What to do shoes do not breathe. Waterproof boots: top six brands. Folk and pharmacy remedies for the unpleasant smell of shoes

Have a bad smell in your favorite boots, shoes or sneakers? Do not rush to send them to the trash can! Better just now find out how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes, and take urgent measures!

Airing and drying

If the cause of the unpleasant smell was a banal getting wet, dry your shoes well and send them to the balcony - you can at least for the whole day to ventilate well. This will remove even a very strong smell. And so that the situation does not happen again, eliminate the cause. It can be either a hole, or a cracked sole, or a broken seam.

Replacement of insoles

Insoles are another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor. It is enough to change them to forget about an unpleasant problem for a long time. By the way, when choosing insoles, pay attention to models with a layer of charcoal or activated carbon - they absorb sweat, moisture and aromas.

Potassium permanganate

A weak solution of potassium permanganate is able to disinfect any surface. Dilute the potassium permanganate with water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and treat the shoes. Make sure the liquid is a pale pink, otherwise it will stain your shoes and boots.

Powder "Candide"

This is a special drug that is often used to treat shoes and feet with severe sweating and fungal disease.

Shoe deodorant

The stores sell special deodorants, which include antibacterial substances. They clean the smell well, prolong the life of the shoes, dry quickly and do not leave stains.

Using deodorant is easy:

  • Shake the spray can well and place it 20 cm from the surface to be treated;
  • Feet - Spray between toes, on the top of the foot and on the sole;
  • Shoes - spray deodorant inside the product 2-3 seconds before and after wearing.

Current manufacturers produce deodorants for shoes in the form of sprays, sticks and tablets:

  • Spray is affordable, functional and easy to use. Helps to eliminate not only an unpleasant smell, but also microorganisms that cause fungus;
  • Stick - deodorant in the form of a pencil also quickly removes an unpleasant odor, but it is less convenient to use. To remove the smell, you need to lubricate the inside of the shoe with a pencil almost every day;
  • Tablets - developed recently, focused on professional athletes. The composition of such tablets includes special components that kill bacteria and fungi.

The best deodorants include "Odor Eaters", "Every Day", "Salton", "Salamander", "Scholl" - 150-180. You can buy them in a shoe or specialty store.

Alcohol-containing formulations

Even vodka or alcohol will help remove the smell. By killing bacteria and disinfecting the surface, they destroy the smell. For best results, treat shoes daily for 2 weeks.

Tea tree oil

This effective antifungal and antibacterial agent allows you to refresh any shoes without any problems. It is enough to dissolve 10 drops of ether in a bowl with warm water, moisten cotton socks in them, wring out and put on your feet. Now we put on a pair that smells bad and walk around the house for 20 minutes. Experts say that in a few procedures you can get rid of even the most corrosive smell.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is the most effective antibacterial agent. It almost instantly kills the smell and the fungus that causes it.

Important! Even a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can greatly lighten the inside of the boot, so it can only be used for light models.

Baking soda

Baking soda can help get rid of shoe odor. It is often filled into breathable pouches and placed in sneakers. For the busy and lazy, an easy way is to sprinkle baking soda on the inside of your shoes and leave it overnight. Vacuum the shoes in the morning or shake them well. Soda can be replaced with almost any powder, as long as it contains salicylic acid.

Remember, this method is only suitable for light couples!


Vinegar is one of the most common odor removers. Soak a piece of cotton wool in 6% or 9% vinegar and thoroughly wipe the shoes both inside and out. Expose your shoes to the air and let them air out well.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal is suitable for black shoes - one plate is enough. Just crush the coal and use it as in the previous version.


An interesting option! Put the smelling couple in a bag and send it to the freezer for several hours. Bacteria do not survive in sub-zero temperatures! Attention - this method is categorically not suitable for varnished models.

Dryer with ionizer

Not so long ago, special dryers with an ionizer and ultraviolet treatment appeared in stores. They kill any bacteria and help get rid of the fungus.


Another universal remedy against unpleasant odors and mold. Sprinkle salt generously into your shoes and leave for three days. By the same principle, you can use talc, ground coffee, citric acid, baby powder or baking powder.

Green tea brewing

Brew strong tea, cool and pour inside the shoes. You can also spray it with a spray bottle or use a cotton swab. Leave the tea leaves for a few hours, pour and dry.

How to properly store shoes?

To prevent your favorite pair from getting a bad smell, store your shoes properly:

  • Wash shoes, boots or sneakers thoroughly;
  • Dry them completely;
  • If the shoes are made of velor, suede or nubuck, treat them with a special tool;
  • Stuff the product with crumpled newspapers or linen bags and put it in a box;
  • Also in the box you need to throw a bag of silica gel;
  • Remove your shoes from time to time to air them out.

How to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor?

If you don't know how to get rid of bad shoe odor, make sure it doesn't reappear. Our helpful tips will help you with this:

  • Wash your feet every day;
  • Change socks daily;
  • Choose shoes made from natural materials;
  • Wear socks and tights made from natural fibers (at least 80%);
  • A wet product must be dried immediately;
  • Dry the insoles separately and change them once a month;
  • Use special impregnations that increase the water-repellent properties of shoes;
  • Treat fungal diseases;
  • If possible, wear a change pair to work.

The unpleasant smell emanating from the shoes gives its owner a lot of trouble. A person whose shoes emit a specific aroma is ashamed to take off his shoes at a party and shyly tucks his legs under him when in public places. In order not to blush, catching the sidelong glances of others, it is necessary to fight with an unpleasant smell in shoes in the most decisive way.

Before you go on the warpath with the disgusting "aroma" exuded by your boots, try to establish for sure the root cause of its appearance.

Search and eliminate the cause of the smell

Excessive sweating of the feet

In the event that the cause of the bad smell of shoes is pathological sweating of the feet, use all kinds of home and pharmacy remedies to combat hyperhidrosis, for example:

  • antiperspirant sprays;
  • deodorizing and astringent pastes, ointments, powders and creams;
  • baths with decoctions of plants containing a large amount of tannins.

To prevent shoes from soaking in sweat, get several pairs of the same type of shoes and wear them alternately. Also, keep a supply of clean cotton socks with you at all times and change them at every opportunity.

Improper care

  • So that newly bought shoes do not acquire a musty smell, remove the insoles from them every evening and hang them on a clothesline, and expose the shoes themselves for ventilation on the balcony or in another place blown by a draft.
  • If it rained during the day and your boots are damp, stuff them with old newspapers. Dry, thin paper will draw moisture out of the skin, and bad smells will go away with it.
  • Buy a special electric dryer for your shoes, equipped with an ionizer and a small UV lamp. Such a miniature appliance not only effectively dries the shoes, but also destroys the bacteria present in it, which are the root cause of the unpleasant amber.

Poor quality shoes

Not only worn, but also completely new shoes have their own smell, and it does not always smell the same. While expensive branded boots tend to exude the noble scent of well-crafted leather, trendy oilcloth boots on the market can emit a scent that even skunks would envy.

In the event that you are "lucky" to become the owner of such a bad-smelling pair of boots, try to remove the specific smell of synthetics and cheap glue as follows:

  1. For the whole day, put a couple on the balcony or on the windowsill.
  2. If prolonged ventilation does not give the expected result, pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into each shoe, shake the shoes so that the sodium bicarbonate crystals are distributed throughout the inner surface of the shoe, and leave the shoes in this form all night. Being a strong absorbent, baking soda will absorb bad odors, but you only need to shake out the shoes and remove the remaining soda powder with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. If soda treatment does not help, use potassium permanganate. Wipe the lining and insoles with a swab dipped in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If, in spite of everything, the shoes stubbornly continue to stink, throw them away and buy others, albeit not so elegant, but of high quality and made of genuine leather.

We eliminate the consequences


Sorbents will help you remove the stubborn smell of old sweat - substances that have the ability to actively absorb gases and liquids from the environment.

As such, you can use:

  • activated or charcoal;
  • talc;
  • alum;
  • baby powder;
  • baking soda;
  • dried dried tea;
  • starch;
  • odor absorber for refrigerators;
  • granular cat litter.

The method of application of all of the above drugs is almost the same.

Pour 1-2 tablespoons of any of these into a thin cotton sock or canvas bag and place it inside your boot. Do the same operation with the second shoe. After 10-12 hours, remove the bags with the drug from the shoes.


For obvious reasons, this method of odor removal is not suitable for dress shoes, but sneakers, canvas shoes or textile sneakers can be washed in an automatic washing machine. To do this, first wash them by hand, then put them in a mesh bag and load them into the drum of the machine along with a few old rags. Wash in the "Delicates, no spin" mode.

Disinfectant and deodorant chemicals for the smell of sweat in shoes

To disinfect shoes and eliminate odor, wipe the inside of the shoes with a swab dipped in:

  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • table vinegar;
  • pharmacy hydrogen peroxide;
  • salicylic alcohol or vodka;
  • ammonia.

When doing this, be careful. All of the above liquids are quite aggressive, so they can dissolve paint or even corrode the synthetic shoe lining.

How to get rid of bad smell in shoes? Frost will help!

Strange as it may sound, but the putrid spirit (or rather, the bacteria that produces it) can be frozen out. To kill the bacilli, pack the washed and dried "scented" shoes in a tight plastic bag and place it in the low temperature freezer. After 7-8 hours, remove the shoes from the refrigerator and put them to dry.

This method, although exotic, is very effective, its only drawback is that it is not suitable for processing shoes made of patent leather and artificial leather.

Comment on the article "How to get bad smell out of shoes"

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Do you also know the problem when your feet sweat in shoes and shoes smell? What to do? This inconvenience applies mainly to men, but not one woman or even a child suffers from excessive sweating.

Even the cleanest person can meet with the smell of feet and shoes.
The smell has an unpleasant effect on the psyche.
Especially when visiting relatives or friends, take off your shoes if necessary.
Why do feet and shoes stink, how to get rid of the smell?

Causes of sweating

Why is there a problem with the body's natural thermoregulation and removal of pollutants?
Why are my feet cold and sweaty?

Many specialists in the field of dermatology have been devoting themselves to this issue for many years. If your feet sweat when exposed to high temperatures, this is understandable.

However, the constant presence of stench is a pathological condition that needs to be dealt with.
Otherwise, there is a high risk of fungal diseases, not to mention discomfort.

First of all, you should understand that we are talking about a disease.
The reason for it, in most cases, is heredity. That is, if one of the parents suffers from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the legs, this may be the reason why the child's legs sweat.

The problem may arise in childhood or due to hormonal changes during puberty. Hormones may be the reason why women's feet sweat a lot - some women experience hyperhidrosis during menopause. Then this state persists until old age.

However, more banal factors, such as bacterial growth, may be involved in the question of why the feet sweat.
This can happen due to lack of hygiene, wrong shoes, etc.

Causes of stink from shoes

If you are worried about why your feet sweat in shoes, pay attention to the following factors.

  1. Incorrect choice
    At the moment when you go for a walk in light sports sneakers, and suddenly it starts to rain, the risk that they will be damaged immediately increases, mold will form in them, and bacteria will begin to multiply.
  2. Poor quality
    Feet stink, first of all, in shoes that are made of poor quality materials. It is not surprising that the problem of why feet sweat and stink arises, in particular, in people wearing cheap goods bought on the market.
  3. Wear and holes
    Sweaty and stinky feet - what to do? Throw away your old shoes!
    If there is any visible damage (for example, a punctured sole), dirt easily enters the inside, which can be difficult to remove. Dirt can lead to the growth of bacteria and the appearance of "darling".
  4. dirty feet
    Even in well-groomed shoes, a stench will appear if you wear them with dirty feet ...
  5. Mismatched socks
    In addition to dirty feet, stink can be caused by old and unwashed socks. Similarly, the fact that socks are made of poor quality non-breathable materials can lead to trouble.
  6. Using the wrong spray
    Aerosol is a good remedy for the smell of feet and shoes.
    However, it is important to remember to use really good sprays, otherwise the result will be the opposite.

How to deal with the problem?

If you encounter an unpleasant odor, the question naturally arises as to why the feet sweat; the cause and treatment of the problem are interrelated, so it is important to focus on the provoking factors.

Now is the time to try some tips on what to do at home if your feet are sweaty. Sometimes homemade proven recipes can be no less effective than professional remedies offered by modern medicine.

  1. Antiperspirants
    Try using an antiperspirant that you use for underarms on your feet. It will prevent sweating and stench. Apply it under your socks.
  2. hair dryer
    If your feet tend to hyperhidrosis or suffer from fungal nail infections, use a blow dryer on the lowest setting. This will protect against skin infections and absorb moisture.
  3. Black tea
    A good remedy to keep your feet from sweating is ordinary black tea. Add 2 tea bags to 2 cups of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then remove the tea bags and dilute the "medicine" with 2 liters of water. Let cool for a few minutes and soak your feet for about 30 minutes. Repeat this process every day. Black tea contains tannins that kill bacteria, close pores, help eliminate stink.

  4. Add 2 cups of salt to a larger container half filled with hot water. Do this bath for 15 minutes 2 times a day. Epsom salt has an astringent effect, kills bacteria and reduces sweating.
  5. Benzoyl peroxide
    To win the fight against bacteria, apply 5% or 10% gel to your feet. (The gel also helps acne-prone skin.) The price of the drug varies between 600-700 rub.

  6. Pour a cup of vinegar into a bath of warm water, to which you add a few drops of thyme oil. Such a bath will have a strong antiseptic effect, destroy bacteria. Soak your feet in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Carry out the procedure every day for a week.

  7. What to do if your feet sweat a lot and smell? Before going to bed, apply a few drops of lavender oil () on your feet, massage. In addition to getting rid of stench, lavender will destroy unwanted bacteria.
  8. Foot powder
    You can also use a special foot powder that absorbs unpleasant odors and reduces perspiration. . Sprinkle it on your feet. Repeat the process several times a week.
  9. Corn starch
    In solving the problem of what to do if your feet sweat and smell, corn can provide first aid.
    starch. Sprinkle it on your feet or on the inside of your boots. Starch absorbs sweat and therefore stink.
  10. herbal moon
    If you want to not only alleviate the problem for a short time, but to get rid of it permanently, one of the long-term treatments should be preferred. One of them is bathing in a decoction of two herbs. what deep skin layers can treat. Take a short 10-minute bath every evening - the herbs will work throughout the night. Do not forget to repeat the procedure regularly for a month.

  11. In this case, it should be repeated that this problem may occur due to unwanted bacteria. Therefore, it is important to disinfect socks with special preparations. After that, wash them at the highest temperature. Stench from shoes can be removed in the following way: pour foot powder into it, which will absorb moisture, then put odor balls or a few cloves in it.

  12. It has been scientifically proven that cosmetic products containing a certain percentage of silver provide the best help with excessive sweating. It is specially processed and added, in particular, to deodorants and ointments. Ointment from the smell and sweating of the feet with silver content, moreover, is available - its cost varies within 500 rubles! In addition, it is recommended to use special foot care products, because, in case of very sensitive skin, skin problems can occur. You can try foot antiperspirant or special preparations that can be bought in pharmacies - their use can protect against problems for a week. One of the long-standing methods is to put any piece of silverware in your shoes that will absorb the unpleasant smell.
  13. Botox
    If an antiperspirant or foot ointment for odor and sweat doesn't work, there is one way to get rid of the problem in the long run. This is to apply Botox to the feet, which prevents sweating and thereby reduces odor. Compared to other methods, Botox is a more aggressive option, so it is only recommended when really necessary. Its advantage is that it actually helps solve the problem for people who have not been helped by the above methods.

How to get rid of sweaty feet with vinegar? Read the article:

Be careful with certain foods

Some of them contain strong ethereal substances that also have an effect on body odors. Thus, during the summer months, try to avoid excessive consumption of garlic, onions, or beer. Certain alcoholic beverages and even coffee can have negative effects.
In addition, the increased consumption of cheeses and some dairy products is undesirable.

Nothing beats the importance of regular hygiene!

So that your feet do not sweat, ointment or antiperspirant will not help if you do not follow the usual hygiene rules. Wash your feet not only in the morning and evening, but, if necessary, even during the day.
Always remember to dry thoroughly to avoid a damp environment that encourages bacteria to grow.

Be careful when using socks. They must be made from pure cotton; in addition, if necessary, replace them several times a day.

Herbal powders

Powders absorb sweat, prevent chafing and reduce possible inflammation of the skin.

Recipe #1
Add 10-30 drops of any essential oil to a cup of cornstarch. Stir the mixture with your fingers and use immediately.

Recipe #2
For hot days, the refreshing aroma of grapefruit and lavender () is suitable.

  • 50 g cornstarch;
  • 7 drops each of lavender and grapefruit essential oils.

Mix corn starch with cosmetic clay. Add essential oils drop by drop and mix with your fingers. Leave for a few days in a sealed container, after which you can use.

Recipe #3
The cooking method is as follows:

  • 2 tbsp fragrant rose petals;
  • 50 g cornstarch;
  • 2 tbsp white cosmetic clay;
  • 7 drops each of lavender, rose and ylang-ylang essential oils.

Rose, lavender and ylang-ylang give the powder a fragrance and invigorating effect. Corn starch with cosmetic clay, in turn, will cope with sweat.
Grind rose petals in a coffee grinder to a powder and mix with corn starch and cosmetic clay. Add (drop by drop) essential oils and mix thoroughly with your fingers. Leave in a sealed container for several days. Use as needed.

Recipe #4
The preparation is the same as in recipe No. 2, but replace the mentioned essential oils with 10 drops of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of lavender and 3 drops of sage ().

Natural deodorants

If your feet smell, natural deodorants that you can easily make yourself can help.

Sage deodorant
Sage is very effective in reducing sweating. For its preparation, it also uses hornbeam extract, which has a cooling and cleansing effect, grapefruit seed extract, which, in turn, kills bacteria that cause stench.

  • 60 ml of hornbeam extract;
  • 30 ml alcohol-based sage extract;
  • 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract;
  • 10 drops each of geranium and patchouli oil.

Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well before use and apply to feet. This deodorant can be used all over the body.

Gentle herbal deodorant

  • 2 tbsp dried thyme;
  • 2 tbsp dry sage;
  • 2 tbsp dried lavender;
  • 1/4 l of hornbeam extract;
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp fresh grated lemon zest.

Pour thyme, sage, lavender and lemon zest into a bowl, pour in hornbeam extract, close and leave for a week. After that, add apple cider vinegar, pour the liquid into a clean spray bottle and use as needed.

Useful and healing properties of apple cider vinegar

Aromatherapy deodorant
Cypress and lavender oil, combined with grape seed extract, prevents the spread of bacteria and helps eliminate odors.

  • 60 ml of hornbeam extract;
  • 10 drops of grapefruit, cypress and lavender seed oil.

Mix all these ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well before use.

Cleansing baths

Hydrotherapy is a traditional way of cleansing and regenerating the body. In addition, it normalizes perspiration.

Bitter salt cleansing bath
The basis of this bath is bitter salt and essential oils of cypress, ginger and grapefruit.

  • 1/4 kg of bitter salt;
  • 3 drops each of essential oils of cypress, grapefruit and ginger;
  • 1 tbsp vodka or whole milk.

Start filling the tub with warm water while adding bitter salt. When the tub is full, add essential oils and milk/vodka. Stir. Take a bath for 15-30 minutes. Then take a cool shower.

Oak bark bath
Oak bark has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory, soothing effects and to help eliminate excessive sweating.
Oak bark for external use - prepare a concentrated decoction: pour 30-40 g of dried oak bark into 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, then add to the bath.

How to get rid of stink from shoes?

In this case, people's councils will also come to the rescue. The most effective of them are the following:

  • pour edible salt into the shoes and leave overnight;
  • pour vodka into a spray bottle, sprinkle shoes and leave to dry until morning; such purification can be repeated several times;
  • interesting is the use of cat litter - its main feature is the ability to absorb unpleasant odors; fill socks with it and put it in shoes at night;
  • our grandmothers preferred to use lovage leaves - put bunches of the plant in shoes and leave for 2 days;
  • a solution of water, vinegar and lemon juice has a good effect - pour it into a spray bottle, treat the boots and leave to dry;
  • Help will also be provided by lemon slices embedded in shoes - they tend to absorb surrounding odors;
  • you can try freezing - leave the boots in the freezer for at least 2 days; but, do not expect miracles - the only plus of this method is to get rid of possible bacteria.

Buy breathable high quality shoes. Try to change your shoes several times during the day. When it gets warmer outside, opt for open-toe styles.

Unpleasant smell of feet, socks and shoes is a problem affecting many of us. From a medical point of view, it does not pose any threat to health, let alone life, but it is very uncomfortable. Fortunately, getting rid of it is not so difficult. So, feet and shoes stink - what to do at home?

Why can feet be so "fragrant"?

There are about 250,000 sweat glands in our feet - more than any other part of the body! When warm, they release sweat. However, the moisture itself is not the source of the unpleasant odor. The same principle works here as with armpits. The “aroma” comes from bacteria living on our skin that feed on organic matter found in sweat and secrete isovaleric acid. It is she who emits this annoying smell, clearly audible from a distance.

It is possible to support the reproduction of microorganisms, if you do not “steam” too much about hygiene, dress and shoe the lower limbs in synthetics, do not let the skin “breathe”, etc. The situation can worsen if a fungus settles on the skin of the legs. Its symptoms are redness, small blisters that form mainly between the fingers. The appearance of such symptoms should be a signal that it is necessary to use drugs.

In turn, bad smelling shoes are the result of excessive sweating of the feet, which, releasing an excess amount of sweat, begin to stink, “bestowing” the same smell on our shoes and sneakers.

All this becomes a very awkward problem when we find ourselves in a strange house or somewhere else where we are forced to take off our shoes. Therefore, you should know what to do if your feet and shoes stink a lot, what to do to prevent delicate situations.

Feet and shoes stink - what to do, how to deal with bad smell?


1. Wash

Frequent washing of the lower extremities is the basis for the prevention and treatment of bad foot odor and, accordingly, shoes. They should be washed thoroughly in warm water and soap (preferably antibacterial) up to several times a day.

If necessary, use a soft brush to clean the skin gently but thoroughly.

2. Thorough drying and deodorization

After washing, dry your feet thoroughly before putting on socks. After each hygiene procedure, you should use baby foot powder, potato starch, powdered boric acid, or plain baking soda.

If your feet stink and you don't know what to do, then even at home you can use more complicated products - a powder with anti-sweat properties (they are sold in pharmacies) or an antifungal spray. Worthy of attention are preparations based on antifungal essential oils. These are complex formulations in which a refreshing, odor-eliminating action is combined with an antiperspirant effect. It's just that deodorants only mask the unpleasant odor, but do not prevent excessive sweating, which means they are only a half measure. The optimal solution is preparations containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate. True, in the case of lichen, you should not use this kind of remedy, because. they cause a strong burning sensation. Sticks are recommended instead of sprays. At first they are used 2-3 times a day, then only once.

Spray your feet with a special antiperspirant five minutes before putting on your shoes. At the same time, avoid places where the skin is cracked or injured.

3. Evening treatment

In the evening, wash your feet thoroughly and rub alcohol into them, then spray a strong antiperspirant on the foot and wrap the foot with plastic wrap so that the active substances penetrate deeper into the skin. Put on your socks. The procedure must be repeated every evening for a week, and then, if necessary, 1-2 times a week.

4. Baths against bad foot odor

Frequent soaking of the feet in various solutions is another proven answer to the question of what to do at home if the feet stink. Here are examples of such formulations and recipes.

  • Tea. The tannin contained in the famous drink produces a drying effect. 3-4 bags are boiled for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, then diluted with cold water, after which the legs are kept in this liquid for 30 minutes. After this time, the limbs are thoroughly dried, sprinkled with powder or something else. The procedure is carried out twice a day until the condition improves, then it is enough to repeat it twice a week.
  • Kosher salt(stone, rougher than a regular dining room). Stinking feet are kept in a solution diluted in the proportion of half a glass of spice per 1 liter.
  • Baking soda. A tablespoon of the substance is dissolved in 1 liter of water and the feet are wetted 2 times a week for 15 minutes.
  • Vinegar. Half a glass per 1 liter of water - use the same as in the recipe with soda. Or you can soak your feet in warm water with 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar once a week for 15 minutes.
  • Aluminum acetate (Burow's liquid). Add 2 tablespoons of liquid to 0.5 liters of cold water and wet your feet in the resulting solution for 10-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Cold bath with ice cubes or lemon juice. At the end, the legs are rubbed with alcohol and dried. During the heat, this procedure should be repeated every day. Contraindications - diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.

If none of these methods help, consult your doctor - he will be able to recommend you medications for excessive sweating.


  • Need frequent change of socks (or tights), at least twice a day, up to 3-4 times a day. It is better to choose products made from natural fibers, such as cotton, which absorbs moisture well.
  • Wear two pairs of socks at the same time. At first glance, this advice seems out of place, if the feet and shoes stink badly because of the sweat - where are the other socks! Meanwhile, a layer of air between the two pairs improves the cooling of the feet, thereby reducing their perspiration. First you need to put on cotton socks, on top - woolen ones. Of course, the advice is relevant only for the cold season.


What to do if feet stink after shoes? Pay special attention to her!

  • Classic closed shoes and boots increase the perspiration of the feet, creating ideal conditions for the development of bacteria. Therefore, the best choice from this point of view are leather sandals or shoes with open toes.
  • Avoid synthetic shoes.
  • Never walk in the same pair for two days (and even more so all week) in a row. Change it every few days, giving the previous pair a chance to dry and air out. Only after a day the shoes dry sufficiently.
  • Work on the insides. Before putting on shoes, you can pour it into shoes, sneakers, etc. a little soda, talc, so that they absorb moisture and an unpleasant odor. An effective means of eliminating the “aroma” is a decoction of wormwood. Such a liquid should be irrigated inside the shoe.
  • Activated charcoal insoles effectively absorb moisture, which helps prevent the problem.

What else to do if your feet and shoes stink?


This is a procedure based on blocking overactive sweat glands. The device generates a weak electrical energy of the desired frequency, which acts on the sweat glands in such a way that their excessive activity decreases for a while. Regular repetition of the procedure allows you to keep your feet dry and reduce their sweating.
The stress acting on the skin is very low, so there is no risk of any negative side effects. Iontophoresis can also be used at home with the appropriate devices. They are not cheap, but the costs are paid off by savings on procedures carried out in professional salons, on special cosmetics, shoes destroyed by sweat, socks, etc.

Calmness, the fight against increased emotionality

The sweat glands respond quickly to strong emotions. Therefore, stress (both positive and negative) causes an increase in sweat secretion, which in turn activates the bacteria that cause bad breath. Therefore, it is worth adopting and using proven methods of relaxation.


Eating spicy foods, such as onions, peppers, or garlic, can make sweat smell more intense.

Leg condition

Excessive stress on the legs or an orthopedic condition (such as flat feet) can also cause excessive sweating. The more burdened the feet are, the more sweat they produce - respectively, the more moisture, which contributes to the development of bacteria that turn it into a source of stink. Therefore, addressing the immediate cause (for example, restoring the correct shape of the leg with appropriate orthopedic inserts) will help reduce sweating.

If your feet and shoes stink, what to do can be recommended by a dermatologist, who is probably aware of modern advances in the field of means of combating excessive sweating. However, you need to start with the simplest, homemade measures - in many cases they are enough.

Having brought home a brand new pair of shoes, you want not only to defile around the house, but also to inhale the aroma of a new thing. Such a coveted pair of shoes, it smells like leather and even a little bit of glue. And this is understandable. Fresh delivery, new collection. But what a disappointment it is if, after wearing these shoes for a couple of weeks, you again feel the persistent aroma of “novelty”.

Another question - old, but such native sneakers, which overcame a single kilometer of morning runs, suddenly began to stink.

An unpleasant aroma very often causes complexes in a person, he is afraid to take off his shoes in front of strangers. It’s especially embarrassing if you need to take off your shoes anyway – on the train, in the locker room of the gym, at a party.

The main reason why new shoes smell very bad is the poor quality materials from which they are made. A sharp chemical smell can be emitted by both the upper and the sole. And, of course, an abundance of glue, which is not spared in order to be able to walk in these shoes a little longer than the end of its warranty period.

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can be a sign of many medical conditions. And, first of all, it is necessary to deal not with such unpleasant symptoms as sweating and the unpleasant smell that follows it, but with the underlying disease.

Diseases of the endocrine glands, chronic infections, dermatological problems, neurological diseases - all this can cause the feet to sweat and stink a lot.

In these cases, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively.

A fungal infection of the feet causes a person not only discomfort in the form of a smell, but also itching and inflammation of the skin, especially between the fingers, which begins to crack, peel or blisters.

A bacterial infection can join a fungal infection. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to deal with the treatment of a fungal disease. Modern antifungal agents will help with this.

How to be friends with your shoes and what is useful for her to do?

1. The first thing to do in order not to hurt your feet is to wear the right shoes. Do not be afraid to spend a lot of time in the store and seem like a meticulous buyer. When choosing running shoes, pay attention to the density of materials, especially for summer runs.

When trying on shoes, lovers of high heels should first of all listen to convenience. After all, this will affect not only the ease of walking, but also the health of the foot. Perhaps you should try a lower but more comfortable heel, especially for every day.

2. Breathable materials. Good air exchange in shoes will be through materials such as:

3. Rest. Even the most comfortable shoes should take a day off. Both in summer and in winter, shoes can be put on the balcony, it will be useful for it to both freeze and warm up. You can use a freezer.

4. Ventilation. You need to ventilate not only a new pair, but also an old one. This will get rid of excess odor and moisture.

5. Feet require care. Timely treatment of a fungal infection and inflammatory lesions of the skin of the feet, as well as careful hygiene will help not only maintain the health of the feet, but also protect them from an early purchase. Feet should be washed every evening. Wash your feet several times a week with antiseptic soap.

6. Feet need to be pampered too. Don't ignore if your feet smell bad. Today, there are a lot of deodorants and powders that reduce and eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. But you must always remember the root cause.

7. Shoes should be worn according to the season and the weather. Wet shoes and wet feet will stink faster. Dry shoes only with an electric dryer. You need to do this every time the shoes get wet.

8. In winter, you should change your shoes at work. Your feet and shoes will appreciate it.