How to clean laminate floors. How to clean laminate flooring? The right detergents

Laminate is a very popular flooring that can often be found in residential buildings. Let's talk about how to wash laminate flooring and how to properly care for it.

Laminate flooring is quite durable and wear-resistant, but errors in maintenance lead to scratches, abrasions and corrosive dirt on its surface.

What is laminate?

Recently, laminate flooring can be found in residential buildings and public places. When renovating an apartment, many make a choice in its favor. The popularity of this floor can be easily explained by its low cost, presentable appearance, and speed of installation. First of all, let’s find out how this type of covering differs from the usual parquet flooring?

The main difference between these two coatings is the material from which they are made. Parquet board is natural solid wood, while laminate is a multi-layer material based on compressed sawdust and resins. This explains the availability and low cost of the coating. In the modern world, laminate flooring is one of the most popular and frequently encountered.

Dark or light, bright or discreet... A variety of colors and patterns allows each consumer to choose a laminate board to suit their taste

Laminate flooring is distinguished by its durability, resistance to fire and swelling, as well as its attractive appearance. Also, laminate flooring is quite easy to care for; no non-standard cleaning methods are required.

The main advantage of laminate over other types of floor coverings is that it does not need to be additionally sanded and varnished. And if for some reason one of the sections of the laminate floor becomes unusable, it can be replaced.

Basic rules for caring for laminate flooring

As we know, prevention is better than cure. If you clean regularly using suitable products and equipment, you can avoid serious problems.

So, what you need to remember:

  1. Laminated the coating does not tolerate excess moisture and with prolonged contact with it can become deformed. This means that when performing wet cleaning, be sure to wipe the floor dry without waiting for it to dry naturally. For the same reason, it is not advisable to wash laminate floors with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Do not use hard brushes, scrapers and rough sponges. Remember that, despite the overall strength of the coating, the top layer of the laminated board can be easily damaged.
  3. Do not use for cleaning laminate surfaces steam cleaners. This can lead to deformation of the coating at the joints.
  4. Carry out dry cleaning using a broom or vacuum cleaner, about 2-3 times a week. By regularly removing dust from the surface, you will prevent stains and dirt from forming.
  5. Do not wet clean too often. Once a month or as the floor gets dirty will be enough. It is best to use a microfiber mop or soft cloth. Before carrying out wet cleaning, it is advisable to sweep or vacuum the floor in order to collect dust and small debris and not smear it in the future.
  6. Do not clean laminate flooring using abrasive products., as well as compositions based on bleach or acetone. This can ruin the floor surface.
  7. Move furniture with care and other large items to avoid scratches, dents and other damage.
  8. Remember that It is more difficult to wash dark laminate well than light laminate, since stains and stains stand out more clearly against a dark background. Whatever cleaning method you choose, it is advisable to wipe the coating of dark shades an additional time with a damp cloth.

How to effectively clean laminate floors

Like any flooring, laminate also needs regular cleaning. In hardware stores you can easily find special products for cleaning laminate floors. However, if you are an opponent of chemicals, we hasten to please you: there are many traditional methods of high-quality cleaning. Let's look at the main ones.

Method 1 - hot water

In order to effectively clean the floor without leaving streaks, you will need hot water. The washing liquid should be very hot, but not boiling water. The optimal temperature is +80…90 ℃.

Wet the cloth with water and wring it out thoroughly. Next, start cleaning the floor, moving from the window to the door. Remember to rinse the cloth periodically to remove any accumulated dust and dirt. When you are finished cleaning, wipe the floor dry with a microfiber cloth.

Method 2 - vinegar

This method is ideal for refreshing the floor and removing old stubborn dirt. You will need:

  • table vinegar;
  • empty spray bottle;
  • water;
  • a piece of synthetic fabric.

First add 50 ml vinegar in 1 liter of water. For convenience, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Next, apply the mixture to the problem area and leave for a few minutes, then wipe the area with a damp cloth and then wipe dry.

Please note that you should not apply the composition to the entire floor at once. Clean laminate flooring in sections. This way you can control the quality of cleansing and, if necessary, return to the problem area without trampling the area you just washed. Also be sure to wear rubber gloves.

Vinegar is a good helper in the household. Using a vinegar-based solution, you can easily remove stubborn dirt.

Method 3 – vinegar

This method also involves the use of table vinegar and is ideal if there are no individual stubborn stains on the surface and you just want to refresh the coating and restore its shine.

IN 7 liters of hot water add 1 cup of vinegar and mix well. Wash the floor with the resulting solution. Additionally, there is no need to rinse off the composition with water.

Method 4 – soap

The following method is also good for cleaning stains, but you should be careful with it so as not to leave streaks. You will need:

  • baby or laundry liquid soap;
  • hot water;
  • cloth made of artificial material.

Prepare a soap solution by mixing 1-2 tbsp. l. soap and 5 liters of hot water. Shake the resulting mixture until a stable foam forms. Next, soak a rag in the solution, wring it out well and begin cleaning the laminate flooring. Constantly rinse the rag and re-wet it in the soapy solution. At the end of the procedure, take a clean, dry rag or mop and wipe the floor dry.

Methods for removing stains of various origins

Unfortunately, even with regular cleaning of the floor covering, it is impossible to insure against the appearance of various difficult stains. But is it possible to get rid of them? We have prepared for you the answer to this question, as well as practical tips:

  1. In order to get rid of blood stains and greasy marks, apply an alcohol-based window cleaner to the problem area, leave it for a while and wipe with a dry cloth.
  2. To remove spill stains alcoholic drinks use technical alcohol. Soak a rag in it and treat the affected area, then wipe with a damp cloth. Wipe dry.
  3. Stains left felt-tip pen or marker, can be successfully removed with a rag soaked in white spirit.
  4. Black stripes They can be easily removed from shoes using a regular eraser.
  5. WITH shallow scratches and abrasions can be dealt with using a wax pencil matched to the tone of the laminate board.
  6. If it sticks to the surface of the coating chewing gum, do not try to remove it with a metal knife or other sharp object, you can easily damage the top layer of the coating. Instead, use a plastic spatula and remove any remaining stickiness with a cotton pad soaked in rubbing alcohol.

As you can see, caring for laminate flooring is not that difficult. The main rule here is regularity. Carry out cleaning in a timely manner using acceptable products. Remember that this type of flooring, such as laminate, requires careful handling. If you follow this rule, your floor will always sparkle.


We invite you to watch videos on the topic of cleaning laminate flooring at home:

Did you know that:

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

If you have made a difficult choice between parquet boards, linoleum and laminate in favor of the latter, then you will definitely have a question about the proper care and maintenance of this coating. Note that laminate has a structure similar to a layer cake and the most important layer is the top film. It is this that protects the coating from dust, scratches, chips, heel marks, animal claws and gives the floor shine. Therefore, proper care of the laminate flooring is very important.

Proper care is a factor in the longevity of your floor

Both to prevent disease and to ensure the longevity of your flooring, prevention is essential. Namely: the main dirt enters the apartment from the street. Sand spreads throughout the rooms and plays the role of sandpaper, therefore, no matter how durable the laminate is, scratches are inevitable. Place a good rubber mat on the floor in the hallway that will trap all the dirt.

It is not advisable to use a vacuum cleaner for laminate flooring, as it leaves behind a lot of moisture.

Is it even possible to wash your laminate flooring?

The next question is about the moisture resistance of laminate flooring. There is a type of it called Aqua Resist, which can be laid even in the bathroom, and even more so, and moisture is not a hindrance to such a coating. If this is not your case, then know that ordinary laminate does not like water. It can penetrate between the seams of the coating and lead to swelling of the top layer. Also note that you cannot glue laminate flooring with water-based products (PVA glue) for the same reason!

How to wash laminate flooring?

Now let's move directly to the question: how to wash laminate flooring? The choice of detergents and frequency of cleaning depends on what the coating is contaminated with. Please note that it is not advisable to use a washing vacuum cleaner, as it leaves behind a lot of moisture. Regular dry vacuuming is encouraged, just use a special long-bristled brush. You can vacuum at least every day. The main thing is to prevent sand, dust, and other abrasive particles from accumulating on the surface. By the way, 1-2 times a week after dry vacuuming, it is good to wipe the laminate with a damp cloth.

A universal recipe without unnecessary chemicals

The choice of cleaning the floor with or without detergent depends on the type of dirt. An even older generation came up with a universal recipe:

  • Add vinegar to lukewarm water. Calculation: 1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water.

It was with this product that our grandmothers washed windows, cleaned mirrors and dishes. We recommend using household chemicals in case of greasy stains or heavy dirt, and after cleaning, wiping the floor with a slightly damp cloth. As for the fabric material, a microfiber cloth seems to be a worthy option, although many housewives opt for ordinary household fabric.

We remove stains and other surprises

Now about the nuances. If traces of a felt-tip pen, marker, lipstick, or varnish appear on the floor, use household solvent, acetone, or methyl alcohol. Apply the product to the stain and wipe almost immediately with a slightly damp cloth. In the case of dried gum or candle wax, it is recommended to use a scraper, and then proceed as if scratches appeared - take a special pencil for laminate, select the color, and cover the mark. Grease stains are easily removed using detergents with neutral PH. If, God forbid, you have traces of dry blood on the floor, then a special nylon pad will come to the rescue.

Video: how to care for laminate and wood floors

To summarize, I would like to note that there is no need to get carried away with wet cleaning of laminate flooring. It’s better to constantly remove dust, sand with a vacuum cleaner or just sweep, and then your coating can last 10 or 15 years.

Laminate is a modern flooring material that has gained unprecedented popularity in recent years due to its advantages. Durable, environmentally friendly, wear-resistant, with a beautiful appearance, it can make the floor of an apartment warm and cozy.

Proper care is the key to long service life of laminate flooring.

The structure of the laminate is something like a layer cake, where the top film is the most important part. It performs a protective function, protecting against chips, scratches, dust, and heel marks. Therefore, it is important to take proper care of the laminate flooring. It will be possible to extend the service life of such material if you follow simple rules.

  1. The main enemies of laminate flooring are dirt and sand. To prevent them from flying around the rooms and scratching the flooring, a well-rubberized mat should be placed in the hallway.
  2. To minimize the likelihood of damage to the top layer, you can line the legs of chairs and tables, as well as other furniture that has to be moved frequently, with soft felt.
  3. It is necessary to carry out daily cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or broom, and wet cleaning 2-3 times a week.
  4. Since laminate flooring is sensitive to water, you should not use a vacuum cleaner, which leaves behind a lot of moisture.
  5. Removing oil stains, traces of paint, markers, and streaks from rubber soles from the floor covering is done using a clean cloth and neutral detergents.
  6. To get rid of traces of sauce, juice, beer, wine on laminate, plain warm water or a weak solution of neutral detergent is suitable. To complete the wet treatment of contaminated areas, wipe the area with a dry cloth.
  7. Sticky chewing gum or wax is pre-cooled with an ice cube and then carefully scraped off.

Over time, laminate flooring may become dull. This situation is completely fixable. It is enough to use special products that can restore the appearance of the floor to its original shine. These are compounds used to rub the top layer.

Purchasing and installing laminate flooring is only half the battle. It is important to wash it correctly so as not to damage the surface. The modern market offers a large selection of special products designed to care for this type of coating. But there are also compounds whose use should be avoided when cleaning laminate floors.

Detergents that can be used when cleaning laminate flooring:

  • a soft cloth or mop equipped with a special attachment;
  • certain detergents produced by laminate manufacturers for their products;
  • various compositions used when cleaning an apartment;
  • Alcohol or acetone will help remove difficult stains;
  • the use of laundry soap, dish soap, and shampoo is allowed;
  • polishes designed specifically for laminate surfaces;
  • broom, vacuum cleaner.

Important! It is not recommended to use detergents to treat the surface of the laminate every time you put things in order. The best option is 1 time every 4 cleanings. It can be done even less often, depending on the degree of contamination of the floor.

Detergents, the use of which is not allowed when cleaning laminated surfaces:

  • cleaning powders;
  • abrasive compounds;
  • solvents;
  • hard rags, metal brushes;
  • liquids containing acid;
  • products used for cleaning parquet and parquet boards;
  • compositions containing mastic or wax.

The danger of using such products comes down to the high probability of damage to the surface layer, which, in turn, significantly reduces the life of the floor covering.

  1. First, you should remove larger debris and vacuum the floors. It is better to move things and pieces of furniture that will interfere with cleaning to another room for a while.
  2. After this, a composition is prepared that will be used to wash the floors. You can add half a glass of distilled vinegar to every liter of water (ammonia is an alternative). These additional nuances neutralize the negative effect that water can have on the laminated coating. To prevent stains on the floor, it makes sense to add a third of a glass of alcohol to the water.
  3. A rag soaked in the prepared liquid is thoroughly wrung out. It is used to wipe the floors along the laid floor planks. If a mop is used to wash laminate flooring, it should be a regular one, without a spin function. At the end of the procedure, you need to let the coating dry. It is not recommended to use dry pieces of cloth for this; just open the doors and windows.
  4. If you need to treat a small area of ​​the floor, it is not necessary to wash the entire floor. It is enough to use special cleaning products available in the form of sprayers. This preparation is applied to the problem area on the surface and wiped with paper napkins.

Washing vacuum cleaner and laminate

Many housewives wonder: is it possible to use a vacuum cleaner when cleaning a laminate floor? In fact, the principle of operation of such a device comes down to spraying water and its subsequent collection. But laminate liquid is destructive. Therefore, the use of such a mechanism is undesirable.

You can, of course, clean the floor with a washing vacuum cleaner and thoroughly wipe away any remaining moisture. But this will significantly complicate the cleaning process. The best option is to treat the surface with a regular vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment, after which wet cleaning is carried out according to the instructions described above.

Laminate manufacturers guarantee that with proper use, such a coating can last from 10 to 30 years. If in practice you follow all the recommendations listed above, then laminate floors will serve faithfully in your home for a long time.

Video: how to care for laminate floors

Cleanliness and order that are maintained at home are the merit of a good housewife. To make it easier for her to do cleaning, certain household appliances are produced - assistants, as well as good detergents and cleaning products.

Flooring, for example, laminate, can be damaged by some cleaning products, so for high-quality cleaning, the housewife needs to use only reliable and proven products, and also know how to wash the laminate so that there are no streaks and it does not deteriorate from household chemicals.

Selecting a detergent

Each floor covering has its own key characteristics. The main technical indicators of a laminate are: a wood base and a protective film layer that protects the decorative coating.

The diagram shows a sectional view of the laminate strip structure.

Do not use cleaning powders for washing as they will damage the protective film of this coating.

Like any other protection, the top film has its weak points. The wrong cleaning powder can damage the protective surface of the floor covering, allowing moisture to penetrate the compressed wood layer over time.

This will lead to damage to the coating. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a washing powder that is harmless to the protective film, since laminate flooring can only be properly washed with this product.

As a rule, laminate floor care products can be purchased at the same store.

As a rule, when purchasing a product, you can consult with specialists on such issues as cleaning a particular coating.

A good sales manager will always tell you which household chemicals can be used to wash laminate flooring without streaks or harm to the protective layer.

If you cannot find out such information from the seller, then you can use those products that are produced specifically for cleaning laminate flooring with an inscription on the packaging indicating this.

To make the right choice, you need to know some of the advantages and characteristics that a suitable product should have.

  1. A quality 1 liter laminate care product should be enough for up to 3 or 4 months of constant cleaning.
  2. A good cleaning powder has a pleasant, fresh smell. It should not smell sharp or bad of chemicals. Also, its functions, in addition to removing dirt, should be resistant to dust formation. After cleaning, the surface of the floor covering should repel dust and not accumulate it.
  3. In addition to creating dust, a good laminate care product can form a water-repellent film that will prevent moisture from affecting the laminate.
  4. The streak-free detergent for laminate flooring is also better than regular detergent.

Do not use aggressive chemicals to clean laminate flooring. Analogues of such cleaning products as sanitary and whiteness can seriously damage the surface of the floor covering, which will lead to its deformation and swelling.

Use products without abrasives and chlorine

Sometimes, instead of understanding the intricacies of how something can be done correctly, it is better to learn how not to do it, so as not to make mistakes. When wet cleaning, it is not recommended to perform the following actions.

  1. It is important not to use cleaning materials that contain abrasive components. This type of detergent is intended for harder surfaces than laminate. Its protective layer will not withstand such contact and will be damaged.
  2. Chlorine-containing mixtures also corrode the top coating of the laminate. They enter into a chemical reaction with the protective coating, and it is destroyed.
  3. The use of modern steam cleaners is prohibited. Jets of hot steam will penetrate through the connecting locks of the panels under the laminate and condense on the substrate. The resulting moisture will begin to absorb into the material, and it will be damaged.
  4. The glossy surface of the laminate can also be damaged by compositions containing alkali and acid. After using such products, the decorative glossy coating may fade.

Sweep away debris before washing

To perform cleaning more professionally, you can use the following recommendations.

  1. Before wet cleaning of laminate flooring, it should always be swept. Small particles of sand and other hard materials that are hard to see will scratch the coating. Destructive dampness can penetrate into the resulting scratches.
  2. It is better to give priority to specialized products for cleaning laminate floors. The instructions for each of them are individual. Before use, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with it and strictly follow it.
  3. Since it is relatively difficult to wash laminate flooring without streaks, after wet cleaning the floors can be mopped with a dry microfiber pad, which will absorb remaining moisture and make the surface shiny.
  4. The recommended frequency of light wet cleaning of laminate flooring is once every 2 days. You can, of course, reduce the number of operations to 2 times a week or increase to 4, depending on the soiling of the floors and the frequency of people passing through. For more information on how to wash laminate flooring without streaks, watch this video:

The chemical composition of tap water may not be entirely suitable for coating. When neutralizing substances harmful to the protective layer of the floor covering in water, add table vinegar, alcohol or citric acid in small quantities of 2 tablespoons.

Folk remedies for laminate flooring

At home, if you do not have the necessary funds, you can use improvised compounds.

For example, a specialized laminate cleaner can be replaced with baby soap or a solution of laundry detergent in warm water.

The following compositions are also suitable, which you can easily prepare yourself at home.

Sometimes folk remedies show quite high-quality results in comparison with expensive detergent compositions. From the point of view of effectiveness and cost, folk remedies can be more profitable than purchased solutions for caring for laminate flooring.

The service life of a floor covering directly depends on how it is used and what care is provided for it. Cleaning has a fairly strong impact on a coating such as laminate.

If you use the wrong products, you can ruin the protective layer, and with it the entire coating. Careful care using the right products will help maintain the wonderful appearance of the coating for many, many years.

Laminate is a fairly popular floor covering. It is used not only in industry, but also in houses and apartments. Why is laminate so popular? It's simple. This is a very durable, wear-resistant and relatively cheap coating. But even such floors sometimes require maintenance. How to wash laminate flooring to avoid streaks? Let's look at it in our article today.


How to wash laminate flooring to avoid streaks? It all depends on what type of cleaning will be used:

  • Dry. A vacuum cleaner with a soft brush or a broom with soft synthetic bristles is used here.
  • Wet. A butterfly mop is required. You will also need a squeezing bucket.

To wash laminate flooring without ruining it, you need a separate cloth. It will be needed at the final stage of cleaning. We will use this cloth to wipe the coating dry. The cloth can be made of microfiber or nylon.

Laminate without streaks? During the work, you need to monitor the condition of the water for cleaning. It needs to be changed periodically to avoid dirty stains. The container (bucket) is also thoroughly washed before it is filled with new water. In addition, you need to rinse the mop head under running water.

We use household chemicals

If the laminate is of high quality, the top coating protects the base layer from dirt. Therefore, it is enough to only remove dust and stains from the surface. They can be easily cleaned with a wet and then a dry cloth. If serious marks appear, you can use household chemicals. These are special washing liquids and gels. They not only clean, but also create an additional protective layer and also remove all kinds of bacteria. Among the quality manufacturers of such furniture, it is worth noting the following:

  • Emsal.
  • Unicum.
  • Starwax.
  • Denkmit.

But before washing the laminate (so that there are no streaks left), you need to dilute these products in water. Typically, five liters of water require four caps of chemicals.

What not to use

When caring for laminate flooring, you need to remember that the coating does not like the effects of such detergents:

  • Chlorine-containing. White is not suitable for laminate flooring. Otherwise, it becomes stained.
  • Acetone-containing. This applies to any product that contains acetone (including nail polish remover). If such a solution gets on the surface, the structure of the material is damaged.
  • Powder. The composition contains many small abrasive particles. They can damage the protective transparent layer of the slats.

How to wash laminate flooring to avoid streaks? Many people say that hot water should not be used. But practice shows the opposite. Using hot water you can thoroughly clean the surface.

Cleaning technique

During general cleaning, there is a need to rearrange furniture. Experts recommend placing cardboard under the legs to protect the laminated coating from scratches and other defects. When the area of ​​the room is cleared, you can start working:

  • Remove large debris using a vacuum cleaner or broom.
  • Dilute detergent in water. No need to dilute by eye. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions.
  • Soak the base of the mop in the solution.
  • Wring out the rag.
  • Wipe the surface using spiral movements. You need to move from the windows to the door.
  • To avoid streaks, use a dry cloth. It is used to treat wet areas of the laminate.

If the coating is slightly dirty, you can treat it with plain water from a spray bottle, and then wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

Alternative method

Despite the variety of specialized laminate care products, experts recommend cleaning without chemicals whenever possible. The fact is that some aggressive materials, when they come into contact with the lamella, interact with the material and react with chemical compounds. Chloramines and ethanolamines are released. Inhalation of these components may cause health problems. The respiratory system is primarily affected. There is a risk of getting rhinitis and bronchial asthma.

How to wash laminate flooring without streaks at home? To do this, you need water at a temperature of 90 degrees and 9 percent vinegar. In what proportion is the composition diluted? You need to take 50 milliliters of acetic acid per liter of water. The latter allows you to neutralize the alkali in the water, which can cause stains. In this case, the solution dries quite quickly. It does not need to be wiped with a dry cloth.

Folk remedies

Let's consider several everyday situations:

  • Marks from a felt-tip pen or pencil. In this situation, they can be removed using triple cologne or medical ethyl alcohol.
  • Stains from wine and cognac. It is also recommended to use alcohol here. You can use both medical and technical.
  • Traces from house slippers. You can eliminate them using baking soda. You need to sprinkle the composition on the area and then remove it with a regular napkin.
  • Traces of fat. You will need a soap solution. A rag is moistened in it and the required area is treated. At the end of the procedures, it is recommended to use a detergent intended for washing windows.
  • Minor scratches. They can be masked with a felt-tip pen that matches the shade of the floor.
  • Dried mud. To remove it you will need 500 milliliters of water, 50 milliliters of vinegar and a tablespoon of soda. You need to thoroughly mix these components and apply to the desired area using a spray bottle. After 10 minutes, wipe the floor with a damp cloth.

How to wash laminate flooring without streaks?

Many people are interested in the question of whether this coating can be treated with a washing vacuum cleaner. Experts say that this technique can only be used on durable laminate flooring.

The slats should be wax-impregnated, which will protect them from moisture. In addition, you can apply:

  1. Multifunctional device. This is a vacuum cleaner that is used to clean different surfaces. The device is used for both wet and dry cleaning. But not every model of such a vacuum cleaner is suitable for laminate flooring. Experts say that it is better to choose those units that spray water and then collect it. It wouldn’t hurt to have additional functions (for example, adjusting water dispensing and a parquet adapter). A nozzle that removes excess liquid must be included in the kit.
  2. Steam cleaner. But there are limitations here. Thus, you cannot use a steam cleaner on floors with interlocking joints. If steam gets into the cracks at the joints, the floor may warp. But if it is taped, a steam mop will do for cleaning. It allows you to remove all dirt and dust. In addition, such a mop disinfects the surface. You also need to understand that you cannot use a steam cleaner on wax lamellas. Due to the high temperature, there is a risk of deformation and melting of the floor covering.

Features of working with black and white floors

There are two types of laminate. So, the coating can be dark or light. How to wash dark and light laminate without streaks?

  • If it is a white laminate, everything will depend on the amount of contamination and the properties of the material. Often, owners resort to using folk remedies. But before washing the laminate without streaks, you need to remove small pebbles and sand from the surface. This can be done with a broom or vacuum cleaner.
  • If it's a dark laminate, things are a little more complicated. This type of coating will show marks and stains from poor cleaning. How to properly wash laminate flooring without streaks? To do this, you need to do wet cleaning twice a week. First, the floor is cleaned of dirt, and then various stains are removed with a dry cloth. For a better shine, you can rub the laminate floor using window cleaner and a clean rag.

How to wash laminate flooring without streaks after renovation? To make cleaning easier, it is better to cover the surface with plastic film before repairing. After all operations, the film is removed, leaving a minimum of dirt on the floor. But what to do next? Then you need to use a broom and remove any remaining dust and debris.

Film will not always protect you from unpleasant moments. So, paint and putty can get on the laminated coating. How to wash laminate flooring to avoid streaks? Let's consider each situation separately.

Removing paint

To do this, use nail polish remover or ethyl alcohol. But you need to work with such liquids only in a contaminated area. So, pour the solution onto this area and wait a minute and a half. Next, wipe the surface dry with a clean cloth.

Remove the putty. Masking the damage

To remove white stains from putty, use a damp cloth. Next, wipe the surface with a dry microfiber cloth. To add shine to the finish, it is recommended to use window cleaner.

If scratches do occur when moving furniture, they can be masked with a wax pencil or special repair putty for laminate flooring.


So, we found out how and with what to wash laminate flooring. As you can see, there are a lot of ways. Everyone chooses the most suitable one for themselves. Finally, we note that during repairs, acid-containing compounds should not be allowed to come into contact with the surface of the laminate. Otherwise, this coating will have to be changed entirely. It will no longer be possible to disguise this damage.