Why do you need a price list in an organization? Price list: problems and solutions. Sample document: Letter of request

It’s very easy to download the price list for Barb - you can even do it from your phone while sitting on public transport.

What is a “price list”?

Why do you need a price list?

Our team constantly analyzes how users behave on the site when choosing beauty treatments. We noticed that in three out of five cases, preference is given to those craftsmen and organizations whose profiles have more than 10 services added. In other words, clients trust those providers more who have many services added to their profiles.

Having noticed this pattern, we decided to simplify the process of adding services for craftsmen and organizations - now all services with prices can be downloaded in just a couple of minutes in the “Price List” section.

As before, for the most important services you can create separate pages with detailed descriptions and photographs - such pages are displayed on the site in selected categories and shown in site searches. And services that are of secondary importance to you can simply be added to the price list, and clients will see them on your profile page.

How to add a price list

1. Log in to your account.

2. Find the “My Services” section in the menu and follow the “Price List” link:

A list of categories corresponding to your specialization will appear on the screen. Select one of them first (fill in one by one):

4. Specify services and prices

In the list that opens, select the services you need and indicate the price of each of them (if the price is approximate, check the “from” box):

5. Save your price list

Do the same for the remaining categories and click the “Save” button. Price is ready!

Note: If the price list, in your opinion, lacks some services, check whether your specialization is selected correctly in the “My Profile - Portfolio” section.

You can choose up to 3 specializations. After saving the changes on this page, return to the price list - the list of services will change. I wish you grateful clients!

Dmitry Dimoglov.

Uploading a price list for Barb is very simple - you can do it in a couple of minutes during a break between seeing clients.

What is a “price list”?

A price list is a list of your services with prices. On your profile page it will look like this:

Why do you need a price list?

Our team constantly analyzes how users behave on the site when choosing beauty treatments. We noticed that in three out of five cases, preference is given to those craftsmen and organizations whose profiles have more than 10 services added. In other words, clients trust those providers more who have many services added to their profiles. Having noticed this pattern, we decided to simplify the process of adding a list of services for craftsmen and organizations - now all services with prices can be downloaded in just a couple of minutes in the “Price List” section. As before, for the most important services you can create separate pages with detailed descriptions and photographs - such pages are displayed on the site in selected categories and shown in site searches. And services that are of secondary importance to you can simply be added to the price list, and clients will see them on your profile page.

How to add a price list

The whole procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. So, step by step:

1. Login to your account

If you don't remember your password, it's okay, you can instantly recover it via SMS.

  • - click on one or more headings;
  • - in the list that opens, select the required services;
  • - next to each selected service, indicate the price; if the price is approximate, check the “from” box;
  • - if necessary, indicate the duration of the procedures; - click “Save”.

Price is ready!

Note: if the price list, in your opinion, lacks some services, check whether your specialization is selected correctly in the section “My profile - Descriptions and photos”:

You can choose up to 3 specializations. After saving the changes on this page, return to the price list - the list of services will change.

I wish you grateful clients!

Sincerely, Barb system coordinator

Dmitry Dimoglov.

Every day more and more people are interested in the changes taking place in the market of goods and services. Changes in the pricing of purchased products cannot be predicted. After all, the cost depends on many factors: the cost of materials for production, the cost of the manufacturing process itself, packaging, delivery. To be sure of the appropriateness of the purchase, the customer must be guided by the pricing policy of the market for the goods and services offered. Trying to make it easier for customers to choose, manufacturers offer price lists of their company or company.

What is price

The question naturally arises about what the price list is. Price list is a list provided by the company, with indicated prices for each item.

Most often, price lists or price lists are used by enterprises involved in the sale of products. When creating such lists, company management takes into account all material costs of production and advertising.

What is a price list for modern business? Having a price list, a company representative can offer possible cooperation to a potential partner, appealing to the prices and range of goods available, which greatly facilitates

Where did the concept of price come from?

Such a short but capacious word came into the Russian language from English. In the native language, this word means “price”. In the 70s of the twentieth century, in the interstate standard the price list was listed as a clear list, a list of clearly regulated prices of items and short characteristics of goods.

What is price and how did this word take root in the USSR? The meaning of the word “price” is shortened from the English “price list” - a list of prices. The Slavs love to shorten and reduce everything, the price list is no exception.

Such a list or price list was used to sell agricultural goods (milk, fish, meat, vegetables), as well as to present goods in a favorable light (typical for hardware and clothing stores). In the USSR, there were specially endorsed lists of vital goods, the prices of which never changed. An example would be everyone’s favorite boiled sausage “Doctorskaya”, the production of which cost three times more than the price per kilogram of ready-made products.

Lists in the modern world

Lists are an integral part of everyday life. When faced with them, not every person can immediately understand that this is a “list of prices.” The price list is a catalog of products from your favorite cosmetic company, a list and cost of services from your favorite hairdresser, a menu in a restaurant or cafe. All these lists, it would seem at first glance, are exactly what we are talking about.

But it is worth remembering that in order to invest money correctly and profitably, you should carefully study the offered product.

What should be indicated in the price list

As mentioned earlier, a price list is a clear list of product names, a small description and characteristics of them.

For example, you are looking at the price list of a construction company, choosing the right material. On the page with glass wool there will be six names of different manufacturers. Next to each product characteristics should be indicated: density, layer thickness, mat length. Price per meter or per roll. Company and country of origin, delivery time when ordering. operation.

If any of the points you are interested in are not covered, you must contact the manufacturer or seller for clarification. When purchasing, you need to keep track of what exactly is noted on the invoice. If something was not agreed upon, then there is a high probability of purchasing a low-quality product or a fake.

Pricing occurs individually for each company. It is worth remembering that the cost of a high-quality “brand” product cannot be low.

So what is the price? This is an opportunity to easily and on favorable terms create long-term partnerships. And also find the necessary product with minimal costs.

When communicating with representatives of service businesses in various areas, we are often faced with the need to maintain a price list of services or work. For some, this is a document with hundreds of items, for others, it is a catalog in which several key lines are recorded. The price list for most companies is, of course, in rubles. Some bill in standard hours or points. In preparing this article, we analyzed about 30 organizations - representatives of medium and small service businesses:

  • maintenance of gas distribution systems;
  • IT outsourcing;
  • video equipment maintenance;
  • repair of office equipment;
  • maintenance of retail facilities;
  • Housing departments, homeowners associations, management companies, etc.

And now we can say exactly why a service company needs a price list, whether it is possible to do without it and what it should be like. Let's find out!

Price list of services. What are the features?

In everyday life, we often come across the cost of certain services: beauty salons, taxis, repair work, etc. In service companies working with legal entities under agreements and contracts, price lists are just as necessary. Firstly, they allow us to formalize interaction on a wide range of issues. Secondly, the presence of a price list increases the transparency of the contractual and financial relations of the customer with the service company. In fact, the presence of such a cost directory in an organization is a set of rules that allow regulating specific conditions for the provision of services or performance of work as part of interaction with clients. Note that the lack of value or its uncertainty may be due to the following factors:

  • VIP service / one-time job. Practiced within the framework of relationships with specific customers. Often upon request.
  • Made to order. By the way, this is exactly the wording that can be used in the price list.
  • Unique offer for the market.

Hierarchical price list

In most companies, the catalog of billable work or services is hierarchical.
Here is an example of a multi-level price list for scanner repair from the website of one of our clients:

Standard hours and specifics when developing a price list

In cases where some services can be provided at different costs depending on different parameters, some service companies create a price list based on man/hours. That is, the conditional “Expansion and installation of batteries” “costs” 4 people/hour, and “Consultation on the system. Basic” - 0.5 person/hour.
The amount of payment for various types and items of the price list may depend on the model of the asset being serviced, the capacity of the equipment, the remoteness of the facility, etc. In such cases, it is often more convenient to charge per hour of working time. Standard hours for payment for services provided are used to simplify the relationship between the client and the performing company. This practice is quite common in other countries.

Depending on the specifics of the activity, the position in the price list and its cost can be for 1 meter, for 1 circuit, for every 100 Watts (as when servicing climate control equipment), etc.

Our practice and research show that price lists very often contain coefficients relative to the base cost. They are also listed in the price list. The coefficient may be increasing, for example, due to the involvement of a more highly qualified specialist, work performed at night or outside the work schedule, the remoteness of the site, etc. and downward, for example, in cases of batch execution or for specialized organizations.

The price may include costs for auxiliary materials, delivery, etc. However, often the price of spare parts and used parts is not indicated in the price list, since it may depend on the supplier and other external factors. In such cases, this must be specified additionally.

Many companies try to minimize their risks and costs by introducing separate lines for penalties in the item catalog.

Tariff and package plans. Subscriber service.

There are a large number of companies operating without a price list. Service support and provision of services are provided as part of the subscription service. In fact, such service includes a certain set and quantity of services, that is, a package. The price is set for the package. Often, packages differ in the scope of included capabilities and quality parameters: response time to requests, turnaround time, the possibility of emergency departure, service delivery schedule, etc. Sometimes packages or tariff plans are associated with a certain amount of allocated time or the number of jobs served (in the case of IT outsourcing or support centers for software solutions).
Service support and provision of services within the framework of a subscription fee or according to tariffs are more profitable for the company, as they allow:

  • plan employee workload;
  • scale your business;
  • increase profitability.

An example screenshot of the support section of another client of ours:

It is important that if there are package offers and tariff plans, the service company can also offer one-time work, for which there must be a price list.

Price list of services and legislation. Cost regulation and price limits.

There is a statutory obligation for different types of services and industries. So,
The HOA or management company must have a price list for the types of services provided. Tariffs for municipal houses are approved by a mayor's decree. However, private companies have the right to determine the cost of services independently.

According to clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 N 1025 “On approval of the Rules for consumer services to the population in the Russian Federation,” the contractor is obligated to provide reliable information about services. At the same time, he is obliged to indicate a list of services provided, prices, including materials used, etc. That is, sometimes a company’s price list is regulated by law.

Restrictions may be introduced or lifted for some services and their costs, setting price limits:

Why does a service company need a price list for services?

Ufff... Let's sum it up! :)

The presence of a formed price list is an indicator of the company’s maturity and serious attitude towards the customer. Agree, the provision of services in the “market” format, when the cost is determined depending on the weather, mood, impudence of the buyer or the company itself, should finally become a thing of the past. Having a price list is, first of all, transparency in the relationship between the customer and the contractor. And taking into account the fact that the formation of the cost of services in each specific company is not the simplest process (you need to take into account costs, prices of competitors, set a profit margin, etc.) - this is a kind of guarantee of the quality of the entire service business. Well, and finally, a price list can be your competitive advantage, both in terms of the price component and the uniqueness of some items, including additional features that increase ease of interaction and customer loyalty.
And, on the contrary, the absence of such a catalog of the cost of typical work indicates, among other things, a lack of efficiency in internal processes and the unpreparedness of the company itself.

Are you a service company that works with legal entities? Then be sure to create your price list of services or describe in detail the possibilities of subscription fees and proposed tariffs. Let the relationship with your company be transparent for customers, and let your business be profitable! :)

By the way, our Okdesk support service automation system has a special module for maintaining a price list and using it to generate a specification for a completed request.

In accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the consumer has the right to demand the provision of necessary and reliable information about the manufacturer (performer, seller), his mode of operation and the goods (work, services) he sells (Article 8).

According to Art. 9 of the Law, the manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the brand name (name) of his organization, its location (address) and its mode of operation. The seller (performer) places the specified information on the sign.

In accordance with Art. 10 of the Law, the manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about goods (works, services), ensuring the possibility of their correct choice. For certain types of goods (works, services), the list and methods of communicating information to the consumer are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. Information about goods (works, services) must necessarily contain:
- name of technical regulation or other designation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the product;
- information on the basic consumer properties of goods (works, services), in relation to food products, information on the composition (including the name of food additives and biologically active additives used in the production process of food products, information on the presence of components in food products obtained using genetically -engineering modified organisms, if the content of these organisms in such a component is more than nine tenths of a percent), nutritional value, purpose, conditions of use and storage of food products, methods of preparing ready-made dishes, weight (volume), date and place manufacturing and packaging (packaging) of food products, as well as information about contraindications for their use in certain diseases. List of goods (works, services), information
which should contain contraindications for their use in
certain diseases, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation
- price in rubles and conditions for the purchase of goods (work, services), including when paying for goods(works, services) after a certain time after
(fulfillment, provision) to the consumer, the full amount due
payment by the consumer, and the repayment schedule for this amount;
- warranty period, if applicable;
- rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of goods (works, services);
- information on the energy efficiency of products, in respect of which the requirement for the availability of such information is determined in accordance with the legislation on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency;
- service life or shelf life of goods (works) established in accordance with this Law, as well as information about the necessary actions of the consumer after the expiration of the specified periods and possible consequences for failure to perform such actions, if the goods (work) after the expiration of the specified periods pose a danger to the life, health and property of the consumer or become unsuitable for their intended use;
- address (location), corporate name (name) of the manufacturer (performer, seller), authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer;
- information on mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods (work, services) specified in paragraph 4 of Article 7 of this Law;
- information on the rules for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services);
- an indication of the specific person who will perform the work (provide the service), and information about him, if this is relevant, based on the nature of the work (service);
- an indication of the use of phonograms in the provision of entertainment services by musical performers.
If consumer purchased product was in use or the defect(s) were eliminated in it, the consumer must be provided with information about this.

The information provided for in paragraph 2 of this article is brought to the attention of consumers V

- technical documentation attached to the goods
(works, services), on labels, markings or otherwise,
adopted for certain types of goods (works, services). Information on mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods is presented in the manner and in the ways established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, and includes information about the number of the document confirming such conformity, its validity period and the organization that issued it.

Thus, based on the requirements of the Law, you do not need to have a price list.


First, fill out the header of the price list, in which you indicate all the contact information about the company: the name of the company, its legal and production address, contact numbers, email addresses and website on the Internet. If desired, provide the sales manager's cell phone number or attach a business card with his details. In addition, the header must indicate for which product or service the price list has been compiled and who the manufacturer is. For example, furniture components, manufactured by the Furnitura factory.

Next, place a table in which you write down the following mandatory data: serial number, name of the product, its article number, unit of measurement (pieces, packages, etc.), price of the product. If you include products from different manufacturers in your price list, then add a column indicating the manufacturer.

If necessary, enter additional columns in the price list, for example, “note”. In this column it will be possible to provide the necessary explanations on the price or product. At the very bottom of the table, indicate the terms of shipment, delivery methods, discount systems provided, or any other final provisions.

When compiling a price list, remember that since 2005, a law has been in force that prohibits indicating prices in conventional units. Therefore, be sure to write down the cost of goods and services in Russian rubles.

Make a price list of a fixed length and indicate the availability of each item in stock. Firstly, for the buyer, sometimes the availability of products from the seller is more important than the price. And secondly, it will be more difficult for competitors to track your inventory.


Try to make the price convenient for customers. But do not print unnecessary information that could cause some damage to the company.

Helpful advice

The price list must indicate the date of its compilation or the date from which these prices are put into effect. Please note that it is advisable to have a price list not only in paper form, but also in electronic form.

The price list is the most important source of information about the company. It is on the basis of this document that the potential client makes a purchasing decision. Competent design of the price list will have a positive effect on increasing sales.

You will need

  • - color printer
  • - paper
  • - Internet
  • - printing company services


Before creating a price list, pay attention to its content. It should contain brief but comprehensive information about your company. 3-4 concise and succinct phrases are enough for a potential client to get an idea of ​​your activities. Reflect the main product items in the price list in the form of a table. If you sell a product to different types of customers at different rates, list them in separate columns. At the bottom of the table, list the main terms of shipment, the system of discounts, and possible delivery methods. On the back of the price list, indicate your address, contact information, directions to your business, and opening hours.

Duplicate your price list on the company’s website. Make sure it is updated promptly. You can introduce a function to automatically send a price list to the client via email on a weekly basis. If you have a sales area or office where visitors come, order a special rack for price lists.


Be sure to indicate that the price in your price list is not a public offer. Otherwise, you will be obliged to sell the goods to the buyer exactly at the specified price, without the possibility of changing it.

Helpful advice

Arrange the prices of goods in your price list in the form of numbers with tenths or hundredths. For example, 19.8 instead of 20. As a result of this psychological technique, the price will seem lower to the buyer.


  • Design of printed products
  • how to make a price list with pictures

A price list helps potential buyers find out information about the services and products offered by the company. The information in this document should be simple and accessible, understandable to everyone. How to make a price list correctly?

You will need

  • paper, computer.


Indicate in the header the exact name of the company and the correct contact information - phone number, address, email, website address, etc. The price list must indicate what type of product it is for. Example: women's shoes, leather, manufacturer – Green Butterfly.

Be sure to indicate in what currency the prices are quoted and whether they include VAT. Product codes should be clear and it is better if the most common labeling system is used. If the company has adopted its own system, indicate next to the corresponding generally accepted article number.

It is possible to introduce additional columns, such as “Additions” or “Notes”. They should reflect those data that are not included in the main columns, but are very important. At the very bottom it is worth placing final provisions - these could be terms of delivery or shipment.

In order not to endlessly redo the price list, it is more convenient to reflect prices in conventional units, indicating the internal rate in the company for a specific day. This will make the job easier. Remember that very often the availability of a product is more important for the buyer than its price.

When compiling a price list, provide the buyer with the most detailed information about the product. This document should be simple and convenient specifically for the client who does not care about your internal documentation requirements. Do not publish unnecessary information - this can harm the company and become a source of unnecessary problems.

Be prepared to distribute the price list in the form the client wants. Some buyers prefer paper documents, while others prefer electronic documents. When developing an electronic price list, use the most popular programs among users.

Video on the topic

Price list is a systematic collection of tariffs or prices for individual groups and types of goods/services sold. It is drawn up in the form of a document and approved by the head of the company; it can also be drawn up as an appendix to an order - in budgetary organizations.


Write at the very top of the sheet: “Price list.” Next to it, write down what type of product, goods or services the document is being drawn up for; its serial number.

Please indicate from what date these rates apply. For example, write: “To be introduced from December 1, 2012.” Please indicate the name of the company next to it.

Create a price list table. In the header of the table in the first column write: product (service) number. In the second column write: name of the product (work or service). Label the third column: tariffs including VAT, and you can add a fourth if necessary: ​​prices excluding VAT.

Draw rows for the table - there should be as many of them as the product you want to add to this one. Enter the data into the resulting table. You can list products in alphabetical order or by price. For example, start filling out the table with the product that has the lowest price, and then continue to enter products as their prices increase.

Break the price list into several tables if goods (work) are divided by purpose or their prices depend on the time of day. You can add the required number of columns. If you are compiling a price list for services, you can additionally indicate in the table: the expected duration of the service, the cost with a visit to the client and the cost without a visit, the provision of services on an individual basis, urgent services.

Provide notes below the table. They may include information that will reflect when and by whom these tariffs were drawn up, and from what date this document will come into force. You can indicate the amount of compensation in case of failure to perform work or in case of inadequate quality of service or product.

Agree on the finished price list with your manager and accountant. Sign and affix the company seal.

According to paragraph 19 of the “Rules for the Sale of Goods”, approved by Government Decree No. 55 of January 19, 1998, all goods sold in retail and public catering outlets must have a price list and correctly drawn up price tags.