Dad tells how his life changed after the birth of his child - I didn’t sleep, but my wife slept... How Americans put their white wives under blacks How can you put a wife under another

read more carefully:

You shouldn’t smile quietly. But you should read more carefully what I’m about to send:
Many people are interested in the question: does prostatitis occur in women? About 90% of people will simply laugh at this, because even from the anatomy course at school, everyone knows the differences in the structure of the reproductive systems of men and women. Despite the fact that women do not have a prostate gland, just like men, they can suffer from diseases that are classified in medical circles as female prostatitis.

The fact is that in women there is an analogue of the male prostate gland, which doctors consider a vestigial organ, since it is not found in all representatives of the fairer sex - this is the Skene gland. The organ located on the back wall of the urethra produces a secretion that is analogous to that produced by the prostate gland. Inflammation of the Skene gland is called female prostatitis. Another analogue of male prostatitis in women is adnexitis, or inflammation of the uterine appendages, which can be caused by pathogens entering these organs.

How to determine that a girl has prostatitis? What features do these diseases have? How does prostatitis affect women and can it be treated without serious consequences for their health? These are the most frequently asked questions by patients, because, in fact, very little is known about this disease in women.

judging by what you said, you don’t know

A wife's story for other normal families without complexes.
Hello everyone from America! I don’t know how to write, and I don’t know how to invent, so I’ll write as best I can, but the very truth. If anyone is offended by my words, then do not be offended - there is no need to be offended by the truth. Or better yet, don't read it. I know everything that is written firsthand. I want to share this with other families. You don't have to believe me, I'm not going to force anyone.

My name is Tatyana Sergeevna, but where I live, a middle name is not needed. I'm talking about America. Exactly eight years ago, my husband and I moved to Arkansas from a Russian city. He was offered a highly paid job in a narrow field. He’s smart, he was paid well, and within a year we managed to get our own apartment building, a garage, two cars and send our girls to a normal school. Let me describe myself for convenience. Now I’m 41, my figure remains good, my breasts are real and still full, although they hang down a little, size three, my butt is soft, fleshy and sticks out like a woman’s semicircles back, my hips are wide, my shoulders are narrow, my arms have almost lost their elasticity, my tummy is very small. For a Russian, I look very good, compared to the Americans, and even more so by a thousand points. My face is beautiful with graceful features: a thin nose, expressive lips, elastic cheeks, light eyes.

Why am I writing? I am writing to tell the truth on the topic of interracial sex and how it affected our Russian family. My husband and I met when he was already working and I was finishing college. Then they quickly got married, I gave birth to a girl, and then another. At first, sex was difficult for us; children and childbirth mostly took up everything. When I turned 30, I felt that I just wanted to fuck like a bitch in heat. My body needed it so much to feel like a full-fledged woman. My husband gave it to me, as it seemed to me then. He could have sex with me for an hour with two smoke breaks. Then I went to the bathroom, helped myself with my hand, tubes of cream and a shower.

Three years later we moved to America. At first I was confused. The sensations cannot be described, they must be experienced. My mouth was full of worries, a green card, documents for children, searching for housing, papers for a house. About a year was spent on all this, then life began to improve and return to a normal state, so that my husband worked, I sat at home, took the children to school, picked them up, and cooked. And on Saturday I was waiting for a legal marital holiday for my furry woman, but it did not satisfy me. Physically, my husband is strong, he has always loved sex, I tightly clasp him with my thumb and middle fingers, he is 19 centimeters long and thick in width. He was proud, he had something to be proud of. And he loved me and wanted me as a woman. He didn’t cheat, I know it and every wife knows it. If there are suspicions, then he goes to the left, if he does not give a reason, then he goes to the right. We had a happy, strong family with a beautiful, faithful wife, a caring, responsible husband and two children.

Actually, I’m writing this as a white married whore for blacks. In America they say If taste black newer come back - once you try black, there is no turning back. I tried, it’s true - there is no way back to the whites or to my husband. Over time, all the bridges are burned to the ground. Everyone knows that a lot of porn is produced where they show a husband who voluntarily puts his luxurious white wife under one or more blacks, and he himself just watches. This is not fiction. This is true. I don't know how this happens in Europe, but in America it is the same in most families. This is the norm of modern sexual relations. When my husband and I first started learning about interracial sex on the Internet, we were stunned! Thousands of sites are filled with white husbands who ask blacks to fuck their wives (usually blondes) in all their holes! In reality, it happens like this: the husband makes an agreement by correspondence with the blacks, they come at the agreed time and fuck his wife right at home in the marital bed wherever they want, in all the holes. Even if the husband is against it, he is not asked, because he is a white sucker - a sissy boy, and they are a group of healthy black brothers - bros - with pumped up arms and tattoos. The husbands shut up and film everything. There is nothing else left for them. I myself personally know about a hundred such families and a couple of hundred more through constant correspondence, for whom everything happens like this. Many blacks, who should be called African-Americans on TV here, work as black stallions. They are fuckers of white married wives. They usually do not do this for free, they are paid money. White husbands work normal jobs every day, think about taxes, pay all family expenses, take care of children, pay off the mortgage on the house, are tired in the evenings and the only entertainment they can do is sip beer and barbecue. Blacks, on the contrary, take care of themselves, go to gyms, hang out at each other’s apartments all day, play basketball, ride in cars, write their own raps, and smoke. Then white husbands pay them money to watch as their wives are turned into a group of white trash ho - this translates as a dirty white whore.

If you don't live in America, maybe you are surprised and don't believe it. But almost all or all seemingly normal American families live this way. And whoever comes here is also bound to be drawn into such a life sooner or later. This is no one's fault. It’s just that whites live next door to blacks all their lives, watch films where blacks are cool and arrogant - even in family comedies they show this. White husbands get tired of responsible jobs and cannot cope with marital duty, but black husbands have it in their genes to have time to put more white meat on their big black dick.
By the way, blacks always have bigger penises than whites. Many people don’t believe it, but I have considerable experience and I know for sure. When I tried it with black, I realized that my husband’s 19 centimeters was not a penis, it was a child’s toy, unworthy of a normal healthy woman. It’s a shame, I feel sorry for men, but women are lying when they say that size doesn’t matter. Or they've never tried a real BBC. Blacks also have the ability to have sex. They sing and dance well, their faces are ugly, but they fuck without a break, and if they cum, they don’t fall off! It’s not for nothing that their husbands pay them, because they will always make the woman cum 10 times and flood the marital bed under the black man with her juice. You can cum 10 times only with a black man and with no one else. They have huge dicks and they never get tired. Age is also unimportant, my husband put me under the old 50 years old and the young 20 years old, but they didn’t stop the same, they only fucked me. From an early age, they do not waste time, but already begin to fuck all the white neighbors older than themselves and peers in the area. If they cum, they immediately push it back again and constantly jerk themselves off with their hands without a break. No white man can do this and is blown away. I know this from our friends. There, some wives at first had a lot of experience with white lovers and Mexicans, but when they tried black ones, they understood what was what.

The white husbands have been dealt with, they all want to live with their wife, who is a dirty white whore. Blacks almost never marry whites, even if they are very beautiful. They constantly find themselves fat black women, they give birth to many children for them, cook dinners, and at this time their husbands constantly visit white women and stuff them with their seed. There is no need for them to choose one when every white is ready to wave to the black. Why are we doing this in America? It's time to talk about us, willing white cheaters, white meat, white whores for blacks, white bitches. Again, this is no one’s fault except nature. Women need stability for their children. White husbands give it. When there is stability, women need good sex. Only blacks can give it. They always behave impudently, constantly spank the ass, they are, after all, luxurious with their trained bodies, like breeding horses, and therefore we easily give ourselves over to them completely, swinging into any hole they want. Usually it's at the back. This is the biggest chic for a black man - to stretch and pour into the white ass of a married woman. Any white woman always flows at the sight of a black one. You see, blacks have one instinct programmed in their genes - to tear up every white person. And white women are programmed with two instincts: to find a wealthy husband for their children, and then to give themselves to blacks.

Queen Of Spades Tatiana

It just so happened that both of our grandmothers live far from us. In addition, one cannot leave the household for a long time, and the other has serious health problems - she cannot count on help. Both grandmothers are tormented by their conscience, but we, as best we can, convince them that they are not guilty of anything.

When we started planning for a child, we understood that we would have to rely only on ourselves. Since I was the initiator of the idea of ​​becoming parents, I, of course, promised that I would help as much as possible with the child.

First months

We took courses together and prepared to give birth together. But everything went wrong - instead of giving birth there was a cesarean section, and the child ended up in intensive care... But that's a different story.

When, finally, almost two weeks after the birth of our daughter, we arrived home as a full-fledged family, those same sleepless nights began.

In fact, they were relatively sleepless - it was interrupted sleep. Even in the hospital, we realized that the only way for a mother to get enough sleep is to sleep with the child.

My daughter woke up in the middle of the night - her diapers needed to be changed. Since the child exhausts the mother around the clock, I decided that at least at night she should rest.

Therefore, I took on the responsibility of changing diapers at night. As soon as he heard the baby’s cry at night, he took her out from under his wife’s breast, undressed her, changed the diaper, dressed her, put her back under his wife’s breast and went to bed.

Once, I remember, I was so sleepy that I almost dropped my daughter. Fortunately, I caught it, and it was already above the bed.

As a result, based on the number of hours, I seemed to sleep well, but interrupted sleep was making itself felt. I really wanted to sleep at work. So, by the way, I got hooked on morning coffee.

Early years

The daughter grew up, frequent awakenings gave way to strange night vigils, when the baby woke up at three in the morning and simply did not want to fall asleep. She also did not succumb to motion sickness at such moments, and I took her to another room, where I entertained her in every possible way until she began to show signs of sleep.

In the evening, I also put my daughter to bed first; my wife replaced me if the baby didn’t want to fall asleep in my arms. It happened that they changed each other two or three times, until the child finally began to snore sweetly. My daughter’s ability to fall asleep became much worse after weaning.

Sleep finally returned to normal after the age of three. But I still go to bed. It’s often convenient for me to go to bed with my daughter so I can get up early to work in the morning.

If there are urgent matters in the evening, I ask my wife to put me to bed.

What's all this for?

It so happened that fate brought me together with a guy who had a daughter around the same time as me. There was a general topic of conversation. In one of the conversations, my new acquaintance cheerfully said that he was now sleeping in another room. Because otherwise, they say, it’s impossible to get enough sleep: the daughter screams, the wife changes her diapers, then feeds her.

Seriously? - I asked. - Does your wife get enough sleep?

No,” he hesitated a little, “but I have to go to work.”

Do you think she doesn’t work when she carries her little one in her arms all day at home, on the street, in the store?

Well, this is completely different...

I just waved my hand.

I could only imagine how many complaints he would have against his wife later, that she, for example, did not want to make love. Where will she get the desire if she is squeezed like a lemon? And how will she look at him, her husband, if he left her alone with her problems? Is this child just hers or what?

Men, don't do this.

What to do if your spouse constantly repeats: “If you want, change”? What makes a loving husband push his wife into adultery? And how to return harmony to married life?

Woman cheating

Few people like jealous people. In the end, women simply vitally need the attention of men - at least for purely preventive purposes. But what should you do if your spouse, on the contrary, pushes you to cheat, constantly repeating: “If you want, cheat”?

It turns out that there are even more such provocateurs than pathological jealous people. Practicing psychologists explain this behavior as a syndrome of provoked betrayal.

Woman cheating

“Strange as it may seem, the syndrome of provoked betrayal is observed in marriages where both spouses sincerely love each other and have no intention of cheating,” says psychologist Larisa Novikova. “Usually we are talking about fairly mature people: both partners are already over 25, the man is over I already had the experience of a long-term relationship, and no one seemed to give anyone any reason to think about cheating. But then one day my wife hears: “I don’t mind you cheating on me.”

How can such a thought occur to an exemplary family man? There may be several explanations.

    The man is much older than his wife and is afraid that sooner or later he will stop satisfying her in the intimate sphere. To relieve the growing psychological tension, he... casually starts a conversation about the fact that cheating in their relationship is quite acceptable. And at the same time he is afraid that his wife will follow his advice. Gradually he becomes a slave to his own fears.

    A young man began to have problems with potency, which he is afraid to admit to his wife, and he does not dare to go to the doctor. Often we are talking about banal prostatitis, but men, frightened by television advertising, are terrified of being diagnosed as “impotent”, so they try not to tell anyone about their problems. The further flow of thought coincides with the logic of the previous paragraph.

  1. The man suffered psychological trauma as a child- betrayal by close women. For example, the mother abandoned the family or devoted more time to one of the other children. Having become an adult, such a person does not believe in the sincerity of relationships with the female sex. And he is so afraid of losing his other half that he suggests cheating on her.

Woman cheating

  1. A man loves his wife, but at the same time he wants variety. Paradoxical but true: some people are really turned on by cheating wives. Psychologists call this the Madonna-Whore complex. Its essence is that after many years of marriage, a man begins to treat his wife as a second mother. As a result, erotic attraction leaves the relationship. To save the marriage, the husband subconsciously strives to make the image of his wife more carnal and down-to-earth. How? Imagining that she cheated on him, of course.

Woman cheating

Provoked Cheating Syndrome has an interesting side effect. By allowing his wife to cheat, a man immediately relieves himself of tension. This psychological relief makes him feel better, and his potency amazingly improves. Noticing this, the delighted wife begins to tell her husband stories about how, when and with whom she allegedly cheated on him. If the wife does not consider it necessary to play along with her husband, he himself finds a lot of evidence of his wife’s betrayal.

However, an attempt to relieve tension in such an intricate way only aggravates the situation: the man stresses himself out more and more, because he loves his wife, and provoking betrayal is only a consequence of deep-seated complexes and self-doubt. Scandal follows scandal. The logical consequence of such a situation is usually separation.

How to break the vicious circle?

    Don’t take your husband’s words literally and don’t change them. On the contrary, prove to him every day that he is the one and only. Try to expand your social circle, go out together more often, but at the same time try to pay attention only to him.

    Change your image. Try role-playing games. The advice may be banal, but effective. The sight of a wife in a robe, slippers, curlers and a cucumber mask on her face can excite few people.

    Arrange a scene of jealousy for your husband. In moderate doses, jealousy flatters vanity. You will prove to him that you not only value him, but also consider him attractive to other women.

    Say you plan to have a bunch of kids. The best insurance against betrayal for such a man is a promise to make him the father of many children.

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