The dog is kind in a dream. Why can you dream of a big kind dog? Consider the interpretation in different dream books. Dreaming of a white, black, red dog

In a dream, why is the Towel dreaming?

Towel if shared- will have to explain with a relative; individual - at your initiative, a quarrel will occur in the family.

Russian dream book

Towel - you have to go to visit; hold a towel- the transition from a bad period to a good one.

Russian folk dream book

The towel is a symbol of purity, hospitality, harmony, love and respect.

Wipe your hands in a dream, on the same towel with someone- predicts a quarrel; dirty towel- to troubles in family life, quarrel; wipe your face with a towel- to joyful events, meeting with a friend or old acquaintance.

dream interpreter

Wipe your face or hands with a towel- means the road.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Towel dream about in a dream?

Wipe yourself in a dream with a towel- a sign that there is a chance to justify oneself from the accusations, having won in a hopeless case.

Towel - symbolizes the road, joy.

Wet towel see- to deception throw it on yourself- to joy, dry with a clean towel- to unexpected affection, dirty - to the danger of being involved in a dirty story.

If you dream of an embroidered towel- to receive a long-awaited letter.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Towel - road, joy.

Put it on yourself- joy from a friend.

Clean, they wipe themselves- kindness.

Wipe dirty- base adventure, impurity.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

A towel is a long road, a boring and uninteresting journey.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Clean, beautiful towels in a dream- portend rest and pleasant relaxation.

Dirty or wet towel- a sign of resentment and failure. Perhaps some of your business will end in failure.

Dream Interpretation of Health

see a clean towel- the need for cleansing and restorative procedures; dirty towel- to the disease; perhaps they feel dislike and envy towards you.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Towel - marriage; married - grief, loss.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Towel in a dream?

The towel is dirty- envy; interrupt - dislike.

Chinese dream book

Hand towel, sling straps- get sick.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Towel in a dream?

Buy a towel in a dream- portends well-being and comfort in the house. Towel- means that in reality make sure that the decision you made is correct. Dirty towel- a sign of gossip and insinuations around your personal life.

wash towel- means that in reality you have to make amends with a virtuous act and thereby raise the authority that was shaken among loved ones.

linen towel- portends well-being achieved by saving and thrift; terry - hostility of new neighbors; waffle - to empty promises; bath - a compromise with one's own conscience; kitchen - to trouble from men.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The towel is wet and can't find a dry one- cheating friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Towel according to the dream book?

The towel is an excuse; disease.

Aesop's dream book

Towel - has long been considered a symbol of hospitality, harmony, love and respect.

At the wedding, the newlyweds are tied with a towel to each other, and if you simultaneously wipe your hands on one towel- this will lead to a quarrel. Perhaps this is what your subconscious wants to tell you.

In a dream, see an embroidered towel- to a fun feast.

Dirty towel- troubles in family life, a quarrel with a loved one.

Dry your face with a towel- to an unexpected joyful event, to a meeting with a friend or old acquaintance.

Ukrainian dream book

Wet towels- a teary road to death.

If you dream of an embroidered towel- wait for a long-awaited letter from someone.

If the canvas is dreaming- there will be a long road.

Gypsy dream book

linen towel- wealth, abundance.

Esoteric dream book

Towel is a disease. The more - the more severe the disease. Whose towel will get sick.

Giving a towel- "jinx it." Refrain from praise and excessive joyful emotions. This may result in an undesirable effect.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Towel according to the dream book?

Why dream of a towel? This plot- says that you can experience pleasant emotions along the way.

More interpretations

Wiped them - you can defend your innocence, although the situation seems deplorable to you.

If it was wet- They will try to fool you.

The towel you were wearing- a symbol of positive change.

Dirty - you will be related to unpleasant events.

Towel with embroidery- promises you long-awaited news.

Dream that you wrapped your hair in a towel- soon some extraordinary event awaits you, which will become a turning point in your destiny. Having correctly built a line of your behavior, you can ensure yourself rapid success, as well as understand the true essence of everything that surrounds you.

According to the dream book, a never used towel- promises you great luck in everything, you will rapidly move up the career ladder and increase your well-being.

If it is snow-white, just washed- this is a sure sign that all your efforts and efforts will be noted and generously rewarded.

Video: Why the Towel is Dreaming

A towel is often used in everyday life, and sometimes it can be seen in a dream. This product can portend various events: both positive and negative.

It all depends on the type of thing and the actions performed in a dream. For example, the American psychologist Gustav Miller considered this thing in a dream a symbol of repentance. Let's figure out what the towel is dreaming of.

Bath, kitchen, linen or terry?


A terry towel in a dream, according to the interpretation of dream books, suggests that some people dislike you and spread evil rumors. It will be possible to turn the tide in your favor only if you behave with dignity and do not answer them the same.

A linen towel indicates that the sleeper will maintain his financial condition, showing accuracy and frugality.


Bathhouse is a sign that the dreamer will commit a morally dubious act. According to the dream book from A to Z, he will have to make a deal with his conscience. About what dreams, read in detail here.

Kitchen - a series of troubles is coming, which distract from priority matters. Moreover, problems will arise from the representatives of the stronger sex.


With an ornament - a noisy feast awaits you. Sometimes such a dream portends a wedding.

A waffle towel means that the dozing person is a simple and overly open person, which is why he periodically gets into negative situations. Such a dream is considered a warning about the need to change your perception of the world. Only in this way will the dreamer avoid the traps set by dishonest people.

Other qualities

The product can be a symbol of favorable changes. This applies to both the financial sphere and personal life. Dream books give such an answer to the question of why a new towel is dreaming of.

Clean is a positive sign that indicates that a person who enjoys respect and authority will show favor to you. Thanks to his help, you will easily achieve your goals.

Old - a period is coming when it is better not to take on new projects. Otherwise, there will be unexpected obstacles along the way.

Dirty is a harbinger of conflicts in the family. Be patient and the relationship will improve.

A wet towel portends betrayal by people you trusted. The meaning according to the dream book of Winter is different: an important project for you will not bring the desired profit.

Burning is a sign that danger comes from new friends. Keep your distance from them to minimize negative consequences.

Leaky - a symbol that your efforts do not bring results. It's time to develop a new strategy of behavior.

Towel color

White portends deliverance from problems and adversity. Black towel - a symbol of danger. It is worth being on the alert and refusing dubious transactions.

Green is a sign that it's time to pay attention to your health. Exacerbation of chronic ailments is possible.

Red symbolizes bright adventures and even a passionate romance. In a whirlwind of events, do not forget to monitor your health, as inflammatory processes in the body are possible.

Seeing a yellow towel in a dream indicates that a deception on the part of a loved one will be revealed. Orange portends the realization of desires.

Blue - a period of knowledge of your own soul awaits you.

Pink - dreams of a better life.

Multi-colored - a fun party and meeting positive people.

Number of towels

Location of the item

Did you see a towel on your head in a dream? You will experience increased interest in yourself from a wide range of people. Such a dream portends respect and popularity.

On the body - for a trip from which you will learn a lot of experience.

What did they do with the object in dreams?

see, buy

To see a towel from the side - to get in reality information that will find its application.

To see on a towel is a sign that relatives are at risk. The severity of the consequences will be indicated by the amount of blood seen in a dream.

Choose - you will open several ways of development.

Buying large towels - you will want to change your place of residence or professional field.

Buying three towels - you will be protected by higher forces that will help you get out of an unpleasant situation.

Buying 13 towels is a sign that some people wish you harm. The only way to protect against negative influence is the ability to abstract.

Give, give, receive

You yourself gave someone a towel in a dream - you have to take care of other people. Patience and kindness will surely be credited to you.

Given - wait for the guests.

Asks - it's time to remember the departed.

The dead man gives - in reality you are in danger, so avoid risky situations.

Wipe and wipe

Wipe plates - to the luck that will accompany any of your projects. Read more about what dreams, read in this article.

Wipe the cups with a white kitchen towel - for a positive resolution of the situation, it is enough to make minimal efforts.

Being wrapped in a large towel is a pleasant journey that will be of a love nature..

Dry yourself with a towel - you will overcome obstacles with brilliance.

Wash, search, pack

Wash by hand - you will have to correct the mistakes made earlier.

Look for a towel - in reality you will lose a thing that is necessary in everyday life.

Packing the product in a suitcase - moving awaits you in reality.

Who is dreaming?

Interpretation for women:

  • A lonely girl dreams of a towel for a short-term relationship, which, nevertheless, will affect her life.
  • For an unmarried girl in a relationship, this symbol promises a solution to domestic issues.
  • A pregnant woman is predicted a successful birth.
  • A married woman can count on replenishment in the family.

Meaning for men:

  • A lonely guy who sees such a dream will want to feel the warmth of the hearth in the near future.
  • A guy in a relationship will be more likely to be with his soulmate.
  • A married man will soon have a new experience.

Remember dreams and analyze them correctly, taking into account the details. After all, this is the key to understanding future events.

A towel in a dream is a symbol of purity. Not only in terms of personal hygiene, but also in terms of integrity, spiritual purity and purity. This is what the dream book is talking about, explaining what the towel is dreaming of.

However, not always a dream plot should be taken literally. Very often, a towel portends a business trip or a long trip in reality. In addition, it can serve as a promise of the emergence of new information that will forever change the dreamer's life.

Favorable changes

Why dream of a terry towel in a dream? The dream interpretation believes that this plot portends changes in the future. At the same time, all of them will turn out to be favorable and will not bring you anything bad.

If in a dream you dreamed of a new towel, its appearance evoking a feeling of cleanliness and almost tangible aesthetic pleasure, then, as the dream book believes, you have begun a white streak in life. Try to take advantage of all the opportunities that life gives.

If in a dream you could not only see a towel, but also wipe yourself with it, it means that in reality success and good luck will accompany everything. You will be able to win in a seemingly hopeless case, defend your point of view, and achieve your goals.

Buying a towel

The interpretation of why you dream of buying a towel, according to the dream book, can change your whole life. Soon you will meet a person who will become a patron or friend. It may also turn out that one of the existing friends has great influence and power.

Thinking about what a white towel is dreaming of? The dream book believes that, on the one hand, it is a symbol that will erase all the hardships in life. On the other hand, portend health problems. For example, sleep can signal an exacerbation of your chronic diseases.

Did you dream that you had a towel on your head? According to the prediction of the dream book in real life, you can get fame and recognition from the public. You can also count on success in a love relationship, care and understanding from a partner.

If in a dream you were presented with a kitchen towel, then according to the dream book, you should expect guests to arrive soon. If you presented the gift, then in reality it is better not to praise anyone. It may happen that your praise is undeserved.

Had a chance to wash a towel in a dream? The dream interpretation explains that now is the time to correct all your past mistakes. After all, washing in a dream is a symbol of relationships in life. You are probably treating someone unfairly in reality.

Other interpretations of sleep

Ancient interpreters explain: in order to understand what this bath item is dreaming of, you should, first of all, pay attention to the patterns and embroidery with which the towel was decorated. These details carry a deep meaning and are very important for prediction.

So, Martyn Zadeki's dream book is sure that if a lonely person saw a towel in a dream, it means that he will soon meet his soul mate. But for family people, a dream can portend a divorce.

Grishina believes that the towel is a symbol of a long journey. Therefore, a dream object is a harbinger of a long journey or some kind of significant trip for a sleeping person.

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A towel is very often used by us, it is in every house, and not just one. Products have a different shape, size, color, made of different fabrics. There is nothing surprising in seeing a towel in everyday life, but this thing is very unusual for sleeping. Long reflections on the meaning of sleep lead us to Google, where the phrase “dream book towel” saves us. Although this subject is not so common in dreams, the decoding of this dream takes place in dream books.

The meaning of a towel in a dream

This product carries a symbol of love, respect, ambition and hospitality.. It is not for nothing that at weddings the bride and groom are tied with a towel. It is believed that this way their relationship will be even stronger.

You should expect a quarrel with the person who appeared in your dream. If you wiped your hands with him with the same towel, you will quarrel. If the towel was beautifully embroidered - a holiday or the like, in honor of which a fun feast will be arranged.

But dirty - does not bode well. Serious quarrels with people close to you are possible, or even worse - parting with your soulmate. If you notice that this has been trying to sneak up on you for a long time, then you should at least try to prevent it.

To wipe your face with a towel is a dream of happiness. Some joyful event will happen, good news will reach you, or a meeting will happen with a person who has not been seen for a long time.

Dream interpretation for men and women

If a girl, an unmarried woman, a single man dreamed of a towel, this portends a relationship or a wedding. For family people, such a dream promises grief and quarrels.

It's time to think about your future fiance and start looking for a guy, a dream in which a girl embroiders a towel gives a sign. Easy childbirth and a healthy baby - that's what a pregnant woman dreams about.

A dirty towel for a man is a sign that you should pay attention to health. It will be helpful to get tested. Pay attention to the "signs" of your body. If treatment is not started on time, even an innocent cold can become a serious problem. A clean towel is a good attitude towards you of relatives, relatives and people close to you. They love and respect you.

What did the towel look like?

The towel can be of different shapes, colors and sizes. It may even have a different purpose. Considerable attention should be paid to these details:

Color is also of great importance when deciphering a dream:

The towel can also be multi-colored, in which case you will be invited to a holiday where you will have fun and have a good time.

Product actions

Buying a towel is a dream of a new acquaintance with a good person. He will be able to influence you, and big changes will begin in life. It is highly likely that you will want to find another job or change your place of residence. If you are happy to buy a product, you like it - the expected changes will be good. If you did not like the towel - disappointment.

The towel is on your head, and you walk around the house with it - the moment has come to become famous. Unexpectedly for you, people around you will begin to treat you more seriously, to be interested in you. You will be more respected and listen to your opinion. Such a dream can also prophesy good luck in your personal life and victory on the love front. The second half will begin to pay more attention, there will be surprises and pleasant things.

If you wrapped your body with a towel, a journey is expected, it will take place in a friendly company, and your loved one will be with you.

Wash the towel with your hands - the mistakes made earlier need to be corrected, which is what you have to do in the near future. Washing the towel went to the washing machine - one of your friends gets on your nerves and is very annoying. It is best to stop communicating with him, limit yourself to greetings and farewells.

The towel acts as a gift to someone - envy. You feel great envy for the person to whom you presented such a gift. You are visited by thoughts that he lives better, that he is more successful than you. The dream interpretation recommends trying to overcome this negative feeling in yourself and start rejoicing in other people's victories and exploits. This will help to become a little happy - it is better to think about something good than to constantly envy. You received a towel as a gift - guests will soon visit you.

If in a dream you have to pack a towel in a suitcase - a quick move.

Interpretations of Aesop

A wedding is not complete without tying hands with a towel, and if you wipe your hands with it at the same time as someone else, this will certainly lead to a quarrel with this person. Perhaps sleeping with a towel has something to do with our subconscious.

The towel is beautifully embroidered - a fun feast.

Product in the mud - quarrels with a loved one, disagreements and problems in personal life.

If you had a chance to wipe your face with it - a joyful event that will take place soon. Perhaps you will meet with old acquaintances or childhood friends.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

In a dream, you wipe yourself with a towel - a hopeless case in which it is almost impossible to win can be won. You will have a chance to take matters into your own hands.

Sometimes a towel in a dream can be a sign of the road, good emotions and joy.

The towel is wet - you can be deceived, do not trust everyone in a row. Throwing it on yourself is a joyful event or news, wiping your body with a clean towel is affection and tenderness, but a dirty towel portends some unpleasant business that you can be drawn into. An embroidered towel dreams of receiving a letter that has been waiting for so long.

Attention, only TODAY!

Towel plays a huge role in human life. Not in vain Douglas Adams, author of "Hitchhiking the Galaxy" assures that the most necessary thing in the journey is a towel. And he's right. This is a sail, and clothes, a distress signal and the ability to dry off after swimming, to settle down comfortably in any area. A towel in a dream is important and means inner intimate comfort. Consider what it means to see a towel in a dream from dream books.

Basic values

  • The main meaning of a towel in a dream is home comfort, privacy, comfort. The softer and more delicate the fabric, the better you treat yourself and carefully keep your secrets. The more extensive the canvas and the greater the ability to wrap itself, the more closed it hides.
  • The presence of sleeves, a hood - the ingenuity of the characters, the special tenderness and vulnerability that you seek to hide.
  • Waffle short towel, hard, crunchy and crystal white signifies a steely spartan character.
  • Small, dust-cloth-like, but made from absorbent soft microfiber, delivers extreme practicality without sacrificing your own convenience.
  • Bright or with a defiant pattern - shocking nature. This applies to large panels. Small bright canvases give out a cheerful and optimistic mood.
  • A gray towel washed out means undemanding, negligence, carelessness and inattention to oneself. Holes, holes, scuffs - a sign of poverty and even poverty. You do not have enough money or mental strength even for the most necessary things.
  • Wet - to possible troubles. A quarrel with friends, deceit, a prank is possible.
  • Dirty - a scandal will be difficult to avoid. Better not try. If you are accused of sloppiness or lack of accuracy, you should reconsider your relationship with the accuser.
  • Kitchen or embroidered - old-fashioned, conservative, practical. You cannot be confused, although many try. Wedding towels - to fidelity to traditions, a kind of game in the old days.
  • An exorbitantly long cloth means sadness about a future separation.

The meaning of the towel action

  • Giving a towel according to dream books is a touching concern. Such a sign means good luck and help in all good undertakings. A gift from the heart will become a faithful travel companion and a talisman.
  • It is believed that you can not wipe your hands at the same time as a friend. In fact, if the friendship is sincere, such an action will only strengthen feelings, since it means sharing glory, joys and sorrows.
  • Buy - get ready for major changes in life.
  • Fold, pack - get ready for the road. Hang on a nail or on a dryer - sit comfortably without worrying about a violation of privacy.
  • Wrap up - the need to hide from annoying attention. Tie on the hips - complete self-confidence, slight bravado. Throw on the shoulders - doubts. Head wrapping is a sign of depression.
  • Wash, add a fragrant rinse for maximum softness - it's a pity that your worries are taken for granted.
  • Tearing fabric into bandages or compresses - you are preparing for difficult situations in life.
  • Throwing under your feet is wastefulness. To quarrels, ruin, failures. If you dream that you are throwing someone else's towel under your feet, according to the dream book, it means hatred, contempt, meanness. You dream of doing something nasty, but do not dare to open confrontation.
  • If someone ruined your towel - you have a spiteful critic who will not hesitate to even get into dirty linen, and if necessary, even get dirty himself. A naive, arrogant and stupid envious person has a good chance of success and can force you out of your home, spreading the most incredible and vile rumors and exposing you in the most unsightly light. Take the attacks calmly. You can deny everything, including those particles of truth that the gossiper skillfully weaves into the narrative. By agreeing even in small things with the accusations, you completely disavow yourself.


Seeing a towel in a dream means slight anxiety and dreams of coziness and comfort. A favorite towel means that you want cleanliness and privacy, to swim and be alone with your thoughts. Seeing family members' favorite towels means missing them, taking care of them.

A towel in a dream has the most positive meaning, it is a sign of the kindest and softest care, tenderness, love. Seeing a whole stack means good wealth, which will certainly be multiplied largely thanks to your cares. Elegant and beautiful towels in a dream are a good dream, promising a prosperous period.