Do-it-yourself concrete eurofence. Do-it-yourself concrete fence. Eurofences - an elegant solution for a private house

The Zabor Service company is engaged in installation of eurofences in Sevastopol, Simferopol, and across Crimea, offering a full complex of basic and additional services for arrangement of the personal territory of clients with a reliable, durable decorative protection. All installation work must be carried out in a professional manner, as eurofence installation is a responsible, time-consuming process that requires careful attention. When conducting it, it is necessary to take into account many details, ranging from the size, number and types of slabs and pillars to the relief and slope of the plots. Without experience and without special knowledge, it is difficult to correctly install the eurofence, which will perform its functions for a long time without being influenced by external factors.

Our specialists produce high-quality professional eurofence installation, price which is the lowest in the Crimea and is available to all customers who ordered a concrete fence.

Advantages of our company:

  • We are fully equipped with tools and equipment for installation and additional work.
  • We employ qualified specialists who have been engaged in the arrangement of eurofences for many years.
  • We install fences in any areas, regardless of the type of soil, slope or relief.
  • Free departure of a company employee to the site to assess the scope of work, determine the preliminary cost.
  • We provide comprehensive services, ranging from the dismantling of the old fence, unloading and carrying sections to sealing the seams, equipping visors and hats, and other final works.
  • Eurofence installation to be carried out quickly and qualitatively, with observance of terms of performance of works.

An integrated approach and professionalism allow us to install a concrete fence at a favorable cost. It includes

  • Unloading fencing elements
  • Pit preparation, concrete mixing
  • Installation and concreting of pillars
  • Installation of plates by level
  • Trimming of sections, jointing of technological gaps.

The Zabor Service company offers all types of installation of a concrete protection, including the increased complexity

  • Installation of an eurofence on a site with a slope. Such work requires professionalism and special attention, since steps are created or poles of various lengths are used.
  • Installation of a fence with turns. It is required when fencing an irregularly shaped area, as well as if it is necessary to fence a territory with a large area from all sides.
  • Creation of concrete fences with a foundation. It may be necessary in case of installation on a site with large slopes.

If you need high-quality, reliable and inexpensive installation of an eurofence, use the professional services of the Fence Service company. Our employees are attentive to customers, discuss possible installation options, taking into account the details, in order to choose the most optimal

Photos of the eurofence installation:

Installation of eurofence plates

Pouring the foundation for the eurofence

Eurofence installation

Preparation of the foundation for the installation of rolled gates

Transportation of eurofences

Calculation of the cost of installing eurofence
Installing 1 pole on 3 slabsDepending on the groundfrom 550 r/post
Installing 1 pole on 4 slabsDepending on the groundfrom 600 r/post
Installation of 1 post on 5 platesDepending on the groundfrom 700 r/post
* The cost of installation includes: unloading products, marking the area, installing poles, a set of slabs and jointing the fence with building glue.
* Site planning, cutting down bushes and clearing the territory is not included in the installation price and is negotiated separately.
Installation material
To calculate the required material for installation, the proportion is used:
for 10 polessand8 bags
rubble8 bags
cement4 bags
construction adhesive1 bag
In monetary terms, 220 r falls on 1 pillar
*Material is not included in the installation cost and is paid separately
DeliveryDepending on the volume of production, one of the vehicles is selected: up to 3 tons, up to 5 tons or up to 12 tons, each of which is adapted for transporting eurofences, gates and gates.
Delivery by 3-ton machine (up to 40 items) 22 r/km
Delivery by 5-ton machine (up to 70 items) 28 r/km
Delivery by 12-ton machine (up to 160 products) 50 r/km
*Kilometers traveled are counted in both directions
The vast experience of our drivers will allow you to be sure of the safety of products and speed of delivery.

Surely those who have been to Europe have noticed what original neat fences surround private houses and estates there. The desire to see such a fence on their site, most likely, does not leave travelers who have returned home. But few people know that almost everyone can do a eurofence with their own hands, and without special equipment and expensive equipment. If you connect your imagination and apply ingenuity, then the European fence in the Russian way will turn out no worse than that of “them”.

What is a eurofence

Seeing the eurofence for the first time, you might think that it is made of stone, brick, wood, but this is far from being the case. It seems incredible, but the fence is a reinforced concrete structure, and only a person with his own hands can give ordinary concrete such bizarre outlines and mysterious shapes.

Eurofence with imitation of natural stone

Eurofence has a lot of advantages. It is easy to manufacture, easy to install, long lasting, inexpensive. For installation, it is not required to dig a trench and make a foundation. And the most important thing is originality and originality. The shape, color, appearance of the fence depend on the desire and skill of the master, so the neighbors will not have a similar fence.

Eurofence in the form of wooden logs

The eurofence consists of two main elements: panels and supporting pillars, which are assembled together according to the principle of the Lego children's constructor, but instead of toy modules, powerful reinforced concrete parts are used. Elements can be combined in structure, shape, color, wood or stone inserts can be made. In a word, do-it-yourself installation of a eurofence provides great opportunities for bringing your ideas to life.

Eurofence is a structure of pillars and panels

Since eurofences have become very popular in recent years, the market quickly responded to demand, and manufacturers literally flooded the sufferers with all kinds of panels of the most diverse designs. The easiest way is to buy ready-made fence elements and install them on your site. Those who are used to doing everything with their own hands can go through the whole process - from mixing cement mortar to the finished original eurofence, on their own.

How to make fence elements

To make panels and pillars, you will need matrix forms in which the structural elements are formed. It is quite difficult to make molds for eurofence with your own hands, it is better to entrust this process to manufacturers and purchase ready-made matrices.

What you need to make panels and poles

Panel molds are available in PVC, ABS or fiberglass. Their standard length is 2 m, width is from 0.3 to 0.5 m. For poles, it is better to buy metal molds. The height of the pillars can be from 1 to 3.5 m, while it must be taken into account that the higher it is, the deeper it should be dug into the ground. So, if for a meter product the depth of occurrence is 0.5 m, then for a three-meter product it is not less than 0.75 m.

Fiberglass molds for the production of sections

When calculating the required number of forms, it should be assumed that the process from pouring concrete to complete drying takes at least two days. In addition, a concrete mixer is needed to obtain a high-quality solution, and a vibrating table is needed to shake the concrete in the form and remove air bubbles from it. Without this equipment, creating beautiful and durable elements will not work.

Manufacturing process of concrete panels

Before proceeding with the manufacture of eurofence sections, make pallets from metal or wooden boards with handles in the form of a stretcher for convenient transportation of forms.

Forms are placed on a pallet with handles

  1. Place the tray with the mold on the vibrating table and grease it with oil or diesel fuel. This is necessary so that the concrete does not stick to the walls, and the front of the panel is even and smooth.
  2. Prepare a solution of one part cement, two parts crushed stone, three parts sand, plasticizer and water. First, pour crushed stone into the concrete mixer and rinse it with water, and only then add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Fill the mold about halfway with the solution, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. Then turn on the vibrating table so that the concrete shakes well and fills all the planes of the matrix.

  1. Lay and slightly press the reinforcing mesh into the solution, you can simply lay reinforcing bars along and across the entire surface.
  2. Pour the rest of the concrete up to the edges of the form, and remove any excess mixture with the rule. Try to level the surface well so that it is smooth and even.
  3. Turn on the vibrating table again to finally shake the solution and remove air bubbles. After they stop appearing, you can turn off the motor.
  4. Carefully transfer the form, along with the pallet, to a covered area to dry the concrete. It is desirable that the room temperature be at least 10 degrees.
  5. After about 12 hours, when the mortar has set well, sand the surface of the workpiece. This can be done either with a grinder or by hand.

The last stage is the extraction of concrete elements from the molds, or in other words stripping. Usually this process does not cause any particular difficulties. If the matrix was previously well lubricated, then the workpiece is removed very simply. The pallet needs to be turned over and tapped a little. In extreme cases, if the part “does not want” to go out of shape, it will have to be heated to about 50 degrees.

Ready-made slabs cannot be immediately taken to work and made of them as an eurofence. Concrete elements must dry completely and gain strength. This process takes at least three weeks. If the weather is cool, then the ripening time increases to one month.

How to make poles for eurofence

Forms for pillars are somewhat different from panel ones. An additional insert is attached to them, with the help of which a groove is formed for inserting a concrete slab. As mentioned above, it is best to take metal matrices as the most durable and durable. This is especially true for blanks whose length exceeds 2.5 m.

Pole molds with inserts

  1. Place the mold with pallet on the vibrating table. Place a liner on its bottom, it must be stationary and firmly attached to the surface.
  2. Lubricate the matrix with oil and lay inside a strong reinforcing cage made of a bar with a diameter of at least 8 mm.
  3. Fill the form with concrete mortar, prepared according to the same recipe as for the panels.
  4. Turn on the vibrating table and wait until all air bubbles are removed from the concrete.

Take the pallet to a dry place until the workpiece is completely dry, which will take two days. After that, remove the finished post from the mold and leave to harden for 3-4 weeks.

Installation of eurofence on the site

Do-it-yourself installation of a eurofence is not difficult to do, but since the concrete elements are quite heavy, it is advisable to invite one or two assistants. The height of the fence can be any: from 0.5 to 3 m. The foundation is not required, a separate hole is dug under each pillar.

According to the same instructions, you can install a fence purchased from the manufacturer. It should be noted that the installation of the eurofence cannot be carried out in winter, the best time is spring and autumn.

Site marking and installation of the first section

The most important stage of work is the marking of the site, not only the appearance, but also the strength of the structure depends on how correctly everything will be calculated. If you make a mistake at this stage, it will not be easy to correct it later.

  1. Determine where the corners of the euro fence will be, drive pegs into them and pull the cord.
  2. Drill the first hole in the corner, its depth depends on the height of the post and is usually 70 cm + 10 cm for sand and gravel backfill.
  3. Tamp the ground and fill the bottom 7-10 cm with sand and gravel. Place a pole on top.
  4. Using the building level, determine its angle and set it strictly perpendicular to the ground, fixing it with bricks or other improvised means.
  5. After you make sure that the support is level, fill it with concrete and wait until the mortar has fully set. This process usually takes 3 to 6 hours.
  6. Set aside 2.06 cm from the post strictly along the stretched cord, drill the next hole and fill it with sand and gravel. Why 2.06 cm? The standard length of the panels is 2 m + 0.3 cm to fit into the grooves of each post.
  7. Take the bottom concrete slab, place one side of it into the groove of the installed post and align the location with the string. Then insert the second post into the hole and fit the second side of the concrete panel into the groove. Fix the structure in this position by making a brick spacer.

Installation of the first section of the eurofence

At this stage of work, all other pillars are installed without concreting. Many people make a mistake and immediately after installing the pillars, they fill them with concrete, thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to eliminate the shortcomings that may appear after the installation of the entire fence.

Bottom panels are mounted without concreting

Installation of other sections

All other pillars and lower elements of the eurofence are mounted in the same way, then it is necessary to check the level of the entire structure, the height of the pillars, the distance between the sections. Now you can start installing the middle and top sectional panels. To do this, they need to be raised to a height and inserted into the grooves of the pillars.

This is what the fence looks like after installing the lower sections

After that, check the level of construction again, if everything is done correctly, you can start concreting the pillars. When the mortar hardens, fix the panels in the grooves by inserting small wooden wedges from the back of the fence between the section and the post.

How and with what you can paint the fence

Gray concrete sections look dull and not very aesthetically pleasing, you can make them bright, original and unique with the help of paints. If you are an artist at heart, but in reality you are a master, then painting the eurofence with your own hands will turn out to be a very simple task for you. But before starting the creative process, the plates must be prepared.

  1. First of all, seal all small cracks and chips with cement mortar, and putty the gaps between the panels.
  2. After the putty has dried, clean all treated areas with sandpaper.
  3. Next, you need to prime all sections with a deep penetration primer.
  4. Now you can start painting the surface.

When choosing paints, stop your choice only on paints and varnishes intended for outdoor use. Acrylic and silicone facade dyes are suitable. They tolerate bad weather, frost, temperature changes well, and also protect the concrete surface from cracking and premature destruction.

How to paint the eurofence with your own hands? It depends on what kind of surface you want to get in the end. If you want the fence section to be solid, then it is easier and faster to do this with a spray gun. If you want to make an original drawing or multi-colored inserts inside the panels, you will have to pick up brushes and become an artist. Creative ideas can be gleaned from the photo.

Eurofence, borrowed from Europe, is gradually acquiring primordially Russian features. Originality, originality and a special flavor are brought into it by craftsmen and craftsmen who are able to create a real work of architectural art from ordinary gray concrete with their own hands.

Among all the options for arranging fences, one of the most reliable can rightfully be considered a concrete fence. For a country house or cottage, the most suitable would be the so-called "euro fence". It is a structure of concrete pillars with grooves into which concrete sections are inserted. At the same time, concrete sections, as a rule, have a decorative front side that imitates natural stone, brick, depicting ornaments, mosaics and other architectural delights. Concrete sections may vary in color and may be painted after installation. A variety of textures and design solutions, as well as the relative cheapness of manufacturing and installation, have led to the fact that "Eurofences" are gaining popularity among summer residents and country residents. For those who want to save on the purchase of concrete sections or on installation work, it will be useful to learn how to make a Eurofence with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of "euro-fences"

Advantages of eurofences:

  • Low cost.
  • Variety of shapes and designs.
  • aesthetic appeal.
  • Possibility to choose any height.
  • Fire safety.
  • Reliability and durability (up to 50 years).
  • Speed ​​and ease of installation of the fence.
  • Durability compared to wooden and metal fences.
  • Possibility of installation on any soil.
  • Possibility of installation without foundation.
  • Possibility of installation on a site with a rather steep slope.
  • They don't take up much space.

Disadvantages of eurofences:

  • Poor ventilation of the area.
  • Bulky construction compared to wood and metal fence.
  • Exposure to temperature changes and displacements of unstable soil. If during installation some of the nuances of the technology are not observed, then after wintering the fence may fall apart, and the sections will split.
  • Smooth and uniform back side.

When choosing a fence for fencing a summer cottage or a country house, pay attention to some restrictions dictated by law. So, for example, it is forbidden to install any deaf fences between neighboring areas, including concrete fences. This is dictated by the fact that blind fences block the wind, the site is not blown at the proper level, and also obscure a large area of ​​​​the neighboring site, on which it is no longer possible to plant any useful plant, since it will not grow without the sun. In order not to quarrel with your neighbors, be sure to discuss with them. Also note that the back side of the eurofence is not aesthetically attractive, it does not have a textured shape, but it can be painted or plastered with decorative plaster.

Do-it-yourself eurofences

There is nothing complicated in the production of concrete sections for eurofences, so the eurofence can be completely done directly on the construction site with your own hands. This will require special equipment and materials. Whether it will be economical to manufacture depends on how many concrete slabs are required to be made. If only 20 - 50, then it makes sense to buy plates from the manufacturer. If 200 - 1000 plates, then, of course, it is more profitable to do everything yourself, even taking into account the purchase of a vibrating table.

For self-production of concrete slabs and pillars for eurofence, certain tools and materials will be required. It is not worth saving by replacing the required items with cheaper ones, as in the end the plates will not be strong enough and will crumble in a few years.

What you need:

  • Steel bar for reinforcement: plates - 4 mm, pillars - 8 mm;
  • Crushed stone fraction from 2 to 6 mm;
  • River sand, washed from impurities;
  • Cement (not less than 500 marks);
  • Concrete mixer;
  • plasticizer;

are molds-matrices with a pattern, into which concrete is poured and, solidifying, acquires the necessary relief of the front side. Molds must be strong, resistant to deformation and chemicals, wear-resistant, smooth and able to withstand heat treatment. That is why the most common materials for molds are PVC and ABS plastic.

Do not use granotsev instead of crushed stone in the manufacture of eurofences, ordinary sand instead of river sand and fiberglass mesh for reinforcement instead of steel rod. All this will lead to the fact that the final product will have a very mediocre quality.

As for cement, using 500 grade would be the most ideal, and although the standard allows at least M300 to be used, in fact, 300 cement slabs will be much less durable.

Required to use. It is necessary for dense shaking of concrete in the form and removal of air bubbles. Again, in some sources you may come across a recommendation not to use a vibrating table, they say, it is enough to knock on the door or other support on which the form stands with a hammer, and this will be enough. Although some "unfortunate specialists" claim that such a European fence will last a long time, in fact it is "long" no more than 2 seasons.

Production of concrete slabs - "instant stripping"

There are two ways to make concrete slabs for eurofence. The first of them is “instant stripping”. Its essence lies in the fact that concrete is poured into the mold, then it is shaken on a vibrating table, after which the product is immediately laid out on a pallet, where it gains final strength. This method is cheaper and more profitable, since one or two molds for Eurofence can be used for a large batch of plates. I made a stove, washed the mold, poured a new one, etc.

Stages of work:

  • We install a fiberglass mold with a strong metal frame on a solid, flat surface of the vibrating table. Do not forget to check the horizontal position of the form with a level.
  • Inside, grease the form with oil and diesel fuel or another means for lubricating forms. This is necessary so that the concrete does not stick to the mold surface. As a result, the front surface of the concrete slab will be perfectly smooth and even, without chips and burrs.
  • We prepare the concrete mixture: we load crushed stone into the concrete mixer and wash it with water, then drain the water, add sand, cement and water, mix. The ratio of ingredients depends on the specifics of the manufacturing technology of the particular type of fence that you want. Therefore, the recipe is either bought from the manufacturer, or developed through trial and error. Let's give an example of a concrete mixture: 3 parts sand + 2 parts crushed stone + 1 part cement + plasticizer. The consistency can be adjusted by adding water gradually.
  • Pour the concrete mixture into the mold, filling it halfway.
  • Turn on the vibrating table, shake the concrete.
  • After the first stage of tapping, we install a reinforcing mesh, which is welded from a steel bar 4-6 mm in diameter. Instead of welding, it is better to use a knitting wire, this guarantees that the frame will not lead.

  • Pour the concrete mixture up to the edges of the form.
  • We remove the excess with a long rule, we try to make the surface even.
  • We turn on the vibrating table and shake the concrete mixture. When air bubbles stop appearing on the surface, the vibrating table can be turned off.
  • Immediately lay out the finished product on a pallet, tapping it out of the mold. On the pallet, it will continue to harden and gain strength.
  • We wash the mold with water, grease the surface again with oil and repeat the production cycle of the plate.

In the process of manufacturing concrete slabs in this way, plasticizers and other additives are necessarily used that accelerate the hardening of concrete. Also, if necessary, coloring pigments can be added to the mixture, then the plate will acquire the required shade, which will be kept constantly, unlike paint.

Do not add fuel oil, fuel from the furnace and engine oil. This reduces the quality of the products.

This accelerated technology for the production of concrete slabs allows you to save a lot, but the quality of the products suffers from this, there may be a lot of defects, chips on the front surface and uneven geometry of the slab itself. Therefore, in the production "for themselves" they try not to use such technology. After all, you want to get a durable product.

Production of concrete slabs - "exposition"

The second method of making concrete slabs is called "exposure". It lies in the fact that the product reaches the mold for at least 2 days and only after that it is removed from the mold. This method is more expensive due to the fact that you have to use a large number of forms at the same time. But the final product is much stronger and more durable, and also has a perfect smooth front side without defects and chips.

Dimensions of concrete sections: length 2000 mm, height 300 mm or 500 mm. The thickness depends on the form, from 50 to 100 mm.

Stages of work:

  • The fiberglass form is installed not just on the vibrating table, but first on the stretcher pallets, and already the stretcher on the vibrating table. When a mold filled with concrete is moved to a drying area, it may warp or even crack under the weight of the concrete. That is why the mold is placed on a pallet. The stretcher is made of a bar with a section of 60 mm or metal elements. The load-bearing elements of the pallets are perfectly adjusted to the dimensions of the mold so that they last longer.

Important! If the form has uneven edges, then it is required to make a rigid support for the side walls and bottom, as well as for each individual element. To do this, you can use auxiliary materials: gypsum and polyurethane foam.

  • The weight of the pallet-stretcher must not exceed 15 kg.
  • So, after installing the mold in the tray, and the tray on the vibrating table, grease the inner surface of the mold with oil. If the form has a corrugated or simply uneven shape, then instead of oil, you must use a special grease K-222. It is required to compensate for technological violations. The advantage of using the special lubricant K-222 is that the front surface of the eurofence slab is perfectly smooth, like marble.
  • Preparing the concrete mix. The recipe differs from the previous method, because. there is no need to use a large amount of plasticizers and other additives - the concrete will come naturally.
  • We install a reinforcing mesh in the form.
  • Pour the concrete mixture, filling the mold halfway.
  • Turn on the vibrating table and shake the mixture.
  • Pour the mixture to the top, remove the excess with the rule.
  • We shake with the help of a vibrating table. We make sure that all the air is removed.

  • Then we transfer the form along with the stretcher to a place where the workpiece will dry. In industrial production, the workpiece is usually subjected to heat treatment. In normal "artisanal" conditions, this is not necessary. But the temperature regime is still necessary to observe. The minimum allowable ambient temperature in the manufacture of concrete slabs is +5 - +9 °С. A place for concrete to set can be a barn, shed or storage room.
  • Concrete hardens in molds within 2 days. When it has sufficiently set (after 6 - 12 hours after pouring), the surface must be sanded either by hand or with a grinder.
  • The next stage is stripping. It is produced either manually or mechanically. One of the common methods is that it is necessary to heat the mold to +50 ° C, it will expand, and it will be possible to easily remove the concrete blank. For heating, you can use a conventional bath with a water heater. But such complications are not necessary. If the mold has been well lubricated, you can remove the workpiece with a simple tap.

  • The extracted concrete slabs are stored indoors under a canopy in stacks for further drying and curing. It usually takes 18 to 28 days depending on weather conditions.
  • After the concrete has completely hardened, the slabs can be used for the eurofence device.

Please note that concrete slabs made using the "exposure" method are of better quality, stronger, more durable, more beautiful. Although the technology itself takes more time. After stripping, the form can be washed and used in the next cycle.

Production of concrete pillars for eurofence

Euro fence posts are reinforced concrete products with grooves into which sections of the fence are inserted. The surface is usually smooth or embossed if the design of the fence so requires. For the manufacture of pillars, fiberglass or metal molds are used.

How to make poles for eurofence:

  • At the bottom of the mold, it is necessary to fix the displacer in a stationary state. It is the displacer that forms the groove in which the panels are fixed.
  • Lubricate the surface of the form.
  • The total length of the post must not exceed 3600 mm.
  • Inside the mold we insert a reinforcing cage made of a steel bar with a diameter of 8 mm.
  • Fill the mold with concrete mix.
  • We turn on the vibrating table and wait for the complete removal of air from the mixture.
  • The workpiece hardens in the mold for 2 days, then we remove it from the mold and leave it to gain strength for a month.

Installation of the eurofence can also be done independently. This will require 2 - 3 people, a drill, a tape measure and patience. If the sections are heavy, then you can use a tripod on which to hang concrete slabs, this will facilitate the work. It will also come in handy if the height of the fence is more than 1.8 m. By the way, you can make any height of the Eurofence: from 50 cm to 3 m.

  • First of all, we mark the area. This is perhaps the most important stage of work. If you make a mistake at the markup stage, it will be either difficult or impossible to correct it later. We check all the angles, heights and even alignment of the lines.
  • We insert pegs in the corners of the marking and pull the construction cord, along which we will then navigate.

  • In the place of the corner post, we drill a hole to a depth of 800 mm. The depth is calculated as follows: the installation depth of the post is 700 mm + 100 mm of bedding.
  • We tamp the soil and carry out adding 50 - 70 mm of sand and gravel.
  • We install a pole on top of the crushed stone pillow.
  • Carefully measure the evenness of the post, its height and angle of inclination. For convenience, the post can be fixed in the well with rubble bricks or construction debris.
  • When the post is perfectly aligned, pour concrete mortar into the well to fix it. We are waiting for the solution to seize. It will take 2 - 6 hours.
  • We measure exactly 2060 mm from the installed column and drill a well for the second column. Be sure to focus on the cord.
  • In the same way, we tamp the base and perform backfilling.
  • Now we take one lower section of the eurofence and install it in the groove of the already fixed post. Typically, the groove depth is 40 mm, the plate must go into the groove to a depth of 30 mm.
  • Align the location of the concrete section along the cord.

  • Then we insert a post into the second well and push it onto the section so that it enters the groove of the post by 30 mm.
  • We fix the post in this position by making a spacer with rubble bricks. If necessary, the post can be supported with spacers from above.
  • Then we measure another 2060 mm from the post and drill a well again.
  • We repeat the procedure for installing the column and section according to the algorithm: we drill a well, perform backfilling, install a concrete section in the groove of the previous column, install a new column and push it onto the section, fix the column with a rock.

  • When all the pillars and lower sections are installed, we once again check the evenness of the location: the height of the pillars, the vertical, the distance.

  • Now we install all the other concrete sections in the eurofence. This will require 2 - 3 people or a tripod. We raise the plates to the height of the fence and put them into the grooves of the pillars. We make sure that the sections do not warp, so that they are located exactly one above the other.
  • After all sections of the fence are installed to the full height, we again check the vertical and horizontal.
  • If the test results are satisfactory, we fill all the pillars with concrete mortar.
  • After the concrete has hardened, it is necessary to fix the sections in the grooves of the pillars, otherwise they may sway during the wind and beat against the fences or grind unpleasantly. To do this, wooden wedges must be pushed through from the back between the section and the pole.

Everything - the eurofence is ready.

Nuances and errors of installing eurofences

  1. Why is it impossible to fill the pillars with concrete until the end of the installation of all sections? Because in this way it is possible to correct the position of the pillars and the fence as a whole: move there, tilt there, etc. If the pillars are fixed with concrete, then it is impossible to correct the errors.
  2. Why not fix the concrete sections in the posts with concrete mortar? Because such a fence is likely to collapse. Concrete will expand and contract as a result of temperature and humidity changes. If you do not allow the plate to move freely along the groove of the post, it will simply fill it up or crack. Also consider ground movements. Somewhere, the soil can sag or, vice versa, swell, an unfixed “tightly” plate will simply change its position, moving inside the groove. Wooden wedges will not hold the slab between the posts so tightly.

  1. Why not install all the posts first and then install the concrete sections into the grooves? This installation option is possible, this is how professional teams most often install. But this method is associated with a lot of shortcomings: it missed the markup and that's it. Also, too small a gap between the section and the post does not give the right to make a mistake. It is much easier to install poles, focusing strictly on the dimensions of the already installed slab.
  2. Why not install all typesetting sections at once in one span? It is possible, but then distortions are possible. It turns out that one section is maximally loaded and puts pressure on the pillars, while the rest are not yet.

  1. On this issue, opinions differ. The manufacturers of eurofences themselves claim that there is no need to make a foundation. But in fact, everything is determined by the conditions of the site and the soil.
  2. How to install a corner post on a turn? In corners and corners, two poles are installed side by side. One is located with a groove in the direction of the previous column and panel, and the second with a groove in the direction in which the fence turns.
  3. The installation of the eurofence cannot be carried out in winter.

  1. The installation height of each column is calculated individually. In an uneven area, the posts will have a greater height. In order for the concrete section to be located in the grooves of the pillars strictly horizontally, it is necessary to put a wooden beam into the groove of the pillar that is lower down the slope. It will act as a support under the slab. The length of the beam is calculated very accurately. If its height was not enough, wooden chips and wedges are knocked between it and the stove.

You can build an eurofence in about a week or two, if the concrete slabs are ready. Be sure to follow the technology and recommendations of manufacturers. The main thing is that the fence survives the first winter. It will immediately show all the shortcomings of the installation, if any.

Eurofences photo - examples

Once seen cozy houses framed by shiny lacquer fences will not let you sleep at night. You will want to build such an eurofence on your own site. Simple and affordable fencing installation will appeal to many. How to install a concrete fence yourself?

What is a "euro fence"

An alternative fence for traditional fences made of metal and wood can be safely called an eurofence. What is such a design?

Eurofence is a prefabricated reinforced concrete structure used to enclose a site.

Frankly speaking, the appearance and content of the modular fence was borrowed from the peeped fences that abound in attractive areas of houses in Europe. Having successfully transformed from “their” panels, the modern eurofence has acquired that unique type of fence that you can build with your own hands without the use of special equipment.

What are the main benefits of fencing? It is unmistakable to say:

negligible cost

Possibility to replace segment (panel or column) and design

Easy and affordable installation by yourself.

To build an eurofence on your own, you need to understand its design.

Eurofence design and how to build it

Structurally, the eurofence is assembled from supporting pillars and panels that are installed between the pillars. Schematically, the design of the fence resembles the assembly of a designer, only from weighty and powerful elements.

To install the fence, there is no need to prepare a trench and lay the foundation.

Using a level, fence posts are installed in prepared recesses. Then the support pillars are poured with concrete, and decorative plates are installed in the guide grooves. After installation, the seams are rubbed and puttied.

Small architectural forms or panels, as well as pillars, are made in special molds for eurofences using the vibrocasting method.

The installation and manufacture of eurofences provides a unique opportunity to use combination elements. The combination of different in structure, color and height materials allows you to vary the arrangement of the panels. As an insert, you can use wild stone, forged metal or natural wood.

Kevlarbeton or "granite": choose the material

The production technology of eurofences does not stand still like a fence post. Unlike traditional products that are commonly produced by vibrocasting, Kevlar concrete products have an improved range of performance and capabilities.

Kevlar concrete has excellent casting qualities, which distinguish plates and panels in terms of water resistance and non-separation. Naturally, this means that there are no visible pits or cracks on the fencing panels. Eurofences from kevlarbeton and "granilite" have an attractive glossy surface.

Granilit technology allows you to create "marble" concrete with a characteristic natural stone pattern.

Production of panels and poles of eurofence

concrete panels

Panels for assembling the fence have standard dimensions: length up to 2 m, width up to 05 m, height up to 2.5 m, weight up to 100 kg. In appearance, the panels are distinguished into deaf and openwork. The technological process will be:

In the preparation of concrete mix according to a special recipe

Layout of the mixture according to the forms

Demoulding on a wooden pallet

Drying the product.

For the manufacture of concrete eurofence panels, fiberglass casting molds framed with an iron frame and a vibrating table will be required. To lubricate the form, diesel fuel and oil are needed.

The forming vibrating table is equipped with two asynchronous electric motors with installed vibrators.

self-preparation of concrete mix

To prepare a concrete mix, you will need a forced or gravity-type concrete mixer. In the concrete mixer lay: a bucket of cement, two buckets of sand, two buckets of crushed stone and pour three liters of water. To add viscosity to the mixture, a plasticizer is added at the rate of 0.5 percent of the total amount of cement added.

Then the solution is mixed and molds are prepared for pouring. By the way, it is not difficult to buy forms for eurofence. The form is placed on a vibrating table and the inside is lubricated with a mixture of oil and diesel fuel in equal parts.

pouring the mixture into molds

The process of laying out the mixture and molding the product must be carried out with the vibrating table turned on. The concrete is evenly laid out, taking into account the margin, so the layer must be above the very plane of the form. During the vibration process, the layer of the mixture will decrease, the excess concrete must be cut off with a metal corner in the future.

In the process of laying out the mixture, it is necessary to lay reinforcing bars. As soon as the reinforcing bars are drowned in the mixture, the vibrating table is turned off.

After the molding process of the finished product - the concrete panel, it is stripped on a wooden pallet and then dried.

The manufacture of poles for eurofence is carried out in a similar way.

Eurofence installation

Do-it-yourself installation of a concrete eurofence begins with preparing a pit for the first pillar. Then the first pillar is installed and its position is adjusted using the level. Marking is made for the second hole for the post and a glass is prepared.

Then prepared plates are inserted into the grooves of the first column. The first pillar is exposed on all planes, and the glass is concreted. A second post is inserted into the second hole in an inclined state. A panel plate is inserted into the grooves of the inclined post, and the second post is also fixed.

To install the rotary part of the fence, it is necessary to simultaneously install two poles with mounting slots in the direction of the fence plane advancement.