Military sports game "lightning". "Zarnitsa" - a scenario for a military sports game for elementary school students. Tasks for the game Zarnitsa at school

Find the banner

(squad mini-warning)

Let the enemy be conditional,

Let the plywood machine,

But we have real loyalty and perseverance,

And the strength of Russian soldiers.

The detachment is divided into 2 sections of an equal number of army men; Each squad consists of a squad commander, riflemen (2), scouts (3), signalmen (5), orderlies (2), miners (2) and just privates. Strict uniforms, insignia, and emblems of Youth Army specialties have been established. Participants must know the main content and rules of the game in advance. The game director has already studied the area, outlined the boundaries, thought through the details of the lightning, and compiled route maps for each department.

To play, you need a section of rough terrain along which a closed route (ring) with a length of 2-4 kilometers is laid. At the beginning of the route, i.e. at the start, the same for both branches, the General Staff is equipped. Here, combat missions are set for the commanders of the “warring parties”, and their implementation is monitored during the game. In the middle of the “ring” there is a hidden banner. The combat mission for each squad is formulated as follows: after going through all stages of its route, find the banner in the shortest time and with the least losses.

Route diagram for the game “Find the Banner”

The route for each section (each semicircle) is divided into 5 stages of 300-400 meters:

Enemy bunker.


Section "Gasy".


Hidden Banner.

At the control points of the stages there is one mediator (observer). Their task is to strictly monitor compliance with all rules by the participants in the game, and to accurately count points and errors.

At a signal from the Commander-in-Chief, both sections disperse in different directions, focusing on the information contained in the received map and the orders and recommendations of the General Staff. Without wasting time, each squad reaches the first stage “Enemy bunker” (installed plywood shield). You can't rush any further - you could die. 2 shooters enter into battle with an enemy bunker. They, using hand fans, must hit him as quickly as possible from a distance of 10 meters from the enemy. Continue shooting until victory! Then the observer orders further advance in search of the banner. For defeating an enemy dzog, 10 points are counted.

At the next stage, “Medsanbat”, it is discovered that there is a wounded person in the department. The task is carried out by orderlies - you need to quickly and correctly bandage the victim’s shoulder joint. For correct execution - 10 points.

At the next sign “Caution, gases!” Young Army members put on gas masks (cotton-gauze bandages) or cover their respiratory organs with clothing and so run until the next stage. For the correctness of the actions of the entire squad - 10 points, for “evasion” - penalties - disqualification, since this warrior was poisoned.

The next stage is “Minefield”. Miners come into play. They discover a “minefield” and neutralize the mines. For all “neutralized mines” - 10 points.

After successfully completing a dangerous operation, the squad is sent to search for the “hidden banner”. One of the squads arrives first, looks for the banner and, having found it, sends it to the General Staff. The squad that finds and delivers the banner to headquarters is awarded 50 points. But here, in the middle of the ring, a counter fight with the enemy is also possible. A conflict situation in a two-sided game is inevitable, but it is necessary to categorically prohibit players from using actions that can cause bodily harm or lead to damage to clothing and equipment. For a “wounded” person, 2 points are deducted, for a “killed” person - 4 points. Penalty points are also imposed for failure to comply with established disciplinary rules.

The surviving soldiers run to the General Staff along the path already taken by the enemy (but without completing the mission).

From the moment of start, each squad sends a group of scouts after the enemy. They must, skillfully camouflaging themselves, remove the “enemy’s” personnel from the game (“shoot them down”) and intercept the banner found by the enemy.

Each department, completing tasks at the stages, sends signalmen to the General Staff with a report. Based on the information received from the signalmen, the General Staff analyzes the picture of the events taking place.

Immediately after the end of the lightning, the found banner is hung out, and the preliminary results of the game are announced. It is important to analyze what exactly led to victory for some, and what caused defeat for others. You can arrange a humorous “minute of silence” for those who were unable to withstand the fight. Then follow the obligatory handshakes of former opponents, exchange of remarks like: “Yes, you have a friendly gang!”, “And you have a wonderful commander!”

The final results of the game are summed up on the next line.

Zarnitsa – “Object liquidation”

(military game in winter on the street)

At the appointed time, the participants of the game arrive at the school. They are divided into two armies. Each one has shoulder straps sewn on, some are red - the red army, others are blue - the blue army. Each army has appointed commanders. Before the start of the game, the armies are lined up in the school yard in two lines facing each other. Each platoon (class) has class teachers. Each army is led by an instructor from among trained senior guys.

The Commander-in-Chief explains:

    A forced march of 1 km through unfamiliar terrain in the snow.

    Along the route you will encounter various obstacles: a minefield (10 mines); a river through which you need to cross on a log, the “State Border” object, a medical post, a battlefield, a competition circuit, a field kitchen.

    The final destination of the march is a military facility. This is a battlefield and a circle of competition.

5. In war there can be losses. If one of the fighters manages to rip off the enemy's shoulder straps, such a player is considered killed and is eliminated from the game.

6. Each army moves to the objective along its own route.

The armies are pulled out into a column one at a time. Commanders are ahead.

    Station "state border"

Students are invited to draw the Russian flag on the snow with paint diluted in spray bottles. The correctness of the task and speed are assessed.

    Minefield station

The presenter explains that instead of mines, 20 balloons of two colors are buried in the snow. Players cannot go further until they clear the road. The guys take twigs and, using them as probes, look for mines. You need to find 10 balls so that the color matches the color of the shoulder straps; if they find a ball that is not their color, they bury it back. Whoever steps on the ball is considered killed.

    Station "Pereprava"

A huge tree on the bank of a conventional river, marked with flags. Length 3 meters. The team must cross the log holding hands. Whoever falls is considered killed.

    Station "Orphans"

In each team, orderlies are selected - 2 people and one wounded person; at the start, orderlies must provide first aid in case of a head wound and deliver the victim to the hospital, which is located at a distance of 10 m. (Use improvised means or sleds)

    Station "Battlefield"

    Before the battle begins, the participants prepare firewood.

    The organizers prepare the venue for the game: determine the boundaries of the territory (shape: elongated rectangle); find or make 2 fire places (at opposite ends of the field), around which a border is laid out with branches and logs. The size of the territory depends on the number of players, the diameter of the border around the fire depends on the age (the older the children, the greater the distance from the border to the fire).

    Participants gather in the center of the battlefield. The commander-in-chief gives an introduction: light a fire, make a fortification out of snow.

    To defeat your opponents, you need to put out enemy fire with snowballs from your fortification without crossing the center line, while protecting your fire. To start the attack, a signal is given and the stopwatch starts. You have 20 minutes for a snow attack.

    Station "Competition Circle"

As soon as the fire is extinguished, a “hand-to-hand fight” is declared for the army flag. The armies line up on opposite sides of the “Circle of Battles”; upon a signal, the participants can launch an attack. Tearing off shoulder straps from opponents. A participant with one shoulder strap is considered wounded, without shoulder straps - killed, leaving the game. The main task is to protect your flag. Using brute force is prohibited! The winner is the team that managed to recapture the enemy’s flag but retain its banner.

The overall result of the battles is summed up for all the tests around the “Bonfire of Friendship”; “livers” are prepared in the “Field Kitchen”.

Lyubov Novikova
Scenario of the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”

This development military-patriotic sports games"Zarnitsa"can be carried out at any time of the year. It is unlike other typical games. It should be noted that during games It is necessary to direct children to the fact that all stages must be completed quickly in time, since this is the main condition for this type of games. In our MADO we invited young men from military-patriotic club. Agree that it is more interesting when tall guys in protective uniform participate in this event. In preparing children for the holiday, each unit learned war song, trained to march around the site and submit a report. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a packed lunch for the children, but the idea was tempting. As a result, the children were awarded medals and sports inventory: balls, badminton, jump ropes. And, of course, a medal for everyone.

Military sports game scenario"Zarnitsa"

Target games- civic and patriotic education of preschool children, revival and increase of prestige military service, instilling in children a sense of mutual assistance and comradely support, creating an atmosphere hostilities, promotion of healthy lifestyles.


Children of the preparatory group for school.

The group is called a squad. Compound squad: commander, sappers, snipers, nurses.

« Military commander» , teachers at posts, physical education teacher, music teacher.

Attributes and equipment:

sandbags (according to the number of children, 2 tunnels, small balls according to the number of children, skittles 12 pcs., cotton-gauze bandages, small rings 12 pcs., 4 trucks (large models)

A tape recorder, a disc with a recording of the march, war songs,

Cones to mark the territory of the task,

Prepared cards for "Secret Mission",

Secret package, box with dry rations

Awards and prizes.

Progress of the game

Sounds military music. On the sports ground in 2 columns with the letter "P" children are built. They have emblems, elements military uniform(epaulettes, "weapon".

VG. Hello fellow fighters!

Children. Hello!

VG. Congratulations on the start of the sports-patriotic games« Zarnitsa» .

Children. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

Children's poems.

Training for a soldier

It starts in the morning.

Competition for funny and dexterous people!

Get ready kids.

You have to be strong so as not to get tired,

Brave, so as not to be afraid,

And you need to become dexterous

To fight the enemy!

- Zarnitsa, Zarnitsa - a game for kids!

Each of us is happy to fight as a team.

You met bravely in a training battle,

They showed their daring and valor!

Let moms see and dads understand -

IN " Zarnitsa"The soldiers of the Fatherland are growing!

VG. Unit commanders must submit reports and receive a combat sheet for completing the stages. To complete the task, you will need to use a plan, where the place from where you will have to start is indicated in blue, the place where you will find the package with documents is indicated in red, and the arrows indicate the path along which you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the task clear?

Detachment commanders submit reports one by one.

Commander. Comrade military commander in chief. Squad "Pilots" to pass games« Lightning» arrived.

VG. You are given a combat sheet with a task.

After submitting all reports:

VG. Right! Sing a song, squad!

March through its stages in step.

The squads are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, find the place from which they need to start completing the task, and begin their route, performing one task after another.

1. “Scouts”

Target: By command "Gases" crawl in a tunnel in cotton-gauze bandages in 1 minute.

Rules: Do not stop and do not remove the bandages. If you met it in time – 5 points.

2. A sharp shooter."

From the starting line, 3 participants from each team make throws at the target. The team itself determines the order and participants games in your team. The number of hits on the target is recorded on the route sheet.

3.“Search for energy food for fighters”.

Children are provided with a plan of the site where it is hidden in a certain place. "ammunition", children with the help of a plan must find "ammunition". Children open the discovered box in a group.

4.« Military savvy»

answer questions on military theme. For all correct answers 5 points.

1. A turtle crawls, 2. He hums and draws with chalk

Steel shirt. He paints white-white

The enemy is in the ravine. Blue on paper

And she is where the enemy is. (tank) He draws himself, sings himself

What is this (airplane)

3. The buckle sparkles on the belt 4. And the sailor’s cap

And it shines from afar. Does not have a visor

Striped shirt. It's called a cap -

Called (vest) (sailor's cap)

5. On Mount Hill

The old ladies are standing

If they gasp,

People will go deaf.


6. This gun doesn't fire

Throws stones far

There are no fortresses in the world,

Those who resisted her.


7. Had a maiden name

And mowed down the enemy with fire,

Destroying the enemy's plans,



5. "Miners".

Children line up in threes in a column, holding each other by the belt. The first in the trio is blindfolded. In front of them there are small rings on the ground in a chaotic order - "mines"

Task: the second person, holding the first by the waist, follows him and indicates the direction (right left). If the ring is not touched, 5 points to the team on the route sheet.

6. "Snipers".

Target: to get "shells"- sandbags - into the enemy truck, which is carrying ammunition ( military toy vehicles that are on the field.

Rules: You can’t step over the line, otherwise you might “explode” along with the truck. The number of hits is recorded on the route sheet.

7. "Medsanbat"

Target: bandage the wounded person, apply a splint, answer questions.

8. "Secret Mission"

By map (in packages received from the general) navigate and find hidden item: a proverb about war is encrypted on the sheet (solve examples, substitute letters).

After the units have completed their secret mission, all units gather again on the site and submit reports to the general that the task has been completed.

VC: Battalion, stand at attention! Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports. The commander of the “Smile” detachment must submit a report!

The commander marches up to the general and reports:

Comrade General! Squad “Smile” task completed: A secret document has been delivered to headquarters! Squad leader (says name). The report has been submitted!

VC: Report accepted!

The commander of the “Pilots” detachment gets into formation.

Commanders of other detachments submit reports in the same way.

VC: Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with my task.

You passed all the tests without loss, completed all the tasks. And now everyone needs to regain their strength and open the packed rations they found.



The squads line up for awards.

VC: And now I want to express my gratitude to you for participating in today’s game and award you orders and medals for the courage, bravery, courage and determination shown in this competition. Unit commanders receive orders and medals for their unit.

The commanders approach the general and take their awards.

Children leave to the sound of marching music

7 8 10 10 12 7 * 10 3 + 2 6 1 5 9 3 5 6 9 1 14 20 9 @ 20 6 2

15-12 = z 1+1 = d

14-2= k 10+4= p

2 * 20 6 5 20 14 3 1 136 6 13 12 * 8 * 4 10 14 7 19 6 14

7 5 * 6 2 12 3 10 * 20 1 * 4 13 * 5 10 6 10 13 * 20

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa". Summary of the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa". Formation of all units on the territory of the kindergarten. The music of the war years sounds. Ved. 1 Hello.

Summary of the military-patriotic game "Zarnichka" Date: May 5, 2015 Venue: MDOU Kindergarten No. 20 “Ryabinushka”, music hall Developed by: physical education instructor.

Goal: patriotic education of children. Objectives: acquaintance with military specialties, branches of the military; raising preschoolers in the spirit of readiness.

The purpose and objectives of the game: Physical and patriotic education of children; Promotion of healthy lifestyles; Development of sports skills; Consolidation.

Scenariomilitary-patriotic game "Zarnitsa"

A patriot is someone who loves his Fatherland, not because it gives him some benefits and privileges over other nations, but because it is his Motherland. A person is either a patriot of his Fatherland, and then he is connected to it like a tree
roots with the earth, or is he just dust carried by all the winds.

Lightning scenario


Each detachment includes: a commander, snipers, sappers, signalmen, reconnaissance officers, and nurses.

Attributes and equipment:

  • 2 tunnels
  • Wooden hoops in two colors
  • 3 envelopes with cut pictures
  • 2 ropes 10 meters long
  • Volleyball net for completing the task “Crawl under the barbed wire”
  • A basket with ammunition, rubber balls for throwing at a target.
  • Plastic bottles buried in the snow to complete the mission “Clear the field”
  • Tape recorder, audio cassettes with recordings of marches and war songs

For each group:

  • Elements of a soldier's uniform for boys (camouflages, weapons)
  • Elements of clothing for nurses (white scarves with a red cross)
  • Group flag
  • Backpacks or duffel bags with the necessary equipment
  • Route plan
  • Awards and medals
  • Task package
  • First aid kit
  • Awards

Purpose of the game:

  • Continue to introduce military specialties and branches of the military.
  • To form high moral qualities: camaraderie and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, endurance.
  • To foster patriotic feelings in preschool children.

Preliminary work:

  • Creation of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.
  • Design of visual campaigning (production of posters, posters, information stand, invitation cards).
  • Formation of detachments from children of preparatory groups, with the appointment of commanders, snipers, sappers, signalmen, intelligence officers, and nurses.
  • Conducting a complex of morning exercises on the theme “We are military pilots.”
  • Conducting a military song competition.

Progress of the game:

Marching music sounds, the children of the preparatory groups, under the leadership of the squad leader, gather on the site and line up along the perimeter.

Then the general comes out to solemn music.

"General": I wish you good health, comrades, fighters!

Children: Hello!

General: Comrade soldiers, an emergency occurred at the General Staff: very important documents were stolen from the safe. Your task is to find documents and deliver them to headquarters. This task is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, bravery, boldness, determination to achieve your goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready to carry out your combat mission?

Children: Ready!

"General": Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports,

report readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander of the Snipers squad: Squad, stand at attention!


Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!


Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

"General": To complete this task, you will need to use a plan, where in blue the place from where you will have to start your movement is indicated, in red the place where you will find the package with documents is indicated, and arrows indicate the path along which you need to move. When you find the document, you will need to gather here and report on the completion of the task. Is the task clear? Unit commanders receive a route plan.

The commanders approach the general and take the plans.

"General": The units begin to complete the task.

The squads are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, find the place from which they need to start completing the task, begin their route, performing one task after another.

“Crawl in a tunnel”

Target: At the command of "Gaza" crawl in the tunnel, wearing cotton and gauze bandages.

Rules of the game: Do not stop and do not remove the bandages.


Target: Find buried plastic bottles in the snow on the sports ground and unscrew the caps. Only in this case the mine is considered neutralized. The more mines cleared, the more points the team gets.

Rules of the game: if a child pulls a mine out of the snow, then it is considered that it “exploded”, the soldier is wounded and needs “medical care”, the orderlies bandage him.


Target: Crawl under the net without the help of adults.

Rules of the game: The more children overcome the obstacle without the help of adults, the more points they will earn.

“Hit the target”

Target: hit the target with “projectiles” - balls.

Rules of the game: Every hit by a child on a target brings the squad 1 point. Each participant has the right to make one throw.


Target: get over the “swamp” (hoops). Bring shells (cones), which are stored on the other side of the “swamp”.

Rules of the game: You should not step on the red hoops - these are peat hummocks that can burst into flames at any moment. A child who steps on a red hoop is considered wounded.

« Providing medical care»

Target: nurses provide first aid.

Rules of the game: one group bandages the head, the other the arm, the third the leg.

« Deliver the package»

Target: According to the scheme, find the package and deliver it to headquarters.

Rules of the game: Run strictly along the lines, don’t go off course.

« Collect military equipment»

Target: Collect cut pictures.

Rules of the game: collect as quickly as possible.

At the appointed time, all detachments again gather on the site and submit reports to the general that the task has been completed.

"General": Battalion, stand at attention! Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Sasha Petrov. The report has been submitted!

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Snipers” squad gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Anti-Gunners” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The “Anti-Gunners” detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Valera Lavrinenko. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the anti-aircraft gunners detachment gets into formation.

"General": The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment must submit a report!

Commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment: Squad, stand at attention!

Commander marching up to the general and reporting:

Comrade General! The Youth Army detachment completed the task: the document was delivered to headquarters! Detachment commander Smol Andrey. The report has been submitted!

The commander hands the general the “document.”

"General": The report has been accepted!

The commander of the “Youth Army Men” detachment gets into formation.

"General": Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with my task. All documents have been delivered to headquarters. Tell me what they show.

The children respond in unison with military equipment.

"General": Well done boys! You passed all the tests without loss, completed all the tasks. And now let’s summarize: the Snipers squad has won, and they are awarded the kindergarten banner. I express my gratitude to all units for participating in today’s game “Zarnitsa” and to award you medals for courage, bravery, bravery and determination.

The commanders approach the general and take their awards.

The right to be photographed next to the banner is granted to all units. The children leave to the sound of marching music.

Lightning game. Video of the game being played at school.