In a dream, talk on the phone with a woman. How to understand a dream in which you spoke on the phone. Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Our speech is one of the main ways of communication. With its help we convey our thoughts, emotions and feelings. What can I say, a person simply cannot live without communication.

Sometimes, of course, there are moments when you want to be alone with yourself and not see anyone. But, having rested, we are again drawn to people and conversations. In a word, this is a very important and integral part of our life. What does it mean to talk in a dream? These may be some small phrases that do not even remain in memory after waking up. But sometimes words spoken in a dream are a warning from above.

How can we understand why we dream about this? According to the dream book, the interpretation of such dreams can be either positive or negative. And in order to understand this more accurately, you need to remember as many details of the dream as possible. So let's get started.

Talking to you is like drinking honey

Often in dreams we enter into dialogue with. These could be our fathers, grandfathers, brothers, loved ones or just acquaintances. Most often, such a dream is interpreted as a sign of an upcoming trip or an interesting meeting.

It is also worth paying attention to what this familiar man told you, since what was said may turn out to be a warning, parting words or a hint for the future. But it can also indicate mistakes made if the interlocutor is for something.

Many people are interested in the meaning of the dream of a man who performs in the dreamer’s dreams. Such a dream promises the acquisition of something long desired or the receipt of an equally desired gift.

It also happens that a male representative who appears to you in a dream is a complete stranger. Such a vision may be a hint of a real person who is somehow present in your life. And perhaps it will appear soon. But in any case, you need to try to remember what he looks like and what his facial features are in order to compare him with one of your friends or find out when you will meet him. After all, it is possible that the words he speaks have quite an important meaning for you.

But for one man to see another in a dream means that in the very near future you will be able to fix something that has not gone well and has not worked out for a long time. But not all the words and actions of a night guest in dreams have such meaning. Resentment, insults and deception on his part say: there is no need to start what you have in mind, nothing will come of it, it’s not time yet.

A conversation with a loved one, even a loved one, who is very pleasant to you, is a good sign. It indicates that any difficult situation will be resolved in the most favorable way.

He knows how to stand and sit down, he knows how to carry on a conversation

An equally good sign is communication in a dream with your loved one. If a girl saw such a dream, most likely she really misses communication with her boyfriend, and the subconscious gives it away in the form of night images. But details that can change the interpretation of a dream are also important here. For example, remember where and how this dialogue took place:

  • Romantic date in a restaurant.
  • Telephone communication.
  • You hear complaints from him.
  • In a dream you receive a marriage proposal.

Thus, a dream about communicating with a loved one in a restaurant may be a harbinger of an offer to marry him in reality. At the same time, if you are separated for a long time, a conversation with your loved one in your dreams is only a reflection of your longing for him. Soon you will be together again, but for now it won’t hurt to remind him of your feelings.

Now let's see why, according to the dream book, you dream of a marriage proposal from your beloved guy. Most often, such a vision comes to those girls who often think about this event and worry about why the proposal has not yet been received. In this case, the dream book gives only one piece of advice: don’t rush things and don’t push the guy in vain. Everything will happen in due time.

If you have already been proposed to, then this dream is a reflection of your worries about how the event will go. Don’t worry, this dream is a sign that everything will be on top, the guests will be satisfied and will remember the wedding for a long time.

Those women who, in a conversation with a loved one, heard reproaches and complaints from him, should think about this. Try to remember his words, because most likely they are confirmed in reality, your partner just doesn’t dare tell you this. Take them into account and do everything possible to correct the current situation. This will help save your relationship.

Who did you dream about communicating with?

For young girls, a dream in which you communicate with your beloved guy, as the dream book explains, only means that he misses you a lot. He often thinks and remembers you, and this is reflected in his dreams. A conversation with, perhaps, talks about some unfinished business between you.

When the dialogue with your former beloved man ceases to be languid and turns to elevated tones, most likely the relationship is over, but the emotions have not subsided. Especially if after waking up you experience negativity and irritation. Conversely, the dream book explains a dream in which you had a very good conversation with your ex-boyfriend on any, even frank, topics, as a sign that you have already let him go and are quite ready for a new relationship.

It is also interesting to know why you dream of a dialogue with a former beloved man, in which he asks you to return to him. You should not cherish the hope of renewing the relationship in your soul, this is only your desire, and he probably feels completely different. Try to let him and your feelings go.

What is the meaning of a dream in which you had a dialogue with a person? He is not familiar to you, but you clearly understand that he is a dead man. Don't worry, this dream does not promise trouble. But you must remember everything he told you. We often receive important information through deceased people in our dreams - perhaps he wanted to warn you about something or convey something from your deceased relatives. In addition, if you are on the verge of making an important decision, such words will be a hint or advice.

And dead people often warn the living about impending disaster or trouble. The dream book advises not to ignore such a dream. Having deciphered it as correctly as possible, you will be prepared for the upcoming difficulties, which means you can easily cope with them.

Most often, the deceased informs about health complications, while the father comes to warn about possible financial difficulties. Often deceased people come into our dreams simply because you remember your loved ones and miss them.

Those who saw and talked in a dream with a deceased former lover will meet with a new love. This relationship promises to be long and sensual. Sometimes deceased relatives, loved ones and friends appear in our dreams to tell us something important. For example, that they love us. Or other words that were not spoken during life.

But it also happens that communication with deceased people close to us is just a projection of our subconscious. We lack them in reality, so we make up for this lack in our dreams. This explanation is given by the dream book when a conversation takes place on abstract topics that do not make any sense.

Unusual dialogue

Sometimes images of famous people come into our dreams: singers, actors, even. Why do we dream of talking with them? The dream book explains this dream as a sign of upcoming changes in life, and they promise to be bright and unforgettable.

Most likely, the president in a dream is a prototype of a person who will soon appear in your life. He will be quite influential and will be able to help you take a step towards new events. But this will not necessarily be a male representative - perhaps a woman or a child.

If in your dreams you greeted the head of state, expect support and help from a more influential person. If the president is your close friend or acquaintance, you will provide him with assistance. And don't expect gratitude in return.

Those dreamers who heard gratitude in the president’s words believe that they deserve more than they have. When talking to the ruler in a dream, did you receive advice? Expect big profits in the very near future. And vice versa, material losses threaten those who themselves gave advice to the head of state.

No matter how the president is present in your dreams, in any case they lead to important changes. So you should pay special attention to them in order to be prepared for unexpected turns.

If in a dream you had a telephone conversation, then in reality you communicate little with other people and rarely leave the house. This leads to a natural lack of communication, which does not have the best effect on the psyche. You can find out the secrets of the future by opening a dream book and remembering the details of the dream and who you talked to on the phone. Various interpretations of the plot will be described below.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Why do you dream of a telephone conversation? Miller's dream book believes that a dream prophesies an acquaintance with a person who, unwittingly, will prevent you from achieving your goal.

If a girl in a dream was chatting sweetly on her cell phone with someone, then in reality the dream book warns of possible unpleasant conversations or gossip behind her back.

"Hello. Hello…"

The dream book advises trying to remember who the interlocutor was in the dream. This information will help you more accurately decipher the dream. Here are standard examples:

  • parents - expect tips from an experienced person on how to solve a problem;
  • children - housework and caring for family members are coming;
  • maternal relatives - arrival of guests;
  • father's relatives - guests will not be a joy, but a burden;
  • friend or employee - to career growth;
  • spouse or lover - to problems in relationships;
  • deceased - your secret will soon cease to be such.

Conversations about personal life

Why dream of talking on the phone with your lover? Try to remember the nature of the dialogue. If you believe the Wanderer’s dream book, then a woman who quarreled with her boyfriend in her dreams will face unpleasant conversations, quarrels and disappointments in reality.

If in a dream a man spent the entire telephone conversation talking to you in a raised voice, then in reality this promises minor disagreements. But for representatives of the stronger sex, a dream in which a girl talks about her feelings for him will be negative. It is likely that their relationship is not as strong as he would like.

Let bygones be bygones

Why do you dream of a telephone conversation with your ex-partner? Pastor Loff's dream book foreshadows trouble for you. The dream takes on a particularly bad hue if, after breaking up, you became enemies.

The Eastern Dream Book has a completely different opinion about this plot in a dream. Most likely, the dreamer is tormented by nostalgia, and he still regrets the breakup. Moreover, deep down in his soul he dreams of reviving mutual feelings.

Empty chatter

Why you dream of communicating with a loved one on the phone can be understood if you remember the topic of the dialogue. If in a dream you revealed some of your secrets, then in reality you need his advice. Discussed a quarrel with someone - trust less in someone’s instructions or revealed secrets.

If you dreamed that you were arguing with a friend on the phone over some minor issue, then you are too concerned about other people’s opinions, and in this way you can be manipulated.

Communicate with the deceased

In a dream, a loved one from the other world called and asked for help? Based on the information given in the Slavic dream book, this person should be remembered in real life. But the interpreter of the White Magician claims that a telephone conversation with a deceased person promises the dreamer that some ordinary event will end in the most unexpected way.

Dreams are very different. Sometimes we see incredible events and even do something out of the ordinary that we would never do in reality.

Sometimes, on the contrary, we dream about ordinary and familiar things, and we miss such dreams without paying due attention to them. But in vain! Because it is precisely such scenes in dreams, the most ordinary and unremarkable, that often mean something very important, hint and indicate what will happen soon.

Don’t we want to know what will happen soon, what to expect and what to fear, what to do? Dreams can help, and the dream book will always give you wise advice.

We have to talk and communicate constantly; our whole life consists of communications. We live in a society, and communication constitutes our entire existence, all areas of life - work, friendship, love, family - are communication. But why do you dream of a conversation, what does it mean in a dream?

It happens that in dreams there is nothing unusual, and we talk with mom, dad, a loved one or boyfriend, but it also happens that in a dream we have to talk with a dead person, a deceased person, a celebrity, even the president! Whether in person or on the phone, such conversations are thought-provoking and haunting.

The dream book knows what this means, and it is not difficult for us to find out. Such visions should not be overlooked, because they are sometimes important. Before looking at the interpretation, remember all the details and nuances:

  • Talk to somebody.
  • Talk to an animal in a dream.
  • Hear the conversation.
  • Quiet conversation in dreams.
  • Talk to yourself.
  • Talk loudly.
  • A heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one.
  • Unpleasant conversation in a dream.
  • Chat with the man you love.
  • Talk to the guy you like.
  • Talking on the phone in a dream.
  • With a celebrity, with a president, living or dead.
  • Talking to a stranger.
  • With a dead man.
  • Talk to your ex-loved one.
  • With a deceased relative.
  • Chat with mom.
  • Talk to a friend.

All these conversations in a dream carry important information, and it can give you a lot in reality. Be careful, don’t confuse the details, and find out what the conversation is about in your dream - no matter who you have to talk to in your dream, with a living or dead person, with a former or real man, on the phone or in person.

Let's talk!

In real everyday life, communication means a lot to us. It can be pleasant or not very pleasant, some people like to talk on the phone, others prefer to spend time alone.

But in dreams everything is different, and any communication, even with a deceased person or president, in real life or by telephone, is a sign. What does it mean?

1. As the dream book says, conversation in dreams hints that you are loved and you have no need to be afraid of loneliness. Such visions often come in difficult times, when there is not enough attention and love, and when it seems to us that no one needs us. Higher powers remind you that people who love you are nearby and should not be forgotten. You are not alone!

2. If you happen to talk to an animal in a dream, this promises anxiety. Something in reality will worry you, disturb you, there will be some fears, uncertainty. Remember that anxieties most often arise without a real reason; we invent them ourselves.

Try to soberly and realistically assess the situation, do the maximum, and not fill your head with unnecessary anxieties and fears that only get in the way of your goal.

3. If you dreamed of a conversation that you heard, honor and glory await you. You may not become a world celebrity, but you will be highly respected at work and in society; know that you will not be in danger of loneliness. And your work will be appreciated, so everything you do now is not in vain. Work hard and you will deserve everything you want and more.

4. A quiet, calm conversation in dreams is a symbol of a favorable period and a bright, calm period in your life. A happy time is coming when you will be able to calm down, forget about worries, and relax. Everything will work out easily and calmly, without tension, harmony and order will come in your life. This is what the dream book promises.

5. If you were talking to yourself in a dream, you are too closed. This is a hint from higher powers that it’s time for you to start communicating with people, stop withdrawing into yourself, and open up to others.

Call your friends on the phone, leave the house, start going somewhere more often. Life is about communications, without them you will not be happy, and if you don’t communicate with people, you will soon be completely alone.

6. Loud conversation in a dream, live or telephone, means stress. You are not going through the calmest period in your life, and you will still have to go through a lot of unrest. But everything always depends on your attitude. If you see only problems in life, there will be even more of them. Focus on positive things, don’t overthink things, and take problems easier!

7. If you dreamed of a conversation with a close, pleasant person, a heart-to-heart conversation is a very favorable sign. The dream book promises that everything will soon get better, any difficult situation will be resolved, and everything will fall into place. A good, calm and favorable period awaits you.

8. An unpleasant conversation with anyone foreshadows a turbulent period and stress. Perhaps the most pleasant event awaits, some difficulties, but nothing serious. There will be no catastrophe or trouble, don’t be afraid.

You need to be able to endure any troubles with resilience, without stress and fear, because life consists not only of joy. And difficulties are always a valuable experience.

9. If you talked in your dreams with your beloved man, everything will be fine. The dream book promises a favorable, bright period in your life, as well as getting what you want. What you really want, you will soon get. This dream may also hint at your connection with your beloved man, because you continue to communicate even in dreams.

10. Talking in a dream with a person you like is a wonderful sign. It doesn’t matter whether the conversation was a telephone conversation or a live one, the dream book considers this as the rapid development of a good relationship with the one who is the subject of your dreams. He will show interest in you, and perhaps your relationship will move to the next level!

11. Talking on the phone may be a sign that in reality you are too tired of communicating with people. Perhaps your activities involve constant communications, and you also need a break from this.

Try not to go anywhere on the weekend, turn off your phone and don’t sit on social networks, spend a couple of days alone, be silent, think. This will have a very beneficial effect on you.

12. If you dreamed of a conversation with a famous person, for example, with a president or a singer, no matter whether he is alive or dead, this is always a hint of bright events that await you ahead. Soon your life will be filled with some incredible fresh experiences, you will experience a lot of new things, in general, you will not be bored. Something amazing awaits you!

13. For a woman, a conversation with an unfamiliar man always indicates a lack of male attention. Perhaps your thoughts revolve around this, and you really want to be the center of attention of the opposite sex.

Behave with dignity, not provocatively, leave the house, make new acquaintances. Be more positive and open to attract new people into your life!

14. I wonder why you dream about talking to a dead person? This refers to a person you did not know, a conversation with a deceased person who was not close to you during life, but in a dream you know that you are talking with the deceased.

Such an eerie dream, a conversation with a dead person, is actually an important sign. You should remember what you talked about - because it could be important information. Perhaps an important decision or significant event awaits you in reality. As a rule, the dead in our dreams tell the truth and give valuable advice.

15. For a girl, talking with her ex-lover is often stressful. If in a dream you chatted with your ex, then in reality you will receive news from him, or accidentally cross paths. Or maybe you lack it, and your subconscious thus compensates for this lack. Maybe it’s worth seeing him and chatting in a friendly way?

16. Communication in dreams with a deceased relative or friend is also a serious sign. Remember what exactly you talked about with the deceased, what he told you. These are often important tips, warnings, cautions.

You should be more careful in reality, the dead often come to warn us about something, or when in reality we behave carelessly, do the wrong things, make wrong decisions.

17. If in your dreams you communicated with your mother, what does this mean? The dream book describes communication with your mother as her worries about you in reality. Maybe she just doesn't have enough communication with you, she's worried about you. Think about whether you are making mistakes in reality, whether your actions are correct.

18. If you were talking with a friend, the dream book warns that your personal life is under threat, and you pay little attention to relationships. You should focus on them, pay attention to whether your partner is suffering because of something, whether you are doing everything right.

Such conversations in dreams are not without reason. We continue to live and communicate even in the world of dreams, and it is worth carefully remembering this, comprehending and understanding what it means. Listen to the interpreter's advice, and always act as your heart tells you! Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream Interpretation talking on the phone

The world of dreams is incredibly deep and multifaceted; it is impossible to predict or calculate anything in advance. Sometimes we dream of something incredible that does not fit into the framework of familiar things, which makes us quickly look into the dream book. Behind these unforgettable scenes, an ordinary dream hardly evokes the same excitement, curiosity and desire to understand why it visited us.

If you talked on the phone in your sleep

Talking on the phone has become accessible to our generation and has become firmly integrated into everyday life. Living in society, we need to settle some business and personal issues without seeing the interlocutor in person. The modern world provides us with these benefits and conveniences. However, why dream of such a conversation? Undoubtedly, it is a very important omen; a conversation with a deceased person is especially symbolic. Psychologists and predictors will help you see the truth in this matter.

Who spoke to whom?

Why do you dream about a telephone in a general sense? According to the women's dream book, the telephone is a harbinger of meetings with those people who will put you in a difficult situation and lead you astray. For a more detailed interpretation, it is necessary to determine some nuances.

Who you are?

When interpreting night visions, it is important not only what we saw in a dream, but also who we are in real life.


For a representative of the fair sex, this dream means success in personal and career affairs.

Your colleagues, ill-wishers and even some friends cannot put up with such life circumstances. Envy speaks in them and forces you to do low things towards you. Therefore, you should be careful not only when communicating with unfamiliar friends, but also with your beloved boyfriend or husband.

Who is the dreamer

If you happen to talk to a dead person in a dream, then this is a warning sign. Although you build your life as you see fit, your environment condemns you and does not accept your current position. The dream suggests that now is the best time to make a choice. Do you agree to go alone, protecting your idea and dream, or should you listen to the opinion of the majority?


Why does a man dream about talking? Representatives of the stronger sex have the right to expect success in all business-related endeavors. But it is worth noting that seeing such a picture means the presence of insincere people who, out of their own motives, will try to impose false and incorrect views on you. Be attentive and listen first of all to your own feelings.

But why talk to a dead person on the phone in a dream? This episode suggests that the dreamer is losing touch with reality. More and more immersed in his own thoughts and illusions, he does not notice how real life passes him by.

Who did you happen to talk to?

Who did you talk to?

In the modern world, people talk on the phone every day, solving their personal issues. This dream is no exception, where the interlocutor deserves a lot of attention. Have you ever had a conversation with an ex-girlfriend, a beloved man, or even a dead stranger?

Conversation with a deceased person

Separately, it should be noted the conversation with the deceased, which deserves special attention. Seeing or participating in such a dream is an extremely important sign that requires detailed consideration. Did you have a chance to talk on the phone with a deceased relative or was it an unfamiliar image?

  1. With a dead stranger. Why talk on the phone with an unfamiliar person, but at the same time you are firmly convinced that there is a dead person on the other side of the line? You should remember in every detail everything that you dreamed about. The topics discussed are extremely important and will affect the outcome of later life.
  2. With a deceased relative. This means that you are now on the wrong path in life. Review your judgments and think about whether you are doing everything right in your life.
  3. With a deceased friend. A similar phenomenon is dreamed of in cases where your personal life is subject to some kind of threat. Listen to the valuable advice that was given in the dream and follow it to preserve the relationship.

Medea's dream book claims that a conversation on the phone foreshadows routine matters and minor troubles that you can easily cope with.

What happened in the dream?

what was the conversation like

When interpreting night visions, a complete picture of what we are dreaming is important. What circumstances awaited Morpheus in his arms?

Nature of the conversation

Not only the physical side is important for a person, but also the emotional one. What feelings were touched upon and how did the conversation proceed?

  1. Loud. This dream means your extreme dependence on external factors. As a result of this lifestyle, you are more susceptible to stress and internal contradictions than other people. The dream book advises to approach problems and troubles more simply, and then they will stop tormenting you.
  2. Quiet and calm. But this episode promises a calm and prosperous life. The dark streak will end and harmony and prosperity will reign in the dreamer’s family. All that remains is not to go against your fate. There is also a high probability that you and your beloved husband will go to previously unexplored places in order to escape from the bustle of everyday life.
  3. Unpleasant conversation. The dream suggests that a difficult period in life has arrived. You may encounter numerous obstacles and problems on your way. However, do not despair and give up. Any dark streak will end sooner or later.
  4. Heart to heart conversation. Did you dream that you were having a heart-to-heart conversation with someone on the phone? The dream book says that a period of calm and calm has come in your life. You deserve this vacation, all that remains is to fully enjoy it.
  5. Dispute. Any quarrel or conflict means your uncertainty in life. Perhaps you don't know what you want to do for many years or are confused for other reasons. Now is the best time to speculate.

Circumstances in a dream

Often, unforeseen moments await us in dreams that require detailed interpretation. What else did you experience in your night visions?

  1. See the conversation from the outside. Did you dream that a dialogue took place, but you stood on the sidelines? A wonderful symbol that foreshadows glory and honor. The dream book does not promise everyone's attention, but you will be able to achieve the desired heights in your career, thereby earning the respect of your colleagues and superiors. The main thing is not to give up on your goals and believe in yourself.
  2. It's hard to hear. A woman's dream book foreshadows a period of crisis in a relationship. Perhaps the chosen one will cool down a little and move away from you. However, do not worry, because this period will turn out to be temporary and, with due patience and worldly wisdom, will benefit both partners.
  3. Break the device. Do you dream about smashing your phone to pieces after a casual or confrontational conversation? The dream book claims that now is the best time to start new endeavors and bring creative projects to life. You have gotten rid of the remnants of the past and are ready to learn something new.

Conversations haunt us even in the world of night dreams. In addition to the interpreter’s valuable advice, do not forget to listen to the call of your own heart.

Conversation in a dream has many interpretations in the dream book, both positive and negative. Therefore, in order to understand why this dream is happening, you should remember the smallest details of what you saw, your own emotions, the subject of the conversation and the interlocutor himself, put everything together into one meaningful picture and compare it with the prevailing circumstances in real life.

Tsvetkov's dream book interprets a conversation in a dream as the emergence of a situation in which the dreamer will become a cause of concern for other people. A heart-to-heart conversation foreshadows the normalization of an unpleasant situation that has arisen, and also indicates the emergence of an opportunity to gain new knowledge or master new skills.

An unpleasant conversation in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a warning of trouble. If during a dialogue a sleeping person is overwhelmed by negative emotions, fear, irritation or despair, it means that in real life the dreamer should behave quite carefully with others and watch his words, otherwise harsh and thoughtless expressions can lead to strained relationships with colleagues and acquaintances .

Who is the dialogue with?

When interpreting a dream, the person with whom the dialogue is taking place plays a great role. If the dreamer does not see his interlocutor, it means that in reality the person may lose his good friend because of his rash actions or words.

For a married woman, a conversation with a friend warns that the dreamer’s family life is in danger. Chatting with a friend on the phone is deciphered by the dream book as a girl’s fatigue from communicating with people, a desire to be alone with herself and understand her own thoughts and feelings.

The opportunity to receive a thing that a young lady has dreamed of for a long time, the fulfillment of desires and plans, this is what a conversation with a loved one means in a dream. If you dreamed of a conversation with a guy whom the dreamer really likes in reality, it means that soon friendship and communication with him will develop into something more.

It will be useful for young ladies to know why they dream of a conversation with a rival. Such a picture is interpreted by the dream book as a sign that the dreamer in the near future should not commit rash acts and make rash decisions regarding her relationship with her lover, otherwise her rival will achieve what she wants.

A conversation with an enemy in a dream warns the dreamer about dangerous plans that the enemy has started behind the person’s back. If the dialogue went smoothly, without unnecessary emotions and accusations, then most likely the ill-wisher wants to smooth out the conflict. If in a dream there was a verbal altercation with mutual insults and threats, it means that in real life the confrontation between the dreamer and the enemy will resume.

A rather unusual and frightening dream is a dream where a person has a conversation with death. However, it is in such a conversation that the dreamer can find out what he is doing wrong and how to positively influence his life. By remembering the topic of the conversation, as well as the words of the angel of death, you can change a lot in the future.

For a married woman, a conversation with her husband in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the presence of misunderstanding or claims against the girl on the part of her husband. Freud reveals the emergence of sexual problems among spouses, which can lead to the fact that one of them finds solace on the side. It’s worth talking frankly with your chosen one and clarifying all the issues before an irreversible moment comes.

To understand why you dream about talking with relatives in a dream, you need to find out who this person is to the dreamer. A conversation with a deceased brother suggests that someone close to you is in dire need of the help of a sleeping person. A conversation with the mother reveals the presence of misunderstandings in the family, which can develop into unpleasant proceedings and quarrels.

In most cases, talking with a deceased person in a dream predicts health problems in real life. For businessmen, this picture speaks of the heavy workload of a sleeping person, which can turn into depression and loss of strength; only the correct sleep and rest regime will help avoid serious illness.

A young man who dreams of a conversation with a girl indicates that the dreamer will soon be very disappointed in his chosen one. The dream book advises not to “fever” and talk frankly with your beloved, because what you hear may be untrue, slander from enemies and envious people.

According to the dream book, a conversation with the president in a dream means that the sleeping person is very disappointed in life and does not see any prospects for himself in the future. Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s moral fatigue. Solitude and conversation with your spiritual mentor will help you restore your strength and lift your spirit.

For a man, in a dream, a conversation with a woman, according to the dream book, means troubles associated with the jealousy of his chosen one. In most cases, the behavior of the youngest person contributes to his significant other suspecting him of infidelity. It is worth restoring a trusting relationship with your beloved, otherwise the dreamer may lose your beloved.

For a married woman, a conversation with her mother is predicted by the dream book to have a prosperous and harmonious family life, happiness and well-being of the household.

For a girl, a conversation with a man in a dream is explained by the dream book as insufficient communication with her boyfriend. The young lady lacks the attention of her chosen one, his presence.

A dreamed conversation with your boss indicates increased anxiety in the dreamer due to problems at work, an unhealthy atmosphere in the team, and worries about the assigned responsibility.

The appearance of a nostalgic mood, an urgent need for support and understanding - this is what dreams of a conversation with a friend mean.

A conversation with an ex-girlfriend is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious comparison of the current lover with a former passion, as well as the presence of unresolved issues that will force the dreamer to turn to his ex-partner for help.

Why dream of a conversation with your father. Such an image personifies a person’s excellent opportunities to gain decent financial income, good luck and luck in his career.

A conversation with an ex-husband in a dream foreshadows in the dream book a complication of the relationship or an imminent illness of the current lover. You should listen to the topic of the conversation; perhaps the ex-husband and the dreamer have unfinished business that needs to be resolved in the near future.

For a young girl, a conversation with an ex-boyfriend suggests that the ex-lover misses the young lady and often thinks about her.

Subject (topic) of dialogue

For a married woman, talking about children in a dream is predicted by the dream book to have offspring or an early pregnancy. For a man, this dream foreshadows minor problems and troubles at work.

Imminent problems with finances, which can only be solved by frugality and giving up some benefits, this is why you dream about talking about money in a dream.

For a young girl, talking about pregnancy signifies a subconscious desire to have a full-fledged family. Even if in reality the dreamer did not think about such topics,

Why dream about talking about death? No matter how terrible the dream in which a person dialogues with death may be, the dream book interprets it exclusively as a positive omen. This is the beginning of a new life, getting rid of everything that prevented you from moving forward and realizing yourself as a person.

When a woman talks about a wedding, the dream book predicts a meeting with a man who will become a wonderful husband in the future. For a man, such a dream predicts empty troubles.

Someone else's chatter

In a dream, hearing other people talking is interpreted by the dream book as important information that will definitely be useful to the dreamer in real life.

It is useful to know why you dream of eavesdropping on a conversation. The dream book deciphers such a picture as a chance for a sleeping person to become the owner of important information that will help the dreamer take several steps towards realizing his cherished dream.

Hearing a conversation with a deceased person is interpreted by the dream book as an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, which can lead to losses and misfortunes.


    Help me please. I really like the guy, we used to correspond with him, but then his boyfriend got in, and we had a fight, we practically don’t communicate anymore. More than a month ago I dreamed that I was corresponding with him again, and today I dreamed that we were talking. He smiled at me, and we were very close, like best friends. It means something?


    I dreamed of a conversation with a girl I like, but because of my ex, we quarreled. And we haven't talked for about a month now. On the phone, she and I argued about something (I don’t remember exactly what). And one more thing: when the call rang in a dream, I saw on the display the clear name and surname of the caller, that is, it was definitely her. What could this mean?


    A few days ago I saw a former young man in a dream, but he drove me away, today I saw him, but I passed by in silence, although I saw that he was waiting for me. What does it mean?

    We were together for six months, but he has burning feelings for his previous woman, unfortunately, I left him. Why did I dream about him lying in my bed at home, hugging me, but my ex was lying next to me in another bed, and I was trying to explain to him to leave, but my real one at that moment was walking behind me on a leash and eavesdropping. We got on the bus, I was next to my ex, and the real one was in front of me, he was jealous, he wanted to crash the bus. His ex appeared in a dream, but he treated her coldly with indifference. She tried to get acquainted with my ex, but I stopped her.

    I had a dream in which a former married man (with whom we were in a relationship for more than 2 years) told me not to call him anymore (although I don’t call him)! but I still love him!

    Please tell me, I’m dating a man, he has a ten-year-old daughter, we don’t know each other, but whenever I hope that everything will be fine, today I dreamed about her and we talked to her, she doesn’t mind that her father and I are together, I I was very happy, and she smiled too, we even hugged like friends, what could this be for?

    Please tell me, this is the situation, I now have a young man whom I love, today I dreamed of a conversation with an ex-boyfriend (whom I loved for 6 years) in a dream he suddenly offers me a relationship and I immediately agreed, we were so happy, I saw his clear face, his smile, etc., later we were walking with our mutual friends and it dawned on me that I was doing wrong, that at the moment both he and I had couples, so I took his hand and led him away, I said that we needed to talk, he agreed, I told him that we were doing the wrong thing, but I said that I love him, and he loves me too, we hugged each other so sincerely, and he told me to leave my boyfriend on March 8 (today 10.03) and give me a gift, I told him too and he immediately said that now I will write to her (his girlfriend) that he does not love her, but loves me very much and misses me, we stood hugging, a phone call woke me up. Today, before this dream, I dreamed of my current boyfriend.

    Help me please. There was one person, but there could be nothing but friendly relations, a month ago I walked with him, and he kissed me, two days after that, he wrote that we could not communicate. A month has passed, and for the second day I’ve been dreaming about him, in the first dream I don’t remember what happened, but in the second he’s sitting at my house, we’re having a nice conversation, hugging each other... Who knows what this means?


    I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, we seemed to have agreed to meet. We talked on the phone. Then there’s a fragment like it’s like I’m touching his shoulders at his house, and I felt so good next to him.

    Help me understand my dream. I dreamed about my dad, “He’s alive and everything is fine. We were talking about the President of Ukraine and his land holdings, then I looked and saw two goats. HELP DECODE THE DREAM.

    Good night! Please tell me why I dream about a conversation with an ex-boyfriend, the conversation was sincere and calm. They talked about life, about creating his family, I gave him advice in a dream: I said that drinking is bad, don’t, start a family, children. She said that everything would work out for him and that he would be happy.

    Good night! Please tell me why I dream about talking with my ex-boyfriend. The conversation was sincere and calm. They talked about starting his family. I advised him: don’t drink, it’s bad, start a family, children, you will succeed, I believe in you.

    Please help me understand the dream correctly. I dream of a conversation with an ex, with whom I recently had a huge quarrel and stopped communicating. In a dream, he calls me on the phone and asks for forgiveness (although essentially I am to blame for our quarrel), but I don’t answer him anything except that we’ll talk when we meet.