Calculation of a gas boiler for home heating calculator. Calculation of the power of a gas boiler for a private house - for one and two-circuit schemes. Benefits of using gas boilers

In January, we issued receipts according to the new rules - we included ODN in composition of the fee for the maintenance of residential premises. Legislators have promised that this transfer is a formality. But in fact, the amounts in payment documents increased by 4-5 times.

This happened because the fee was set according to the standard, as required by Part 9.2 of Art. 156 ZhK RF. Can I make payments differently? The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in the last letter of February 14 explains how to charge for ODN by counters or according to regulations.

Clarifications of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

You expect the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation to answer hot questions in a letter:

  • how to calculate ODN for ODPU, what period to take?
  • what to do if the volume of ODN for the billing period is negative?
  • what should the MA do with the money if the payment according to the standard is higher than according to the indications of the ODPU?
  • Is it possible to set up a fee next month according to the readings of the ODPU, if this month it was calculated according to the standard?

In vain. The agency does not provide answers to these questions.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation recognizes that the amount of expenses for paying for hot water, cold water, electricity, and wastewater disposal may be lower than the standard for the consumption of KU for ODN, which was established by the region. This is possible when the calculation of the amount of payment for the listed CUs is carried out according to the LTIP.

If the MKD is equipped with an ODPU and earlier the fee was charged according to his testimony, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation considers it possible to charge a fee in the amount lower than the established standard, based on actual consumption of utilities on ODN.

Actual consumption will be calculated as the difference between the readings of the ODPU and the sum of the readings of the IPU and consumption standards. The actual volume is distributed among the owners of the MKD premises in proportion to their share in the right of common shared ownership of the common property in the MKD.

To include these costs in the housing service, it is not necessary to carry out the OSS, because such inclusion is considered initial.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation reminds that the amount of expenses for the KU required for the maintenance common property in MKD, is determined according to the consumption standards for such CUs (part 9.2 of article 156 of the LC RF). The standards are set by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. They must do this by June 1, 2017.

If the region has not yet adopted new standards, the calculation is made according to the current standards.

ODN by counters

The main idea of ​​the letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation is that the transition from the calculation of payments according to the standard to actual consumption is possible if in the MKD ODPU installed. Moreover, the regulations established in the regions do not prohibit managing organizations from making calculations based on meter readings.

From January 1, ODN became a housing service. If earlier the payment was made according to the readings of the meters, now the managing organizations must use consumption standard on ODN. You can't overcharge on invoices. The excess is paid by the managing organizations, unless another decision is made at the OSS.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation decided to publish clarifications on charge for one because there was a legal conflict. According to part 9.2 of Art. 156 of the LC RF, managing organizations can issue payments only in accordance with the standards approved by the subject of the Russian Federation.

It turns out that payments above or below the standard turned out to be illegal. BUT ODPU readings often below standard.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation clarified: if the actual costs, according to the indications of the ODPU, are less than the standard, the managing organizations can charge a fee based on the actual volume of consumption.

What do you think about charge for one? How did you calculate the cost of ODN in January, according to the standard or according to actual consumption? Tell in the comments.

The standard for the consumption of utilities for general house needs is set for the needs of optimizing the calculation

Community services are provided to people to improve the quality of their lives. This applies not only to users of a separate room, but also to the whole house as a whole. The latter are paid by all residents.

Issues related to the provision of general house services are regulated by special regulations.

These include:

  1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings."
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building and the rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises in the event of the provision of services and performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with breaks exceeding the established duration.”
  4. Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency, and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

The concept of common house needs

The concept of common house needs is defined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings." These are the costs associated with resources that were applied outside of the dwellings. This applies to common areas - elevators, entrances, flights of stairs, dryers. In the process of their maintenance, not only cleanliness and order are restored. A certain amount of resources is spent on these places. It is the common needs. Costs are calculated quite simply. The total volume consumed for the reporting period is taken as a basis, based on the readings of individual meters. It excludes the resources used by the tenants of the premises. The difference will be the desired number.


The list of common house expenses includes: payment for the maintenance of the building, management services, repair work, provision of gas, heat, water, sewerage. Examples of such costs can be lighting of attics, basements and technical rooms, elevators and entrances, power supply to antennas, pumps and other engineering equipment, maintenance of heating communications in common areas, expenses for seasonal inspections of supply systems.


The volume of general house electricity costs depends on a number of factors.

These are the number of storeys of the house, the presence of elevator devices, intercom, communication amplifiers, technical features of the installed equipment. Electricity is necessary for the normal functioning of all devices. Without it, the operation of the equipment is impossible.

Water supply

The water that enters the residential area can also be used not only for personal, but also for general needs. Examples of this are:

  1. Cleaning of flights of stairs, washing of handrails and communication systems.
  2. Watering the adjacent territory - gardens, front gardens, lawns.
  3. Discharge of water from the heating system as a whole and from individual components, during repair work.
  4. Scheduled and unscheduled pressure testing of heating.
  5. Technological water losses due to the peculiarities of pipes, risers, radiators and other elements of the water supply system.

These costs are related to the provision of common needs and are therefore included in the payment for services.

Thermal energy

Thermal energy is used not only for heating residential premises. It is also used for heating entrances and flights of stairs. In most cases, batteries are installed there. Entrance heating is also relevant in houses where concierge services are used so that a person works in comfortable conditions.

Ensuring proper temperature conditions, not only in residential premises, but also in common areas, has a positive effect on the overall quality of life. For this reason, the consumed energy must be paid together with other utilities. One way or another, the costs of transporting heat to apartments are associated with some transmission losses. And since communications run, including inside the building, part of the energy will heat it, that is, go to general house needs.

Consumption standards

Resource consumption standards for general house needs are average indicators of metering devices. At the same time, such data are taken not one by one, but by several hundred residential areas. It should be noted that indicators of not only general, but also individual equipment are taken into account. There are no clear rules defined by law. The decision is made in each specific case in relation to a single residential area. A lot of indicators are taken into account: the region in which the building is located, the degree of its wear and improvement, the time of year, the state of engineering systems. Consumption standards are a value that determines the maximum consumption of resources, which is not recommended to be exceeded.

Establishment procedure

Norms of resource consumption for general house needs can be established by local authorities.

To do this, data on expenses for a certain period are collected and analyzed. For example, if the norms are adopted for the next year, the data for the previous year are taken into account. After all the necessary information is analyzed, new indicators are calculated. At the same time, prices for resources, population density, climatic conditions, and the presence of categories of payers who enjoy benefits should be taken into account.

In fact, these standards are set in order to compensate for the difference between how many resources were spent on individual needs and how much was actually supplied.

Who approves

Established standards must be approved. These powers are vested in local authorities. This is reflected in the current regulatory legal acts. Therefore, the regulations in different regions will not be identical. That is, uniform indicators are not approved by the legislation. The decision is made at a meeting of the authority. It must be documented.

The text states the following:

  1. Date and place of the decision.
  2. His registration number.
  3. basis for its adoption. As a rule, this is a reference to a normative act.
  4. Subject of discussion. In this case, these will be the norms for the consumption of resources for general needs.
  5. The essence of the decision. Here the approved norms and the period of their application are indicated.
  6. The timing of the implementation of the regulation, that is, when it should be applied.
  7. The circle of persons to whom it concerns.
  8. Signature of the head of the regional authority.

The decision is drawn up on the letterhead of the institution. If a regular sheet of paper is used, then the document must be stamped. The standards themselves are drawn up in the form of a separate application. They must be issued on the site of the management company, as well as placed in a place accessible to users.

Are there escalation factors?

Increased coefficients are applied in cases where metering devices are not installed. In this case, such a possibility must be confirmed by an inspection report. If the appliances could have been used, but were not installed, increasing coefficients are applied when calculating the payment. With regard to common house needs, this rule does not apply in cases where ODN is included in the payment for the maintenance of common property.

Methods for calculating ODN

The calculation of the amount of expenses for general house needs is made according to the formulas established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354. It all depends on whether meters are installed or not.

Lack of a meter

The building is not always equipped with metering devices. For such cases, a separate calculation option is provided.

This will require the following data:

  1. The standard established by the regional authorities for a particular type of service.
  2. The total area of ​​the building.
  3. The size of a particular apartment.
  4. The total area of ​​residential and technical premises in the house.

After that, a certain formula is applied. The result of dividing the area of ​​​​the apartment and all the rooms in the building is taken. It is multiplied by the consumption standard and the total area. The calculated indicator for each owner of the living space is added to the individual indicator or standard and is displayed in the receipt.

The presence of a meter

This calculation option consists of the following steps:

  1. Data is taken from common house metering devices.
  2. Information about the costs of individual equipment is taken.
  3. The difference between the two specified indicators is calculated.
  4. The result is divided by the total area of ​​the house.
  5. The calculated amount is multiplied by the area of ​​a particular apartment.
  6. The resulting figure is multiplied by the tariff set for each type of service.
  7. The user will have to pay for the result.

Quite often in practice there are situations when the calculation result can be zero or negative. This is possible in cases where the house is partially equipped with metering devices. That is, in some apartments they are, in others they are not. In this case, the utility provider must recalculate the difference in amounts and divide it among the residents of the house, in proportion to the area or number of residents.

Is it possible to recalculate the fee

With regard to general house needs, as well as individual needs, there are cases when payment for utilities can be changed. According to general rules, recalculation is allowed in cases where the services provided do not meet the requirements of technical or sanitary standards, for example, water is not purified, electricity power is below the established minimum, there are interruptions in the provision of resources.

But it will not always be possible to recalculate, even due to an interruption in the provision of services. The main condition for changing the amount is the presence of guilty actions on the part of the management company. If the problem arose due to residents or due to force majeure, then the issue of recalculation may not be resolved.

Inadequate quality of services

If services for general house needs do not meet the quality requirements, there are interruptions that exceed the established maximum, and also during the period of repair that caused the suspension, the amount payable is subject to recalculation, up to its complete cancellation. Permissible deviations from the norm are specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354. This rule applies to cases of suspension of the service if a common meter is not installed. The calculation is made based on the duration of the break and the utility standards established for residential and technical premises.

To initiate the procedure for recalculating utility bills, a person must contact the management company. In this case, a written statement will be the basis. The law does not contain a sample that must be used in such cases without fail. The application is made in any form. However, the text of the document should contain the entire exhaustive list of information that is relevant to the current situation.

This includes:

  1. Name and location of the service provider.
  2. Last name, first name, patronymic, residential address and contact phone number of the consumer.
  3. Circumstances of the transaction - the date and place of the conclusion of the contract, its value and subject matter, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties.
  4. Circumstances in connection with the occurrence of which it is necessary to recalculate, for example, unreasonable suspension of the service.
  5. Reasons for their occurrence. Here you can specify the work that was not necessary.
  6. The period for which the recalculation is to be made.
  7. List of attached documentation.
  8. Date of compilation and signature of the initiator.

The completed appeal must be transferred to the contractor. This can be done in several ways. The most common and convenient option is personal delivery. In this case, the initiator will have the opportunity to negotiate and resolve the dispute through negotiations. If the performer refused to compromise, then it would be correct to demand from him a receipt for receiving the material or its registration number. The appeal can also be sent by mail. It is best to use special correspondence. In this case, the initiator will receive a notification of the delivery of the application to the addressee. Internet transfer is also allowed. This option provides for the availability of e-mail from the sender, as well as the translation of all documents into electronic format.

To substantiate its claims, the initiator must attach some documents to the appeal. Their type depends on the reason for the appeal. In the case of inadequate quality of services, this may be an expert opinion or a notice of work. Such a list is not exhaustive. A person, at his discretion, may attach other supporting documents to the application.

If the appeal to the management company did not give the expected result, then the person has every right to resolve the dispute in court. To do this, you will need to file a claim.

Absence in living quarters

According to general rules, the temporary absence of residents may be a reason for recalculating utility bills. However, in the case of ODN, things are somewhat different. In case of temporary absence of tenants, only their individual expenses can be recalculated. The amount of common house needs will not be changed. Such a rule is specified in paragraph 88 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354.

You will be interested

Creating a heating system in your own home or even in a city apartment is an extremely responsible task. At the same time, it would be completely unreasonable to purchase boiler equipment, as they say, “by eye”, that is, without taking into account all the features of housing. In this, it is quite possible to fall into two extremes: either the power of the boiler will not be enough - the equipment will work “to its fullest”, without pauses, but will not give the expected result, or, conversely, an overly expensive device will be purchased, the capabilities of which will remain completely unclaimed.

But that's not all. It is not enough to purchase the necessary heating boiler correctly - it is very important to optimally select and correctly place heat exchange devices in the premises - radiators, convectors or "warm floors". And again, relying only on your intuition or the "good advice" of your neighbors is not the most reasonable option. In a word, certain calculations are indispensable.

Of course, ideally, such heat engineering calculations should be carried out by appropriate specialists, but this often costs a lot of money. Isn't it interesting to try to do it yourself? This publication will show in detail how heating is calculated by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, taking into account many important nuances. By analogy, it will be possible to perform, built into this page, will help you perform the necessary calculations. The technique cannot be called completely “sinless”, however, it still allows you to get a result with a completely acceptable degree of accuracy.

The simplest methods of calculation

In order for the heating system to create comfortable living conditions during the cold season, it must cope with two main tasks. These functions are closely related, and their separation is very conditional.

  • The first is maintaining an optimal level of air temperature in the entire volume of the heated room. Of course, the temperature level may vary slightly with altitude, but this difference should not be significant. Quite comfortable conditions are considered to be an average of +20 ° C - it is this temperature that, as a rule, is taken as the initial temperature in thermal calculations.

In other words, the heating system must be able to heat a certain volume of air.

If we approach with complete accuracy, then for individual rooms in residential buildings the standards for the necessary microclimate are established - they are defined by GOST 30494-96. An excerpt from this document is in the table below:

Purpose of the roomAir temperature, °СRelative humidity, %Air speed, m/s
optimaladmissibleoptimaladmissible, maxoptimal, maxadmissible, max
For the cold season
Living room20÷2218÷24 (20÷24)45÷3060 0.15 0.2
The same, but for living rooms in regions with minimum temperatures from -31 ° C and below21÷2320÷24 (22÷24)45÷3060 0.15 0.2
Kitchen19:2118:26N/NN/N0.15 0.2
Toilet19:2118:26N/NN/N0.15 0.2
Bathroom, combined bathroom24÷2618:26N/NN/N0.15 0.2
Premises for rest and study20÷2218:2445÷3060 0.15 0.2
Inter-apartment corridor18:2016:2245÷3060 N/NN/N
lobby, stairwell16÷1814:20N/NN/NN/NN/N
For the warm season (The standard is only for residential premises. For the rest - it is not standardized)
Living room22÷2520÷2860÷3065 0.2 0.3
  • The second is the compensation of heat losses through the structural elements of the building.

The main "enemy" of the heating system is heat loss through building structures.

Alas, heat loss is the most serious "rival" of any heating system. They can be reduced to a certain minimum, but even with the highest quality thermal insulation, it is not yet possible to completely get rid of them. Thermal energy leaks go in all directions - their approximate distribution is shown in the table:

Building elementApproximate value of heat loss
Foundation, floors on the ground or over unheated basement (basement) premisesfrom 5 to 10%
"Cold bridges" through poorly insulated joints of building structuresfrom 5 to 10%
Engineering communications entry points (sewerage, water supply, gas pipes, electrical cables, etc.)up to 5%
External walls, depending on the degree of insulationfrom 20 to 30%
Poor quality windows and exterior doorsabout 20÷25%, of which about 10% - through non-sealed joints between the boxes and the wall, and due to ventilation
Roofup to 20%
Ventilation and chimneyup to 25 ÷30%

Naturally, in order to cope with such tasks, the heating system must have a certain thermal power, and this potential must not only meet the general needs of the building (apartment), but also be correctly distributed over the premises, in accordance with their area and a number of other important factors.

Usually the calculation is carried out in the direction "from small to large". Simply put, the required amount of thermal energy for each heated room is calculated, the obtained values ​​​​are summed up, approximately 10% of the reserve is added (so that the equipment does not work at the limit of its capabilities) - and the result will show how much power the heating boiler needs. And the values ​​​​for each room will be the starting point for calculating the required number of radiators.

The most simplified and most commonly used method in a non-professional environment is to accept the norm of 100 W of thermal energy per square meter of area:

The most primitive way of counting is the ratio of 100 W / m²

Q = S× 100

Q- the required thermal power for the room;

S– area of ​​the room (m²);

100 — specific power per unit area (W/m²).

For example, room 3.2 × 5.5 m

S= 3.2 × 5.5 = 17.6 m²

Q= 17.6 × 100 = 1760 W ≈ 1.8 kW

The method is obviously very simple, but very imperfect. It is worth mentioning right away that it is conditionally applicable only with a standard ceiling height - approximately 2.7 m (permissible - in the range from 2.5 to 3.0 m). From this point of view, the calculation will be more accurate not from the area, but from the volume of the room.

It is clear that in this case the value of specific power is calculated per cubic meter. It is taken equal to 41 W / m³ for a reinforced concrete panel house, or 34 W / m³ - in brick or made of other materials.

Q = S × h× 41 (or 34)

h- ceiling height (m);

41 or 34 - specific power per unit volume (W / m³).

For example, the same room, in a panel house, with a ceiling height of 3.2 m:

Q= 17.6 × 3.2 × 41 = 2309 W ≈ 2.3 kW

The result is more accurate, since it already takes into account not only all the linear dimensions of the room, but even, to a certain extent, the features of the walls.

But still, it is still far from real accuracy - many nuances are “outside the brackets”. How to perform calculations closer to real conditions - in the next section of the publication.

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Carrying out calculations of the required thermal power, taking into account the characteristics of the premises

The calculation algorithms discussed above are useful for the initial “estimate”, but you should still rely on them completely with very great care. Even to a person who does not understand anything in building heat engineering, the indicated average values ​​\u200b\u200bmay seem doubtful - they cannot be equal, say, for the Krasnodar Territory and for the Arkhangelsk Region. In addition, the room - the room is different: one is located on the corner of the house, that is, it has two external walls, and the other is protected from heat loss by other rooms on three sides. In addition, the room may have one or more windows, both small and very large, sometimes even panoramic. And the windows themselves may differ in the material of manufacture and other design features. And this is not a complete list - just such features are visible even to the "naked eye".

In a word, there are a lot of nuances that affect the heat loss of each particular room, and it is better not to be too lazy, but to carry out a more thorough calculation. Believe me, according to the method proposed in the article, this will not be so difficult to do.

General principles and calculation formula

The calculations will be based on the same ratio: 100 W per 1 square meter. But that's just the formula itself "overgrown" with a considerable number of various correction factors.

Q = (S × 100) × a × b × c × d × e × f × g × h × i × j × k × l × m

The Latin letters denoting the coefficients are taken quite arbitrarily, in alphabetical order, and are not related to any standard quantities accepted in physics. The meaning of each coefficient will be discussed separately.

  • "a" - a coefficient that takes into account the number of external walls in a particular room.

Obviously, the more external walls in the room, the larger the area through which heat loss occurs. In addition, the presence of two or more external walls also means corners - extremely vulnerable places in terms of the formation of "cold bridges". The coefficient "a" will correct for this specific feature of the room.

The coefficient is taken equal to:

- external walls No(indoor): a = 0.8;

- outer wall one: a = 1.0;

- external walls two: a = 1.2;

- external walls three: a = 1.4.

  • "b" - coefficient taking into account the location of the external walls of the room relative to the cardinal points.

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Even on the coldest winter days, solar energy still has an effect on the temperature balance in the building. It is quite natural that the side of the house that faces south receives a certain amount of heat from the sun's rays, and heat loss through it is lower.

But the walls and windows facing north never “see” the Sun. The eastern part of the house, although it "grabs" the morning sun's rays, still does not receive any effective heating from them.

Based on this, we introduce the coefficient "b":

- the outer walls of the room look at North or East: b = 1.1;

- the outer walls of the room are oriented towards South or West: b = 1.0.

  • "c" - coefficient taking into account the location of the room relative to the winter "wind rose"

Perhaps this amendment is not so necessary for houses located in areas protected from the winds. But sometimes the prevailing winter winds can make their own “hard adjustments” to the thermal balance of the building. Naturally, the windward side, that is, "substituted" to the wind, will lose much more body, compared to the leeward, opposite side.

Based on the results of long-term meteorological observations in any region, the so-called "wind rose" is compiled - a graphic diagram showing the prevailing wind directions in winter and summer. This information can be obtained from the local hydrometeorological service. However, many residents themselves, without meteorologists, know perfectly well where the winds mainly blow from in winter, and from which side of the house the deepest snowdrifts usually sweep.

If there is a desire to carry out calculations with higher accuracy, then the correction factor “c” can also be included in the formula, taking it equal to:

- windward side of the house: c = 1.2;

- leeward walls of the house: c = 1.0;

- wall located parallel to the direction of the wind: c = 1.1.

  • "d" - a correction factor that takes into account the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of the region where the house was built

Naturally, the amount of heat loss through all the building structures of the building will greatly depend on the level of winter temperatures. It is quite clear that during the winter the thermometer indicators “dance” in a certain range, but for each region there is an average indicator of the lowest temperatures characteristic of the coldest five-day period of the year (usually this is characteristic of January). For example, below is a map-scheme of the territory of Russia, on which approximate values ​​​​are shown in colors.

Usually this value is easy to check with the regional meteorological service, but you can, in principle, rely on your own observations.

So, the coefficient "d", taking into account the peculiarities of the climate of the region, for our calculations in we take equal to:

— from – 35 °С and below: d=1.5;

— from – 30 °С to – 34 °С: d=1.3;

— from – 25 °С to – 29 °С: d=1.2;

— from – 20 °С to – 24 °С: d=1.1;

— from – 15 °С to – 19 °С: d=1.0;

— from – 10 °С to – 14 °С: d=0.9;

- not colder - 10 ° С: d=0.7.

  • "e" - coefficient taking into account the degree of insulation of external walls.

The total value of the heat loss of the building is directly related to the degree of insulation of all building structures. One of the "leaders" in terms of heat loss are walls. Therefore, the value of the thermal power required to maintain comfortable living conditions in the room depends on the quality of their thermal insulation.

The value of the coefficient for our calculations can be taken as follows:

- external walls are not insulated: e = 1.27;

- medium degree of insulation - walls in two bricks or their surface thermal insulation with other heaters is provided: e = 1.0;

– insulation was carried out qualitatively, on the basis of heat engineering calculations: e = 0.85.

Later in the course of this publication, recommendations will be given on how to determine the degree of insulation of walls and other building structures.

  • coefficient "f" - correction for ceiling height

Ceilings, especially in private homes, can have different heights. Therefore, the thermal power for heating one or another room of the same area will also differ in this parameter.

It will not be a big mistake to accept the following values ​​​​of the correction factor "f":

– ceiling height up to 2.7 m: f = 1.0;

— flow height from 2.8 to 3.0 m: f = 1.05;

– ceiling height from 3.1 to 3.5 m: f = 1.1;

– ceiling height from 3.6 to 4.0 m: f = 1.15;

– ceiling height over 4.1 m: f = 1.2.

  • « g "- coefficient taking into account the type of floor or room located under the ceiling.

As shown above, the floor is one of the significant sources of heat loss. So, it is necessary to make some adjustments in the calculation of this feature of a particular room. The correction factor "g" can be taken equal to:

- cold floor on the ground or over an unheated room (for example, basement or basement): g= 1,4 ;

- insulated floor on the ground or over an unheated room: g= 1,2 ;

- a heated room is located below: g= 1,0 .

  • « h "- coefficient taking into account the type of room located above.

The air heated by the heating system always rises, and if the ceiling in the room is cold, then increased heat losses are inevitable, which will require an increase in the required heat output. We introduce the coefficient "h", which takes into account this feature of the calculated room:

- a "cold" attic is located on top: h = 1,0 ;

- an insulated attic or other insulated room is located on top: h = 0,9 ;

- any heated room is located above: h = 0,8 .

  • « i "- coefficient taking into account the design features of windows

Windows are one of the "main routes" of heat leaks. Naturally, much in this matter depends on the quality of the window structure itself. Old wooden frames, which were previously installed everywhere in all houses, are significantly inferior to modern multi-chamber systems with double-glazed windows in terms of their thermal insulation.

Without words, it is clear that the thermal insulation qualities of these windows are significantly different.

But even between PVC-windows there is no complete uniformity. For example, a two-chamber double-glazed window (with three glasses) will be much warmer than a single-chamber one.

This means that it is necessary to enter a certain coefficient "i", taking into account the type of windows installed in the room:

- standard wooden windows with conventional double glazing: i = 1,27 ;

– modern window systems with single-chamber double-glazed windows: i = 1,0 ;

– modern window systems with two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows, including those with argon filling: i = 0,85 .

  • « j" - correction factor for the total glazing area of ​​the room

No matter how high-quality the windows are, it will still not be possible to completely avoid heat loss through them. But it is quite clear that it is impossible to compare a small window with panoramic glazing almost on the entire wall.

First you need to find the ratio of the areas of all the windows in the room and the room itself:

x = ∑SOK /SP

SOK- the total area of ​​windows in the room;

SP- area of ​​the room.

Depending on the value obtained and the correction factor "j" is determined:

- x \u003d 0 ÷ 0.1 →j = 0,8 ;

- x \u003d 0.11 ÷ 0.2 →j = 0,9 ;

- x \u003d 0.21 ÷ 0.3 →j = 1,0 ;

- x \u003d 0.31 ÷ 0.4 →j = 1,1 ;

- x \u003d 0.41 ÷ 0.5 →j = 1,2 ;

  • « k" - coefficient that corrects for the presence of an entrance door

The door to the street or to an unheated balcony is always an additional "loophole" for the cold

The door to the street or to an open balcony is able to make its own adjustments to the heat balance of the room - each opening of it is accompanied by the penetration of a considerable amount of cold air into the room. Therefore, it makes sense to take into account its presence - for this we introduce the coefficient "k", which we take equal to:

- no door k = 1,0 ;

- one door to the street or balcony: k = 1,3 ;

- two doors to the street or to the balcony: k = 1,7 .

  • « l "- possible amendments to the connection diagram of heating radiators

Perhaps this will seem like an insignificant trifle to some, but still - why not immediately take into account the planned scheme for connecting heating radiators. The fact is that their heat transfer, and hence their participation in maintaining a certain temperature balance in the room, changes quite noticeably with different types of insertion of supply and return pipes.

IllustrationRadiator insert typeThe value of the coefficient "l"
Diagonal connection: supply from above, "return" from belowl = 1.0
Connection on one side: supply from above, "return" from belowl = 1.03
Two-way connection: both supply and return from the bottoml = 1.13
Diagonal connection: supply from below, "return" from abovel = 1.25
Connection on one side: supply from below, "return" from abovel = 1.28
One-way connection, both supply and return from belowl = 1.28
  • « m "- correction factor for the features of the installation site of heating radiators

And finally, the last coefficient, which is also associated with the features of connecting heating radiators. It is probably clear that if the battery is installed openly, is not obstructed by anything from above and from the front part, then it will give maximum heat transfer. However, such an installation is far from always possible - more often, radiators are partially hidden by window sills. Other options are also possible. In addition, some owners, trying to fit heating priors into the created interior ensemble, hide them completely or partially with decorative screens - this also significantly affects the heat output.

If there are certain “baskets” on how and where the radiators will be mounted, this can also be taken into account when making calculations by entering a special coefficient “m”:

IllustrationFeatures of installing radiatorsThe value of the coefficient "m"
The radiator is located on the wall openly or is not covered from above by a window sillm = 0.9
The radiator is covered from above by a window sill or a shelfm = 1.0
The radiator is blocked from above by a protruding wall nichem = 1.07
The radiator is covered from above with a window sill (niche), and from the front - with a decorative screenm = 1.12
The radiator is completely enclosed in a decorative casingm = 1.2

So, there is clarity with the calculation formula. Surely, some of the readers will immediately take up their heads - they say, it's too complicated and cumbersome. However, if the matter is approached systematically, in an orderly manner, then there is no difficulty at all.

Any good homeowner must have a detailed graphical plan of their "possessions" with dimensions, and usually oriented to the cardinal points. It is not difficult to specify the climatic features of the region. It remains only to walk through all the rooms with a tape measure, to clarify some of the nuances for each room. Features of housing - "vertical neighborhood" from above and below, the location of the entrance doors, the proposed or existing scheme for installing heating radiators - no one except the owners knows better.

It is recommended to immediately draw up a worksheet, where you enter all the necessary data for each room. The result of the calculations will also be entered into it. Well, the calculations themselves will help to carry out the built-in calculator, in which all the coefficients and ratios mentioned above are already “laid”.

If some data could not be obtained, then, of course, they can not be taken into account, but in this case, the “default” calculator will calculate the result, taking into account the least favorable conditions.

It can be seen with an example. We have a house plan (taken completely arbitrary).

The region with the level of minimum temperatures in the range of -20 ÷ 25 °С. Predominance of winter winds = northeasterly. The house is one-story, with an insulated attic. Insulated floors on the ground. The optimal diagonal connection of radiators, which will be installed under the window sills, has been selected.

Let's create a table like this:

The room, its area, ceiling height. Floor insulation and "neighborhood" from above and belowThe number of external walls and their main location relative to the cardinal points and the "wind rose". Degree of wall insulationNumber, type and size of windowsExistence of entrance doors (to the street or to the balcony)Required heat output (including 10% reserve)
Area 78.5 m² 10.87 kW ≈ 11 kW
1. Hallway. 3.18 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Warmed floor on the ground. Above is an insulated attic.One, South, the average degree of insulation. Leeward sideNotOne0.52 kW
2. Hall. 6.2 m². Ceiling 2.9 m. Insulated floor on the ground. Above - insulated atticNotNotNot0.62 kW
3. Kitchen-dining room. 14.9 m². Ceiling 2.9 m. Well insulated floor on the ground. Svehu - insulated atticTwo. South, west. Average degree of insulation. Leeward sideTwo, single-chamber double-glazed window, 1200 × 900 mmNot2.22 kW
4. Children's room. 18.3 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well insulated floor on the ground. Above - insulated atticTwo, North - West. High degree of insulation. windwardTwo, double glazing, 1400 × 1000 mmNot2.6 kW
5. Bedroom. 13.8 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well insulated floor on the ground. Above - insulated atticTwo, North, East. High degree of insulation. windward sideOne, double-glazed window, 1400 × 1000 mmNot1.73 kW
6. Living room. 18.0 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well insulated floor. Top - insulated atticTwo, East, South. High degree of insulation. Parallel to wind directionFour, double glazing, 1500 × 1200 mmNot2.59 kW
7. Bathroom combined. 4.12 m². Ceiling 2.8 m. Well insulated floor. Above is an insulated attic.One, North. High degree of insulation. windward sideOne. Wooden frame with double glazing. 400 × 500 mmNot0.59 kW

Then, using the calculator below, we make a calculation for each room (already taking into account a 10% reserve). With the recommended app, it won't take long. After that, it remains to sum up the obtained values ​​​​for each room - this will be the required total power of the heating system.

The result for each room, by the way, will help you choose the right number of heating radiators - it remains only to divide by the specific heat output of one section and round up.

Autonomous heating for a private house is affordable, comfortable and varied. You can install a gas boiler and not depend on the vagaries of nature or failures in the central heating system. The main thing is to choose the right equipment and calculate the heat output of the boiler. If the power exceeds the heat needs of the room, then the money for installing the unit will be thrown away. In order for the heat supply system to be comfortable and financially profitable, at the design stage it is necessary to calculate the power of the gas heating boiler.

The main values ​​\u200b\u200bof calculating the heating power

The easiest way to get data on the heat output of the boiler by area of ​​​​the house: taken 1 kW of power for every 10 sq. m. However, this formula has serious errors, because it does not take into account modern building technologies, the type of terrain, climatic temperature changes, the level of thermal insulation, the use of double-glazed windows, and the like.

To make a more accurate calculation of the heating power of the boiler, you need to take into account a number of important factors that affect the final result:

  • dimensions of the dwelling;
  • the degree of insulation of the house;
  • the presence of double-glazed windows;
  • thermal insulation of walls;
  • building type;
  • air temperature outside the window during the coldest time of the year;
  • type of wiring of the heating circuit;
  • the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbearing structures and openings;
  • building heat loss.

In houses with forced ventilation, the calculation of the heating capacity of the boiler must take into account the amount of energy needed to heat the air. Experts advise making a gap of 20% when using the result of the thermal power of the boiler in case of unforeseen situations, severe cooling or a decrease in gas pressure in the system.

With an unreasonable increase in thermal power, it is possible to reduce the efficiency of the heating unit, increase the cost of purchasing system elements, and lead to rapid wear of components. That is why it is so important to correctly calculate the power of the heating boiler and apply it to the specified dwelling. You can get data using a simple formula W=S*Wsp, where S is the area of ​​the house, W is the factory power of the boiler, Wsp is the specific power for calculations in a certain climatic zone, it can be adjusted according to the characteristics of the user's region. The result must be rounded up to a large value in terms of heat leakage in the house.

For those who do not want to waste time on mathematical calculations, you can use the gas boiler power calculator online. Just keep the individual data on the features of the room and get a ready answer.

The formula for obtaining the power of the heating system

The online heating boiler power calculator makes it possible in a matter of seconds to obtain the necessary result, taking into account all of the above characteristics that affect the final result of the data obtained. In order to use such a program correctly, it is necessary to enter the prepared data into the table: the type of window glazing, the level of thermal insulation of the walls, the ratio of floor and window opening areas, the average temperature outside the house, the number of side walls, the type and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. And then press the "Calculate" button and get the result of the heat loss and heat output of the boiler.

A competent choice of the boiler will allow you to maintain a comfortable indoor air temperature in the winter season. A large selection of devices allows you to most accurately select the right model, depending on the required parameters. But in order to provide heat in the house and at the same time prevent unnecessary resource costs, you need to know how to calculate the power of a gas boiler for heating a private house.

The floor-mounted gas boiler has more power Source

The main characteristics affecting the power of the boiler

The boiler power indicator is the main characteristic, however, the calculation can be carried out using different formulas, depending on the configuration of the device and other parameters. For example, in a detailed calculation, they can take into account the height of the building, its energy efficiency.

Varieties of boiler models

Boilers can be divided into two types depending on the purpose of the application:

    single circuit– are used only for heating;

    Dual circuit- are used for heating, as well as in hot water systems.

Units with a single circuit have a simple structure, consist of a burner and a single heat exchanger.


In dual-circuit systems, the water heating function is primarily provided. When hot water is used, the heating is automatically turned off for the duration of hot water use so that the system is not overloaded. The advantage of a two-circuit system is its compactness. Such a heating complex takes up much less space than if the hot water and heating systems were used separately.

Boiler models are often divided according to the method of placement.

Boilers can be installed in different ways depending on their type. You can choose a model with a wall mount or installed on the floor. It all depends on the preferences of the owner of the house, the capacity and functionality of the room in which the boiler will be located. The way the boiler is installed is also affected by its power. For example, floor boilers have more power compared to wall-mounted models.

In addition to fundamental differences in terms of application and placement methods, gas boilers also differ in control methods. There are models with electronic and mechanical control. Electronic systems can only work in homes with constant access to the mains.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer home insulation services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Typical device power calculations

There is no single algorithm for calculating both single and double-circuit boilers - each of the systems must be selected separately.

Formula for a typical project

When calculating the required power for heating a house built according to a standard project, that is, with a room height of not more than 3 meters, the volume of the rooms is not taken into account, and the power indicator is calculated as follows:

    Determine the specific thermal power: Um = 1 kW / 10 m 2;

Rm \u003d Um * P * Kr, where

P - a value equal to the sum of the areas of heated premises,

Kr is a correction factor, which is taken in accordance with the climatic zone in which the building is located.

Some coefficient values ​​for different regions of Russia:

    Southern - 0.9;

    Located in the middle lane - 1.2;

    Northern - 2.0.

    For the Moscow region take the value of the coefficient equal to 1.5.

This technique does not reflect the main factors affecting the microclimate in the house, and only approximately shows how to calculate the power of a gas boiler for a private house.

Some manufacturers issue memos-recommendations, but for accurate calculations they still recommend contacting specialists. Source

Calculation example for a single-circuit device installed in a room with an area of ​​100 m 2, located on the territory of the Moscow region:

Pm \u003d 1/10 * 100 * 1.5 \u003d 15 (kW)

Calculations for double-circuit devices

Double-circuit devices have the following principle of operation. For heating, water is heated and flows through the heating system to radiators, which give off heat to the environment, thus heating the premises and cooling. When cooled, the water flows back for heating. Thus, the water circulates around the circuit of the heating system, and goes through the cycles of heating and transfer to the radiators. At the moment when the ambient temperature becomes equal to the set one, the boiler goes into standby mode for a while, i.e. temporarily stops heating water, then starts heating again.

For domestic needs, the boiler heats water and supplies it to the taps, and not to the heating system.


When calculating the power of a device with two circuits, another 20% of the calculated value is usually added to the received power.

Calculation example for a two-circuit device, which is installed in a room with an area of ​​100m 2; the coefficient is taken for the Moscow region:

    R m \u003d 1/10 * 100 * 1.5 \u003d 15 (kW)

    R final \u003d 15 + 15 * 20% \u003d 18 (kW)

Additional factors to consider when installing the boiler

In construction, there is also the concept of energy efficiency of a building, that is, how much heat a building gives off to the environment.

One of the indicators of heat transfer is the coefficient of dissipation (Kp). This value is a constant, i.e. constant and does not change when calculating the level of heat transfer of structures made of the same materials.

It is necessary to take into account not only the power of the boiler, but also the possible heat loss of the building itself. Source

For calculations, a coefficient is taken, which, depending on the building, can be equal to different values ​​​​and the use of which will help to understand how to calculate the power of a gas boiler for a house more accurately:

    The lowest level of heat transfer, corresponding to the value of K p from 0.6 to 0.9, is assigned to buildings made of modern materials, with insulated floors, walls and roofs;

    K p is from 1.0 to 1.9, if the outer walls of the building are insulated, the roof is insulated;

    K p is from 2.0 to 2.9 in houses without insulation, for example, brick with single masonry;

    K p is from 3.0 to 4.0 in non-insulated rooms, in which there is a low level of thermal insulation.

Heat loss level Qt calculated according to the formula:

Q t = V * P t * k / 860, where

V is the volume of the room

Pt- R temperature difference calculated by subtracting the minimum possible air temperature in the region from the desired room temperature,

k is the safety factor.


The power of the boiler, taking into account the dissipation factor, is calculated by multiplying the calculated level of heat loss by the safety factor (usually from 15% to 20%, then it is necessary to multiply by 1.15 and 1.20, respectively)

This technique allows you to more accurately determine the performance and, therefore, approach the issue of choosing a boiler with the highest quality.

What happens if you calculate the required power incorrectly

It is still worth choosing a boiler so that it matches the power required to heat the building. This will be the best option, since, first of all, buying a boiler that does not match the power level can lead to two types of problems:

    A low-power boiler will always work to the limit, trying to heat the room to the set temperature, and can quickly fail;

    An appliance with an excessively high power level costs more and, even in economy mode, consumes more gas than a less powerful device.

Boiler power calculator

For those who do not like to do calculations, even if not very complicated, a special calculator will help to calculate a boiler for heating a house, a special calculator is a free online application.

Interface of the online calculator for calculating the power of the boiler Source

As a rule, the calculation service requires you to fill in all the fields, which will help you make the most accurate calculations, including the power of the device and the thermal insulation of the house.

To get the final result, you will also need to enter the total area that will require heating.

Next, you should fill in information about the type of glazing, the level of thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings. As additional parameters, the height at which the ceiling is located in the room is also taken into account, information is entered on the number of walls interacting with the street. Take into account the number of storeys of the building, the presence of structures on top of the house.

After entering the required fields, the button for performing calculations becomes “active” and you can get the calculation by clicking on the corresponding button with the mouse. To check the information received, you can use the calculation formulas.

Video description

Visually about the calculation of the power of a gas boiler, see the video:

Benefits of using gas boilers

Gas equipment has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

    the possibility of partial automation of the boiler operation process;

    unlike other energy sources, natural gas has a low cost;

    devices do not require frequent maintenance.

The disadvantages of gas systems include high explosiveness of gas, however, with proper storage of gas cylinders, timely maintenance, this risk is minimal.

On our website you can find construction companies that offer services for connecting electrical and gas equipment. You can talk directly with representatives at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


Despite the apparent simplicity of the calculations, we must remember that gas equipment must be selected and installed by professionals. In this case, you will receive a trouble-free device that will work properly for many years.