How to reschedule a 9 hour flight. How to endure a long flight - little tricks. Choose the best food

Even the shortest trip can be completely ruined by crying children, annoying neighbors or an uncomfortable place. But what if you are going, say, from Moscow to Sydney and the flight will take about a day? We have collected simple and effective tips on how not to turn air travel into an air nightmare.

An unsuccessful flight can overshadow several days at once and leave an unpleasant aftertaste from the entire trip. Of course, all hardships can be treated philosophically, but having paid a lot of money for tickets, you don’t want to meditate for 20 hours, trying to ignore a child’s cry or a neighbor laughing out loud at an old and not funny movie. In short, here are some tips on how to survive a long flight and leave the cabin in a good mood.

Book tickets in advance

This is clear without further ado: the earlier you buy a ticket, the more likely you are to get good seats. Not to mention their better value.

Sit in the back

If you don't have a favorite seat on the plane (or it's already taken), sit in the back seat. Usually everyone tries to sit in front, so you will have a chance for empty adjacent seats.

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Use your accumulated miles

If you have perks, don't be greedy and use them! You'll thank yourself for that as you sit back in your first-class chair with a glass of 2004 Chateau Latour and pretend to love caviar.

Prepare for jet lag

There are several tricks to avoid problems when changing time zones, or at least minimize this effect. A few days before the flight, start adjusting your body to the planned trip and the time zone of the destination country. Get a good rest before the flight: the myth that you need to stay up the night before the trip to prepare for the change of time does not work.

Pass control in advance

The last thing you want before a long and grueling flight is to jostling in line and panicking about missing your flight. Worse than actually being late for it.

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Relax before your flight

Eat breakfast slowly, go to the gym, read a book, go to the gym again: you will have to spend the next day in a sitting position, destroying a giant package of Toblerons.

Don't take too many things into the salon

Of course, for a long flight, you will need a lot more things on hand than with a 2-hour trip, but you don’t have to lug a bunch of electronics, gadgets, unread books and Duty Free booze into the cabin. The benefits of all this are much less than the inconvenience.

Be sure to take a pillow

Every airport sells pillows for travelers - it's just an indispensable thing for a long flight. It is better to look ridiculous in the eyes of other passengers than to earn neck problems.

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Your best friend is noise canceling headphones

If there are none on the farm, you can get by with high-quality earplugs.

Don't forget your sleep mask

It will definitely come in handy in the salon, especially during the daytime or if your neighbor has bright and annoying clothes.

Dress properly

The main thing is your comfort: do not think about how to impress others. Take care also of blankets and (why not?) pajamas.

Try to relax

Listen to soothing music, do breathing exercises. This is useful not only for normal sleep, but also for the psychological state in general. After all, if all else fails, Valium can come to the rescue.

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On a long flight, nowhere without a blanket

It makes no sense to take a very thick blanket with you: it will simply eat up all your luggage space. An ideal option would be a cashmere blanket or a special travel poncho cover (they are sold both at airports and on the Internet).

Download a couple of movies in reserve

Aircraft entertainment systems are not always reliable. Sometimes they stop working, so having a few movies in reserve on your tablet or phone is a must.

Charge your gadgets

The last thing you need is a tablet running out of power in the middle of the final episode of Fargo. Especially if there are still 11 hours of flight to the destination.

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Podcasts, podcasts and more podcasts

Pump up before the road as much as possible. In flight, podcasts of your favorite shows can be useful: audio playback does not drain the battery as quickly, and podcasts themselves are much more distracting than music.

Think health

Sitting all day in one place in a metal box is not good for the body. Added to this is dehydration with deep vein thrombosis - two of your main enemies when flying. Drink water regularly, stretch, walk around the salon.

Don't Forget About Hygiene

Take toiletries to the salon, brush your teeth, use deodorant, change clothes if necessary. The main thing is to do all this in the restroom, and not in the salon.

Get creative

How often do you get the opportunity to sit for about a day alone with your thoughts, without outside interference (well, almost without it)? Grab a notebook, sketchbook, or something like that with you and exercise your right brain.

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Work is a great distraction

If you brought a laptop with you, this is a great reason to do the work that you have been putting off for a long time. In addition, you will have the appearance of a solid international businessman who decides the fate of multi-million dollar contracts.

Take snacks with you

Airplane meals usually do not suffer from redundancy and variety, even during many hours of flights. When you have the urge to snack, energy bars, thrifty in your pocket, will instantly lift your spirits.

Change the clock

Once on board the plane, the first thing to do is set your watch to the time of your destination. Look at them periodically, get used to a different time zone and make plans based on the new time.


During many hours of air travel, alcohol is usually free. If there is absolutely nothing to do, why not have a few drinks and engage in an interesting (or not so) conversation with a neighbor? This will help kill at least an hour of time.

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Don't drink

Drinking alcohol at an altitude of 9-10 kilometers above the ground is not a good idea. Pressure, dizziness, nausea, dehydration. The list goes on.

Practice your "killer look"

Does the child scream loudly, act up and run down the aisle? Killer look. The guy in the back has been pushing your chair for three hours? Killer look. Neighbor loudly rude to the stewardess? Killer look. A multi-hour flight is a great place to practice. Train, improve it - such a look will come in handy.

Everyone is looking forward to the vacation time with special impatience and many dream of spending it abroad. The only thing that can slightly overshadow the joy of this event is a long flight. But there are some tips on how to reschedule an airplane flight easily and stress-free.

Of course, the most convenient seats are located in the business class, but, unfortunately, not everyone can afford such expensive tickets. You should not be upset, as in economy class you can fly with convenience and comfort. To do this, you need to study the scheme of the aircraft on which you will fly. You can do this by asking the booklet of the airline or directly on their website.

The most comfortable seats are the window seats, but as they are in high demand, they need to be booked in advance. Also, due to the large distance between the seats, it is quite comfortable to fly in places located at emergency exits.

If you have a long flight, it is better not to buy seats in the front row and rows next to the kitchen and toilets. The most convenient and safest seats are located at the tail of the aircraft, but you need to take into account the fact that in most cases the last row seats do not recline, which is not very comfortable on a long journey.

Choosing a seat on the plane (the picture is enlarged)

In order to competently prepare for a long flight, you need to choose comfortable clothes and shoes. You do not need to wear high-heeled shoes or a large platform on the plane. It is best to choose shoes with flat soles that do not bind the feet and do not have laces.

From clothes it is best to choose a loose-fitting outfit made from natural fabrics. It is better not to wear tight jeans or jackets on a long flight, as they will hinder your movements and make you uncomfortable. Mini skirts are also not suitable for long trips.

Also, you should take a warm jacket or blanket with you on the flight, as the air conditioners are always on in the plane.

Of course, alcoholic drinks can relax and calm you down, but they are very conducive to dehydration, which is a big problem during a flight, since at such an altitude the human body really needs water. In addition, during a long flight, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, so if you also take alcohol, it can become bad with your heart. It is especially not worth drinking alcoholic beverages on an airplane for an elderly person or a traveler suffering from venous diseases, as they can cause thrombosis.

It would be ideal if you can sleep well during the flight - then the journey will not seem so long and boring to you. But this is not so easy to do, as excitement and noise can interfere with you. But still, there are several ways that can help you fall asleep on an airplane.

  • Drink mint or chamomile tea.
  • Take a flight pillow, a sleep bandage and a blanket with you.
  • Put on a sleep mask and earplugs.
  • Take your player with you. If you can't distract yourself from the surrounding noise, then your favorite music can help.

It is very difficult to fly for many hours in the same position, so at least once an hour it is worth going out into the aisle and doing a little exercise. There is no need to embarrass other passengers, as those people who fly frequently will definitely understand you. Moreover, on some airlines, flight attendants themselves show kneading gymnastic exercises for passengers.

There are also exercises that can be done right in the chair. There is usually a brochure on every plane showing how to do this kind of exercise.

During the flight, the body is severely dehydrated, so people with dry skin should be especially prepared for a long flight. The day before the trip, apply a moisturizing mask to your face, which will saturate the skin with useful substances. Also, take a moisturizer or an express mask with you on the plane.

Tip #7 - Bring your motion sickness and ear blockers

Many people get motion sickness while flying, so it's a good idea to take pills or other anti-sickness remedies, like mints, with you on a long trip. In addition, there are some tips that people who get motion sickness on an airplane should heed:

  • Take a reclining position in a chair.
  • During takeoff, try to think about something distracting.
  • Do not read during the flight.
  • Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.
  • It is better not to drink carbonated drinks during the flight.

Also, some passengers face such a problem as stuffy ears during takeoff. This can be explained by a sharp pressure drop. In order to avoid this problem, you can purchase special earplugs in pharmacies that will help smooth out the pressure drop.

Tip #8 - Bring entertainment gadgets, books, etc.

In order to pass the time in flight and not succumb to boredom, you should take some entertainment with you. You can take a laptop, tablet device or player with you on board the aircraft in hand luggage. It is best to fully charge these devices before flying. You can also bring a book, a crossword magazine or some interesting little puzzles on board.

Tip number 9 - If you are flying with a child, then take care of his leisure

Flying in an airplane is sometimes a difficult test even for an adult. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance if you have a long flight with a child. For small children, bring along a sketchbook and crayons, as well as your child's favorite books to read to them.

For older children, you can bring various electronic gadgets with you, such as game consoles, tablets and smartphones. You can pre-install children's games or download cartoons on them.

You can also play cities, patties and other interesting sitting games with children.

Any long-distance flight is accompanied by a heavy load on the body, which is usually caused by prolonged sitting in chairs, a malfunction of the human biological clock and other negative factors. In this regard, there are several actionable tips on how to increase ease and comfort ...

How to reschedule a long flight

Any long-distance flight is accompanied by a heavy load on the body, which is usually caused by prolonged sitting in chairs, a malfunction of the human biological clock and other negative factors. In this regard, there are several actionable tips on how to increase the ease and comfort of the flight.

1. Drink as much liquid as possible, because. it is very difficult for a dehydrated body to cope with stress during a flight. In addition, the air in the plane is very dry. It is best to take still water and fruit juices with you. Never drink alcohol as it will only increase dehydration.

For frequent flights, it is recommended to have moisturizing face masks with you, as well as a special lens solution. A lip balm and hand cream will prevent dryness and peeling. Try to keep all hygiene products close to you. So you will not disturb the neighbors every time;

2. In the cabin of the aircraft, it is recommended to be in the most comfortable clothing made from natural materials. Remember, you will have to spend more than one hour in one place, so think first of all not about beauty and style, but about your comfort. This is especially true for shoes. In no case do not wear shoes with heels, because. they will only increase the load on the legs. Give preference to demi-season clothes and shoes so that you are neither hot nor cold. Keep in mind that the temperature on board is subject to regular fluctuations;

3. One of the most serious problems during long flights is deep vein thrombosis, which is the result of prolonged immobility and blood stasis. Try to get up from your seat as often as possible, do a warm-up and walk around the cabin (especially when flight attendants allow it). If you feel stiff legs, it is recommended to take off your shoes and do an exercise on your legs;

4. The most important tool for easy long-haul flight is good sleep. On the day of the flight, it is better to get up early, and on board the plane you should not fall asleep immediately: have a snack, read a book, listen to music and watch a video. So you can quickly fall asleep, and most of the flight will fly by unnoticed. To avoid distractions, put on a special blackout blindfold that most airlines issue, and also take a collar-shaped pillow with you and put it under your neck;

5. If you are prone to motion sickness (See How to deal with motion sickness while traveling), then drink water with lemon or mint tea. You can also just hold a slice of lemon or mint candies in your mouth. Lean back in your chair and try to relax. If you feel that you have begun to sway, then it is better to stop reading a book and watching a movie;

6. It is not recommended to eat too much before the flight. This greatly increases the discomfort and nausea, especially if the aircraft is caught in turbulence. Do not eat fatty, spicy and salty foods the day before the flight. While in the cabin, eat bananas. This is a very nutritious product containing melatonin, which is able to regulate sleep;

7. During the flight, takeoff and landing, pressure drops are more frequent, which causes tremendous discomfort with a stuffy nose or a cold. This can be expressed in a rather painful sensation in the ears. If it is not possible to postpone the flight, then put prophylactic drops in your nose as recommended by your doctor. In addition, nasal congestion can be prevented with a wide yawn or mints.

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It is necessary to prepare for the upcoming flight in advance. Prepare all documents, things and medicines that you may need directly during the flight. Get enough sleep to avoid unnecessary nervousness due to fatigue.

Do not drink carbonated drinks before departure, pressure drops at altitude can lead to discomfort. Opt for plain water or citrus juices. Drink often, but little by little. Give up coffee and tea, caffeine in a stressful situation acts as an additional irritant and will only increase anxiety.

Take a pill for motion sickness if there are disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. In addition, if you have problems with blood vessels, it is better to consult a doctor. You may need to take a blood-thinning medicine such as cardioaspirin. However, the dose should not be determined. If you have a cold, try to get rid of nasal congestion with drops. Otherwise, your vessels may also suffer.

Many use before and after takeoff and often in considerable quantities. Perhaps this helps them to reschedule the flight, but it is very disturbing to other passengers. In addition, it is difficult to imagine how your body will behave at altitude in this case. If you absolutely cannot do without alcohol, then drink some dry white wine.

You may need lozenges. They help reduce pain when your ears are blocked during takeoff or landing. In some carriers, flight attendants distribute them, but it is better to stock up on your own sweets. If you forgot about this, then try the following two methods: open your mouth wide, as if you were yawning, or swallow your saliva with force.

Avoid uncomfortable shoes and clothing. It is no coincidence that the term "road clothes", "comfortable" exists. In it, you should feel calm and relaxed, because you will have to spend several hours in an armchair. Periodically do mini-gymnastics: twist your feet or shift from heel to toe, stretch, turn your head to disperse the blood.

If you wear contact lenses, bring moisturizing eye drops or remove them altogether for the duration of the flight. The air in the cabin is very dry, so use glasses to avoid redness.

Take a special pillow with you to help you fall asleep if you have a long flight. It is worn from the back of the head and supports the neck.

Long distance flights are a serious test. Even those who can easily endure two- to three-hour flights are usually surprised to find that a 10-hour flight is much more difficult to endure. A few rules will help you better prepare for the flight and make it easier to reschedule.

You will need

  • - pillow-headrest,
  • - book,
  • - woolen socks, warm jacket,
  • - hand cream,
  • - moisturizing nose drops,
  • - lip balm,
  • - remedies for a cold (if you have a cold).


In advance, buy a pillow-headrest for sleeping in a chair. You can take a blindfold, earplugs and a back cushion if you have problems with it. The longer you sleep during the flight, the less inconvenience you will experience. Some of these little things are underestimated, but they really make it much more comfortable to sleep on a flight. If the plane is not too crowded, then you can try to make yourself even more comfortable: go to the back seats and take two or three of them. So you can sleep lying down. Experienced travelers always take advantage of this opportunity.

Liners intended for long-term prelates usually have an individual media center for each passenger. Use it to pass the time. This is a screen located on the back of the seat in front. The flight attendant will give you individual headphones. In the media center you can find music, movies, games and even books. Also, you will most likely be able to track exactly where the plane is flying right now and what the weather is like at the place of arrival. The only problem may be that if you are not flying with a Russian airline, then the films will only be in English. In this case, it is recommended to take a book with you on the road - paper or electronic.

Don't sit in your seat all the time. From time to time it is useful to get up and walk around the salon to stretch your legs, this will help to avoid stagnation of blood and swelling of the legs. You should not do this when the plane enters a turbulent zone, but you will always know about it, as the “fasten seat belts” sign will light up, and the stewardess will definitely ask you to take your seat.

Take warm wool socks. It is too comfortable to sit in shoes for a long time, and your feet will be cold without them. Also don't forget a warm jacket. If not, you can ask for a blanket (they are not available everywhere).

Do not worry. Some people are afraid of flying, and then the flight is so long. But panic has never done anyone a good service. If you are very worried and cannot cope with yourself, then take a sedative or sleeping pill with you, drink valerian before the flight. But what you should not do to relax is to drink alcohol on board.

Try to drink as much water as possible, as dehydration is a very important problem that makes you feel worse during a long flight. Try to avoid alcohol as it can make your legs swell. Increased coffee consumption (several times per flight) can lead to the same effect. Hand cream, lip balm and nose drops will help you deal with the dry air of the plane.


If you have a cold, then use effective remedies to relieve nasal congestion. Pressure drops during takeoff, landing and altitude changes can make flying with a stuffy nose unbearable.

Helpful advice

If possible, buy a business class ticket. One of the main inconveniences of a long-distance flight is crowding, which is difficult to endure for many hours.

Even if your ticket is in economy class, don't worry: for long flights, planes are used, in the cabins of which the distance between the seats is slightly greater than in those who fly only for short distances.

Long flights are tolerated by people in different ways. Some people are on board the aircraft for several hours without any problems, even without entertainment, while for others, an hour of flight may seem like hard labor. The second category of people can be advised to plan their pastime on board the aircraft in advance.

Food and drink

For a long flight, you need to prepare in advance (at least a day in advance). This applies not only to the collection of suitcases, but also to meals. Before traveling, it is advisable to give up fatty and salty foods. This is due to the fact that with a simultaneous load on the stomach and the vestibular apparatus, the body may simply not cope, presenting an unpleasant surprise.

During the flight, the body needs to drink plenty of fluids. He doesn't need to be denied. Tomato juice is popular on airplanes, as it does not change its usual taste in the sky, unlike other food products.

It is not recommended to take alcohol during the flight, because at an altitude of several thousand kilometers the hangover will be aggravated by a mass of new unpleasant sensations. It is worth giving up coffee and tea. Firstly, their taste on airplanes leaves much to be desired, and secondly, they exacerbate dehydration.

Ways to spend time during the flight

One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to spend time during a flight is to sleep. Those who find it difficult to fall asleep in transport can be advised to drink a cup of soothing tea or, in extreme cases, a glass of wine. Earplugs, blindfolds, inflatable pillows, blankets contribute to the creation of comfort.

The flight will not seem long if this time is spent usefully. You can do things that are constantly put off until later. This may be reading a useful book, analyzing photos, mail, etc.

In most cases, long flights are associated with visiting an unfamiliar country. It is extremely useful to get acquainted with the customs of a given territory and learn at least a few phrases in a foreign language. This will provide an opportunity to demonstrate good manners and make friends with the local population.

During the flight, you can read your favorite authors or study the guidebook. For this, not only print publications are suitable, but also an electronic version. In the case of using a tablet or laptop, it is important not to forget to upload the necessary information at home.

You can watch movies during a long flight. If you don't like the shows offered by the -panels on board the aircraft, you can view your own collection uploaded to your laptop. Here it is important to have a fully charged battery and headphones so as not to disturb the neighbors.

Alternatively, during the flight, you can solve crossword puzzles, sudoku or play checkers with a neighbor. Do not forget that at different heights you can take just amazing pictures for memory.

It is better to prepare in advance for a long flight. If you fall asleep easily on an airplane, you're in luck! Then the time will fly by unnoticed, the main thing - do not forget to take a travel pillow so that your neck is comfortable. But if you can't sleep, what can you do? The maximum that stewards and stewardesses can please you with is a glass of water, a blanket and a hot lunch.

Often the problem is solved by having the right gadget.

Laptops, tablets, smartphones have become a kind of entertainment centers in your pocket. Download films, music and books in advance, install your favorite games, and the flight will go unnoticed for some time. But most modern gadgets in active mode will last 2-3 hours on the strength, depending on the model and battery power. And if you need your device upon arrival, for example, call friends who meet, or use it as a translator or? Then you need to save the charge.

But don't worry, people have been flying planes since before the advent of digital technology and have always found ways to pass the time. It all depends on your imagination and hobbies, the main thing is that your activity does not interfere with others.

One of the activities on the plane is reading.

Perhaps you have already had the idea to read Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" more than once, then find it in paperback and in a small format. An e-book will also help out, in which a whole library can be stored, and the charge lasts a month or more if it is on electronic ink.

Reading can be not only entertaining, but also beneficial. For example, if you are in another country, it is always good to know a little about it in advance. Take a guide book with you or print out information from the Internet about the customs and features of this country.

And if you learn a few simple phrases and words in the local language, then make your life easier and earn the respect of the locals. You can also improve your knowledge of English. An international language will come in handy everywhere.

Take your cards with you, because this type of entertainment is more than eight hundred years old.

And if sleeping neighbors are flying next to you, who are not averse to joining, then even better, because it is always more fun in a company. Just remember to check if playing cards is allowed in the country you are flying to.

If you like to draw, take a small album and a pencil with you, you can sketch a portrait of a neighbor, and if you give it to him on the way out of the plane, you will please a stranger.

You can be entertained along the way by small puzzles. The Rubik's Cube is able to occupy your head and hands for long and long hours. Solve crossword puzzles, play sea battle and tic-tac-toe, just watch the beautiful views from the window, if it is nearby, take a small photo in memory of your flight. You can even master the art of origami, learn how to fold a crane, it will bring you happiness! If you didn't have time to finish it, remember that at the end of your journey you will have a long way home. Not enough for one crane. And most importantly, the flight back will obviously not be boring, because now you know several ways to keep yourself busy on the way.

Tip 5: How to entertain yourself on a plane during a long flight

A long flight often turns into a nervous and tiring task. Even if the road falls at night, not every traveler manages to set sail for the kingdom of Morpheus. Time will pass much faster if you think in advance how to entertain yourself on a plane during a long flight.

Entertainment for a company of two people

A long flight in the company of pleasant and familiar people is an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better. Various simple games will help you to have fun on the plane. For example, in words / cities, associations, “Truth or Dare”, “Gallows”. Also, the "collective mind" can be used to solve crosswords and scanwords. Such a pastime will turn out to be exciting, and the flight will seem very fast.

Another way to make flying more interesting is to plan your vacation. However, you should prepare for this event in advance: take on board a guidebook, maps, a list of interesting places. Another useful and entertaining activity: collectively start learning important phrases in the language of the place you are on your way to.

If most of the passengers plunged into a slumber, refrain from noisy collective events. In this case, a notepad and a pen/pencil will help you entertain yourself on a plane during a long flight. For example, create a stylish picture with a friend / friends, write an interesting story or poem. However, this should be done in the following way. The first person in the chain draws / writes a word or phrase and wraps up the “created”. The second one continues, also "hiding" what was written, and so on. When the entire sheet is folded, hide it without straightening it. It is better to enjoy the collective masterpiece after the rest of the passengers wake up: you are guaranteed a loud laugh.

Long flight private entertainment

Often a person goes on a long flight alone (for example, on a business trip). In this case, you will have to entertain yourself. Also, individual entertainment will come in handy if your fellow travelers decide to take a nap.

Traditional entertainment on the plane is reading books/magazines, watching movies, listening to music/audio books. Modern gadgets (smartphones, tablets, laptops) allow you to keep yourself busy with an interesting game or work. Also, one of the most popular activities on board for solo travelers is to study guidebooks and chat with interesting neighbors.

A variety of hobbies will also help to entertain yourself on an airplane during a long flight. On board you can bring knitting (crocheting), beading, embroidery or tatting kit. Please note: knitting needles and other sharp objects will be confiscated from you during the inspection. If you need scissors, get a small tool with a blunt end in the craft department. You can also entertain yourself on a long flight by drawing, coloring or sculpting.

Packing your suitcase

Preparing for the flight, give preference to free and comfortable things. On the plane, you should feel comfortable. So forget about heels, tight skirts and tight blouses. It is better to choose loose-fitting trousers, a cotton jumper and flat shoes.

After checking luggage

Buy a large bottle of water. During the flight, our body becomes very dehydrated due to the dry air in the plane, which is why our skin suffers first of all. Take care of your body by keeping the water level in the body at the right level.

After boarding the aircraft

Use an antibacterial spray. Spray it on an airplane seat to protect yourself from viruses and bacteria. Then take vitamin C, this will help the immune system cope with the flight better. Use a moisturizer while flying as your skin will be exposed to dry air.

During the flight

To deal with stressful situations such as turbulence or an air pocket, resort to the old tried and true method: a little Bloody Mary or cognac does the trick. If you are not a supporter of alcohol, try to meditate, calm your breathing. If you are terribly afraid of flying, try to fall asleep before takeoff. In this case, get a special pillow, sleep mask and earplugs.

Being on a long flight, a person can feel as if in limbo. He may experience bouts of nausea, curse a crying child nearby, try to get some sleep, but still not be able to fall asleep.

But what if you try to turn the inevitable hours spent on a tedious flight into something pleasant and valuable? After all, airspace opens up special opportunities for passengers. Why not just relax and do the best we can?

Now we will give several ways that can turn a long flight into pure pleasure.

Wear comfortable clothes

Do you think it would be comfortable for you to stay at home for a long time, dressed in a strict and tight suit? Of course no. First of all, when we come home, we put on comfortable, breathable clothes that do not hinder movement. So, in the cabin of an airplane, you will never be able to relax if you are wearing uncomfortable things. Even if your clothes remotely resemble pajamas, so much the better for you. You can wear a loose T-shirt, wide jeans, shoes that do not squeeze your fingers, a tunic or a loose-fitting shirt - the main thing is that nothing restricts your movements. It is better for women to give up high-heeled shoes, because their legs most often become numb from sitting in one place for a long time.

Get away from the noise

People who frequently travel long distances stock up on large noise-canceling headphones that keep the inevitable annoying sounds from confined spaces from invading their personal space. After you are allowed to work with electronic devices, just switch the headset and no one will disturb you. If you want to enjoy the silence and do not like gadgets, or do not want to spend money unnecessarily, get ordinary earplugs on the road.

avoid the light

If you plan to sleep, your faithful companion on the road should be a mask that covers your eyes. If your seat is located by the window, just cover it.

Take enough water with you

Know that the only thing you really need during the flight is water. Forget about alcohol, tea and coffee. Neither alcohol nor caffeinated drinks will keep you awake. In addition, they have the ability to dehydrate the body. And your body needs only pure water.

Moisturize your skin

Cabin air quality can be less than ideal. If you don't want your skin to start peeling and cracking in the air, apply appropriate moisturizers to your hands, face and lips shortly before shipping. Just like you do before heading outside on a frosty, windy winter day.

Refuel at the airport with vegetable green juice

You will be surprised to learn about the truly limitless possibilities of influencing human energy levels with ordinary green juice. And for this, all you need to do is find a juice bar at the airport. As an alternative, we can suggest that you inquire about the availability of vegetable juice in a regular newsstand. The greener your juice or smoothie, the more vegetable-rich it is, the better.

Use your time wisely

Many of us use our flight time to watch movies. If you are a cinephile, this is fine, but if you are killing time in this way, this is not an option. As a last resort, if you don’t know what to do with yourself at all, plan your “repertoire” in advance and do not take with you the first thing that comes to hand. Redefine your priorities in favor of books. This recommendation is especially suitable for those who often feel nauseous, because reading is a more relaxing and soothing activity.

Try to get a good seat

Before leaving for the airport, track your seat online. Is your seat by the window? Fine! You can always lean your head against the wall. The aisle seat also has its advantages, because then you can get up in flight countless times without disturbing your neighbors. If the salon is not full, you can always count on a place with no neighbors at all, which means additional space around.

Bring extra socks

In case your feet get sweaty in flight, then you can always put on a fresh, dry pair of socks in order to maintain a feeling of warmth, comfort and coziness. Do not bring socks with compressive elastic bands.

Save your miles

Many airlines compete for passengers and provide their regular customers with various bonuses and gifts. Therefore, if you fly frequently, use the services of the same airline. So you can get a number of privileges that can make your flight more comfortable.

Choose the best food

If during the flight you were again offered banal pasta and chicken, do not feel sorry for yourself for the hundredth time, but try to improve your lunch. Pepper and salt a too lean dish, let the butter melt on the bread, putting a piece on a hot one. In the end, you can always choose from the proposed menu only what you really want right now.

Reprogram your mind

Treating time spent on a long tiring flight as time wasted is a bad idea. Use this time as an extra opportunity to devote some business only to yourself. Do things in flight that you can’t always afford to do in everyday life. Don't have time for books? Take them on a flight, and then soon you will already be looking forward to the next flight. In the air, you can do many useful things: meditate, listen to your favorite music, think about the essentials. You have many good reasons to start enjoying flying.