What is the point of seeing a sparrow in a dream? Why do you dream about a sparrow?

Why do you dream about a sparrow? The meaning of dreams has always interested people. In the old days there was even such a profession - an interpreter of dreams. It was their observation of the events that happened in people’s lives after they dreamed about something that led to the creation of dream books. In them you can learn about many symbols that explain certain incidents or facts, for example, what a sparrow means in a dream.

Attitude towards sparrows

These birds caused a mixed reaction among our ancestors. It is not known who and when said that it was the sparrow, with its chirping, that revealed the location of Jesus to the Roman guards, for which they disliked him, but all believers know that it was the treacherous kiss of Judas. According to other sources, it was these birds that brought nails in their beaks for the crucifixion of the Messiah on the cross. This fiction is even stranger, but the sparrows clearly did not please someone, since they believed in it. Be that as it may, the poor bird’s “reputation” was ruined for a very long time.

In England, for example, it has long been believed that the souls of the dead turn into them, and how, after such beliefs and curses, will people not be interested in the question of why a sparrow dreams, if in reality the attitude towards it is twofold?

Be that as it may, this bird has taken its rightful place in all known dream books, mainly foreshadowing bad events for those who dream about it, but there are exceptions. The same can be said about folk beliefs associated with sparrows at different times of the year.

Signs with sparrows

In modern people, these birds do not cause a negative reaction; on the contrary, their cheerful chirping outside the window lifts the mood, as it foretells good weather. But it wasn't always like this. Having such an unpleasant reputation among believers, especially in Rus', they are considered the cause of numerous intrigues.

So, if a sparrow appeared in the house, it meant either minor troubles or illness. Sometimes the visit of an uninvited guest meant death; it is not surprising that such superstitions manifested themselves during dreams. It’s not for nothing that in “Feng Shui” (that’s the name of one of the dream books), if a man dreams of a sparrow, it portends misfortune, and if a woman dreams, then the illness of children.

A hundred years ago, it was believed that an innocent bird flying into a house through the door predicted big troubles, so one should pay attention to any signs of fate. Thus, a slight ailment could turn into a fatal illness, and an innocent remark to a colleague could turn into a blood “vendetta” on the part of the latter after the appearance of a sparrow in the house.

It is not surprising that people used to project their beliefs into dreams, but if you look closely at most modern dream books, you can see an amazing metamorphosis: a dream about sparrows in the house speaks of complete love and prosperity in life (Miller’s book) or great benefit and good luck (Zhou-gun).

Beliefs about these birds concerned not only personal problems or troubles, but often their behavior was associated with natural phenomena.

"Sparrow" rituals

In ancient times in Rus', dislike for these birds was manifested in signs associated with the harvest or bad weather. So, if sparrows scream in winter, then it’s a blizzard, and if they fiddle around in the dust, then it’s rain. Strange fortune telling on New Year's Eve, when unmarried girls threw a sparrow into the oven, foreshadowed marriage if it got out and flew away. This is not the only case where poor birds were sacrificed. For example, peasants burned them in the stove in winter, stored the ashes until spring, which they then poured into the ground before sowing a new crop. This was supposed to protect him from petty feathered thieves.

The sparrow “genocide” existed for many centuries, as the diversity of wild beliefs was innumerable. It is not known what in this case saved them from extinction, as happened with other animals and birds whose lives were encroached upon by people, but with the spread of enlightenment, the killing rituals gradually disappeared. Perhaps after this, the dream of “feeding a sparrow with midges” began to mean not the loss of property (Feng Shui), but success in business (Akulina’s dream book).

Dream “a bird hits the window”

Today, sparrows are frequent visitors to window sills in city apartments and courtyards of private houses, flying in the hope of receiving bread crumbs, but not so long ago a bird beating or knocking its beak on a window did not bode well.

So, if you look at the Autumn Dream Book, a sparrow flying into a window foreshadows melancholy, while in the Eastern female counterpart it beats against it, warning of the death of someone close.

In many ways, such dreams are due to the fact that people subconsciously associate a sick or injured bird with illness, death, or grief over the loss of a loved one. There are so many dream interpreters, so many versions of what the sparrow dreams about.

Dream about the death of a sparrow

There are many old beliefs among people related to birds. They mainly feature crows and sparrows when it comes to pessimistic forecasts for the future, and larks and storks when something good happens.

As for the interpretation of dreams, a sparrow in Rus' did not promise anything good if the sleeper saw it dead. At least the “owner” of the dream got away with losing a large sum of money, but if a sick person lives in the house, then such a vision can be interpreted as his imminent death.

After superstitions left people's heads, dreams about sparrows changed their interpretation. Although a dead bird does not dream of good luck, it no longer portends death, but rather sadness (Psychological Dream Book). If you kill a sparrow with your own hands in a dream, then in reality this will lead to ruin or collapse of the business (Feng Shui), and by shooting the poor bird, you can achieve your goal (Unnamed Dream Book).

Dream about a sparrow flying into the room

Once upon a time, a bird flying into a house foreshadowed a lot of minor troubles or bad news for its owners. Nowadays, city sparrows are impudent thieves who can fly through a balcony or window into a room or kitchen to profit from something tasty. It is unlikely that such an incident can be considered a bad omen, just like dreams about them flying around the apartment.

Modern interpreters explain why you dream of a sparrow flying into a house - a small affair in reality, which will be short-lived. If you catch a bird at the same time, then you will have an unexpected acquaintance (Family Dream Book).

A bird caught and released warns of missed opportunities, so you should listen to such a dream and follow the signs of fate.

Sparrow nest with chicks

It’s good that omens and dreams about sparrows do not mean the same thing. In the old days they believed that if they made a nest on the ridge of the roof of a house, then illness and hardship would await its inhabitants. The belief probably came from victims of accidents who tried to remove the nest and fell down.

Nowadays, if a woman dreams of a sparrow-chick, then her chosen one will not be experienced in love (Family Dream Book). Some interpreters explain a dream with a nest as a prediction of pregnancy or the appearance of a pet in the house.

A bird feeding its chicks portends a quarrel with loved ones, so you need to take such a dream seriously and avoid conflict situations if possible. As a rule, a dream in which there is a sparrow, whose chick is healthy and chirping cheerfully, does not cause anxiety, so you can immediately recognize it as good and not even look for an interpretation.

Subjective attitude to dreams

Since most people do not know how to manage dreams, they have to focus on the emotions that they evoke in them. Sometimes even good events that happen in a dream cause anxiety in the awakened person, so he subconsciously tries to analyze the symbols he sees. Sparrows are too small and non-dangerous birds, so you should not expect danger from their appearance in a vision.

They usually foreshadow troubles or minor changes in life, those not caught indicate missed opportunities, and even sick or dead, they symbolize sadness or illness rather than death. That is why it is often important to focus not on the content of a dream, but on the internal sensations that remain after it.

How to avoid the consequences

You can believe in dreams and try to unravel the signals given by the subconscious, or you can ignore them, calling them mind games. Be that as it may, since they exist, it means that the information they convey is important for the subject.

If a dream causes anxiety or means something bad, then psychologists advise not to ignore it, but simply to avoid possible consequences. When you dream, for example, of a dead sparrow, which portends illness, you should take care of health prevention and at the same time feed these cute birds. This approach will allow you to switch your thoughts from an imaginary dead bird to real sparrows chirping cheerfully and fighting for crumbs. Watching them fuss will be stored in the subconscious as joy and will cancel the emotions caused by the dream.

Sometimes a sparrow pecking food from the palm of your hand in a dream is just a bird that the sleeper saw in reality in a park or on the street.

If you dreamed of a sparrow, it is a sign that you will have a chance to improve your professional qualifications, and if you do this, your career will not be a failure and you will be able to achieve success much faster than you thought. Exactly what we have been dreaming about for a long time.

Why do you dream of a sparrow - Freud's dream book

When you dreamed of a sparrow, this is for you an announcement of troubles that will soon happen in your life.

Dreaming of a dead sparrow is a sign that you are not feeling well in your current company, but you are trying to turn a blind eye to it.

As our dream book interprets, if you dream of feeding a sparrow, this means that you will soon enjoy a pleasant meeting with friends who will soon visit you.

If you dream of a sparrow flying into the window, this is a sign that you will receive a promotion in the professional field, with which you will improve your finances.

The dream book interprets a dream in which you dreamed of a sparrow in a cage as a sign that a person is going to deceive you, or you will become a victim of someone else's fraud.

When a sparrow lands on your hand in a dream, this is a sign that you are engaged in profitable business processes.

Why do you dream of a sparrow in your hands - Miller’s dream book

If a sparrow appears in your hands in a dream, the dream may reflect problems that you are struggling with. If such a situation does not actually exist, it may mean that you are struggling with some weaknesses and you have low self-esteem because you think that you cannot overcome your ambitions.

When a sparrow in her hands appears in a woman's dream, it could be a sign that she subconsciously feels that she needs to spend more time with her friends because it has a good effect on her mood or she simply wants to spend more time with them, but for good reason this is not possible. This dream can also mean that a woman has too much fun and pursues pleasure and she is addicted to it, and this is not good because she may neglect her responsibilities.

An unmarried woman will be pleased to know why she dreams of a sparrow in her hand; this is most likely a signal from her subconscious that she needs to spend more time with her loved ones, because they have been neglected by her for a long time.

Why do you dream of a sparrow in the house - Vanga’s dream book

When in a dream you see a sparrow in the house, this is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of the fact that you have a passion for a person, and that this is your big problem that you must fight, because you understand that this will not end for you nothing good.

If you dream of a white sparrow, it is a signal that you should work on developing some of your talents.

As the dream book interprets, if a sparrow lives in your house, this is a sign that a person is pursuing you, and it is so insidious that you cannot understand who it is and what he wants from you.

If a sparrow appears in your house in a dream, this means that you will soon provide great support to a person in a very difficult situation for him, and this will be very beautiful on your part, because this is a completely selfless gesture.

Why do you dream of sparrows in an apartment - Nostradamus’ dream book

If you dream of sparrows in your apartment, this may mean that you will change your attitude towards some members of your family.

When in your dream there are sparrows flying in your apartment, the dream suggests that you are interested in the occult, and you want to study the secrets of psychic life, but this study will not lead to anything good, you should think about whether you need it.

A sparrow in a dream means small and pleasant pranks and a meeting with a prankish thief, as well as pleasant conversations with a friend. Sometimes seeing him in a dream looking shaggy but cute means that you will have a short but pleasant love interest. Many sparrows in a dream are a sign that everything in your life will be difficult and you can’t count on anyone else’s help. Flying sparrows in a dream represent your doubts. Chirping sparrows foretell that you will soon hear gossip about yourself. Catching a sparrow is a sign of an unexpected meeting. If a sparrow itself flew into your house, then you have a little love adventure ahead of you, which will soon end and will not have bad consequences. Releasing a sparrow means that you will spread rumors about someone. A yellow-throated sparrow chick in a dream means that your lover will be inexperienced in adventures of this kind. See interpretation: birds.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Sparrows

Sparrows sitting on a branch - a life full of love and peace awaits you. If you have seen sparrows noisy or fighting, you will soon go to a party in the company of good friends.

Imagine that you are feeding sparrows seeds.

Interpretation of dreams from

Animals and birds in our dreams are not such rare guests. They sometimes appear in dreams, hinting at some future events in reality or in the present, and are symbols that should be interpreted through a dream book.

So, for example, the sparrow is a familiar gray bird, well known to each of us. Why does a sparrow dream, what to expect from this dream, the dream book will tell us. Surely, this dream doesn’t cause any negative associations for you, does it? According to dream books, it almost never portends anything bad. But this image does not have one specific interpretation; it can mean many different things and events, depending on a number of details. For example:

  • He flew through the window and into the house.
  • Sparrow chirping in a dream.
  • The birds are fighting.
  • Swimming in a puddle.
  • I dreamed of a dead sparrow.
  • Catch, catch or kill him.

Remember your version and the dream scenario, take into account all the details, because none of them are insignificant. And then you will find out why the sparrow is dreaming about you.

See with your own eyes

First, let’s ask the dream book why you dream of a sparrow if you personally didn’t do anything with it and didn’t even try, but just saw the bird and some of its actions.

As the dream book explains, the sparrow itself is a good symbol. It portends a pleasant and long-awaited date with a loved one for young people or girls! For adults, this dream can portend good news and a pleasant surprise.

If he chirps, you will have a noisy meeting with loved ones or friends, chatting at the table, and a more pleasant get-together. Just don’t “wash your bones” and don’t gossip!

If you dream of sparrows fighting and making noise, you will have troubles. But these troubles will be connected with a pleasant upcoming task that will bring a lot of joy to you and your loved ones. So they are more likely to bring joy and anticipation of something joyful!

Do you dream of sparrows swimming in a puddle? The dream book predicts success in business for you. Everything will work out very soon, because it was a great sign! Don’t give up and believe in luck, it will soon smile at you completely unexpectedly, and everything will end in your victory!

You dream of a large flock of sparrows to indicate to you that your loved ones and friends are ready to take care of you. You are not alone and you have absolutely no reason to worry! You are surrounded by people who are ready to happily help you, surround you with care and support. Feel free to contact them for this support, it will help you!

A dead sparrow dreams of profit and success where you do not expect. You should not be afraid of enemies or competition, because your fears are unfounded. In fact, you invented most of your enemies yourself, and nothing threatens you in reality.

Why do you dream of a sparrow flying through or somehow getting into the house? The dream book promises that your friends and family will give you a pleasant surprise. And a sparrow flying into the window can portend pleasant communication and harmony in your family.

do something

If you not only dreamed about it, but you also did something - caught it, held it in your hands, and so on, the meaning of the dream will be somewhat different.

Why do you dream of a sparrow that you caught and still couldn’t catch in your dream? Look forward to meeting new people in reality! Moreover, this acquaintance will be very interesting and promising, and can bring you many new experiences. You will gain a new faithful friend you can rely on. And maybe even a long-awaited life partner! Don't close yourself off from new people, and then you will be happy.

If you do catch him, then expect great love. She is coming to you and will soon knock on your door! You will find your soul mate and be happy. If your heart is already occupied, know that the relationship with your loved one will be strong and sincere, and soon love will flare up with renewed vigor.

Did you dream of a sparrow in your hands? Some small thing that you are planning will bring success and victory. But only if this is not an intrigue against someone, and if the matter does not harm anyone. If you are planning something good, then believe that everything will work out, and don’t even doubt it!

a sparrow in a dream - to a very unusual and extraordinary acquaintance. An interesting personality will soon appear on the horizon, don’t miss the chance to get to know each other better! Perhaps this is your destiny.

If you shot at birds, you will benefit from some business or enterprise for yourself. You may not even suspect it in advance. But be careful! Don't miss this chance. If you receive any offer in work or business, then do not refuse. It will seem to you that this is of absolutely no use to you, but you will be surprised later how much benefit this participation will bring you.

Have you killed a sparrow and it is dead in your hands? Wonderful! You will be able to defeat gossipers, competitors and any enemies. No one is afraid of you! As long as the truth is on your side, you need not fear anyone. Feeding him is a sign of love, dating, and even a quick wedding! This is exactly what the dream books say, and you should believe them. A fairy tale awaits you!

As we can see, this is a good sign! You should expect in reality, in real life, only pleasant and positive changes and events, and then the wise Universe will not keep you waiting and will give you exactly what you expect!

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a dreamer dream about about a sparrow in a dream?

Sparrow - Seeing a sparrow in a dream or hearing its chirping is a harbinger of a new acquaintance, being in a circle of faithful and devoted friends; to shoot it means to achieve your goal, to catch it means intrigue, to miss a sparrow means that you will not be able to take advantage of your happiness. Seeing a flock of sparrows means trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does Sparrow dream in a dream?

Sparrow - If you dream of sparrows, then a life full of love and peace awaits you, which will make you a friendly and grateful listener to various sad confessions, and your benevolence, in turn, will bring you good fame.

Damaged or sad, ruffled sparrows serve as a harbinger of sadness.

Children's dream book

Sparrow in a dream, what does it mean

Of course, you have seen sparrows on the street more than once and remember well how stupid and fussy these birds behave. It seems that they are not busy with anything, but just fly from place to place, chirp, and sometimes fight. That is why, if you dreamed of a sparrow, this is a warning that you are behaving like a sparrow - you are wasting your time. Or are you going to do it soon? But man is not a sparrow, and it can be very difficult for him to catch up.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Sparrow in a dream?

  • Dreaming of a sparrow is a good sign. The little gray bird in your dream foretells that you will lead a life filled with peace and love. People will be drawn to you, they will confide their sad stories to you, and you, in turn, will listen to them patiently and sympathetically, which will bring you the love and respect of others.
  • Hearing him tweet is a harbinger of a new acquaintance, being in a circle of faithful and devoted friends.
  • Shooting a sparrow means achieving your goal.
  • Catching a sparrow means intrigue.
  • Missing the sparrow means that you will not be able to take advantage of your happiness.
  • Seeing a flock of sparrows means trouble.
  • For a girl to feed a sparrow in a dream - to a quick marriage.

Maly Velesov dream book

Sparrow dreams in a dream

  • The sparrow is a complex, multi-valued, and sometimes contradictory symbol. Seeing a sparrow is a sign of a groom for a girl, and pregnancy for a married woman. Sparrow predicts success in business. Or maybe, on the contrary, it warns you not to trust people who are cunning with you and plotting intrigues behind your back.
  • You see in a dream that you have caught a sparrow, again - to pregnancy, to a good acquaintance, to finding love. But the dream warns that you will soon recognize your enemy.
  • Catching a sparrow, but not catching it, predicts love failure.
  • Shooting a sparrow is a good omen of success in your affairs.
  • Releasing a sparrow leads to empty rumors.
  • Hearing a sparrow sing is a shame.
  • The chirping of many sparrows - do not pay attention to empty gossip.
  • If you dreamed of a flock of sparrows, you will have a lot of trouble ahead of you.
  • If a girl dreams of feeding a sparrow, she can begin to prepare for an imminent wedding.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Sparrow's interpretation

Of course, you have all heard the saying that a word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. If you dream of a sparrow, this is a clear warning that you should not say too much. Your frankness can bring you a lot of trouble. Moreover, you should not spread rumors or gossip about someone, even if it seems to you that you are telling the real truth and with the best intentions. All this will only harm you, which is what the sparrow in your dream is talking about.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do Sparrows appear in dreams?

  • If a girl or an unmarried woman feeds sparrows and gives them food, this is a good omen, predicting that she will soon have a wedding.
  • Catching a sparrow in a dream and catching it promises a quick acquaintance and the beginning of a new love.
  • But if you caught a sparrow, but didn’t catch it, missed it, unfortunately, this predicts love failure for you.
  • In a more general sense, if you simply dream of a sparrow that is chirping somewhere on the street, if you see a sparrow and nothing more, this warns that you may become a victim of slander, someone will spread bad rumors about you.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Sparrow's interpretation

  • To correctly understand the meaning of a dream in which you saw a sparrow or several, try to remember what exactly happened in it. The sparrow is a good sign, foretelling you great happiness, good luck, receiving benefits, gaining wealth.
  • I dreamed of a sparrow dancing in the air - you will move in refined society, your life will be filled with brilliance and grace. Often a dream predicts success in the literary field.
  • You see a lot of sparrows fighting furiously, chirping - you have a government case ahead of you.
  • And if the sparrows quarreled and made noise with the crows, fought with them, this is also a positive dream that portends you having a fun time in company, with drinks and snacks.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Sparrows from your dream

  • Dreaming of a small gray and very nimble sparrow is a positive omen. Just like this cheerful bird, you will be able to move quickly and decisively, and therefore will be able to be in time everywhere and cope with all matters on time. The dream is especially pleasant if in reality you have some kind of strict deadline.
  • In a more general sense, if you dream of a sparrow, then you can hope that you will be lucky, even if something is going wrong now, the sparrow predicts that luck will still smile on you.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Sparrow, what does it mean?

  • A sparrow can hardly be called a good omen. This stupid bird is a symbol of a tramp, a homeless person, arrogance, impudence and persistence. Perhaps if you see a sparrow in a dream, it indicates that all these qualities are present in your character. Or, on the contrary, you will not know how to get rid of the arrogant and persistent person who is interfering in your life.
  • Hearing a sparrow chirp in a dream - the dream recommends not paying attention to empty chatter, it is better to do something useful.
  • If you dream that you are catching a sparrow, the acquaintance that you will have soon will turn out to be empty and fleeting, and therefore you should not place high hopes on it.
  • If you held a sparrow in your hand, this is a sign that you will be able to achieve success, but you will do it in a dishonest, unjust way.
  • If you dreamed of a wounded or ruffled sparrow, this is a sad omen, indicating that you should prepare for some sad events in reality.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a Sparrow, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

  • Sparrow - Means uncertainty, transition of the situation.
  • If a sparrow is killed, there will be trouble.
  • If you put a sparrow in a cage, it means illness.
  • Hearing a sparrow tweet means encountering an unexpected obstacle when solving personal problems. Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means nothing. If a dream visited you in the second half of the week, in reality you will encounter a very strong enemy, which you did not consider as such. If you dream of a sparrow in the first half of the week, there are many problems in your personal life, but they are all solvable, you just have to be patient.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing Sparrow in a dream

  • You dream of a sparrow that chirps, pecks at bread, and perhaps feeds it yourself; the dream warns you that you need to stop doing some dishonest things, petty frauds. Perhaps this allows you to achieve some success, but very soon you will have to pay for everything, such behavior will backfire on you in the end.
  • You dream of a whole flock of sparrows - you are ready to devote your life to dishonest deeds and petty frauds.
  • Dreaming of a ruffled, sick or wounded sparrow is a prediction that in reality you are in danger of deception or petty theft.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which Sparrow dreamed

Sparrow - Seeing a sparrow in a dream symbolizes the ease with which you enter into intimate relationships even with people you barely know. And this happens not only because you are frivolous, but simply because you constantly want to experience a feeling of novelty and difference. You are afraid to experience a feeling of satiety and disgust for what is painfully familiar. In fact, it is in your power to ensure that satiety in your intimate life from communicating with one partner does not occur for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why does Sparrow dream in a dream?

  • To correctly interpret the dream in which you saw a sparrow, try to remember its other details. In most cases, a sparrow predicts success in business. However, there may be nuances.
  • If you dreamed of a flying sparrow, you should not rely on the promises you have received.
  • Catching a sparrow means an unexpected meeting awaits you in reality.
  • In a dream, shoot at sparrows - you will be able to benefit not only yourself, but also other people.
  • If you dreamed of a large flock of sparrows, it means that you have a lot of trouble ahead of you.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

Sparrow in a dream according to the time of year

  • In the spring, what do sparrows dream about - For things going well.
  • If you dreamed of a sparrow in the summer, you will feel defenseless in front of an ill-wisher.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of sparrows scurrying and chirping under your feet - your children are quite prosperous, and this is your joy.
  • In winter, why do you dream of a large flock of sparrows - troubles; shoot - useful to yourself and others; flying - you will receive empty promises; catching with your hands is an unexpected meeting; tweeting - annoying gossip.