How to remove broken glass from a door. Self-replacement of glass in an interior door: tips from experienced people. Application of transparent decor

Interior doors are often decorated with additional decorative elements, you can often see the decor in the form of a glass insert. But when using low-quality glass inserts or improper and careless operation of the door leaf, it may be necessary to dismantle this fragile part. We will talk today about how to properly replace glass in an interior door.

How to remove cracked glass?

Replacement of broken or cracked glass in an interior door begins with its removal from the door leaf. The greatest difficulties arise if the glass insert is cracked, because it must be removed in such a way that the glass does not crumble into pieces during dismantling.

It is best to perform all work after the door is removed from the hinges and laid on a flat horizontal surface. If this is not possible, it is necessary to open the door and fix it securely at the bottom so that the door leaf does not wobble during operation.

On the cracks themselves, it is necessary to glue a transparent strong adhesive tape in several layers on both sides of the glass. It is very important at the same time that the adhesive tape also captures its intact part. Such a manipulation will fix the glass and prevent it from falling apart during the dismantling process.

You will also need:

  • gloves, best rubberized on a fabric basis;
  • broom and scoop;
  • chisel;
  • several pieces of thick paper;
  • small hammer.

All work must be carried out with gloves, this will help protect your hands from damage. The further procedure for removing cracked glass will consist of the following steps:

  • It is necessary to establish how exactly the glass insert is fixed in the door leaf. It can be brought in through the end or fixed with glazing beads.
  • If the glass is installed through the end, then the door will still have to be removed from the hinges. It can only be removed through a special hole.
  • If the insert is fixed with glazing beads, then using a chisel and a hammer, they must be slightly moved to the side. There is no need to completely remove these fasteners.
  • Then the glass is slowly removed from the canvas. It is better to perform this operation with two people, especially if the insert is large. One person will have to hold the glass at the location of the cracks, while the second will carefully remove it from the door.
  • It is necessary to clean all grooves of sawdust, door putty or sealant.

The dismantled insert should be disposed of immediately after wrapping it in prepared paper. If in the process of work a piece of glass broke off, it should be carefully swept in the room.

There are no particular difficulties in performing such work. The main thing is to immediately prepare all the necessary material and perform the actions slowly.

Worth paying attention to gum condition, which is located between the glazing bead and the glass itself. If it is severely damaged or torn, it must be replaced with a new one.

What can be replaced?

After removing the cracked glass from the canvas, a new insert must be installed in its place. Many people have difficulty choosing the right replacement material. Before proceeding to the description of possible alternative inserts, I would like to say that sometimes you can just fix broken or cracked glass with the following options:

  1. A special decorative film in cases where a crack or chip is small. It is glued to all the glass at once, so that the door looks harmonious and complete.
  2. Hardboard sheet. This option is temporary and can only be used until a new glass is selected. To improve the appearance, it is also recommended to paste over the temporary insert with a decorative film.

For the final replacement of cracked glass in the door, you can use other materials:

  1. Ordinary glass. This material does not have any decor of its own, it is completely transparent, widely available and low price. When choosing this option for a replacement, it becomes possible to decorate it in any way in the future.
  2. Organic glass has a high level of strength, and it is very difficult to break it, but at the same time, scratches on such material appear quite quickly. You can eliminate this drawback with the help of a decorative film, which will decorate the door itself and protect the insert from minor damage.
  3. Decorative (stained glass) glass. This replacement option is the most stylish, beautiful and expensive. An insert made of such glass is distinguished by its unusual appearance and high strength. True, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time on the selection of a drawing suitable for the general style of the interior. Some varieties of this material will not be possible to install at home.
  4. The tempered glass, differs in the increased durability, fire safety and a noise isolation.

There are quite a few materials to replace old cracked glass. It is worth giving preference to the one that most accurately fits not only in terms of its technical characteristics, but also in appearance.

How to paste with your own hands: step by step instructions

The installation of a new decorative part in the door leaf should not begin with the work itself, but with measurement. It is necessary to accurately determine the size of the future insert. When performing measuring work, you need to remember that the glass itself should not fit too tightly into the grooves, otherwise it may burst again from strong pressure.

To install a new insert, you will need the following equipment:

  • sealant;
  • small nails;
  • a hammer;
  • glue;
  • rubber insert.

The replacement itself is quite simple in several stages:

  1. The sealant is applied on one side of the door leaf in special grooves for glass.
  2. The newly acquired insert is inserted into the elastic and then installed into the grooves. It is possible to glue glass and wood directly without using such a rubber seal, however, such an installation will be unsafe, and the glass itself will not be securely fixed in the grooves.
  3. Sealant is applied again, but on the other side of the door.
  4. After 5 minutes, the previously removed glazing beads are installed. If necessary, they should be securely fixed using special small nails.
  5. The door leaf must be left stationary for another couple of hours. During this time, the entire structure is completely fixed inside the door.

You can glue glass into a wooden door not only using a sealant, but also a special wood or universal glue. The application of sealant also remains a mandatory part, but this stage is performed after the installation of the glass.

It is best to do this work after removing the door from the hinges. This installation option is the simplest and is suitable for glasses of ordinary rectangular shape.

The technology of performing the work itself can be used for other types of inserts installed not only in ordinary doors, but also sliding or collapsible.

If the glass is located in the side door, and it is not possible to remove the leaf itself from the hinges, then it is necessary to fix the door leaf firmly in such a way that so that it does not move during operation.

How to change in the royal door?

In addition to ordinary interior doors, today you can also find side doors, which can also have a damaged glass insert. The side door leaf differs from the usual one in that it has special reinforcement bars that securely fix the structure itself in the doorway. The replacement of the insert in such a door will be carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to remove the door from the hinges, using a screwdriver and removing the plugs first. Unscrew the bolts from the inside of the hinges.
  • The door leaf is laid on a flat horizontal surface located above the floor level.
  • Using a ruler or chisel, it is necessary to remove the remaining plugs located along the edges of the canvas.
  • Remove fasteners with a screwdriver.
  • With the help of a hammer and a wooden block, it is necessary to disconnect the drawer along the entire perimeter from the door itself. The direction of movement is from bottom to top. It is necessary to start removing the drawer from the place where the fasteners were located.

  • After detaching the drawer, it is necessary to carefully remove it from the canvas and, wearing gloves, remove the cracked glass from the grooves along with the silicone sealant.
  • We measure glass and purchase replacements.
  • But we put on a new insert and insert it into the grooves.
  • We install the tsargi in place.
  • Now you need to assemble and install the entire canvas in the reverse order of the analysis of the structure.

Replacing glass inserts in a tsargovy door is considered more difficult than the work performed on ordinary interior doors, so it should be approached very responsibly and carefully.

How to fix shaky glass in the apartment?

The glass in such door panels does not always crack or break. Much more often you can hear that it just starts to stagger strongly and make loud and unpleasant sounds at the same time. There are several ways to solve this problem without replacing the decorative insert:

  • You should purchase a special "sanitary" sealant, which is applied in a thin strip into the cracks formed between the insert and the tree.
  • Ordinary matches, one at a time, are inserted into the corners of the glass panel. Instead, you can use acrylic putty, which is also applied to the corners of the insert.
  • Small pieces of cork are liberally lubricated with universal glue and inserted into the slots along the perimeter of the glass.
  • You can also carefully remove the glazing beads themselves, apply sealant to the glass, and reinstall them on top, but closer to the decorative panel itself.

All these ways to eliminate noise and glass movement in the doors really help get rid of the problem, and their implementation does not take much time.

Installation options

There are two main ways to replace glass in interior doors, and each of them, in turn, has two varieties:

  • Installation of a new insert with preservation or increase in size. In the first case, the cracked or broken glass is removed and a new one of the same size is installed in its place. Such work is considered the simplest and fastest.
  • In the second case, after dismantling the damaged insert on the door leaf, he draws an image of a new one with a pencil, then measurements are taken, and then glass of a suitable size is purchased. With the help of a hacksaw, the desired shape of the hole is cut out, special grooves are made in it, and only then the installation takes place. Such work requires special care in measuring and care when cutting out a new shape in the door, otherwise you can only spoil all the material without solving the problem.

Replacing glass in interior doors is a problem that often occurs in everyday life. It is permissible to do the repair of interior doors with your own hands, if you familiarize yourself with the basic principles for the correct installation of a glass insert in the door.

Rebirth of old glazing or replacement

Interior doors with glass harmoniously complement the interior decor of any type of room.

Interior doors with glass are functional

At the same time, doors with glass inserts complement the design of the area not only from the aesthetic side of consideration, but are also endowed with functional features:

  • visually expand the space of the room;
  • the room is saturated with an additional source of natural light.

During the period of active operation of the ceiling of the opening, glass for interior doors often becomes unusable for a number of different reasons:

  • Damage.

Doors with glass of any type of material are fragile products. Applying a little more force when closing the sash leads to minor damage to the glazing. The issue of breaking the insert is especially relevant if there are small active children in the house. In addition to breaking, the window in the door gets scratched over time, gets dirty with chemicals, or becomes cloudy over time.

  • Rebirth and refreshment.

Previously, glass inserts in the doors were not particularly distinguished by the variety of choices. Today, it is possible to buy glass for a door of the most diverse quality (triplex, tempered glass, transparent plastic, etc.), as well as decorative finishes (stained glass, mirror, sandblasting, and so on).

Decorative modern glazing doors

Moreover, over time, as noted above, glass sheets tend to become cloudy. So the new design of the dwelling requires aesthetic design, and the old wooden door will still be ready to serve for a dozen years after restoration.

  • Reconstruction and innovation.

Changing the environment perfectly establishes an internal harmonious state of mind. Glazing the door, as part of the decor of the room, can help if there is a desire to slightly change something in your life, but bring a new flow into it.

Bright decoration of glass inserts

It is not necessary to buy new glass for doors, you can decorate it with your own hands: make a stained-glass window, paste over with a film or paint.

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Freeing the door from a broken insert: preparation and tools

However, to reproduce each of the points of the restoration, you will need some tool, inspiration and an hour of free time.

Specialized glass gloves

Before changing the glass in the interior unit, whether it is broken or whole, it is worth acquiring a simple tool and improvised material:

  • Gloves to prevent cuts.

Gloves should be made of a fairly dense material, but not very thick, in order to feel the grip of the glass insert or the remnants of broken glazing with your hands.

  • Slotted wide screwdriver.

A screwdriver is needed more in order to pry off the wooden platbands (glazing beads) holding the glazing in the canvas. If the door is of a different design, for example, a paneled collapsible one, then a screwdriver may not be needed in the work.

  • Chisel.

A chisel is needed for virtually all work where natural wood material is involved.

  • Small hammer.

A hammer is also needed to secure the glazing beads with small finishing nails. In the case of paneled construction, it is better to get a rubber mallet to lightly knock the panels when landing in place during assembly.

Prefabricated tool for working with a door structure

  • Stationery knife.

This tool may be necessary to remove old sealant at the glazing seat.

  • Rubberized gasket or sealant.

Adhesives and sealants for fixing glass

The choice of material type for dense shrink glass depends on the specific product and the prevailing circumstances. The door glass seal not only tightly shrinks a piece of fragile canvas, but also prevents it from rattling during active operation. A poorly fixed product in the canvas can tap unpleasantly even with a slight draft in the room.

  • Construction paper bag, cardboard box or a piece of thick paper.

Paper will be required in order to wrap and safely take out the fragments of the old glazing of the doors.

  • A broom with a dustpan and a piece of plasticine, a vacuum cleaner.

Smaller fragments can be collected with plasticine

A dustpan and a broom will help to collect the fallen remains of broken glass from the floor. Plasticine will help to collect the smallest fragments, which are extremely unsafe to collect with a wet rag. To do this, the plasticine is kneaded in the hands to plasticity, and rolled over the surface of the floor or floor covering.

The process of safely removing glass residues and replacing

To determine the course of action that will free the door from the old glazing, it is worth recognizing the type of construction.

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Accuracy when assembling glass

In other words, you need to accurately determine the method of fixing the glass in the sash, otherwise it will not be possible to safely remove it. To install interior ceilings in private buildings, structures are used:

  • where the inserts are fixed by means of fastening glazing beads by the overlay method - panel products;
  • where the glass is inserted into the cavity of the sash - the canvases have a groove for insertion on one side;
  • where the glass is inserted into the grooves of the structure itself - these are paneled typesetting blocks.

Paneled collapsible canvas

Doors with paneled collapsible type glass need to be virtually completely disassembled into elements. Glasses in such structures are often panels. A lot of collapsible elements can confuse the home master, but do not panic. It is permissible not to disassemble the canvas completely, you just need to free access to the glass panel itself, if you know the design in detail:

  • vertical support (longitudinal) - side racks of the canvas;
  • horizontal (transverse) support - hold the longitudinal racks and glass inserts;
  • panels - thinner insert elements that are placed between the transverse supports;
  • baguette decorative element - is the same transverse support, but is used as a decorative insert.

Panel assembly design

High-quality panel doors are assembled according to the tenon / groove principle, and disassembly should not be difficult. That is, you do not have to deal with the problem of cleaning the sealant that holds the prefabricated structure. Otherwise, you have become the owner of a low-quality product created in an artisanal way.

The process of disassembling a paneled product is simple: the upper crossbar is removed, after which the side racks are slightly moved apart. The rest of the details will open themselves, as in the constructor. The main thing is to work on a flat horizontal surface.

After the successful excavation of the old glazing of the doors, a new glass is inserted in the same place. The canvas is carefully assembled in the reverse order of disassembly, after which the repair of interior doors can be considered completed.

Modern products with special grooves

Many designs of modern door production are equipped with special grooves where glass for doors is inserted. Interior doors with glass inserted through a special groove created at the end of the sash can be of the most diverse configuration: sliding structures, classic swing, pendulum and others. Replacing glass in the doors of such products is quite simple with your own hands:

  • the canvas is removed from the canopies of the door frame and laid on a flat plane - it is better to free up space on the floor or use a large table;
  • on the end side of the sash, the same mysterious groove is found where the glass was previously inserted;
  • the old glazing of the doors or its remains are removed from the groove;
  • a new piece of decorative glass is placed inside, selected and fitted to the dimensions.

Replacing glass in an interior door is not considered a particularly difficult task, but it must be done accurately and accurately. A fragile insert requires skills in handling the material and appropriate tools, so it is better to order cutting from specialists. Trade construction organizations provide such services directly when buying glass decor.

Glass inserts are most often changed for the following reasons:

  1. Broken glass must be removed, even if it did not fall out. A sudden movement when closing the curtain will lead to possible injury to people.
  2. The aging of decorative inserts is reflected in their appearance and also often leads to replacement.
  3. Installing glass doors in your living room is an easy way to freshen up your interior. The repair option includes only the replacement of glass in the canvas or changing the size of the frame.
  4. The glass insert may be accidentally soiled or scratched. You can replace the glass if it's easier than putting it in order.

preliminary stage

To repair a damaged door with a glass panel, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Before installing a new insert:

  • remove protruding fragments from the frame (most often they are easy to remove with little effort);
  • remove the canvas from the hinges and lay it on a flat surface;
  • inspect the door and try to determine the method of mounting the insert;
  • if the glass is not broken, then dismantle it.

In old apartments, glass was inserted into the door frame using putty. To repair interior doors and replace broken glass, you need to pry off the glazing bead holding the insert with a knife or screwdriver. After that, pull out the nails with pliers, remove the glass part and clean the opening from the remnants of paint and putty.

To work, you need to prepare tools:

  1. glass cutter;
  2. a hammer;
  3. small nails;
  4. silicone sealant.

It is often necessary to replace the glazing beads. You can buy them at the hardware store, in the lumber department.


Door glazing is produced using different types of material:

  • transparent - often complemented by pasting with decorative films with drawings imitating stained glass;
  • matte - rarely requires additional finishing;
  • with a pattern, corrugated and stained glass - are decorative types of glass, it is better to entrust their cutting to specialists;
  • tinted or mirrored.

Material selection

Frosted or corrugated glass is used where the view of the room from the outside is undesirable: in the bathroom, bathroom, bedroom. These types of material are thicker than transparent window glass: it reaches 4-6 mm. A home master will not always be able to cope with cutting on his own. Therefore, after dismantling the old glass, it is recommended to measure the opening for insertion and order a replacement in the workshop of a construction company.

For the living room, decorative glass for doors is more often selected: with an engraved pattern, made using complex technology and surface treatment with a sandblasting unit, stained glass, consisting of colored pieces connected together. If desired, you can use both corrugated and frosted glass, if the interior design is not particularly luxurious or is made in a minimalist style.

Both transparent and any other can be installed in the kitchen. A budget option is a simple window glass pasted over with a film, or decorative curtains on a glazed structure.

Options to replace

If it is not possible to quickly insert decorative glass into the door instead of the broken one, there is an option to replace it with other materials. For temporary insertion, you can use:

  1. plywood or fiberboard, pasted over with a film that fits the veneered surface of the canvas;
  2. plexiglass (monolithic polycarbonate);
  3. window glass with stained glass film.

These materials are not the best decor for the door, so in the future you will have to make repairs again and insert new glass into the opening.

How to replace glass in an interior door

In economy class doors, the insert is removed and installed from above, through a special groove. Silicone sealant serves as a sealant: do not forget to clean the frame well from its remnants. Before replacing the glass part, you need to find out its dimensions.

Glass in inexpensive models has a rectangular shape, so it is enough to determine the dimensions of the glass opening in terms of width and length. When taking measurements, it is important not to forget about the allowances that are needed to fasten the insert in the grooves. Measuring the allowance is simple: slide the ruler into the groove. Add the resulting value to the length and width of the opening.

It is advisable to cut the glass as precisely as possible so that it easily fits into the mounting gaps. Before installing the glass in the interior door, fill the grooves with sealant.

Doors of a more complex design will have to be disassembled to replace the glass. To do this, you need to find bolts on the sides, closed with special decorative plugs. By unscrewing the bolts, you can remove part of the canvas and remove the insert. Measurements to be made taking into account allowances.

Inserting glass into a kitchen door with a panel, the master must find the dowels in the upper and lower parts of the canvas. They need to be removed and 1 side of the frame removed. Pull the glass panel out of the groove, take measurements and cut out a replacement part. Assemble the structure in reverse order. Put the dowels on the glue.

How to insert rectangular glass

Rectangular inserts can also be found in the interior or kitchen doors of old apartments, and in expensive products in new buildings. Inserting glass into an old-style door is easy:

  • after dismantling the glazing bead and cleaning the recesses, measure the opening taking into account the groove;
  • cut a rectangle to size and insert it into the opening, applying a little sealant there;
  • install the glazing bead in place and secure with nails.

Inexpensive plastic, laminated and veneered products come with inserts on fasteners with glazing beads. In such a case, the repair is carried out as indicated for the old-style doors, removing the strips along the perimeter of the opening on only one side of the door. It is advisable to keep the nails that fasten the bead and use it when installing the planks in place. To prevent rattling of the newly inserted glass, before the procedure, silicone sealant should be applied to the recess between the blade and the slats.

Options for doors of complex design sometimes include non-removable fasteners: a groove with hidden wedges. Such a product will have to be taken to the workshop for a branded replacement: it is impossible to do it yourself. According to user reviews, repairing a complex structure with hidden fixation is more expensive than buying another door, so it makes sense to ask the sales assistant for details in advance.

Installation of non-standard forms yourself

Manufacturers produce unusual models of doors with glass of complex shape. They are beautiful, but their repair will not do without the help of a specialist. Do-it-yourself replacement of glass in an interior door should be started by inspecting the fastening of the insert: if it is too complicated, then you should immediately call the master to the house. But if there are removable elements, as a rule, you can replace the insert yourself:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on a sheet of cardboard. Its size should be sufficient to completely close the opening.
  2. Outline the opening as accurately as possible, do not forget to allow for installation allowances.
  3. The template must be cut and tried on in the opening. It must fit exactly the size of the frame.
  4. A template for glasses of complex shape must be taken to the cutting workshop.
  5. It remains to put the finished parts into the grooves, smeared with sealant, and secure with decorative overlays.

in sliding structures

A sliding door can consist of a large glass sheet and a thin frame around the perimeter or look like a swing door: with inserts in a wooden or plastic panel. In any case, the canvas must be removed from the awnings and laid on the floor. An assistant is required to remove a heavy object from the profile grooves to slide the sashes.

If the door consists of a frame and glass, then you will need to disassemble it completely. Bolts can be found on the edge of the framing structure and removed. The edge of the glass is protected by a silicone seal, which must be removed and stored if not damaged. If the integrity of the material is violated, it is ordered together with a glass door.

Take measurements along the length and width of the canvas. It does not shatter into fragments, but only becomes covered with cracks, so it is easy to cope with the task. When ordering glass in a workshop, you need to clarify that a material with a protective film (or triplex, as for car windows) is required. After receiving the ordered product, it remains to insert it into the frame, after putting the seal on the edges. When mounting, cut off the silicone tape so that it is 5 mm smaller than the glass on each side.

When installing a glass element between MDF panels, the canvas is assembled on a horizontal surface. To install glass, linings are most often used, which are attached to nails. When mounting the insert and hammering small fasteners into a wooden door, you must be careful not to break the glass: one wrong move will lead to a second repair. Raise the assembled door leaf and place it in the sliding door profile rails.

Broken glass in the door of the room is an unpleasant thing, greatly spoiling the mood and interior of the apartment. In addition, it is unsafe and fraught with cuts and other injuries. What to do? Carefully collect fragments and urgently engage in glass work.

Can't do without a professional?

True, experts do not advise amateurs to master these very works. The design of a modern apartment is so complex and advanced that an amateur most likely simply will not be able to figure out the design, he will not understand the glass fastening scheme. Even a professional carpenter who is not familiar with the technological innovations of repair and with the features of your particular model, it is quite possible to screw up this work. And you will pay for the glazing twice: to him and to the master for eliminating the marriage.

This is in case you spent money on a good designer and an expensive team of builders and your interior doors are decorated with glass baguettes, ruffles, colored and mirrors. If your apartment is the simplest, without bells and whistles and you are used to doing repairs with your own hands, you will not encounter any prohibitive difficulties in replacing the transparent rectangle between the room and the corridor.

Hopelessness with triplex

To begin with, let's figure out whose production your door is and how glass was attached to its canvas. Because if it is veneered from the Ulyanovsk factory with glass 10 millimeters thick (with a standard of 4–6), then you still can’t do without contacting the master: this is a triplex, the replacement of which cannot be handled on your own. Triplex is fixed exclusively on the factory floor and costs so much that it is cheaper to buy and install a new door.

Option one (simple)

In domestic veneered economy class doors, glass is simply placed on top. In this case, we breathe a sigh of relief, measure the “vacated” opening with a tape measure or centimeter, go to the workshop, order new glass - and carefully insert it. Lubricate with silicone gel; dries - remove smudges with a cloth.

An important point: do not forget to climb with a ruler inside the cell in which the glass stood and measure the depth necessary for its fastening. Usually it is a centimeter or two. But if it is not added to the length and width of the future purchase, it will have to be repeated.

Option two (also "economy class")

It happens that the glass is fastened with a glazing bead with decorative nails. In this case, you can also cope with its replacement on your own. We breathe a sigh of relief, measure with a tape measure ... (See the first paragraph of the text in the previous subheading. The second, however, also does not interfere with re-reading). The only difference: after the broken or cracked glass is removed, the glazing beads are removed, and when a new one is inserted, they are put back and nailed with the same carnations that were originally there.

Option three (collapsible)

Suppose you have collapsible business class doors. This option is more difficult. The door will have to be taken apart. To do this, the bolts under the rivets are unscrewed from the sides of the door leaf, from below and from above. The main difficulty is to assemble the door back: distortions are possible!

Option four: if the glass is irregularly shaped

Even standard rectangular glass can be inserted when there is some experience in this matter. If it is oval or generally zigzag ... It is important to guess with the size so that you do not have to buy it again and again. It is better to take the dimensions of the broken glass onto cardboard. But the work must be jewelry. The permissible deviation from the exact dimensions should not exceed 3-5 millimeters. And when using paper for removing patterns, it can reach 7 millimeters ...

In fact, there are many more options. Almost as many as manufacturers of interior doors. In laminated ones, for example, sometimes the glass is attached to a glazing bead, which cannot be seen from the outside. Such a door cannot be repaired at all; it is not the glass that will have to be replaced, but its entirety.

But laminated though inexpensive. It will be a shame if you take on the repair of a designer door and break it completely ... So if you are not sure of your glazier abilities, it is better to call the master. Or buy a new door. Because there is some oddity here: branded door repairs will almost certainly cost you more than installing a new one.

Video: how to cut glass with an ordinary glass cutter

Interior doors are quite often decorated with inserts of various glasses. It looks very nice and stylish. But it happens that the glass breaks or is damaged in some other way, which leads to the need to replace it. It is quite possible to insert new material with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists. To do this, you need to have the necessary tools and observe safety measures.

When replacing broken glass, the question arises: what other materials can be used? Modern technology now offers many options that you can use.

So, how can you replace a broken glass surface:

  1. Organic glass - its main advantage is that it is very difficult to break it. True, you can scratch. But even in this case, the material just becomes cloudy. If desired, you can paste over the plexiglass with a decorative film, which will perform not only an aesthetic function, but also protect the material from scratches.
  2. Decorative glass is one of the most expensive and stylish options. Its disadvantage can only be in the problem of finding a material with the desired pattern, otherwise all the glasses will have to be changed.
  3. Plain glass - everything is simple here. The required dimensions are taken, an order is made to the glazier, and then the installation takes place.
  4. Plywood or fiberboard is a temporary, budget option. You can close the hole with a double-folded fiberboard sheet, which is then pasted over with a decorative film. But still, one cannot expect special aesthetics and durability from such a replacement.

Using any of these options, you can safely change the broken glass surface in the interior door.

Moreover, if desired, you can additionally darken the glass or glue any decorative inserts on its surface.

Door glass replacement: preliminary stage

After you decide what material will be used to replace the glass, you can proceed directly to the process itself. There is nothing complicated here.

However, before you start repairing, you should take some steps:

  1. Remove the door and lay it on any flat surface. As a rule, for this it is enough to lift it up a little and twist it, freeing it from the loops.
  2. Pull out the pieces, if there are any left. This must be done very carefully and preferably with rubber gloves so as not to get hurt.
  3. Remove the gasket that contained the old glass, and also clean the door of putty or sealant.
  4. Clean the bed with sandpaper.
  5. Take measurements. If the glass is of the correct or fairly simple shape, then this will not be difficult to do.
  6. Order new glass from a glazier or cut it yourself.

You should be aware that new glass should not be tightly inserted into the grooves. This means that when calculating the dimensions, it should be 15-20 mm smaller on all sides than the bed itself.

How to insert glass into the door yourself

After all the necessary measurements are made, the glass is purchased or made to order, you can proceed directly to the installation itself.

Installing a glass surface in an interior door looks like this:

  • Silicone sealant is applied around the entire perimeter of the hole;
  • New glass is inserted into the gasket and put in place;
  • Sealant is applied again, only on the other side;
  • Beads are twisted, which should then be fixed with special decorative carnations;
  • Then you need to wait one or two hours until the sealant dries, after which you can hang the door in its place.

If the glass is very tight, do not use too much force to put it in, otherwise it may be damaged. In this case, it is better to cut the gasket slightly.

When inserting new glass, different sealants can only be used if this is allowed by the manufacturer. In other situations, it is better to do without them.

Sometimes it happens that the type of door structures is a solid sheet made of glass and wood (for example, MDF) without the use of glazing beads or any other means at hand. What to do in such a case? In this situation, to replace glass that is broken or otherwise damaged, the doors can be completely disassembled.

This is what the process looks like:

  1. First, the door leaf is examined for the presence of special plugs. It is they who often hide various fasteners under themselves (as a rule, these are self-tapping screws).
  2. Further, the structure can be removed from the door hinges and placed on the floor or other hard and even surface.
  3. Then all the plugs found must be carefully pulled out and the fasteners unscrewed. Moreover, it is not necessary to do this from both sides.
  4. After the fasteners and plugs are removed, one of the sidewalls of the door is removed, followed by the glass surface.
  5. Next, the new glass is inserted, and then the process of assembling the structure in reverse order.

In case of any problems with the seals, a little soap solution can be applied to the edges of the glass and thus facilitate its entry.

How to change the glass in the interior door (video)

Replacing glass in an interior door is not as difficult as you might think. This whole process is quite feasible on our own, given the time and tools. The main thing is to accurately remove the required dimensions, not forgetting to be careful when working. When choosing a new glass surface, you need to take into account its properties and the overall design of the room so that everything looks beautiful and harmonious.