Original wallpapering drawing of the city. There were two of them, they were wearing hats: two types of wallpaper in one room. Wallpaper in niches

Combining wallpaper is not only a bold, but also a practical solution. Repairs are rarely perfect, and due to the texture of the wallpaper, you can beautifully beat even not quite even joints of the ceiling and wall. How to combine different wallpapers in one room so that it looks good?

In the interior, the same rules of composition apply as in any other artistic space, for example, on canvas.

What results can be achieved if you choose the right combination wallpaper:

  • Divide the space of the room into zones;
  • Properly place accents in the interior;
  • Select a niche or a separate wall;
  • Hide repair defects;
  • Emphasize the stylistic orientation of the room;
  • Make the room personal, special, bearing the imprint of the taste and character of the owner.

All interior details should either create a background or attract attention. So that the guest, getting into the room, immediately gets the right impression, it is necessary to clearly place accents on the walls. The combination of wallpaper highlights one wall or part of it, and this plane becomes the main beacon of attention. The rest of the walls play a secondary role.

Examples of such a compositional solution:

  • One wall - bright wallpaper, 3 other walls - light, neutral, unpatterned wallpaper;
  • Part of the wall is highlighted with brighter wallpaper than the edging.

If a horizontal division into wallpaper of two colors is used, the lower part should be darker than the upper part. With vertical separation, it must be borne in mind that light wallpaper visually expands the space, while dark wallpaper narrows and makes it heavier. Therefore, if the interior is built on contrasts, the vertical separation of the wall with wallpaper of two colors should be balanced in composition.

Examples of combining wallpaper vertically:

  • The niche is covered with darker wallpaper than the walls;
  • Wallpaper in the center of the wall is lighter than along the edges;
  • Along the edge of the door or window opening - lighter wallpaper than in the rest of the room.

Before gluing wallpaper, they must be successfully selected. To do this, you need to imagine in advance how the accents will be placed in the interior. In order to see this clearly, you need to take paper and a pencil, schematically draw a room and roughly estimate where and what kind of wallpaper will be hung. To find the best composition option, you need to try several different combinations.

Companion wallpapers in the interior (video)

How to combine wallpapers with each other: principles of compatibility

Wallpaper has color and texture. In order for the combination of two colors to look good, the wallpaper must be of the same thickness. Vinyl wallpaper should be combined with vinyl, and paper with paper. Washable wallpaper is used to cover a room from below, for example, in a nursery. In terms of the thickness of the canvas, they must match the main ones, otherwise an ugly protrusion will be visible at the junction. In addition to color, the wallpaper canvas can have a pattern.

What rules must be followed so that the combination looks good, not only on paper, but also in the interior:

  • Use no more than 1 bright pattern;
  • Cover background walls with neutral wallpaper;
  • If 2 or more patterns are used, they must be similar in style and color.

Horizontal patterns visually expand the plane of the wall, increase the volume of space. It is not recommended to combine vertical and horizontal patterns with each other, especially bright and contrasting colors. If a guest with epilepsy enters such a room, he may have a seizure.

In order to make all guests feel comfortable, it is best to use not bright, only vertical or only horizontal patterns.

A successful combination of wallpaper in the interior

Some people get tired of the rich color of the walls. The design in the interior is built on harmony and accents, so in order to always feel comfortable in the room, you should focus on no more than 1 wall.

How to choose the main and background wallpapers:

  • Wallpaper of two colors should be either warm or cold shades, for example, light blue and green, pale pink and peach;
  • Wallpapers of two colors should be the same in gloss, either glossy or matte.

It is necessary to combine wallpapers of two colors in terms of shine, all design series of wallpapers are based on this principle. In the interior, matte combined wallpapers of a simple texture look better.

How different wallpapers in the same room change the space

A room with an unusual arrangement of wallpaper should be in harmony with the rest of the renovation in the apartment.

Where is it appropriate to use a combination of wallpaper of two colors:

  • In a small room to visually expand the space;
  • In the hallway, to protect the lower part of the walls from pollution;
  • In a nursery, use washable wallpaper along the bottom edge of the wall.

Thus, it turns out that this is not only an interesting, but also a practical option for decorating walls.

Wallpaper combination options: harmony and contrast

The color and texture of the wallpaper is a certain information about the taste of the owner, so you need to choose the design in the interior in accordance with your own preferences. Then it will be nice to be in the room.

The combination of two colors in one room must be built according to 1 of the following principles:

  • Contrast between saturated and desaturated color;
  • Arrangement of colors close in palette, shades of the same color;
  • Variations within the warm or cold range;
  • Wallpapers that are close or the same in color with a different pattern.

On sale you can find not only flat, but also embossed wallpapers. The relief enlivens the walls, however, in order for the composition to look good, there should be 1 or 2 reliefs maximum in one room. If 2 reliefs are used, the wallpaper must be the same color.

Wallpaper combinations on the walls (video)

Ready-made solution: paired wallpaper for walls

Many collections immediately provide a line of options for wallpaper combinations.

What are the advantages of paired wallpapers from one manufacturer:

  • There is no need to doubt your taste, you can use an already selected combination of two colors;
  • No need to think about the composition, the designer has already calculated everything in advance;
  • You can proudly show your guests the repair and be sure that everyone will appreciate it.

Often, paired wallpapers are pre-cut in the right way, and an allowance is indicated so that the seam is even. The instructions show how to properly glue the wallpaper, how the canvases are located on the wall relative to each other. The only disadvantage of this option is the lack of a creative component.

Practical wall decoration with wallpaper of different colors

Washable wallpaper lasts a long time and pleases with ease of care. Therefore, if the question arises of how to decorate the lower part of the wall, the best solution is to combine wallpaper with a washable texture. In the hallway, kitchen and nursery, horizontal separation using a washable bottom sheet will save a lot of effort, nerves and money.

Beautiful washable wallpapers can close the space to a height of 1 - 1.5 m from the floor plinth. It is this part of the wall that most often gets dirty, scratched and wears out. It is always better to think over wallpaper combinations in advance on paper, and only then implement them in the interior.

How to glue combined wallpaper: the subtleties of craftsmanship

Smooth joints between the canvases are a prerequisite for a neat and attractive appearance of the walls. It doesn’t matter how the combination of wallpaper goes, vertically or horizontally, if you plan to use 2 or more canvases on one wall, you need to make markings. With the help of a tape measure, a level and a pencil, zones should be delimited.

It is undesirable to glue the wallpaper with an overlap, gradually the seams can move away, swell and lose their attractive appearance.

Smooth docking according to the markings on the wall is carried out in four hands, with an assistant. First you need to clearly mark the canvas itself, cut it to the required length. The most difficult option is a horizontal arrangement, because you need not just to glue the wallpaper from the corner or from the ceiling, but exactly from the central part of the wall.

Sticking in order:

  • With a horizontal arrangement of two colors - first the top, then the bottom;
  • With vertical - first the left canvas, then the right;
  • Pasting a niche - first a niche, then walls;
  • Pasting diagonally - first the top, then the bottom.

Between horizontal joints, a gap even of 0.1 mm looks bad, so an accurate calculation is the basis of a quality repair. Before gluing, you need to carefully read the instructions for the wallpaper, use a suitable glue, try to take into account the allowance. If there is no experience in such a matter, and high-quality repairs are needed, it is better to entrust the complex pasting of the room to professional builders.

Combining wallpaper and wall painting: convenient and original

Painting with tinting is actively used on flat walls. But what if the repair is not perfect?

Combining paint and wallpaper in two colors, ideas:

  • Contrast, light paint, brighter wallpaper or saturated color paint, background wallpaper;
  • Harmony in color, similar coloring of wallpaper and paint;
  • Wallpapering one wall, painting the rest of the walls;
  • Highlighting the wall by painting, pasting the remaining walls;
  • Vertical or horizontal division of a wall into a painted and pasted part.

A room can look different under artificial and natural light, so it's best to try it on an inconspicuous wall, evaluate the result, and then apply it throughout the apartment.

You can carefully combine paint and wallpaper only if there is a gap of 1.5 - 2 cm at the seam. The paint should go under the wallpaper so that the canvas can hide the junction evenly and without flaws. It is convenient to design arches, niches and slopes of a window opening in this way.

The combination of wallpaper and paint gives room for creativity, because you can beat even the standard layout of an apartment in an original and fresh way. The design of two types of wallpaper or wallpaper and paint is suitable even for walls with an imperfect surface.

Combining wallpaper in the interior (photo)

Wallpaper combination in the interior allows you to give the interior dynamism and originality. It should be noted that the combination of wallpapers of various colors and patterns has long gone from the category of “curiosities” and novelties and has moved into the category of a standard design solution for wallpapering indoors. Manufacturers encourage this desire of customers and follow the trends, creating a collection of wallpapers from several matching patterns and even often accompanying them with examples of possible combinations in finished interiors. Despite this, many are interested in how to properly combine wallpapers of different colors and with different patterns. Let's look at the basic techniques and ways to combine different wallpapers in rooms.

Why combine wallpapers?

If you have a choice - to paste the whole room with one wallpaper or combine several, designers advise giving preference to the second option, several types of wallpaper in one room will help create various decorative effects in the room, visually change the geometry of the room, delimit it into functional areas, hide flaws and emphasize dignity.


Emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses. By highlighting one of the walls or part of it with wallpaper of a different pattern or shade, you will immediately make this place an exact focus, riveting the eyes of guests or household members to it. At the same time, you can distract your eyes from some flaw in the room - another uneven wall or a flaw in the ceiling. The brighter and more noticeable the wallpaper in the desired area, the less likely the flaw is to be noticed.

Room zoning. Sometimes in one room you have to combine the functions of several rooms at once. In this case, wallpapers of different patterns or shades will come to the rescue. In such rooms, you can apply quite bold and radical combinations, it all depends on how much you want to separate this or that zone, whether static partitions are used or only visual separation techniques using color and light. For example, you can divide the children's room into two parts with blue and pink wallpaper and use a static partition. Or combine plain wallpaper in the kitchen and wallpaper with a pattern in the dining table area.

Visual effects. A narrow rectangular room visually expands if light-colored wallpapers are glued on long walls, and darker wallpapers on short ones. A square room will look better if one wall is wallpapered in a richer tone than the rest. The space of small rooms is expanded with wallpaper in light pastel colors.

accent wall. An accent wall is one of the simplest techniques in wallpaper combinations. As a rule, there is only one accent wall in one room, but sometimes it also happens that two adjacent or two opposite walls are accentuated. At the same time, of course, the accent wall is noticeably different from other walls. It can have a much richer shade of wallpaper than other walls. It can be wallpaper with a large pattern or pattern. The overlapping element with this method of wallpaper combination is often a common shade. .

Focus point. Unlike an accent wall, the focal point should not occupy the entire wall, but may be located on only one of its parts. So, with wallpaper of a different shade, you can highlight an area with a fireplace or a false fireplace, an antique chest of drawers, a gallery of paintings, bedside tables, a crib, a reading area and much more.

Wallpaper as a decorative element. By enclosing a piece of wallpaper in a frame or in moldings, you can create an interesting wall decor from repeating patterns.

Ways to combine wallpapers

When choosing combinations of wallpapers in the interior, you should remember about a similar element - it can be different shades of the same color, one style of ornament, overlapping pattern geometry, the same texture of the wallpaper.

Monochromatic wallpapers of different shades of the same color. This technique is ideal for lovers of plain interiors and discreet walls. With this approach, one or more walls have wallpaper in a more saturated shade than others. Often you can see similar blue (sky blue and pervanche), beige (ecru, sand and ivory), gray (slate gray and light gray) colors.






The combination of plain wallpaper with patterned wallpaper. If you want to decorate a room with large bright panels, it is better to balance them with plain wallpaper. The same technique is correct to use if the wallpaper has a large floral pattern, geometric elements or a wide stripe.






Combination of wallpaper with different patterns. Traditionally, a combination of striped wallpaper and wallpaper with a floral pattern is used, which have something in common with a similar shade. Floral ornament looks good paired with woody patterns. Stripes, cubes and other geometric shapes are combined with abstractions. This is the most dangerous combination method, you should be careful about it.

Combination of wallpapers of different colors. Active colors should be combined with neutral ones. To create a bright, youthful interior, you can experiment with contrasting colors. Such a technique will look beneficial when zoning space.






Design is one of the areas of art, and art, as you know, does not tolerate rules and restrictions. In recent years, interiors with two types of wallpaper have become increasingly common. It looks stylish and modern, perfectly complements the styles that are currently fashionable (modern, Provence, hi-tech). But, besides the aesthetic side, there is another plus of the combined pasting - the elimination of architectural defects, improving the perception of the room.

How two types of wallpaper are pasted, what problems it can solve, will be described below. And besides, here you can find photos of the most successful examples of pasting walls with different wallpapers.

Elimination of defects

Ideal rooms are rarely found, with ceiling heights and wall widths that suit the owner. Somewhere too crowded, somewhere too light - how to solve these problems?

By sticking wallpaper of two types or different colors. For example, the following will help:

  1. Low ceilings can be slightly “raised” with wallpaper with a vertical pattern. It can be various stripes, garlands of flowers or monograms stretched upwards. In this case, gluing wallpaper in two colors, alternating different stripes in a certain order, helps a lot.
  2. High ceilings are not always a plus. If they are at a level of 3.5 meters or more, this is rather a lack of space. It is very difficult to make such a room cozy and harmonious. The horizontal division of the walls will help - an old classic trick. Previously, the lower third of the walls were painted in a darker color, today there are no restrictions. It all depends on the design and purpose of the room.
  3. A small room can be visually expanded by pasting the walls with light wallpaper. For pasting, you can take plain canvases or coatings with a small pattern. The use of wallpaper with a horizontal pattern is very effective. But they can only be used when the ceiling height is more than 2.5 meters.
  4. A room with a large area will be slightly reduced by dark wallpapers or a combination of canvases in contrasting colors or several types. Such techniques are appropriate in the hall or living room.
  5. An elongated rectangular room can be corrected by a combination of two wallpapers in a contrasting color - canvases of lighter colors are glued to short walls, making an entry to the long side. This pasting technique is very effective - the room becomes more proportional.
  6. A dark room can be brightened up by pasting light wallpaper on the wall opposite the window.
  7. A room that is too bright will help to “mute” the dark canvases of a calm shade.

Options for combining wallpapers of various types can be seen in the photo.

Wallpaper combination rules

So that sticking wallpaper of two types does not bring disappointment, you still need to follow a few rules:

  • On one wall, use material of the same thickness. The wallpaper is glued end-to-end, so the connection, for example, of paper and non-woven fabrics, will not look aesthetically pleasing. To prevent this from happening, the joints are covered with moldings or connect fabrics of different textures in the corners.
  • Applying different types of canvases, you need to use adhesives suitable for them. In order not to buy several packs of glue, you can purchase a universal composition.
  • In order not to spoil the parameters of the room, it is necessary to carefully consider the plan for gluing different canvases, write down ideas, and it is better to sketch out a diagram.
  • For combined wallpapering of walls, it is better to choose material from one collection. On sale there are ready-made sets in two or more colors, they perfectly complement each other. You can, of course, select material from different collections, but in this case it is very difficult to combine shades and textures.
  • The place in the room that I would like to focus on should be made brighter, and the unsightly area can be masked by pasting with neutral wallpaper.

Advice! For a beginner designing for the first time, it is better to use a special circle or triangle for the right combination of shades.

The photo below shows how to attract attention with bright inserts.

Options for using diverse wallpaper in the bedroom

In the bedroom, a person is relaxing, so bright colors and flashy designs are inappropriate here (although this is a matter of taste). Not all options for combining two coatings are suitable for this room.

The bed is the centerpiece of any bedroom. Therefore, it is often around this object that a color accent is created. This can be done in several ways:

  • just pasting the wall behind the bed with contrasting wallpaper;
  • using a fashionable technique today - by bringing one or more strips of wallpaper to the ceiling;
  • creating a panel outlined by moldings or wallpaper edging.

These options can be seen in the photo.

It is not necessary to combine two types of coatings, there may be more. The design in the bedroom using three types of wallpaper is shown in the photo below.

In the bedroom, pastel shades are more often used, contrasts are avoided, as in the photo.

How many people, so many opinions. Therefore, avant-garde lovers may get bored in a bedroom with blue walls, they will like a bright design, as in this photo.

Hall finishing options

The whole family gathers in the hall in the evenings, guests are met here, holidays are celebrated. This room is a kind of visiting card of the owners of the house. Therefore, the repair in the hall must be approached with all responsibility.

Ideas and options for decorating the hall can be gleaned from these photos.

The walls in the hall are often decorated with niches, arches, columns. These designs are decor in themselves, it is important not to overdo it with their decoration. Niches and other recesses look spectacular when they act as an accent. They are pasted over with contrasting wallpaper, more often, dark shades. A similar design is shown in the photo.

The columns in the hall do not always carry aesthetics, they can be part of the supporting structure in old houses. It is customary to mask and hide these elements, and with the help of two types of wallpaper, they can become the highlight of the room. Like in this photo, for example:

Advice! To correctly think over the design in the hall, you need to take into account all the furniture and interior items.

Bright accents look spectacular - there should be few of them, and they should be small. Photo options.

In a large hall, zoning with the help of two types of wallpaper is appropriate. Finishing can complement the already existing delimitation of space (partitions, various furniture) or create it yourself.

Wallpaper of different colors can divide the room into two parts with different purposes. It can be an office and a living room, or a bedroom and a hall. A similar design is shown in the photo.

Children's room

Most often, zoning is used in the nursery. Thus, they share a place for sleeping and playing, a corner for studying and reading, a site for playing sports. The same zoning helps to delimit the space when two children live in the nursery. With the help of wallpapers of different colors in the same bedroom, you can easily “settle” a boy and a girl.

Such a design with the separation of the nursery is shown in the photo.

Design of hallways and corridors

Wallpapers of different textures in the corridors and hallways look very advantageous. Cramped and dark rooms are easily transformed with the right arrangement of finishing materials for the walls. Here you can combine artificial stone and wallpaper in one composition, or combine vinyl with fiberglass.

In such rooms, horizontal stripes on the walls look good. They are performed using moldings or cut out of wallpaper. This distinction gives the room a sense of composure, makes it original. The result is visible in the photo.

Kitchen wall decoration

In kitchens, coatings of warm shades are appropriate: yellow, beige, orange. Zoning is very suitable for kitchen walls. Different wallpapers near the working and dining areas help to perceive the room more broadly. A bright accent near the dining table will divert attention from the stove and sink.

In modern studio apartments, there is often no separate room for the kitchen. In this case, you simply cannot do without zoning - the dining area is distinguished using a different texture or contrasting colors.

Sticking wallpaper of two types will make the kitchen more original and bright, as in the photo.

Where to begin

The range of wallpapers in hardware stores makes it easy to choose materials that are suitable in color and texture. But it is much more interesting to compose them yourself. If skills do not yet allow you to completely create a room design, you can practice in small areas:

  • create a panel of beautiful wallpapers and put it in a molding frame.
  • Build a wall composition on the principle of a patchwork quilt. To do this, it is not necessary to buy expensive wallpapers, enough leftovers from past repairs. Cut out squares and rectangles are connected with glue, combining colors and shades. It is better that the materials for such a composition are of the same thickness.
  • Divide the existing coating into sections - stick a border or a strip cut from contrasting wallpaper. It can be vertical or horizontal divisions, focusing on some kind of decor (mirror, picture).

The photo shows the design with one of the simple ways.

In order to come up with ways to paste walls with different wallpapers, you do not need to be a designer. Creativity and a little imagination - that's all you need for a fashionable renovation. Decor ideas can be gleaned from this article, the most common ways of decorating walls with different types of materials are described here, and examples are shown in the photo.

Wallpapering is considered the simplest solution in the case of room design. The most important thing is that it is fast, and beautiful. In addition, modern wallpaper will last for five years, or even more. Moreover, in the construction market of wallpaper you can find quite difficult developments of this finishing material. There are both simple, paper wallpapers, and more complex options, such as silk-screen printing or vinyl wallpaper, for example. You can even glue washable wallpaper and then many problems are solved.

It would seem that you can think of something else: take wallpaper glue, especially since there is a very wide choice both in color, and in pattern, and in texture. No, they figured it out. In addition to the fact that they began to glue wallpaper of different colors on different walls, they also began to glue two types of wallpaper on each wall, differing in both color and texture. This is the so-called combined wallpapering, which belongs to the latest trend in interior design. This approach allows you to significantly diversify the design of the premises, highlighting separately some part of it or some objects. In this regard, gluing wallpaper of two types is increasingly relevant: in our time it is fashionable, as the decoration of the room turns into a very interesting process.

The options for gluing wallpaper on the walls in various combinations are almost limitless.

Any technology for decorating rooms rests on certain rules. The same applies to wallpapering, especially with combined wall decoration. If the wallpaper is chosen correctly, then the end result will certainly be harmonious and attractive. In any case, there will be an opportunity to surprise relatives and friends.

How ceiling height affects the choice of wallpaper

Ceiling height must be taken into account when choosing a pattern and type of wallpaper. With a ceiling height below 2.5 meters, it is better to opt for light-colored wallpapers that do not have a rough texture and large patterns. With very low ceilings, wallpaper with light basic tones with a subtle pattern or texture, as well as with the presence of vertically arranged patterns or stripes, will harmoniously look. They can be placed both on one wall, and on two or even three, which will visually raise the height of the ceilings.

Vertical stripes visually raise ceilings.

The presence of high ceilings, from 3 meters and above, requires a completely different approach. Here, wallpaper with a large pattern stretched across the width will look great. Alternatively, a very harmonious result can be obtained with a horizontal separation of the walls, when different drawings are located not vertically, but horizontally: in the upper and lower half of the walls, or rather not half, but one third. The presence of various wallpaper models allows you to choose exactly those wallpapers that will look modern and harmonious.

How does the size of the room affect

When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account the width and length of the room, including the geometry, if the room is not standard, which is very rare. Basically, there are rooms that do not have large dimensions, but if it is a large room, then you should opt for dark shades and rich colors. This approach allows you to visually reduce the size of the room. As a rule, wallpapers of dark shades with a large but light pattern, on the theme of nature, abstraction or geometry, look harmonious.

Horizontal stripes expand the room visually.

In the presence of small rooms, everything is quite the opposite: you have to use light colors, with a fine texture and a small pattern that does not really stand out. Here you should also take into account the geometry of the room: if it is long and narrow, then it must be visually aligned. To do this, lighter wallpapers are glued to shorter walls, and so that they are found on longer ones. This will visually level the room.

The far wall seems to be closer due to the fact that the wallpaper goes beyond the wall.

In order to somehow, at least visually correct the geometry of the living room, they resort to various options. For example, if the entrance to a narrow room is located on the side of a long wall, then the opposite wall is selected, with the center in the middle. At the same time, those wallpapers that are intended for narrow walls are glued closer to the corners. Such an approach will allow visually, on the one hand, to expand the room, and on the wider side, to narrow it.

Invoice selection

If you glue wallpaper in two colors, then it is better to choose wallpaper that has the same texture, but a different color and pattern. If docking is carried out strictly in the corners, then this is not very important, but if the wallpaper has to be joined directly on the wall, then the differences in texture will be very noticeable. Therefore, this approach is not suitable if high quality work is required.

When using explicit structures, it is desirable that they be of the same type.

Of no small importance is the selection of glue, especially when choosing wallpaper of different types. In any case, in the store where the wallpaper is sold, you can also buy glue. For different types of wallpaper, different types of adhesives are used. But, in order not to bother especially, it is better to take universal glue. It is suitable for any kind of wallpaper, which can ensure the proper quality of work, regardless of the type of wallpaper.

Light and dark room

If the room is too light, then it is not necessary to paste over all the walls with dark wallpaper. It is enough to paste over the wall opposite the window with dark wallpaper, and leave all the rest light. Then this feeling of oppressive atmosphere, which is emitted by dark wallpapers that are present on all walls, will disappear.

A dark wall against a window creates a shading effect for the entire room.

Sometimes they do the opposite and glue light wallpapers on the wall opposite the window if you want to make the room brighter. In this case, it all depends on the location of the room relative to the cardinal points. The more sunlight enters the room, the brighter the room.

Wallpaper layout techniques

There are a huge variety of options for sticking wallpaper of two types. Here the main thing depends on the representation of the future "picture" that you want to see in your room.

Vertical Combination

As a rule, the presence of vertical stripes somehow raises the ceiling visually, but this does not mean at all that stripes should be present on all walls. Modern design allows stripes to be present on only one wall, and wallpaper with a barely noticeable pattern or texture is glued to all other walls.

If the ornament is placed vertically, then this creates the illusion of high ceilings.

Many people glue wallpaper with a vertical pattern, distributing it evenly on all walls. From the photo you can see that the interval may be different on different walls.

Option for wallpapering, with alternating vertical stripes.

The stripes can be unequal, both in width and pattern, and in color. At the same time, the texture of the selected wallpaper should not differ, otherwise a harmonious combination will not work. As a rule, in such cases, they buy wallpapers from one collection. This is due to the fact that some companies produce wallpapers with several patterns that are combined with each other, but at the same time, they differ in color. From one collection, you can choose 2-3 tones that have the same type of patterns. As a rule, this is enough to decorate your home in a modern style.

The second version of the color scheme of the same collection.

In the photo below you can see the option of using three types of wallpaper from the same collection. Here you can see that the combination is just perfect. This indicates that the wallpaper was tested before they went on sale. In some other photos, the wallpapers are selected from the same collection. This approach simplifies the selection of wallpapers with different textures.

Three types of wallpaper.

To make the ceiling seem higher, there is another way of wallpapering. He suggests that one of the bands is on the ceiling, blurring the border of the transition, which is why such an illusion is obtained.

The stripe on the ceiling shifts the boundaries.

To better understand how the placement of the stripes affects the visual picture of the change in the geometry of the room, you should look at the drawings. The figures correspond to the top view.

Options for gluing two types of wallpaper.

These are absolutely working options that will never let you down and will always look very harmonious. Similar options have been tested more than a dozen times, and each time the result met all expectations. Naturally, there are many more options. Although everyone will be able to offer their own version, moving away from the standards.

Combine horizontally

Horizontal division is also not a bad option, referring to the design classics. It has been used for a long time, but with the advent of a wide selection of colors and textures, this approach has received a completely new impetus in application. This design solution is suitable for rooms with a small area, but high ceilings. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the feeling of a “well”. Only one horizontal strip can help this. It can run at the height of the window sills, although its location classically corresponds to 1/3 of the height of the walls, so it can be located either at the bottom or at the top. Dividing in half is not considered successful.

The presence of a horizontal stripe.

Very often, the classics are violated and the strip is placed at the height of the eyes. Various decorative elements are attached at the same height. Sometimes it looks really good. Sometimes, in this way, corridors and hallways are decorated.

Sometimes it is simply necessary to visually reduce the height of the ceilings.

The division zone may be at the top. In this case, the lower region is dark, and the upper one is light, and sometimes vice versa, as evidenced by the bottom photo.

Very interesting way of wallpapering.

As a rule, options for combining wallpaper of other types when combined horizontally have the following formula:

  • The bottom 1/3 is a striped wallpaper and the top is a wallpaper with a small pattern.
  • The bottom 1/3 is a small drawing, and the top is plain wallpaper or large monograms.
  • Bottom 2/3 - wallpaper with a large pattern, and the top is plain.

One of the options for horizontal division (classic).

Division into zones

If you use wallpaper of several types, then you can select certain zones, depending on the functional affiliation. As an option, these are studio apartments, where the option simply suggests itself with the allocation of zones, such as a dining room or a relaxation area, while not forgetting the area where food is prepared.

The recreation area is highlighted especially brightly.

A similar approach can also be applied in children's rooms, where it makes sense to single out a play area, a sleeping area or a table area. This approach is also relevant if two children live in the nursery. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of children, if they are old enough.

Allocation of zones in the children's room.

This option allows the use of wallpaper of various textures. In this case, you should not use molding for separation. It is advisable to join the wallpaper in the corners, otherwise the docking points will not look very attractive.

Panels or decorative inserts

The fashion for sticking different wallpapers in the same room has existed for a long time. But in the past, wallpapers were made of fabrics, so they were framed, in the form of panels. Only rich people could afford such a pleasure, since wallpapers cost a lot of money. This approach to wallpapering has been preserved to this day. This design is considered classic. Silk-screen printing inserts, as well as embossed or textured, expensive wallpapers can serve as a material for the formation of panels.

Classic: decoration of a living space in the style of a panel.

To support this style, it’s really possible to arrange wallpaper of a different color or texture in a molding frame. As a rule, this option is also suitable for other styles, such as Provence or country.

The Art Nouveau style, which is considered more modern, also allows for the form of a panel, but with a more different approach to the design of the frame.

Modern interior: a panel of wallpapers of a different color.

Another interesting option is pasting niches. In this case, wallpaper for niches may have a completely different texture, depending on the style used.

An interesting option is pasting a niche with wallpaper of a different texture and color.

And yet, in any case, one rule should be followed: it is advisable to use wallpapers from the same collection, this is the only way to get an excellent result. You can choose the wallpaper yourself, but it is better to contact a professional.

Arrangement of color accents

There are several approaches to color highlighting some elements. The first approach is associated with diverting attention from some element that looks inharmonious or stands out unpleasantly. For example, you can take uneven walls. This is especially true in old apartments, where surfaces can be sloping. So that these irregularities are not conspicuous, wallpaper of a different, very attractive color and pattern, and possibly very bright ones, is glued to the wall opposite.

Accent placement: pasting the walls with wallpaper of different colors.

The second option works the other way around: wallpapering is associated with highlighting an object or drawing attention to it. It all depends on what kind of object is supposed to be highlighted: if this is a bedroom, then, most likely, a bed stands out, and if this is a kitchen, then it is probably worth highlighting a dining table or, in other words, a dining area. This option can be compared with zoning, although, in this case, attention is diverted from the kitchen area.

Focusing attention around an object, a great way to stick wallpaper of two types. In this case, the emphasis may not necessarily be vertical, but also horizontal, although the first approach is much more common. This is due to the fact that in our premises the ceilings are low, which is mainly why we have to resort to suitable options. In the presence of high ceilings, the accent can be placed horizontally, in the form of wide stripes, as seen in the photo below.

Two techniques at the same time: different colors and textures.

There are rooms with ledges or niches. Quite often, they are trying to disguise them, although this does not always work out, especially since they can serve as an object of interesting design decisions. In such cases, you will definitely have to glue two types of wallpaper, which indicates a certain interest in decorating the room. After all, everyone wants to be different from others, and this is just the case when you can surprise everyone.

If you do not know how to combine several types of wallpaper to achieve the proper decorative effect. How to hide the flaws in the layout of a particular room using wallpaper. Are you interested in options for wallpapering in the hall, bedroom or kitchen. This article is for you!

There are many options as to the room. You can combine several shades or focus on differences in texture, choose an interesting combination of ornaments, or even opt for drawings from liquid wallpaper.

Do not forget about combinations of tiles, artificial stone, wood and wallpaper materials. Let's look at all these examples.

How to combine wallpapers

Combining wallpaper is the most popular design technique. Think about how you would like to see your room after the renovation, do not be afraid to experiment with textures or color of the coating. Evaluate the functions and characteristics of the room.

What options for wallpaper stickers can be applied in your case, taking into account the height of the walls, the width of the room, the layout elements?

The options below are suitable for almost any standard interior; you will need to experiment with problem rooms by combining several types of alternations at once.


So, the "vertical stripes" option. The use of stripes of two types of different colors and textures in the interior is a rather original way of creating an atmosphere and giving dynamics to the room.

You can combine either shades of the same color, or use contrasting combinations. A monochrome combination will create the effect of a play of shadows, and contrasts will emphasize the uniqueness and character of the interior.


Dividing into horizons is a fairly common way of finishing. It will perfectly fit into any design style, allowing you to alternate absolutely any canvases with different shades and surface relief.

What to alternate - contrasting or monochrome stripes, is up to you. The main thing is to choose their correct width.

For example, in rooms with high ceilings, experts recommend combining stripes in a ratio of 2:1.

A combination of non-woven and textile wallpapers will look very impressive, the rough relief is smoothed out with a soft color and pattern.

Interesting options for pasting walls with wallpaper can be obtained through the use of additional decorative elements.

The place of the joint must be determined even before the strips are glued and marked with a line that should be parallel to the floor, this will allow the separator to coincide with the level of the furniture.

Horizontal occurs from top to bottom, and at the joints they leave an overlap, which is cut off only after drying and “pulling” the canvases.

Note! The joint can be hidden with a border or a special tape, this will hide possible flaws and gaps formed during gluing.

Very often the canvases have different widths. The use of polyurethane moldings or wooden slats (depending on the design) will easily solve this problem and diversify the interior with an additional decorative element.

Methods for pasting rooms

  • Not sure how to paint the walls in the bedroom? We offer you an original method - wallpaper inserts. The design of the general interior with inserts must necessarily be carried out on prepared walls.

To begin with, monotonous background canvases of a light shade are glued. Then - pieces of thick massive, for example, non-woven sheets. These inserts may vary in size and shape. The classic style allows the use of rectangular structures, but you can also experiment by pasting the wall with geometric shapes.

  • But in the nursery, vinyl stickers depicting your favorite cartoon characters can be used as inserts.

Also, liquid wallpaper imitating a fabric coating will be quite an original decoration of the interior. They are safe, made of natural materials, which allows their use in the children's room.

The combination in the living room will help to divide the room into functional areas, visually separate them from each other, give meaning to each separate part of the territory.

In the hall, you can apply a method called "accent wall". So, the wall behind the TV stands out with a bright shade that contrasts sharply with the background of the room. To enhance the effect above this zone, you can make a transition from the wall to the ceiling.

Original design methods

  • If you need creative wallpapering, use patchwork. This is a derivative of the wallpaper insert design, only now the surfaces of the room are covered with solid inserts, without the use of a background.
  • It is reminiscent of an old patchwork quilt or a bird's eye view of the fields - in any case, such a design looks great.
  • The main secret of this method is the harmony of materials. You can glue chaotic multi-colored blocks or ordered combinations, express your own fantasies, but the main thing is that all these inserts have something in common - a pattern, ornament or shade.

If your house has a lot of niches, arches and ledges, whether they are designed by the builder or are inconveniences in planning an apartment, all this should be used to create an original interior.

Often, the owners simply try to hide such places from prying eyes, but designers recommend highlighting them in every possible way.

In niches and ledges, it is usually carried out with contrasting colors or bright embossed canvases. Do you have light wallpapers? Make a dark niche! A small pattern on the walls - decorate the ledge with wallpaper with a large pattern!

Finally, a few tips:

  • Buy wallpapers in one place so they match in hues and textures.
  • Use canvases of the same width.
  • Use the combination not only to create visual effects, correct layout flaws.

Summing up

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