The name Andrey origin and meaning. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Andrey Andrey Russian name

- (ancient Greek Ἀνδρέας) Greek Gender: male. Etymological meaning: “courageous, brave” Patronymic: Andreevich, Andreich Andreevna, Andrevna Produced. forms ... Wikipedia

Birth name: Andrey Fedorovich Khoroshev Date of birth: July 27, 1959 (1959 07 27) (53 years old) Place of birth: Olekminsk, Olekminsky district, Yakutia ... Wikipedia

Courageous, brave; Andreika, Andrya, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryunya, Andron, Andreich, Andre Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Andrei noun, number of synonyms: 6 andreich (1) ... Synonym dictionary

- (Greek Andreas, courageous), brother of Simon Peter from Bethsaida on Lake Gennesaret (John 1:44). Both were fishermen and owned a house in Capernaum (Mark 1:16,29). A. was at first a disciple of John the Baptist, who pointed him to Jesus, after which A.... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

- (Greek Άνδρέας), in Christian mythology one of the twelve apostles. Peter's brother, a Galilean, fished on Lake Tiberias ("Sea of ​​Galilee") and was part of the community of disciples of John the Baptist (John 1:35), until he was one of the first (Matthew 4:18... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Andrew St. an apostle of Jesus Christ, was the brother of Peter and was fishing with him in Capernaum, on Lake Galilee, when Jesus called him to follow him (Matthew VI, 18 et seq.). According to the story of the Gospel of John (John 1:41) he was one... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

- (Greek), one of the twelve apostles. Peter's brother, a Galilean, fished on Lake Tiberias (“the Sea of ​​Galilee”) and was part of the community of disciples of John the Baptist (John 1:35), until he was one of the first (Matt. 4:18-20) or even the first (John. 1:40 41)… … Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

Rotozey. Razg. Joking. Nickname of Andrey. DP, 312... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

ANDREY- 1. (St. Andrew the First-Called (1st century) - apostle of the twelve) - Did you take the bread? Hey! – Andrey bent over the mended net. Kuz917 18 (218); With a herd of dun horses. The Apostle Andrew wanders in the willows with a shepherd's pipe. Ec918 (II.55); 2. (St. A.… … Proper name in Russian poetry of the 20th century: dictionary of personal names

Andrey- Andre/y, me, husband. Greek andreios courageous, brave father. Andre/evich, Andre/evna; decomposition Andre/ich, Andre/vna Derivatives: Andre/yka, A/ndrya, Andryu/ha, Andryu/sha, Andryu/nya Name days: 27.01, 31.05, 05.06, 11.06, 15.06, 03.07, 13.07, 17.07, 22.07,… … Dictionary of personal names and patronymics


  • Andrey Bely. Poems and poems, Andrey Bely. Andrei Bely (1880-1934) is perhaps the only one of the great Russian symbolists who was never awarded the Collected Works either during his lifetime or during the six decades that have passed...
  • Andrey Voznesensky. Favorites, Andrey Voznesensky. The poetic insights of a great poet arise in everyday life, but this makes them even more valuable. With all the discoveries in the field of sound metaphors, videos, circumference meters, A. Voznesensky does not lose...

Andrey is a common and very popular name with an interesting history. And choosing a name for a child is an important and crucial moment that decides his future fate. Therefore, before calling him by this name, it would not hurt to find out what the name Andrei means, what the character of a person with this name is, his positive and negative traits. The mystery of its origin and history is also very interesting.

Translated from Greek, the name Andrey means “man”, “courageous”, “husband”, “brave”. This interpretation is the best characteristic of the owner of this name.

A little history

The history of the name Andrei is connected with ancient Byzantium, where it came from in the 10th-11th centuries. came to Rus'. This male name immediately gained popularity: at first only representatives of noble blood had the right to name a child Andrei. Then the name spread among the common people.

Sometimes this name acquired a different, more “homey” and “folk” sound. This is how the names came about: Andriy, Andreyko, Ondriusha, Andrus, etc.

Proof of its popularity are Russian folk sayings that have survived to our times. Here are some of them: “Andrey is wiser than everyone,” or “Our Andryushka doesn’t have a half ruble.”

The origin of the name Andrei and its appearance in the Christian name book is associated with the name of the disciple of Jesus Christ, Andrew the First-Called, which literally means one of the first called to the ranks of the apostles.

And the origin of the familiar St. Andrew's Cross is connected with the same apostle: the saint was crucified by order of the ruler on an oblique cross. The image of that same cross is on the flags of states. Also, Apostle Andrew patronizes the ships of the Russian fleet - their flags are called St. Andrew's.

In addition to Andrew the First-Called, the following are canonized as saints: princes (Bogolyubsky, Smolensky, Zaozersky) and an icon painter named Rublev, etc. All these people deserved this honor due to their spiritual qualities and pious deeds.

General Character Traits

Since childhood, Andrey has expressed dreaminess and ingenuity. He likes “male” games: construction sets, planes and trains, horses. He is energetic, restless and does not really listen to adults, which upsets them.

In terms of external features, Andrei is more like his mother, and his character is his father’s or his grandmother’s on his father’s side. And his relationship with his mother is closer and more trusting than with his father.

Having become a schoolboy, he turns into a restrained and balanced boy and begins to control his temper. At the same time, he has a strong sense of independence, justice and pride. Andrey is characterized by vanity.

Since childhood, he has the makings of an organizer and social activist. Favorite subject is mathematics. Loves chess and sports. He performs any task or work “from the heart”, in good faith.

When raising Andrei, you need to remember that pressure, coercion and similar forceful influences are contraindicated in dealing with him. This means that persuasion supported by arguments and arguments will be more effective.

Health characteristics: in childhood he is prone to colds and infectious diseases. This means that hardening, gymnastics, and daily walks are important for him from a very early age.

In love, a man with this name is fickle. But he is never fully revealed: his inner world is a secret for the fairer sex. And Andrey’s wife is always beautiful and impressive. In marriage, he is selfish and expects increased attention from his wife. In the absence of the latter, he may even become jealous of his wife for his own child.

At work, the bosses appreciate Andrey. Unpredictability and impulsiveness also occur in the professional sphere: it is unknown what will come to his mind in the next second. But this is of great importance if he chooses creative professions: director, journalist, writer.

  • Description of positive character traits: ingenuity, fairness, independence, conscientiousness, punctuality, determination.
  • Negative traits: selfishness, impulsiveness, vanity, stinginess.

Character traits in children born at different times

  • “Spring” owners named Andrey are cheerful and witty. They are excellent at parodying other people, they know and can tell jokes and funny stories. They make excellent writers or speakers.
  • Characteristics of the “summer” Andrey: plays the guitar and sings, writes songs, knows many poems by heart. Thanks to these talents and cheerful disposition, he participates in some musical group or even is an organizer. And in a team he is the soul of any company.
  • The character of the “autumn-winter” owners of this name is most suitable for interpretation, i.e. meaning (see above). They are fair, irreconcilable to callousness and lies. They are unshakable when they stand up for what is right. Because of this, they sometimes encounter problems. They enjoy authority in the company and success with the weaker sex, because They have a sense of humor and inner charm.

Compatibility with middle names and female names

The patronymic is also of great importance in the fate of the boy. For “spring-summer” Andryushas, ​​the following names are suitable as a middle name: Vladimir, Vilen, Nikolai, Oleg, Stepan, Semyon. And for the “winter-spring” ones, the most successful middle names are: Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Maksimovich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich.

You should also be careful when choosing your life partner. Andrey will create the happiest marriages with Alevtina, Natalya, Vesta, Juliet, Elena, Irina, Maria, Diana, Claudia, Larisa, Elizaveta, Leah, Lyudmila, Taisiya. The undesirable party are women named: Sophia, Zoya, Varvara, Clara, Nellie, Oksana, Olga, Yulia.

P.S. The mystery of this name goes back centuries and is closely intertwined with the history of Rus' and Christianity. And Andrei himself and his name have always been and are a symbol of masculinity. In union with the luck and determination of its owner, it will certainly bring happiness and success in life!

Stories from our readers

A man named Andrey, most often, loves himself very much and prefers not to rely on the opinions of others. Doesn't like it when someone else's point of view is imposed on him. In relationships with women he is very romantic.

When translated from Greek, the name Andrei means “courageous, brave.”

Origin of the name Andrey:

This name, together with Christianity, came from Byzantium to the Slavic countries and became very popular in Rus', which it is now, already in modern Russia. It comes from the Greek word “Andros” - “courage”, “protector”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Andrey:

As a child, Andryusha is romantic and dreamy. They are assiduous - they can sit over a construction set for a long time, but they can also run around the room screaming, pretending to be a train or an airplane. They don’t listen to their parents and like to argue with their father. They have a warmer relationship with their mother. The authority is the elder brother, if there is one. They are indifferent to their sister, treat her with jealousy, try not to yield to her in anything, and stand their ground. Secretive, not boastful. Many are surprised to learn that Andrei once graduated from a sports school, achieved some results, or got a good job in a promising job. Andryusha loves exact sciences and actively participates in the life of the school. He carries out any assignments willingly and conscientiously. Andrey is a fighter for justice. Always protects younger ones, does not like lies.

Andrey is impulsive, selfish, and constantly demands attention. He is jealous of his wife for the child and work. He is economical, does not waste money, and knows how to save. He loves praise, compliments and good reviews about himself. Men named Andrey are distinguished by good physical fitness, confidence and determination. Despite all these qualities, Andrei remains soft, sensitive and emotional. They have a calm and balanced character. They are philosophers by nature. They enjoy talking with smart, well-read people. Accept criticism and admit their mistakes. They play chess well, love animals - they will never pass by a homeless puppy or kitten.

Andreys are inclined towards directing and can become good composers, artists, and actors. Autumn ones are inclined towards exact sciences, as they do not have their head in the clouds. At work, management appreciates Andreev for his thoughtfulness and ability to easily solve complex issues. Older colleagues treat him with condescension, and girls try to attract attention to themselves and expect gifts from him. Andrey is not predictable, no one knows what is in this man’s head.

Andryushas are frivolous. Today, they confess their love to one girl, and tomorrow they pass by with another, not noticing the first. They are not constant in love. Love adventures are often used for self-affirmation. Andrey cannot be taken by surprise. He openly tells everything about himself to his next passion, without hiding anything. It would seem that his life is like an open book. But this is not so - his life is hidden behind seven seals. Andreys often surprise their significant other with expensive gifts, but at the same time they may deny her some necessary little thing. When choosing a wife, Andrei is of little interest in her internal qualities; for him, the main thing is external features - he loves with his eyes. He prefers to see a beautiful, confident, impressive woman next to him.

Andrey loves children, he is always a good father. He likes to play with them, he is always ready to help them or give good advice.

For peace and prosperity in the family, Andrey should choose Alice, Valeria, Angelica, Antonina, Alina, Galina, Veronica, Dina, Maria, Larisa, Lyudmila or Natalia as his wife. An unhappy marriage will be with Varvara, Vera, Irina, Zoya, Olga, Oksana, Victoria, Anna, Ekaterina and Yana.

Many Andreevs are found among artists - directors, actors, writers, artists.

"man, courageous"

Origin of the name Andrey

the name comes from the genitive case of the Greek word for "man". The name Andrey is very popular in Christian countries. Its pronunciation varies in different languages: for example, in English - Andrew, in French - Andre, in Scandinavian languages ​​- Anders. Also forms of the name are Andron and Andronik.

Characteristics of the name Andrey

little Andrey loves outdoor games and does not like to obey his elders. At the same time, he is a dreamer, always thinking up and inventing something. This is a real fighter for justice, loves to argue and defend his rightness. If Andrey promised something, he tries to fulfill it very responsibly and on time. He quickly loses his temper, but later he may realize he was wrong. Andrey is usually very vain, loves to be the first in everything. He has a warmer relationship with his mother than with his father, with whom he often argues, proving that he is right. Parents should remember that using force against Andrey is inappropriate. It is better to convince Andrei with arguments, taking into account his innate sense of justice. Usually, Andrey finds all subjects equally easy, but he feels what he should focus on and chooses his own profession.

Famous personalities: this name was borne by the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the apostle, brother of the Apostle Peter, who preached the Gospel in Scythia, Asia Minor and Greece. Also bearers of this name are the famous film director Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986), film actor Andrei Mironov (1941-1947), film director Andron Konchalovsky.

Name Andrey - when is the name day?

January 27, February 17, February 21, March 6, April 28, May 31, June 1, June 5, June 11, June 23, June 25, June 26, July 3, July 13, July 17, July 19, July 22 , August 5, August 17, September 1, September 16, September 19, September 20, September 23, September 28, October 4, October 5, October 6, October 7, October 15, October 23, October 30, October 31, 9 November, November 11, December 8, December 10, December 11, December 13, December 15, December 16

Derivations of the name Andrey:

Andreyka, Andrya, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryunya.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for the name Andrey:

The name is suitable for Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Harmony with name bearers:

Incompatibility with native names:


In 1360, the future great icon painter Andrei Rublev was born. Andrei studied painting in Byzantium and Bulgaria, with Theophanes the Greek. Having become a monk of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery, monk Andrei led the life of an ascetic icon painter until his death. His brush belongs to the famous miraculous image of the Holy Trinity, which is still an unsurpassed example of world icon painting. Andrei Rublev also painted the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, the iconostasis and the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, painted the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, painted the walls of the Assumption Cathedral in Zvenigorod, the walls and iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Andrey: origin of the name, meaning, horoscope

A name is given to a person at birth and accompanies him throughout his life, leaving an energetic imprint on his personality and destiny. Therefore, the ancients took it extremely seriously to baptize a child correctly. It was believed that this could determine a happy future.

When choosing a name for their son, parents may think about the question of what kind of name Andrey is. We will consider its origin and meaning below.

Ancient origins. Distribution in Rus'

The origin of the name Andrey has ancient Greek roots. From the ancient Greek language it is translated as “the one who enters into battle”, “the one who resists”, according to another version - “courageous”, “brave”, “strong”.

The history of the origin of the name Andrei is as follows: “Anjeti” was first mentioned in the mythology of the Egyptians, where he was the god of the city of Busiris. In Christian mythology, Andrew the First-Called is one of the apostles, the first whom Jesus Christ called to be his disciple. He preached Christianity in the Balkans and the Black Sea region and was crucified in the Greek city of Patri. In Tsarist Russia, this saint was the protector of the Russian navy. In his honor, the St. Andrew's Banner and Order were founded - the oldest of the Russian orders.

When in Rus' did they begin to name babies Andrei at baptism? The origins of the name go back to the end of the 10th century. Then, according to the chronicles, it came to our lands from Byzantium and immediately spread widely among the princes.

Name meaning by seasons

What are those who bear the name Andrei like? The origin of the name takes on its shades depending on the time of year when the baby was born:

  • Those born in winter are creative. He can become a wonderful actor. Disciplined and responsible, dreams of fame. There are many changes and twists and turns in his life.
  • Spring is friendly, so he has many friends. He takes life lightly. Because of his carelessness, his family suffers: Andrei wants to have fun, but family matters and problems do not interest him.
  • Summer is the “soul” of any company. With his ability to joke, amuse, and be witty, he will create a festive and cheerful mood among those around him.
  • Those born in autumn are distinguished by great willpower, inexhaustible energy, and a deep sense of justice. The greatest success is achieved in jurisprudence, especially in the legal profession.

Characteristics of a child with this name

The name Andrey, the origin and meaning of which we are considering, is borne by an energetic and restless child. He is a dreamer and inventor; his favorite toys are airplanes and construction sets. The child has a big sweet tooth. Doesn't always listen to parents. But little Andrey has a keen sense of justice; he will always protect and support the weaker, but will not tolerate pressure from his elders. He is not good friends with his brothers and sisters.

At school he becomes more reserved and calm. Already in adolescence, he showed organizational skills. The feelings of independence and justice are especially pronounced. He studies well. Loves precision objects and sports. Playing sports can lead to great success and achievements. Among friends, he is the life of the party, knows how to make people laugh, and tells funny stories. Has creative abilities: sings, plays the guitar.

Adult Andrey

He never wastes his words: what he promises, he delivers. He is respected at work. Never raises his voice to his subordinates. Prefers stability. Will not take on a risky business, will consider all options before doing anything.

He is also a philosopher and loves to speculate on “eternal” topics. He is careful and will not take unnecessary risks.

Health and career

Andrey - the origin of the name is from the Greek root "andros" - strong, this also applies to his health - strong, stable, indestructible. He rarely gets sick, mostly with colds. He does not like to be treated with pills; he prefers traditional methods of treatment.

This is a talented and artistic person. He can become a wonderful actor (Andrei Mironov), artist, director, scientist, businessman. His characteristic practicality and rationality allow him to achieve great heights in his career. He enjoys authority both among his superiors and his subordinates.

Marriage and family

The origin of the name Andrey shows that he takes a long time to choose his soul mate. When choosing a wife, he pays attention to her appearance, and not to her inner world. That's why his wife is always beautiful and well-groomed. He loves to show off with her among his friends and acquaintances. In marriage, Andrei demands and loves increased attention. However, he does not fully reveal himself to his companion. He keeps his experiences to himself. Sometimes inconsistent.

He loves an organized life, strictly observes family holidays - name days, christenings, birthdays. He loves when the whole family gathers at the table. Loves children very much. If they do something wrong - they misbehave, do not fulfill the instructions of their mother or grandmother, Andrei will always take them under his protection.


The zodiac signs that patronize Andrei are Cancer and Sagittarius.
Planet – Uranus and the Sun.
Color – dark red and dark brown.
The plant is fir.
Talisman stone – amber, amethyst.

Who will Andrey be happy with? The origin of the name will not indicate this, but the horoscope states that it would be best for him to be married to Natalya, Alevtina, Elena, Irina, Maria, Diana, Larisa, Claudia, Juliet, Vesta, Elizaveta, Lyudmila, Taisiya. Unhappy marriage - with Sofia, Oksana, Olga, Yulia, Zoya, Varvara, Clara.

Name day: July 17 – Andrei Bogolyubsky, Grand Duke, Andrei Rublev; July 13 and December 13 – Andrew the First-Called.

Andrey: meaning of the name, secret and origin. The meaning of the name Andrey for a boy

What a great happiness - the birth of a child! So many pleasant worries for moms, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers, in a word - all the relatives are worried. A particularly pleasant moment is choosing a name for a newborn.

This is a very responsible decision, a person’s name is of great importance, and this issue must be approached with all seriousness. A great name for a boy is Andrey. The meaning of the name, its origin, compatibility with other names and zodiac signs - you need to know everything before naming your baby.

Origin of the name and its meaning

The meaning of the name Andrey for a boy is very important for his parents, who chose this name. This name is very proud and courageous, quite common among Slavic peoples. Sounds beautiful - Andrey. The meaning of the name, its roots must be sought in Ancient Greece. It is based on the Greek word “andros”, which means “husband, man, courageous”. For many centuries this name has been considered originally Russian. At the time of the baptism of Rus', it came to us from Byzantium.

The name Andrey, the origin and meaning of which is described in this article, makes people, upon hearing it, immediately imagine a man with a strong character, strong, self-confident, in a word - courageous! This representation is quite truthful and corresponds to the character and appearance of its owner.

The name Andrei, the origin and meaning of which is the same among different peoples, sounds differently in different languages. The French, for example, pronounce Henri, the Slovaks - Ondrei, the Moldovans - Andriyash, but the meaning of the name does not change at all with such variations.

Andreys are lucky! Throughout the year, they can celebrate their name days several times: December 13, July 13 and 17, September 23. That's how many holidays there are in one year!

Little Andryusha

The meaning of the name Andrey for a child is important, since small children are already distinguished by their characters. The baby, whose name is Andryusha, sometimes likes to cheat, likes to dream in silence. His actions are subject to his mood. Now he’s flying around the room like a buzzing airplane, but after a couple of minutes you can’t hear him at all - the little architect is already building a house out of the construction set.

Andryushas have a big sweet tooth and love sweets very much, for this reason many of them have problems with their teeth. Parents need to pay special attention to this.

Making boys with this name obey and obey is very problematic; they are, as a rule, obstinate and disobedient. If the mother can somehow find an approach to such a child, then he will definitely begin to argue with the father, insisting on his decision. The stubbornness that children show in this case is amazing. If there is a younger sister in the family, then a brother named Andrei will not yield to her in anything, because of this, frequent quarrels between children are inevitable. Andryushka will find a common language with his brother, will love and support him.

Andryusha - teenagers, relationships with girls

What is the meaning of the name Andrey for a teenage boy? During adolescence, children develop their character; they are no longer kids, they are individuals, even though they are not adults yet. Teenage Andreys may not stand out at all among their peers. But after some time, people next to them begin to notice that the inconspicuous Andrei graduated from school with honors, received a category in swimming or boxing, and otherwise he has complete order, his life is much better than that of his former classmates .

As for the first love, the first girl he liked, Andrei is quite fickle and insidious. Today he swears eternal love to one beauty, and the next day he will pass by her without even turning his head, and even with another chosen one. The most interesting thing is that the changeable Andrei is not at all embarrassed by this behavior. When communicating with a girl, he can tell a lot about himself, but this does not mean that she will know everything about him. A secretive guy will always hide the truth about himself.

Name Andrey and profession

The meaning of the name Andrey also plays a role in choosing a profession. Among people with this name, born in the winter months, singers, artists, actors, directors predominate... Andrei, born in the fall, consider art frivolous, they are organized, calculating and completely on the side of the natural, exact sciences.

In business they are blessed with good luck, career growth, and their superiors treat them favorably. The female half of the team will definitely pay close attention to an employee named Andrey. He is mysterious and unpredictable for them, which is what arouses interest in his person.

Andrey: meaning of the name, character, marriage relationship

As mentioned earlier, Andrei men are unpredictable. A person of mood is Andrey, the meaning of the name affects relationships in marriage. Since people with different personalities come together in a family, and it is sometimes completely impossible for two different personalities to get along, it is better to know in advance what to expect from your soulmate.

Andrei’s wife may be surprised and delighted by an unexpected and expensive gift, but literally a few days later, having asked her husband for money for cheap little things needed in the household, she will hear a categorical “No.” No arguments about the need for this thing will help; Andrei is a terrible stubborn person and does not change his decision even when he realizes that he is not entirely right.

He chooses his wife, as people say, “by her clothes”; her beauty is important to him, so that she looks impressive, is emotional, and what kind of character she has is not interesting to him. Again, I would like to once again remind you of his stubbornness; if relatives and friends do not like the bride and they make convincing arguments that she is not a match for him, then Andrei will do everything his own way. His self-esteem is high.

A rather selfish and jealous man named Andrey. His artistic nature constantly demands attention. He may even be jealous of his significant other when he is working with them, sometimes forgetting about his beloved husband. What then can we say after such a conclusion about jealousy towards other men? Andrey will never tolerate competition, he must be in first place. Another interesting fact is that in almost all cases it is impossible to find a common language with the mother-in-law.
But with all of the above, it is necessary to note that with his selfishness, Andrei can touchingly take care of his loved ones, organize luxurious holidays, and show off, but such episodes are quickly replaced by others that will show Andrei as a stingy, proud man.

Andrey: name, meaning, compatibility with other names

No matter how the stars were positioned at the time Andrei was born, he will grow up with a very difficult and complex character, it will be difficult to communicate with him, provided that his patronymic is one of the following: Alexandrovich, Abramovich, Igorevich, Olegovich.
Such men are not advised to start a family with women named Varya, Zoya, Clara, Nellie, Oksana, Olga, Sofia, Yulia.

It will be much better if fate brings Andrei together with a woman whose name is one of the listed names: Alevtina, Vesta, Danuta, Juliet, Diana, Elena, Elizaveta, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Leah, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalya, Taisiya.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The best zodiac signs for Andrey are Cancer and Aries. If a child was born under one of these signs, if you call him Andryusha, then the sign will help the boy to reveal his best qualities.

Cancer (22.06 – 22.07) – will help Andrey reveal to his loved ones his affectionate and kind attitude towards them. The number of friends and friendly colleagues will increase thanks to the gaiety unleashed.

Aries (21.03 – 20.04) – under the protection of Aries, Andrey will be able to fully discover his potential and his extraordinary abilities. As a result, such a person may well become a discoverer, traveler, researcher of the new and unexplored.

All the pros and cons of the name Andrey

We have all learned about the name Andrei, the meaning of this name has been clarified, but before you name your son by it, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

This name is very interesting and beautiful, but that is why it is too common, and there may be 4-5 more Andryushkas in the same class with your little son.

A boy named Andrey can be called by many affectionate names: Andreyka, Andryushenka, Andryusha, Andryukha. This name sounds beautiful in almost all cases, not only in combination with a patronymic, but also with most surnames. As a result, a person’s last name, first name, and patronymic sound very beautiful. The bad thing is that Andreev has an overly complex character; it is impossible to re-educate or break him.

Having considered the good and bad sides of this name, we can safely conclude that the positive sides win. Strong, brave, persistent, courageous Andrey - doesn’t it sound beautiful?

What does the name Andrey mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Honest Active Good-natured

Andrey Makarevich, musician

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Ancient Roman

When you're lucky: Tuesday, Wednesday

When there are problems: Thursday

Important years of life: 17, 32

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Lucky number: 15

What does the name Andrey mean?

What a solid and strong name - Andrey! The secret of the name communicates the high energy that the owner of the name constantly feels.

The meaning of the name Andrey suggests the interpretation of something reliable, tough and domineering, active and joyful, therefore, its owner is faithful, hardy, self-confident, and stands out for his physical strength.

Andrei usually proudly bears his courageous and courageous nickname, showing himself to be a reliable friend, a terrifying opponent and an ardent lover.

According to statistical data, it has been established that the nickname was especially popular in Moscow in the 50-80s of the last century, then there was a decline in popularity. Now his rating is growing rapidly again.

Patronymics: Andreevich, Andreevna offer the following description of their owner: a friendly, hardworking, discriminating, eloquent person.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

It can be assumed that its interpretation is “courageous”. The meaning of the nickname Andrei is based on the root of the word “andros” - husband, man. The origin of the name Andrey finds its roots in Ancient Greece.

It penetrated into Russian lands from Byzantium at a time when Christianity was introduced in Rus'. Therefore, it is not surprising that over so many centuries this name has become so familiar and traditional.

Among the prominent representatives of this name are the Holy Apostle A. the First-Called, the holy Prince A. Bogolyubsky, who was elevated to the rank of saints thanks to his piety and efforts for the needy and sick. He was the founder of the Bogolyubsky monastery near Vladimir, and later he was killed by his own servants.

Andrey can be proud of his origin, because he is the namesake of many famous outstanding personalities. The history of the name Andrei remembers such glorious people as Voznesensky, Gromyko, Kolmogorov, Makarevich, Mironov, Nikolaev, Rublev, Sakharov, Tarkovsky, Tikhonov Tupolev and others.

Forms of the name Simple: Andrey Full: Andrey Tender: Andryusha Ancient: Andrey

As a child, Andryusha is a restless, noisy and active child. Cunning and impressionable. During his school years he shows himself to be a capable student. As a teenager, he is independent and arrogant, surprising his classmates with his truthfulness. This young man is a fighter for justice, a defender of the weak.

The characteristics of the name Andrey endow an adult with determination and charm. Everyone likes him, easily makes new acquaintances, loves to be the center of attention in a cheerful company.

Andrey is responsible, takes any work seriously, and does not complain about difficulties. He has a desire to move forward: he does not sit still, but he will not take unnecessary risks.

He is not afraid to express his opinion to management and defend the interests of colleagues. Enjoys the respect of his superiors.

Getting acquainted with Andrei’s characteristics, we conclude that the man has literary talent and masters the art of oratory. Achieves success in creative professions - actor, writer, director, artist. Can also study natural sciences.

Andryusha is an optimist, he approaches everything with humor and fun. It turns out that he tries to be what those around him want to see him: an attentive son, a devoted friend, a passionate lover, an excellent student or a conscientious employee.

The character of the name Andrey is generous. He loves to give people positive emotions. However, if a person becomes his ill-wisher, the representative of the name shows himself from the completely opposite side. We do not recommend that you anger this man - it is unknown how it will all end. He is impulsive and unpredictable. His character is unstable.

Analyzing what the name Andrey means, we learn that the owner of this nickname is a clever, successful, and sometimes cruel person. The secret of the name reveals his entrepreneurial spirit, which contributes to Andrei’s achievements. He is characterized by a quick reaction to changing situations.

Andryusha is not simple, as others see him. He has a philosophical nature, enters into conversations with smart people, shares ideas. Andrey has a need to express himself.

Wants to be a leader in society. He is self-confident, and he only dreams of a quiet life.

The name Andrey describes a person who knows how to restrain his emotions and control his actions. Obligatory and punctual. Purposeful, always achieves his goals.

Representatives of the patronymic name Alexandrovich, Olegovich, Igorevich are conflict-prone and have a complex character.

Character Traits Sociable Fair Honest Active Cheerful Self-confident Selfish Changeable Unpredictable Arrogant

Girls complain about this guy's inconstancy. Today he speaks words of love to one, and tomorrow, forgetting about her, he walks next to the other.

Good and bad couples Anzhelika Valeria Veronica Alina Dina Olga Oksana Irina Victoria Ekaterina

Andrey strives to start a family, but he is extremely careful in choosing his wife. The compatibility of this man with a beautiful and sensual woman is ideal. He is not interested in the inner world and character of the chosen one.

The owner of this name does not listen to the advice of relatives about taking a serious approach when choosing a bride.

According to the description, Andrei is selfish, has a high opinion of himself, and demands increased attention from his wife to his person. He may become jealous of his wife and child if he feels a lack of self-care. Impulsive, you never know what to expect from him.

Touchingly cares about his relatives.

The name Andrei appeared in Ancient Greece and came to us from Byzantium. It means "courageous, brave." Describing Andrei, you can use the expression “on your own mind.” The meaning of the name rewards the child with insight and observation, which are hidden under the guise of carefreeness and fun.

Andrey grows up as a naughty and active child. Since childhood, he has been firm and cold-blooded. A vulnerable boy who experiences failures painfully. This is a physically strong child, distinguished by endurance, endurance, and self-confidence. He has a hot temper. He is valued and respected for his original humor, friendliness, reliability and generosity.

What will Andrey achieve success in? At school, Andrei is usually successful because he is able to quickly learn the material. But, due to innate inconstancy, he does not complete the work he has started. Has a penchant for the humanities. Often this child is interested in history. Andrey can become a good leader. Creative professions are perfect for him. He strives to achieve success in his career and takes his work responsibly.

There is no need to scold Andrey for disobedience. This method will not be beneficial. The main thing in education is to find an approach to the boy and talk to him like an adult. The only method that will give tangible results is persuasion.

What games will Andrey like? This child loves to play sports. He is mainly interested in those sports where there is an opportunity to relieve emotional stress, for example: boxing, karate, shooting. He is the life of the party, so he spends a lot of time talking with friends.

When is the name day?

January 26 February 17, 21 April 28 May 31 June 3, 5, 11, 23, 25, 26 August 5, 17 September 1, 16, 19, 20 October 11, 4, 6 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Characteristics of the name Andrey | The secret of the name Andrey

Andrey - “courageous” (gr.).

Characteristics of the name Andrey

He is dreamy and inventive, he can spend a long time and enthusiastically assembling construction sets, inventing new models himself, or noisily rushing around the apartment, pretending to be an airplane, a train, or a horseman. He is restless, loves active games, does not listen too much to his elders. She looks like her mother in appearance, but in character she resembles her father and paternal grandmother.

At school age he becomes more balanced, restrained, knows how to control himself, but he is a fighter for justice, very independent, and proud. The secret of the name Andrei has a warmer relationship with his mother than with his father, with whom he often argues, proving that he is right. He is vain and carries out any assignment conscientiously. Characteristics of the name Andrey has organizational skills and actively participates in the life of the team. He willingly helps his classmates and prefers mathematics to other subjects.

The teacher must remember: in relation to Andrey, force or pressure is completely inappropriate; it is necessary to use reasoned persuasion, taking into account his innate sense of justice.

Character of the name Andrey

He is a philosopher by nature, a conversation with an interesting person gives him true pleasure, and he knows how to support any conversation. He is self-critical, admits his mistakes, but if someone notices this before him and points it out to him, he perceives it painfully. He plays chess well and enjoys sports. He treats animals well and often feeds stray dogs and cats.

In childhood, he is predisposed to infectious diseases.

“Autumn” and “winter” Andrey is very fair, irreconcilable with the lies and callousness of others. He often gets into various unpleasant situations while defending his beliefs. The secret of the name Andrey easily gains authority and is popular with girls. Charming and has a sense of humor.

“Summer” is a cheerful fellow, a favorite in any company. He knows a lot of poems, is always ready to read them to friends, and plays the guitar beautifully. He sings well and writes his own songs. He is often the organizer of a school vocal and instrumental ensemble.

“Spring” - has a literary gift and masters the art of oratory. He tells jokes and funny stories, he is a wonderful parodist.

All subjects are equally easy for him, but he knows what to focus on and chooses his own profession. He's doing well in life. It seems that he is lucky. However, his determination and persistence in achieving his goals are the guarantees of his success.

What middle name suits the name Andrey?

The following middle names are suitable for “winter” and “autumn” Andrey: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Mikhailovich, Maksimovich, Viktorovich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Olegovich, Nikolaevich, Semenovich, Stepanovich, Vilenovich, Vladimirovich.

Translated into Russian, the ancient Greek name Andros means Andrei. What does the name Andrey mean? Courageous, man, husband, brave. Varieties of this name in other countries: Andrea (Italy), Andres (Spain), Andrew (Great Britain), Andrzej (Poland), Henri (France).

What does the name Andrey mean for its owner, what characteristic features are manifested?

As a child, a boy with this name is disobedient and restless, loves to show commanding notes, and strives to make decisions on his own. In his character one can often notice manifestations of cunning and dreaminess. Transformation into your favorite characters is the main idea of ​​all outdoor games. Like all children, Andryusha loves candy, ice cream, cookies and cakes. He is always friends with boys, but with girls he keeps his distance or tries to take a dominant position. In relations with the father, there are often controversial moments, and the mother for the baby is an authority according to the circumstances.

In adolescence, the name Andrey has a different meaning. This manifests itself mainly in a modest character. The boy is not much different from his peers. However, it later turns out that he has achieved a lot in his life.

In relationships with women, Andrei shows obvious inconstancy, thereby causing discontent among the opposite sex. It’s easy for him to declare his love to one girl, go on a date with another, and show signs of attention to a third. At the same time, he does not experience any embarrassment or regret. In a conversation, Andrei can be frank, talk about his tastes, shortcomings and preferences, but he will not reveal the true secret to anyone.

What does the name Andrey mean professionally? If talent has been noticed since childhood, then the owner of this name should pay attention to professions related to art: directing, acting, singing, drawing.

Similar manifestations of talent are more noticeable in boys born in winter. Andrey, with a mathematical mind, will be in demand in the field of exact sciences. As a rule, punctuality and prudence are characteristic of a boy born in autumn.

He loves to conduct various kinds of experiments, so it’s always interesting and easy to work with him. Andrey never shows weakness or shows his helplessness. He makes an excellent boss.

What does the name Andrey mean in financial terms? This man is never without money.

He always knows where to earn money, where to invest it profitably, how to save it and spend it profitably. Andrey is not a risky person and will not sacrifice anything for profit.

Andrey chooses an emotional, beautiful and spectacular woman as his life partner. But her state of mind and character will not interest him.

He can become jealous of his wife even for his child if he does not receive proper attention from her.

He is selfish, impulsive and unpredictable. Strives to create a strong and stable family.

Andrey can give an expensive gift to his wife, but refuse her the little things.

Relations with in-laws usually do not go smoothly.

What does the name Andrey give to an adult? The meaning of the name suggests that he will be a strong and courageous person, ready for any difficulties, and he will also be a real support in the family.