Archangel Gabriel description. The meaning of the name Gabriel, Gavrila. Name Gabriel - when is the name day

The spiritual world is for the most part inaccessible to people while they remain on the sinful earth. Only sometimes do messengers of God penetrate into it visibly - some of them are described in the Bible. For example, Archangel Gabriel, whose icon is in any Orthodox church.


Angels, like people, were created by God. But they have only a spiritual essence, and are constantly in the service of the Creator. People live in a bodily shell. After the Fall, they lost the gift of seeing the Lord. Therefore, sometimes He uses angels as messengers. The name Gabriel is translated as “power of God.” In Judaism, he is considered the teacher of Joseph, the guardian of the chosen people.

In Orthodoxy there is a classification of angelic ranks, there are 9 levels. Archangels occupy a high, but not supreme position. However, according to the holy fathers, although Gabriel is called an archangel, he belongs to the highest rank - the seraphim. This conclusion is based on the exceptional importance of his instructions.

How is it portrayed?

A famous moment from the Bible is when the Archangel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary to inform her that she would become the mother of Christ. This event is depicted on the icon of the Annunciation. Here is both God's messenger and Mary. Gabriel is depicted with wings to emphasize his heavenly origin. With his right hand he blesses the Virgin, in his left he holds a spear. The angels wear deacon's vestments as a sign of service.

There are also other attributes on the icons of the Archangel Gabriel; each item has its own meaning.

  • The green branch is a branch from the tree of heaven, which he gave to the Virgin Mary.
  • Lantern - there is a lit candle inside it, it symbolizes prayer. After all, angels stand in prayer constantly.
  • A mirror - it shows good and bad human deeds. The mirror is made of jasper (jasper). It is also capable of proclaiming the mysteries of God.

One of the tasks of Archangel Gabriel was to help the Virgin Mary in her earthly life. He also carries out other assignments of the Lord, many of them are described in the Bible.

What to pray for

In Rus', the veneration of the Archangel Gabriel was closely connected with the Annunciation; a separate temple was dedicated to him only in the 16th century. But still the Church highly respects the heavenly servants. Their significance in the Divine world order is very great. Angels are completely obedient to God and help people in good deeds.

You can pray in front of the icon of Archangel Gabriel for the gift of children. It is believed that he patronizes artists and teachers. The church fathers compiled special texts to address the Archangel. First of all, he needs to outline his spiritual needs.

First prayer

Holy Archangel Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart, overwhelmed by pride, with joy and joy. Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Tell me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins; and the demons will not keep me from the ordeal for my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from serious illness, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

Oh, great holy Archangel Gabriel! Stand before the Throne of God, illuminated by the Divine Light, and enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible mysteries of His eternal wisdom! I earnestly pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to strengthen my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from seductive temptations, and beg our Creator for the forgiveness of my sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to me, may I unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the Archangel Gabriel - meaning, what it helps with was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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On icons they are often depicted as young men with wings on their backs. ...Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel!


The name Gabriel is of Hebrew origin. It most likely comes from the theophoric biblical name Gabriel, the literal interpretation of which sounds like “courage” or “power.” The very name Gabriel is interpreted by the people as “supporter of God” or “helper of God.”

The male name Gabriel is not popular today, not in the Russian Federation, not in the countries of the former USSR, not even in Europe, but it still remains one of the most famous, because it is associated with the Bible and has an interesting, biblical history of its origin.

Popularity: The name Gabriel is included in the category of the most rare names and does not fall into the top hundred most popular male names. Accounts for approximately 2-3 boys out of 5 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Gavryusha, Gavrik, Gavrila

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Gabriel, as well as its energy, can endow the bearer of this name with a whole bunch of good characteristics. Usually, such character traits as shyness, naivety, determination, unsociability, isolation, erudition and imagination are promised. In addition, Gabriel is usually a quick-witted, intellectually developed and talented person.

But all of the above does not appear immediately, but gradually, as one grows older, and in different consistencies, depending on the year according to the eastern calendar and other astrological symbols...

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of the male name Gabriel is their ability to keep their emotions under control. Plus, these men are usually very rational and balanced in terms of decision making...

Gabriel has a bad attitude towards people who try to impose their opinion on others without understanding whether it is correct at all. And bearers of this name also hate women who are too selfish...

It is believed that this biblical name has incredibly strong energy and can endow the wearer with a very unusual nature.

Character of the name Gabriel

The character of the name Gabriel endows its owner with a lot of both positive and not very good characteristics, which manifest themselves, of course, gradually and not simultaneously. Among the main qualities of his character are: purposefulness, lack of conflict, erudition, straightforwardness, shyness and naivety, but also isolation, timidity and unsociability.

As a child, Gabriel experiences enormous difficulties in communicating with peers, so his best friends remain his mother and father. He needs to stop being afraid of being in the company of children, find a common language with them, then they will see his optimism and ability to have fun and will want to be friends with him. By adolescence, he will not only overcome his fear, but will even be able to become a leader among his friends. In relation to his comrades, he is always sincere, reliable and open.

As an adult, Gabriel’s character is enhanced by qualities that are important for his professional activities: integrity, eloquence, resistance to stress, punctuality, hard work, sociability and sincerity. Career plays an extremely important role as he strives for material well-being and financial freedom.

His activities may be related to the exact sciences, education, medicine, or, conversely, to psychology or religion.

Early childhood

In early childhood, in most cases, the meaning of such a rare name for boys as Gabriel bestows such traits as timidity, secrecy, unprincipledness, straightforwardness, lack of conflict, taciturnity and loneliness. He stays close to his mother all the time, she is this guy’s best friend and comrade, he relies on her opinion and tips in everything, and at the slightest reason he seeks his mother’s help. He also gets along well with his father, but not as well as with his mother.

He needs to learn to contact the outside world, he needs to stop being afraid to make friends and be in their company, but this is not easy to do - his parents will have to try hard to change his character. However, he will not resist, because he himself dreams of acquiring comrades and like-minded people. In general, he has optimism, positivity, and a cheerful disposition, but they manifest themselves only in the family circle.

But in knowledge of science he is ideal, because he himself wants to develop, learn the unknown, learn new things and become smarter - this cannot be taken away, and in the future this will have a good effect on his competence, both at school and at work.

He obeys his parents, there are practically no misdeeds on his part, and if something happens, he does not try to avoid punishment - his parents’ friends and girlfriends will often set him up as an example for their children. But as you grow older, everything will change...


Already at the teenage stage, the influence of the patron planet and the symbolic element will make itself felt, the desire for leadership and dominance will begin to manifest itself, he will learn to communicate and will make contact with greater ease - however, all this is subject to proper childhood upbringing.

With all this, there is no rowdyism, self-indulgence, disobedience and restlessness in him - on the contrary, he stands out from his peers and classmates with his mature behavior, prudence and prudence. He will never offend anyone without doing anything, and he tries not to offend them when it comes to business, he behaves with restraint, and carefully analyzes everything that happens around him.

Teachers will respect him - the reason is responsibility, diligence, reliability and outstanding abilities, any subject is given to him “one or two”, but particularly striking successes are noticeable in the exact sciences.

And there will be problems with the opposite sex at school, despite the obvious attention of classmates and peers. The problem is shyness, the inability to behave correctly, the reluctance to look after, the fear of being used for women's selfish purposes.

Grown man

An adult man named in this way is a person with a unique nature - he is ruled by honesty, reliability, devotion, integrity, stress resistance, openness, friendliness, sociability, eloquence and love.

By the way, the symbol that controls him during this period is the zodiac sign. Gavryusha considers sincerity to be the most important parameter of any relationship, and therefore avoids being closed and secretive. The main thing for him is confidence in a person’s devotion - if there is no trust, there is no friendship, and the same with women. In general, he is a good person, but he is quick-tempered, he can flare up at the sight of betrayal, dishonesty, injustice or self-interest - he hates people who are capable of the previously mentioned.

Gabriel’s big minus is careerism and hard work, which are unbridled and play against him. It is precisely because of his intense dedication to work that he has problems with his personal life - he does not leave himself time for women and building love relationships.

Interaction of the character Gabriel with the seasons

Spring - in a boy born under the auspices of the spring season and given the name Gabriel, such traits as determination, activity, efficiency, charm, self-sufficiency, sociability and energy rule. He always achieves his goals, does not give up at the sight of obstacles and achieves what he wants despite mistakes and miscalculations, he is persistent.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season gives rise to a leader with a very complex character by origin of the soul. A lover of dominance, but not without such weaknesses as shyness and naivety. He has a well-developed imagination, a dreamer who considers himself right in everything. It is difficult for him to get along in society, because he does not accept anyone’s opinions or advice and considers everyone stupider than himself.

Autumn - an autumn boy is calm, balanced, cheerful, emotional, vulnerable, receptive and sensitive. In general, he is the owner of a complex nature; he combines a cheerful disposition and a temper that pops up at the most unexpected moments. He seems inflexible and insensitive, but in reality he simply hides his weaknesses behind a crust of severity.

Winter - and the three winter months bring into this world a man who has such qualities as diplomacy, tact, politeness, attentiveness, sentimentality, vulnerability, hard work, determination, commitment and unpredictability. It is extremely difficult to predict his further actions, it defies logical comprehension, and his decisions are completely based on some illusory prejudices.

The fate of the name Gabriel

The fate of the name Gabriel in love and marital relationships with ladies is quite successful, but somewhat confusing. Since his youth, Gabriel has had great respect for girls and does not allow himself to take advantage of their gullibility for his own satisfaction. He sincerely strives to start a family, but he is hampered by his pronounced business qualities, which require paramount self-realization in his career. Only after this does he begin the search for his soulmate.

As a wife, he, first of all, sees not a spectacular beauty, but a submissive and calm girl, reliable, faithful and economical. Ideally, she should be a homebody, clean up, delight him with delicious dinners and create a warm and cozy atmosphere in their nest. In turn, he will be able to adequately support his family and take care of his beloved.

Gabriel is a real man and the head of the family, but he is not prone to tyranny and respects the opinions of his wife, sometimes even listens to them. He truly values ​​support, trust, honesty and commitment in relationships. Not only will he not forgive his betrayal of his wife, he will become enraged and may somehow take revenge for the betrayal, although Gabriel himself is not a conflict-ridden and peace-loving person.

Love and marriage

Gabriel is a serious and self-confident man with high moral principles that do not allow him to succumb to short-term passion. From his youth, he realizes that one of the main goals in his life will be to create a happy and strong family. However, for a long time he may be too focused on his professional activities. Because of this, the search for the lady of his heart is postponed for some time, and he continues the life of an avid bachelor.

Having already passed from youth to adulthood, Gabriel decides to take the time to find his soul mate. He is not one of those men who buys only a girl's bright appearance. It is assumed that as a wife he sees a rather quiet and submissive woman, perhaps a little younger than himself. Ideally, she should also be a real housewife, because he so loves home comfort, cleanliness and the culinary masterpieces of his beloved. For her, Gabriel will be able to become a real support and protection, and will also be able to provide her not only with material benefits, but also with his care and affection.

He, of course, attaches paramount importance in his relationship with his wife to mutual trust, honesty and devotion. Gabriel is wary of betrayal from loved ones, because it hurts him and forces him to fully punish the offender, even if it is his wife. Gavryusha himself is a completely conflict-free person and does not like quarrels and scandals. He values, loves and, of course, respects his wife, but prefers when everyone obeys him. He is a fair, caring, reliable and very authoritative head of the family.

Gabriel as Father

Gabriel sincerely rejoices at the arrival of a baby in the family, he is ready to carry his wife and the child in his arms, his happiness is so great. He strives to create the best conditions for the baby’s life and works hard. At the same time, he always manages to help his wife, actively participating in the chores of caring for the child. Fatherly love and ability to care for a child inspires the wife with confidence that Gabriel can cope with two or three children no worse than with one.

The desire for children to grow up healthy pushes him to take frequent walks and teach children various physical exercises and sports games, helping to maintain his athletic form. However, he takes great pleasure in communicating with children at home, sharing his experiences with them, and reading them many books. The children sincerely love their dad and are very attached to him.

Gabriel does not hide his affection and love for children. He spends time with them with great pleasure, sparing no effort in raising them. He does not skimp on various sections and tutors, just to help his wife raise truly comprehensively developed people. It is important for him that by the end of school the children already know exactly their talents and are able to independently decide on their future professions. He tries to instill in them not only independence, but also prudence, hard work, confidence, determination and responsibility.

Horoscope named Gabriel


Aries - a boy named Gabriel, born under the auspices of this zodiac sign, is a purposeful and persistent winner in life, always achieving his goal, pursuing a goal until he achieves it. He remains a leader in any situation and does not like having someone else’s opinion imposed on him.


Taurus is active and active, energetic, risky and loves adrenaline, always on the move and cannot sit still. He has a lot of things to do and hobbies, and he sincerely loves everything, but he cannot concentrate on one thing, which is why many of his things remain unfinished.


Gemini - here, who received the name Gabriel, grows up to be a charming, talkative talker, a positive person with an excellent sense of humor. His character is so simple that even the most conflicted lady can get along with him. Hence the good compatibility with women of different types.


Cancer - the meaning of this zodiac sign gives birth to a shy, indecisive, suspicious guy who always doubts everything. It is difficult to make contact, does not know how to make acquaintances, and is always aloof from companies. This guy needs a woman who is sociable and confident.

a lion

Leo - this bearer of the name Gabriel, is a born leader, a dominant, who has his own opinion and his own point of view on everything, a unique personality who gets along well with people, but repels them because of his imaginary inviolability. It’s difficult to get along with him, that’s a 100% fact.


Virgo is a person who is always busy with something, interested in everything, does not sit still and is always in search of new things to do. You won’t get bored with this one, it’s not designed for boredom or monotony. He will eventually become a good father and an exemplary family man, unparalleled.


Libra - and the boy, who received the name Gabriel and was born under the zodiac sign of Libra, is a calm and balanced man, conflict-free and not principled, ending any conflict or scandal in a matter of minutes, and not worrying about his position in society.


Scorpio is a person with a complex character. It combines cruelty, rudeness, emotionality, hot temper and adherence to principles. Vulnerable and receptive, but tries to hide it from others. He lacks affection and attention and needs a compliant and attentive life partner.


Sagittarius - and this bearer of the name Gabriel is by nature cheerful and cheerful, sociable, sociable, talkative and eloquent, but there is also a minus in him, he is frivolous. You can't build a serious relationship with someone like that. But as a gentleman, he is simply ideal - attentive and caring.


Capricorn is hardworking and purposeful, sets many different tasks for himself and always solves everything to the best of his ability, does not miss the chance to become a leader, but does not know how to be an organizer, which is why he does not maintain leadership. Can become a successful businessman and leader.


Aquarius is diplomatic, tactful, an excellent psychologist, has a good understanding of people and rarely makes mistakes in their assessment. An excellent analyst who easily gives advice. He will never betray, will not deceive, is principled and follows his principles always and everywhere. A good friend and comrade, husband.


Pisces - and this is already a sentimental and very vulnerable man. He always and in everything relies on other people's opinions and help, is rarely ready to make his own decision in anything, and is afraid of responsibility. Reacts painfully to criticism and teaching. He is envious, but he reliably hides his envy.

Compatibility with female names

Researchers have found that the best compatibility of the name Gabriel with such female variations of names as Augusta, Veronica, Regina, Tatyana and Ulyana. In their opinion, when paired with one of these women, mutual understanding, love, passion and devotion will reign. In this case, the marriage will be strong and truly happy.

Variations such as Vladislava, Ninel, Eleanor, Anfisa and Antonina also suit Gavryusha well, but it is better not to build serious relationships here, because astrologers are sure that in this case there can be no talk of longevity, happiness and strength.

But it is not at all recommended to create an alliance with Ekaterina, Kira, Stefania and Nora, because in this case there is no compatibility at all, and the couple themselves will continually suffer from jealousy, misunderstandings, and disagreements.

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything down to the smallest detail. Those with the letter “G” in their names are distinguished by their fine mental organization and disgust.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

Did you know that Archangel Gabriel is found in Judaism, Christianity and even Islam? His name is interpreted as “The Almighty is my strength.” It is this Archangel who is revered as one of the closest to God, therefore, by turning to Gabriel with a prayer, you enlist the support of one of the most powerful defenders of humanity.

In the article:

Saint Archangel Gabriel in Judaism

This celebration has a very long and rich history. There are many signs associated with this day. For example:

  • if the weather is dry on July 26, then you need to wait for a rich harvest and a dry autumn;
  • if the weather was rainy on July 26, then the harvest will be meager and you will be hungry all season;
  • On April 8, the bird cherry tree turns green - it’s time to plant early potatoes;
  • frosts on April 8 - a long and cold spring.

People believed that on this day it was worth making wishes. Since the angel wanders among ordinary people and listens to their wishes. If the dream is bright and sincere, then it will definitely come true.

That day, at dawn, the man went outside and looked at the weather. If the sunrise was bright, then snow was no longer expected and the sleigh could be hidden.

The women had to finish the yarn before this day. Because people believed that the housewife who violated this rule would lose everything.

Iconography of Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel appears before us in the guise of a beautiful young man, with a nim shining above his head, and beautiful wings behind his back.

Archangel Gabriel with lily

There is another image of him, preserved only in the earliest drawings. On them, the assistant of the Almighty is immortalized in a long robe, but he does not have wings or the usual halo. Similar drawings can be found in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome.

The Orthodox tradition tells about eight archangels. This rank distinguishes the highest angelic ranks, which have special power and powers. The Archangel Gabriel stands out in a special way; then let’s see how this angel helps and what significance it has for the believer.

People have always turned to some higher worlds and looked for the inhabitants of these worlds. Just as it is difficult for a person to see, for example, infrared radiation, it can be difficult for him to realize and feel some celestial beings.

However, the understanding of the existence of different heavenly hierarchs has always existed.

This fact is confirmed both in pre-Christian religions, for example in Judaism, and in post-Christian ones, in particular in Islam.

In Judaism, the Archangel Gabriel, in the company of other three angels, guards the four directions on either side of the throne of the Lord. In Islam, he is an assistant to the prophets, in particular, it is he who transmits divine wisdom in the form of the Koran to Muhammad.

The angel is a characteristic figure in the Abrahamic religions, and in other religious traditions there are slightly different descriptions. However, in a global sense, we are always talking about one thing - unique helpers of the Lord who perform certain functions.

In addition, there are a lot of other traditions that point to beings of another, heavenly world, who simply appear under different names and slightly different descriptions. One way or another, for a believer it is never news or something surprising to understand who comes from the heavenly worlds.

If we consider the purely Orthodox tradition (and it is most reasonable to use this option, so as not to get distracted by extraneous topics), then the archangel is assigned the eighth rank of the nine angelic ranks, that is, this rank is practically the highest.

Also, there are only eight archangels in total, and Gabriel is one of them, who is most often (in addition to the function of a military leader) associated with the transmission of divine knowledge, bringing good (though sometimes warning) news.

Let us consider here the most characteristic facts for this function from Old Testament and New Testament history:

  • appears to the prophet Daniel, to whom he tells about the coming of Christ and some other facts from the future;
  • appears to Elder Zechariah to tell about the birth of John the Baptist; by the way, Zechariah (who was quite a few years old at the time) did not believe this miracle and because of this became dumb and was able to speak only after the birth of the child;
  • appeared before Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary;
  • appears before Joseph to assure him of Mary’s purity and the miracle that happened;
  • appeared before the Virgin Mary, to whom he first announced the birth of Christ and the Immaculate Conception, and then the Dormition.

It is also necessary, undoubtedly, to note how the archangel came to the Savior himself when he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. In this difficult hour, the archangel strengthened him as a man and prepared him to “drink the cup.” This angel also appeared before other participants in New Testament events, mostly related to the earthly path of Christ.

In general, each of the supreme angels is responsible for a certain mentoring of people; they help on their earthly path to make the right choices and make the right decision.

In the examples given, this function is also manifested through Gabriel, who strengthened and mentored especially valuable individuals in the faith and revealed some secret information. In a similar way, the figure of the archangel manifests itself in the life of a simple person, although the advice may, for example, not be of such a grandiose scale.

As a rule, these heavenly ranks are depicted as tall people, and if we follow the canonical description, the figure reaches to heaven.

Therefore, in a literal and figurative sense, they can be considered as giants, at least in comparison with people.

Of course, it is not always possible to describe something like this in earthly words and see it with earthly vision. Therefore, it is useful to refer to how the icon of the Archangel Gabriel is written and what symbolic meaning it includes.

Of the most characteristic details of the iconographic image, the following should be noted:

  • a candle, a lantern - here it is a symbol of the secrecy of the divine plan from people for the time being, only an archangel can sometimes enlighten people in this jelly;
  • lily is a symbol of purity and innocence;
  • flower of paradise - is also a symbol of purity, indicates the high hierarchy of this creation, bringing good news from Heaven, in particular with this branch it is depicted on the iconographic type of Good News, extending a branch brought from paradise to the Virgin Mary;
  • the mirror is a symbol of news, the archangel is a messenger and tells humanity about salvation;
  • sphere, rod or scroll - relate to plot symbolism, connected both by scriptures and tradition.

The combination of a mirror and a candle here represents a harmonious composition, where the lantern is the light of truth, which in turn allows you to reflect the affairs of various nations in the mirror.

To emphasize this fact, the mirror is often depicted with spots of black and white. Thus, the owner of such objects can also instruct people about truly good and harmful deeds.

Note! Only two archangels - Gabriel and Michael - were given special ranks - archangels. This term actually refers to military leaders in Greek. The term indicates that they are the leaders of the angelic army.

Some attributes

A characteristic combination is the gesture of blessing and a spear. With one hand he blesses humanity and each individual, and in the other he carries a spear, and such an object indicates the possibility of protection.

He protects (in every sense) people, and this symbolism is often complemented by the characteristic clothes of the deacon, which emphasize the function of serving humanity.

Archangel Gabriel is depicted in different ways and with different attributes. The icon, the meaning of which we are considering, can be interpreted depending on these attributes.

As stated earlier, there is a whole spectrum of what this heavenly hierarch helps and takes care of, that is, we are talking about a whole spectrum of functions. Therefore, the attributes are different, describing different options for the activity and symbolic meaning of this creature.

As a rule, he is depicted as a young man with abundant hair, which is supported by a special bandage, which is a sign of the readiness of the angels to always heed the divine will and command.

Three times throughout the year, this supreme angel is especially revered in churches; a special akathist is read to him and part of the service is dedicated to him.

These days are:

  • April 8 is the day of the Annunciation, which also refers to Gabriel, who brought the branch of paradise to the Virgin Mary;
  • July 26 – consecration of the temple in Constantinople;
  • November 21 is the name day and day of remembrance of all the supreme angels.

For everyone whose name corresponds to the Archangel Gabriel, an icon, the meaning of which brings benefit to any other believer, is especially useful.

As a rule, believers keep such images on their home iconostasis and establish a special connection with the namesake (in other words, namesake) saints. These days are especially favorable for prayer and veneration of this Gabriel; it is useful to pray at least at home if you cannot go to the service.

The main thing that Gabriel is remembered for is, of course, the Good News. Therefore, often, in association with finding a child, girls and women pray to this archangel in order to conceive a child and find a child. Such prayers are effective, as well as any prayers addressed to such supreme hierarchs in general.

Of the other options that this archangel is asked for, it should be noted:

  • strengthening in faith and the ability to choose the best path, not fall into lies;
  • for the healing of ailments, in particular they traditionally pray for the healing of internal organs;
  • in order to cope with deception and betrayal, to receive intercession if you are deceived and betrayed;
  • finding happiness in marriage;
  • in order to get rid of sorrows and put the psyche in order.

Sometimes it is useful (when, for example, there is a complete lack of prayerful mood or corresponding opportunities) to simply watch thematic videos that tell the story and glorify this archangel.

In fact, even a photo with a brief description of this heavenly messenger gives a certain connection with him.

Studying, viewing or simply storing such a photograph can also be somewhat useful, especially if there is an appropriate attitude. After all, this option also represents a kind of veneration and praise, and, accordingly, attracts the attention of the divine hierarchs and bestows their intercession.

In order to pray regularly and for prayer to work better, the seal of the Archangel Gabriel may be useful, which conveys its essence in the symbolic form of simple signs. Such an amulet can be worn along with various body images.

Note! If you feel a special connection with this messenger of God, it is quite appropriate to use the seal of the Archangel Gabriel in everyday life, which is worn as a pendant or in another convenient form. Such an item is not only an additional reminder of the archangel’s help, but also attracts, let’s say, the energy of this angel to you.

Useful video


For prayer, it is possible to choose some options from the prayer book, but it is also quite possible to say the prayer in your own words, this option is also pleasing to the Lord. The main thing is to remember the wise structure of the world, in which there are such heavenly intercessors as the Archangel Gabriel, and never lose heart. Veneration of the holy archangel will always help in this matter.