How to update an old vase with your own hands. We paint glass vases from the inside with acrylic paint. Photo of vase decor

There are two main ways to decorate an old vase with your own hands: paint it inside or outside. When painting from the inside, we paint the whole vase in some beautiful color, when we paint it from the outside, we can either paint it completely or apply patterns or drawings to the vase.

How to paint a whole vase? Solid coloring of the vase from the inside

If you want to paint the whole vase in one solid color, it is better to do it with a regular glass vase, without drawings, and it is better to paint it from the INSIDE.

What do you need to paint a vase?

The glass vase itself

Basin of water, cotton rags, detergent

Waterproof acrylic paint for glass in sufficient quantity

Individual protection means

Newspaper or covering film

Solvent or white spirit

OPTIONAL: acrylic lacquer, glossy or matt - optional

Step by step instructions for painting a vase

Step_1 First you need to properly wash the vase with warm water and soap. The vase must be perfectly clean

Step_2 After the vase has dried, the surface must be degreased before painting. To do this, pour some solvent or alcohol inside the vase and swirl it so that it rinses the walls.

Step_3 To paint a vase, almost any acrylic paint is best suited, because. after drying, it forms a coating that is insoluble in water. Ideally, you need to take acrylic waterproof paint for glass, but practice shows that it practically does not differ in anything (except for marketing) from ordinary acrylic paint

Step_4 Pour the paint on the bottom of the vase, depending on the volume of the vase, the paint should be from 30 ml or more. Loosen the paint inside the vase, i.e. make it so that it douses the walls of the vase from the inside, thereby coloring it. Ideally, in this way you need to paint over the vase almost to the very neck.

Step_8 Put the vase to dry. If one coat of paint is not enough and uneven thickness of color is visible through the light, paint the vase in a second coat in the same way after the first coat of paint has dried, this usually takes at least 1 hour

How to paint a vase outside?

Step_2 Prepare the workplace: cover the space 1-2 meters around the vase with old newspapers or a covering film. Don't forget rubber gloves and a respirator.

Step_3 Shake the can of paint well, turning it upside down.

When painting a vase on the outside, we also recommend using acrylic paints, preferably paints on glass, but not necessarily waterproof, since the outer surface of the vase will not be in constant contact with water.
Even an ordinary children's set of acrylic paints for creativity will do.

Additions and remarks

So, as you can see, it’s not at all difficult to paint a vase yourself, but as a result, you will get a unique hand-made product that will delight you and your loved ones for many years!

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There are two main ways to decorate an old vase with your own hands: paint it inside or outside. When painting from the inside, we paint the whole vase in some beautiful color, when we paint it from the outside, we can either paint it completely or apply patterns or drawings to the vase.

How to paint a whole vase? Solid coloring of the vase from the inside

If you want to paint the whole vase in one solid color, it is better to do it with a regular glass vase, without drawings, and it is better to paint it from the INSIDE.

What do you need to paint a vase?

The glass vase itself

Basin of water, cotton rags, detergent

Waterproof acrylic paint for glass in sufficient quantity

Individual protection means

Newspaper or covering film

Solvent or white spirit

OPTIONAL: acrylic lacquer, glossy or matt - optional

Step by step instructions for painting a vase

Step_1 First you need to properly wash the vase with warm water and soap. The vase must be perfectly clean

Step_2 After the vase has dried, the surface must be degreased before painting. To do this, pour some solvent or alcohol inside the vase and swirl it so that it rinses the walls.

Step_3 To paint a vase, almost any acrylic paint is best suited, because. after drying, it forms a coating that is insoluble in water. Ideally, you need to take acrylic waterproof paint for glass, but practice shows that it practically does not differ in anything (except for marketing) from ordinary acrylic paint

Step_4 Pour the paint on the bottom of the vase, depending on the volume of the vase, the paint should be from 30 ml or more. Loosen the paint inside the vase, i.e. make it so that it douses the walls of the vase from the inside, thereby coloring it. Ideally, in this way you need to paint over the vase almost to the very neck.

Step_8 Put the vase to dry. If one coat of paint is not enough and uneven thickness of color is visible through the light, paint the vase in a second coat in the same way after the first coat of paint has dried, this usually takes at least 1 hour

How to paint a vase outside?

Step_2 Prepare the workplace: cover the space 1-2 meters around the vase with old newspapers or a covering film. Don't forget rubber gloves and a respirator.

Step_3 Shake the can of paint well, turning it upside down.

When painting a vase on the outside, we also recommend using acrylic paints, preferably paints on glass, but not necessarily waterproof, since the outer surface of the vase will not be in constant contact with water.
Even an ordinary children's set of acrylic paints for creativity will do.

Additions and remarks

So, as you can see, it’s not at all difficult to paint a vase yourself, but as a result, you will get a unique hand-made product that will delight you and your loved ones for many years!

If this article was useful to you, please rate it (at the top of the page). Thank you!

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Glass or ceramic vases, hand-painted with acrylics, will be a great wedding gift. They will also be a special piece of decor that will decorate your home. Glass painting can be complex or very simple.

Double smear technique

Half of the brush should be dipped in one color, and the other in the second. With one brush, two colors are applied at the same time. The best combination is brown and white.
If you draw a brush over the surface of the vase, the stroke will be two-tone. In this case, the transition of colors will be smooth.
It is necessary to draw paint on the brush and apply the drawing first to the paper. In this case, the brush will lie horizontally in relation to the image. Next, you need to draw a straight line.
When the lines are drawn, an unusual weaving pattern will be obtained. The lines must be drawn alternately - vertical, then horizontal. All lines are drawn in a checkerboard pattern.
When you make test strokes, you will be able to understand what kind of paint density will be optimal. You will also understand how well the paint will lay down and whether you will like the drawing in the end. If all is well, then you can proceed to work.

Let's move on to painting

You need to wash the brush and blot it with a napkin. The paint should be typed on a brush and proceed to the direct application of the pattern to the vase.
When painting, do not forget that the color must be pure. After each pair of strokes, the brush must be washed and blotted using a napkin. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the beauty and clarity of color transitions.
When the painting is completed, the product should stand for about two hours for the image to dry well. A glass vase is dried in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Then they wait for the vase in the oven to cool. After that, it is washed and varnished (colorless).
As a result, you will be able to create a truly luxurious item that will bring you joy or be a great gift for family and friends.
This option is much more interesting than the usual plain background.
If desired, you can decorate the vases with acrylic paints. You just have to want and try to make it work.

Painting idea for beginners

To create such a stylish and at the same time concise decor, you do not need the ability to draw. Zigzags, crossing lines or stripes are easy to create with regular masking tape.
It is necessary to purchase acrylic paint in the form of a spray, a brush, adhesive tape and ordinary nail polish remover, cotton swabs.
Previously, the vase is well degreased using any degreaser. Then you need to wait for the surface to dry. Next, you should glue it with adhesive tape according to the traditional stencil principle.
You will achieve an unusual effect if you paste over the vase with tape of a small width.
You should place the vase on the newspaper and begin carefully painting over those areas that remain unglued. For clearer lines of the picture, you need to go a little on the adhesive tape.
After that, you should wait for the paint to dry completely. Drying time for each paint is different. You need to focus on what is indicated on the package. Spray options dry very quickly. Acrylic paints require baking. To do this, the vase is placed in the oven for a quarter of an hour. The temperature should be 150 degrees. Naturally, the product will dry for a maximum of 4 hours.
On the Internet you can find a lot of unusual ideas in order to beautifully decorate a vase with your own hands. Such a simple decor will be a worthy decoration of any celebration.

Let's talk about some of the nuances

To paint a vase with acrylic paints, you need to be patient and allocate some time for this work. It's easy to fantasize and bring your ideas to life if you know exactly what you want to end up with.
Painting is a rather laborious process. It is important to do everything carefully and not rush at the same time. If the vase is outdoor, then the painting will require even more time and effort. But by using masking tape as a handy stencil, you can decorate it fairly quickly.
It is necessary to approach very carefully the choice of paints that are suitable in color. Unusual shades: silver, gold, pastel, copper, black and white will turn a completely unremarkable glass vase into a luxurious piece of designer decor.

Spot painting secrets

If you do not seek to look for easy ways and want to decorate a vase with a rather intricate pattern, you can start mastering the dot painting technique. Its other name is pique.
It is necessary to prepare acetone or alcohol and cotton swabs. With the help of them you will degrease the surface. For painting, you should purchase excellent quality acrylic paints and a small synthetic brush, toothpick or cotton swab.
First, the vase is degreased and waiting for it to dry. Dot painting specialists immediately apply a specific pattern to the vase. They do not make any preliminary sketches. They are characterized by virtuoso improvisation right during the creative process. If you are a beginner decorator, be sure to first outline the outlines of the pattern that you will create.

In order to quickly transfer the image to a vase made of opaque material, you can use a soft, simple pencil. You should print or draw a picture in the desired size. After that, it should simply be cut out and put on a sheet of paper face down. After that, you need to paint over the wrong side of the picture with a pencil. You should cover the entire area of ​​the picture as generously as possible. Next, you should take the adhesive tape and attach the picture to the vase with it so that the wrong side of it is adjacent to the vase. Next, the contours of the picture are drawn. For this, a blunt pencil is used. There will be a sketch on the surface. The work will become much easier.
To paint a glass vase, you just need to draw or print a sketch. Glue it on the back.

When choosing a pattern for a vase with a transparent surface, it is worth remembering that the images and patterns will intersect with each other. The main drawing should be placed on one of the sides. On the other side, it is good to apply a background painting.
Before you start painting on a vase, you need to learn how to put dots of the same size on paper. In this case, you should draw them at an equal interval. It should be just such that the points are well distinguished, but at the same time create a single background line.
The contours should be tested so that they are thick and liquid. You also need to prepare a needle in order to clean the nose. A cotton swab will allow you to correct the failed drawing.

If applying a bitmap directly from the tube is difficult for you, you can use acrylic paints. Dots of different sizes will allow you to put various improvised means. This is an eraser located on a pencil, a needle, a toothpick, a cotton swab, a small brush or its blunt end.

Painting in the Greek style

For such work, a Greek-style clay jug is perfect. You will also need high quality acrylic paints.
Initially, the drawing comes up on paper. And then applied with a pencil on a vase.
After that, you can proceed to coloring. The neck should be made a transition. You need to brush over the dark. In this case, the paint is used light. It remains to fade.

Under the pattern, the background will be light, and the rest of the vase will be dark. This is how you achieve contrast.
Pattern lines are outlined in red. Be sure to use a thin brush.
Then you can move on to point-type painting. To align the existing shortcomings, the line is circled on both sides with dots.
Initially, the outline is made red, and then gold is added to this color.
These contours need to make points along all available lines. In order to muffle too poisonous orange, you can mix it with purple. As a result, the colors will be less bright. For special beauty at the end, you can add dots of gold color. As a result, you can create real magnificence with your own hands.

Painting with acrylic paints allows you to create your own. You will be able to fantasize and implement the most daring ideas. To do this, stock up on imagination, and you will definitely succeed.

There are many ways to decorate a vase, and some of them are so simple that even a child can do them. From bored old objects you can create works of art.

Original glass vase decoration

Using simple improvised means, you can make a fashionable and stylish element of the interior from an ordinary glass vase. The main highlight of the subject is the use of colored layers. Special fillers can be purchased at the store, or you can create your own hands from simple cereals.

Any kind of cereal is suitable for decorating a vase, for example, barley, rice, buckwheat or millet can be used. When using each of them, different textures and colors are obtained, so it will be more interesting to use several at once. Spread the selected cereals on paper, cover them with acrylic paint and let dry.

When the fillings are ready, place a glass or other suitable container inside the vase. Then fill the space between the glass and the vase with colored cereals in layers.

You can stop there - the vase will look spectacular in this form, but it can be supplemented with some more decorative elements, for example, lace and beads. Selected decorations can be fixed on a vase with glue, and varnished on their surface.

Stylish vase decor

You can make a stylish vase decor with your own hands using a regular hot glue gun.

Apply any pattern to a glass vase or a beautiful bottle.

Wait for the glue to dry and cover the object with paint - acrylic and spray paint will do. You will get a vase with a beautiful relief pattern.

simple vase design

Such decoration of a vase will not cause difficulties. All you need is a vase, original jar or bottle and paints.

Degrease the surface of the container and apply paint to it with a brush. Blot the product with a sponge to give it a relief texture. After the paint has dried with a pencil, mark a preliminary drawing on the surface of the vase.

Using a pen or a toothpick, draw dots on the intended pattern. Make sure they are the same size and at the same distance.

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By the same principle, you can arrange a candy bowl - then you will get a whole set.

Decorating a vase with socks

An original vase can be made from ordinary socks.

Take any old vase, not too large, but any other similar size and shape will do.

Trim the bottom of the sock above the heel. Place the container on cardboard or thick fabric, circle the bottom with a pencil and cut along the contour. Attach the resulting figure to the rest of the sock, circle and cut it out too.

Sew together the cut off sock and the piece cut from the leftovers. Lay a form of cardboard or thick fabric on the bottom. Insert the container into the case.

Decorating a vase with paper

Vases decorated with plain paper look original.

To make a vase, you will need parchment or craft paper, PVA glue and a container.

Long strips are cut out of paper and they are twisted into peculiar cords.

When the blanks are ready, stick even paper strips on the surface of the vase. Let the product dry a little and glue paper flagella to it.

To make the vase look more spectacular, it can be opened with a colorless varnish.

Original idea for decorating a vase

So you can very quickly decorate any vase or other suitable container.

Going for a walk, collect enough even branches, approximately the same thickness. When you get home, clean the material and cut it to the same length. Paint each stick with acrylic paint and leave to dry. After the branches dry, glue them one by one to the surface of the container.

We paint glass vases. Super idea!

Do you see two blue vases on the fireplace? We will make such ones with you) Any vase or glass vessel can be turned into a magnificent creative vase for flowers and interior decoration. And for work, we need only one component - acrylic paints, but only in different colors. In what tones? It all depends on your taste and interior. Are we watching a master class?

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So, for work we need glassware and acrylic paints.

We take a glass vase in our hands and pour a little paint into it, for example, blue. We scroll the vase a little in our hands, then add a few drops of paint of a different color. If the first coat of paint does not spread well on the glass, add a few drops of water to the paint bottle. But, just a little, otherwise the paint layer will be too thin and it will lag behind the glass.

We alternately add different colors of paint and twist the vase in our hands, gradually tilting it down until the entire inner surface is painted over.

You can combine an indefinite number of different colors, it all depends on your preference and taste.

When the whole vase is painted over, turn it over and put it upside down so that all excess paint flows out of it. Remove excess paint with a tissue

Put the vase on its side and wait for complete drying for two days

Voila! Creative decorative vases are ready!

Well, we painted the vases, added creativity to the interior, put them in the most prominent place, admired ....))) Now, with a clear conscience, after a full day of work, you can sit comfortably in your favorite chair and on your favorite computer. It is not always possible to find on TV something like that, for the soul and mood. But on the Internet - a lot of interesting things. On the site "World of Movie Fan" you can find a collection of the best online movies in HD quality that are present on the Internet. Here are collected films of the most different genre for the most different age category, which you can watch absolutely free of charge and without any registration. Have a nice evening!