The meaning of graphic symbols of planets in astrology. Astronomical symbols. General characteristics of planets in astrology

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its color is yellow and its gemstone is yellow sapphire. Since ancient times, the planet was revered for the fact that it brought good luck and prosperity; Jupiter was also in direct relationship with the spiritual world and allowed many rituals to be performed. The astrological influence of the planet can be characterized as the ability to make a profit, do something bigger and wider, give optimism and self-confidence.

In astrology, Jupiter is the exact opposite of Saturn, because it aims to expand, not contract. Jupiter symbolizes paternal generosity, which allows one to gain self-confidence, a person strives to develop spiritually and physically, he is constantly open to new information, strives to comprehend new heights and accepts life as it really is. To make the positive influence of this planet as strong as possible, it is necessary to use a special talisman of Jupiter.

Not all people know how planets are designated in astrology. All celestial bodies have a gender characteristic and a certain power of influence. Jupiter is a masculine planet and can also be called a benefic planet. Jupiter is designated as a semicircle, which is placed above the cross. It shows that the material and spiritual are in direct relationship with each other.

Jupiter favors a person, he helps to achieve physical well-being and completely clear the mind. After all, the planet is called upon to develop and bring out hidden abilities. An overabundance of Jupiter's energy makes it difficult to concentrate in a certain area, it accommodates a huge amount of spirituality, and the brain often cannot cope with the abundance of information.

Properties of Jupiter in the birth horoscope

Jupiter is in most cases associated with luck and development, both material and spiritual. Whatever a person does, he is able to multiply everything. This is very good, but with great influence, people begin to constantly take risks, look at life with different eyes, perceive everything that happens too optimistically and consider themselves exceptional. If Jupiter is weak in the natal chart, then the person may be an inadequate skeptic and pessimist.

Jupiter's abilities are also responsible for expanding the boundaries of the spiritual world and allow us to see its true scale. It is very important to know whose planet Jupiter is according to the horoscope and its role in the life of an individual. After all, it is this planet that helps you manage your own destiny and luck, but you need to act and not stand still in order to get something. After all, it is movement that personifies life. A person does not constantly think about himself, he begins to think more deeply.

A little about history

In ancient times, Jupiter was considered the guardian of light; it made it possible to comprehend the unknown. Jupiter was considered the king of the Gods, because light was under his control. The Greeks called him Zeus. The characteristics of the planet show that everyone can experience the unknown, which is beyond generally accepted norms and reason.

The planet is associated with an insatiable thirst for development and travel, knowledge of higher things and educational activities. Jupiter offers, helps to make assumptions and develop them. The planet also shows those situations when a person becomes arrogant and believes that his words are the last authority.

Such people prefer excesses, cannot think adequately, are complacent and overly optimistic, and cannot see the real situation.

The negative influence of the planet manifests itself in a feeling of one’s importance, which is sometimes excessive; expectations are not realized. Very often, such people constantly read sermons to others, convince others that they are right, but are unable to live by the rules, and behave disgustingly.

The most positive traits of the planet are insight and intuition. A person can approach understanding the world from a non-rational point of view. He transforms all these qualities into general knowledge and skills, he develops his own system of beliefs and abilities, as well as life values. When there is room to express oneself, a person begins to feel positive energy and realizes that he can handle anything. Usually such people see the glass as half full, and not vice versa, so they begin to do everything in a big way.

Jupiter in the zodiac signs

It is necessary to constantly work on your own temperament and discipline, accept all limitations and learn to find a common language with others. Do not forget about generally accepted norms and principles, but you need to be able to express your own opinion. You can show others your ways of solving problems and living up to expectations.

  • Taurus

A person feels the need for security, so he tries to predict his own future. Such individuals want to know who they can really trust and not rely on fate. In a family, it is necessary to constantly be in contact with loved ones, to be affectionate and loving with them. But if this does not happen, then the person concentrates on a more material level, constantly equipping the house and making the environment more comfortable. Sensuality and comfort are the main factors here.

  • Twins

There is rationalism here, but you should be careful not to become too rational. You can suffer due to indifference to loved ones.

A huge role is played by the experience that a person received in early childhood and adolescence. People are convinced that they can absolutely trust those they love. Personality is influenced by parental upbringing, environment and loved ones. When disappointed, a person is unable to find a suitable partner whom he can trust.

During depression or protracted illnesses, it is necessary to remain an independent person, not to show the world that everything is fine. When it’s hard for such individuals, they never show it. However, you should not rush to extremes, then you can win the respect of others.

For such individuals, duty comes first. They always want to approach their responsibilities with maximum responsibility. As a result, very often fate gives people chances, but they miss them. Such individuals want to help others, they consider it important and necessary. When everything goes well for a person, he feels guilty before others.

Here a person is constantly in search of balance and tries to demonstrate his abilities to the maximum. However, he constantly has to solve problems that arise out of nowhere. Such individuals can learn a lot about themselves from others, so they try to communicate as much as possible.

  • Scorpion

Only feelings can help to understand the true essence of problems. It is necessary to look for answers, be interested in the mysterious and mystical, and develop your own intuition.

  • Sagittarius

A person wants to live his own life and cannot listen to the advice of others calmly. Such people cannot always follow rules and stereotypes; they strive to establish their own rules and opportunities. Such a person strives for deeper knowledge, studies parallel worlds and dimensions, and tries to understand the essence of existence.

  • Capricorn

Such people are excellent organizers; they can put other people's ideas into practice and bring them to life. Their own opinion is most important to them, so they are happy to defend it. However, it is worth showing patience not only with others, but also with yourself.

  • Aquarius

Such individuals are quite inventive. The main thing here is to achieve satisfaction and results, but failure to comply with generally accepted rules can play a cruel joke.

You should try to find a balance between your desires and the desires of others. Self-sacrifice will not help here. When a person offers something from the heart, it is sure to be appreciated.

Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope

These people are quite thoughtful. They may take a leadership position and tend to justify themselves in every possible way.

  • 2nd house

Business-like, sweet and charming. They can be extremely wasteful and noisy.

  • 3rd house

Witty and successful in everything, good relationships with others.

  • 4th house

The head of the family tends to control everything.

  • 5th house

An excellent family and amazing luck in all endeavors.

  • 6th house

Merry fellows, unusually happy individuals. They love their job.

  • 7th house

Happy people who love to impress others.

  • 8th house

Resourceful and inclined to manage other people, full of positivity.

  • 9th house

Loyal and devoted, able to get along with absolutely everyone.

  • 10th house

Ambitious people who are used to achieving success through their own efforts.

  • 11th house

Pursues high goals and achieves success.

  • 12th house

Kind and resourceful, often secretive and keep everything a secret.

Square Jupiter with other planets

The square of this planet is similar to the square of the Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter puts obstacles in the way of successful planetary configurations. Here problems with the law and difficulties in obtaining an education may arise.

  • Jupiter with Saturn

It is worth setting yourself higher goals and striving for them, not limiting yourself to conventions. The problem is that a person does not realize that he can achieve much more than he already has. People get frustrated very quickly because of the obstacles that constantly appear in front of them. It is necessary to develop your self-confidence and intuition.

  • Jupiter with Uranus

The ideas are impressive, but absolutely not rational. The person is full of excitement and cannot stop in time. It is better to keep yourself under control so as not to be left with nothing.

  • Jupiter with Neptune

A person loves to travel and explore new countries and customs. If a person has a lot of money from birth, then it will all go to waste. Typically, such individuals make rash promises, but often cannot do even half of it, but still maintain good relationships with others.

  • Jupiter with Pluto

Religion and other principles play a huge role in the lives of these people. Those around you who do not support this point of view can become enemies. There is also a strong emphasis on power and how to achieve it.

  • Jupiter with Nodes

The characteristics of this planet do not allow one to fully express one’s religiosity and beliefs.

  • Jupiter with Ascendant

People don’t understand when to remain silent and not get into trouble. A person tries to do everything instantly, but fails to cope with it.

  • Jupiter with Midheaven and IC

Usually such individuals have a large family and home, but the responsibility for maintenance falls on them. You need to realistically evaluate yourself and your capabilities.

  • Jupiter with Fortune Point

A person hopes very much for good luck, so it is not a bad idea to think first and then act.

Jupiter oppositions

In the natal chart, oppositions of a given planet create a conflict situation in expansion, religion and spirituality.

  • Jupiter with Saturn

Success in work may not come immediately, but after a long time. A person may feel uneasy about their religious beliefs and spiritual principles. However, if you see the positive in everything, then success will not take long to arrive. The negative aspects of this aspect can be reduced with the help of trines, sextiles and conjunctions.

Such people can lose absolutely everything in one moment, which is why they consider their situation catastrophic. Everyone understands perfectly well that if you continue to take thoughtless actions, this will not lead to anything good, but this cannot stop anyone. Such people are sure that they know the truth better, and therefore they dream of getting everything at once. However, failure invariably occurs.

  • Jupiter with Uranus

This aspect can usually prevent a person from concentrating and choosing the right direction in life; he makes extraordinary efforts to achieve high goals, joins revolutionary groups or organizes religious structures, for example, sects. But then everything turns out to be in vain, the person just wasted his energy and feels empty.

  • Jupiter with Neptune

Usually a person is in spiritual conflict with himself. Illusions prevent you from seeing the full reality of what is happening. A person can be an excellent speaker who secretly has some not so good plans. It is imperative to engage in spiritual practices and develop intuition.

  • Jupiter with Pluto

Religious beliefs and moral principles play a big role in life. However, this causes misunderstanding and hostility among many. Sometimes such people show complete disagreement with laws and generally accepted rules.

  • Jupiter with the North Node

Such individuals truly enjoy life. You should eliminate your habits in order to develop the spiritual world and see the world in reality.

  • Jupiter with Ascendant

These people are usually very happy in their marriage or relationship. The chosen one fully understands his partner and supports him in everything.

  • Jupiter with Midheaven and IC

The family is very generous towards such people, constantly supporting any interests of the person and helping to realize them.

  • Jupiter with Fortune Point

It is imperative to get a good education to achieve success in life.

Jupiter sesquisquare

A person may be seriously interested in science and the achievements of other people, philosophy and development that is different from others. There may be strong arrogance and pride here, which is not liked by others. He believes that only his opinion has a place to be, he never listens to anyone. Often such people crave power, but they lack the opportunity to do so. Self-esteem suffers greatly, disappointment in life sets in.

Positive and negative aspects of Jupiter in the horoscope

Positive Jupiter can give great strength and nobility. Such individuals have respect for the people around them, universal recognition and success await them. When Jupiter is negative, a person invariably has difficulties communicating with other people. Very often he misses great opportunities, so he cannot realize himself. Spirituality is not developed enough, such people are very petty.

Destructive Jupiter

Such people are incredibly vain and arrogant, they constantly want to be the center of attention. Constantly accustomed to demonstrating superiority over others. Such individuals are real braggarts, but they represent little of themselves. Moreover, such a person is quite capable of being faithful and honest, never betraying, it’s just that his nature is visible to others mainly in an unsightly form.

Vedic astrology

Jupiter is the most generous and favorable of all the planets. It is controlled by Brihatspati, who is the mentor of the demigods. It is he who rules all the other planets. Jupiter shows the real truth, gives answers to the questions of who a person is and why he even exists. During the period of the planet’s location in a person’s horoscope, one can understand his character and goals in life. This is the planet of spirituality and inner self. Jupiter is able to give a person material and moral benefits. The planet also shows excellent karma; a person constantly takes advantage of the gifts of fate.

Jupiter as Lord of Birth

Jupiter symbolizes happiness and material wealth. Good Jupiter fulfills all a person’s desires and helps to show ambition to the fullest. A person will be able to occupy a high position in society, achieve success and universal recognition. A person has a lot of opportunities to get everything he wants, so he needs to use them skillfully.

Evil Jupiter provides a person with difficulties in communicating with others. Such people are very arrogant and tend to promise but not deliver. The career does not work out, the person is marking time. Managers are constantly unhappy with their employees. There is vanity and arrogance here, a tendency to use others to satisfy one's own desires.

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Planets in astrology are one of the fundamental elements on which everything is built. If we translate the Sanskrit meaning of the word “planet”, it actually means “invader”. That is, it is an astral force that has a huge influence on each of us. The planets in astrology have long made us understand what unlimited power they can have over us.
Each of the planets has its own “function”, similar to the zodiac sign in which it is located at the time the forecast is made. In astrology, these are the so-called work and responsibilities of the planet. But the properties, behavior, character are determined by the “quality” of the planet. Surely many have heard this concept: “Your planet is in such and such a House.”

Designation of planets and types of their positions

In general, planets in astrology can be divided into three groups:

  • Higher (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto);
  • Social (Saturn, Jupiter);
  • Personal (Venus, Mercury, Mars).

The latter type also includes the Sun and Moon. Each of the planets and luminaries has its own sign, which came to us from ancient times, when great attention was paid to the influence of space on humans.

Signs of planets in astrology:

  • Venus -
  • Earth -
  • Mars -
  • Jupiter -
  • Saturn -
  • Uranus -
  • Neptune -
  • Pluto -
  • Moon -
  • Sun -

The designation of planets in astrology, which is very convenient, is the same as in astronomy. Therefore, you can meet them repeatedly anywhere and never get confused in the notation. The earth in astrology is the reference point, that is, the place from which observation is carried out. In astrology, planets can move forward, stand still, or roll back (retrograde planetary movement). At the same time, the Zodiac always remains stationary.

The astrology of the planet in signs is akin to a certain habitat. If we imagine that the Earth has a static position, then each of the planets rotates around our planet over time, passing each of the zodiac signs in turn. The location of each planet in any sign has its own qualities and energy, so at the moment of birth each of us has a certain planet in his sign. So the compiled natal chart by date of birth is directly related to the position of the planet in the Zodiac sign. This “duet” subsequently has the greatest influence on the definition of human psychology.If you dig even deeper, the signs of the planets in astrology, or rather in the zodiac, change its characteristics. You need to understand that in this case the communication is two-way. The planet gives the sign a certain color. The psychological component of each personality will depend on this, but it does not affect spiritual and moral qualities in any way.Basics of mutual synthesis of planets and zodiac signs.

Astrology by planets has a clear connection with the signs of the Zodiac. As a rule, there are two aspects of such interaction:

  • If a planet and a sign have similar qualities, then the effect of such qualities is accordingly enhanced;
  • In the case when the properties of the planet and the sign have opposite qualities, the effect may change or even be neutralized, the so-called mutual destruction of qualities.

What conclusions can be drawn from this? Astrology based on planets and zodiac signs with similar qualities, most often, endows a person with positive psychological characteristics. If the properties of the planet and the zodiac sign differ, then it is necessary to look at what harms the qualities of this planet. Perhaps the luminary has little or too much energy. Excess energy can result in aggressive behavior, lack of energy can result in a weak state, and susceptibility to laziness. The best option is when the aspects of the planet and the sign are in harmony. Here, as they say, the whole cosmos favors you.
What designation do planets have in astrology from the perspective of nature and energy? So let's start with energy:

  • Evil ones - Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Neptune, Saturn;
  • Good - Venus, Jupiter;
  • Neutral - Mercury, (Moon).

By natural interaction, energy is taken or given:

  • Takers - Saturn, Neptune, Venus, (Moon);
  • Givers - Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, (Sun);
  • Neutral - Mercury.

These basic positions will help you understand how the planet interacts with your zodiac sign. What you should pay attention to in the future and, most importantly, what questions to ask a professional astrologer in order to get high-quality and comprehensive answers. Only by understanding your nature of interaction and dependence on cosmic forces will you be able to change a lot for the better tomorrow.

Our knowledge is of the same kind as God’s, but at least insofar as we can understand at least something during this mortal life.”

Johannes Kepler

Symbol quite capacious and, at the same time, ambiguous in our understanding, a reflection of the rational or irrational, given to us in perception or located outside the field of our natural sensations. According to E. Cassirer, creatum (symbol) is Einheit von Sinn und Sinnlichkeit, that is, the unity of meaning and feeling. The symbol appears before us in its formalized form, representing the concept of its content, supported by the experience accumulated by humanity in the process of evolution. The pure form of the image does not depend on the entire material world and does not exist in the same way as all matter. Its form is a sensory datum from the fusion of material and spiritual forms, the result of the internal activity of the spirit. In other words, the activity of the spirit to produce symbols must necessarily manifest itself in signs - words, images. A symbol or sign is a necessary attribute of consciousness, since “ideal forms are recognized and cognized only in the totality of sensory signs that they use for their expression.”

Being perceived, signs and symbols, as sensory data, through the productive power of the spirit, are transformed in accordance with a certain “point of view” and receive symbolic content, which is fixed in the sign-symbol...

Elements of graphic symbolism were used almost always and everywhere, throughout meaningful human activity. From rock paintings to the present day, people have attached certain transcendental qualities to certain graphic elements. And these elements were carriers of metaphysical, magical, philosophical, cosmogonic or astronomical information.

Astrology- knowledge built on deep cosmism and esoteric symbolism. This knowledge is harmonious and comprehensive in spiritual expression, historically valuable and has no time restrictions. Over the course of many millennia, the modern astrological graphic appearance has been formed, that perfect appearance that amazes philosophers, archaeologists, art historians and cultural experts. Despite the fact that such knowledge attracts a large number of specialists and people interested in it, much remains vague or mysterious, inexplicable or simply forgotten. Speaking about the symbols used in astrology, it should be said that they have a very specific meaning, but often, like many symbols around us, they are either not interpreted or are interpreted quite freely.

What can be seen and what can be emphasized when considering astrological symbols?

Considering the symbols of the planets and signs of the Zodiac, firstly, it should be noted their versatility, which is reflected by the elements they contain. Each element of the sign-symbol carries a spiritual semantic load, determining the corresponding energy-informational content. Secondly, the elements of signs and symbols themselves, having their own characteristics, make it possible to describe the system that they constitute through their configurations. Thirdly, defining the system (sign or symbol) with introduced qualities, the elements themselves adapt to the properties and functions of the whole (sign or symbol), obtaining some specificity acquired in the process of interaction with aggregate elementary sets.

Let us consider the most characteristic and general elements that form signs and symbols.

The simplest elements can be considered a straight line segment, as part of an infinite spatial straight line, and a curved line (arc), which closes into a circle or forms an endless spiral in space. These elements determine the forms and structures, as well as the types (directions) of movement of material and immaterial (spiritual) substances in the Universe. Galileo, as a follower of Plato, expounding the Copernican system of the world, said that the circle is perfect not only from an aesthetic and mathematical point of view, but also from the position of mechanics. Accordingly, in his words: “circular motion is naturally inherent in the bodies that make up the Universe and are placed in the best order; rectilinear motion is imparted by nature to bodies and their parts only where they are placed in poor order, not in their natural places.” Johannes Kepler considered “natural” for the physical world not circular motion, but rectilinear motion, supporting his arguments with the movement of celestial bodies and the human body. According to his conclusion, “all muscles act according to the principle of rectilinear movement... successively contracting and unclenching.” He considered circular motion to be ideal motion from the point of view of metaphysics and allowed deviations from the circle for real physical bodies. Summarizing the views of Galileo and Kepler, we can say that in the subtle, ideal metaphysical world, preference belongs to the arc, circle and its derivatives (spirals), with some presence of straightness. In the real world, the world of material domination, rectilinear movement and rectilinear forms predominate, with some inclusion of curvilinearity (arcs, circles, spirals, etc.). This can more clearly demonstrate the symbolic meaning of the figures of a circle (composed of a curve or arc) and a square (composed of straight lines).


Circle Since ancient times, it has denoted spiritual forces and the spiritual world; it was visualized as a higher world and located above us. The round shape of the planets and their depiction in the form of a circle represents these seemingly purely material bodies endowed with spiral qualities. The circle symbolizes the spirit. Describes the entire cosmos as a whole - everything that is contained in the wide expanses of the heavens. The circle is sacred as the most natural state, containing the self, unmanifested, infinite, eternity. She personifies heavenly unity, solar cycles, every cyclical movement, dynamism, endless movement, completion, fulfillment, God. In the Zen system, an empty circle signifies enlightenment. For the Chinese, the circle is Heaven. In Islam, the circle represents the dome, the vault of Heaven, the Light of God. For Plato, he is a “moving image of motionless eternity.”


Square (rectangle)- a figure that combines vertical and horizontal lines symbolizes the sphere of materiality, which, from an occult point of view, is a spirit limited by time. The four sides represent the four elements (fire, air, earth and water), which in turn are the basis of matter in the physical world. The square personifies the Earth as opposed to the circle of Heaven. It represents a limitation and therefore has a form. The quadrangle represents a talismanic assurance of constancy and stability. For the Pythagoreans, the square symbolizes the soul. The circle and square are symbols of the order of things in space and the human world.

As the English royal astrologer John Dee (1527 - 1608) noted in “Monas Hieroglyphica” (“Hieroglyphic Monad” of 1564): “Through the straight line and the circle, the first simple image was born and the representation of things, including non-existent and hidden ones, was transformed under the covers of nature."

Having presented the general symbolic graphic picture of the universe, let’s move on to its element-by-element consideration. Let's turn to the primary sources: a point, an arc and a line segment


Dot means Unity, Origin and Center. As a center, it speaks of wholeness, wholeness, absolute reality. It is the source of all things; the totality of all possibilities; Holy place; a breach in space and time; a point of mutual communication between the three worlds, connecting space and time; an axis that unites space both vertically and horizontally; the intersection of macrocosm and microcosm; cosmic order; Aristotle's "unmoved mover".

Considering a point as the center of something, it can be noted that moving from the center to the circle means a journey into the existing world and into multiplicity, and the path back to the spiritual center is the path to Unity and truth. A point is the place where space is produced, from which movement emanates and forms arise; the point is an element of both expansion and contraction, convergence, drawing multiplicity back to the center (from form to content), to harmony, knowledge and enlightenment.

There are two kinds of points: points without dimensions, which are symbols of creative power, and those points, which, as Raymond Lully defines in his book "New Geometry", which are characterized by the smallest real dimensions and are a symbol of the principle of manifestation. And .


An arc with the apex at the bottom or a "bowl". An arc of this type, with its configuration, expresses something that can serve as a container for the spirit, something that can hold the spirit, preserve it. In the Eastern tradition, such a symbolic and mystical position of the hands (hands) is the Dhyani mudra (samadhi) - the gesture of the meditator in Dhyanasana. This is the image of a symbolic cup from which the gods drink the nectar of immortality. In this image one can find an analogy with the wise “Cup of Chandmar”, which symbolizes the collection of nine jewels that make up the body, mind and soul of a person, as well as the surrounding world. This mudra speaks of the unity of soul and body, of the unity of Man and the Cosmos. In the operations of modern formal logic, this symbol speaks of the sum of two volumes of information, resulting in a third information quantity.

An arc with the apex at the top or an “overturned bowl.” An arc of this type, in its configuration, expresses a state in which there is no way to hold the spirit, displays a state of inertia and lifelessness. In this case, the figure of an inverted or overturned bowl is observed, which is characterized by the principle of recoil. In the Eastern tradition, the arm(s) are bent and raised to shoulder level and turned palm down (fingers pointing at the shoulder) - Tarpana mudra - a pose of respect. In modern formal logic, this symbol denotes the multiplication of volumes of information, resulting in a new volume consisting of elements of the first and second in the area of ​​their intersection.

) or (- arcs symbolizing by their configuration a potential spirit, its activity or passivity. By analogy with the crescent moon, its phase display, the left symbol speaks of growth, increment, addition, activity, external expression. The right symbol shows decline, exhaustion, decline, passivity or work on the internal level. In Buddhism, the right symbol (the crescent moon) adorned the hair of the god Shiva, who in the divine triad (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma) acts as a destroyer god, destroying worlds and gods at the end of each kalpa (Kalpa - 2000 Mahayuga or 8640000000 years). In modern formal logic, these symbols uniquely characterize attraction, attraction, connection or inclusion (“implication”).

( And ) — the arcs of this configuration symbolize the potential spirit and in their totality express potential life or death. It is something in a state of balance. It can capsize and go into a state of becoming, filled with vitality, or it can roll over to become inert. By closing and uniting, these arcs form the circle discussed above. This closure will lead to a transformation of the state of equilibrium of the potential spirit. The educated figure will characterize the true spirit and the entire Universe.


Vertical, symbolizes the ascent or descent of spiritual energy or the spirit itself. Expresses movement from top to bottom, that is, from Heaven to Earth or from Heaven to Hell. In some cases it expresses a movement from bottom to top - from Hell to Earth, or from Earth to Heaven. In occult symbolism, such a vertical line denotes creative power, associated with the idea of ​​​​spiritual power descending from above. In its reflection, it is an active, dynamic element. Like an axis or cosmic axis, the straight line symbol is the central point of time and space (space-time continuum. Author); the last support of all things; that around which all things revolve, a certain standard or essence of everything that exists. The vertical line is heavenly, spiritual and intellectual, positive, active, masculine.

Horizontal, symbolizes matter. Expresses movement from west to east. Also, this symbol expresses movement in time - from the past to the future. Represents a passive or static element of being. Like a line, it means division, dimension, boundary, temporary world. The horizontal line is earthly, rational, passive, negative and feminine.

Quite often, images of zodiac signs and planetary symbols contain a cross. This is one of the oldest and most astronomically used symbols, and has a fairly extensive and varied interpretation in various written sources existing today.

The cross represents a certain quaternary state - spiritual and neutral. Placed in the mystical Center of the cosmos, it becomes a bridge or ladder by which the soul can reach God. The predominant meaning of the cross is “union.” In a generalized sense, it is a union of opposites: positive (vertical) with negative (horizontal), higher with lower, life with death. The spatial arrangement along the vertical axis denotes the most important level (implying moral and energetic characteristics). The position along the horizontal axis: the left side is retrospective (the zone of “origin”, associated with the unconscious and darkness), and the right side is the desire for an outcome. The cross is the center of the world and, therefore, the point of communication between Heaven and Earth or the cosmic axis, which has the symbolism of the Cosmic Tree, mountains, columns, stairs, etc. The cross also bears the symbolism of the four primary elements: Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

If a symbol is generated by the unity of meaning and feeling, then it is impossible to form in us the ability to understand the world around us, its meaning, in the practice of comprehending perfection, and at the same time develop our spirit, our soul or sensory sphere, ethical and aesthetic qualities without knowledge of the symbolic.


Shamash or APSU (Sumero-Academic), Helios (Greek), Ash-shams (Arabic),

Solntse (other Russian).

The solar symbol is represented by a circle with a central point. This image characterizes its exclusivity and primacy. The sun, symbolically, is the native son and heir of the heavenly God, the beginning of all things and spiritual things. This is the all-seeing deity and his power, the motionless being, the heart of the cosmos, the center of being and intuitive knowledge, the “mind of the world” (macrobius), enlightenment, the eye of the world and the eye of the day, unconquered, glory, majesty, justice, royalty. The sun is associated with will and activity. The graphic sign of the planet is represented by some astrologers as the shield of Helios or an endless circle, where the point symbolizes the inner Self. The Sun sees everything and knows everything. The sun personifies the center of the universe, just as the heart (“inner place”) is the center of man. The fixity of the center symbolizes eternity and perfect constancy. In India, under the name Surya, it is the eye of Varuna (the god of water and the guardian of the western side); in Persia it is the eye of Ahura Mazda (Aves. “wise lord.” The Supreme God of the Zoroastrians, who created the world with the effort of thought; the embodiment of absolute goodness and justice); in Greece it is known as Helios - the eye of Zeus; in Egypt it is the eye of Ra (the sun god), and in Islam it is the eye of Allah.


Sin (Sumero-Academic), Selene (Greek), Al - Kamar (Arabic),
Louna (other Russian).

The moon is geometrically represented as an arc, or more precisely a double arc. A month in the first quarter. It appears to be a symbol of the eye of the night, while the Sun is the eye of the day. Indeed, the double arc of the lunar symbol resembles the closed eyelid of a closed eye. In Greek mythology, the Moon was represented by Selene, often identified with Artemis or Hecate. As a rule, this planet personifies feminine power, the Mother Goddess, the Queen of Heaven. The moon is everywhere a symbol of the cyclical rhythm of time, of universal becoming. It symbolizes the periodic renewal of creation, time and measure. Previously, time was measured by the phases of the moon, so it was considered the bearer of change, suffering and decline, the condition of human life on Earth. The Moon is associated with the imagination and the world of form. All moon goddesses control destiny and weave its thread. In Egyptian tradition, the Moon is considered “the creator of the afterlife and eternity.” In Buddhism, the Moon represents peace, serenity and beauty. In Hinduism, the waxing Moon symbolizes a newborn child growing rapidly and vigorously. In Taoism, the Moon is a symbol of truth, “an eye shining in the darkness.” In shamanism, it symbolizes magical power. In China, the Moon reflects the essence of yin, the feminine natural principle, passivity and transience of life, as well as immortality. In Christianity, the Moon and Sun are often depicted in crucifixion scenes and symbolize the dual nature of Christ. The Moon is the seat of the Archangel Gabriel, and the Sun is the seat of the Archangel Michael. The Moon is subject to such concepts as faith, hope, mercy and other higher emotions, everyday and household affairs.


Nabu or MUM - MU (Sumero-Academic), Hermes (Greek), Utarid (Arabic), Ermes (other Russian).

Mercury, graphically, represents an arc located at the top of the circle of the spirit, which, accordingly, is placed above the cross. Winged Helmet of God. The combination of a circle and a cross symbolizes the attraction of matter to the spiritual spheres, which contributes not only to its spiritualization, but also to energy-informational purification (enlightenment). The arc above the circle speaks of the ability to contain (consume and assimilate) spiritual emanations coming from an external source. The process of transformation is visible from the combination of arcs (from top to bottom): CONCAVENESS - absorption (acquisition) of the spirit, CONVEXITY - release (transfer) of the spirit, CONCAVENITY - subsequent reception of the transformed spirit (assimilation). In Gemini, where Mercury is the ruler, the presence of the air element speaks of a more energetic descending spiritual energy-informational flow from the outside. Whereas in the sign of Virgo, which is also ruled by this planet, but in the element of earth, priority is given not to the reception of spiritual information, but to the consideration or revision, evaluation and analysis of information already received and worked out earlier. In Virgo the emphasis is on the cross rather than the circle.

The name of the first (astronomically) planet comes from the Latin root merx (“goods”). Mercury bears the epithet androgyne, because since the time of Ptolemy it has been considered a planet of a dual (anceps) nature, male and female. Androgyne (hermaphrodite) means primordial perfection, integrity, unity of opposites, absolute state, autonomy, independence, newfound paradise, the unification of primordial male and female forces, heaven and earth, king and queen, first father and first mother. Mercury is the planet of adaptation, indicating the level of knowledge achieved in each of the lives. In alchemy, this planetary god is symbolized by mercury. In Greek transcription, Mercury is Hermes - “interpreter” or “mediator”, so he is entrusted with the task of accompanying the souls of the dead in the underworld (Hermes Psychopomp - “guide of souls”). Mercury is associated with intuition and movement. In astrology, the planet is responsible for communications and “intellectual energy”, and also controls the nervous system, as it conducts certain information at the biological level. Mercury is credited with unlimited powers of comprehension. His image in the form of a female figure and the World Soul is no less widespread and significant than that reduced only to the male principle.


Ishtar or Lahamu (Sumero-Academic), Aphrodite (Greek), Az-zuhara (Arabic), Aphrodicta (other Russian).

In the sign of Venus there are elements already discussed in the sign of Mercury. However, the ratio of the elements suggests that in this case there is no reception of energy-informational influence from the outside. There is a spiritualization of the material substance already formed by holistic and dynamic energy. The difference in the interpretation of this sign may stem from its use as the ruler of the zodiac signs Taurus or Libra. In Taurus, material substance attracts and isolates spiritual energy. Here Venus is in the element of earth, where there is a natural priority for the material sphere and the sphere of possessing something. Venus here expresses instinctive behavior and base impulses. In Libra, the process of bringing the material substance to a higher spiritual level occurs. In the second case, the material reaches for the spiritual, and the planet controls the sign in the element of air, which contributes to this process. Venus here reflects the thinking and living soul. In Pisces, the symbol of Venus suggests that its spiritual qualities contain complex information about the material sphere and this information not only exists statically, but is also harmoniously combined with active spiritual activity.

The planet is associated with the goddess of love and with copper in alchemy. The symbol that represents this planet in the Zodiac is called by some “the mirror of the goddess Venus.” The planet is associated with love and relationships. Its spiritual meaning has two aspects: the aspect of spiritual love and the aspect of physical attraction. According to Claudius Ptolemy, Venus is a planet that influences the action of the internal, direct, intuitive force of the Self. Some authors reduce its meaning to a characteristic of the physical and mechanical. This is a completely obvious erroneous view of this symbolism, since when taking into account the true meaning of love, such arguments disappear by themselves. In classical astrology, the planet bears the epithet of small happiness. Venus is subject to such concepts as love, harmony, beauty, art, music, pleasure, taste, sense of beauty and woman.


Nergal or Lahmu (Sumero-Academic), Ares (Greek), Al-mirrikh (Arabic), Aris (Other Russian).

This sign, the sign of Mars, speaks of the Spirit receiving an impulse - a circle with an arrow pointing upward. Based on the Aristotelian concept of the division of the Worlds into the Upper and Lower, Mars in Aries shows the transformation of the Spirit into the Lower World (the lower hemisphere of the Zodiac). Symbolically, the arrow of the symbol is directed downward, towards immersion in dense material spheres. This state of mind can be described as purposeful, impulsive, fearless and reckless. In F. Goodman, Mars in this position is related to the idea of ​​the cross, personifying materiality, which burdens the circle of spiritual life. Mars in Scorpio (a planet in the upper hemisphere of the Zodiac) is the forerunner of the sign of Sagittarius. This is the impulse received after the Spirit in Libra has become higher in importance than its physical surroundings (see the symbol of Venus). Mars shows the activity of the Spirit in terms of its release from the influence of the material principle, the impulse of the Spirit is directed into the spheres of the psyche. Feeling the importance of its evolution, the Spirit characterizes itself as an all-permeating, liberating and rebellious substance and at the same time it is the basis of future achievements, it is the firmament and foundation of spirituality. In the sign of Capricorn, the symbol of Mars can be represented by an arrow located above the circle, as an extension of its diameter. This position speaks of the highest achievement or activity aimed at the highest achievement. This is the sphere of activity in the formation of ideas.

Mars symbolizes the positive active masculine principle, passion, passion and courage, fire. Its symbol is the spear and shield of the god Mars, the god of war. It is associated with action and destruction. Its color is red and its metal is iron. Mars was considered the patron of agriculture and the first month of spring was dedicated to him; later he became the god of war. Mars is a symbol of inversion, that is, the connection between the higher, unformed world of future possibilities and the lower world of materialized forms.


Marduk or KI - SHAR (Sumero-Academic), Zeus (Greek),
Al-mushtari (Arabic), Zeves (Old Russian)

The symbol of Jupiter is formed by a cross and an arc. The arc is indicated at the top left of the cross and is adjacent to its horizontal component. Jupiter represents the idea of ​​the cross of matter lifted up by the arc of potential spirit. From the spirit reflecting itself, the duality of the created world is generated. The elementary symbol of this duality is the number two. The number two is constructed from a straight horizontal line and a vertical arc. These two components represent principles that are opposite in essence (the arc is the element of the circle, the straight line is the element of the cross) - the conflict of light and darkness (borderline state). The two is adjacent to the vertical line, which characterizes the axis connecting the Upper and Lower structures of existence. Thus, Jupiter can characterize a transitional state both when moving upward and when descending downward. So, considering this planet in its ruling sign - Sagittarius, we can talk about the transitional state in which matter finds itself. The arc focuses on spirituality and involves the spiritualization of the material sphere. In this sign, spirituality fascinates or attracts the physical component. Forces that have a positive or negative impact on the material plane can be represented here, but in any case, these forces (entities - carriers of these forces) will represent a highly spiritual basis. The focus on the spiritual is paramount here. In the sign of Pisces, where Jupiter is the second ruler (brother of Neptune), on the contrary, the spiritual is attracted to the physical. The spirit and its carriers are focused on the material sphere. Matter here acts as the subject of attention and there is a certain transition, a kind of duality. It is in Pisces that an impulse is formed, which will later manifest itself in Aries. Jupiter, which is exalted in the sign of Cancer, characterizes the maximum activity of spiritual energy immersed in the material world. According to the culminating characteristic (Latin Exaltatio - exaltation - “greatness”, the position of the planet in which its influence is most powerful) Jupiter in Cancer shows that the spiritual element is necessary for the life of the physical substance. The absence of a spiritual factor calls into question life (full existence) and the adequacy of the manifested material world to its highest idea.

Since ancient times, Jupiter has been associated with the supreme deity, whose attributes are lightning, a crown, an eagle and a throne. Its sign is the first letter of the Greek word for the god Zeus. The planet bears the epithet “Great Happiness.” Symbol of spiritual expansion and love. In some cases, Jupiter appears as a majestic seated figure, sometimes on a chariot, with a staff or a spear. This is the Creator, the soul, the rational will, the organizing force, expression and expansion. It correlates with correct judgment and guidance. Its color is blue, purple or orange. Metal - tin.


Ninurtu or AN - SHAR (Sumero-Academic), Kron (Greek), Zuhal (Arabic), Kron (other Russian).

The symbolism of Saturn, like the symbolism of Jupiter, includes the material cross and the arc of the potential spirit. In this case, the arc is attached to the base of the vertical component of the cross. The idea of ​​D. Dee (“Monas Hieroglyfika” 1564) also agrees with this. But from some other sources it follows that Saturn is an inverted image of Jupiter. Saturn, as an inverted Jupiter, is also found in allegorical images of the same time (H. Spiczynski “O ziolach”, 1556.). In these images, the arc extends from the horizontal component of the cross. Considering these discrepancies, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in the Zodiac the extremity of the horizontal axis, to which the arc is attached (“left”), is characterized as “passivity”, “set” and “humidity”, and the lower extremity (according to D. Dee) the vertical axis is “instinctivity”, “midnight” and “cold” (Saturn - north). Since ancient times, the left half and the lower part in occultism carried unfavorable omens, were characterized by negative qualities and served as objects of hidden content]. From the above, we can conclude that there is no fundamental difference, but it is still preferable to attach the arc to the lower part of the vertical axis. This point highly characterizes stability (the midline of the Earth and Water quadrants), inhibition, stagnation and enslavement in the lower hemisphere of the Zodiac, corresponding to the symbolic qualities of Saturn (see Saturn in the sign of Cancer). This position confirms the characteristic of this planet as a foundation or base. Generalizing the symbol of Saturn, we can say that the confrontation between the spiritual and the material (spirit and matter) throws down the arc of spiritual potential, plunging it into the sphere of oblivion, cold, illusion and non-existence. Saturn also belongs to such concepts as parting, obstacles, difficulties, losses, opposition, endurance, patience, perseverance, thoroughness, alienation, loneliness, cold (characteristic of the lower point of the vertical of the cross. Author), age, difficulty, cruelty, etc. In addition, Saturn symbolizes the spirit of darkness, captivated by matter (“midnight” is a characteristic of the lower point of the vertical cross. Author), and is associated with dragons, poisonous snakes, cats, mice, foxes and night birds. Saturn in a philosophical (spiritual) meaning, as the ruler of the sign of Capricorn, represents the totality of Ideas resting in Chaos, which became the body, foundation and self-expression of the Lord (base). In the same sense, Saturn rules the complex of potentialities of the Almighty, his qualities (resources) and his accessories (property). As a planetary symbol - the sickle of the god of time. The color of Saturn is black, the metal is lead.


AN (Sumerian), Uranus (Latin), Uranus (Russian).
The planet was rediscovered by Herschel on March 13, 1781.

The symbol of Uranus consists of a cross raised above a circle and two arcs diverging from the ends of the horizontal of this cross. Considering the element of the symbol, which is a cross placed over a circle, it is worth noting its similarity with the symbol of an inverted Venus or Mars (personifying the idea of ​​a cross of materiality, burdening the circle of spiritual life). In this capacity, the element of this symbol is quite characteristic of the lower hemisphere. In the upper hemisphere, this element can speak of the separation of the Idea of ​​the interpenetration of spirit and matter (the cross) from the spiritual space (the circle). The potential spirit, through the arcs located at the ends of the horizontal cross, spreads in all directions, giving equal opportunities for manifestation and expression in the world of a mixture of space-time factors. The road on the left is generally considered the path of evil (which is why followers of black magic are often called “Followers of the Left Hand Path”). The path on the right hand is the path of good. This is the separation on different sides of certain possibilities of material realization programmed from above, the determination of their polarities, isolation, bifurcation, as well as the collision, comparison and identification of one polar position in another. Allegorically, this state can be called chaos with a huge potential for expressing something unusual, bright and progressive. In astrology, Uranus, the ruler of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, is subject to such concepts as suddenness, unforeseen excitement, unexpected tension, unexpected events, nervousness, instability, spontaneous abrupt changes. When considering the concepts belonging to Uranus, the question legitimately arises as to what such an unbalanced characteristic could represent the second ruler of Capricorn, a sign symbolizing confidence, patience, perseverance and perseverance. The fact is that Uranus in Capricorn gives a conscious reformer, ahead of time and era, active and courageous, transforming himself and the world. This, in an astrological, mystical and religious-philosophical way, characterizes the qualities, type of energy and resources that are directed by the Almighty (the sign of Sagittarius) to the process of creating Himself and the World (the second House from Sagittarius), the place where He feels active and from where he draws energy. Uranus in exaltation (Scorpio) is manifested more clearly than in Capricorn, because there it really pushes towards a crisis, supports it, contributes to the struggle and overcoming something. If we consider the symbolism of Uranus from a trivial point of view, as some astrologers do, then it only depicts the first letter on behalf of the astronomer Herschel, who discovered it in 1781.


EA (Sumerian), Neptunus (Latin), Neptune (Russian).
The position of the planet was calculated theoretically by J. W. Le Verrier (French) and D. C. Adams (English) and rediscovered by I. G. Galle (German) on September 23, 1846.

In the symbol of Neptune there is no element of circle and, therefore, there is no spiritual space, a spiritual component. The left and right parts of the horizontal, speaking about different paths of development, receive the opportunity for spiritual ascent through overcoming or abandoning the addictions of the physical plane. In the symbol there is no activation of the vertical of the cross, but there is an orientation towards spheres of a higher spiritual order. The desire for spirituality. Here the priority is spatial orientation, separation from the material and temporal sphere. Timelessness is the main leitmotif of this symbol. Without knowing how to control the rise (development), you can become disoriented and lose control of your state, fall into oblivion, and get lost in space. In a controlled state, Neptune helps to reveal the horizons of the mysterious and previously unknown. The symbol of Neptune is identical to the trident of Poseidon (Neptune), the god of the sea. In astrology, Neptune is subordinate to such concepts as delusion, anger, deceit, confusion, uncertainty, mysticism, imperceptibly coming changes, greed, falsehood and lies.


US - MI (Sumerian), Pluto (Latin), Pluto (Russian).

The planet was calculated by Percival Lovel in 1930 (founder of the Flagstaff Observatory, Arizona, USA) and rediscovered on 02/1932 or 01/21/1933 by the American astronomer Clyde William Tombaugh (an employee of the same observatory).

The image of Pluto's symbol is "a cross, a small moon, above which floats the circle of infinity." The vertical of the cross is crowned with an arc capable of holding or preserving the spirit. Above the arc hovers something that has the highest degree of spirituality - a circle. On the one hand, the material factor represented by the cross is predisposed to interact with the spiritual factor. The cross initiates action, demonstrating its transcendental capabilities. He, through conjugation with the arc, is ready to both accept and release the spiritual substance at some foreseeable distance. The spirit receives greater freedom. Pluto demonstrates this state in its ruling sign - Scorpio. Considering the symbol from the other side, we can say that the Supreme Spirit or spiritual substance descends or plunges into the material womb. The spirit acts here as the root cause or cause of interaction. This descent is an element of fertilization of the material (maternal) structure, penetration into its essence and consolidation in it. This position is typical for Pluto, which is the second ruler of the sign of Aries. As noted earlier, Mars, with its symbolism, in this sign similarly demonstrates the descent of the spiritual plane into the lower layers (the Lower World) to gain experience and improve the spirit itself. The symbolism of Pluto quite clearly characterizes the position of the planet in the sign of its exaltation - Leo. In this place, a harmonious combination of the perceiving (arc) and preserving (cross) part, activated in Aries, with the spiritual component (circle) is achieved. This trinity of physical, mental and spiritual provides the most vivid opportunities for self-expression of the characteristic features of the planet in Leo. In this sign, these qualities are born in their totality and appear as if in a single impulse.

Pluto is in charge of all hidden processes, the unconscious (unconscious) Self. In astrology, he is credited with governing fears, stunted growth, group factors, transmutation, beginning and end, birth and death, isolation, coercion, loss, bacteria and viruses. It represents emergence, restoration and rebirth. Expresses everything mysterious.


KI (Sumerian), Ge (Greek), Earth (Russian).

The symbol of the Earth is a cross enclosed in a circle. It is a limited material element within the spiritual whole. Four radial straight lines emanating from the center of the cross seem to connect the source of physical life with the real world (circle). The circle or the true world unites all four directions by its rotation, “smoothing” the corners of the square of the world of phenomena and thereby showing the differentiation of the presented qualities (axes and directions of the cross), the diversity of the world of phenomena and their interaction. The combination of a cross and a circle is a corrected image of the combination of a square (earth) and a circle (sky), at a higher spiritual level of interpretation. This is consonant with the connection of the earthly material with the unearthly and immaterial, the reduction of the finite with the infinite.

Mother Earth is the universal archetype of fertility, inexhaustible creative power and sustenance.

In astrology, the Earth is always opposite to the Sun in its location in the chart. It shows how and where we come into contact with the world and represents our life mission. The earth is in direct connection with physical and world problems. She symbolically rules (limitedly) Taurus and is exiled/imprisoned (limitedly) in Scorpio.


1. Astrological dictionary / Author. - comp. S. Yu. Golovin. Mn., 1998.

2. Hermeticism, magic, natural philosophy in European culture of the 13th - 19th centuries. / Ed. I. T. Kasavina. - M., 1999.

3. Globa P. Analysis and synthesis of cosmogram. - L., 1991.

4. Gonikman E.I. Taoist healing gestures.

5. Goodman F. Magic symbols. - M., 1995.

6. Gusev A. B. Secret Zodiac. - M., 1998.

7. Star Trek of astrology. Collection of original texts with comments / Comp. I. Mikhailova, N. Skorodum. - M., 1993.

8. Cooper J. Encyclopedia of symbols. - M., 1995.

9. Kerlot H. E. Dictionary of symbols. - M., 1995.

10. Logic: textbook / V. F. Berkov, Ya. S. Yaskevich, V. I. Pavlyukevich. - Mn., 1998.

11. Logic / Ed. D. P. Gorsky and T. V. Tavants // CD-ROM. 2000.

12. March M. McEvers J. Astrology: In 6 volumes - Kyiv, 1994 - Vol. 1.

13. Obie K. Astrological Dictionary. - M., 1996.

14. Ovchinnikov N. F. Methodological principles in the history of scientific thought. - M., 1997.

15. Polytechnic Dictionary / Ed. A. Yu. Ishlinsky. - M., 1989.

16. Saplin A. Yu. Astrological encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 1994.

17. Symbols of Buddhism, Hinduism, Tantrism / Ed. And comp. G. I. Tsareva. - M., 1999.

18. Soboleva M. E. Philosophy of symbolic forms by E. Cassirer. S. Pb., 2001.

19. Encyclopedia of mystical terms / Ed. Dm. Gaiduk, A. Egozarov. Comp. S. Vasiliev, Dm. Gaiduk, V. Nugatov. - M., 1998.

20. Markina N. Yu. Keys to the interpretation of the horoscope. - M., 1994.

21. Levin M. B. Metazodiak. Twelve facets of one essence. - M., 1996.

22. Pennik N. Magic alphabets. - Kyiv, 1996.

23. Koneles V. Yu. Those who came down from heaven and created people. - M., 1997.

24. Zecharia Sitchin. The 12th Planet. New York: Avon Books, 1976.

Gusev Andrey Borisovich

Elena Astrodamskaya

Specialization: Astrology
Education: Professional

Articles written

Influence of planets

If we consider the action of planets in astrology from the point of view of astral designation, then they have a strong influence on the essence of a person. The functionality of a planet directly depends on which zodiac sign it is observed in.
In astrology, celestial bodies have their own classification according to character, behavior and properties

  • High in value – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus.
  • Personal - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus.
  • Social - Jupiter, Saturn, Mars.

The planets are characterized by movement forward, backward and stop, but the signs of the Zodiac remain in the same position. Since the planets are the focus of the human psychic principle, the entire area of ​​the sign will undergo activation depending on the passing planet. Each of the planets is reflected in the behavior of the sign, so its properties during this period can completely change.

Occult characteristics

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


The spiritual world is based on the accumulation of planetary energy, which can be transformed, move from one state to another, accumulate and disappear. All of them affect the energy level depending on which of them dominates a person. This is due to the fact that each of the planets not only has its own energy, but also the ability to take it or give it away.

  1. Energy is given by the Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and Pluto;
  2. Takes away energy- Moon, Neptune, Saturn and Venus;
  3. Neutrality in energy circulation saves Mercury.

Own energy

Good energy characteristic of Jupiter, Sun and Venus. Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Mars have evil energy, A neutral influence persists with Mercury and the Moon.

General characteristics of planets in astrology

The sun is spiritual balance, a state of psychological harmony, inner peace and a measured change of days and nights.

The planet is the embodiment of two strong energies - feminine and masculine. The sun has its own symbolism associated with the cycle.

The vital energy of the Sun is always held in high esteem, giving warmth, strength and confidence. If the Sun is in a sign, this means that the impact on the situation will be positive, and the negative impact of the other planets will be mitigated.

The sun is the patron saint of Lviv.


This planet is the basis of many rhythms associated with emotions. The people of this planet are characterized by variability and a certain weakness.

The planet is not distinguished by a fixed position, it is not characterized by one place, therefore its character is wandering and change. The Full Moon is a symbol of restoration of vital energy, shelter and motherhood.

In astrology, the Moon is given the title of guardian of traditions and immortality.

The Moon patronizes Cancers.

In terms of energy, it is a heavy planet that is in perpetual motion. It is quite difficult to stop her, because she achieves her goals, leaving far behind what was in her way.

Mars is an accumulation of energy, fire and storm. He is characterized by nobility, optimism, and lack of boredom. Along with this, Mars is characterized by rudeness, a harsh attitude and destructive action.

If it is in any sign, this means that a person has time when he can achieve his goals. Usually during this period, luck smiles and successful completion of adventurous affairs occurs.

Mars patronizes Aries.

The planet in astrology is a symbol of sensuality, relaxation and beauty.

Venus has softness, tenderness and pleasure. People under the influence of this planet have a developed sense of comfort and good living conditions.

This is the planet of Taurus, therefore, they create material well-being and love to possess them more than other signs. The planet gives people the desire for a stable position in life and confidence in the future. Taurus people relax completely if the material ground under their feet is solid.

The symbolism of Mercury is constant human contacts, sociability and the flow of information. People under this planet have lightness and a lively mind.

Mercury patronizes trade and eloquence. The presence of Mercury is a sign that you can get everything done, and any contacts will be fruitful.

The planet takes care of Gemini.

The majestic cosmic body is a symbol of authority, social balance and life attitudes.

People under the influence of Jupiter are conservative, calm and self-confident. It is easy for them to find harmony with nature.

But this planet also imparts sarcasm, vanity, and self-righteousness.

Jupiter is the planet of Sagittarius.

Symbol of concentration, limits, memory and sense of duty. People humbly perceive their purpose and achieve success, not paying attention to daily everyday problems and grievances.

Saturn gives its bearer acute practicality and materialism, but also difficulty in communicating with others.

The planet rules Capricorns.

This is creativity, objective thoughts, insight and the possibility of new discoveries.

The essence of the planet is innovation and positive endeavors. Often, people dominated by Uranus come up with ideas about revolution and freedom from established opinions.

They feel good in their surroundings, being generators of ideas and creative bursts.

Aquarians are representatives of this planet.

The planet represents ideal love, compassion, illusions and eternal mysteries.

People with such a planet have weak energy, exposure to the influence of the world and daydreaming.

Neptune is the planet of Pisces.

In astrology, Pluto is given the meaning of potential, natural might, destruction and power.

Thanks to Pluto, a person receives energy from others, and also has a penchant for profit and great wealth.

Pluto dominates Scorpios.

Ceres patronizes Virgos.

Using an excerpt from the book “Astrological Primer” by American astrologer Donna Mickler, the editors continue the series of publications for beginning astrologers. Donna Mickler's book, which is distinguished by a unique and original approach to teaching the basics of astrology, will be published before the end of 1993 in the Urania Anthology series.
Translation from English by Tatyana Konyukhova

For several days I tried to find a way to show how a symbol itself can contain a large amount of different information. One day I went to the post office to pick up some correspondence. And when I opened the mailbox, through the hole in it I saw a room where there were bags of letters and parcels, and people who were sorting them. I probably looked terribly stupid at that moment, looking through the hole in the box at the mail sorting department, but it was here that I found the answer to my question.

I imagined that my “logical” mind was like a mail sorting room with little drawers, each containing a corresponding idea or concept. Everything is very logical. Astrology fits easily into this “letterbox” idea. Each symbol is like a mailbox, through the holes of which the space of the room is revealed on the other side. This logic develops, striving for infinity of understanding.

By definition, logic is “the ability to think correctly,” in other words, “a system or method of thinking.” Our mind performs its thinking function by interpreting symbols. Information comes to us through the five senses, and our brain stores it in the form of symbols. To think logically, the mind constantly refers to this store of symbols. Our conscious mind interprets symbols based on individual experience, which does not change their original meaning, but only individually colors it. For example, when you hear the word “boat”, an image of a specific boat pops up in your mind: it could be a canoe, a kayak, a metal boat - it all depends on your own experience.

We use symbols to communicate because the brain depends on the symbols it receives to function. The first monuments of human writing were rock paintings. They depict different events or stories. Looking at the figurine of an animal, which is being chased by a figurine of a hunter with a weapon, it is easy to reproduce the whole picture of the hunt. Its details always depend on the viewer’s imagination, stemming from his personal experience.

The two most common types of symbols that serve as a means of communication are letters and numbers. Before we start reading, we learn the alphabet and learn to connect letters into words. The same is true with numbers. First we learn to count, and then to add and subtract. When we see the combination of letters "K-O-T", an image of this animal appears in our brain. At the same time, our individual experience gives this painting different sizes, colors and shapes.

The numbers correlate with each other quantitatively. Instead of making icons for each item, we use symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. By making different combinations of these ten symbols we can count a huge number of items. In addition, the use of additional symbols, such as the addition sign "+" or the subtraction sign, expands the number of basic symbols.

In modern computer technology, other symbolic signs are used. And a programmer, before writing a program, must master the basic elements of a given programming language, for example BASIC or COBOL. To become an astrologer, you must first master the symbolic language of astrology and only then begin to construct horoscopes.

In astrology, there are initial symbols similar to letters or numbers. These are circle, semicircle, vertical line, horizontal line, cross and arrow. Each of the symbols is like an acorn. This seed contains everything needed to grow into a huge tree. Key astrological symbols carry a wealth of information, and their combinations in zodiac signs are even more significant.

Symbols are interpreted using keywords. The combination of symbols forms a complex symbol of the Zodiac sign, and keywords are combined into phrases. Key phrases describe the more complex meaning of planets and signs.


In the circle you can see an egg - the infinity of a continuous line that has neither beginning nor end, integral and complete. It contains all the information necessary for further growth. We say that the Spirit is eternal, has neither beginning nor end. It contains everything, it is complete, and therefore the symbol of the Spirit and God is a circle. The key word for the circle is Spirit.


A semicircle is half a circle. It contains the potential for further growth and transformation into a circle. The semicircle, reminiscent of a radar disk or the crescent moon, is both a transmitter and a receiver. It receives and transmits the spark of life from the middle of the circle, just as the Moon receives and reflects sunlight.

Our soul receives the spark of life from the spirit, and our consciousness receives and reflects the Superconscious. We believe that the circle is the Father Spirit, and the semicircle is the Mother Soul. Key words for the semicircle are Consciousness and Soul.

Straight line

A straight line is a straight line segment that has a beginning and an end. This line can be vertical or horizontal. The vertical line resembles the rays of the Sun; this is spiritual energy emanating from top to bottom. This line can also symbolize the movement of energy between the earthly and the spiritual. The earth meets the sky on the horizon, which means that the horizontal line is the earthly plane, or earthly forces. The keyword for a straight line is Strength.


A cross is a combination of vertical and horizontal straight lines. The combination of spiritual and earthly forces gives birth to matter. By definition, matter is “the substance of which physical objects are composed.” The key word for the cross is Physical, or Earthly, matter.


The arrow is a modification of the cross, indicating what the direction of the force is. In mathematics and other sciences, an arrow is used to indicate the direction of movement. The key word for the arrow is Movement.

Each symbol (or icon) for a zodiac sign or planet is a combination of these six basic key symbols. The way they are connected, as well as the direction of movement of energy within the symbol, describe the nature of a given sign or planet. Interpretation begins with key characters being combined in various combinations to form a new key word or phrase.


Circle + dot = spiritual center

The Sun is the center of our Galaxy. This fireball is the source of life energy for the Earth. In the horoscope, the Sun is also the center. It represents the core of individuality, the focal point of will and ego. The symbol of the Sun is a circle with a dot in the middle. This central point shows how the will or ego gives vital energy to a person's personality. The sun is the center of our being and our physical body; it expresses the will or ego as well as the heart in the card.

The Greeks associated the Sun with the god Apollo, the beloved son of Zeus. Myths depict him as a beautiful young man, a good musician and performer; he has remarkable healing abilities. He connected people and gods, was a conductor of the divine will, and taught people to live in peace with the will of the gods.

The circle is God the Spirit, and therefore the Sun has a masculine nature. In a map, it always symbolizes a male figure; it can be a father, a husband, or any person in authority. Like a circle, it is the inner spirit that gives the will to be. The key word is Will.


Semicircle + semicircle = consciousness and soul

The symbol of the Moon is two semicircles. The moon is a receiver of sunlight. It is filled with the fertilizing power of the Sun. The Moon represents the feminine or maternal principle, its creative potential is waiting to receive the masculine or paternal (activating) principle to give birth to a new consciousness. The Moon represents everything feminine in the chart.

The Greek goddess Selene is the archetype of the Moon. She was the sister of Helios - the Sun, a chaste maiden of fertility. Other moon goddesses are Diana and Hecate. Diana, the twin sister of Apollo, was the patroness of children, goddess of wildlife and huntress. Hecate, personifying the dark side of the Moon, was usually associated with darkness, ghosts and sacraments performed under the cover of darkness. These three goddesses represented the three phases of the Moon in its development from new moon to full moon.

The moon does not have its own light, it personifies the unconscious in each of us, our instincts and desires. In an effort to satisfy the needs of our “I” (ego), the needs of the Sun, we remain dependent on our instincts, feelings and habits.

Emotions and feelings are unconscious manifestations of our soul. In astrology, the Moon symbolizes the feelings and emotional nature of a person. Key word - Feelings.


Cross + circle + semicircle = matter, spirit, consciousness

The Mercury icon consists of three symbols. The cross below symbolizes matter, personifies the earthly world, the world of things. The circle on top is the spirit, the semicircle is the receiver, and overall the symbol looks like a person open to perception. The symbol of Mercury indicates the continuous flow of energy from the Earth to the spirit and from the spirit to consciousness, or the flow from consciousness to spirit and further to the earthly plane. Mercury is the planet that personifies the mind, Mercury is the messenger of the gods. It is only through reason that we are connected to both spirit and matter. In Greek mythology, Mercury, or Hermes, was the messenger who carried messages from Zeus to the gods and goddesses. He has wings on his sandals, a helmet on his head, and a caduceus in his hands. As a messenger, he moves at the speed of thought. In myths, Mercury is found more often than all other heroes, since, being the messenger of Zeus, he visits all the heroes. He was reputed to be the most cunning of all the gods and received the nickname “The Great Rogue.”

The will of the Sun and the feelings of the Moon are manifested in the horoscope through the mind of Mercury. Mercury indicates how a person communicates with the world. The key word is Reason.


Cross + circle = matter and spirit

The Venus icon is a circle resting on a cross. It shows that higher aspirations dominate material and sensual desires. When spirit unites with matter, it is a manifestation of love and beauty. The feminine nature of Venus symbolizes the need for spiritual and material growth.

The Greeks called the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite: “The laughing goddess of love, equally conquering both people and gods; she is tender and mocking with those who are conquered by her spell; she is irresistible in her ability to deprive the wise of reason.” The Romans, who showed more interest in heroic battles, considered Venus to be evil and ruthless, possessing truly destructive power over people.

Love, harmony and beauty adorn life on Earth. The key to life is the symbolic manifestation of divine or spiritual love on Earth. Key words - Love and Beauty.


Circle + arrow = movement of the spirit

The Earth has two closest neighbors: on one side is Venus, on the other is Mars. The Mars symbol is an inverted symbol of Venus, where instead of a cross there is an arrow. If Venus is love and harmony, then Mars is the spirit held by the weight of the cross. As an angry twin brother, Mars actively seeks to overcome the balance of Venus energies.

The Greeks called Mars Ares, the god of war. According to some myths, he was the brother, according to others, the lover of Aphrodite. But all the myths agree that his parents - Zeus and Hera - hated him. Mars was called "a bloody murderer, the embodiment of an outrage against morality and, oddly enough, also a coward, groaning in pain, taking flight when wounded." In some poems, he acts together with his sister, called Discord, her son, called Dispute, and their friends: Terror, Trembling and Panic.

The Romans, on the contrary, greatly revered Mars and always depicted him in all the splendor of the sparkling armor of an invincible warrior. Mars was considered the leader of the Roman legionaries in all battles.

Mars indicates the upward movement of the vital energy of the Sun or the tendency of the desires of the flesh to prevail over higher thoughts. The Sun is our ego or will, and Mars is the manifestation of the will or ego of a person. The arrow in the symbol of Mars is exactly the same as that of the sign of Scorpio, of which Mars is a co-ruler. Mars also represents the sexual impulse, passion, the need to be, anger, aggression. Key words - Aggression and Action.


Semicircle + cross = consciousness and matter

The Jupiter icon combines a semicircle and a cross. The semicircle, or consciousness, extends beyond the physical plane to receive signals from the Universe. Each message or energy received contributes to the growth of physical matter, its expansion. Jupiter symbolizes the triumph of the soul over earthly experience.

Jupiter, or otherwise Zeus, was the head of the pantheon of gods. When he overthrew his father Kronos, or Saturn, a golden age of peace and happiness began. Zeus shared the world with his brothers, Poseidon and Hades. The kingdom of the first was the water element, and the second - the underground kingdom. Then Zeus began to be considered a deity, the lord of the sky, the god of rain and the gatherer of clouds, the thrower of thunder and lightning. As a child he drank from a goat's horn, which was never emptied. In all myths, Zeus is the benefactor of people, the source of truth and abundance. But he never helps liars or those who have broken their oath.

Jupiter rewarded people with the gift of prophecy and optimism. He teaches us to see what lies beyond form in order to understand the philosophical meaning of things. Key words - Growth, Expansion.


Cross + semicircle = matter and consciousness

The symbol of Saturn is similar to the inverted symbol of Jupiter. Here the semicircle supports the cross. The flip side of Jupiter's growth and expansion is Saturn's limitations. The cross of matter restrains the desire of the semicircle of the soul. Saturn indicates the trials we must go through, the demands we must fulfill before we reach a higher state of consciousness.

The Greeks tell us the story of the first creatures to appear on Earth. Mother Earth and Father Sky gave birth to three types of creatures. The first were huge animals that looked like dinosaurs. The second type are multi-headed ugly monsters called cyclops. The third are the Titans, the first gods of Olympus. Kronos, who was one of the Titans, hated monsters and destroyed them all. He then killed his father and became the ruler of Olympus. One day, having learned that one of his children would deprive him of his throne, he began to devour them all. Trying to save her youngest son, Kronos' wife wrapped a stone in a blanket instead of the child, which Kronos swallowed. This saved son turned out to be Jupiter, who subsequently overthrew his father.

Saturn, or otherwise Kronos, the oldest of the gods, was the lord of time and the founder of laws, as well as the main observer of what people do on Earth. Saturn is our teacher, he creates restrictions, forms structure and self-discipline. He is the personification of the highest justice, great achievements, and material responsibility. Key words - Teacher and Constraints.


Cross + semicircle + semicircle = matter, soul, consciousness

The combination of a cross and two semicircles forms the trident of Neptune, the god of the sea. Here both semicircles are receivers, which create the effect of simultaneous operation of a TV and radio. The soul and consciousness send their messages to the physical world, creating illusions or delusions.

If Neptune's two semi-circles were to join together, there would be a half-mile circle icon similar to the Venus symbol. And if Venus symbolizes earthly love, then Neptune is love for the sake of love itself. The open circle of Neptune allows the spirit to freely descend to Earth and brings a person the feeling of God within, within himself. Neptune shows how material reality can be transformed into higher states of consciousness.

This planet of the water element gives the Earth the potential for the growth of cosmic consciousness, capable of transcending the boundaries of earthly reality. His positive influence is clearly manifested in music, poetry, dance, cinema, photography. The negative side of Neptune's influence is escape from reality through drugs, alcohol, and states of "waking sleep." Key words - Illusions and Spirituality.


Cross + two semicircles + circle = matter, spirit, soul, consciousness

The Uranus symbol can be seen as two semicircles held together by a cross and resting on a small circle. These are two antennas that receive new energy from the collective unconscious in order to transmit it to matter. The small circle, symbolizing the spirit, is the main support for physical matter. The main idea of ​​the symbol is that God lives on Earth in each of us. He awakens humanity to the awareness of the spirit within us.

Uranus, Prometheus in Greek mythology, is one of the Titans. His name means “ahead of thought,” and he was wiser than the gods. When the Earth was ready for the first people, the gods commissioned Prometheus to create them. He created people, beings more perfect than animals, walking upright on two legs like gods. To protect and warm people, Prometheus went to the Sun and lit a torch, bringing fire to Earth. This angered Zeus, who sent a woman named Pandora to the people. She was beautiful, but when the lid of the box she brought opened, all the diseases, sorrows and misfortunes sent to humanity flew out.

Uranus can be seen as a child coming into the world through the process of birth. It represents new ideas and discoveries. Thanks to new ideas, people are freed from the shackles that bind them, they are, as it were, born to a new life. Uranus is seen in the horoscope as an expression of originality, intuition, and self-expression. He personifies everything unusual, new, individual. Keyword - Awakener.


Cross + semicircle + circle = matter, soul, spirit

In the Pluto icon, the cross supports a semicircle in which the circle rests. The icon resembles a figure of a man raising his hands up to receive the good news. Consciousness receives the life energy of the circle and transmits it to the material plane.

In Greek mythology, Pluto is the god Hades (Hades), ruler of the underworld. He is also the god of wealth and lord of the dead. He felt lonely in his kingdom and, having once visited Earth, kidnapped Persephone, the daughter of the fertility goddess Demeter. From the wrath of Demeter, all the plants on earth died. Then Pluto allowed Persephone to visit her inconsolable mother. When Persephone set foot on earth, the flowers bloomed again and the grains ripened, and when she returned to the kingdom of Hades, the plants died again. This story talks about the changing of the seasons, death, rebirth and purification.

Pluto represents transformation, going beyond form through spiritual awareness. Consciousness, or soul, directs its highest aspirations for the benefit of the evolution of humanity. Keyword - Transformation.

Donna Mickler, Urania, 1993, No. 5.