. Medium-sized fruits (130 g), conical, wide-ribbed. The skin is smooth, oily, shiny. The cover color on most of the surface is in the form of a raspberry blush. The pulp is white, greenish, dense, juicy. Evaluation of the appearance and taste of fruits 4.4 points. Removable maturity mid-September. In storage or basement, the fruits can be stored until the end of February. The yield of a young tree is 15 kg.


The trees are medium-sized, with a rounded crown and drooping branches. Medium-sized fruits (137 g), oblong-conical, strongly ribbed, oblique. The integumentary color occupies half of the fruit in the form of a blurry raspberry blush. The pulp is white, greenish, tender, fine-grained, juicy, sweet and sour taste (4.4 points). Harvest in mid-September. The fruits can be stored until February. The variety is early-growing, productive (14 kg from a young tree) and quite winter-hardy.


The trees are medium-sized, with a pyramidal crown of medium density. Medium-sized fruits (125 g), oblong-conical, slightly ribbed, sloping at the top. The integumentary color occupies most of the surface of the fruit in the form of pink stripes. The pulp is creamy, dense, tender, fine-grained, juicy, good taste (4.3 points). The variety is early-growing and productive (15 kg from a young tree). Removable fruit ripeness occurs in the second half of September. In storage, they can be stored until mid-February.


Medium sized trees. The fruits are relatively large (170 g), oblong-conical, wide-ribbed. Integumentation on most of the surface in the form of stripes and specks of red. The pulp is white, creamy, dense, prickly, coarse-grained, very juicy (appearance 4.4, taste 4.3 points). The variety is early-growing and productive (13 kg from a young tree).


Early winter variety. Trees are below medium size with a rounded crown. Winter hardy. The shoots are relatively thick, with close internodes. Fruits are above average size (160 g), oblong, wide-ribbed, oblique, with a short stalk. Integumentary coloration over the entire surface in the form of a bright solid blush of crimson color. The pulp is white, creamy, dense, fine-grained, very juicy (appearance 4.4, taste 4.3 points). Removable maturity occurs on September 15–20. The consumer period is from October 10 to the middle or end of January. The yield of young trees is 11 kg.


Winter variety. Trees of medium size, fast growing, with a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by relatively high winter hardiness. The fruits are large or above average (150-170 g), conical, slightly ribbed, flattened. Cover color on most of the surface in the form of merging stripes and a blurred crimson blush. The pulp is white, greenish, dense, coarse-grained, juicy (appearance 4.5, taste 4.4 points). Removable fruit ripeness - mid-September. They can persist until mid-February. Productive variety (13 kg from young trees).


Winter variety. The trees are medium-sized, with a rounded crown, quite winter-hardy. Shoots are thin, straight. The fruits are harvested on September 15–20. The consumer period lasts from mid-October to mid- or late February. The yield of young trees is 17 kg.

Varieties with high resistance to scab

In addition to immune varieties, varieties with high resistance to scab (slightly affected by it in unfavorable years) have become widespread. These varieties include: Veteran, Venyaminovskoye, Imrus, Kandil Orlovsky, Orlovim, Orlovsky pioneer, Orlik, Orlovsky striped, Sinap Orlovsky, Zoryanka, Orlinka, Early scarlet.


Summer ripe variety. High-yielding - up to 25 t / ha. The fruits are large, one-dimensional. Integumentary coloration - in the form of bright red stripes and a blurry blush. Fruit pulp is creamy, very juicy, sweet and sour, with a strong aroma, taste - 4.5 points.


Autumn maturity. High-yielding - 18.4 t / ha. The fruits are large (150 g), strongly flattened (ribbed). The main color at the time of removal is greenish, the cover color is in the form of a blurred blush and red stripes, the taste of the fruit is 4.2 points.

IMRUS(immune Russian)

Winter maturity. High-yielding -16.7 t/ha. The fruits are above average size (120–130 g), conical, slightly ribbed. Cover color in the form of stripes, strokes and a blurred blush of brownish-red color at the time of picking the fruit, raspberry color - during consumption, taste - 4.3 points. The fruits are stored until the end of February - mid-March.


Variety of winter ripening. The fruits are large (150–180 g), flattened, broadly ribbed. Cover color on the smaller part of the fruit in the form of a red blush, consisting of stripes and specks. The pulp is greenish, dense, juicy, fruit taste - 4.3 points. The fruits are stored until the middle and end of February.

Varieties of long-term storage

Now the number of varieties with long-term storage of fruits has increased significantly. Among them are Lobo, Orlik, Welsey their fruits are stored until February. Northern Sinap, Sinap Orlovsky, Spartan, Bogatyr, Kutuzovets, Late Sweet, Renet Chernenko, King's Seedling retain their qualities until April and later. But almost all of these varieties do not have high winter hardiness.


The fruits are quite large, weighing 160 g, symmetrical, orange-yellow, almost completely covered with a strong blurred blush. The pulp is very juicy, sweet and sour, with a rose aroma, very good taste. The best pollinator is Melba.

summer varieties

Apples of summer varieties are almost never stored and are not transportable. Therefore, they are recommended to be removed a little earlier than they ripen. Many varieties are characterized by non-simultaneous ripening of fruits on a tree, but for a family garden this is even good, since apples can be used longer, selectively removing them as they ripen. There are few summer varieties.

Opening the apple season Quinty, Early Red, July Chernenko, Red Arcade, Candy, in about a week Papier's daughter and even later Lungwort, Mantet, Melba. Showed themselves well Sunshine, Carol, Early Scarlet, but they still need to be watched.


This variety does not need a special introduction. Its name is widely known to the widest range of people, even those not connected with gardening. The fruits are large 100-120 g, round-conical. When fully ripe, the color is whitish-yellow. The pulp is light yellow, juicy, fine-grained, melting, pleasant wine sweet and sour taste. Productivity up to 170 kg per tree.


Fruits weighing from 120 to 200 g, yellow at full maturity, with a bright, delicate, pink-red blush. The flesh is snow-white, pink under the skin, deliciously tender, juicy, fine-grained, excellent taste. The best tasting summer variety, ripens at the very end of August, is stored for two months. The best pollinator is Welsey.


The tree is very beautiful, with a rare pyramidal crown, good winter hardiness, productive. The special value of the variety is in the very early ripening of the fruits, they begin to ripen already at the end of July. The apples of the Summer Striped, weighing up to 100 g, are beautiful, marketable, ovoid-elongated, greenish-white, with a red blush. The pulp of the fruit is tender, white, loose, fine-grained, juicy, with a good sweet and sour taste.


An excellent summer variety of folk selection. It is very close to the White filling variety, with which it is often confused. Papirovka differs from White filling in larger fruits and a pronounced seam. The winter hardiness of the variety is high. Papirovka is one of the most unpretentious varieties, and feels good even in adverse soil conditions. The yield per tree is 225–350 kg. The variety is self-fertile, the best pollinator is Welsey.


It has another name - Shtreifling. One of the most popular autumn varieties. Mature trees of the Autumn striped are very beautiful, have a stocky, strong trunk, powerful branches, with drooping ends. Fruits of medium size or large (120–140 g). Throughout the fruit, bright red stripes harmoniously alternate with bright yellow stripes. The pulp is melting, loose, juicy, excellent dessert taste with a hint of raspberry. The best pollinators are Antonovka and Papirovka.

This text is an introductory piece. From the author's book

Formation of an apple tree The most convenient and rational thing is to form a good crown from an early age and in the future only maintain it with minimal pruning. In this sense, one-two-year-old seedlings turn out to be the best planting material, since older ones

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Varieties of apple trees and the principles of their selection When the site is prepared for planting, you should select the desired varieties of fruit crops, depending on their ripening time. In each case, the variety is selected according to the catalog of zoned fruit crops, taking into account the climatic

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2.1. Apple trees blossomed... The most popular type of fruit trees is, of course, the apple tree. The leadership of this beautiful fruit is explained by the high level of tolerance to high and low temperatures, ease of care and fruiting. Apples can be eaten

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Apple scab Signs. At the end of flowering or later, small yellowish spots form on the leaves, over time they turn gray and gradually merge, becoming covered with a velvety green bloom. As a result, the affected leaf is deformed and falls off.

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Apple tree proliferation Signs. This viral disease most often affects apple trees, less often pears. As a result, a large number of thin erect lateral shoots with short internodes and strongly overgrown stipules are formed on the tree (Fig. 9). Such shoots

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Columnar apple trees In England, Holland, Yugoslavia, and more recently in Russia, orchards of columnar apple varieties began to appear. Any gardener can easily find a place for a columnar apple tree on his own, even a very small plot. Such an apple tree does not form lateral

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Planting an apple tree In large farms, large row spacings (6–8 m) are required for mechanized tillage, spraying and harvesting. But even there, on weakly growing rootstocks, narrower strips between rows (5 m) are allocated for trees. Amateur gardeners rarely

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Apple and pear diseases Scab Scab is a fungal disease of apple and pear trees. Spots with a brownish coating appear on the leaves, then the leaves dry up and fall off. Gray-black spots and cracks appear on the fruits, they stop growing (filling). This disease affects not only

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Apple trees on dwarf rootstocks The climate of the Chernozem region is favorable for growing apple trees on dwarf rootstocks. But you need to know the problems and all the nuances in agrotechnical measures in order to expect a 100% return. The main advantage of dwarfs is precocity and high

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Formation of an apple tree The most convenient and rational thing is to form a good crown from an early age and in the future only maintain it with minimal pruning. In this sense, one-two-year-old seedlings turn out to be the best planting material, since older ones

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Registered Chernozem Apple Varieties Before you buy an apple tree, make sure it is the right size and shape for your garden. The size and strength of a tree is determined by the rootstock (the lower part of the plant onto which other varieties are grafted with a cutting or bud). Last

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Apple scab Only the apple tree is affected. On the leaves and fruits, sometimes on the stalks and petioles of the leaves, olive-colored spots are formed, with a velvety coating of sporulation. With a strong defeat, the leaves fall off, the fruits lose their commercial qualities and keeping quality when

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Alternariosis of apple trees The disease is noted as economically important in the orchards of the United States and many Asian countries. In our gardens, the disease is also widespread and harmful, but it is practically not covered in the garden literature due to poor knowledge. Illness noticed