Favorable days of Gemini April

As the horoscope for April 2018 says, Gemini will have to work hard and give their all. But the month will become very fruitful and even significant in their lives. Representatives of the sign will find themselves at a crossroads every now and then, and their future life will depend on the chosen direction. Now you will need all your focus and intuition to decide on the right course. Most often you will have to choose between your usual comfort zone and new opportunities that go hand in hand with new risks. But don’t be afraid to take risks, perhaps by taking risks you will become truly happy.

The beginning of the month will be associated with significant expenses. Whether these are major acquisitions or investments in business, in any case the spending will be profitable. But only if you think it over and don’t waste money on spontaneous purchases.

The main goal of April for Gemini should not be the desire to get rich, but the desire to improve and expand their life, make it more interesting, develop and improve. Take care of your inner wealth, it will make you much more successful than chasing money. Focus on training and education.

Geminis will be respected among colleagues and acquaintances due to their willingness to help and support in difficult situations. Many Geminis will even become ideological inspirers for a group of people. Good deeds will bring you truly deep moral satisfaction and make this world a little better.

Avoid getting involved in adventures, achieve success through honest and hard work.

Favorable days: 3, 7, 17, 24, 25, 29

Unfavorable days: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 30


Gemini will spend April 2018 in good health. Representatives of the sign will be active and energetic, but some nervousness may make itself felt. Direct your energy in a peaceful direction.

The month is favorable for health procedures and preventive measures. Spend more time in nature and do breathing exercises. This will help you calm down and feel harmony with yourself.

Cosmetic procedures will be useful.


The Gemini horoscope for April 2018 promises representatives of the sign a pleasant and interesting development in the work process. You enthusiastically take on new tasks, which easily wins the authority of your superiors.

But even here it will not be without some difficulties. There are likely to be disagreements in the team or difficulties of a material nature that cannot be ignored. But don’t rush to get nervous, you can always find a way out of the most difficult situation. Learn to be diplomatic and make compromises. Sometimes even retreating will be a smarter move.

Be attentive to details, small mistakes are likely. Bring previously started tasks to their logical conclusion and enjoy the results obtained.


The financial situation in April will not be stable. The first half of the month will be associated with large expenses, and there is also a possibility of financial losses. Financially responsible persons and everyone whose activities are directly related to finances need to be especially careful.

Avoid unnecessary, unreasonable spending. Allocate funds for what you really need and shop wisely.

Don't lend money to anyone, not even friends.


As the horoscope for April 2018 promises, Gemini will experience a wide variety of pleasant experiences, even if you have been married for a long time and the routine has already consumed you. The month is favorable for family holidays, walks and outdoor activities. The third ten days of the month will be especially romantic.

But family conflicts related to financial issues or the future of children are also likely. Do not rush to swear and make final decisions. Towards the end of April, you will calm down and be able to adequately look at what is happening.

Secret dates await single Geminis. It turns out that you are not yet ready to tell your loved ones about your romantic interest. Strong feelings and outbursts of jealousy will take over you.

Gemini Man

As the horoscope for April 2018 foretells, the Gemini man will face hustle and bustle and difficulties in business. Work will become a big part of your life. Even a secret office romance is likely. The end of the month will bring outbreaks of jealousy and quarrels on this basis.

Try to walk more in the fresh air, play sports, but beware of injuries.

Gemini men will be puzzled by questions of additional income. There will be a desire to take a risk in an unfamiliar area, but do not give in to excitement. Act according to a carefully verified plan, avoid surprises.

Gemini Woman

As the horoscope for April 2018 predicts, the Gemini woman will change her priorities. The emphasis will shift from career to communication. Your friends will need your support and help.

In a love relationship there will be strong emotions and quarrels, the search for right and wrong. Hold your sharp tongue.

With the onset of warm spring, many representatives of the sign will want to transform their appearance. Play sports, update your wardrobe, go for beauty treatments. The only thing that is contraindicated for you now is extreme sports.

Thanks to your responsibility and professional qualities, you will be in good standing with your superiors. Use your charm and communication skills to build business relationships. But approach things with a cool head, emotions can interfere with the work process.

Twins. Horoscope for April 2019 for Gemini.

Geminis shouldn't have to worry about choosing what to spend April on.
. Concentrate on the boring but useful - work and self-education. And then soon you will thank yourself for this. The best way to solve accumulated problems at home is to subdue your emotions and listen to your loved ones. Friendliness is the motto of the month. And extend it to your colleagues as well.

Favorable days in April in April 2019 for Gemini – 5, 7, 13, 17, 23, 28.
Unfavorable days of April 2019 for Gemini – 1, 3, 9, 12, 15, 20, 29.

Gemini's career and finances in April 2019
IN April Gemini It’s better not to look into the future and live for today, here and now. Then you will not miss out on good luck, which by the end of the month may fall on the heads of the most patient. Do not try to solve all problems at once, try to act measuredly and consistently. Take your time to make decisions and listen to the advice of others, perhaps their opinion will coincide with yours.
The key to Gemini’s success in the financial sector in April will be perseverance and hard work.. Numerous efforts will bear fruit by the end of the month and give impetus to the future.

Gemini's personal life in April 2019
IN April Gemini Don’t rush to make decisions, as this month has prepared several pitfalls. If the decision is made, some couples may separate. Perhaps this is not a disaster, since the partner either did not suit you or was not serious.

Gemini health in April 2019
IN April Gemini It is recommended to start taking your diet more seriously, which is closely related to health. Problems related to food poisoning may arise. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the lymph nodes. If necessary, be sure to consult a doctor.

It’s always interesting to know what the future holds in order to protect yourself from possible troubles and know what to focus on. Horoscopes are an interesting way to slightly lift the veil of this mystery and look into the unknown future. In this material we will reveal the horoscope for Gemini for April 2018.

Representatives of this zodiac sign face multitasking in the second month of spring. It is likely that they will set themselves several large-scale goals at the same time and will try to achieve them, while spending a lot of strength and energy.

In this case, the body will certainly suffer, experiencing a lack of peace and rest. In this case, it is very important to be able to press the “stop” button in time and slow down a little if you do not want to subsequently suffer from the negative consequences of your actions.

You can already highlight the first (and main) advice of the month of April - you do not need to exceed your own physical capabilities.

How stars and planets influence Gemini in April 2018

The enthusiasm of Gemini people, which will accompany them in April 2018, is provoked by a unique planetary alignment, promising them the protection of two powerful planets at once.

The first patron will be the planet Mercury, which is also the traditional leader of this constellation. Mercury will support the material sphere of Gemini's life. And the second patronizing planet, Jupiter, will take care of all other areas of life.

Jupiter is a strong planet, so Gemini, having fallen under its influence, will decide to act simultaneously in multiple directions. At the same time, the planet will not only inspire Gemini, but will also provide them with assistance in achieving their goals.

The Mercury-Jupiter combination is incredibly strong, so we can confidently say that together they will definitely eliminate the negative impact of the Moon (it will become the main antagonist of April). She will try to confuse Gemini and take away their inherent ability to work.

You need to try not to strengthen in any way the negative influence of this planet and from time to time arrange periods of rest for yourself, eliminating the enormous fatigue that has come over you.

Features of personal life in April 2018

In matters of personal life for Gemini in April 2018, we can also talk about multitasking.

Therefore, for those Geminis who have a permanent partner, it is typical to instill in him that they are right on several very important issues at once. Will you be able to achieve your goal? Here you need to take into account the tact with which you are going to influence your soulmate.

In the second month of spring, single Geminis will strongly want to change their usual pattern of interaction with representatives of the opposite sex. They will try in every possible way to protect themselves from communication with bright and impressive men, who are characterized by frivolous behavior.

They will be replaced by a more modest outwardly person, seemingly unremarkable, who has a very high intelligence. But, unfortunately, with the help of such a novel you will not be able to get the whole palette of feelings and emotions to which you are already accustomed. Therefore, there is a very high probability of getting bored at some point.

What should your behavior be in April 2018

Also, April 2018 motivates Gemini people to conquer new career heights. It is possible that you can boldly declare your own ambitions to your management.

What could this turn out to be like later? There is a high probability that you will be entrusted with a very complex and promising project, the completion of which will open the doors to career heights.

If you work for yourself, all your energy in April will be aimed at maximizing your own enterprise. But having become a kind of monopolist, one must not forget that success will require a certain amount of time.

Characteristics of health status in April

The April horoscope for 2018 promises Gemini people an excellent state of health, energy, supplemented on the other hand by some nervousness and anxiety. Astrology experts recommend that Geminis use their energy with peaceful intentions and spend as much time as possible in communication with nature - this will have a very positive effect on the nervous system and will help to calm down.

The second month of spring will be a favorable time to perform health-improving manipulations, in particular those designed to prevent the exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

For Geminis, it is important to spend more time in the fresh air and do breathing exercises - proper breathing will become the basis for your cheerful and good health.

As for cosmetology, during this period of time the best effect can be obtained by performing strengthening and toning procedures for the care of hands and feet (in particular, aimed at eliminating cellulite). Manipulations that tighten the skin are also quite effective.

Listen to them to further protect yourself from the negative consequences of star influence:

  • in the period from the first to the seventh of April - you should be more careful than usual, not to be fooled by beautiful words and promises, so as not to fall into treacherously placed networks;
  • from the eighth to the fifteenth - do not rush to get upset if your opinion does not coincide with the opinion of people close to you. If someone offends you out of the blue, you shouldn’t keep the offense to yourself; be sure to clarify the situation. We must remember that even an unpleasant conversation will become an impetus for finding mutual understanding;
  • from the sixteenth to the twenty-second of April - any opportunities and roads open up before you, but you must not forget that success will be achieved solely through interaction with others;
  • from the twenty-third to the thirtieth - get ready to delay or postpone some things, trust your intuition. Now time will be on your side. Also, a lot depends on how consistent you are in your own desires and how important the goals you set for yourself are to you.

This is what April promises to be like for Gemini people in 2018. You can get more detailed information from the following video material:

The main heavenly patron of Gemini, Mercury, in April 2018 will be supported by the no less bright and extraordinary Eris, which is usually responsible for the “fall” of this sign. As a result of such an unusual combination, Gemini can really count on a successful combination of circumstances, although for them this month can definitely have a lot of nuances. For example, it is worth noting right away that, contrary to expectations, April will turn out to be moderately dynamic for you and there will be no bright ups now. An exception may be some special events, but this is an individual aspect that goes beyond the scope of this horoscope. In addition, it makes sense to dwell on another point: this month is especially good for your sign in terms of gaining knowledge. That is, we can talk about advanced training courses, obtaining an additional or alternative specialty. The range of possibilities is wide, you just need to take a closer look at what is happening around you. In general, attentiveness will now turn out to be much more important than assertiveness, self-confidence and other character traits characteristic of Gemini. Do not rush to accept the rules of the game, even if you are confident in your abilities. April can give you a lot, but due to the unfavorable placement of Pluto, a mistake can cost you too much, so there is no need to take risks.

If we project the situation onto the sphere of work and finance, then April 2018 for the zodiac sign Gemini can truly become a landmark time. Don't rush to complete old projects, even when you're close to the finish line. Perhaps you didn’t have time to do something? Or did they do it, but not quite as required by current circumstances? The more flexible you are now, the more opportunities will open up for you. And as far as resources are concerned, you can rest assured that you will have enough of everything you need. The main thing is not to forget about the purpose of your activity. If money is an end in itself for you, well... this is also possible, but your work in this sense must meet certain criteria. For Geminis who have their own business, it will be somewhat easier, because for them the vector will be obvious and they will be able to slowly move towards victorious heights, without looking back at anyone. If you don’t have your own business, then it makes sense to turn your head. At some point you will probably realize that you cannot go any further alone. There will be nothing wrong with this, even if you are not a team player, such skills will never hurt, and it is truly never too late to learn. Just don’t allow yourself to be lazy, explore new horizons and then you will succeed.

But on the “love front” with “new horizons” not everything will be so simple. It is important not to neglect not only opportunities, but also desires. If you want, do it (of course, if it is within the law!), otherwise later you simply will not have enough motivation and you will feel sorry for yourself. In fact, single Geminis in April 2018 may well make do with “small sacrifices” and get the position they need. If you know exactly what you want, then all questions are removed. If you are not sure, then no one will give you guarantees until you decide on the direction. You don't have to rush, as in most cases time will work on your side here. Well, at least you will never be late if the deliberation takes too long. Although at the end of the month there may be some moments related to your potential passion, in which you would like to take the most active and active part. For family Geminis, this month will be calm, although if there is a need to learn a new type of housework, then this will be very useful. Of course, you don’t need to do this alone; involve someone from your family, it will benefit everyone. In general, try to stay close to those you care about. This may not be the most dynamic, but it is quite a sensual time that can strengthen your relationship.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2018 for the zodiac sign Gemini, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Gemini sign: Personal horoscopes for the Gemini sign:

The Yellow Dog has been watching you from the sidelines for several months and is now ready to make its verdict; try to cope with the accumulated emotions. You’re unlikely to be able to do this alone, it’s better to go to a psychologist, it wouldn’t hurt to meet with friends and just have a heart-to-heart talk. Geminis have not yet found the ideal way to relax for themselves, which is why they are so lost and this manner of behavior frightens those around them. Don’t rush headlong into the pool; you definitely don’t need unnecessary adventures.

You can go in search of countless treasures at any other time, but now there is no need to make important decisions. Geminis are used to solving all problems “with one blow”; they are always straightforward. There is still a lull on the personal front, and you can take advantage of this break to solve financial problems.

At work, as usual, there will be real chaos, the eternally irritated boss is ready at any convenient opportunity to scold you for something that you actually did not do. The main thing is not to overload yourself with thoughts, and conflicts with colleagues will subside. You will be able to concentrate on work in a calm environment. Now you can prove yourself so that the director evaluates a promising employee. The reward for your work and efforts will be a promotion up the career ladder, you have been waiting for this for so long. And as a nice bonus, a salary increase and bonus.

Take care of your health, deceptive weather can play a cruel joke on you, so dress warmly and look around more carefully, what if your significant other is somewhere nearby?

Favorable days in April 2018 for Gemini: 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 24, 27, 29.

Love horoscope for April 2018 Gemini

There is absolutely no reason for sadness and sadness, so it’s worth diversifying your life. Even Cupid, looking at you, became bored, he was used to seeing Gemini at the epicenter of everyone’s attention, and what happened in the end? You just gave up, stopped meeting with friends, hid in a corner of the house and don’t want to go out. Work - home - work. This logical chain can undermine your mental health. Have you already become irritable and nervous and constantly “growling” at others? Then you should pull yourself together and calm down. The ideal remedy that will definitely help is to fall in love. Past relationships have undermined you, and now you don’t want to improve your personal front just because it’s much more interesting to watch TV series at home and eat ice cream. But who said that this will help you cope with your emotions? Cupid in black sunglasses is already rushing to the rescue, this is the Superman of the personal front and he knows how to keep his word. Look around, a work colleague invited you for coffee, why not a date? Only now you constantly refuse and hide your head in the sand like an ostrich.

Your personal life doesn’t interfere with your work; you can’t devote all your free time to idleness, can you? Get yourself together, the Yellow Dog has already prepared a good daily schedule for you: communication with friends comes first. Be sure to attend a party with alcoholic drinks and attractive representatives of the stronger sex.

April 2018 will allow you to look at yourself differently. Don’t rush to see a plastic surgeon if you don’t like the shape of your nose or really want to enlarge your breasts. With the right clothes, you can look simply irresistible. The new style is just what you need. Forget about business style, take a few liberties and be satisfied with the results. Remember that first of all you do this for yourself and only then for the men who turn around after you.

Married couples can rest easy; nothing fatal is expected in April 2018. Talk with your husband, discuss the events that happened to you throughout the day. A romantic dinner by candlelight or a walk through the city at night will refresh your senses and give only positive emotions.

Finance horoscope for April 2018 Gemini

How long can you live from paycheck to paycheck? Aren't you tired of this? The time has come to lay a material foundation that will strengthen your financial position for several years to come. Any career endeavor for Gemini in April 2018 will be successful. The main thing is to believe in yourself and take a few steps towards your cherished dream. It’s not for nothing that you stay at work for several hours; your boss will appreciate your efforts 100%. Due to the wrong sleep diet, you risk developing problems with concentration and becoming a hostage to regular tardiness. It is better to double-check documents several times than to compile them hastily and make several mistakes. With maximum effort, Gemini will be able to improve the quality of their professional activities. All you need to do is set your priorities correctly and concentrate on your work.

The second half of April is the ideal time to complete large-scale projects; no obstacles to the cherished goal will be found. The road forward is clear, without any hesitation you can continue your solemn ascent to the Olympus of success. Mars has a beneficial effect on representatives of the sign, so you can take an active part in several adventures. Luck will accompany you in lotteries and drawings. The Yellow Dog insists that you buy a ticket and try your luck. Nobody said that Gemini would get the main prize in the form of the coveted jackpot, but it’s still worth a try? Those born under this zodiac sign do not know how to control their income and expenses, and such negligence in budget management can play a cruel joke on you in the near future. There should always be money for a rainy day in your stash.

Health horoscope for April 2018 Gemini

Representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to feel anxious and uneasy in the second half of April. Due to internal discomfort and fear, Gemini will feel insecure. It is not recommended to go to see a doctor on April 30, the day of the full moon; this day is unfavorable for making serious decisions. Problems with appetite and digestion may occur. Recently, you have stopped adhering to proper nutrition and are increasingly sneaking into the kitchen to eat a delicious sandwich. It's time to take action and start fighting bad habits; you can't eat at night. You go to bed and try to sleep, but nothing happens, and all because of the active work of the stomach. You need to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, this way you will protect yourself from insomnia. Geminis are advised to protect themselves from drafts and hypothermia, try to dress in accordance with weather conditions.

In spring, all chronic diseases worsen, so if you have become hostage to bronchial asthma, try to be as vigilant and attentive as possible. It is very important to replenish medications in the first aid kit on time; at the most inopportune moment, the necessary pills may not be there. Yellow Dog recommends taking a course of vitamins and a complex of herbal tea, which will calm your nerves. Let it be chamomile today, and mint tomorrow. It will be much healthier if you alternate your favorite infusions, adding a little honey, while sitting in your favorite chair.

Geminis do not know how to relax, they are used to working hard and after a hard day of work they simply collapse. A good night's sleep will restore the balance of energy and strength. It is very important not to spend all 7 days non-stop; try to give yourself at least one day off to go to the spa. You will feel much better after massage and beauty treatments. A walk in the fresh air with your best friend is just what you need. You can take your boyfriend with you, or just get together with friends and go sing karaoke. A change of scenery will give you a colossal amount of positive emotions and you will even want to develop a tradition of immersing yourself in the world of unbridled fun at least once a week.

Read the horoscope for April 2018 for other zodiac signs: