Presentation in English on the topic "famous people". Presentation "famous women of Russia" Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev

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The first Russian scientist is a natural scientist of world significance, a poet who became the founder of the modern Russian language, an artist, a historian, a champion of the development of national science and culture, who was practically illiterate until the age of 9. You can name it without difficulty. (Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.)

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This is a Russian physicist - the creator of the hydrogen bomb. Like many scientists, imagining the catastrophic consequences of the use of their terrible developments, he advocated a ban on nuclear weapons testing. A prominent public figure, he saw the further development of mankind only in uniting the efforts of countries in the fight against global problems; he opposed the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, for which he was deprived of all government awards. The European Parliament has established a prize for humanitarian work in the field of human rights, named after him. Who is this scientist - academician and public figure-human rights activist? (Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov.)

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The most famous Russian general practitioner, one of the founders of the clinic of internal diseases as a scientific discipline in Russia, the founder of the largest school of Russian clinicians. A famous Moscow hospital is named after him, as is an infectious disease. (Sergei Petrovich Botkin.)

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The great Russian biologist, from 1931 to 1940, was the president of the All-Russian Geographical Society, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the founder of the modern doctrine of the biological foundations of selection and the doctrine of the centers of origin of cultivated plants, who was repressed for his commitment to genetics in Stalin's times. (Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov.)

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The name of this Russian scientist of the 19th century should be well known to young chemists, for he is the founder of the Russian scientific school of organic chemistry. Thanks to his discoveries (the reaction for producing aromatic amines), synthetic dyes, aromatic substances, and medicines are now produced. Who is this famous chemist? (Nikolai Nikolaevich Zimin.)

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The machine guns and machine guns of this Russian designer, born in 1919, are still considered the best in the world. The armies of many countries are armed with them. You can easily name the name of this inventor. (Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.)

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The founder of the complex of modern earth sciences - geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology, hydrogeology, etc., are named after his theories that served as the basis for the formation of a modern scientific picture of the world, for example, the doctrine of the biosphere, living matter and the evolution of the biosphere into the noosphere, the doctrine of the relationship of nature and society, which influenced the formation of modern environmental consciousness. The Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences is also named in his honor. Who is this great scientist of Russia? (Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.)

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On April 12, 1961, a new era of space exploration began. And it is connected with the name of a simple Russian pilot... Who is this person, and what event happened on this day? (Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, the first manned flight into space.)

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The most famous Russian physicist of the 20th century, the creator of the Soviet physics school, a pioneer in semiconductor research, who experimentally proved the existence of ion permeability in crystals, he made a great contribution to the use of semiconductors. His students were such great physicists as A.P. Aleksandrov, P.L. Kapitsa, G.V. Kurdyumov, I.V. Kurchatov and many others. Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of many government awards and prizes, corresponding member of world academies and universities. Died in 1960. (Abram Fedorovich Ioffe.)

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In 1889, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences named the first woman awarded the title of corresponding member, which was awarded to her for great success in the field of mathematics. In addition to her main works on mathematical analysis, mechanics and astronomy, she also wrote novels: “Nihilist”, “Childhood Memories”. What was the name of this talented woman? (Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya.)

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The name of this great scientist and designer of the 20th century is associated with the flights of ballistic missiles, the first artificial Earth satellites, and the first manned flight in history, the first spacewalk. Without a doubt, we can say that, along with Tsiolkovsky, he became the father of Russian cosmonautics. Who is this great man? (Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.)

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This academician, Russian physicist, three times Hero of the Soviet Union, became the organizer and leader of work on atomic science and technology. Under his direct leadership, the first domestic cyclotron was built, mine protection for ships was developed, Europe's first atomic reactor, the first atomic bomb in the USSR, and the world's first thermonuclear bomb were created. Who is this tamer of the “peaceful and non-peaceful” atom? (Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov.)

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During the Great Patriotic War, fighters created by a Russian aircraft designer, a major general in the aviation engineering service, who later developed a number of jet aircraft, destroyed the fascists in the sky. To give a hint about the name of this great Russian designer, we will give one of the names of the LAGG-3 fighters he created. (Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin.)

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The world's first cosmonaut is Yuri Gagarin. Who piloted the Voskhod-2 spacecraft, famous for the first spacewalk in history? (Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov.)

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The discovery of this Russian mathematician, published in 1826, did not receive recognition from his contemporaries, but it revolutionized the understanding of the nature of space. Who is this scientist who influenced the further development of mathematics as a whole? (Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky.)

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A versatile scientist of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. But he is known to the world, first of all, as the author of fundamental research in chemistry, chemical technology (what is one industrial method of fractional separation of oil worth), one of the types of smokeless gunpowder and a very interesting system that every schoolchild has seen... Who is this scientist, and What system are we talking about? (Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, periodic table of Mendeleev.)

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This famous Russian biologist and pathologist of the 19th century, one of the founders of immunology, the creator of a series of works devoted to the epidemiology of many diseases, paid great attention to the problem of aging, believing that old age, like any disease, can be treated. The founder of the Russian school of microbiologists and immunologists, he worked in Paris for many years. Streets and hospitals in many cities in Russia bear his name. Who is this great scientist? (Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov.)

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Supersonic aircraft, developed under the leadership of this aircraft designer, were and are in service with our army. This is a galaxy of MIG fighters, which at one time set 55 world records. Who is this design engineer? (Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan.)

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The most famous biologist-breeder, our fellow countryman, the author of many varieties of fruit and berry crops, who developed methods for their selection. Yes, those who are engaged in growing or breeding garden crops are often called by his name, or rather, by his surname. (Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin.)

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When we talk about instincts, we remember the person with whom everything conditional and unconditional in our life is connected. He is the founder of the largest physiological school of our time; his research on nervous activity had a huge influence on the development of physiology, medicine, psychology and pedagogy. Now you can easily name this scientist. (Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.)

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Do you know the person whose name is associated with the creation of a radio receiver and, in general, the principle of wireless information transmission? Here are his words: “I am proud that I was born Russian. And if not my contemporaries, then perhaps our descendants will understand how great my devotion to our homeland is and how happy I am that a new means of communication has been discovered not abroad, but in Russia.” (Alexander Stepanovich Popov.)

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Which woman was the first to conquer outer space? (Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova.)

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The great Russian aircraft designer, colonel general, developer of famous Russian aircraft, including the first passenger jet. His aircraft made 28 unique flights, one of which was the flight of V.P. Chkalov and M.M. Gromov through the North Pole to the USA. And to this day, airliners bearing the name of their creator carry passengers and cargo to distant points in Russia and many countries around the world. (Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev.)

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He is considered the founder of world astronautics. As a child, having lost his hearing, he independently pursued his education and worked until the end of his days as a physics and mathematics teacher in Kaluga. It was he who first substantiated the possibility of using rockets for interplanetary communications, and found a number of the most important engineering solutions for the design of rockets and liquid rocket engines. He also developed the so-called “cosmic philosophy”, the ideas of which formed the basis of Russian cosmism. Who is this scientist-inventor? (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.)

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These two serf factory owners, the Demidovs, father and son, became the first designers of steam engines, of which they produced more than 20 during their careers. And in 1834, the first steam locomotive was created. Now you can easily name the names of famous Russian inventors, who for a long time remained serfs of the Demidovs. (Efim Alekseevich and Miron Efimovich Cherepanov.)

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In Paris in 1878, the World Exhibition was held, at which a lighting system called “Russian light” was demonstrated. Do you know the great Russian electrical engineer to whom we owe this invention and use of the light bulb? (Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov.)

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This scientist made a huge contribution to the development of Earth science. He concluded that the largest part of solar radiation is absorbed by the World Ocean. This energy is spent mainly on the evaporation of water, causing its circulation. Therefore, the oceans, huge reservoirs of heat and moisture, play a gigantic role in shaping the Earth's climate. Along with the American scientist M.F. Mori, he became the founder of the doctrine of the interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere. (Emily Christianovich Lenz.)

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Presentation for the English lesson “Famous people” for 6th grade. UMK Biboletova M.Z. English teacher MBOU gymnasium No. 19 named after N.Z. Popovicheva, Lipetsk Zhaglina Tatyana Vladimirovna.

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Ex. 1 Daniel character desert adventure Robinson writer famous Defoe become pots main popular real island make Crusoe

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New words: poor health - poor health talented - talented earn - earn knighthood - Chivalry medicine - medicine keen - keen interested in - be interested in ghosts - ghosts

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Arthur Conan Doyle

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Ex. 2 Read the article and put the paragraphs into the correct order.

A It is surprising that with such a busy life Arthur had time for a family, but in 1885 he married Louise Hawkins and they had three children. They traveled all over the world until they returned to England because of Louise's poor health. She died in 1906. A year later, Doyle married Jean Leckie and moved to Sussex. B Most people love the stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, but not many people can tell you about the man who wrote them. His name was Arthur Conan Doyle. C Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a very talented man. His good work and his great books earned him a knighthood. age of 81. D He was born in Edinburgh on 22nd May, 1859 and was one of ten children. He did well at school, but didn't like it very much. He studied medicine and became a doctor. As well as a great writer, he was a good sportsman and a keen photographer. He was also interested in things like ghosts and fairies.

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Check your answer: Most people love the stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, but not many people can tell you about the man who wrote them. His name was Arthur Conan Doyle. He was born in Edinburgh on 22nd May, 1859 and was one of ten children. He did well at school, but didn't like it very much. He studied medicine and became a doctor. As well as a great writer, he was a good sportsman and a keen photographer. He was also interested in things like ghosts and fairies . It is surprising that with such a busy life Arthur had time for a family, but in 1885 he married Louise Hawkins and they had three children. They traveled all over the world until they returned to England because of Louise's poor health. She died in 1906. A year later, Doyle married Jean Leckie and moved to Sussex. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a very talented man. His good work and his great books earned him a knighthood. He died in 1930 at the age of 81.

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Famous people (Writing an article about a famous person)

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Books: "Five Weeks in a Balloon", "A Journey to the Center of The Earth", "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", "Around the World in Eighty Days", "From Earth to the Moon"

Jules Gabriel Verne, author (known as the grandfather of science fiction) 1828, Nantes, France -1905, Amiens, France

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Ex. 3 Listen and underline the correct word:

1 What did he study? Law/Medicine 2 When did he marry Honorine de Viane? 1857/ 1862 3 What did he work as? Lawyer/Stockbroker 4 What was his son's name? Michel/Jean 5 How many boats did he have? Two/Three 6 What were his hobbies? Sailing/Flying 7 What kind of person was he? Nervous/Intelligent 8 What kind of stories did he write? Science fiction/Historical 9 How old was he when he died?

Famous women of Russia. Alena Arzamas nun When the peasant uprising began under the leadership of Stepan Razin, she escaped from the monastery and created a combat detachment. About 300 people, obeying the fugitive nun, defeated more than one royal army. On April 16, 1963, the Vostok 5 spacecraft was launched. A crater on the Moon is named after Tereshkova, an honorary citizen of many cities around the world.

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THE PROJECT “FAMOUS PEOPLE OF RUSSIA” COMPLETED: 3-B grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in Sobinka Project leader: N.S. Mayorova

Sergius of Radonezh. One of the most revered Russian saints, founder of the Trinity-Sergius Larva. The Monk Sergius blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy before his battle on the Kulikovo Field. During the battle, St. Sergius prayed for victory and for the repose of the fallen soldiers, calling them by name, and finally told the brethren that the enemy had been defeated. It was with St. Sergius that the spiritual revival and the unification of Rus' began after hostility and civil strife.

Alexander Nevsky The name of Alexander Nevsky is one of the most glorious in the history of our country. He worked hard for the Russian land with his sword and his head - his contribution to the construction of the Russian state is priceless. As a commander, he can rightfully be considered great, for in his entire life he did not lose a single battle, defeated the strongest with small forces, and in his actions combined military genius with personal courage. His sword was never stained with Russian blood, and his name was not tarnished by participation in any strife. Alexander had exceptional qualities of mind and spirit.

Over the course of more than 35 years of rule, he managed to carry out many reforms in the field of culture and education. In the era of Peter I, many buildings for state and cultural institutions were erected, industry actively developed, trade expanded, the reunification of Ukraine and Russia and the development of Siberia turned Russia into the greatest state in the world. TSAR PETER THE FIRST

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov is a Russian scientist, academician and professor of chemistry at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. His works relate to mathematics, physics, chemistry, earth sciences, and astronomy. He also wrote a number of works on history, economics, and philology; Along with scientific research, Lomonosov was engaged in literary creativity and was the initiator of a wide variety of scientific, technical and cultural events aimed at the development of Russia and of paramount national importance. Moscow University is named after Lomonosov. The USSR Academy of Sciences established in 1956 the Gold Medal named after M.V. Lomonosov for outstanding work in the field of chemistry and other natural sciences

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov is the greatest Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career, one of the founders of Russian military art, holder of all Russian and many foreign military orders awarded at that time. Suvorov created an advanced system of education and training of troops. It was based on the belief that man is the decisive factor in victory. He sought to awaken in the soldiers a sense of national identity and love for the Motherland, to accustom them to courageous, proactive and skillful actions in a wide variety of combat conditions.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin is a Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest insignia of a number of states, an honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space. Starting from April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight into space was declared a holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

We are proud to live in a country of great people!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Teams sit in circles and have pieces of paper with team names and pens. The presenter gives tasks and tips. Children write answers on sheets of paper and hand them over to the teacher....

Today we will talk about a man who had incredible willpower and spirit. This is Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. (1) He was the first Russian physicist. (2) The first Russian chemist. The first historian of Russia. Pe...

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For some famous and famous people, Bezhetsk is their homeland. They were born here, whether in the city itself or in the village. It was the refugee land that gave birth to man, mysteriously gave him strength, gave him destiny, and spiritually nourishes him all his life.

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Arakcheev Aleksey Andreevich Russian statesman and military leader, baron (1797), count (1799), artillery general (1807). Until 1783, he repeatedly lived with his parents in Bezhetsk, where the family owned a city estate.

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Pushkin's closest friend and his publisher The most “Pushkin-esque” place in the Bezhetsk region is the village of Tebleshi. In this village, more than two hundred years ago, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Pletnev, one of Pushkin’s closest friends and publisher of his works, was born, spent his childhood here and wrote poems about Tebleshi. The great novel “Eugene Onegin” begins with a poetic dedication to Pletnev: “Without thinking of amusing the proud world, / Loving the attention of friendship...” Pyotr Aleksandrovich Pletnev -

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Artists Tyranov and Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich Samokhvalov is among the largest Russian artists of the Soviet period. And in some ways he is a unique artist, because it was he who created the first images of the new, Soviet people. Samokhvalov not only captured the features of their appearance, but he, first of all, sang them and immortalized them. Our fellow countryman Alexey Tyranov is not a great artist, but a true master. His works are in various museums across the country, including the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage, and the Russian Museum. He is a worthy student of the great Venetsianov and Bryullov.

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Novelist Vyacheslav Shishkov In Bezhetsk named after Shishkov V.Ya. named street, school, library.

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Bolshoi Theater soloist A.P. Ivanov People's Artist of the USSR, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater from 1938 to 1967, Alexey Petrovich Ivanov was born in the village of Chizhovo, Bezhetsk district.

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The famous balalaika player - Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev Andreev Vasily Vasilyevich, virtuoso balalaika player. Born in 1861 in the city of Bezhetsk, Tver province. In 1881, he began improving folk Great Russian musical instruments and formed in St. Petersburg, from fans of playing them, the so-called Great Russian orchestra of strings, winds, and percussion.

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All this is a whole world, consisting of several worlds. This is such a wealth of poetry, thoughts, destinies, facts, opinions and everything, everything, everything... Akhmatova, Akhmatova and Gumilev, one Gumilev, Akhmatova and Gumilev and their son

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Patron of the Bezhetsk region. His fate is very interesting. Vladyka was our contemporary and a clergyman of high rank. Saint Venerable Nektarios of Bezhetsk icon “Cathedral of Bezhetsk Saints”

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People in Bezhetsk should know widely about the outstanding teacher of Russian artistic geniuses, Pavel Petrovich Chistyakov. He himself was a remarkable artist, but his work at the Academy of Arts with V. Vasnetsov, Surikov, Polenov, Valentin Serov, Repin, Vrubel brought him all-Russian fame. Pavel Petrovich Chistyakov

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Viktor Sergeevich Popov is an outstanding choirmaster, artistic director of the Big Children's Choir of Television and Radio, refugee by birth, People's Artist of the USSR, professor, artistic director of the Academy of Choral Art. Viktor Sergeevich Popov