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Many people have everything. however, they are sad because they lack Christ.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

I didn't believe in God

These words of Elder Paisius fully applied to me. The whole life lived until the clinical death that I suffered at the age of 40 can simply be crossed out. There was everything: a wealthy family, a husband, a daughter; but my soul was empty. Subsequently, I realized the reason for the emptiness that filled me - I did not believe in God. Blessed are those who, without seeing, believe. I believed like Thomas, seeing everything with my own eyes after my death.

Before my conversion, I was not an atheist; on the contrary, I wanted to learn something about God, I read brochures about Christ distributed by Jehovah’s Witnesses, and for six months I studied with a female Jehovah’s Witness who came to my home. Soon I became seriously ill and our classes ended. After the illness, I felt quite well for some time, but suddenly an event occurred that completely changed my worldview and my entire subsequent life. On the eve of my fortieth birthday, I felt unwell; I had an attack, after which I was taken to the hospital.

The doctors, who made the wrong diagnosis, complicated the course of the disease, after which I began to die from total necrosis of the pancreas. It was then that I first experienced a strong desire to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And as soon as I thought about it, literally half an hour later a priest came into my room. I was surprised that my wish came true so quickly. As it turned out later, it was on this day that my mother and my friend decided to visit me. They went outside to hail a car and saw a man in the yard getting into a car. Mom asked him to give them a lift and on the way told him that her daughter was dying. The driver turned out to be a believer (he later went to study at a theological seminary and became a priest).

He didn’t take money for the trip and suggested asking the priest from the hospital church to confess and give me communion. And so it all coincided that the priest had just served the Liturgy, was free and agreed to come to me. This is how my first confession and first Communion took place before clinical death.

After Communion, I felt relief for a while, and then I lost consciousness and felt myself in the air, looking down at my own bloody body. It lay on the operating table, and the surgeon sewed it up with huge, careless stitches, preparing it for the morgue. Suddenly I heard a menacing voice: “Well, did you believe in God?” Horror chilled me to the bone, and I realized that I was already in the “other world.” I remembered this moment for the rest of my life.

It was then that I realized that everything I had read about the afterlife was true. But the tragedy was that it was no longer possible to go back and tell my loved ones about what I saw.

Once you die, you can no longer repent

At the same time, I realized that my Guardian Angel was talking to me and that our communication took place without words. I don’t see him, I just hear his voice and instantly receive an answer to any question. He told me that I was dead and there was no turning back. However, after a while I felt that I was being taken somewhere on a gurney at terrible speed. Then I realized that my body was connected to some kind of device. All this time I heard the voices of people nearby. So we think about a dead person that this is just a body, but in fact he hears how his death is stated, sees everything that happens around him. In general, the entire experience of death I went through was all amazing and scary. It’s scary because, having once died, we can repent, pray and bring our loved ones: we can no longer repent, but the amazing thing is that there is eternal life, there is God... This is such an extraordinary double feeling.

Then my whole life flashed before me. For some reason, my conscience instantly woke up. Like frames quickly replacing each other, I saw all my bad deeds, for which I did not repent. And the most amazing thing is that, seeing all this, I began to pray. Then I found out that I was praying with the words of the Jesus Prayer. And she prayed with such despair, with such hope for God’s mercy. that I myself was surprised at how I knew all this. But when I said: “Lord, have mercy!” (and this was a real cry from the soul!), after a certain period of time I heard the answer: “No.” This went on three times: a prayer for salvation and a negative answer... It was my Guardian Angel who asked the Lord for me, but I did not hear His conversation with God, I was only told the result: “No, God does not have mercy on you yet.” But for some reason I still had hope in my soul.

And then I started flying at high speed through some pipes. It seemed that this state of mine lasted for an eternity. As it turned out later, I was taken to the Institute of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. My husband came to pick me up by car. By that time, five minutes of death had been recorded. In the ambulance, the heart, kidneys, and lungs functioned only thanks to intensive care devices.

When my husband was transporting me. The Guardian Angel said: “I don’t know where they are taking you, it’s not planned.” Something unexpected happened to me. I flew somewhere along the pipe, but at the same time I constantly felt the presence of an Angel next to me. I didn’t see him, but I was in communication with him. Suddenly we found ourselves in a long, seemingly brightly lit hall, in the depths of which an amazingly beautiful man of thirty to thirty-three years old was sitting on a throne. I thought that never before on Earth had I seen a person of such beauty. There was wisdom and peace in His eyes. The look was very kind, full of love and mercy. “Is this really God? - flashed through my head. - What a joy to see Him! And what a misfortune that I cannot return to Earth now and tell my loved ones that He exists! "These thoughts, like lightning, pierced me. Suddenly, I realized that everything I had lived up to that moment was absolutely all wrong! But the main thing is that He exists! Realizing this, I felt that I was flying down again. After all, they had not forgiven me, which means I was flying to hell.

Horror overwhelmed me. When I found myself in a darker space, I again heard the voice of my Guardian Angel: “I can’t go any further. There are bad angels. Hang in there, Tanya. hold on!” I have never experienced the despair that gripped me again in my life. God forbid anyone else ends up where I went! Lord, have mercy on us all! It seemed to me that I had shrunk into a ball and was left completely alone. I could neither control myself nor make any volitional effort to change anything. After a while, I fell like a bag onto the floor of some room and saw a man in front of me. “Well, hello, hello,” he said. And then I finally realized that I was in hell, that Satan was in front of me, and I was in his complete power. Thank God it didn't last long. Soon they pulled me out of there like a rag doll. It is impossible to express in words what relief and joy I felt then! It turns out that I was only shown heaven and hell, and perhaps part of the Judgment.

Then I heard from the Angel: “Do you want to be saved?” And she answered: “Of course, I want to be saved!” “Then go to the monastery.” After these words, I shrank all internally and seemed to even begin to justify myself: “After all, I have a husband, a daughter who needs to be raised...”. Isn't it strange? A person has already been to hell, where he experienced a feeling of horror and despair, and continues to insist on his own?! They repeated to me again: “Go to the monastery.” I overcame myself and agreed. But my consent was not accepted. And I realized that this happened because I agreed under duress. My answer was not free. The Lord grants every person free will. This is perhaps one of the greatest gifts we receive from Him. He doesn't want us to be forced to save ourselves. And after a pause I heard: “Then go to the monasteries, along the Golden Ring.” “Will they let me go?” - I asked. “Yes, but in five years you will come to the hospital again and wait.” Exactly five years later, I actually ended up in the hospital and waited, as if for a sentence, for the doctors’ decision.

Life after death

When I came to my senses after resuscitation, the first thing those around me heard from me was: “God exists.” These words were spoken in a weak voice, but everyone knew that I had returned from the “other world.” The nurses crossed themselves, but the doctors didn’t believe it - they were atheists.

After my return, I spent six months in the Surgery Center (Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after V.V. Petrovsky, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). At that time, a church was opened there in the name of St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. It was located in the same building on the first floor, and I could attend all services. After my condition improved, suddenly a crisis suddenly set in: terrible pain began and they pumped out black liquid through a tube, which I swallowed.

The time for Lent has come. After consulting, the doctors decided to “put” me on a fifteen-day starvation diet and daily infuse a huge amount of medicine through an IV to maintain the vital functions of the body and remove toxins. The temperature remained stable at 38 degrees, and the condition was so severe that I did not know what to do with myself. Prayers were given with great difficulty. The only prayer I said morning and evening was the “Our Father,” but it seemed endlessly long to me. When I was still in intensive care, I asked my loved ones to bring me icons of the Savior, the Mother of God, St. Panteleimon and prayer book. I tried to read it, but my vision was so weakened that it was very difficult, but then I already knew that turning to God was my salvation, my hope. For the first time in my life, during the services of Lent, I felt grace and peace. I cried a lot, prayed, sitting on a bench in the temple, asking the Lord to heal me again.

Holy Week and the fifteenth day of my “hunger strike” were approaching. The professor-surgeon who operated on me warned that an unexpected complication had occurred, and the next day in the operating room they would pump out the fluid accumulated in the internal tissues from my stomach with syringes. I already knew that this was quite dangerous, and the procedure itself was not pleasant. In the morning I had an ultrasound of my internal organs, and the diagnosis was completely confirmed. In the afternoon I went down to the church for service. I prayed to the Lord. Mother of God and St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon to ease my fate, to be honest, no longer hoping for healing. In the evening I felt unwell and my temperature rose. Finally exhausted, I could barely sleep.

The procedure was scheduled for twelve o'clock the next day. By this time I was invited to the dressing room. The professor decided to call an ultrasound specialist again to know exactly the location of the affected areas. The same doctor who performed my previous ultrasound with a portable device came. A minute later she began the inspection, and was surprised to note that everything was clean, “there was nothing”!!! At that moment I felt that I felt incredibly at ease and that I was healthy. The surgeon looked at me puzzled, sighed with relief and sent me back to the room. I returned and decided to take my temperature. The thermometer showed 36.6. It was a real miracle on Holy Week! I am sure that it was the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon who prayed for me. In general, it must be said that his hospital church itself is wonderful. There the dark icon of Saints Zosima, Sabbatius and Herman was completely renewed! Patients come there before the most complex operations to pray, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

For many months of my stay in the hospital, I lived only with memories of what happened to me. This experience remains the most powerful of my life to this day. Now everything has changed, but, of course, before there was a very serious internal struggle. I have a language education, and I wanted to go work as a translator. Then I completed theological courses and began teaching at Sunday school. And then, by the Providence of God, she ended up in pre-trial detention center No. 5 with juvenile offenders. And there I realized that those people who, just as in Gospel times, were healed and saved by the Lord Himself, must serve Him. This must be understood and not be faint-hearted, despite the fact that dark forces will always hinder such service.

Now I teach juvenile delinquents about God and get great satisfaction from it. They are waiting for me. And the most interesting thing is that I understand them well. I experienced death, the feeling of being abandoned by God, was resurrected and again took up the wrong thing (not preaching), and therefore I know very well what these people are going through. Having committed a crime and gone to jail, they are all in a confined space. In such conditions, a person’s conscience is revealed. Our soul is a Christian, and after we break the commandments of God, we suddenly begin to realize this very well.

Approximately three-quarters of pre-trial detention center prisoners come to faith. My charges ask me for prayer books, prepare for Communion, read literature, watch films with Christian content. They are waiting for us, their teachers, like a breath of fresh air. You should have seen their eyes! What beautiful eyes! The boys who come to faith are very beautiful. They always listen very carefully in class. And those guys who have parents write to them that now everything is fine with them, now they are studying the Law of God and are waiting for these lessons.

What notes they write, what pictures they draw! It is we who sleep here, but they truly believe. Many of those who read the akathist forty times were released immediately, although they faced several years of imprisonment. At the trial, the charges crumbled to dust. Try to explain to a prosperous person what sin is and what repentance is. And there everything is already clear, everything has been passed. Having committed a sin, a person crosses the line of what is permitted - and then his conscience begins to speak, and repentance occurs. What, if not repentance, brings us closer to God! In difficult life conditions everything becomes clear.

In prison, deprivation and humiliation begin. They beat me in the cells... One boy wrote to me: “I am so grateful to you for revealing to me the truth about God. I was beaten very badly in my cell, but I prayed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and everything healed for me.” When I get out, I will definitely start going to the Temple and praying to the Lord and all the saints who intercede for us.

We continue to introduce our readers to the Spas TV channel program “My Path to God,” in which priest Georgy Maximov meets with people who have converted to Orthodoxy. The experience experienced by the guest of this episode of the program is dramatic and at the same time... bright, because it radically changed his life, which was rapidly rushing downhill, and turned him to Christ. How and why Vasily ended up in the world he experienced there how the feeling of Christ's love helped to correctly comprehend life Here , is his story.

Priest Georgy Maximov: Hello! The program “My Path to God” is on air. Our guest today, I will say right away, experienced very dramatic events in his life, which led him to God. Among people far from faith, there is a saying: “No one has returned from the other world.” It is pronounced with the subtext that no one knows what awaits us after death. However, the story of our guest refutes this saying. But before we talk about his death and return, let's talk a little about the background. Vasily, am I wrong if I assume that you grew up, like many of our generation, in an unbelieving environment and were unfamiliar with faith?

: Yes. I was born and raised in a different era. And after the army - for me it was in 1989 - a completely different paradigm arose. The Soviet Union collapsed. I had to somehow get my own food. A young family, a child was born. After the army, I worked a little at a factory, and then ended up in a security agency - a private security company. Now, of course, this is a slightly different structure, but then they were security guards, and at night they were bandits who extorted debts. I've done a lot of bad things. Lots of terrible things. There is no blood on my hands, but everything else is enough. That’s why I’m still ashamed, even though I repented. Many people died nearby. Some were imprisoned. But, since my daughter was born at that moment, I decided to leave this path. Little by little I managed to move away without much loss. I just moved to another place and cut off all connections completely. I tried to somehow build my life, but there was no money, and I worked anywhere: I traded, I drove my car. I met some friends at the market. Back then it was called “scam”. Worked for three years in the markets of Moscow and the Moscow region. There he became addicted to drugs.

Father George: How did this happen? You were already an adult and you probably heard that it was dangerous.

Heroin is a very tenacious demon. He takes a person into his arms and does not let go. Twice is enough

: I then had a fight with my wife, I lived alone in a communal apartment, and a large group of drug addicts gathered there. I looked at their happy faces as they injected themselves and said: “You don’t need this.” It was more like: “Just don’t throw me into a thorn bush.” And so I wanted to try it. At first it was scary. I sniffed it - it didn't have much effect. Then he injected himself once, twice, three times... And that’s it. I think twice is enough. Heroin is a very tenacious demon. He takes a person into his arms and does not let him go. No matter how many people were treated, tried to somehow leave, get off this topic - only a few succeeded. I know only one girl who succeeded, but even then at the cost of great effort, and she was a fiasco in the female department. That is, she won’t give birth anymore. Well, the rest died. Moreover, people experienced clinical death from an overdose and then went for a new dose.

I remember an incident with my friend. We were sitting in the kitchen: me, him and his girlfriend. They pricked him - he fell. He felt bad, they called an ambulance. They arrived quickly. They dragged him onto the landing. There they opened the sternum and performed direct cardiac massage... This sight is not for the faint of heart, I tell you. They pumped it out. And still it didn’t give him anything, and literally two months later he left us due to an overdose. Scary things. I sat there for about a year. This is relatively little. It hits people in different ways. Some live on heroin for 10, 15 years - I don’t know why it took so long. But usually a drug addict lives 5-6 years maximum.

Father George: Was your own death also due to an overdose?

: Not really. At that time, there was an opinion: you can drink vodka, and through alcohol you will be able to get off heroin. But, as it turned out, this is not really the case. It was the May holidays, and for that purpose I drank and drank. To get off heroin. But it didn't help. I couldn’t stand it, and on May 11, my friends and I injected ourselves at the entrance. It was in the evening, after 10 pm. And vodka and heroin mean death right away. I don’t know what influences what, but it’s practically immediate. And I was still under the influence of alcohol. I remember the darkness. It’s as if consciousness collapses. The eyes close and bells ring in the ears.

Father George: So you experienced clinical death?

: This is the very moment of death. I didn't feel any pain. My eyes closed softly, calmly, and I fell down, sliding towards the garbage chute. There he remained. I only remember how literally a moment later I saw - as if from under water and in slow motion - how a girl, one of us, was running, knocking on apartments so that they would open the door to call an ambulance - there were no mobile phones then. My comrade, who was nearby, Sergei, is trying to give me artificial respiration. But, probably, he wasn’t very good at it. Then I remember that I was already lying in front of the entrance. The ambulance has arrived. The body is lying. I see my body from the outside. They are doing something there. And somehow it didn’t matter to me anymore. Completely uninteresting. It started to pull somehow to the right and up. Everything is accelerating. And such an unpleasant sound, a hum. It spun and flew up the big pipe. My thoughts did not stop for a second.

Father George: Didn't you get scared when you realized what had happened?

: And at first I didn’t have this understanding. It came later. I began to be pulled faster and faster. Then such translucent walls, a tunnel, an ever-accelerating flight. There are some pictures around that can be compared to star photographs from the Hubble telescope. And there's a bright light ahead. The brightest. It's akin to a water park ride where you spiral down, go down, and fall into a pool of warm water. And such a chord of some kind of unearthly music, or something. That's when I looked at myself. Only then did the realization come that I had died. There was no regret about it. I felt joy, peace, pleasure. I could see where I was. I saw my body lying in the ambulance. But I’m somehow... completely indifferent to him. Without any contempt, without hatred, just...

Father George: How is it already something alien?

I immediately realized that it was Him. And He is like a father. No one has ever talked to me like that

: Yes. Here's how you walk past - there's a stone lying on the street. Well, it lies and lies. After that, I was pulled upward, you know, as if a warm palm began to lift me up. I felt straight waves of happiness and absolute calm. Absolute protection. Everything around is saturated with love - such strength that it is not clear what to compare it with. It was as if I was being pulled through some clouds. How the plane takes off. Higher and higher. And a figure appeared in front of me in a dazzling radiance. She was wearing a long robe, a chiton. You know, before that time I had never opened the Bible and never had any thoughts about God or Christ. But then I immediately realized with every fiber of my soul that it was He. And He is like a father. He met me with love that you will not see on Earth. No one has ever talked to me like that. He did not reproach, did not convince, did not scold. He was just showing my life. We communicated in thoughts, and His every word was perceived as law. Without any doubt. He spoke quietly and affectionately, and I became more and more convinced that I was monstrously wrong not only to myself, but also to my family, and to everyone in general. I cried, sobbed, my heart, breaking, cleared, gradually I felt better.

You know, this comparison stuck in my head: when a potter is making some kind of pot, and his clay piece falls - and he begins to straighten it with his hands... Just like a potter, He straightened my soul. She was so dirty... So, He played my life like a picture before my eyes.

It is known that this happens, I later read this from the same Moody or from others who experienced similar things. Nothing new here. I'm not making this up, I'm not lying. They lie, probably, to achieve some goal. I just want to talk about what I saw so that people can hear. I’m already used to the fact that many people don’t believe me and sometimes twist their finger at my temple.

So here it is. He could stop life anywhere. It's like some kind of movie. But, what’s most interesting, I could go anywhere to look at myself. Feel the situation from the point of view of each of the people around me.

Father George: Understand how they perceived it?

: Yes. As possible. It’s like... for example, the bullet and knife wounds that I had cannot be compared in any way with how a person can be wounded by just one thrown word. And how you remember this for the rest of your life. What consequences will this lead to? How careful you should be in your actions. Many people think that there is only this life, and then everything, some dark hopeless something and nothing. No, my friends, everyone will have to answer for what they have done. Absolutely everyone.

I realized: I need to go back to earthly life. Wife and child flashed before my eyes

Well, He and I sorted out these pictures. Then He took me by the hand, we walked... I remember that there was some kind of foggy substance under my feet, it was constantly shimmering. The brightest light. That is, there is no shadow there at all, although it is difficult to imagine here. I felt translucent. Like in the movie “The Invisible Man,” where his boundaries are simply marked. And He took me by the hand and led me and enlightened me with this brightest light. Then we found ourselves again in the place where we first met. And I don’t remember what He asked, but the main thing is that I realized: I need to go back to earthly life. His wife and child flashed before his eyes. By the way, by that time we had a fight and had not lived together for almost a year. In general, I realized that I need to return. I promised Him to come to his senses and improve. The deepest sadness arose in me, and at the same time they made me understand that we would meet again. I probably still live with this hope. Honestly, I want to go there. Any minute now.

Although, of course, so wonderful was what I experienced, so bad can it be for those who end up in hell. I was not in heaven, but, probably, in some kind of threshold of heaven. I don’t know how to say... This feeling is probably stronger than all the drugs on Earth combined and multiplied by infinity. The explosion of omniscience literally “knocked” me off my feet, perhaps. The truth only passed through me, but I felt the endless creative potential that lies within us. To know everything... there’s no way to retell it, just take my word for it: it’s great, we certainly won’t be bored there. It was so wonderful there. Warm, cozy. Precisely with Him. I felt that He was the father. Real father. Not like earthly fathers... I wasn’t very lucky with my biological father, and with my stepfather too.

In short, it turned out that I was already returning in reverse order. In May, the sun sets late... I remember that it was still sunset, and I was sinking. Through the leaves of the trees, through the roof of the car and into the body. My consciousness jerks back. I take a deep breath, my ribs hurt really bad. And I grab the paramedic’s hand. He has a watch, keys, money in his palm...

Father George: Yours?

: Yes. Everything from my pockets. Pockets are turned inside out. I don’t want to say anything bad about the ambulance workers. I myself am the son of doctors. My sister and I worked at Ambulance. I was a corpse. As it turns out, it’s already 14 minutes. Naturally, they no longer took any resuscitation actions, they simply took me to the morgue. Well, well... So, I grabbed his hand. These eyes were a must see. I have never seen such horror before.

Father George: I can assume that in the future this man would no longer risk searching the dead. (Laughs.)

: Yes, there was money there... I remember I counted half of it to him - it was just a bottle of beer. And for the second half I bought myself a bottle of beer, sat right next to him and sat thinking to myself. The next day I woke up to the doorbell ringing. And I still didn’t practically understand what had happened to me. The realization happened gradually over several weeks. So, I open the door: my wife is standing. And we haven’t seen her for a year. In general, we talked for about an hour. I gave up everything. Everything that was in that room. He closed it and we went to her place. I never returned there again. I cut off all the ends at once.

Withdrawal is a terrible pain. You can't stand, you can't lie down, you can't find peace at all

But heroin addiction has not gone away. Literally by the end of the day I felt really bad. And for the next two and a half months I had the following diet: a bottle of vodka, diphenhydramine, tazepam, phenazepam - just to switch off completely during withdrawal. My wife is simply a holy person. She walked me out. She went to work and bought me vodka. And I was lying at home. When you start taking hard drugs, you don’t think about what will happen to you next, you feel good, and let the whole world wait. And when you want to end it, you find that the demon won’t let you go. You no longer have veins; the ones you had were “burnt” long ago. You are rotting all over, you are shaking and breaking in the literal sense of the word. Withdrawal is a terrible pain. Not like a cut or bruise. It is rather akin to rheumatic pain, when the joints are twisted. But, again, the pain is multiplied many times over. And it's inside you. You won't tie, you won't do anything. It starts to wring you out. You cannot stand, you cannot lie down, you cannot find peace at all. Plus all sorts of nightmares accompany all this. The most terrible condition. And it is very easy to stop it. You just need to pick up the phone, call, and in half an hour you will already be injected, and everything is fine. But I gave my word to give it up.

It is extremely difficult to overcome withdrawal symptoms on your own; the support of loved ones and, of course, the desire of the patient are very important here. But the most important thing is that God helps you in this matter.

I now understand that the Lord granted my wife the gift of caring for me and gave me strength. I couldn't stand it alone.

It was a terrible summer. But I recovered. Then I stopped drinking. I won’t say that I quit myself. After the vodka, after all this “treatment” I suddenly turned yellow. The ambulance arrived and said: “Yes, you have hepatitis C. If you continue to drink, you will have cirrhosis, and hello.” I started drinking beer instead of vodka. It got even worse. In general, the matter was nearing the end. No longer from drugs, but from alcohol. We went to the clinic, where they code using the Dovzhenko method. And now I haven’t drunk for 17 years. And it doesn’t last. I look at those who drink, and it makes me laugh - it’s just a circus. People don't understand what they are doing. I stopped drinking, and, naturally, I’m just bored in all these drunken companies.

Both the cessation of drug addiction and liberation from alcohol addiction - all this happened precisely after that incident. Some kind of internal directive arose or something.

I went to work. Naturally, he stopped cheating on his wife immediately after that moment. Stopped smoking, stopped swearing

Now I understand that this is all connected with God. He puts you on the right path. I went to work. Naturally, he stopped cheating on his wife immediately after that moment. Stopped smoking, stopped swearing. It's gradual, step by step. In all my endeavors, I asked God for help. This is what I asked silently, and He always helped. By the way, a month after I turned yellow, I went again and had my blood tested. The diagnosis was not confirmed. I took the test several times later - no hepatitis. He just disappeared.

Father George: Despite all this, did you not immediately reach the Church?

: Yes. It's been a long journey. It’s as if you first had to remove everything unnecessary from yourself. And the Church is already tuning, bringing to perfection. Getting rid of the dependencies that I listed above was, I believe, only a rough tuning; now I have to fine-tune. Fine tuning will continue until the last breath. It is much more important and immeasurably more difficult than the first stage. After all, quitting smoking is much easier than quitting being jealous of someone. Or quitting drinking is easier than stopping hating someone or forgiving someone.

I didn’t get to the Church right away. And at first I just read a lot about people's post-mortem experiences. I walked in some wilds: Blavatsky, Roerich... There I was looking for the truth. But I found it only when I read in the Bible: “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Orthodoxy teaches about this. I did not find this in other teachings. AND there, in my posthumous experience, God is love. Absolute love. Exactly there I get it. I was protected, loved, understood. Like a son who found his father. It is Christianity that teaches that “to those who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the power to become children of God” (John 1:12), “Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Jesus Christ” (Gal. 4:7). And guided by this, I went to Church and took communion. Probably for the first time after baptism. I was baptized in 1980; then we were in Vladimir, when everyone was kicked out of Moscow for the Olympics, and there in the church my mother baptized me. Although she herself is a communist, her father is a communist. Doctors...

Father George: Just because of tradition, perhaps?

After my first communion, I was surprised: “How can this be? Both there and here"

: Yes. I didn't pay any attention to it then. To be honest, until I was 20 years old, I didn’t even think about what God is—whether He exists or not. We just live, that's all. So here it is. After that incident, probably six years passed before I came to church... I began to periodically go to Communion once every three weeks. Confess, receive communion. The first time I took communion was something unearthly. In general, I am a rather harsh person, sometimes I can be rude. But here I just relaxed, and all the people seemed like such kind angels to me. This lasted for about a day, probably. And it's very similar to the feeling I had there. A similar, kindred feeling. Grace. But when we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, we become akin to Him. And after my first communion I was surprised: “How can this be? Both there and here.” Well, now, of course, this doesn’t happen every time. And the first time it happened... I was almost knocked off my feet in church.

I realized many interesting things when I comprehended what I saw there. Those people who go to hell, they are then thrown into outer darkness. It turns out that a person who ends up there after his death, he... How sinful his soul is - it itself moves away from God. She condemns herself. The more sinful you are, the further you are from the Light, from God. You yourself will not be able to approach Him, covered with the dirt of your thoughts and actions. You are carried further and further into the pitch darkness, where all your fears await you. And around Him there is no fear, only bliss. Life always ends suddenly for a person, and you will appear before Him with the whole set of your deeds, and nothing can be changed there. And then you will condemn yourself and will not allow yourself to get closer to the Light, for you will be unbearably burned. Like can only come into contact with like. This is not the Last Judgment, as it is often presented...

Father George: Well, as a matter of fact, you haven’t lived to see the Last Judgment yet. Because the Last Judgment will be at the end of history, when the resurrection from the dead occurs. The souls will unite with the bodies of the dead, and then people, together with their bodies, will appear at the Last Judgment. In the proper sense of the word, heaven and hell will already exist after the Last Judgment. And before that, as Saint Mark of Ephesus says, souls fall into a state of anticipation of the Last Judgment. And in accordance with what everyone’s soul is, they either expect future torment and thereby suffer, or they expect future benefits and experience bliss from this.

: Apparently this was a small trial. Own condemnation. To be honest, I have seen a lot, but I don’t even want to think about angering the Lord. At least somehow. There is not even such a thought. I've done crazy things before. Now, knowing everything that there maybe... How much there it can be good and how bad - I can’t even think about it. I couldn’t live before without thinking about a cigarette or: “You didn’t smoke marijuana today or inject yourself - the day was in vain.” And now I gave up everything after what I found out. To be honest, I'm not a coward, but I act like a good girl. I don't want to go there. It's scary there.

Father George: Into this outer darkness?

: Yes. Moreover, it is forever. I also realized this thing: it’s like we have two births. The first time we are born from our parents, and the second time is after death. And in this life, when we are here, in this earthly world, we must decide: with whom we are and what actions we are committing. I am extremely lucky to have been given another chance. God gave me a new life in which I could understand what love is. You just need to come to your senses in time. As St. Seraphim of Sarov said: we must acquire the Holy Spirit here.

Father George: It is here on earth, because there there is no longer any choice. Regarding the birth, I remembered the words of St. Gregory of Sinaite, who said: “Here on earth, a person bears the embryo of his future life. Either eternal torment, or eternal happiness with God.” And, strictly speaking, with death he gives birth to that eternity for himself, which he determined by his direction of will: what his will turned out to be directed towards - towards God or towards sin.

My consciousness was not interrupted for a second. And this confirms that we are not dying. I say this for atheists, for those who reject the Lord God

: And that’s actually what prompted me to tell my story. This is all deeply personal, in principle... Not everyone will agree to tell this about themselves. I want to testify that personality is indestructible. My consciousness was not interrupted for a second. And this confirms that we are not dying. I say this for, for those who reject the Lord God. Because if they are hoping for something here, maybe in the prince of this world, then there he won't protect them. There they will be rewarded according to their deserts. This is absolutely accurate.

And you must not only believe, but also do good deeds. Think about it: why were you born? Is the most complex biological organism on the planet created just for an empty pastime? Our life on Earth is a moment, but a very important one: it is here that we determine whether we come to Him or not. There will not be a second such moment, and after death nothing can be corrected. Try, while you have time, not to do evil, ask for forgiveness from those you offended. Do everything for the Glory of God.

Let me remind you of the two commandments that Jesus Christ brought to us. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind...” and “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Mark 12:30, 31). If all people fulfilled these two commandments, then the entire planet Earth would be shrouded in love. And in this regard, the Orthodox Church is the leader. I believe that this is the only true teaching, and it is this that leads to the next life. And what this life is, I was actually convinced. Perhaps my story will help someone think about their actions and rethink their behavior. Many said: “You were hallucinating, the effects of drugs, some kind of delusion that occurs when the cerebellum falls asleep somewhere”...

Father George: But the fact that your life has changed so radically already indicates that these could not just be hallucinations. Because every addict sees hallucinations regularly, but this does not change his life. Life can only be changed by real experience. And I think the Lord, let’s say, showed you in advance what could be. Because in your previous life, everything led you to a completely different place, into that very outer darkness, but the Lord, out of His love, showed you in advance what awaits you, so that you could manage it correctly. And, thank God, you really made the right use of your second chance.

Thank you very much for your story. God bless you!

Even in my childhood I dreamed of becoming a pilot. At that time I communicated a lot with my uncle. He was deputy commander of the Moscow Military District for radar warfare. His whole life was connected with aviation, and although he did not fly himself, he told me a lot about flying. I came to visit him in the city of Kubinka, Moscow region. Together we visited aviation exhibitions and museums; on his advice, I read many interesting books on aviation. So, already from the 5th-6th grade I dreamed of flying. And my dream came true. After school, I entered the Chelyabinsk Military Aviation School and studied to become a navigator.
Already at the age of 20, flying began in my life, of course, associated with risk and difficulties. My mother was worried about me and advised me to be baptized in the church, saying that this would be protection and help for me. At that time, I believed that believing in God was quite boring, unpromising and uninteresting, that it did not bring a person any joy or satisfaction. Something gloomy and dark seemed to me when they talked about faith in God. But still, I went and was baptized in the Orthodox Church.
Previously, the only believer in our family was my great-grandmother. She always prayed for all of us. Mom didn’t reject God, but she didn’t go to church either. One day she had a strong desire to read the New Testament. She started reading, but it soon turned out that her mother did not understand anything from what she read. At home, she drew attention to the New Testament with the inscription: “To Valery (my father) from Ivan.” She asked dad who Ivan was. He explained that this is a believer who works with him. Mom said that she would really like to talk to him. Soon this meeting and conversation took place. Ivan Ivanovich turned out to be a clergyman of the Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith. After talking with him, my mother believed in God.
She began to talk to me more and more often on the phone and in letters about the Lord, about His love for all people. She began to talk about how, having believed, she seemed to have risen from the dead, that her soul was filled with joy, happiness, and love. I listened to her with interest, because all this did not fit in with my idea of ​​​​faith in God.
Around the same time, my friend, who had once read the New Testament and understood something for himself, being an unbeliever himself, for some reason began to tell me about what is sin before God. I did not know that. His stories also touched my heart.
One day my friend got into trouble (partly through my fault). He should have been expelled from the school. Feeling guilty and powerless in the current situation, I decided to turn to God for help. I made a promise to the Lord that if He helps and my friend is kept in school, then I will not smoke for a whole month and will pray. My friend was not expelled; it was as if everyone had forgotten about him. I kept my promise. This event produced a powerful experience in me and was a powerful sign for me that God exists, that He heard me and helped me in this hopeless situation.
Soon I came home on vacation. My mother invited me to church for worship. Without any doubt, I went. This period of my life was quite successful. I didn't have any sorrows. This year I became a master of sports in aviation all-around, a national champion among higher military educational institutions. Of course, I was filled with pride from my victories. While at the service, I normally accepted everything that was said there. I even had the feeling that everyone around me was somehow close and dear, although I was there for the first time and didn’t know any of the people gathered. At that moment, I did not make any decision about serving God, being content with what I had, I simply listened to the preachers and prayed a little with everyone.
But a few days after this service, I was touched by my mother’s words addressed to me. She spoke about justice. That if a person does good, then at the end of his life he should end up where it will be good. And if a person acts badly, commits sinful acts, lives only for himself, in fairness he must be punished for his life. She turned to me and asked: “Do you know that you are a sinner?” Of course I knew about it! Even a child of 12-14 years old subconsciously already understands that he is a sinner. I realized that I needed to repent of my sins before God. Then the sly thought came to my mind that I would repent just in case, well, you never know what might happen to me. And thereby I will “reserve” a place for myself there, with God. In the meantime, you can live a little for yourself. I didn’t feel very bad, but at the same time I understood that there was still something to punish me for. And with these thoughts I came to church for worship and repented there. But, to my surprise, after the prayer of repentance, changes began to occur in my life. I developed an aversion to alcohol. I could no longer smoke, because after smoking I began to have a severe headache. Before this, I tried to quit several times, but nothing worked. Another miracle was that I could no longer use obscene language. I had the feeling that a filter had been placed on me and bad words became disgusting to my nature. All this was a very strong sign from the Lord for me. I used to think that people, in order to please God, restrain themselves with incredible willpower, doing it out of fear of punishment or something like that. Then I realized that God gives a person strength, helps him, frees him from vicious desires. It was a revolution in my consciousness, in my perception of God. And I believed sincerely, deeply. Only a year later I was baptized and became a member of the church. This event was postponed by a year because I was still studying at a military school, and my life was connected with weapons. After graduating from college, I served for some time in the Moscow Military District in Voronezh. After the regiment officially became part of the peacekeeping forces for combat operations, I wrote a letter of resignation. I was afraid that there might be a situation where I would have to use weapons, which would be contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Somewhat later, I married a believing girl, and now we have seven children.
17 years have passed since I gave my life into the hands of God, and I have not for one moment regretted doing it. I see God's great mercy over me. Although there are difficulties, the Lord never leaves without His help.

Fedor Matlash, Chuvashia

We continue to introduce our readers to the Spas TV channel program “My Path to God,” in which priest Georgy Maximov meets with people who have converted to Orthodoxy. The experience experienced by the guest of this episode of the program is dramatic and at the same time... bright, because it radically changed his life, which was rapidly rushing downhill, and turned him to Christ. How and why Vasily ended up in the world he experienced there how the feeling of Christ's love helped to correctly comprehend life Here , is his story.

Priest Georgy Maximov: Hello! The program “My Path to God” is on air. Our guest today, I will say right away, experienced very dramatic events in his life, which led him to God. Among people far from faith, there is a saying: “No one has returned from the other world.” It is pronounced with the subtext that no one knows what awaits us after death. However, the story of our guest refutes this saying. But before we talk about his death and return, let's talk a little about the background. Vasily, am I wrong if I assume that you grew up, like many of our generation, in an unbelieving environment and were unfamiliar with faith?

: Yes. I was born and raised in a different era. And after the army - for me it was in 1989 - a completely different paradigm arose. The Soviet Union collapsed. I had to somehow get my own food. A young family, a child was born. After the army, I worked a little at a factory, and then ended up in a security agency - a private security company. Now, of course, this is a slightly different structure, but then they were security guards, and at night they were bandits who extorted debts. I've done a lot of bad things. Lots of terrible things. There is no blood on my hands, but everything else is enough. That’s why I’m still ashamed, even though I repented. Many people died nearby. Some were imprisoned. But, since my daughter was born at that moment, I decided to leave this path. Little by little I managed to move away without much loss. I just moved to another place and cut off all connections completely. I tried to somehow build my life, but there was no money, and I worked part-time. Anywhere: traded, taxied in his car. I met some friends at the market. Back then it was called “scam”. Worked for three years in the markets of Moscow and the Moscow region. There he became addicted to drugs.

Father George: How did this happen? You were already an adult and you probably heard that it was dangerous.

Heroin is a very tenacious demon. He takes a person into his arms and does not let go. Twice is enough

: I then had a fight with my wife, I lived alone in a communal apartment, and a large group of drug addicts gathered there. I looked at their happy faces as they injected themselves and said: “You don’t need this.” It was more like: “Just don’t throw me into a thorn bush.” And so I wanted to try it. At first it was scary. I sniffed it - it didn't have much effect. Then he injected himself once, twice, three times... And that was it. I think twice is enough. Heroin is a very tenacious demon. He takes a person into his arms and does not let him go. No matter how many people were treated, tried to somehow leave, get off this topic - only a few succeeded. I know only one girl who succeeded, but even then at the cost of great effort, and she was a fiasco in the female department. That is, she won’t give birth anymore. Well, the rest died. Moreover, people experienced clinical death from an overdose and then went for a new dose.

I remember an incident with my friend. We were sitting in the kitchen: me, him and his girlfriend. They pricked him - he fell. He felt bad, they called an ambulance. They arrived quickly. They dragged him onto the landing. There they opened the sternum and performed direct cardiac massage... This sight is not for the faint of heart, I tell you. They pumped it out. And still it didn’t give him anything, and literally two months later he left us due to an overdose. Scary things. I sat there for about a year. This is relatively little. It hits people in different ways. Some live on heroin for 10, 15 years - I don’t know why it took so long. But usually a drug addict lives 5-6 years maximum.

Father George: Was your own death also due to an overdose?

: Not really. At that time, there was an opinion: you can drink vodka, and through alcohol you will be able to get off heroin. But, as it turned out, this is not really the case. It was the May holidays, and for that purpose I drank and drank. To get off heroin. But it didn't help. I couldn’t stand it, and on May 11, my friends and I injected ourselves at the entrance. It was in the evening, after 10 pm. And vodka and heroin mean death right away. I don’t know what influences what, but it’s practically immediate. And I was still under the influence of alcohol. I remember the darkness. It’s as if consciousness collapses. The eyes close and bells ring in the ears.

Father George: So you experienced clinical death?

: This is the very moment of death. I didn't feel any pain. My eyes closed softly, calmly, and I fell down, sliding towards the garbage chute. There he remained. I only remember how literally a moment later I saw - as if from under water and in slow motion - how a girl, one of us, was running, knocking on apartments so that they would open the door to call an ambulance - there were no mobile phones then. My comrade, who was nearby, Sergei, is trying to give me artificial respiration. But, probably, he wasn’t very good at it. Then I remember that I was already lying in front of the entrance. The ambulance has arrived. The body is lying. I see my body from the outside. They are doing something there. And somehow it didn’t matter to me anymore. Completely uninteresting. It started to pull somehow to the right and up. Everything is accelerating. And such an unpleasant sound, a hum. It spun and flew up the big pipe. My thoughts did not stop for a second.

Father George: Didn't the realization that death had occurred frighten you?

: And at first I didn’t have this understanding. It came later. I began to be pulled faster and faster. Then such translucent walls, a tunnel, an ever-accelerating flight. There are some pictures around that can be compared to star photographs from the Hubble telescope. And there's a bright light ahead. The brightest. It's akin to a water park ride where you spiral down, go down, and fall into a pool of warm water. And such a chord of some kind of unearthly music, or something. That's when I looked at myself. Only then did the realization come that I had died. There was no regret about it. I felt joy, peace, pleasure. I could see where I was. I saw my body lying in the ambulance. But I feel somehow... completely indifferent to him. Without any contempt, without hatred, just...

Father George: How is it already something alien?

I immediately realized that it was Him. And He is like a father. No one has ever talked to me like that

: Yes. Here's how you walk past - there's a stone lying on the street. Well, it lies and lies. After that, I was pulled upward, you know, as if a warm palm began to lift me up. I felt straight waves of happiness and absolute calm. Absolute protection. Everything around is saturated with love - such strength that it is not clear what to compare it with. It was as if I was being pulled through some clouds. How the plane takes off. Higher and higher. And a figure appeared in front of me in a dazzling radiance. She was wearing a long robe, a chiton. You know, before that time I had never opened the Bible and never had any thoughts about God or Christ. But then I immediately realized with every fiber of my soul that it was He. And He is like a father. He met me, the prodigal son, with love that you will not see on Earth. No one has ever talked to me like that. He did not reproach, did not convince, did not scold. He was just showing my life. We communicated in thoughts, and His every word was perceived as law. Without any doubt. He spoke quietly and affectionately, and I became more and more convinced that I was monstrously wrong not only to myself, but also to my family, and to everyone in general. I cried, sobbed, my heart, breaking, cleared, gradually I felt better.

You know, this comparison stuck in my head: when a potter is making some kind of pot, and his clay piece falls - and he begins to straighten it with his hands... Just like a potter, He straightened my soul. She was so dirty... So, He played my life like a picture before my eyes.

It is known that this happens, I later read this from the same Moody or from others who experienced similar things. Nothing new here. I'm not making this up, I'm not lying. They lie, probably, to achieve some goal. I just want to talk about what I saw so that people can hear. I’m already used to the fact that many people don’t believe me and sometimes twist their finger at my temple.

So here it is. He could stop life anywhere. It's like some kind of movie. But, what’s most interesting, I could go anywhere to look at myself. Feel the situation from the point of view of each of the people around me.

Father George: Understand how they perceived it?

Everyone comes to God in their own way. I was lucky: my journey began in the family. My father and mother are almost absent from my childhood memories. They always worked - like, probably, all parents in Soviet times. My father is the chief livestock specialist (later the director of the state farm) and my mother is the chairman of the trade union committee: responsible work took up all their time, so my sister and I grew up with our grandparents. I remember them so clearly - as if they were standing next to each other.

Grandfather is a military pilot, after demobilization he became a school director. He is short, has a stern look, and has medals all over his chest. He raised his children and grandchildren in a military manner, taught them to be responsible for their words and not to be afraid of anything. I still miss his wisdom and kindness...

Grandmother, a teacher of Russian language and literature, retained her royal bearing, luxurious hair and extraordinary beauty until the end of her life. Everyone loved her - and already gray-haired students came to visit for tea, sent postcards from all republics and territories - then the USSR. And she was happy like a girl and said: “Look, Helen! It was Vasenka who sent the letter! He was such a bully! Oh, photo! Well, it hasn't changed at all! Wow... already a captain! I looked at the photo and couldn’t understand: this elderly guy with a uniform and a stern look is Vasenka, a hooligan?! “Grandma must be joking,” I thought then.

Grandma always believed in God. Grandfather is practically an atheist... How grandmother, having such a husband and working at school, was able to avoid joining the Communist Party and pray every day - and no one betrayed her even during the Stalinist repressions - I don’t know, but the fact remains a fact... God’s providence!

It still stands before my eyes: the icons, the lamp - and the grandmother, heavily kneeling down, quietly whispering something - and crossing herself widely, confidently. And on the face there is quiet joy.

I remember how she told a story that shocked her in her youth and led her to faith...

1933 They, three young, seventeen-year-old girls, after teacher training school, were sent on Komsomol vouchers to the village to “raise literacy,” as they said then. Young, naive, stuffed with atheistic propaganda, they arrived and immediately decided to open a club. But where? The only suitable building was the church, which was empty at the time. The timid protests of local elders did not stop the desperate girls - and work began to boil. They painted over the images of saints, dismantled the boards and everything that was destroyed by the “god-fighters.” Literally a week later they put up an announcement that there would be dancing in the evening in the “club” building...

Few local youth came, and those who came stood timidly near the walls. The days were still fresh in these guys' memories when services were held in this temple - then majestic, but now disfigured: candles were burning, eyes were shining with joy, prayers were raised to heaven... and now - here - to dance?! And the boys and girls timidly huddled against the walls. The remnants of shame did not allow them to desecrate the temple where their ancestors prayed, where they themselves were baptized.

And then one of the visiting teachers, at that time my grandmother’s best friend, authoritatively waved her handkerchief towards the accordion player: “Come on, ‘Barynyu’!” - and with the first sounds of the accordion, it fluttered into the middle of the temple.

How she danced! Like an artist! The heels clicked loudly on the slabs, the skirt fluttered around her slender legs, her eyes shone. Young, beautiful, perky - the rest followed her.

At this moment, the grandmother always began to cry and only after calming down slightly, she continued: “Thank God, I was sick. I was sitting on a bench - my head was spinning, and I didn’t have the strength to dance - I even had difficulty walking. So she quietly went home. The temperature rose, and I lay in a fever for several days, and when I came to my senses, I found out that my friend - the one who first started dancing - was paralyzed. The doctors couldn’t find anything, but she couldn’t move her hand, and she lay there, poor, for 15 years, repented, came to faith and died quietly on Easter... I believe the Lord forgave her.”

After this, the club in the church was closed. My grandmother married my grandfather, at that time a cadet at the Kachinsky Flight School, gave birth to a daughter, my aunt, and completely immersed herself in family and work. She lived, raised children, and prayed. The Lord protected her and the children during the war, when they were evacuated under bombing. Her grandfather also kept her in her prayers - 690 combat missions - and not a single injury!

The war ended, grandfather returned home. Live and be happy! But, unexpectedly, illness crept up. In the hospital, the stomach was cut and sewn up - intestinal cancer, stage 4. No hope.

My grandmother told me how she prayed then - she never prayed like that again. There were bruises on her knees, her voice was hoarse... and the Lord heard her! But it was not she, but the unbelieving grandfather who dreamed of a beautiful woman in a dark headscarf who said: “Through the prayers of your wife, you will be cured!” And grandfather really recovered, lived until he was 82 years old, surprising everyone (especially doctors) with his energy and love of life, but he never came to faith. Although he was not a convinced atheist. I just never talked about it, I didn’t pray myself, but I didn’t bother my grandmother either.

And so they lived - two very different people who endlessly love each other. And so they left - almost together, with a difference of a year and a half.

Kingdom of Heaven and blessed memory to the servants of God Anna and John! Thank you for everything!

And I was dizzy with life... The dashing 90s. Truly, they survived as best they could. Behind me is a polytechnic institute and, as it turned out, a completely unnecessary profession as a spinning production engineer. In the whirlwind of survival, faith and God seemed completely unnecessary. Daily bread seemed more important, but going to church was only for Easter, to bless Easter cakes, and for Christmas - and that’s all. But at the same time, she sincerely considered herself a believing Christian.

Then everything got better. I started working as an accountant, completed a programming course, received a second higher education, this time in economics, and was promoted to become a chief accountant. My son was growing up. A smart, handsome boy, a completely problem-free child, a mother’s son. A daughter was born...

Clive Staples Lewis once said a wise phrase:

“God addresses man with a whisper of love, and if he is not heard, then with the voice of conscience; if a person does not even hear the voice of conscience, God addresses him through the mouthpiece of suffering.”

We usually don’t hear the voice of love; we believe that we deserve more. Voices of conscience too. It seems that the Lord gave me everything - a son and a daughter, a good job, a husband, but I sincerely believed that I had achieved everything myself, that I was so good and worthy of everything. It simply didn’t occur to me to come to the temple and thank the One who gave me everything. The voice of conscience never woke up. No, I believed and prayed even at home. There was no time for God.

And the Lord turned to me through the mouthpiece of suffering...

On August 26, 2012, my son died tragically... my boy... my joy... Smart, kind, fair, affectionate. He was a very bright man, everyone loved him. 3rd year of college, work in a bank, a brilliant future - everything collapsed in an instant.

I don’t remember those days well... But I clearly remember how I stood in front of the icons and shouted: “For what, Lord?! For what?! I haven’t offended anyone in my life, I helped everyone, I didn’t steal, I didn’t fornicate... Why?!” I demanded an account from God. It’s scary to remember now, but it happened. I don’t know what lengths I would have reached in my madness, but my son dreamed of me and said: “Mom! Don't scold anyone, this was supposed to happen. We do not choose the day of death and birthday. Everything is there, mom, everything is there. Pray for me, mommy! I didn’t even know I had so many sins.”

And I thought: if a clean, kind 20-year-old boy has so many sins, how many of them do I have? And I began to sift my life through a sieve - and I was horrified by what I saw... and I went to the temple! Thank God for everything!

From that moment on, a lot has changed. My daughter and I go to church and can’t imagine how we ever lived without it. My daughter sings in the choir and attends Sunday school. I pray for my family and friends and for my son. And I hope that the Lord, in His great mercy, has forgiven him and me.

Each person has his own path to God. Someone lives with God and in God from childhood until the last day - these are happy people. But the majority go to Him the long way, through sorrows and hardships. But it doesn’t matter how we go, it’s important that we get there in time.

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