The best German universities. Duration of training and its features. Where is the best place to study medicine?

Germany is the leading economy in Europe and one of the most important players on the geopolitical map of the world. It is time to make legends about the successes of German science and industry: the modern world would be completely different without the discoveries and inventions of German scientists, engineers and doctors. In addition, Germany boasts a brilliant academic tradition in the philosophical and social sciences, as well as in music and the visual arts. Needless to say, such achievements would not have been possible without an efficient system of higher education.

Today, there are more than 450 public universities in Germany, almost 20 of which are annually included in the prestigious QS ranking of the best universities in the world. About 12% of all students in German universities are foreigners, which makes Germany the most popular non-English-speaking country in the world among foreign students.

First of all, people come to German universities to study natural and technical specialties, as well as engineering, because it is in these disciplines that the German higher school has proven itself especially well. Almost all German universities have excellent technical equipment and modern laboratories, which makes the learning process exciting and productive. In addition, German medical and economic universities also have an excellent reputation. Please note that in many German universities you can study in English.

Thousands of students from all over the world dream of entering German universities, not only because of the global recognition of German university degrees, but also because of the low cost of education. The country's universities are funded by the state, which allows them to offer some of the most affordable higher education programs in the world. The cost of living in German cities also remains one of the most affordable in Europe. In addition, Germany allocates huge funds to attract talented students to the country. In particular, the country is known for the world's largest scholarship program, DAAD, which brings thousands of bright young people to German universities every year.

The authority of German technical and humanitarian education in Russia is very high. The main obstacle for Russian citizens is the small number of German language schools. There are other difficulties in obtaining a university education in Germany.

The German educational system is characterized by three types of higher education. Classical "old" universities are represented by Heidelberg and Berlin universities. Medical, philosophical, theological faculties remain leading in them, although modern specialties based on fundamental sciences are added.

The second type includes universities, academies that have grown out of technical, branch institutes. The University of Hannover has gone through the stages of a technical school, a technical university. Higher technical schools (Aachen, Darmstadt) are equated to them. Many universities have technical faculties (Rostock) and, on the contrary, the humanities are taught at technical universities (Braunschweig).

New universities, a few private universities do not compete with traditional ones in terms of a variety of areas, focusing on specific disciplines. These include the Ruhr University (Bochum), the universities of Constanta, Regensburg, Bielefeld.

Best Universities in Germany

The best university in Germany is the University of Berlin. Einstein, Planck, Weber were his teachers. During this period, German scientists were awarded 26 Nobel Prizes (physics, chemistry).

Dortmund University has 24,000 students. The best reputation faculties - mathematics, chemistry, chemical engineering, construction, architecture.

The University of Jena received an imperial university privilege in 1558. A member of the "Coimbra Group" teaches young people in the faculties of law, economics, philosophy, social sciences, mathematics, and physics.

The Technical University of Berlin is the largest in Germany. Among 30 thousand students - 6 thousand foreigners. Machine-engineering, transport, architectural faculties have the highest reputation.

Entrance exams, study

There are no entrance exams in our understanding at German universities. The main exam for a foreigner is a language test, confirmed by an international certificate. Naturally, the vast majority of universities require knowledge of the German language. English is taught only by a few institutions, at the master's level. There are several test levels, specific requirements need to be clarified individually.

In terms of wages, Germany is one of the best countries in Europe for Russians. The tuition fee is minimal (in the worst case, 500 euros per semester). The university fee may include the cost of a regional travel ticket (city, regional intercity transport). For those who have exceeded the standard term of study (14 semesters), some regions introduce an increased semester fee (up to 800 euros).

Assistance to students in Germany is provided by several funds, most often regional ones, it is also available to foreigners. Job opportunities are great (up to 120 full days per year), the average salary is 10 euros per hour. For many German students, work provides financial independence, stretching their studies for 10 years. Student canteens also help save money, where you can dine for 3 euros. Compulsory monthly health insurance (80 euros). Curricula do not rush learning - it is customary to take exams on readiness, the student chooses the terms himself. Expulsion for bad grades is not practiced.

Job prospects in Germany, CIS

Most foreign graduates tend to stay in Germany. One and a half years are allowed by law to search for work (a work visa is guaranteed). The German industry is interested in specialists, regardless of nationality, with successful studies, you can get a job even in the last courses.

German education in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, construction is highly valued in the world. Knowledge of German allows you to get a job in six German-speaking countries in Europe, all EU countries.

Russian employers are most interested in engineering specialties. In German, Austrian, Swiss representations - a German diploma, knowledge of two languages ​​greatly increases the chances.

German universities - what is their peculiarity?

Universities in Germany differ from Russian ones in many ways: firstly, there are not so many of them. Most often there is one university for the whole city (and not in every city), in big cities like Berlin and Munich - no more than five universities.

AHTUNG! We are talking now about universities; universities of other types, for example, Academies, Institutes (higher schools are not considered in this article). Therefore, it is impossible to get confused with the names, in most cases, universities bear the names of the cities in which they are located: University of Hamburg, University of Potsdam (in German, the colloquial abbreviation of the word "university" is also accepted - "uni", therefore uni Hamburg, uni Potsdam).

Due to the small number of German universities, a second difference from Russian ones can be distinguished: they are large. And the campuses themselves (in small towns, a student campus sometimes occupies the entire city, and therefore is called a student city, for example, Hildesheim, Bielefeld), and buildings, and the number of students, in large cities - even more.

Nevertheless, the difference between huge international universities, where many foreign students study and 500 people sit at lectures, and universities in rather small cities, where teachers know most of their students personally and can provide an individual approach to everyone, remains. Each type of university has its advantages and disadvantages - in this case, rely on your own preferences.

With regard to the faculties offered by universities, German universities do not differ from Russian ones: there are both "thematic" universities dedicated to a certain field of science, and mixed universities with a wide range of sciences.

Of course, there are more universities of the second type, and they are in every city where there is a university. If the university is dedicated to a certain field of science, this is usually indicated in the name of the university: Technical University Munich, University of the Arts Berlin, etc.

If technical universities in Germany are more or less common in Germany as separate educational institutions, then it is much more difficult to look for, for example, architectural, economic or law universities in Germany. The maximum that can be found is higher schools (Hochschulen) in these sciences. It will be much better to find a university with a strong, recognized faculty of the science you are interested in: economics, law, etc.

Mr. "Bachelor", Lady "Master" and just Ph.D.

In short, there are three levels of "coolness" in the scientific world of Germany, ie. scientific degrees, which are achieved, of course, only in order:

  1. Bachelor.
  2. Master / Diploma.
  3. Ph.D.

But are you sure you're interested in the details? And even more, for sure, the correspondence of these scientific degrees to Russian academic titles? More on that below.

Bachelor (Bachelor)- This is the first scientific degree obtained after studying at a university (or academy) after 3 years of study. As we already wrote about the life of a German student, 3 years is just the norm (it can be reduced or increased at your own discretion). Typically, a bachelor's degree program is divided into two parts:

  • Grundstudium (first 2 years, or 4 semesters)
  • Aufbaustudium (5th and 6th semesters), in the 6th semester, a bachelor's thesis is written. From university to university, the rules differ both in the amount of work, and in the timing of its writing, and even in the need to protect it.

After successful completion of studies for a bachelor, a certificate with a bachelor's degree is issued, which, depending on the main subject (what the main subject is, can be formulated in different ways). For example, B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) the most common type of bachelor - applies to all the humanities and social sciences (except jurisprudence). B. Sc. (Bachelor of Science) is intended for natural, economic and engineering sciences.

The next step in the system of scientific degrees is Master or Diploma. These are not synonymous with each other, they are two different types of the same scientific degree.

Master is a logical continuation of the bachelor's degree, an in-depth study of a particular industry. This academic degree can be obtained by having a bachelor's degree certificate and having studied, as a rule, for four semesters in the same direction in which the bachelor was received, having written and defended a master's work (which has a rather large volume and elements of its own innovative research).

Diploma- This is a second-level academic degree (like the Master), but it combines a bachelor's and a master's degree. Those. Diploma training usually lasts for both Bachelor's and Master's degrees combined and is structured in a similar way. The initial stage (or Grundstudium) is similar to the bachelor's degree, after which the main education (Hauptstudium) follows, ending with the state. exams and writing a dissertation.

For the Master, the same abbreviations are used as for the bachelor - for example, M.A. (Master of Arts), M. Sc. (Master of Science). The designations for the Diploma look different, for example, Dipl.Ing (Diplom Ingeneur/in), Dipl. Komm.wirt (Diplom Kommunikationswirtschaft), etc. Both degrees - Master and Diploma - give access to the third academic stage - postgraduate studies.

Postgraduate- at the third and last stage - training usually does not last long. Two semesters of active learning, and you can start writing a dissertation, after the successful defense of which the scientific degree of Doctor (Dr.) is awarded. The scientific degree of the Doctor as an order - distinguishes you from all other mortals and inspires respect. It is also written before the surname and this title is always mentioned in official addresses. For example, Frau/Herr Doktor Mustermann.

But what about the Russian system? Specialists who have 5 years of higher education behind them, according to the German (more precisely, European) system, who are they? But what about Russian masters, who are a logical continuation of bachelors (according to the new system)? But what about candidates and doctors of sciences, where are they ranked, being in Germany?

Move on. As for the new system of academic degrees in Russia - bachelor's (4 years) and master's (+ 2 years), it is fully consistent in its content with the European one, only, unfortunately, they have different names, which create confusion. In Germany there is an academic Master's degree, but since the time of the Bologna reform, it has been gradually removed from universities and is no longer carried out!

So, Russian bachelors are the same bachelors in Europe, Russian masters are German masters. We remember and do not confuse!

As for the old system, which includes specialists (5 years) - in Germany, a specialist diploma is equivalent to a bachelor's degree! We reread the last sentence again and remember. This, unfortunately, is the biggest confusion: many Russian students believe that having 5 years of study at a university in Russia are equal to German masters (after all, they also have a total of 5 years of study behind them: 3 years for a bachelor's degree and 2 years for a master), but everyone forgets that the first two years of our high school with the Germans is still the level of the school (to be precise: the gymnasium)! So, Russian specialists, let's not hang our noses - you can go to Germany for a Master's degree!

What about candidates and doctors of sciences? Since in Germany there is only one highest academic degree - Doctor - then Russians and candidates and doctors of sciences are Doctors in Germany. In the case of the title of Doctor, everything is clear, but Russian candidates of science have a significant advantage in Germany: there are candidates in their homeland, in Germany there are already Doctors!

So what's the conclusion?

  • With the transition of Russia to a new system of academic degrees, their "transfer" to the European system is simplified, but confusion in the names remains.
  • Candidates of Sciences in general are in the most advantageous option - running to Germany for the title of Doctor!
  • Most importantly, a Russian specialist is the first scientific degree in the European system. With a diploma of a specialist in Germany, you can continue studying for a master in the same direction that was studied in Russia, or you can start a new one from scratch.

Every year we enroll more than 100 students in German Studienkollegs and universities. Our experience is your key to success

The best German universities or which university to apply to?

If you are not interested in any particular science, but you want to study at a prestigious university in Germany, whose diploma will be appreciated everywhere, regardless of the chosen subject, then you need to study the list of elite universities in Germany.

The best universities in Germany are selected every 5 years as part of the Excellent Uni initiative. This is a federal program aimed at identifying the most research-oriented and promising universities in Germany, which will receive over the next 5 years from the state treasury (“sickly”) financial resources for research.

Thus, the universities listed below are leading in the field of science, have eminent professors and the best equipped libraries and laboratories, and promising young people with diplomas enviable for any employer come out of the doors of these universities.

This program exists recently - in 2007 the first list of the best universities was announced, in 2012 this list was compiled anew: some universities lost their title, others were accepted into the list. We publish here the current list of elite

In Germany it operates more than 400 universities, most of which are state-owned. The bulk of future students, including foreigners, tend to enter the state university, where you can get an education for free.

Foreign candidates with poor knowledge German language difficulties may arise with admission, then it is better to choose a private university, with teaching at English. Of course, training will not come cheap.

The basis of quality education in Germany is the right choice of university and financial opportunities. There are three academic degrees in this country: Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Science. Universities are divided into special, technical and general profile.

Training programs are distinguished by relative freedom in the choice of disciplines. For guaranteed employment in Germany, you must initially choose more popular specialties. This is especially true for foreign students who, after graduation, plan to stay in the country, and possibly even eventually get German citizenship.

Let's take a closer look at 3 German universities, which, according to many international agencies, are included in the ranking - best universities in germany.

RWTH Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)

The University of Aachen is one of the leading research institutes in Europe. About 42,000 students study at ten faculties of the university, of which up to 7,000 are foreigners. Every year more than 5,000 people join the ranks of the educational institution.

Good conditions have been created for teaching natural science and technical specialties. The university also has an excellent international reputation in the field of engineering. Theoretical and practical classes are effectively built.

RWTH has a fund of Dr. Karl-Arthur Pastor, which awards scholarships to foreign students. Assistance is issued for one academic year, for renewal it is necessary to successfully pass the exams and provide a lesson plan for the next two semesters. If for some reason the scholarship was denied, you can get a job at the university. Cost of education ( student fee) is just over 200 euros per semester, which includes various benefits for students, such as use of the library, the Internet and transportation.

Official website of the RWTH Aachen University -

University of Economics Mannheim (UNIVERSITAT MANNHEIM)

This relatively young university is very popular in Germany. Economic and social sciences are considered the hallmark of the educational institution, and the Mannheim Business School is included in the ranking of the best economic educational institutions in the world.

In this regard, university graduates have priority positions in the European labor market. The appearance of the university is recognized as the most beautiful in Germany.

If you send an application in advance to the official website of the university, you can get housing in a hostel. And in the case of active social work and outstanding achievements, foreign students are provided with a scholarship. The university has five faculties. Training will cost just over 160 euros per semester.

Official website of the Economic University of Mannheim -

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUR TECHNOLOGIE)

The university is represented by 11 faculties and is considered one of the largest research and technical institutions in the world. More than 20 percent of university students are foreigners. Computer science, electrical engineering and innovation are considered priority areas.

There is a DAAD system - this is the world's largest organization supporting international student exchange, which, upon completion of one academic year and subject to academic success, awards students a scholarship. Cost of education an average of 150 euros per semester. For students outside the EU - 1,500 euros.

Official website of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology -

  • Almost all universities and colleges in Germany have an International Office ( Auslandsamter), whose employees help students solve all organizational issues throughout the entire period of study.
  • Every year, ICIEP Moscow hosts the "International Exhibition of Education", where university representatives talk about the education system and provide the necessary information for enrolling in a university.
  • Before applying, carefully study the conditions for enrolling in the university and the list of required documents.
  • To fully study abroad, you need to know languages ​​well. Therefore, prospective students are advised to pre-complete the relevant language courses.

A German education gives good chances for employment or starting a business in Germany and any other country in the world, and as a result guarantees a stable future.

The most prestigious institutions of higher education in Germany according to the American magazine US News & World Report, included in the ranking of the best universities in the world - Best Global Universities (BGU).

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)

By A.Savin (Wikimedia Commons ) - Own work ,

Founded in the Bavarian capital in 1472, the university offers master's programs in German and partly in English. Its international student population is about 5,000 out of a total enrollment of over 36,000.

LMU faculty and alumni include the theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg, the playwright Bertolt Brecht, and Pope Benedict XVI. The university is also in the Top 50 educational institutions of the world as one of the leaders in the field of arts, humanities, biology, immunology, physics, neuroscience, psychiatry / psychology and space research. It is ranked 57th in the world and 11th in Europe.

heidelberg university

Ruprecht and Charles University was founded in 1386. It is the oldest of the academic institutions in Germany, as well as one of the oldest universities in the world that has survived to this day. The proportion of international students among more than 29,000 students is approximately 17%.

Five German chancellors studied in Heidelberg, including Helmut Kohl, who played a crucial role in the unification of Germany, as well as prominent thinkers such as Hannah Arendt.

Specializing in subjects such as medicine, neuroscience, biology, physics, pharmacology and astronomy, the University of Baden-Württemberg is ranked 68th in the world and 16th in Europe.

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

The date of foundation of one of the largest German universities is 1868. Education in some specialties is conducted both in German and in English, which ensures a large influx of foreign students - about 8,000 out of a total of 37,000.

Thanks to the development of agricultural sciences and computer science curricula, TUM is ranked among the world's Top 40. In the US News list, it is ranked 86th in the world and 24th in Europe.

Humboldt University of Berlin (HU)

The oldest university in Berlin was founded in 1809 on the initiative of the philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt. He entered the international Top 50 thanks to such disciplines as neurobiology and immunology. He is also famous for his achievements in the humanities and the arts. Berlin HU, whose graduates were Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Erich Neumann, took 93rd place in the world ranking and 30th in Europe.

University of Bonn

Friedrich Wilhelm University of the Rhine Bonn, founded in 1784 in the hometown of Ludwig van Beethoven, is noted for its high-class programs in German and English. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and poet Heinrich Heine once studied here. The global top includes subjects such as mathematics, immunology and neuroscience. Place in the world - 110th, in Europe - 39th.

Free University of Berlin (FU)

The youngest but largest German university in terms of the number of students was founded in 1948. The reasons for its emergence in West Berlin were the Soviet occupation, in the sector of which the Humboldt University fell.

Nobel Prize winners such as chemist Gerhard Ertl, writer Kenzaburo Oe, and economist Reinhard Selten have taught here. The Free University of Berlin, according to US News, ranks 113th in the world and 41st in Europe

University of Hamburg

By - photo by ,

Despite its relative youth (founded in 1919), the largest university in Northern Germany managed to make a significant contribution to the history of the development of science and technology. Professors and graduates glorified the institution of higher education with their discoveries and achievements, five of whom are Nobel Prize winners: biochemist Hans Krebs, physicists Johannes Jensen, Wolfgang Paul, Otto Stern and Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, as well as physician Harald zur Hausen. It is included in the Top 50 due to special achievements in neurobiology and immunology, and occupies 121st place in the world list.

Freiburg University

By Peitho84 - ​​Own work ,

A university with a long academic tradition, founded in 1457 by the representative of the Habsburg dynasty, Archduke Albrecht VI of Austria.

Among the well-known people associated with the university are the "prince of the humanists" Erasmus of Rotterdam, the philosopher Martin Heidegger, the sociologist Max Weber, the director Wim Wender, the first chancellor of post-war Germany, Konrad Adenauer. In the list, BGU is listed under the 144th number.

University of Göttingen

By Daniel Schwen

This university in Lower Saxony was founded in 1734 by the Hanoverian Elector Georg-August.

The famous university, thanks to whose authority Göttingen became known as the "city of science", is associated with the activities of at least forty-five Nobel laureates who studied, taught and conducted research here. The educational institution maintains close ties with the Max Planck Society for Scientific Research and the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Association. The university has one of the largest libraries in Germany. In the ranking he is 155th.

Tubingen University

Public Domain,

The Karl Eberhard State University in Tübingen was founded in 1477. Located in the southwestern part of Baden-Württemberg, the university campus trains specialists in the fields of medicine, natural sciences and social sciences. He is especially famous for his enormous contribution to liberal Christian theology. Among the most famous graduates are astronomer Johannes Kepler, neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer, philosopher Georg Hegel. In the BGU list, the University of Tübingen is in 158th place.

Top 10 best universities in Germany updated: April 18, 2019 by: Marco Bayanov