Male infertility: teratozoospermia. Teratozoospermia and pregnancy. Teratozoospermia - what is it and how to treat Teratozoospermia how to treat which doctors to go to

Recently, more and more men are being diagnosed with infertility. There can be many reasons for impaired fertility of the stronger half of humanity. One of them is teratozoospermia. In this case, the man’s seminal fluid contains a large number of damaged sperm. Normally, the number of “wrong” sperm is insignificant, but with the development of this pathology, their number can be more than 85%, which makes it impossible for them to fertilize an egg. Is it possible to treat teratozoospermia?

No man is immune from the appearance of “defective” sperm in the seminal fluid. They can appear as a result of heavy physical activity, alcohol consumption, stressful situations and other unfavorable factors. In healthy people, the number of damaged cells is very small and they all die before they can reach the egg. With teratozoospermia, their number will be at least 50%.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Galina Grigorievna Filippova will talk about reproductive dysfunctions in men:

Teratozoospermia is a pathology in which male infertility develops, regardless of the cause of this condition. Doctors note that with certain treatment, a man still has a chance to become a father in this case. However, if the damaged sperm manages to fertilize the egg, then there is a very high chance that the development of the fetus will be abnormal. Therefore, in general, unhealthy male reproductive cells do not reach the egg at all, and if this happens, the pregnancy freezes or ends in spontaneous termination. In some cases, the birth of a baby is possible, but it will have certain deviations. Therefore, such men are advised to use protection during sex to avoid conception with low-quality sperm, which will lead to impaired fetal development.

Read about one of the forms of male infertility: an article about (when there are no sperm in the ejaculate).

Types of pathology

Doctors distinguish several types of this deviation:

  • Asthenoteratozoospermia - when the number of sperm with normal structure and mobility is very small.
  • Globozoospermia - the head of the sperm in this case is slightly rounded.
  • Teratozoospermia - a significant number of sperm are identified in the spermogram, which have an abnormal structure of the neck, head or tail. The level of pathological cells is more than 50%.

In the case of teratozoospermia, the following deviations in the relative shape of the sperm body are possible:

  1. The head will have an irregular structure (excessively elongated, pointed, with abnormal dimensions). Sometimes there are cells with several heads.
  2. The neck is the wrong thickness. Due to a too thin or, conversely, thick neck, the mobility of germ cells is impaired.
  3. The tail is most often subject to changes. They may be uneven, curled, too thick or thin. Because of this, their mobility and ability to reach the egg are impaired, as a result of which the chance of getting pregnant is significantly reduced.


The exact causes of the pathology are still not known to doctors. However, they argue that there are a number of factors that can influence the development of teratozoospermia in a man. These include:

  • Presence of genitourinary infections. One of the most dangerous is considered to be herpes and other viral infections, which, even after treatment, can negatively affect the state of the reproductive system, causing disruption of spermatogenesis in a man.
  • Disease provocateurs. Such pathologies include: prostatitis, , . All of them can be considered provocateurs of teratozoospermia, as they are capable of creating conditions for its development.

  • Hormonal disorders. Sometimes men take hormonal drugs (for treatment or to build muscle mass). But over time, an imbalance of hormones in their body can lead to pathology.
  • Chromosomal or other genetic pathologies. Teratozoospermia can be inherited or be a congenital disease.
  • Wrong lifestyle. The functioning of the male reproductive system in general and teratozoospermia in particular is greatly influenced by a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse, smoking or taking drugs.
  • An unfavorable environment can also cause great harm to the male body.
  • Psycho-emotional stress or frequent stress.

Urologist-andrologist Khryashchev Konstantin Yuryevich will talk about the main causes of male infertility:

  • Cancer or undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
  • Exposure of the body to various toxins.

Symptoms and likelihood of fertilization

This pathology does not have any special symptoms. The only case when teratozoospermia can be suspected is the inability to become pregnant naturally for a long period of time.

For pregnancy to occur, it is important that a healthy sperm, at a certain period of time, penetrates the vagina into the woman’s uterus and meets the formed egg. Only after their fusion and the union of nuclei does fertilization occur.

Is there a chance to get pregnant naturally, without IVF? Due to the irregular structure of the male reproductive cell, this becomes unlikely. And if you consider that with teratozoospermia the number of abnormal sperm is very high, then there is practically no chance of this. Therefore, before planning a child, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination and, if necessary, treat the disease.

Artificial methods of insemination

Reviews from patients show that for men with this diagnosis, the best options are artificial insemination methods (IVF or ICSI).

Insemination for teratozoospermia is suitable for those patients whose sperm are not too damaged, but they do not have enough of their own strength to reach the egg and fertilize it. In this case, using a special syringe, the man’s sperm is injected directly into the cervical area, which will significantly shorten the distance they need to travel.

The IVF method is considered more reliable, as it involves selecting from a large number of sperm of the highest quality, which are subsequently used to produce an embryo. This method requires special training and is expensive.


To determine the degree of deformation in the structure of sperm according to Kruger, the teratozoospermia index is used in medicine. To calculate it, it is necessary to divide the number of detected defects by the number of pathological changes. The teratozoospermia index is always taken into account when performing artificial insemination.

Urologist-andrologist Ruslan Gizzatovich Zulkarnaev will talk about the diagnosis and treatment of the disease:

This analysis is called a spermogram. Its result shows the overall quality of sperm, its morphological structure and the presence of various defects in it. The norm is considered to be an ITZ in the range of 1.0-1.6.

In addition, the patient should undergo a MAR test, which will determine the percentage of male germ cells that cannot fertilize an egg.


Treatment of teratozoospermia should be comprehensive, prescribed exclusively by a doctor based on analysis data and carried out under his supervision. To treat teratozoospermia, both medications and folk remedies are used.

Drug treatment

The therapy will be based on drugs whose action is aimed directly at eliminating the causes of teratozoospermia.

For varicocele, obstruction or hernia, treatment can be exclusively surgical. If toxic damage to sperm is detected, the man is advised to change working conditions and completely give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs).

Additionally, the man is shown a special diet, which will be based on foods rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for men's health (zinc, iodine, selenium). It is equally important to avoid stressful situations and high physical activity.

If there is a disruption in the functioning of the endocrine system, treatment will be aimed at normalizing the level of hormones in the patient’s body. This requires consultation with an endocrinologist.

The course of treatment for teratozoospermia may include taking the following drugs:

  1. "Folic acid".
  2. "Klostilbegit."
  3. "Iodomarin" and other drugs containing iodine.

The drug clostilbegit is used for the complex treatment of pathologies of the reproductive and endocrine systems. Price in pharmacies from 556 rubles.

  1. "Succinic acid".
  2. "SpermActin".
  3. "L-carnitine."

Any infections and viral diseases must be promptly identified and treated. If the true cause of the disease cannot be identified (idiopathic teratozoospermia) or the pathology cannot be cured, the doctor will recommend the use of drugs whose action is aimed at improving sperm quality.

If such treatment does not produce results, this means that only artificial methods of insemination can help with the onset of pregnancy.


It turns out that not only medications, but also folk remedies can influence the condition of the male body. Of course, they cannot cure teratozoospermia, but when used as part of complex therapy, they can have a positive effect. At the same time, the following tools have proven themselves to be effective:

  • A decoction of black currant leaves. They contain a large amount of folic acid and vitamin C. You need to drink this tea several times a day, 1 glass. You can add sugar or honey to taste. The course of treatment is about 1 month.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice

  • No less effective will be a decoction prepared from equal parts of birch, dandelion and nettle. The decoction should be used for treatment 3 times a day before meals, 1 glass. Duration of use – 2 weeks.
  • Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice is used as an adjuvant during the treatment of teratozoospermia. A store-bought product does not have such qualities. You need to drink 1 glass of juice twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.


Since the occurrence of teratozoospermia is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, its main prevention should be to give up bad habits and unfavorable working conditions. It is equally important to pay attention to the quality of food. A man's diet should contain meat, seafood, herbs, vegetables, grains, as well as those foods that contain a lot of ascorbic acid, L-carnitine and zinc.

It has been proven that the quality of sperm can be affected by excess body weight and overheating of the genitals.

Teratozoospermia is a disease that can be treated with the right approach and if the underlying disease has not become chronic. Therefore, its therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor after a comprehensive examination and identification of the cause of the disorder.

Teratozospermia is a male disease in which most sperm have structural defects.

Many couples despaired of becoming parents after hearing this diagnosis, but in the history of modern medicine there are many cases that indicate the opposite: it is possible to give birth to a husband with such a diagnosis.

Almost all specialists prescribe artificial insemination; along with the question about this procedure, it is worth asking the following question: teratozoospermia - is success possible? There is a chance to give birth to a healthy baby if you turn to a competent specialist who will guide the man throughout the illness.

Types of disease

Male infertility is a fairly common problem that appears due to poor lifestyle, bad habits, environment, stress, and viruses.

There are several types of disease:

  1. pathology of the sperm head: irregular shape, two heads instead of one;
  2. irregular shape of the sperm neck: too narrow, too wide;
  3. double, too short or too long ponytail.

When planning a pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to note all obstacles in advance and be prepared for them.

Diagnosis of teratozoospermia

Successful fertilization occurs in a few percent of cases, since everything depends on the number of healthy sperm.

There are several ways to study the condition of sperm:

  • WHO - only the head is studied, since it is it that carries important material, attention is not paid to the neck and tail, the analysis is incomplete.
  • Assessment of the entire condition of sperm according to the Kruger system. A more rigorous study - a specialist looks at all the material and identifies deviations in all parts of the sperm structure. The equipment for carrying out such therapy is expensive, so it is available only in serious clinics. More than 200 units of material are involved in the review. After the conclusion, the study is repeated.

In the last analysis, each deviation from the norm is recorded as an anomaly, for example, the frontal zone of the sperm should be one third of its size; if there are deviations, the sperm will not be able to participate in fertilization.

If more than 14% of the material does not have abnormal deviations, the probability of getting pregnant increases to 80%.

By some measures, rates between 4 and 14% also give little chance of natural fertilization; a percentage below 4 gives no hope.

In this case, artificial insemination or intensive treatment is prescribed. Tetraspermia and IVF are not incompatible.

What Kruger deviations are considered abnormal?

There are some norms from which men's health should not deviate:

  1. a forked, twisted, short tail, responsible for the motility of the sperm, otherwise it will not be able to “fight” for the egg;
  2. an undeveloped sperm head, a double, thickened or deformed head does not allow it to break into the egg in order to exclude the birth of a defective baby;
  3. a thick, thin or incorrectly attached neck does not allow passage into the egg and makes the sperm inactive.

Some experts believe that an improperly developed sperm will not be able to penetrate the egg, which rules out pathologies, but modern research into the causes of the birth of children with diseases suggests the opposite.

Treatment of pathology

Teratozoospermia is not a death sentence for a woman and her husband; the birth of children is possible by contacting a competent specialist.

First of all, problems must be found due to which a man cannot have children; doctors focus on treating this disease.

For example, inflammatory processes often occur in the body, the doctor prescribes a course to get rid of this problem and the percentage of viable sperm increases.

It is also often necessary to treat grade 3 (dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord).

Sometimes it is enough to take a course of vitamins, because vitamin deficiency can cause the production of abnormal material. Often, a small amount of vitamin D causes abnormal behavior of sperm.

The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Speman;
  • SpermActin;
  • Speroton;
  • Spermaplant.

Typically, treatment lasts three months, after which the doctor sends the spouses for repeated tests.

Opportunities for successful IVF with teratozoospermia

When treatment does not bring the desired result, the doctor prescribes IVF for teratozoospermia. What are the chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby?

Before prescribing this procedure, the woman is examined, since not everyone can take the necessary medications.

If pathologies in the structure of the pelvic organs, as well as diseases of the kidneys, liver and intestines, are found, IVF is contraindicated, it is replaced.

Ladies who are too thin or too fat are also at risk, so before deciding on artificial insemination, you need to think about your own health.

After the specialist has given the go-ahead for IVF, the woman is prepared before the procedure.

It happens as follows:

  1. inducing superovulation (production of not one, but several follicles);
  2. collecting material and placing it in a special environment;
  3. observation of spermatozoa, if they behave sluggishly, is carried out;
  4. caring for the egg and sperm for several days;
  5. transfer of the organism to the uterus;
  6. control over the passage.

Sometimes several embryos are implanted at once; with the consent of the parents, a substance is injected into the unnecessary ones, which breaks down its cells.

Artificial insemination for teratozoospermia is carried out when the percentage of healthy sperm exceeds 6.

This is a safe way to get pregnant, although the chances are the least high compared to in vitro fertilization.


- this is a diagnosis that many couples are afraid of, but modern medicine has found a solution in which the healthiest sperm are selected, fused with the egg and injected into the uterus - IVF and ICSI.

These methods will only be effective if they are carried out correctly; specialists from many clinics are improving their skills in this area, so now men diagnosed with teratozoospermia can become dads.

Video: Video from a microscope - oligozoospermia, teratozoospermia

One of the most important conditions for successful natural conception is a large number of healthy, morphologically correct sperm. A condition in which the number of pathological sperm exceeds the permissible norm is called teratozoospermia.

Types of disease

The reasons leading to changes in sperm morphology can be both diseases and lifestyle
Depending on the location of the pathology, the following types of teratozoospermia are distinguished:

1. Tail changes, which lead to difficulty in the movement of the cell along the female genital tract and thereby complicate its meeting with the egg:

  • insufficient size;
  • twist;
  • plurality.

2. Head changes, which are considered the most severe pathologies, since they make it difficult for sperm to penetrate into the egg, the formation of a fertilized egg and increase the likelihood of miscarriages and frozen pregnancies:

  • abnormal size (too big or small);
  • irregular shape (in the form of a circle or cone);
  • increase in quantity;
  • changes in the front part, called the acrosome;
  • abnormalities of chromatin (DNA complex), which normally must be reliably protected to protect DNA from external influences during movement through the genital tract.

3. Cervical changes, which affect the mobility of the tail:

  • lack of symmetry when fastening;
  • changes in the midsection (too thick or thin);
  • obtuse angle.

Teratozoospermia index

Sperm defects are very often multiple in nature, which is why there is such a thing as the teratozoospermia index, sometimes called the multiple anomaly index. It is used to calculate the average number of abnormal changes per sperm. This is necessary in order to formulate a fertility prognosis.

If the teratozoospermia index is 1, this means that there is an average of 1 defect per cell. A value from 1 to 1.6 is considered normal.

Main reasons

Many reasons that can cause teratozoospermia can be grouped into several groups:

1. Diseases of the testicles and appendages of various types:

  • infectious viral (orchitis, mumps, emididymitis, as well as sexually transmitted diseases);
  • pathologies of the circulatory system (varicocele);
  • benign and malignant tumors.

2. Diseases of the vas deferens with or without obstruction (for example, cysts).

3. Endocrine changes, including systemic diseases - for example, diabetes mellitus.

4. Genetic reasons.

5. External factors:

  • intoxication of any nature (alcohol, chemical, nicotine and others);
  • exposure to radiation;
  • exposure to high temperatures;
  • stress.

Thus, the reasons influencing the appearance of teratozoospermia are largely identical to those that determine the development of other sperm pathologies - oligozoospermia, pyospermia.

What tests should I take?

The most important analysis that will determine the presence of pathology is. The diagnosis of “teratozoospermia” is made if at least two spermograms confirm the presence of a large number of abnormal sperm. In this case, the interval between tests should be at least 2-3 weeks, and it is better to take them in different laboratories.

Acceptable norms for the content of abnormal sperm depend on the assessment methods used in a particular laboratory. So, if during a normal study under a microscope their proportion should not exceed 50%, then when using the Kruger method, a figure of 70% is allowed, and if strict Kruger criteria are applied - 85%.

In addition, before starting treatment for teratozoospermia in men, the doctor must establish the reasons that caused it. For this purpose, blood tests (biochemical, hormones, etc.), ultrasound and other studies are prescribed.

How to treat teratozoospermia

Folk remedies are an addition to drug and surgical treatment.

Is it possible to cure teratozoospermia? The answer largely depends on the reasons that caused its appearance and on the degree of development of the process. If we are talking about harmful external influences, poor diet and lifestyle, then treatment primarily consists of eliminating these factors.

In the presence of obstruction, surgical intervention is required, in case of infectious diseases - viral and antibacterial therapy, in case of endocrine diseases - regulation of hormonal levels. In addition, general strengthening agents and minerals are effective - folic acid, L-carnitine, iodomarin, selenium, zinc and others. Treatment with folk remedies as an additional treatment is also acceptable; The quality of the seed is increased by pumpkin juice, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, and honey.

Is it possible to get pregnant naturally?

The likelihood of pregnancy occurring naturally depends largely on how many morphologically abnormal sperm are found in the ejaculate. However, it is important to remember that it is advisable to plan pregnancy only after complete recovery, since, as mentioned above, teratozoospermia contributes to the formation of fetal abnormalities, which lead to frozen pregnancies and miscarriages. If natural pregnancy does not occur, it is recommended to consider the possibility in which morphologically correct sperm are selected for fertilization.

The number of married couples who are unable to conceive a child is growing every day. This phenomenon is facilitated by many different factors, both external (ecology, harmful conditions at work, stress, decreased material security, etc.) and internal (pathological disorders in the body of a man and woman planning a child). Male infertility is being diagnosed more and more often. One of its causes is teratozoospermia - a condition in which the number of pathological forms of sperm in the ejaculate (sperm released during one ejaculation) exceeds 50%.

Normal spermogram

A spermogram is an analysis of the ejaculate (the fluid released during ejaculation) in order to determine its main characteristics. The analysis allows us to identify the presence of inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system or male infertility. A single spermogram analysis is not always enough to determine the cause of the disease, but it is the simplest and most accessible method that allows you to detect the problem.

A spermogram determines the number of sperm, their structure, the percentage of young forms of sperm, the number of leukocytes or other cells that may be present in the ejaculate. In addition to the number and percentage of cells, it is mandatory to determine the general characteristics of sperm: volume, appearance, color, viscosity, liquefaction period and pH.

In addition to the above characteristics, if necessary, the biochemical composition is determined: the amount of fructose, alpha-glucosidase, zinc, L-carnitine.

According to the standards of the World Health Organization, which were published in 2010, the standard spermogram is:

Total ejaculate volume – from 1.5 ml and above
Total number of sperm – from 39 million and above
In one milliliter the sperm concentration is 15 million or more
Overall sperm motility is 40% and above
Spermatozoa with progressive movement of 32% and above
Viable organisms from 58% and above
Morphologically normal forms from 4% and above.

Preparing for a semen analysis

Compliance with certain rules plays a very important role in obtaining correct spermogram results:

1. Diet. During the week before the spermogram, it is recommended to exclude fried, fatty foods and coffee from the diet. After all, their use can reduce the normal activity of sperm and the total amount of sperm in the ejaculate. You also need to make sure you take enough fortified foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, meat and fish).
2. Abstinence from sexual intercourse. Two days before taking a spermogram, it is recommended to exclude sexual intercourse, but please note that the period of abstinence should not exceed one week. With a long absence of sexual intercourse, a large number of immobile and old forms of sperm accumulate in the ejaculate, which have already lost the ability to fertilize.
3. Refusal to drink alcohol. Experts recommend a week before taking a spermogram to stop taking alcohol or drugs, as this leads to a change in the structure of the germ cells and significantly reduces their activity. Consequently, the spermogram results will be underestimated.
4. Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in men, they are a contraindication for taking a spermogram, since the results will be erroneous. This means that you must first undergo a course of treatment, and then, in case of recovery, take a spermogram. The recommended period for taking a spermogram after recovery is 7 days, because during this time the drugs are completely removed from the man’s body and the normal functioning of the reproductive system is restored.
5. If you have colds or other respiratory infections, which were accompanied by a significant rise in temperature, treatment is carried out, and only after 7-10 days a spermogram is taken. This is due to the fact that when a man’s body temperature rises above 37°C, the process of sperm maturation and the condition of seminal fluid are disrupted. The normal temperature for sperm maturation is 34.6-35.6°C.
6. It is necessary to avoid visiting a sauna or bathhouse. before taking the analysis.
7. Significant physical activity should be avoided on the body because they lead to the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles and tissues, which can affect the results of the spermogram.
8. It is recommended to avoid stress on the eve of the test, because they disrupt the hormonal balance of the whole body.
9. Cancel prostate massage session before taking a spermogram if it is prescribed to the patient.
10. Immediately on the day of the test, the patient should be well rested, After all, you need a normal erection.

The procedure for collecting ejaculate can be carried out both in hospital and at home. The latter option is more acceptable, but experts recommend the first. This is due to the fact that when performing the procedure at home, the reliability of the results decreases. It is also worth noting that ejaculation should occur as a result of masturbation, because when using the method of interrupting sexual intercourse, secretions from the female genital organs may be detected in the ejaculate, which distorts the result.

Teratozoospermia in spermogram

In cases where more than 50% of pathological forms of sperm are detected in the spermogram, they speak of teratozoospermia. Depending on what part of the sperm is damaged (changed), There are several forms of it:

Changes in the sperm head: too small or large, the presence of two or more heads in one sperm, altered shape of the head, disturbances in its chromatin or acrosome.
Changes in the tail of the sperm: two or more in one sperm, too short or curled.
Changes in the sperm neck: improper attachment, thickening or thinning of its middle part, obtuse angle of the neck.

Teratozoospermia: an accurate indicator of pathology

To more accurately determine the number of pathological forms of sperm in the ejaculate, the ITZ indicator is used - the teratozoospermia index. This index is calculated by dividing the total number of sperm defects by the number of all pathological forms in the ejaculate. The ITZ will be equal to one in the case when one sperm has only one defect. Therefore, ITS is 2.0 or 3.0 when the sperm has two or three pathologies in its structure.

In the IVF clinic in Vladimir, you can take a spermogram, determine the ITD and carry out the IVF procedure.

Reasons why teratozoospermia occurs

There are several leading etiological factors that cause teratozoospermia in men. These include:

1. Hormonal disorders. These disorders can occur due to malfunctions of the endocrine system in a man, or in the case of taking hormonal drugs. Hormonal drugs are used for therapeutic purposes or to improve physical performance (gaining muscle mass, professional sports). But despite this, hormonal causes are not the leading causes of teratozoospermia.
2. Viral infectious diseases of the genitourinary system in men. Mumps (mumps) suffered in childhood, which caused orchitis - inflammation of the testicles is often the cause of male infertility. In addition to mumps, there are a large number of other diseases that lead to teratozoospermia, including herpes viral infections. Their number is growing every day.
3. Inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system, both acute and chronic.
4. Hereditary diseases, which are most often transmitted through the male line. Therefore, if there was infertility in the male family, then the likelihood of infertility in male descendants is much higher than in others.
5. Exposure to harmful environmental factors, including radiation exposure of varying degrees, can cause the appearance of such pathological changes as teratozoospermia.
6. Bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs negatively affects the functioning of the genital organs, disrupting the process of spermatogenesis (the formation and maturation of sperm, as well as the formation of seminal fluid). If a married couple is planning a child, it is recommended that both spouses give up bad habits a few months in advance.
7. Diseases of internal organs, which are accompanied by impaired enzyme metabolism.
8. Stress. It has long been established that prolonged nervous tension and constant stress negatively affect the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. The male reproductive system is no exception.

Teratozoospermia and the possibility of pregnancy

In order to determine the likelihood of becoming pregnant if a man has teratozoospermia, it is necessary to take a spermogram several times. The higher the percentage of sperm with pathological changes, the less likely it is to conceive.

It is very important to identify the cause of teratozoospermia and undergo a course of treatment.

In some cases, in severe forms of teratozoospermia, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is necessary.

Teratozoospermia: treatment

The features and effectiveness of treatment directly depend on the factors that led to its occurrence. In the case where teratozoospermia occurs due to an inflammatory disease of the genital organs, treatment begins with the elimination of inflammatory processes. If the cause of the problem is nervous stress or exposure to external factors, then measures are taken to reduce them as much as possible and the tests are repeated after some time.

Regardless of the cause of teratozoospermia, all patients are prescribed medications that improve sperm production. These include: selenium, zinc, folic acid, verona, spermactin, tribestan, etc.

Prognostically unfavorable in the treatment of male infertility, including teratozoospermia, are advanced cases of diseases of the male genital organs, leading to atrophy of testicular tissue, or serious injuries.

Teratozoospermia is an acquired disease that is provoked by a number of factors. Among them:

  • Taking hormonal drugs, which results in hormonal imbalances. Most often, this problem occurs in athletes who take hormones to gain muscle mass, as well as to improve athletic performance.
  • Viral infections of the genitourinary system can provoke such disorders. Herpes is one of the most common viruses that provoke teratozoospermia.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (orchitis, epididymitis, prostatitis) can also lead to the development of this disease.
  • A predisposition to teratozoospermia is observed in patients suffering from varicocele - varicose veins of the testicle.

All these factors can cause the development of teratozoospermia. In addition, this pathology can also be caused by such reasons as an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, which include smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. High background radiation, high air temperature, overexertion and stress can also provoke the development of the disease.

Probability of fertilization

How high the ability of the ejaculate to fertilize an egg will be depends primarily on its composition. The higher the percentage of abnormal sperm, the lower the chance of getting pregnant. If, for example, the abnormal sperm count is 70%, the chance of fertilization will be 30%.

Diagnosis of teratozoospermia

First of all, to detect this problem, it is necessary to perform a spermogram. It should be noted that data obtained as a result of at least two or more similar studies are considered reliable.

At the same time, it is necessary to undergo examination for the presence of infectious and other diseases. This is due to the fact that many diseases that cause this pathology progress quite quickly.

Thus, teratozoospermia is an unambiguous indication for contacting a highly qualified urologist, who will promptly perform the entire range of necessary tests and examinations. The Clinic of Modern Medicine has the necessary technical base to carry out a range of diagnostic measures.

Teratozoospermia: principles of treatment

Treatment of teratozoospermia directly depends on what causes its development:

  • if, for example, the primary disease is inflammation, appropriate anti-inflammatory therapy will be required;
  • If the disease is caused by a stressful state of the body, a consultation with a psychotherapist and others will be required to solve the problem.

At the same time, there is a set of drugs that require taking regardless of what caused the development of this pathology. They improve sperm secretion. A doctor prescribes a similar vitamin and mineral complex based on test results.

Teratozoospermia is a disease that can be treated if correct and timely therapy is prescribed. At the Clinic of Modern Medicine you will find professional urologists with extensive experience in treating this disease in men.