How to make scuba gear from an oxygen cylinder. How to make scuba gear? Homemade scuba gear: manufacturing instructions. Human dependence on technology

Must ensure the safety and comfort of the diver. Do-it-yourself scuba diving is quite realistic. However, for this it is necessary to know the principle of operation of the equipment, its device and working life. Let's consider this topic in more detail.


If you decide to make scuba gear with your own hands, you should know what it consists of. For the device to work correctly, it must have several basic elements:

  1. One or a pair of cylinders with a compressed respiratory composition, containing 7-18 liters.
  2. A regulator consisting of a lung machine and one or more gearboxes.
  3. Buoyancy compressor, which is a special inflatable vest, which makes it possible to regulate the depth of immersion.
  4. Pressure gauge. It has a signal that is triggered at an air pressure of 30 atmospheres.

Do-it-yourself fire extinguisher scuba gear

To manufacture such a device, you will need an acid fire extinguisher tank, designed for a pressure of 150 bar, with a capacity of 5 liters. The following manipulations are carried out in several stages:

  • The valve is turned to give it a round shape, screwed into a special T-shaped fitting equipped with a charging valve.
  • A pair of duralumin plates is attached to it, pulled together.
  • As a reducer, a redesigned second stage of a similar element of an oxygen chair is used (it functions from 8 bar).
  • A homemade safety valve is being prepared, the diameter of the membrane should be reduced using two plates.
  • A reducer valve bed is made (section 1.2 mm), a fluoroplastic cushion for the same element.
  • The lung machine is tightened with bolts.

The balloon is fixed with duralumin clamps on the fiberglass back. We can assume that the mini-scuba gear, made with your own hands, is ready.

The unit in question is reliable in operation. Among the main disadvantages, corrosion of the duralumin gearbox housing in salt water is noted. Silicone grease will help solve this problem. The average weight of the assembled equipment will be about 9.5 kg.

Second option

In this case, the device is made from a two-liter receiver cylinder from a fire extinguisher. The device is fastened in the chest area, instead of a regulator, a self-made pneumatic button is used to mechanically supply air for inspiration. The tank has a check valve that closes the air compartment when the hose breaks.

Since there is no gearbox, scuba gear is used at a limited depth. The diaphragm is pressed against the valve seat by a spring. When you press the lever, it rises and the air mixture is supplied for inspiration. Exhalation goes into the water through a special valve. Air is supplied from the surface by means of a welding cylinder (volume up to 40 liters), to which a lung machine is connected. The pneumatic button can be attached to the hand, which will make diving more convenient.

Another model from a fire extinguisher

This do-it-yourself scuba gear can be made from a 1.5 liter fire extinguisher cylinder. The unit is equipped with a manual air supply system for inhalation, there is a pneumatic button, a reducer and a valve. A fire extinguisher cylinder (1.5 l) is used.

The reducer includes a tube placed in a fitting from a fire extinguisher. It houses a check valve made of plastic, pressed against its seat by compressed air and a spring. A body with a membrane and a hairpin is screwed onto the tube. The reverse side is equipped with a lever, which is activated after pressing with a finger. Air, passing through a nozzle with a diameter of 2 millimeters, is inhaled, and exhalation is made through a valve. The weight belt can be made from lead or duralumin tubes. It is equipped with a homemade buckle with a quick lock.

Do-it-yourself scuba from a bottle

To make this device, you will need a pump sprayer, a flexible plastic hose, a diving tube, and a bottle.

The production of the device is carried out as follows:

  1. The first step is to remove the limiter in the sprayer. This will increase the output of the air mixture.
  2. A hose is put on the top of the sprayer, the junction is sealed with silicone or hot glue.
  3. A cap from a plastic bottle is mounted at the bottom of the underwater tube, in which it is necessary to make a hole in advance along the diameter of the hose.
  4. The hose is inserted into the prepared socket and carefully sealed.

The bottle interacts with the pump sprayer and is filled with an air mixture. For example, a 330 ml reservoir fills up in about 50 pumps. This is enough for 4 full breaths. Larger containers require reinforcement with a load, as they tend to float when filled with air. To extract the mixture from the bottle, just press the spray button.

Diving equipment made from gas cylinders

Do-it-yourself scuba gear is really made from gas cylinders. Below are the stages of work:

  1. Cylinders up to 22 liters are used as the main container. Alternatively, you can take two tanks of 5-7 liters.
  2. Next, you need to prepare a reducer comparable to the pressure of the tank.
  3. The reducer is connected to the cylinder, the pressure in it must be 6-10 bar higher than the ambient indicator.
  4. A hose with a lung machine is connected to the reducer.
  5. Then the regulators are connected. The number of them depends on the intended tasks. For example, a planned dive will require a main and a spare element.
  6. You can also put a buoyancy compensator, which will increase the safety of scuba operation.

At the last stage, you should fill the balloon with an air mixture, check the operation of the entire device. The first dive is preferably carried out at a shallow depth to make sure that the unit is in good condition.

In conclusion

The above describes how to make scuba gear with your own hands from improvised materials. In principle, there are no particular difficulties in this. Depending on the tasks, you can make an almost professional model, designed for great depths, or a simple scuba from a bottle for shallow diving. When deciding to make a fixture yourself, remember that safety comes first. Therefore, after assembling the structure, be sure to check it for tightness and proper operation of all components.

Fans of diving, snorkeling and hunting will definitely love the idea of ​​making their own scuba gear, which is the subject of this video review.

So, we need:
- pump-action sprayer;
- flexible plastic hose;
- underwater snorkel;
- capacity.

According to the author, such sprayers are used in gardening, so it will be easier to find them in specialized stores for gardeners. We also note that when choosing a container, you should not stop at large bottles, since they will pull up strongly.
First you need to remove the limiter, which is installed in the sprayer. On the model that the author uses, the limiter is located along the edge, so it is enough to cut it off with a hacksaw. This is necessary so that more air comes out of the sprayer.

We attach a cap from a plastic bottle to the lower part of the underwater tube, on which we pre-drill a hole along the diameter of the hose.

We insert the hose into the hole and also carefully seal it with glue, taking care of the tightness of the structure.

A simple scuba gear is ready.

It works according to the following principle. We connect the bottle with a pump-action sprayer and fill it with air. The 330 ml bottle fills with air in about 50 strokes. This is enough air for 4 full breaths. When using a larger container, you should take care of the weight, as a bottle filled with air will prevent you from being under water. In order to extract the air from the bottle, just press the appropriate button on the atomizer.

If you want diving to be enjoyable and not dangerous, you must follow certain preparation rules. - the most important moment of these fees.

Oxygen cylinder: how to fill?

Until the 90s, the cylinders were filled with ordinary air, consisting of 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. But it is not suitable for depth, there is a danger of nitrogen narcosis. Then they began to use air enriched with oxygen. But this was not an option either. After all, at depth, oxygen turned into poison.

The maximum depth for it is 6 meters. Depleted oxygen was also used, but now it is not used. Today, cylinders are filled with either ordinary air or special gas mixtures (breathing gases) - oxygen, nitrogen, helium. But here there is a minus - the high cost.

By the way, when diving to a considerable depth, any impurity can become deadly dangerous, therefore, in no case should you refuel with industrial compressed gases.

If you are using diving tanks, keep these things in mind:

  • Only labeled oxygen cylinders should be used;
  • A high concentration of oxygen can cause a fire;
  • The cylinder must always indicate the composition of the mixture, the date of filling, the name of the person who checked the percentage of oxygen in the mixture and the depth to which you can descend using the mixture.
  • Cylinders are best stored filled, so it is protected from getting inside unnecessary elements;
  • It should always be indicated when the annual visual inspection of the cylinder was carried out;

Where to fill the balloon

Cylinders must be filled in specialized places. Or you can contact the fire department, diving clubs, rescue service. In other words, where the breathing apparatus is filled. But, if you know how to use, you can try to do it at home.

To do this, you will need a gas analyzer, an electric or gasoline compressor. The latter option is used when there is no electricity nearby. Be sure to check all diaphragms, valves, air hoses, fasteners, etc. when refueling. If there are defective parts, they must be replaced.

It will take about 10 minutes to refuel a 14 liter scuba tank. After the procedure, it is necessary to check the air quality using a gas analyzer.

Diving is a very exciting activity, but it is associated with many risks to life and therefore is replete with a large number of safety rules. Also, before each dive, diving cylinders must be checked and refilled.

This is a very responsible procedure, and the first thing to remember is that refueling with industrial gases is strictly prohibited. they are filled with a pure air mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, less often - with mixtures of air and inert gases. The concentration of components and the absence of impurities is vital at depth, since even the smallest foreign particle can be fatal.

Refueling usually takes place in specially designated places for this, where a number of important details are taken into account without fail:

  1. Extreme care must be taken when transferring breathing gas.
  2. Work is carried out only with special labeled cylinders containing oxygen.
  3. There is a mandatory marking of filled cylinders, which indicates the composition of the mixture.
  4. The oxygen concentration is carefully monitored - if it exceeds the norm, it can lead to corrosion.
  5. Complete exclusion of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide impurities, which are deadly when immersed.

Also, do not forget that a large compression of a gas such as oxygen can lead to an explosion. The reasons are known, and based on them, all precautions are taken in gas stations. The question may arise - how many of them? The list below will answer:

  1. The main reason is carelessness when pumping oxygen.
  2. Poor quality of the inner walls of the cylinder, especially if they are corroded.
  3. Damaged thread or neck where valve attaches.
  4. A sudden change in temperature that causes the gas to change volume.

The design and materials of which the cylinder consists

Balloon volume

In order to understand which cylinder is suitable for a particular diver, one must take into account his physiological data. First of all, it is worth remembering that the larger the balloon, the heavier it is, but more breathing gas is placed in it. they know how much air they use, and they accurately calculate the volume of the purchased tank - after all, the average dive lasts from 45 to 60 minutes and the ideal is the remaining 50 bar of air before surfacing.

An average person of average body weight can get by with a 12-liter cylinder, in which breathing gas is pumped up to a standard value of 200 bar. But these are very average values, as there are divers who have very economical breathing, which allows them to take 10-liter oxygen tanks with them, and there are heavyweights who need all 15 liters of reserve. Occasionally there are divers using cylinders with a volume of 18 liters or more, but these are exceptionally strong and healthy swimmers, since such containers have a solid weight. So in order to decide how much you need, only a specialist will answer.

Cylinder design

Knowing what elements make up the equipment that ensures your life under water will be far from superfluous:

  • The most important and conspicuous component of the balloon is the flask. It is a gas storage facility. At the moment, there are 3 types of cylinders according to the materials used in their production. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:
  1. The first type is steel cylinders. They are heavy, quite strong and have negative buoyancy, which plays into the hands of the set of loads. But the solid weight imposes a limit on how many of them you can take with you to the depth.
  2. Aluminum cylinders, oddly enough, are heavier than steel ones. This is due to the thicker walls of the flask, despite the low density. Despite this, they have one important property - their weight in water is approximately zero. Therefore, they are used by many divers of various diving federations, even though the maximum pressure in them does not exceed 210 bar.
  3. The third type is composite cylinders made of steel and carbon fiber. They are not heavy, have a high level of buoyancy and are quite fragile. Their prices are very high, so they are rarely used.
  • Stop valve. It is designed to connect the flask and the regulator. Its task is to control the gas flow both to and from the cylinder. It also creates a tight connection and includes a special fuse - a disk that will collapse at the moment when the pressure exceeds the allowable rate.

Usually there are valves with 1 inlet and 1 valve. But there is a more complex design - a Y-shaped valve with 2 outlets and 2 valves. In case of failure of one output, it can be closed and the second one can be used.

  • Sealant. Represents a rubber ring for prevention of ignition of the mixes enriched with oxygen.
  • Gauge or backup lever (on older models). Until the 1970s, back-up levers were used to warn the scuba diver of the end of the breathing mixture. At the moment of depletion, the gas supply was stopped and to resume it, it was necessary to pull this same lever and float up. This system occurs periodically today.
  • A shoe designed to protect the cylinder from unnecessary impacts on the ground and to install it in a vertical position. It looks like a glass made of plastic and is used mainly with steel cylinders.

Refueling the balloon at home

Until the 1990s, cylinders were filled with a conventional air mixture of 79 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Alas, it was very dangerous, since its use was fraught with nitrogen anesthesia, which could lead to death. Then they tried to use both mixtures enriched with oxygen and depleted of it. But the practice did not take root due to the fact that it did not lower, but increased the danger to life.

Today, they continue to refuel with ordinary air and breathing mixtures with the addition of helium, which work many times better, but also have a much higher cost.

As already mentioned, it is better to refuel cylinders in special places, using the services of professionals. But if you are experienced enough, know your equipment well and can afford to buy everything you need, then this can be done at home. To do this, you will need: scuba gear, gas analyzer, gasoline or electric compressor.

Step-by-step instructions for refueling:

  • Without skills in handling compressor equipment, it is better not to take on self-refueling. Otherwise - prepare a solid amount for the compressor. Of course, clubbing with like-minded people with whom you regularly dive is ideal - then the cost of equipment for refueling will be economically justified.

The choice of petrol or depends on the places where you dive. If there is such a luxury as being connected to the mains, take an electric one. But a more versatile option will still be gasoline. And experts in any specialized store will always help in choosing.

  • Before starting, check all valves and membranes, no matter how many there are. They should not have diaper rash, damage - everything should be in perfect condition. Also inspect the valve springs, fasteners, clamps, air hoses. If you find the slightest defect - change to a new one, without delay.
  • Starting refueling, attach the scuba to the compressor and set it to the pressure for which the cylinder is designed. Next, turn on the compressor and open the valve. Standard cylinders of 12-14 liters are filled for about ten minutes. Then turn off the air and turn off the compressor.
  • The most important part is checking the composition of the air with a gas analyzer. At the slightest deviation from the norm - lower all the contents and repeat the procedure. Your life depends on it.

Further, the balloon is stored for as long as required. Do not worry, they must be stored in a refilled state, as this significantly reduces the risk of various impurities getting inside and to avoid the onset of oxidative reactions on the inner walls.


If you decide not to resort to the help of specialists and fill your diving cylinders yourself - be careful. This occupation does not tolerate negligence and inattention. But, following all the safety rules, you will save yourself from tedious trips to the nearest specialized store or fire station and you can do everything yourself.

Homemade scuba gear is an inexpensive underwater breathing device. The authors of numerous reviews claim that this device can replace expensive diving equipment in case of diving to a depth of up to four meters. So, homemade scuba gear - what is it and how to make it?

Human dependence on technology

Those who wondered how to make a homemade scuba gear should remember that any human activity that is not related to the use of any instruments, equipment or other equipment makes one rely only on one's own luck or the help of a friend. These include, for example, swimming. The use of technology by a person - a car or scuba gear - multiplies his capabilities many times over. But in proportion to the complexity of technology, the dependence of a person on it also increases.

A diver equipped with a “mask, fins, snorkel” set finds himself in an unpleasant situation when he loses any of his equipment underwater. But a scuba diver finds himself in a much more difficult situation if the air supply suddenly stops underwater. This can happen at a depth from which it is impossible to ascend in one breath. Bulky scuba gear reduces mobility and increases water resistance. A similar emergency can occur under ice or in a cave. Submariners must pay great attention to the equipment used. This is especially true for those who decide to make a homemade scuba gear.

About the complexity of the issue

Modern scuba diving equipment is focused on his comfort and safety. All nodes and elements of equipment must be thought out to the smallest detail. Specialists have developed rules for the use of equipment, which are strongly not recommended to be violated. A novice amateur who encounters the slightest difficulty in operating the equipment should seek advice from his trainer, since trouble-free use of the equipment is the key to safe

Scuba is a rather complex device. Experts assure that it is quite difficult to create a homemade scuba gear at home. To do this, you must have the appropriate knowledge and be able to work on good turning equipment. Those who are interested in the question of how to make a homemade one should learn as much as possible about this device.


The word "aqualung" in translation means "water lungs". History shows that the apparatus was created gradually. The first to patent the surface air regulator and adapted it for scuba use. In 1878, it was invented. It used pure oxygen. In 1943, the first scuba gear was created. Its authors were the French Emile Gagnan and Jacques-Yves Cousteau.


Those who decide to create a homemade scuba gear should know that this device consists of 3 main parts and several additional devices:

  • Balloon. Usually one or two containers with a compressed respiratory mixture are used. Each container holds 7 - 18 liters.
  • Regulator. Consists of a reducer and lung machine. The scuba gear may contain one or more gears.
  • Buoyancy compressor. An inflatable vest, the special purpose of which is the regulation of the diving depth.
  • pressure gauge, equipped with a signal that is triggered when the air pressure reaches 30 atmospheres.


Those wishing to create a homemade scuba gear need to know about the features of its components.

  • The high-pressure cylinder, which is part of the scuba gear, is a reservoir for storing air. The working pressure in it is 150 atmospheres. A standard cylinder with a capacity of 7 liters at this pressure holds 1050 liters of air.
  • One-, two- or three-balloon scuba gears are used. Usually the capacity of the cylinders is 5 and 7 liters, but if necessary, 10-, 14-liter cylinders are used.
  • The shape of the cylinders is cylindrical, with an elongated neck, equipped with an internal thread for attaching a high-pressure tube or branch pipe.
  • Cylinders are made of steel or aluminium. Steel cylinders are covered with a protective anti-corrosion layer, which is used as zinc. Steel cylinders are stronger than aluminum, but they are less buoyant.
  • Cylinders are filled with a gas mixture or compressed filtered air. Modern tanks are equipped with overflow protection.
  • They are connected to an air reducer, which reduces pressure from 150 to 6 atmospheres throughout the operation of the scuba gear. With such pressure indicators, the respiratory mixture enters the lung machine.
  • The lung machine is the main device in the scuba device, since it is used to supply breathing air, the pressure of which is equal to the water pressure on the diver's chest area.

Types of scuba gear

Those who decide to design a homemade scuba gear should be aware that three types of equipment are used in diving: with open, closed, semi-closed circuits. They are distinguished from each other by the method of breathing used.

open circuit

It is used in inexpensive, light and not having large dimensions equipment. Works exclusively on air supply. When exhaled, the processed composition is released into the environment without mixing with the mixture filling the cylinders. This eliminates oxygen starvation or carbon dioxide poisoning. The system is simple in design and safe to use. But it has a significant drawback: it is not suitable for the high consumption of the respiratory mixture at great depths.

closed circuit

Scuba diving works according to the following principle: the diver exhales air, which is processed - cleaned of carbon dioxide, saturated with oxygen, after which it is again suitable for breathing. System advantages:

  • small mass;
  • small dimensions of equipment;
  • diving in deep water is possible;
  • a long stay of a scuba diver under water is provided;
  • there is an opportunity for the diver to go unnoticed.

This type of equipment is designed for a high level of training, it is not recommended for beginners to use it. The disadvantages of the system include its significant cost.

Semi-closed scheme

The principle of operation of such a system is a hybrid of open and closed circuits. Part of the processed mixture is enriched with oxygen, after which it is again available for breathing, and its excess is discharged into the environment. At the same time, different immersion depths provide for the use of various gas breathing cocktails for breathing.

Backup source

Many divers use mini scuba as a backup tank. The mini model is a compact system designed for breathing underwater at shallow depths. It includes a reducer with a mouthpiece and a small-capacity air tank. Air volume indicators depend on the individual characteristics of the scuba diver.

The use of scuba gear

Scuba gear helps a person swim freely underwater. It eliminates the need to walk along the bottom all the time or stay in an upright position. This is due to the widest use of equipment not only by divers, but also by cameramen, repairmen, archaeologists, ichthyologists, hydraulic engineers and photographers, etc.

Many are trying to make a homemade scuba gear with their own hands. The motivation for making such a decision can be both a desire to save money and an irresistible love for technical creativity. Netizens willingly share tips and tricks on how to make a device at home.

"Sparka": homemade scuba gear from a gas cylinder

You will need:

  • metal-composite, steel aviation ones with cut-off valves for the oxygen line (against kickback) and reverse charge valves. Volume of each: 4 l, weight: 4.200, operating pressure: 150 bar.
  • Aviation oxygen valve
  • Flywheel homemade.
  • Reducer from the aircraft ejection seat.
  • Soviet gas reducer for propane.
  • Homemade spring made of steel, etc.

How to make?

  1. The cylinders are connected using stainless steel clamps (can be made from washing machine tanks). Inserts made of wood are inserted between the cylinders, covered with epoxy-based fabric, with black PF paint. Holes are drilled in the gearbox cover so that water does not stagnate.
  2. The automatic activation of the oxygen system is removed. A lever with a check is installed.
  3. A self-made regulator for scuba diving can be made from a stainless steel wire spring connected to the safety valve of the gearbox and a duralumin cover with a fitting to the outlet for connecting a lung machine. The reducer is adjusted (pressure setting - 6.5 bar).
  4. A lung machine can be made from a Soviet gas reducer. It is necessary to insert 2 fittings made of a duralumin tube (diameter - 16.5 mm) into its body. Put a mouthpiece with a stainless plate clamp on one of them. In the other, paste a textolite glass with a valve from a gas mask. If one mushroom valve quickly fails, it should be made from a rubber reinforced circle (can be cut from shoe covers of the Soviet chemical kit) and a bolt with a nut that fastens the valve directly to the seat. Instead of the old connecting fitting, a new one is made of duralumin, which is glued on an epoxy basis in place of the old one. Valve seat diameter - 2.5 mm.
  5. To counteract the opening force of compressed air, a self-made pulling spring is installed in the lid, which is hooked to the horizontal pin in the upper part of the lid.
  6. The membrane is made from the same rubber from shoe covers. A washer with a small weight is installed on it to eliminate vibration during inhalation. The inspiratory valve cushion can be machined with a high-speed emery tool by hand from a piece of rubber.
  7. The lung machine is tightened with three bolts. Tightened even by hand, they are able to hold the membrane well. The lower part of the lung machine is equipped with a riveted stainless steel plate, which is installed under the chin, for additional comfort of using the equipment.
  8. Shoulder nylon straps are made from pieces of halyard without adjustment due to the lack of need. The waist belt may not have a quick release buckle.

Description of the result

At a depth of 10 m, scuba gear allows you to perform hard physical work (pulling along the bottom of cobblestones or swimming fast) without the effect of lack of air. It is not equipped with a purge button, but it is quite possible to do without it. The lung governed demand valve only needs to be adjusted at the first application, after which the minimum adjustment is made by moving the inspiratory valves. Works at a pressure of 6-7 bar. Inhalation efforts are characterized as quite acceptable, similar to AVM-5. Weight - 300 g. Connects to the hose without gaskets, using a cone connection. The device is very light (about 11.5 kg), compact and streamlined. It does not have a minimum pressure indicator.

Another option for homemade scuba gear from gas cylinders

  1. Prepare a balloon. A container with a volume of up to 22 liters is used, depending on preferences. You can use 2 cylinders of 4.7-7 liters. For normal diving, a 200 bar cylinder is suitable, for technical diving - 300 bar.
  2. Prepare reducer with pressure similar to cylinder pressure.
  3. Connect the reducer to the cylinder. Make sure that the pressure in it is 6-11 bar higher than the ambient pressure.
  4. Connect a hose to the reducer, attach a lung machine to the hose. If it works properly and the master does not make mistakes, the pressure corresponds to the pressure of the environment.
  5. Attach regulators. Their number depends on the tasks. For the planned recreational diving, 2 regulators are needed: the main and the backup.
  6. Install a buoyancy compensator (not necessary for proper functioning of the scuba unit, but makes diving easier and safer).
  7. Inflate the cylinder with oxygen and check the assembled system. If all its elements are connected without errors and the device works, you should carry out the first trial dive to a shallow depth. If it was successful, the scuba gear can be considered ready for use.

Homemade fire extinguisher scuba gear

  1. A cylinder from a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is used (pressure - 150 bar, capacity - 5 l, weight - about 7.5 kg)
  2. The valve must be turned to a round shape, screwed into a T-shaped fitting (from a cylinder from an ejection seat), which must be equipped with a charging valve.
  3. Two dural plates are installed on it, pulled together.
  4. They are reinforced with a gearbox, which is a converted second stage of the oxygen reducer from the ejection seat (operates from 8 bar).
  5. A self-made safety valve is made, the diameter of the membrane is reduced using 2 plates.
  6. A reducer valve seat with a diameter of 1.2 mm is being made, a valve cushion (from fluoroplastic), in addition, some other minor alterations must be made.
  7. The lung machine is similar to the model described above (see the Sparka section: homemade scuba from a gas cylinder). A housing from another gearbox is used, as well as homemade exhalation and inhalation valves. The balloon is fixed with duralumin clamps on the fiberglass back.


The device is reliable and trouble-free in operation. The main maintenance problem is the corrosion of the duralumin gearbox housing in salt water. To solve the problem, it is recommended to use silicone grease. The equipment is not equipped with a pressure gauge, there are no filters (you can use a siphon tube in a cylinder with small holes at the end). Weight - 9.5 kg.

On the Internet, there are other options for home-made scuba models from a fire extinguisher.

Option number 1

  • The device is made from a cylinder - a receiver (2 l) from a fire extinguisher.
  • Attaches to chest area.
  • Instead of a regulator, a self-made pneumatic button is used to manually supply air for inspiration.
  • The device is equipped with a non-return valve, which cuts off the air line in the event of a rupture of the hose supplying air.
  • There is no gearbox, therefore it is used at a limited immersion depth.
  • The diaphragm is pressed against the valve seat by a spring. When you press the lever, it rises and the air goes to the breath. Exhalation is made into the water using the exhalation valve.
  • Air supply from the surface is carried out from a transport welding cylinder with a volume of up to 40 liters. A lung machine is connected to the apparatus.
  • A pneumatic button attached to the hand is more convenient than a button that you have to hold in your hand. The hand is partially released and used to perform some kind of work.

Option number 2

  • A fire extinguisher cylinder (1.5 l) is used.
  • The device uses a manual inhalation system.
  • The equipment is equipped with a valve - a pneumatic button, a valve and a reducer.
  • It consists of a tube screwed into the fitting from a fire extinguisher, in which there is a plastic check valve pressed against a conical seat by compressed air and a spring. A body with a membrane and a pin pressing on the plastic valve is screwed onto the tube. On the reverse side is a lever designed to be pressed with a finger.
  • The air leaving this device passes through a nozzle (diameter - 2 mm), then goes to the mouthpiece for inhalation. Exhalation is carried out using a valve.
  • The weight belt is quite simple to manufacture. It is made from lead cylinders cast from a duralumin tube with a longitudinal section. Equipped with a self-made quick-release buckle.

There is no doubt about the reliable functioning of the equipment, but the tightness of the plastic valve that closes the cylinder is problematic

How to make scuba gear from a bottle?

The Internet offers instructions on how to make homemade scuba gear from a bottle. According to the author who provided it, a sprayer used in horticulture can be used for this. The easiest way to find it is in a specialized store for gardeners. When choosing a container, you should not give preference to too large bottles: they will strongly “pull” upwards.

You will need:

  • sprayer (pump);
  • flexible hose (plastic);
  • underwater snorkel used for diving;
  • container (bottle).


  1. First, remove the limiter installed in the sprayer. This is necessary so that as much air as possible comes out of the sprayer.
  2. A hose is pulled over the top of the sprayer, carefully sealed with silicone or hot glue.
  3. A cap from a plastic bottle is installed on the bottom of the underwater tube, with a pre-drilled hole according to the diameter of the hose.
  4. A hose is inserted into the hole, carefully sealed, sealed. A simple scuba gear is ready.

Operating principle

The bottle is connected to a pump sprayer and filled with air. The 330 ml container is filled with air with 50 strokes. This amount of air is sufficient for 4 full breaths. A larger container should be equipped with a load, as an air-filled bottle will float up. To extract air from the bottle, just press the appropriate button on the atomizer.


Self-made scuba will save money and provide an opportunity to experience the incomparable pleasure of participating in the creative process. In order to ensure the safety of their own life and health, craftsmen must strictly follow the instructions.