April 16 events in history. Significant events in the world of music - significant dates

PETER I ordered the Admiralty to open maritime training schools, to which only Russian subjects were allowed to be admitted.

Coronation of Emperor PAUL I in Moscow.

On the day of his coronation, Paul I proclaimed a decree limiting corvée
This legislative act became one of the most important reforms of the Pavlovian era, characterized by decisiveness and extreme intensity of legislative activity.

According to this decree, landowners were strictly forbidden to force peasants to work on Sundays: “so that no one, under any circumstances, would dare to force peasants to work on Sundays.” In addition, the decree proclaimed that from now on corvée, which up to that point had been almost daily, was reduced to three days.

True, the manifesto was mostly of a recommendatory nature and, as a rule, was not implemented. Nevertheless, this was still the first attempt by government authorities to limit the exploitation of peasants.

Russian historian Vasily Klyuchevsky wrote:

“Never has legislation moved at such an accelerated pace, perhaps even under Peter I: changes, new charters, regulations, new precise rules, strict reporting everywhere.”

N. G. CHERNYSHEVSKY finished work on the novel “What is to be done?” They are still trying to resolve the question he posed.

1866 145 years ago

Revolutionary-terrorist D.V. KARAKOZOV shot at Emperor ALEXANDER II near the Summer Garden, but missed. Osip KOMISSAROV, a craftsman from the peasants of the Kostroma province, prevented him. So the Kostroma residents saved the life of the sovereign for the second time. The attacker was immediately arrested and placed in the Alekseevsky Ravelin. Later, the court sentenced him to death by hanging, and the government reaction intensified, which, in particular, led to the closure of the Sovremennik and Russian Word magazines.


The first edition of the works of A. M. GORKY “Essays and Stories” was published.


The first Russian trade union was created in St. Petersburg - the Union of Printing Workers. Their heirs believe that everything is wrong and are going to celebrate the anniversary in the fall.

A monument to V.I. LENIN was laid at the Finlyandsky Station in Leningrad. The famous “Lenin on an Armored Car” by sculptor EVSEEV and architect SHUKO will be opened on the 9th anniversary of the October Revolution.

1926 85 years ago
The newspaper “Zarya Vostoka” (Tiflis) published V. MAYAKOVSKY’s poem “To Sergei Yesenin”, which polemicized with YESENIN’s dying composition and ended with the lines:

In this life it is not difficult to die.
Make life much more difficult.

The USSR Central Executive Committee introduced the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union - the highest degree of distinction for services to the state associated with the accomplishment of a heroic deed. In a few days the names of the first heroes will be announced. The first person awarded this title was the pilot Anatoly LYAPIDEVSKY, who, like six of his comrades, was awarded it for saving the crew members and passengers of the Chelyuskin steamship in distress.

Anatoly Lyapidevsky


The beginning of the Berlin operation of troops of the 1st, 2nd Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts.


Former adviser to US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, financier Bernard Baruch, speaking before the South Carolina state legislature, for the first time described relations between the United States and the Soviet Union as a “state of the Cold War.” The expression was picked up by New York Tribune journalist Walter LIPMAN. When in the fall his articles were published as a separate book with the title “Cold War. On US foreign policy,” this expression has firmly entered into everyday life and has become a characteristic of world politics in subsequent decades.


Negotiations between the USSR and the USA on the limitation of strategic arms began in Vienna.

The Lenin Memorial opened in Ulyanovsk.

The Memorial Museum of the Red Latvian Rifles has been opened in Riga. Now the museum’s exhibition has been changed, and it is called the Museum of the 50-Year Occupation of Latvia, and former heroes are trampled into the mud not only in their homeland, but also in Russia, regardless of their beliefs.


The next issue of the magazine “Soviet Screen” has been signed for publication, summing up the results of a traditional survey of readers who, for the 32nd time, named the best films and actors of the past year.

So, the best film of 1989 was named “Intergirl” by Pyotr TODOROVSKY.

Following him were “Solovetsky Power”, “French”, “Black Rose - the emblem of sadness, red rose - the emblem of love”, “SIR”, “Arsonists”, “Doll”, “Needle”, “For beautiful ladies”, “ Scorched by Kandahar", "Kill the Dragon", "Fountain", "Shock", "Fatal Mistake", "Two Arrows".

Finally, the best foreign films were named first - “Romancing the Stone” (USA), “Crocodile Dundee 2” (Australia), “Escape” (France), “Once Upon a Time in America” (USA), “Marriage Italian Style” "(Italy), and then modestly highlighted paintings from socialist countries - "Cat Trap" (Hungary), "The Prince's 13th Bride" (Bulgaria), "Peacock Princess" (China), "Hon Gil Dong" (DPRK), "Wonderful Forest (Yugoslavia)."

The actress of the year was Elena YAKOVLEVA (“Intergirl”), the actor was Viktor TsOY (“Needle”), followed by Natalya ANDREICHENKO and Alexander ABDULOV, who played the characters in the film “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.”

The best among foreign actors were LIZA MINNELLI (“Cabaret”) and Michael DOUGLAS (“Romancing the Stone”).

The worst film was “Ship” by Alexander IVANOV-SUKHAREVSKY.

Alexander KARELIN became the European heavyweight champion in Greco-Roman wrestling for the 12th time. This victory came to him in Moscow.

Born on this day

1881 130 years ago
Sergei Sergeevich KAMENEV
(1881 - 25.8.1936),
1st rank army commander, second commander in chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic.

1901 110 years ago
Nikolay Pavlovich AKIMOV

(1901 - 6.9.196,
director and theater artist. In 1935-49 and since 1955, chief director of the Leningrad Comedy Theater. The director became famous back in 1932 for his production of Hamlet, which interpreted Shakespeare's play in a very unusual way (in particular, the ghost of the king-father was staged by Hamlet to achieve his goals, and Ophelia drowned after a drunken orgy).

Evgeny Valerianovich SAMOILOV

(1912 - 17.2.2006),
theater and film actor (“Shchors”, “Hearts of Four”, “At six o’clock in the evening after the war”), People’s Artist of the USSR (1974). Father of Tatiana SAMOILOVA.

Mark Lazarevich GALLAY

(1914 - 14.7.199,
Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, writer.


writer, playwright, theater and film critic, general director of the Triumph Independent Award Foundation.

Vera Samoilovna KREPKINA

Honored Master of Sports.

One of the best Soviet sprinters (in 1958 she became the first in the USSR to become the world record holder in the 100 m race - 11.3 sec) repeatedly became the national champion, was the European champion in relay running, competed twice at the Olympics, but her greatest success was achieved at her third Olympics. In 1960, she was included in the team going to the Olympics in Rome at the last moment. A year before, Krepkina was taken out of the national team due to Botkin's illness. In addition, she was the only one on the team who was a mother, and at that time this was “not recommended” for female athletes. She was taken to Rome... as a long jumper. On August 31, the Olympic athletics program began with this event. Already reaching the finals of the competition was considered a great success for Krepkina, and in her fifth attempt she set a new Olympic record - 637 cm and, unexpectedly for everyone, became the champion. An interesting coincidence: Krepkina’s height is 159 cm, and she got this exact number on the team. After the victory, weightlifter Yuri VLASOV picked her up and carried her around the stadium with one hand. Later, he also became a champion and one of the heroes of the Games, and the athletes of the USSR national team won 11 gold medals at these competitions. Krepkina was awarded the Order of Lenin. It is strange that in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Krepkina’s name is mentioned only in a review article, and in the “Stars of Sports” reference book there is not a word about her victory and award, which was almost mandatory in those days when athletes became national heroes, and the state carried out This is a purposeful policy.

1941 70 years ago
Sergey Petrovich NIKONENKO

film actor.

Nikolai Nikolaevich MERZLIKIN

(1945 - 3.1.2007),
film actor (“Zosya”, “No room for error”).


basketball player, 1992 Olympic champion, silver medalist of the 1988 Olympics.


fencer, two-time Olympic champion. In Sydney and Athens she won team epee competitions.



(1050 - 1113),
Grand Duke of Kyiv (from 1093). Before taking the Grand Duke's throne, he reigned in Polotsk, Novgorod, and Turov. He was cruel, selfish and power-hungry without intelligence and firmness. The boyars and the entire squad cried at his death, but the chronicler did not mention a word about the people’s crying.

Gabdulla TUKAI
/Gabdulla Mukhamedgarifovich TUKAEV/
(26.4.1886, village of Kushlauch, now Arsky district of Tatarstan - 1913, Kazan),
Tatar poet, publicist.

Anatoly Arkadyevich KHARLAMPIEV

(29.10.1906, Smolensk - 1979),
one of the creators of sambo wrestling, its main popularizer, Honored Master of Sports, Honored Trainer of the USSR.

Vyacheslav Ivanovich DYOGTEV

(10.8.1959 - 2005),

On the one hand, he is a laureate of the Andrei Platonov Prize (though it is not clear who founded it and why it was awarded), on the other hand, in 2003 he was nominated for a more famous award, which has an all-Russian (and even more) scope, but is completely inconsistent with its name “ National bestseller."

Used materials from the site "This Day in History"

For the first time, Russian Tsar Vasily III and French King Francis I exchanged diplomatic messages

The Battle of Culloden between English troops and Scottish militia. The Stuarts' last attempt to regain the English throne

Coronation of Russian Emperor Paul I in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Promulgation of the Decree on Succession to the Throne, “Institutions on the Imperial Family”, Decree on the Three-Day Corvee, Regulations on Orders

In the Habsburg Empire (one of the most powerful royal dynasties in Europe during the Middle Ages and Modern times), serfdom was abolished

The Plongeur (French for “Diver”), the largest submarine of the 19th century, was launched in France

Englishwoman Harriet Quimby became the first woman to fly across the English Channel in an airplane

The start of the race for the Jacques Schneider Naval Aviation Cup. It consisted of 28 stages of 10 km each. It was won by Maurice Prévost in a Deperdussin airplane equipped with a 160 hp Gnome engine.

Signing of the Soviet-German Treaty of Rapallo. Establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and Germany

The Leningrad Radio Plant launched the production of equipment for the radio center and manufactured the first Russian televisions

Albert Hofmann discovered the psychotropic properties of LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide. Legally classified as a drug.)

The sinking of the German transport Goya by the Soviet submarine L-3. More than 6,000 people died in the shipwreck, making it one of the largest disasters at sea.

In the South Carolina Senate, American politician and financier Bernard Baruch was the first in the world to use the phrase “Cold War.”

Conclusion of an international agreement on European economic cooperation within the framework of the Marshall Plan by 16 European countries and the western occupied zones of Germany. Establishment of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC)

The research station “North Pole-11” is being organized under the leadership of N. N. Bryazgin

American aviator Geraldine Mock lands in West Germany, becoming the first woman to fly around the globe

The Memorial Museum of the Red Latvian Rifles has been opened in Riga. Nowadays the exhibition of the museum has been changed, and it is called the Museum of the 50-Year Occupation of Latvia

The fifth expedition of the Apollo program launched with a landing on the surface of the Moon (held on April 20); commander - astronaut John Young

General A.V. Rutskoy announced that he has 11 suitcases of compromising evidence on senior Russian government officials

Police Day in Armenia

On April 16, the Armenian police celebrates its professional holiday - Police Day, which was declared in connection with the adoption of the Law “On Police” on April 16 in 2001. According to this Law, the Armenian police were tasked with ensuring human safety - prevention, prevention and suppression of administrative offenses, as well as conducting preliminary investigations in criminal cases and identifying crimes.

Constitution Day in Bulgaria

Bulgaria April 16 is the Day of the Constitution - the supreme law of the country, which in 1879 was adopted by the First Great People's Assembly of the country and was the most progressive Constitution at that time. It secured for Bulgaria the state structure of a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary legislative power. The powers of the monarch then steadily increased and in 1934, under the regime of the personal power of Boris III, the Constitution was completely trampled upon. All parties and the cabinet of ministers in Bulgaria were banned. It was only after September 9, 1944 that the Bulgarian Constitution was briefly restored, but after the 1946 referendum the Great National Assembly was convened again.

Unusual holidays

Have you ever celebrated Ape-to-Man Day? Today, April 16, you can think about the process of turning a monkey into a human

Monkey to Man Day

Do you know why monkeys don't turn into humans now? But this is a very pressing issue today for those people who are opponents of Darwinism. Some scientists believe that the process of transformation of a monkey into a human is long and ranges from 3 to 5 million years. I wonder how quickly the reverse process takes place?

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Nikita Vodopol, Waterman's treat

The day of April 16 was popularly called the day of Nikita Vodopol or the Treat of the Water in honor of the Confessor, the abbot of the monastery of Midice Nikita, who lived in the 8-9 centuries.
The rapid melting of snow began with the Nikita holiday. On this day, ice floes are rushing along the river with might and main, and if the river overflows its banks, then the flood can bring a lot of trouble - the river will sweep away everything that is in the way.
At this time, it was very important for the peasants to understand in advance how much the water would spill. People often determined the height of a flood by the height of a sandpiper bird's nest or by the burrows of moles, because they never dig below the flood level.
On this day, our ancestors believed that the merman was waking up from hibernation, so they tried to appease him with all sorts of treats - some with porridge, some with bread, and some with chicken giblets. If the merman did not eat this food, then the peasants said that in the spring it would be useful to the creatures that live in the depths of the river.
On this day, fishermen especially tried to appease the merman; they asked for good luck in fishing by pouring oil into the river. The most superstitious peasants considered it to be the worst omen if the water man did not accept the gift.
Nikita's name day on April 16
April 16th is also celebrated:
— Charlie Chaplin Day,
- Day of the cinnamon wind.

April 16 in history

1932 - At the Leningrad Radio Plant, production of equipment for the radio center was launched and the first domestic televisions were manufactured.
1934 - The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established.
1936 - Creation of the Union of Artists of Dagestan.
1944 - The Red Army liberated the city of Yalta from the Nazis.
1944 - Soviet troops crossed the Dniester.
1945 - The Red Army launched the Berlin offensive operation.
1945 - American troops took Nuremberg
1963 - Great Britain granted political asylum to pianist Vladimir Ashkenazy.
1975 - Former KGB chairman, chairman of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions A. N. Shelepin was removed from the Politburo.
1996 - During the First Chechen War, the 245th motorized rifle regiment of the Russian army was ambushed near the village of Yaryshmardy. According to official data, 53 military personnel were killed and 52 were wounded.
2001 - Due to unprofitability, the Segodnya newspaper, owned by V. Gusinsky, was closed.
2009 - From 00:00 lifting of the counter-terrorist operation regime in Chechnya

Every day something happens in the world, leaving a bright mark on history.

What holiday is it today, who celebrates their name day (Angel Day) on this day, as well as about significant events and memorable dates on April 16, read on the website.

Holidays April 16, 2014

Armenian Police Day

Today the Armenian police celebrates its professional holiday. 13 years ago, the Law “On the Police” was adopted in this country. Armenian law enforcement officers perform the same functions as Russian ones.

Celebration of the first Bulgarian Constitution

Today in Bulgaria they celebrate the holiday of the first Constitution. It was adopted in 1879 by the First Great People's Assembly of the country. The Tarnovo Constitution was completely copied from the Belgian one - the most progressive for that time.

Name day April 16, 2014

People named Nikita celebrate Angel Day.

Folk signs for April 16, 2014

On this day we remember Nikita the Confessor, abbot of the Midician monastery, who lived in the 8th-9th centuries. Today the snow begins to melt rapidly, and ice floes are rushing down the river with might and main. The height of the flood was determined by mole holes or the height of the sandpiper nest. It was believed that on this day the merman wakes up from hibernation.

Significant events that occurred on April 16

Peter I ordered the opening of nautical schools only for Russian subjects (1722).

Paul I proclaimed a decree limiting corvee on the day of his coronation (1797).

Establishment of the honorary title “Hero of the Soviet Union” (1934).

The new “Tsar Bell” was raised to the belfry of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (2004).

Born on April 16

Scientist, orientalist and inventor Pavel Schilling(1786), German mathematician Ferdinand Eisenstein(1823), French novelist, poet and critic (1844), English actor, screenwriter and director (1889), director, painter and theater designer Nikolay Akimov(1901), theater and film actor Evgeny Samoilov(1912), 265th Pope Benedict XVI(1927), actor and director Sergey Nikonenko(1941), four-time Olympic champion in biathlon Sven Fischer (1971).

On the picture -

Have you ever celebrated Ape-to-Man Day? Today, April 16, you can think about the process of turning a monkey into a human

Monkey to Man Day

Do you know why monkeys don't turn into humans now? But this is a very pressing issue today for those people who are opponents of Darwinism. Some scientists believe that the process of transformation of a monkey into a human is long and ranges from 3 to 5 million years. I wonder how quickly the reverse process takes place?

Charlie Chaplin Day

A touching actor, a man of small stature, with an amazingly big soul, he forever left a memory in the soul of every viewer. We are, of course, talking about the great actor Charlie Chaplin, whose day is celebrated on April 16 by the public all over the world. The brilliant silent film actor was born in London on April 16, 1889. The image of a touching tramp, a man with a black mustache, a large bowler hat and an invariable cane, still evokes delight. We still watch his simple films with a simple plot, which were released in the last century, without taking our eyes off them, thanks to the amazing performance of the actor, who has never spoken from the screen in almost his entire acting career.

Cinnamon Wind Day

And the wind will open the window and blow in the warmth,
a mestizo wind that happened on all coasts,
the time will come for backpacks and breaking fillings
on the shutters leading south, and stories of the past,
the creaking of rusty master keys in barn locks,
and the smell, the tart smell of the dark wind,
which got stuck in our sneakers, pants, backpacks
(in their dark, surprise-filled, mysterious depths).
Miracles will begin to happen as if by themselves,
and good thoughts will come like a boss,
when we dig out the paper bag of cinnamon
in the pocket - spice brought from distant lands.

The day of April 16 was popularly called the day of Nikita Vodopol or the Water Treat in honor of the Confessor, the abbot of the monastery of Midice Nikita, who lived in the 8-9 centuries. The rapid melting of snow began with the Nikita holiday. On this day, ice floes are rushing along the river with might and main, and if the river overflows its banks, then the flood can bring a lot of trouble - the river will sweep away everything that is in the way. At this time, it was very important for the peasants to understand in advance how much the water would spill. People often determined the height of a flood by the height of a sandpiper bird's nest or by the burrows of moles, because they never dig below the flood level.

On this day, our ancestors believed that the merman was waking up from hibernation, so they tried to appease him with all sorts of treats - some with porridge, some with bread, and some with chicken giblets. If the merman did not eat this food, then the peasants said that in the spring it would be useful to the creatures that live in the depths of the river. On this day, fishermen especially tried to appease the merman; they asked for good luck in fishing by pouring oil into the river. The most superstitious peasants considered it to be the worst omen if the water man did not accept the gift.

- 1618 - William Harvey first presented a new view of the circulatory system in the human body.
- 1722 – Peter I ordered the opening of maritime training schools only for Russian subjects.
- 1797 – Paul I, on the day of his coronation, proclaimed a Decree limiting corvée.
- 1934 – the honorary title Hero of the Soviet Union was established.
- 1945 – the Berlin strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops began.
- 2004 – a new Tsar Bell was raised to the belfry of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Who were the celebrities born on April 16, 2018?
- Pavel Schilling 1786 – Russian scientist.
- Ferdinand Eisenstein 1823 – German mathematician.
- Anatole France 1844 – French novelist and poet.
- Charlie Chaplin 1889 – English actor.
- Evgeny Samoilov 1912 – Soviet film and theater actor.
- Benedict XVI 1927 – head of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Sergei Nikonenko 1941 – Soviet and Russian film and theater actor.
- Sven Fischer 1971 – German biathlete.