Raspberries ground with sugar for the winter recipe or raw raspberry jam. Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter without cooking Pounded raspberries, how much sugar is needed

Raspberries save you from colds every year. And it is better to eat fresh berries, because during prolonged cooking, some of the beneficial substances are necessarily lost. Grated raspberries with sugar are the best solution for the winter; it’s a kind of raw raspberry jam. How nice it is to open a jar and serve it with pancakes, with curd mass and generally eat it just like that.

The beautiful berry has a pronounced antipyretic and diaphoretic ability. Therefore, it is the main medicine for influenza. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins A and B. Nutritionists attribute antioxidant properties to raspberries and even the ability to resist cancer. Thanks to the presence of potassium, magnesium and copper, it helps cope with depression. Constant consumption of berries or raspberry jam improves skin condition.


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1-2 kg.

The ratio of ingredients can be changed. Sugar acts as a preservative here. Therefore, the less it is in jam, the shorter its shelf life. If homemade twists will wait out the winter in the cellar, then it is better to increase the dosage of sweet crystals in the recipe.

I take it in a ratio of 1:1.5, that is, for 1 kg of raspberries, 1.5 kg of sugar.

The berries must be fresh, dry and clean - these are the three main requirements that will ensure long-term preservation. This is especially important for preparations without cooking.

Cooking method

Raspberries must be carefully sorted, removing rotten fruits, insects and pieces of leaves. If the raw materials are homemade, you don’t have to wash them. If purchased and there are doubts about perfect cleanliness, it is better to rinse the berries in salted water (a teaspoon of salt per liter of water). After this they should dry completely.

It’s worth taking care of glass jars in advance. They need to be thoroughly washed with baking soda and sterilized over steam or in the oven. Another option is to scald with boiling water. Metal or nylon lids just need to be kept in boiling water for a few minutes. After sterilization, the container should dry well.

It is necessary to grind raspberries with sugar immediately after picking or purchasing. To do this, you can use one of the options:

  1. Mix the berries and sugar in a bowl and crush them with a wooden masher or spoon.
  2. Pass the raspberries through a meat grinder, then mix with granulated sugar.
  3. Grind both ingredients at the same time using a blender.

To prevent beneficial substances, especially vitamins, from starting to oxidize, try to minimize the contact of berries with metal surfaces. Grind correctly - in glass or plastic containers. Enameled cookware will also work.

I usually twist it through a meat grinder, here's how. This time I was too lazy, so as not to unwind it and wash it, I took a blender. It seems to me that it’s even easier for them, pour everything in, bzhik – and it’s ready.

Then pour everything into a saucepan or bowl. Add sugar and stir.

Leave the mixture for some time (30 minutes or 1 hour) until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Divide raw jam into prepared jars. From 1 kg of raspberries I got 4 jars of 0.5 liters each.

Sprinkle a layer of about 0.5-1 cm of sugar on top to form a “plug”.

Close the lids tightly.

Store only in the refrigerator. It is important to ensure that mold does not start to appear in the jars!

If desired, this mixture can be completely frozen in plastic containers.

If foam begins to appear on the surface of the sweet preparations, this is a sure sign of fermentation. The reason could be poorly sterilized containers, moisture, or a small dosage of sugar. To save the product from final spoilage, you should add a little sugar to the jam, boil it well and roll it into a new container. Such preservation should not be stored for a long time.

I love grated raspberries like this, because it’s delicious to add to tea, and it’s ideal as a topping for homemade yogurt. And what a fragrant fruit drink you get from it, especially with mint - delicious! Those who love both raspberries and currants can combine both of these incredibly healthy berries together.

Many housewives look forward to summer, when fragrant and tasty raspberries appear. After all, this is not just one of the berries, it is a real source of benefits for the whole body. Raspberries have been revered at all times. And even when there was a need to cut down the forest, the bushes were bypassed and not touched. Today you can see red, yellow and even black berries. Although before it was exclusively yellow. So how did raspberries turn red? There is a legend that we tell about the nymph Ida raising the baby Jupiter. To calm down the very loud children's screams, she decided to feed the young thunderer raspberries. But while picking the berries, she injured herself and blood spilled, which turned the raspberries red. Currently, gardeners grow raspberries almost all over the world. Well, inventive housewives use the berries for jam, compotes, and sauces. Jam is still particularly popular. Today, it is the recipe for raspberry jam without cooking that is considered the most relevant. And this is quite understandable, because such a dessert has many advantages. The time required for preparing live jam is minimal. The recipe is simple and easy. But the most important thing is that raspberries with sugar retain all their vitamins without cooking. Tea with such jam becomes healing, because it can lower the temperature thanks to the vitamin C contained in fresh raspberries and alleviate the general condition of a person suffering from a cold. They also say that raspberry jam can slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body. Don't believe me?


  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1.3 kg sugar.

Recipe for raspberries grated with sugar for the winter

1. Let's prepare the raspberries. We sort the berries, and immediately remove not only the unedible specimens, but also the leaves and tails. Next, very carefully transfer the raspberries into a colander, rinse under low pressure of cold water or lower them into a pan filled with cool water for a few minutes. All the debris that remains will definitely float up. Now we just need to take the colander out of the pan and let the water drain.

2. Next, the raspberries need to be pureed. This is best done with a wooden masher or plastic spoon. Do not use metal spoons, masher, etc. When metal comes into contact with fruit acid, it can change the taste of the product being manufactured.

3. We should have a fairly homogeneous raspberry puree. Add the amount of granulated sugar required according to the recipe.

4. Mix the puree thoroughly and leave it for at least 2 hours so that the sugar is completely dissolved. While the raspberry jam is infusing, it must be stirred several times, carefully lifting it from the bottom.

5. And now the most important point - sterilization of dishes for raspberry jam prepared without cooking. Immediately before sterilizing, jars must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinsed. Next, we sterilize the containers using any proven method: you can hold the dishes over steam (at least 10 minutes), you can put the jars in a pan of water and boil for about 15 minutes. Another good option for sterilization is piercing in the oven or microwave. Don't forget about metal lids, which also need to be boiled to avoid bombing. More information on how to properly sterilize jars and lids can be found here.

6. Now mix the jam again and begin to fill the prepared sterile jars with it. Place the jam at the very top. Containers must be dry and cooled at the time of spilling.

7. Immediately cover packaged raspberries with sugar, prepared without cooking, with metal lids. We turn the containers upside down to check the quality of the seaming. Now you can transfer the jars for storage. The ideal place for live jam is the refrigerator. But a cellar or unheated pantry is also suitable, but in this case the shelf life will be no more than 2 months, while in the refrigerator it will quietly stand until next summer.

8. Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter, are ready! Fragrant, beautiful to look at and very tasty, live jam is not just another preparation, it is vitamins in a jar, which the body so lacks in winter.

Hello dear readers. Summer, as you know, is a busy time, the season of preparations for the winter. It's berry season. What not, berry abundance. Black and red currants, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries. I would like to note that raspberries grated with sugar are very popular in our family. My mother makes raw raspberry jam every year. True, last year I froze the berries, but when the power was turned off for a week due to a breakdown, my mother changed her mind about freezing the berries.

Now he cooks compote and prepares various jams. To be honest, I prefer honey. This year we bought more than 10 kilograms of honey, now we have enough for the winter. But grinding raspberries with sugar for the winter is a sacred thing. The recipe is simple, prepared with photographs.

We all know about the benefits of raspberries. It has so many medicinal properties. Most importantly, raspberry tea perfectly reduces fever and has diaphoretic properties. For colds, fever, cough, what could be better than a cup of hot raspberry tea. If you want to learn more about the properties of raspberries, read the article “Raspberry beneficial properties.” Raspberries are useful for children and adults, for vitamin deficiency and for strengthening the immune system.

In addition to raspberries, you can brew and drink tea from raspberry and black currant leaves. This is a tasty, aromatic and healthy drink.

Raspberries grated with sugar for the winter recipe

I don’t know about anyone, but we make raw raspberry jam and that’s where our raspberry preparations end, unless of course you count some wild raspberries that we freeze.

And of course, during the season, we try to enjoy plenty of raspberries. And now the raspberries have just begun, so to speak, the season has begun.

Raw raspberry jam, ingredients:

  • 1 kg. raspberries
  • 2 kg sugar

This is our raspberry. Not large of course, but tasty and very aromatic.

I really like this recipe, it's easy to prepare and doesn't require much time. And my motto lately is: “Everything ingenious is simple.”

I wash the raspberries under running water and pour them into a colander to drain excess liquid. Of course, you don’t have to wash the raspberries.

If you picked berries on your site and the berries are all whole and clean, then you don’t have to wash them. A friend of ours collects berries on her plot and never washes them. But I wash the berries, we bought them at the market today. And along with the raspberries they brought home ants, so they were mine.

We will also need sugar. We prepare raspberries at a ratio of 1:2 (that is, 1 part raspberries and 2 parts sugar). I have a kilogram of raspberries, so I take 2 kg. Sahara.

If you have 2, 3, 4 kg. raspberries, therefore, calculate how much sugar you will need. Raspberries need to be ground with sugar.

The aroma of raspberries, of course, cannot be conveyed. The aroma fills the whole apartment. This is why I love this jam, just the “aroma of summer” in a jar.

At one time, we made wild raspberry jam for several years in a row. How tasty and aromatic it is; anyone who has tried wild raspberries will understand what I mean. But this year we are making garden raspberry jam.

You can grind raspberries using a blender, but we ground them with a wooden spoon so that there is no contact between the berries and the metal.

They say that when metal comes into contact, vitamins are destroyed, so we try to preserve the vitamins. Grind until the sugar dissolves. Grind all the berries into a puree; there is no need to leave whole berries.

We simply made a funnel out of sugar, poured dry or dried raspberries into it, and mashed them with a wooden spoon. It’s just that if you immediately mix with sugar, it will be more difficult to mash the raspberries until smooth. And when the raspberries have already been mashed, you can add sugar. If there are still unmashed raspberries left, don’t worry, they will be perfectly preserved in sugar, and then they will give up all their vitamins in tea.

That's pretty much it. Of course, sugar does not completely dissolve immediately, but I know from my experience that it will dissolve later. We don't make this jam. Grind the berries and sugar and put the jam into sterile jars.

The jars need to be sterilized and the lids too, but if you also store them in the refrigerator, you can simply pour boiling water over them.

There are many recipes on how to prepare raspberries for the winter. But this recipe is closest and tastiest to me. You can freeze raspberries or dry them. But our children prefer tea made from raspberries grated with sugar. It is tasty and aromatic.

Pour the jam into jars. You can add another full tablespoon of sugar on top of each jar, but we don’t do this. We put raw raspberry jam into screw-on jars. Store in the refrigerator. It is very convenient to make tea from such jam. Many people use it as a filling for pies.

Our pediatrician always advises drinking a lot when you have a cold. And often prescribes folk remedies. This is blackcurrant tea and raspberry tea. So this year we prepared both raspberries and blackcurrants.

Thank God there are many safe folk remedies that help in the treatment of many diseases. So why not use the gifts of nature. I think that many will support me on this.

We also have five-minute blackcurrant jam. If you need a recipe, you can see it in the article ““. A very healthy and tasty jam that retains the maximum amount of vitamins.

This is how delicious and beautiful we got. Everything is so fast and simple. Our mother has always been preparing raspberries using this recipe for many years, and we have been doing this for several years now. True, this year it was not made from wild raspberries, but it also made fragrant jam.

Raspberries grated with sugar retain most of their vitamins. Which is great. For example, I really love drinking warm, tasty and aromatic raspberry tea in winter, and watching the falling snowflakes from the window. The taste and aroma of summer in a cup.

In folk medicine, raspberries are used to treat colds. This is understandable: this berry contains substances that lower temperature and vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

However, not all vitamins are preserved after heat treatment, so raspberries, ground with sugar for the winter, are healthier than regular jam.

This dessert has only one drawback - it can only be stored in the cold.

Cooking features

Raspberries, ground with sugar, will turn out tasty and will not sour for a long time, if you know a few secrets of its preparation.

  • It is best to pick raspberries during the day, in sunny weather. This berry is the sweetest and healthiest.
  • The harvested raspberries should be ground on the same day they are picked, preferably immediately after picking. The fact is that raspberries turn sour quickly.
  • Before preparing “cold jam”, add lightly salted water to the raspberries (one or two teaspoons of salt per liter is enough) and leave for a quarter of an hour. During this time, all the bugs will emerge, and all that remains is to rinse and sort the raspberries to prevent spoiled berries from getting into the preparation.
  • The washed berries need to be given time to dry - if water gets into the preparation, it will shorten its shelf life.
  • The finished “cold jam” must be placed in absolutely clean, sterilized jars and closed with the same lids. They can also be made of polyethylene - such lids should be boiled for 5 minutes.

You can choose any recipe, taking into account that the safety of the berry depends on the amount of sugar: the more of it, the longer the “jam” will be stored.

Classic recipe for raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Immerse the collected raspberries in cool water for a quarter of an hour, dissolving a little salt in it (10 g per liter).
  • Remove floating bugs and blades of grass.
  • Rinse the berries by dipping them in a colander several times in clean water.
  • Sort through the berries, removing the spoiled ones, clearing them of adhered leaves and all kinds of debris. Rinse again in the same way and allow the water to drain.
  • Cover the berries with sugar and mash with a wooden pestle. If desired, you can use a blender, making sure it is clean.
  • Leave the berries for a couple of hours so that the sugar melts and dissolves in the berry juice.
  • Sterilize small jars. This can be done in any way: steamed, in the oven, or simply boiled them.
  • When the jars are dry, spread the raspberries, grated with sugar, over them, leaving a little space to create a “sugar jam”.
  • Cover the raspberries with powdered sugar.
  • Close the jars with boiled lids. When the jars become warm, place them in the refrigerator, in which the raspberries, ground with sugar, should be stored.

The storage place for raspberries prepared according to this recipe can be a basement or an unheated pantry, but in this case you will need to eat them within 2 months. In the refrigerator it will easily stand until summer.

Tender raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Add prepared raspberries, well washed and dried, with sugar and stir.
  • Mash with a masher or grind in any other way.
  • Fold a large piece of gauze into 4 layers and place the berry mixture in it. Tie the corners of the gauze and hang it over an enamel bowl for 10 hours.
  • Pour the syrup that has drained through the gauze during this time into small jars, which must be sterilized shortly.

In fact, it’s not even a berry, but a syrup – very tender and tasty. It can be given in small spoons to children as medicine. It is also suitable for preparing delicious drinks - just dilute it with water.

Frozen raspberries, pureed with sugar

  • raspberries (fresh) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully sort and rinse the raspberries, removing spoiled berries, insects, leaves and other debris.
  • Grind the berries by crushing them with a stainless steel spoon or wooden pestle.
  • Mix with sugar and place in clean, small plastic containers.
  • Cover with clean lids and place in the freezer.

In order for raspberries not to lose their beneficial properties, they need to be defrosted gradually, without heating. A container with defrosted berries can be stored in the refrigerator for two days. It can no longer be re-frozen. If you don’t have time to eat it, use it to make desserts.

Raspberry jam, grated with sugar without cooking

  • raspberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • water – 0.25 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the raspberries. Wash a good berry.
  • Cover the raspberries with sugar and place in the refrigerator for 4 hours. During this time, the raspberries will give juice.
  • Grind the raspberries using a spoon or masher. You can also use a blender. If you grind the berries through a sieve with a wooden pestle, the jam will be as tender as possible.
  • Pour cool water over the gelatin and leave to swell for half an hour.
  • Place the gelatin in a water bath and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  • Pour gelatin into raspberry puree, stir well.
  • Sterilize small jars, spread jam in them, and roll them up.

Raspberry jam mashed with sugar is stored under the same conditions as “cold jam”, but its shelf life is shorter. However, it is much more difficult to resist eating it without waiting for winter. It must be said that jam is just as healthy as fresh raspberries with sugar, since you don’t need to boil the berries to make it.

Raspberries, ground with sugar, are prepared for the winter not only because they are a very tasty delicacy. During a cold, it can be eaten to help the body fight infection. After all, it is prepared without cooking, that is, it retains all the vitamins and helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, it helps reduce fever without medication, which is also good during a cold.

Source: http://OnWomen.ru/malina-peretertaya-s-saharom.html

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking – Encyclopedia of homemade preparations

Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter

Berry jam requires long-term heat treatment, but this is not the only preparation for the winter that can be prepared from raspberries. Berry, ground with sugar, is a tasty and very effective anti-cold remedy. This delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator.

Why are raspberries good for the winter with sugar without cooking?

Raspberry preparation not only has a bright, pleasant aroma and sweet taste, but is also very healthy. Fresh berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and natural acids. Just 100 g of delicacy provides a person with a third of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid.

When cooking berries, not only vitamin C is destroyed, but also other beneficial components. Frozen fruits lose their taste.

Unlike other preparations, grated raspberries with sugar for the winter retain their healing properties and can serve as a natural immunomodulator and antioxidant.

How to puree raspberries with sugar for the winter

To prepare dessert, it is better to use small (500 ml) jars, which must first be sterilized. They do this in different ways - using an oven, microwave oven, over steam. Cover the containers first with clean paper, and then with nylon lids doused with boiling water. What ingredients will you need:

  • fresh ripe raspberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1500-1800 g.

To prepare pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter, do this:

  1. Before grinding the fruits, clear them of any debris. Then place the raspberries in a deep, clean bowl, sprinkle with granulated sugar (do not try to reduce calories by reducing the amount of this ingredient, it is important that its proportions be greater for long-term preservation of the workpiece).
  2. Grind the raspberries to a puree using a masher or blender.
  3. Set the resulting mass aside for half an hour, giving the treat time to brew (the sugar grains should completely dissolve in the juice). In order not to waste time, you can sterilize the containers and dry the jars.
  4. Place the pureed raspberries and sugar into containers, tightly closing with pre-boiled lids. Store the finished treat in cold conditions, optimally in the refrigerator. Serve the pureed preparation for tea or add to baked goods.

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking are the most popular way to preserve this healthy berry. We will tell you how to preserve raspberries for the winter with minimal loss of vitamins and maximum preservation of natural taste. This is not difficult at all; you can entrust the workpiece to a child.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking are served as a delicacy for tea, as a cure for colds, as a means of boosting immunity during fatigue, stress, and loss of strength. You can also use it as a filling for pies and cakes, sauce for casseroles and pancakes, pour it over ice cream and fruit salads, and prepare jelly and jelly based on it.

You must decide one question for yourself: to wash or not to wash. Unwashed raspberries are more aromatic, juicier, and do not become watery. But this way you run the risk of not noticing the raspberry beetle larvae and bringing harmful microorganisms into the jar along with the dust.

Therefore, it is more rational to immerse the sorted berries in salt water (20 g per liter) for 20 minutes, wait until all the living creatures float to the surface, and then rinse and dry the raspberries.

Do not wash raspberries before freezing, but in all other cases it is better to wash them.


How to prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Raspberries are a perishable berry, so they should be harvested the same day you get them.

We carefully sort the berries and throw away unripe and spoiled berries without regret. Throw away all the leaves and twigs. We wash as described above.

Transfer to a clean non-metallic bowl, add sugar, and put in the refrigerator for two hours until the juice releases.

We don’t skimp on sugar, because the preservation of the berries depends on its quantity. Usually taken in a 1:1 weight ratio. Or you can even 2:1 in favor of sugar.

After two hours, chop the raspberries. You can mash it with a wooden pestle, or you can spin it in a blender. But when using metal parts of a blender, there is a slight risk of oxidation; the berries may turn sour.

We sterilize jars with steam or in the microwave. Pour boiling water over the lids. Place raspberries in jars, leaving about a centimeter and a half. Sprinkle the top with sugar or powdered sugar. Close the lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Good luck with your preparations!

Raspberries with sugar for the winter

Servings: 1 Cooking time: 6 hours 07/06/2016


Hot July is the height of the berry season. The eyes simply run wide from the colorful variety of ripe, aromatic berries. Right now you need to have time to enjoy the generous gifts of summer, and make preparations for the winter.

Ruby cherries, amber gooseberries, black and red currants, delicious fragrant raspberries - all this is a real storehouse of priceless vitamins! Today we have raspberries and sugar on our list for the winter.

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Many housewives try to prepare raspberries first. Sweet berries with an amazing taste and incomparable aroma have long been considered healing. Tea with raspberries is an excellent auxiliary remedy for colds, sore throats, and reduced immunity.

Children especially love this berry - a spoonful of aromatic raspberry jam is much tastier than a bitter synthetic pill. The list of beneficial properties of raspberries is long. But it should be remembered that when berries are heat treated, their beneficial properties are lost. Therefore, making raw raspberry jam, without cooking, is the best way to preserve maximum vitamins.

Grated raw raspberry jam with sugar preserves the taste of fresh berries and the warm aroma of summer.

step by step photo recipe for raw raspberry jam

So, let's start by preparing the berries. Take fresh and undamaged raspberries. Remove stems and leaves. If the berry is homemade, which you are absolutely confident in, then there is no need to wash it. If purchased, from the market, be sure to rinse under running water, placing the raspberries in a colander. Then let the liquid drain.


Cooking process:

Place the prepared raspberries in a bowl or saucepan and puree them with a blender.

It is not necessary to puree all the raspberries if single berries occasionally float in the finished jam - it’s even tastier.

Now add granulated sugar to the berry pulp and mix the mixture thoroughly. Leave the raw pureed raspberry jam at room temperature for at least 6 hours. Stir the mixture occasionally with a wooden spoon. Cold jam is ready when the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in the berry puree.

To store raspberry jam without cooking, be sure to sterilize glass jars over steam.

Place fresh raspberry jam in clean, dry jars and add a layer of sugar (about 0.5 cm) on top. Granulated sugar will turn into a crust and protect the jam from mold and fermentation. Cover the jars with plastic or metal lids.

Well, we have prepared an amazing delicacy for winter and a delicious natural antibiotic - an ambulance at the first signs of a cold.

Store raspberry jam in the refrigerator without cooking. If your house has a basement for storing preparations, raw jam can be sent there. But in this case, the amount of sugar in raspberries needs to be increased in a ratio of 1:2

Source: https://svarinazimu.ru/malina-s-saharom-na-zimu-bez-varki.html

Raspberries with sugar for the winter

I don’t cook raspberry jam, as well as currant jam (regardless of color), but simply freeze it in sugar! Grinded raspberries with sugar, whole raspberries in the freezer, raw raspberry jam, preparing whole raspberries for use - whatever you want to call it ☺☺☺Why don’t I make raspberry jam? But because I believe that such delicate berries as raspberries should not be subjected to heat treatment, even minimally (I mean the five-minute jam recipe).
Fragrant red-sided sweet raspberries are not only a very tasty summer berry, but also an excellent preventive and therapeutic remedy for colds. Fragrant raspberry tea perfectly helps boost immunity, reduces fever, relieves pain and inflammation. Therefore, raspberries are actively prepared for the winter, because the peak of colds occurs precisely in the autumn-winter period, when, unfortunately, there are no more fresh raspberries. Until recently, my favorite and almost the only way to prepare raspberries was canning. And after purchasing a large refrigerator with a huge freezer, I don’t see the point in making jam ☺☺☺Undoubtedly, raspberry jam is a very tasty delicacy, but in terms of benefits it is clearly inferior to fresh berries. And this is not surprising, because during cooking, most of the beneficial substances evaporate, and a huge amount of sugar also does not add nutrition to the product. The best way to prepare raspberries for the winter is to freeze “raw raspberry jam”! Freezing beats canning or drying in all respects. Firstly, when frozen, the taste practically does not change and the beneficial properties are not lost. Secondly, freezing berries takes much less time than making jam or compote, and then sterilizing and sealing the jars. Thirdly, whole frozen raspberries can be used to decorate finished desserts and baked goods, whereas jam is not suitable for this purpose. By the way, an interesting fact is that frozen raspberries retain slightly more vitamins and organic acids than fresh ones picked a day ago. Therefore, it is recommended to freeze this summer berry immediately after picking.

Cooking raspberry jam - no, freezing - yes!


Raspberries - 1 kg Granulated sugar - it all depends on your preference, I recommend at least 0.7 kg



What needs to be done before freezing? First, you need to decide in what form the raspberries will be harvested: whole or grated? To freeze whole raspberries, you need to select only ripe but firm berries that will not lose their shape when frozen and then defrosted before use.

FIRST OPTION If the raspberries are dense and slightly unripe, then it is not necessary to sprinkle each layer of raspberries with sugar. My raspberries are ripe (they give juice), so I’ll add some. Pour a small amount of sugar into the bottom of a dry container, place berries on top, then sugar again, etc.

Cover the container tightly with a lid and put it in the freezer for storage.

SECOND OPTION For freezing “raw raspberry jam” in the form of puree, slightly overripe berries are also quite suitable. However, in any case, you should get rid of severely damaged and spoiled berries, as well as remove tails, pieces of leaves and other debris. If you are sure that the raspberries are clean, you can freeze them without washing them. But if you cannot guarantee the purity of the berries, give the raspberries an ice shower by rinsing them with very cold water and then drying them thoroughly. Before freezing raspberries in the refrigerator, decide on the portion size: it is recommended to freeze no more than one or two cups of berries in one containers, so that later it will be more convenient and economical to use it, because raspberries cannot be re-frozen. Sprinkle the raspberries with sugar at the rate of 0.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries and leave overnight, for a day, as is more convenient for you. After the juice has been released, carefully mix until smooth.

It is not necessary to crush, blend, or grind the berries, do it at your discretion. Personally, I don’t bother, I’ll stir it a few times and that’s it ☺☺☺Place the raspberry puree in small plastic containers with lids or in resealable jars (not glass).

But you need to remember that when frozen, all liquids increase in volume, so the puree should not be placed flush with the top, but should be left about one third of the container free. Place in the freezer for storage.

Raspberries after freezing. It should be remembered that the berries are ground. crushed does not freeze into ice.

IF THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH CONTAINERS, WHAT TO DO? If there are not enough plastic containers, you can use them to form briquettes with raspberry puree. To do this, put a plastic bag intended for food into the container and pour puree into it.

The top of the bag is tucked under the container, which is then placed in the freezer. After the puree is frozen, the bag is removed from the container and tied well. You get a neat briquette with frozen raspberry puree, which is placed in another tight bag to prevent leakage and tied. Such briquettes are very convenient to store and take as needed.

This is such a cute raspberry briquette. And how aromatic and tasty it is, just take it and bite it, why not fruit (berry) ice?

How to defrost raspberries correctly? Rapid defrosting is contraindicated for any berries. Therefore, frozen berries are transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator and defrosted naturally. Incredibly fast, and the result is 200% perfect! This is the beauty and unforgettable taste of summer in your freezer throughout the winter - an undeniable preparation option for you and your family and friends .Р.S – if desired, after defrosting, boil a small portion of raspberries with sugar for 2-3 minutes, in the end you will get regular raspberry jam ☺☺☺

Source: http://moyblog.tv/dish-of-the-day/raspberries-with-sugar-for-winter/

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking - an opportunity to enjoy fresh berries all year round

Fragrant, sweet raspberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. It is rich in natural sugars, organic acids and vitamins. For example, 100 g of this wonderful berry contains 30% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

However, heat treatment when trying to preserve raspberries for the winter destroys this antioxidant and immunomodulator necessary for the human body. When frozen, berries lose their taste.

But raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking are an excellent alternative to traditional jam, combining excellent taste and health benefits.

How to prepare berries?

Raspberry fruits are quite delicate - they quickly deteriorate and are easily destroyed by mechanical stress. Therefore, it is advisable to process them on the day of collection or purchase. Otherwise, the berries become moldy and turn sour.

Another feature of raspberries is that they are usually not washed, but only sorted, and in a special way. To do this, the berries are carefully poured in small portions from one dish to another, while removing debris and spoiled fruits.

There is no need to wash raspberries

Which sugar should you choose?

Harvesting raspberries for the winter without cooking requires careful attention to the choice of sugar. You will need quite a lot of it so that the berries can be stored for a long time. But without heat treatment, the sweet ingredient will not be able to completely dissolve. In view of this, it is worth purchasing granulated sugar as fine as possible or even preparing powdered sugar in a coffee grinder.

Dishes and storage rules

Small glass jars, such as half a liter, are best suited for raspberry preparation.

They must first be thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and dried or sterilized in any available way: over steam, in the oven or microwave.

Cover the jars where raspberries are stored for the winter without cooking, first with parchment paper, and then with glass or plastic lids, also treated with boiling water.

Without cooking, raspberries are stored exclusively in the cold: in dry basements, pantries, on the balcony and, of course, in the refrigerator. And don't forget about this important rule.

Cooking recipes

So, instead of making traditional raspberry jam, it is better to choose a recipe without cooking, although, to be honest, there are not so many of them. We bring to your attention the most popular ones.

Vitamin raspberry

Mash the berries a little in an enamel bowl, gradually adding sugar. Leave the mixture in the room for 2 hours so that the sugar can dissolve. It must be constantly stirred with a wooden spatula so that the consistency is homogeneous. Place the raspberries in jars and put them in the refrigerator.

1 kg of berries requires 1 kg of sugar.

Raspberries with black currants

  • Raspberries – 1 kg;
  • black currant – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg.

Pound raspberries with a wooden pestle, chop ripe currants with a blender. Mix everything thoroughly with sugar. If you wish, you can add the zest of one or two lemons, so the product will be even more aromatic.

Divide the mixture into jars and put them in storage.

Raspberries and strawberries pureed with sugar

Raspberries and strawberries are taken in equal parts, for example, 1 kilogram. And there should be as much sugar as the berry mixture.
The berries, peeled from the stalks, must be mashed, but not to a homogeneous pulp. There should be small pieces left in the puree. Then granulated sugar is mixed in and the mass is sent to glass jars.

Raspberry “five-minute”

Grind 1 kg of berries with 1.5 kg of sugar. Heat over low heat until the granulated sugar dissolves. Do not bring to a boil.
When hot, pour into jars and cover with lids. Let cool completely and put in the refrigerator.

Filling for pies and cakes

  • Raspberries – 500 g;
  • granulated sugar – 600 g;
  • vodka – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Beat raspberries with sugar, mix in vodka, put into jars.

Use in cooking

Uncooked raspberries are used primarily for making sweet sandwiches. It is added to tea and eaten with pancakes, pancakes and ice cream. It is good for baking and desserts.

Raspberry casserole

  • Cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • raspberries with sugar – 150 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • semolina – 40 g;
  • almonds – 50 g;
  • sour cream to taste.

Grind the cottage cheese until smooth, add raspberries and a pre-beaten egg. Add semolina and chopped nuts. Mix the mass well.

Grease a baking dish with hot vegetable oil and place the raspberry-curd mixture into it. Bake at medium temperature for about 20 minutes. Cool.

Serve the finished casserole with sour cream.

Delicate raspberry jelly

  • Sour cream – 1 small jar;
  • cottage cheese – 0.5 packs;
  • raspberries with sugar - 1 glass;
  • gelatin – 25 g.

Beat the sour cream with the raspberry mixture with a mixer, add the grated cottage cheese and beat again.

Soak gelatin in 0.5 cups of boiled water. When it is completely dissolved, pour into the curd and berry mixture and mix well.
Carefully pour the mixture into the mold, level with a spoon and place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Advice. To make the dessert truly delicious, you should not choose low-fat dairy products. They are not suitable for this dish.

Use in folk medicine

Raspberry jam is a well-known antipyretic and diaphoretic. What are the benefits of raspberries for the winter without cooking? Almost everything like fresh berries.

The healing effect of raspberry fruits was discovered back in ancient Greece. The berries contain organic acids, pectins, tannins and many vitamins. For example, vitamin A.

And it is known to improve vision, as well as strengthen nails and hair. There is also plenty of vitamin C. It not only protects against colds, but also removes excess fluid from the body and has a good effect on connective tissue.

Thanks to this, the berry is useful for the manifestations of cellulite and unpleasant varicose veins.

A mixture of raspberries and sugar is widely used for colds and respiratory diseases. Can be used as an auxiliary fixative for non-infectious diarrhea and after poisoning, as an antitoxic medicine.

When the temperature rises, a tablespoon of pureed raspberries should be added to a glass of warm water and drunk as often as possible. The same drink can be used to gargle a sore throat and mouth.

During the mass incidence of viral infections, raspberry delicacy should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. This tasty tradition will serve as a good preventative against colds and flu, charging you with a good mood for the whole day.


Of course, we should not forget that raspberries are a strong allergen, so eating them in large quantities is not recommended. In addition, a considerable amount of sugar can harm people suffering from diabetes, metabolic disorders and those who are overweight.

In conclusion, I would like to give housewives advice not to be afraid to make a choice in favor of raspberry preparations without cooking. They are perfectly stored for quite a long time, preserving the dizzying aroma and benefits of fresh berries. Try it and see for yourself.

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Raspberries with sugar for the winter - making the right healing preparation +


A rich harvest of raspberries can take days to process into jam. But much more practical, faster and, of course, healthier, are raspberries with sugar for the winter, ground without cooking and retaining all their healing properties.

Raspberries that are planned to be harvested for the winter are best picked in clear, sunny weather. When the berries are warmed by the sun, they are literally filled with juice and exude a particularly strong aroma. After rain, the harvested crop looks unsightly, the raspberries seem watery and their smell is very weak.

For these reasons, many housewives do not wash raspberries before twisting, only sorting them out and removing unripe berries, leaves, specks, and all kinds of worms that accidentally fall in. However, this way you may miss the larvae of the raspberry beetle.

Therefore, it is better to immerse the berries in salt water for 20 minutes, dissolving 20 grams of salt per liter, and then quickly wash them under a strong stream. All insects will float up.

The only exception can be a completely healthy raspberry, in which, after a short but thorough examination, no creeping invaders have been identified. These berries do not need to be washed.

In general, in a dry form, the harvest is prepared only for freezing; all other types of preparations require thorough cleaning, even of dust, so that as few microorganisms remain as possible.

Afterwards, you need to hold the raspberries in a sieve or colander so that the water drains completely, and you can start harvesting.

The collected berries spoil already on the third day, so making jam or other twists should not be delayed long after harvest.

Whole raspberries with sugar

This type of harvesting is almost as simple as freezing, however, unlike the latter, the issue of washing the berries must be decided by looking at their condition. Even if the raspberries are strong and without larvae inside, but are heavily contaminated, you cannot do without water.

After drying, keep the sweet material in a colander until the last drops of moisture drain.

During this time, we sterilize the jars: after washing them with soda (all means are good in the fight against microorganisms), pour boiling water over them and keep them over steam for a couple of minutes or literally half a minute in the microwave.

Now we lay the already dried berries in even layers, pouring granulated sugar thinly and evenly on top of each. Be sure to shake the raspberries slightly so that they lie smoother and denser, and also so that sugar gets between the berries.

After the harvesting material has been laid, you need to pasteurize the jars along with the raspberries, based on the fact that half-liter jars require 20 minutes of processing, and containers of 1 liter and above will require 5 minutes more.

To do this, immerse the jars in a saucepan with warm water, at the bottom of which a towel is placed (it is better to put a wooden lattice underneath, for example, a kettle stand), and then boil. It is recommended not to allow the containers to come into contact with the walls of the pan or with each other.

Raspberry and sugar mixture

There is another way that requires a little more time and effort. The preparation of the berries is the same as in the first preparation option, that is, it is better to wash them and let the water drain.

Next, you need to transfer the raspberries into a bowl or low saucepan, cover them with sugar in a ratio of at least 1:1 and put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until the juice appears. Then we grind the blank material; this can be done in two ways.

If you have not yet acquired small kitchen appliances, then crush them with a wooden pestle directly in the container where you previously placed the berries. This will leave you with more whole ones, but some people like that.

The second option is to use a blender; with its help, the berries will be completely crushed, but the metal often causes an oxidation process, and there is a risk that the twist will turn sour during storage.

When all the raspberries are thoroughly mixed with sugar, prepare the jars by sterilizing over steam or in the microwave (it’s easier to put the lids in boiling water). We put the resulting mass into the container so that it does not reach the edge, and pour granulated sugar on top by a centimeter. Close it and put it in a cool place.

Raspberry syrup for the winter

Not only jam made from raspberries is healing, and not only the preparation of its berries in their own juice. Syrup, which is also prepared with sugar, is also very useful. This method itself is very similar to the above-described processing of raspberries, that is, it is ground with sugar.

However, the further process looks completely different. To begin with, the proportions are different - for 1 kilogram of berries you will need only 200 grams of sugar.

After they are ground and the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, the mixture is put in the refrigerator until a large amount of juice appears.

The corners are then pulled up and tied to form a bag that hangs over the same bowl. With gentle pressure, the mass is squeezed out, the juice with sugar dissolved in it flows into a placed container.

Boil the resulting thick syrup, pour into sterilized jars and close with boiled lids.

It is better not to throw away the pomace; you can cook compote from them. They will also make an excellent liqueur, as a by-product of candiing raspberries. To do this, just put the squeezed berries in a container and pour in vodka so that it only slightly covers the mass.

For sweetness, you can add a little syrup or throw in a few spoons of sugar. When the raspberries become completely light, this will mean that the remaining juice has left, strain the juice and pour the liqueur into bottles, adding a tablespoon of cognac to each.

Close tightly and put in a cool place.

There is another way to obtain syrup. To prepare it, you must first take sugar, place it in a saucepan and add water in the proportion of a kilogram of sand to 1 glass of liquid. Then the sweet solution is brought to a boil so that the sugar completely melts.

Raspberries are placed in the resulting syrup, after which the mass is brought to a boil again. Then you need to remove the pan from the heat and wait until the contents have cooled, after which the mass begins to filter through a sieve.

The raspberry syrup is boiled again for 5 minutes and poured into sterilized jars, and then closed with boiled lids and put in a warm place, and after cooling - in the cold.

Five-minute raspberry jam

The option is interesting because, on the one hand, there is heat treatment of the berries, and on the other, it is so short-term that it is more like sterilizing the workpiece from various microorganisms.

Therefore, this method is suitable for those who are interested in how to candy raspberries for the winter without long cooking.

To get the desired result, the berries must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and washed well, perhaps first dipped in salt water, in other words, they must be absolutely clean.

Having put the raspberries in a basin, we fill them with granulated sugar, and to prevent the twist from fermenting during storage, you need to put 1.5 kilos of sugar per 1 kilogram of berries.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved, immediately remove the raspberries from the heat and transfer them to sterilized jars, then close them with lids that have previously been briefly dipped in boiling water. It is very important that the twist is as tight as possible.

Raspberry confiture with sugar, without cooking

The option is quite labor-intensive, but the result is the most delicate sweet mass of berries with sugar. Preparation is carried out in the same way as described above, that is, cleaning, if necessary, immersing the raspberries in salt water, then rinsing.

Next, wait until the water has completely drained (this is necessary to avoid excessive wateriness of the confiture). Little by little we transfer the berries into a sieve and grind them with a wooden masher or spoon until all the pulp passes through the mesh and only the seeds remain. We throw them aside (you can put them in compote).

This stage is the most labor-intensive, since passing the berries through a sieve will require a lot of effort and time.

So gradually, in small portions, we turn the raspberries into a homogeneous mass, separating them from the seeds. It is best to do this immediately over a large enamel container, in which we will then mix with granulated sugar. Having dealt with all the prepared berries, add granulated sugar at the rate of 1.5 kilograms per 1 kilogram of raspberries.

Now mix thoroughly and for a long time until the sugar dissolves in the total mass. Cover the mixture and sterilize the jars, preferably in a microwave oven, since they must be dry; in extreme cases, wipe with clean napkins after a steam bath so that no fibers remain inside.

Place the jam into a dry container and cover with clean lids.

  • Mikhail Malofeev
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Raspberries are such a healthy berry that with the onset of cold weather you cannot do without them. Since last year I have been preparing raspberries, pureed with sugar, for the winter without cooking. A friend gave me the recipe when I had a chance to taste fresh confiture at her place, and I simply fell in love with it. In addition, raspberries, ground with sugar, are a storehouse of vitamins, divine aroma and delicate taste.

With the onset of raspberry season, I no longer heat the berries. I collect scarlet fruits in sunny weather in small boxes. I always process raw materials within a few hours. To remove small bugs, soak for 10-15 minutes in a salt solution. I prepare the brine at the rate of one teaspoon of salt per half-liter container. Then I sort out the raspberries and rinse them with plain water.

To dry, place it in one layer on a paper towel or clean napkin. Moisture is often the main reason for reduced shelf life. If you buy fruit at the market, pay attention to the appearance of the berries. Released juice or the presence of moisture on the walls of the jar indicates improper storage or casts doubt on their freshness. In any case, they are not suitable for fresh jelly.

Required ingredients:

How to prepare raspberries pureed with sugar for the winter

Wash the metal or ceramic (not aluminum) container for chopping raspberries with baking soda to degrease. Pour in water and boil for a few minutes. Drain the boiling water and invert the plate or pan until dry. Place the raspberries in a container, pour in water, add salt and leave the raspberries for 5 minutes. Then rinse it with plain water and dry it.

Place the raspberries in the prepared container, add granulated sugar and mash with a wooden masher until it dissolves. To save time, you can use a blender. In this case, the consistency of the confiture will be more uniform.

Before using the immersion blender, read the instructions for use. Most typical electrical devices of this type are designed to operate continuously for no more than one minute.

Let the aromatic sweet mass stand for two hours. During this time, the components will be mutually enriched and the mixture will not separate if stored correctly.

Sterilize cylinders degreased with soda in the most convenient and safest way. Soak the lids in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

Place the pureed raspberry mixture into prepared dry jars and seal tightly.

No need to turn over. Store fresh raspberry jam in the refrigerator or dark, cold room. Bon appetit. Be healthy!