Horoscope for July husband Virgo Snake. Characteristics of Virgo men and women in the year of the snake. Snake-Virgo. Horoscope of Virgo, born in the year of the Snake

The Virgo-Snake sign includes people born from August 24 to September 23 in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Virgo-Snake is one of the most attractive signs. A person born with this combination is distinguished by external beauty and refined manners. This combination gives the individual determination, punctuality, and accuracy.

In addition, the Virgo-Snake has a good sense of humor and innate intelligence. Virgo-Snake is one of the most pleasant of all Snakes and Virgos. This combination gives the individual the best character traits that are characteristic of these signs. Virgo born. She is always beautifully and tastefully dressed, and both at home and at work, she has perfect order. A person born with this combination is completely harmonious, both outside and inside.

The Virgo-Snake has an easy-going and peaceful character, excellent intuition and good logical thinking. This is a stylish and intelligent person who is not devoid of artistry. She is wise, self-confident and will not get confused in any situation.

In love relationships, the Virgo-Snake shows great caution and very often tries to avoid serious relationships. This is due to the fact that she is afraid that she will not be able to combine relationships with work, which she gives greater preference to. True, if strong love appears, then it forgets all its fears, doubts and surrounds its loved one with care and attention.

A person born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is charming, attractive and original. This is an elegant and sophisticated nature that knows a lot about beauty. Her appearance is thought out to the smallest detail. She strictly monitors the combination of details, colors and styles, both in clothing and in the interior. A positive attitude allows her to adapt very easily to changing living conditions. Virgo-Snake is self-confident, knows how to think quickly and make decisions. And in combination with well-developed intuition, she can achieve success in any activity.

It is worth noting that a person born with the Virgo-Snake combination instantly recognizes lies and tricks. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you should behave sincerely and honestly with him. In general, the Virgo-Snake shows mercy and tolerance towards others, but reacts very painfully to any attempts to limit her freedom or demonstrate power over her. In this case, it becomes extremely dangerous. It is also not recommended to conflict with her - she will fight back very quickly, but she will harbor a grudge for a long time and at the most unexpected moment, she will take revenge. This is a person who has a goal and is able to subordinate his entire life to this goal. Virgo-Snake is very insightful, and this quality is the result of the painstaking work of her mind, which, one might say, does not stop for a minute.

A person born with this combination lives by constant mental training, which brings him great pleasure. He simply loves to analyze everything, control and compare facts and systematize. These are his favorite activities, to which he devotes maximum free time. Virgo-Snake loves constancy and stability. Her whole life is calculated literally down to the smallest detail, and there is no room for surprises, adventures or new acquaintances. This is an extremely concentrated, businesslike and concrete person who knows how to very accurately study any problem posed to him.

In her work, the Virgo-Snake is hardworking and selfless, sometimes she can even forget about weekends and vacations. She doesn’t like to fuss and does all the work efficiently, slowly, but on time. In addition, he likes to take responsibility, and at the same time he studies all his life, acquires new knowledge and constantly reflects. This is a very responsible and educated employee who knows how to get along with colleagues and support them. Financial well-being is only of interest as an opportunity to feel free. For the Virgo-Snake, personal ambitions and success on a spiritual level are above all. Character flaws include excessive self-criticism. A person born with this combination often criticizes himself, which leads to sudden changes in mood. And in such a situation, he becomes sarcastic and is capable of saying many unpleasant things to others.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Virgo-Snake is charming and attractive. She can bewitch with her mystery and mystery. It is this combination that gives him a little charm and snake cunning, which makes him simply charming and intriguing. As a rule, the Virgo-Snake has many fans with whom she happily flirts and communicates. But he does not strive for a long and serious relationship, because he is constantly torn between home and work. Her emotional life, like all her affairs, is clearly organized, and her feelings are under control. She doesn't like change and is reluctant to start new relationships.

In love, as well as in everyday life, the Virgo-Snake prefers reliability and stability. She makes high demands on her partner, is restrained in expressing feelings, demanding and picky to the smallest detail. But, if he meets true love, he becomes a caring, faithful and understanding companion, devoted with all his soul to his loved one and his family.

Virgo-Snake woman

A woman born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is incredibly attractive, neat and positive. By nature she is friendly and sociable. She does not like scandals and has the ability to extinguish the beginning of a dispute. This is due to the fact that she is initially tuned to harmonious relationships with the whole world.

The Virgo-Snake woman is confident, ambitious and can achieve anything she wants. As a rule, this is a very lucky and happy woman who always turns out to be at the right time and in the right place. The main thing for her is to always remain herself. And then, the powerful energy that the Universe gives her will not pass by. Born in the year of the Snake, a high and responsible position. She always knows what she wants from life and confidently walks the straight path towards her goal. In addition, she is able to inspire others with her ideas and lead. The Virgo-Snake woman can achieve success in any field, but she will be best able to realize herself in the creative field. She can become not just recognized, but also very famous.

In love relationships, the Virgo-Snake woman is down to earth. Yes, she is charming and drives men crazy, but she keeps her feelings under strict control. She is a wonderful housewife, a caring wife and mother. But in her family she also expresses a desire to completely control her loved ones, which causes a violent protest from her husband and children, especially if they belong to the fire element. The Virgo-Snake woman, most often, occupies a leading position in the family, is distinguished by pedantry, love of order, neatness and increased attention to small details. Family is not an empty word for her. Like men of the same combination, the Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, is constant and faithful. In order for the marriage to become happier, she needs to learn to combine career and family, as well as give more freedom to her beloved man.

Virgo-Snake man

A man born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is distinguished by reliability, stability and balance. He is very smart, insightful, persistent in achieving goals, but not always active. Everything about him is calculated down to the smallest detail, including his vital energy. Therefore, you should not demand active actions from him if he is not ready for them.

The Virgo-Snake man is a very calm and reasonable person, striving for comfort and stability in all aspects of life. He does not like moving, traveling, business trips, moving, changing his place of residence, work, etc. He is extremely cautious, circumspect, and often self-absorbed. Of course, with age, he reconsiders many things in his life and changes his style of behavior. In the team, a man born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake is valued for his practicality, attentiveness and constancy. In addition, thanks to his sociability and sense of humor, the Virgo-Snake man becomes a favorite at work, who not only works selflessly, but also knows how to brighten up the work atmosphere with some funny joke or story.

Also, it is worth noting that the character of this man is quite contradictory. On the one hand, he is strong in every sense, but on the other, he can demonstrate his weaknesses, for example, lack of will, the desire to go with the flow. Born in the year of the Snake, however, behind this appearance lies an iron character that helps him solve the most difficult problems in life. The Virgo-Snake man should pay more attention to self-development, since otherwise he will not be able to achieve great results in life. This will especially affect family relationships and financial well-being.

In love relationships, as in work, the Virgo-Snake man is faithful and constant. This is an ideal option for a woman who values ​​family and wants to marry a permanent and reliable man. Romantic relationships with him are stable and simple. He is sensitive to the woman he loves and strives to help her in every possible way. However, if the companion turns out to be too strong a person, he will actively look for her vulnerable points. Such internal confrontation can extinguish love.

In general, the family life of a man born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake develops quite well, but he cannot always appreciate this. With close people, he shows his authoritarian traits, even trying to suppress them. The Virgo-Snake man should devote himself more to feelings, rather than calculation or the desire to prove his power, and also learn delicacy and tolerance, especially in relationships with children.

  • Small and large Snake children are simply brilliant, endowed with an irresistible inner charm, and distinguished by remarkable intuition.
  • As the eastern children's horoscope assures, these boys and girls know, understand early what they want from life, and do not waste time on unproductive actions.
  • A child of the Year of the Snake is a strong person who knows how to be disciplined, so he will be an attentive, hardworking schoolchild or student. He has all the makings to become a favorite student at school: these calm boys and girls have natural learning abilities (and usually have a desire to learn), a high level of intelligence, and are persistent, so they can stand out from their classmates.

Child - Year of the Snake: Personality Traits

  • The Chinese horoscope warns that representatives of this sign, regardless of age, are the owners of a complex personality. Even Snake children are not very talkative, serious, and perceive the world more deeply than many others, especially their peers. The dominant trait of the “zodiac reptiles” is wisdom; they are thinkers. A child born in the year of the Snake usually has a high IQ.
  • Despite the fact that a boy or girl of this sign is not very sociable, due to the star characteristic of the Snake, the child easily wins the respect of others and becomes a leader if he so desires.
  • These people at any age, even children, are characterized by a keen sense of justice. Thanks to great talents and skill, the ability to gather together, children and adults can expect fame and success.
  • By nature, children of the Year of the Snake are distrustful of other people, even relatives, and do not tolerate criticism.
  • Parents need to be careful not to spoil their melancholic son or daughter too much. It may happen that the little zodiac reptile quickly realizes its privileged position and begins to take advantage of it. At such moments, he may have a desire to subjugate someone or take insidious revenge for something.
  • The characteristic of a child of the year of the Snake is that he sometimes believes that the whole world is under the influence of his charm. And when it turns out that he is mistaken, the boy or girl can be overcome by negative emotions. Snakes experience each failure very painfully. Because these people are silent, they stifle and harbor stress. Such a child often becomes their constant companion. The task of his parents is to inspire, to bring to the conclusion that their child’s worries are completely in vain. Because representatives of such a sign, as a rule, always delight other people, in particular, with their impeccable sense of style and cultural interests, knowledge of information about films, books, etc.

A child born in the year of the Snake: what awaits him in the future?


The internal energy that overwhelms children of the Year of the Snake will present them with many surprises. At first glance, everything should turn out great in the future. Snakes without pairs will radiate seductive power, and no one will be able to resist them. People of this sign who are in a permanent relationship are constantly waiting for something new. However, this state of affairs has a second, darker side. New may mean new, higher demands on a future partner. And if these are not fulfilled, this will give rise to conflicts and tension in the life of the zodiac Snake, which can lead to a broken heart. Conclusion? In the life of a child born in the year of the Snake, everything can turn out well, but moderation must be observed in everything. Parents should instill this quality in him during his childhood.

Was your child born in the year of the Snake? This is a wonderful child - wise, tenacious, persistent, cheerful, inquisitive, courageous, friendly and caring.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, and this wisdom is combined with deep calculation. If the Snake has decided something, you can be sure that all moves have been calculated, all possibilities have been thought through, and one, the only correct decision in this situation has been made. Negative traits of the sign include the Snake’s excessive isolation and suspicion of others. From an early age, the Snake child is able to make independent, correct decisions, surprising and sometimes confounding his parents. Why, he’s so small, but he can solve sometimes very complex issues! Trust your child, give him the opportunity to make decisions, control and correct him as discreetly as possible, make him trust you, and you will be amazed at how smart and correct a person you are growing up.

Snake children do not immediately get along with their peers, and, as a rule, they have no more than one or two friends, but they are the real ones! Snake children are helped in their studies by their intelligence and perseverance. They are easily given the exact sciences that others often cannot even master - mathematics and physics. As, however, they overcome all subjects where good logical thinking is necessary without any difficulties. But sometimes such children choose the humanities. But parents should not force their children to study this or that subject, he must make a choice himself, let him do what he likes. Only in this case will the Snake child be able to achieve his goal and become a successful person.

He is partial to art, especially music. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It is not at all easy to be the parents of a child born in the year of the Snake.

Already the little Snake shows the features of a wise, strong adult. These are “little old people” who can give advice to adults from childhood. They love to help everyone, sympathize, and empathize. It’s just that, because of loneliness, your child never cries. It is temperature sensitive, so the room should be warm, but not hot. He will only love swimming when he gets older and learns to swim.

A particularly difficult period will come when the child begins to crawl and walk. He grabs everything and examines it. He is attracted to everything new. Remove all sharp, dangerous objects; he may get hurt. Lock up all household chemicals. Don't let him into the kitchen, this is too dangerous a place for him, he can crawl everywhere.

The Snake child loves to climb stairs, trees, and overcome obstacles. Limiting him in physical activity is harmful. Set up a sports corner for him where the child can spend his energy, or take him to the playground more often. As your child grows up, he or she will love sports because they are stimulated by the competitive atmosphere. At all, he likes to be first. Offer him different activities: build a house from cubes, assemble a pyramid or a car from construction kit parts. He can scatter everything if it doesn’t work out. Don't lose patience and insist on doing the same task another time. You will have to put a lot of effort into teaching your child to engage in intellectual activities. If you don't do this in childhood, he may grow up physically healthy and strong, but rude and stubborn. Accustom him to books from childhood. Let these books tell about noble heroes; your child loves exploits and adventures. Try to give him a good education, then his adult life will be much richer. In any case, he is ambitious.

If your child is a boy, he may be short-tempered, even aggressive. Never respond in kind to his irritability, otherwise he may grow up cruel and violent. Do not encourage in boys a love of weapons and rough play.

How should you treat your child in order to achieve what you want without disturbing his inner balance?

1. Don't rush him or push him, don't get irritated. Strain your intellect: find arguments that are convincing not only for you, but also for your child, appeal to his sense of justice, which is very developed in him. You need to treat him firmly, but kindly.

2. Never give him orders without explaining why he needs to do this and not another. Despite the bravado, he is afraid that they may stop loving him, because... he has a huge need for love.

3. Try to trust your baby, give advice, not commands. If the house is quiet and calm, then you can provide your baby with a happy childhood. Snakes can't stand noise.

4. Do not undermine the foundations of his security, never, even as a joke, tell him: “Leave home, since you are so bad.” He also should not have two houses, because, from his point of view, two houses are the same as none. He, like no one else, must be sure that his home is his fortress. Your child needs a peaceful and welcoming environment.

But a lot depends on when your little Snake was born: at night or during the day. One born at night, especially around midnight, will be freed from any traps, and her life will be less stormy compared to the Snake, who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. Their life will be more eventful, passionate, sharp, but on the other hand they will be more fortunate.

Combination of the year of the Snake with the signs of the Zodiac

Please note that the general forecast is compiled only for typical representatives of the Zodiac (this is determined on the basis of a personal horoscope; in this case, your birth chart must contain at least 3 planets in your Zodiac sign). In other cases you should

Aries is a very passionate Snake who is able to talk about her feelings clearly and directly. Aries highlights your child's artistic abilities and unique sense of humor. Because of the lively Aries, your baby may experience mood swings. He has a bright and attractive personality, but he can be changeable and envious if he fails to be the center of attention. If the Snake can remain calm, control Aries’ impulses, and force him to hold his tongue, then she will go far thanks to her innate intuition.

Taurus is a balanced Snake, but only too receptive, even scrupulous. The Snake with this sign has more generosity, but also more temper and stubbornness. Taurus will strengthen the “snake” tendency towards introversion and add objectivity and determination. Both signs in this combination are prone to solitude and reflection, but your child will also feel responsible for others and will try to become a support for the family. He is ambitious, reliable and practical. He establishes strong relationships with others and knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life. And with such strength and endurance, he will surely achieve his goal.

Gemini is the Snake of crazy and risky activities, although, basically, he achieves success in life. A child with the Gemini-Snake combination is born to win; he is worthy of the most cunning opponents. To the incomparable constancy and persuasiveness of the Snake is added the razor-sharp mind of Gemini. Your ambitious and charming baby will easily cope with many difficulties. He is distinguished by his intelligence and prudence. The snake never gives up or gives in. It's a winning combination that combines strategic thinking with insight and creativity. Gemini will teach the Snake to subtly intrigue and get his way without stepping on anyone’s toes.

Cancer - this Snake is a lover of the fireplace and a small fire, preferring moonlit nights and a sedentary lifestyle during the day. Knows how to make friends and keep secrets. The elegant Snake will be endowed not only with perseverance, but also with prudence and resourcefulness. Your charming baby has many friends, more and more of them as he grows up. When he needs it, he will receive any information. This child will have very close relationships with family and friends - perhaps even too close - because he is sentimental towards the people he loves and even considers them as something of his “property”. On the one hand, such feelings are very rare; but it will be very difficult for him to break such a connection. This child will take care of his parents and will always be attentive to their needs.

Leo - by nature, these children are noble and generous, self-confident and proud, hardworking, with a strong sense of self-esteem. “All or nothing” is their motto. Such a Snake has more cheerfulness, and, accordingly, there is more freedom and speed in her life. Other Snakes may be too attached to material values, but this Snake does not have such a tendency. As your child grows up, he will likely be popular with the opposite sex, as both Snake and Leo attract a lot of attention. A child with this combination of signs is energetic and sincere. The Snake strives for stability, and Leo will give your baby flexibility, and in an unfavorable situation he will not hesitate to change his mind.

Virgo is a Snake for whom realism and the practical side of life are above all. He always sees his life goal and moves inexorably towards it. Such children are the greatest realists and practitioners. The Virgo-Snake combination gives strength and wisdom. Their prudence and analytical thinking, pickiness, and criticism are evident from early childhood. Virgos, as a rule, do not disappoint their parents, educators, or teachers. Punctuality and accuracy are evident from an early age. These children know what they want and what they can achieve, but they are sometimes not liked because they have a sharp tongue, because they always know more than what is given and belong to the self-taught type. Communication with these children should be easy and relaxed.

Libra - This Snake is most likely to be domesticated and tamed. But Libra the Snake will not only be a pleasant conversationalist, but also a very useful companion in all matters. Libra gives your sweet baby warmth, friendliness and the ability to trust, so this Snake is capable of love more than other Snakes. Such a Snake makes friends easily, and people are usually drawn to her. This cute Snake is not as nervous as others; she prefers balance and practicality. Your child's loyalty knows no bounds, and he will do anything to protect and justify those he loves. A Snake with Libra as the inner self will not be a selfish individualist. There is no jealousy or demandingness in the character of such a Snake; she knows how to get along with others. This property of the sign of Libra allows the Snake to think less about himself and more about his team.

Scorpio is a Snake too complex and too dangerous, from which you can expect anything, because... born to fight and achieve their goals, which is well developed in dangerous professions. Scorpio children will develop according to how they are raised. They are persuasive and ready to accept arguments, they are always sincere and frank, but they have a capricious disposition. Parents must learn to cope with them from a very early age, to become their friends and accomplices in all matters, secrets and experiences. Scorpios are great mockers, they love humor and satire, but at the same time, impulsiveness and aggressiveness incline them to arguments and quarrels, which greatly interferes with games with other children, and then in family life. Since childhood, they show increased interest in the opposite sex. He is patient and intelligent, has first-class intuition and strong and deep convictions. People around you rely on your baby to understand what is important and what is not. This mysterious child will rightfully be the ruler of thoughts.

Sagittarius - such a Snake can go very far. For the most part, these children are noble and generous, inquisitive, honest and fair, although too frank and straightforward, with a great desire for freedom. Their main quality is optimism and faith in the future. In games with peers, there is a great need for power and strength, ostentatious splendor, and they try to gain recognition and popularity. Ideally, such children should have young parents, because they need games and activities in 2-3 sports sections, interesting trips, travel, etc. Sagittarius children are capable and talented people, have a good memory, and grasp everything on the fly. When communicating with such children, you should always tell only the truth and teach them thrift.

Capricorn is a sensible Snake. She perfectly avoids all life's traps and other troubles. From an early age, he shows seriousness, hard work and efficiency, perseverance and perseverance, endurance, patience and endurance. And this helps him confidently move forward and climb up the social ladder. His motto: “From dependence to independence.” They take every opportunity to improve their position in life. Good friends, but emotionally there is some tightness, coldness and irritability. In this sign, the mind completely controls emotions. The main sources of danger for a Capricorn child are falls, bruises and sprains. Parents need to carefully monitor Capricorn during childhood, as this is the most dangerous period in his life.

Aquarius is a smart Snake who will always find a balance between thoughts and decisions, actions and deeds. This type of child is one of the funniest in the entire Zodiac. Aquarius is an intellectual sign, and Aquarius children usually have a lively, agile mind. They are persistent and succeed in whatever they set their mind to. Parents inevitably have to get acquainted with the trendy ideas of their children, and be surprised by their newest morality, where friendship and camaraderie, rather than family ties, are considered the ideal example of a union. There is no jealousy or demandingness in the character of Aquarius; she knows how to get along with others. This property allows the Snake to think less about himself and more about his team. Literary ability and inventiveness are two talents with which Aquarians are gifted, and if properly developed, this will allow them to choose a specialty related to scientific research.

Pisces is a Snake, sometimes funny, sometimes crazy, very impressionable, sophisticated, and often even very dangerous, especially for oneself. The weakest and most sensitive creatures of the entire Zodiac, but here we can hope that the Snake will give them some confidence and wisdom. Crybabies, they can cry with or without reason - just to shed tears. Their little hearts are filled with a feeling of fear and fear of life, of the future. Because of this, from an early age they are looking for friends and partners who are stronger in spirit and strong in character, who could always protect them from various adversities and dangers of life.

Most often, overly ambitious fathers who dreamed of a heroic son are upset and disappointed in their child, so the mother should definitely become a faithful friend to her child, open access to his heart in order to significantly facilitate his life path. These children are endowed with enormous creative talent and parents should promote its development and help them choose the right direction. It is also very important for parents to ensure that their children do not fall under the influence of bad company, since they assimilate both bad and bad equally well. Until they learn to choose the right paths in life themselves, their parents should monitor this.

Eastern Zodiac– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs



Despite the fact that the Snake has a choleric temperament and can be extremely active, it has the ability to freeze when a certain insensibility sets in, the ability to do nothing, not be interested in anything and, as it were, to disconnect from the fight. It is this quality that should be taken as the basic one when creating a royal image. The king is kind and simple, but proud and lonely. No familiarity, no collective drinking bouts, live, reign, expand your range of interests, but not participate in anything until called. Vanity is something that cannot be prescribed to the King. But you need to remain calm. Proud, wise, philosophical calm.

Greta Garbo (September 18, 1905) is one of the legendary “goddesses of Hollywood”, sophisticated, avoiding publicity, possessing powerful inner strength, capable of seducing with one glance her marvelous light eyes framed by eyelashes of incredible length.


Rich or poor, smart or stupid, beautiful or ugly, the King is obliged to demonstrate his greatness, to show his endless inner pride.

The question arises: what exactly is the King so proud of? If we were talking about real kings, then everything would be clear - anointing, chosenness, this and that. But what is the virtual King proud of? It turns out there is something. The greatest harmony is hidden in the King's horoscope, potentially the King could be any sign(“kings can do anything”). He could be handsome and loved by the people (like an Aristocrat), he could become an excellent speaker or scientist (like a Professor). The King has dignity and nobility from the Knight; a bewitching, hypnotic gift of influence on people from the Leader. But most of all, the King is similar to the Jester, for the thirst to joke and laugh at his subjects (all people), as well as the jester’s dislike for authority figures, is literally in the King’s blood. There is only one thing the King cannot do - become a Vector. That is why our life is always a confrontation between the King and the Vector.

However, the King’s universalism turns out to be, if not a tragedy, then a huge difficulty for him. The king must master all five images, master them perfectly and have time to combine them together, and so that no one image has an advantage.

And then that same pride will arise that does not need to be demonstrated. There is no need to demonstrate subtlety of manners (Aristocrat), no need to stick out your intelligence (Professor), no need to yell (Leader) or take poses (Knight), just smile slightly (Jester) and enter the hall. And then everyone will stand up (or lie down?) and bow their heads before the King. Because pride has turned into greatness.


The King’s difficulties in creating a full-fledged image force him to live by the slogan “all or nothing!” Since it is very difficult to achieve everything at once, the King needs a long time to prepare his image. As a result, you simply have to hide, turning into a hermit.

It’s not just about walking in the desert or living in a deep forest; you can also be a hermit in a crowd. Moreover, it is the King who is allowed to create a zero image, unremarkable in anything. It's not that easy, every person has signs. In essence, we are talking about creating the image of an invisible man, facial expressions, gestures, whose appearance is so harmonious and calm that the gaze of any person slides along the King and does not linger on a single detail.

The King's extraordinary modesty is associated with his hermitage. The greatest ruler in the history of mankind, the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian (Horse, Libra), the creator of the model of the sole power of the Roman emperor over the whole world, amazed his contemporaries with his incredible modesty and minimal needs.

Another explanation for royal modesty is the harmony of the image. The King initially has everything, all the elements are compensated, he, like an inert gas, has no valence, does not seek anything, and therefore does not suffer from an inferiority complex, does not crave self-affirmation. And not in any direction.

Modesty, tranquility, and the impossibility of a quick career make the King so passive that he, in fact, completely slows down and goes into the career reserve, staying there for a very long time or remaining forever. And great efforts are needed to activate the King, to call him to the kingdom. Every national history is full of stories about the call to the kingdom. Either Ilya Muromets was called to save Rus', or Alexander Nevsky was called by the whole world. Again, saving Rus'. The last case is a football failure, and then a miraculous revival created by Georgy Yartsev (Rat, Aries). At the same time, a striking detail is that at the time of the call to “save Russia,” Georgy Yartsev was not training anyone at all, being a classic hermit.

Hermitage, a real separation from the masses, gives birth in the King something that cannot be achieved by any technical means - extraordinary inner dignity, pride and generosity. The King is both simple and inaccessible at the same time, and only then is he truly the King.


The king must rule. Not to fight for power, but simply to rule... A comparison with the position of the English queen is more suitable here - she rules, but does not rule. However, in exceptional cases, Kings and Queens can rule; they have everything they need for supreme power. And yet we are talking not so much about political power, but about spiritual power or something. The greatness of the King is such that he simply does not need shoulder straps, stripes and other attributes.

The very fact of the existence of the King, even in a forest or desert, is already beneficial for humanity, infecting people with calmness, confidence, giving wisdom and understanding of the meaning of existence.

The King's rule is based on an infinitely expanded authority. The authority of the King puts pressure on people, they begin to trust the King, which is why his authority increases, after which people’s trust increases even more. This is the mechanism of the resonant growth of royal power.

A huge plus in the power of the King is lack of careerism and ambition. The king still has to be persuaded to accept rule. Likewise, after leaving, the King does not hold on to power, therefore, does not suffer from persecution mania, and does not take any emergency measures to protect his power. Another thing is that his power is so unmistakable that there is little threat to it.

Despite the small number of Kings and their lack of career ambitions, a royal career still happens from time to time. Let's say, Vladimir Kramnik (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain becoming the chess king. And Nikolai Patrushev (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain to head the FSB. Rudolf Abel (Cat, Cancer) was recognized as the king of intelligence, and John Young (Horse, Libra) was recognized as the king of astronautics. They crowned the first film director, Sergei Eisenstein (Dog, Aquarius), and the king of animation, Yuri Norshtein (Snake, Virgo). Bill Gates (Goat, Scorpio) is recognized as the king of the computer world.

And yet one horoscope is not enough. If you delve into the biographies of these people, two circumstances will always emerge. First: there is always someone nearby who disinhibits the too passive King. And second: there were almost always circumstances that slowed down a career, preventing it from being realized too early.


For the King there are almost no prohibitions; you can be in all images, except for the vector one. And therefore, exactly what is good for Vector is not good for the King. They are real antipodes.

So: The king should not be fussy, should not fuss, should not seek friendship with just anyone. No familiarity, no rudeness. The image of a seducer and adventurer is also contraindicated for the King.

And the King cannot count on a quick career, quick success, and cannot live a short life. Well, since all diseases are caused by nerves, you shouldn’t be nervous. And in general it is not recommended to get sick. Only a long-lived King, a universal King, can achieve any career success.


Taking into the service of the King, always you risk getting a half-asleep bum. Therefore, we immediately need to think through the mechanism for awakening it.

But the King is good where panoramic thinking is needed, a view of the matter from a great height, a universal approach. Usually we are talking about areas in which a variety of interests and a variety of elements are intertwined.

The situation with marriage is even more complicated. A calm, balanced and beautiful person is a bait for too many. Alas, they will be disappointed; the King is too balanced and therefore does not need to look for the missing “half”. There may be salvation in the so-called royal marriages, when both spouses are Kings. Director Yuri Norshtein (Snake, Virgo) and actress Lyudmila Kasatkina (Ox, Taurus) have been together for many years.

King |

Anyone who also has time for this may be interested, Sign zodiac Virgo characteristics (August 23 - September 22).

Snake-Virgo. Horoscope of Virgo, born in the year of the Snake.

This Snake is one of the most refined natures. Its beauty is verified: every detail is taken into account and every little detail is polished. In other words: her looks are flawless! And a person’s appearance can say a lot about their inner life. The Snake-Virgo is scrupulous, meticulous and extremely punctual both in business and in relation to herself. She is strict and categorical in her judgments, but in most cases everything she says is not empty words, because every second she analyzes the space around her and what is happening in it.

Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, is particularly perceptive. Such a person sees and understands a lot, although outwardly this feature may be invisible. For this very reason, only a complete idiot who puts himself above others can try to deceive the Snake-Virgo.

It should be noted: insight in the case of the Snake-Virgo is the result of painstaking work of the mind. She knows how to analyze and compare facts, and this internal activity brings great pleasure to the Snake-Virgo. We can say that the Snake-Virgo lives by constant mental training and often spends too much energy thinking about all possible details.

The Snake-Virgo is constant in its affections. He does not seek to change his usual circle of acquaintances. In general, the Snake-Virgo is a peaceful person and she does not look for adventures on her own head. She is too smart and calculating to get into unforeseen situations from which it is difficult to get out. Her life is measured and, for some, may seem somewhat monotonous and even boring, but there are almost no shocks in it!

In love, the Snake-Virgo is extremely reliable, since her life guidelines always correlate with practical benefits. Her feelings are under control, but there is some nervousness due to constant tension. She is restrained in her expressions of feelings, demanding, but devoted with all her soul to her loved one and her family. She has order in her house: the Snake-Virgo does not tolerate disorder and indiscipline.

The Snake-Virgo is always responsible and generally takes any word spoken very seriously, expecting that action should follow.

Virgo born in the year of the Snake in her horoscope combines unearthly charm with cunning. SnakeVirgo moves smoothly, speaks languidly and literally hypnotizes you.

The main quality of her character is determination. All efforts will be devoted to achieving the Goal. All plans will be clearly verified and executed within specific deadlines. In the head of such a Virgo-Snake there is a powerful computer that notices every little detail and brings it into the overall picture. Even such a Virgo’s love is clear and specific.

By the way, Virgo’s qualities neutralize the Snake’s flighty betrayals and our heroine does not like change, is extremely reluctant to change her lovers herself and reacts painfully to her partner’s betrayals.

Yes, whatever, cheating, just let him try to put the keys in the wrong place, the anger of such a Virgo due to the sloppiness or carelessness of his partner can be simply dangerous!

The Snake symbol in ancient Chinese astrology is considered an intelligent, resourceful and confident sign with a charming personality. Snake-Virgo men and women are charming, confident, versatile, quick and deep thinkers. Their philosophical view of the world gives them the skill of intuitive insight, they are tolerant and merciful.

The Virgo-Snake is generally optimistic and can easily adapt and settle anywhere. Outwardly, it seems that they do everything slowly, so everything they do is usually successful. These people are hard workers, they need to be reminded about vacation. They are not afraid of responsibility, and the excellent quality of resourcefulness helps them achieve their goals. All their lives they learn new skills and knowledge, looking for food for thought.

These people can be difficult to persuade into long-term personal relationships. Sometimes it seems to them that they simply will not be able to keep up both in their personal lives and at work. Achieving their ambitions is a very important point for them. However, when they fall in love, they direct all their care to the object of love, becoming thoughtful, faithful and devoted partners.

These people are very well stimulated by material goods, but they are not blinded by them. Their goal in life is to be successful in life, but this is not necessarily financial success. These people are selective in choosing friends and tend to appreciate those who are on the same intellectual wavelength as them.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they are overly critical of themselves. This weakness can cause mood swings, when they become sharp-tongued and can begin to manipulate people.