Exotic flowers: photo with names and descriptions. Tropical flowers Tropical flowers loved by summer residents

Winter is coming in Russia, snow is falling, so the story of tropical flowers will remind you of bright colors, sunny days and wonderful smells. And hopefully it lifts your spirits!

Wood frangipani (Plumeria) grows throughout Southeast Asia, although it is believed to be native to Mexico and Central America. Apparently, he came along with the missionaries, and took root so much that he is sure to be planted near Hindu and Buddhist temples. In English, it is called "temple tree" (temple tree).

Frangipani captivates with its delicate flowers that smell wonderful. The sense of smell plays a big role in religious cults. During the ceremonies, sticks, aromatic oils and essences are used. Therefore, the frangipani had to go to the temple court.

For the island of Bali () the frangipani flower is a symbol. A garland around the neck or one flower behind the ear is offered to guests as a greeting.

Local women wear it behind the ear, put it in offerings to the gods and spirits.

A home temple stands in every Balinese courtyard, a frangipani tree is planted nearby, and its flowers are used daily. In a tropical climate, flowering does not stop, the tree is always in bloom. Caring housewives, who have many trees, dry the flowers in the sun in the yard, so that the dried ones can be used in religious ceremonies.

The most commonly used are white with a yellow center, but there are varieties with flowers of pink, apricot, raspberry and yellow-red.

The frangipani tree (Plumeria) is unpretentious and lives for hundreds of years. It is customary to plant frangipani trees with raspberry flowers in pots and decorate the yard with them.

Spas in Bali place freshly picked flowers in a bowl of water for beauty and fragrance. A traditional Balinese massage is done with oil, which can also smell like frangipani.

If you bring a cutting from the tropics, you can try to grow a house tree at home in Russia. And the smell of flowers will be the same, maybe a little weaker. In a tropical climate, flowers smell so strongly because of competition, there are many of them, and you need to attract attention. And in the Russian climate, a faint unusual aroma will also be very noticeable.

Many perfumes contain the scent of frangipani flowers. Their aroma makes you feel like you are somewhere in the tropics, in a deck chair on white sand under palm trees, on the shores of the azure ocean.

Even in the tropics bloom all year round acacia . There are a lot of different types. The common thing is that on every tree there is a sea of ​​flowers. And there are all kinds of colors: pink, red, white, yellow, lilac.

There are no seasons, the same tree has both mature pods and flowers.

Cactus euphorbia (Euphorbia) common among flower growers in Russia. It is a succulent, strongly branched with erect branches, it has from 3 to 8 ribs. Along the edge of the ribs are tubercles, from which new light green leaves grow. On the windowsill in a small pot, it grows more than a meter high, giving numerous branches on the sides.

In our foyer of the house of culture, in a huge container, the euphorbium cactus was under the ceiling, several meters. And for the New Year he was dressed up like a Christmas tree.

Euphorbia, in fact, - spurge . If you break off a branch, a white, milky juice will stand out. This milkweed juice is used in perfumery, it is added to whitening creams and freckle lotions. Whitening creams, by the way, are very popular among dark-skinned local residents of sunny countries. And, for us, the peoples of the north, a tan seems to be a symbol of health and a well-spent vacation.

So, in the tropics, euphorbias look like trees. Of these, planted in a row, a prickly hedge is obtained.

Some of the species are edible, their branches with thorns removed are sold in markets and supermarkets.

Another type of milkweed in the tropics exists as a shrub, which is planted in front of the gate because of its continuous flowering, for decoration.

bougainvillea - a liana with bright colors of different shades grows not only in the tropics, but also in any warm climate. For example, in the south of Europe. But, closer to the equator, it becomes so magnificent that it looks like an independent tree with colored foliage.

Does the nature of people depend on their environment?

If you are always around, regardless of the season, flowering trees and fruits, and their sweet delicate aroma, can you just enjoy and live today without worrying about the future?

People from countries lying in the tropics, it seems to me, can.

In natural conditions, not so many of them have survived, some of them are on the verge of extinction. But, if we really want, we will be able to see this exotic with our own eyes. In order for our descendants to have a chance to see these amazing monkey puzzle plants, dragon tree, amazing velvichia, titanium arum, venus flytrap, rafflesia, takka, jade flower, ghost man tree, lacy tree, we must do everything to save them. A dozen exotic plants that reminds us that our world is beautiful and worth loving and protecting.

Puzzle for the monkey. Chilean araucaria.

Araucaria araucana The leaves of this tree are so hard and prickly that birds prefer not to sit on them. That is why the tree has such a strange name: the once proud owner of araucaria, who lives in Cornwall (in the southwest of Great Britain), showing the tree to his guests, said: “Climbing this tree would be a real puzzle even for a monkey”, since then the second name of the tree is "Monkey Puzzle".

At the end of the 18th century, this tree, described by an Italian botanist, was classified as a special genus of pines, but the famous botanist and zoologist Jean Lamarck restored justice and proved that this is a separate type of tree - araucaria.

Araucaria seeds can be used for food, and it is quite possible that not only natural, but also their special plantings have been preserved - some of them are confined to the ancient sites of the Indians. Araucaria forests develop best on volcanic soils. Trees reach a height of up to 60 m, and a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m. A young plant is considered up to 150 years of age, and it can grow “in youth” up to 45 cm annually. Older trees grow up to 10-15 cm per year, while the leaves of the tree can live up to 40 years, and the tree itself - up to 2000. In 1796, i.e. 16 years after the discovery of the Chilean araucaria in America, it was already brought and planted in England (the first grown tree lasted almost a hundred years). Later, this araucaria spread widely in Western Europe, while it can be found even in Norway, but in Russia - only in the botanical gardens of the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Dragon tree.

Dracaena draco The dragon tree is a tree of the genus Dracaena of the Agave family. In appearance, it resembles a huge cactus, on the branches of which bunches of very sharp leaves grow. If an incision is made on a tree trunk, red resin will come out of it - “dragon's blood”.

Even the ancient inhabitants of the Canary Islands - the Guanches - considered the tree sacred, and the resin was used for medicinal purposes. The tree reaches a height of 20 m, and its trunk diameter is up to 4 m. The dragon tree grows in the Canary Islands and Socotra and can live up to 5-6 thousand years, however, annual rings do not form in the tree trunk, and it is not possible to determine its age exactly so simple. The oldest dragon tree grows in a small park (Parque del Drago) of the town of Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife, it is about 2500-3000 years old, if this is true, then this is the oldest known tree on the planet. And the most famous was a tree in the city of La Orotava. it grew to 21 meters, the girth of its trunk was 13.5 meters, and its age was determined at 6000 years, but in 1868 it was knocked down by a hurricane.

Velvichia is amazing.

Welwitschia Mirabilis About a hundred years ago, the German botanist Welwich traveled through the deserts of southwestern Africa and found a plant that looked like a pile of garbage from afar. This is not a tree, not a bush, not a grass, but something completely peculiar. Its trunk, similar to a stump, grows up to half a meter in height and up to 1.2 m in diameter.

A fleshy taproot up to 3 m long departs from the trunk, which serves to store nutrients and strengthen the plant, and not to obtain water. Velvichia grows in southern Angola and in Namibia, where not a drop of rain falls for months, and sometimes for years.

The plant receives moisture from fogs that envelop the coast for almost 300 days a year, which is why no one has met Velvichia further than the strip of fog penetrating deep into the territory 80-100 kilometers from the ocean coast. Velvichia leaves are up to 2-3 m long and up to 30 wide. cm persist throughout the life of the plant, although the winds turn them into bast, and some leaves may gradually die off. Radiocarbon analysis has shown that Velvichia can live up to 2000 years, so its leaves are the longest-lived leaves known.

Titan arum.

Titan Arum Translated from Latin, the name of this flower sounds like "a huge deformed penis", it is also called the "corpse flower" (in the local language - bunga bangkai) the plant emits rotten meat, the aroma of which attracts flies for pollination.

The birthplace of the titanium arum is the western part of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, was discovered in 1878. Today it is considered the largest flower in the world, blooming three times a year. The bud opens for about 3 weeks, and blooms for only a day or two.

Titanium arum belongs to the oldest and most beautiful family of flowering plants - aroid, it can reach a height of 2-3 m, and its weight is up to 100 kg. Titanium arum is a rare flower, it is difficult to grow it, and you can see it in only a few botanical gardens in the world, where flower lovers from all over the world come especially to bloom arum.

Venus flytrap. Venus Flytrap.

Dionaea muscipula This is the most famous carnivorous plant on the North American continent. The size of an adult plant does not exceed 15 cm, but at the same time it easily catches and assimilates mosquitoes, flies and other insects - the flycatcher is able to slam the leaves in one tenth of a second.

This is one of the fastest movements that plants can make. Harvard scientists believe that the leaves of the Venus flytrap accumulate elastic energy, and work on the principle of unstable convex membranes - you just need to press them with your finger, as they switch from one position to another.

Insects touch the trigger hairs of the plant, in response, it slightly loses moisture, because of this, the curvature of the surface changes - and the leaf abruptly closes the trap. That is why to avoid the fate of being eaten more in the smallest insects.

If the insect is “unlucky”, digestive juices are secreted from the glands located on the internal surfaces in such an amount that the insect completely drowns in this liquid. The trap remains closed for several days, and when it finally opens, all that remains of the poor fellow is an undigested chitinous shell.


Tiny rafflesia seeds - no larger than a poppy seed - are carried by animals that have stepped on the fruit of the plant. They are introduced under the bark of vines, and after a year and a half the bark swells, forming a kind of bud that ripens after 9 months into a bud of rafflesia - "bunga patma" (in the local language - a lotus flower). The average flower in diameter reaches 70-90 cm, the size of the flower - record holder - 106.7 cm. The thickness of the middle petal is 3 cm, and the length is 46 cm. After a short period of flowering, rafflesia decomposes within a few weeks, turning into a disgusting shapeless mass of black.

Tacca Chantrieri In tropical countries, tacca grows outdoors - on the coasts and in mountain rainforests, preferring a humid atmosphere. The local population calls this plant "black lily", "bat" or "devil's flower", associating terrible legends with it, but at the same time, the pulp of takka fruits is eaten, hats and fishing tackle are made from its stems, and flour is prepared from rhizomes for baking bread, sweets, medicines.

Takka contains alkaloid substances and is used in magical rituals. Powder of dried takka flowers also has interesting properties - it has a very high coefficient of volumetric expansion. Once in the stomach, it increases in volume up to 80-100 times its original volume.

The dark color of the flower is due to the fact that it is pollinated by carrion or dung flies, which are attracted by rotting remains. Insects are attracted by the shine of the cells on the “bottom” of the flower and the very faint smell of spoiled meat, almost imperceptible to humans. In nature, individual specimens reach 3 m in height. In Europe, these exotic plants are grown in winter gardens and greenhouses. Takkas bloom and bear fruit almost all year round. Insects are attracted by the shine of the cells on the "bottom" of the flower and the very faint smell of spoiled meat, almost imperceptible to humans. In addition, flies are attracted by large bracts in which you can spend the night, and juicy filamentous appendages are a real delicacy for insects.

Jade flower.

Calotropus Giant (lat. Calotropis Gigantea)

Pleasant strophanthus (Strophanthus gratus, Strophanthos gratus)

or, as it is also called, climbing oleander (Strophanthus bovinii). Tropical evergreen, spreading shrub or vine, reaching 7.5 m in length. It blooms with very attractive flowers, cream and pink shades. The flowers have a delicate fresh scent.

Pleasant strophanthus Strophanthus gratus

Ixora red, Ixora coccinea

Fire bush, jungle flame.

Ixora named after Ishwara, a Malabar deity. Despite the presence of the word "red" in the name, ixora is with red, white, pink and yellow flowers.

Shrub with dense leathery leaves. Inflorescences are umbellate and spherical in a wide variety of colors: yellow, orange, red

Easily formed by pruning, so it is often used for hedges. However, planting it next to paths or walls of houses is dangerous: the roots of ixora are very aggressive, they can destroy concrete, penetrating into cracks.

It is a large evergreen tropical tree that can reach a height of 30 meters. Falling branches are decorated with yellow flowers with long, slightly twisted petals, their fragrance can be heard from a distance of ten or more meters. Flowers gradually change their color from light green to lemon yellow, old flowers become dark yellow with brownish spots. The tree blooms almost all year round, it always pleases the eye with clusters of its flowers and dark green oval fruits. Fully ripe fruits turn black. The fruits of ylang-ylang are not eaten. You won’t get poisoned by them, but you won’t get much pleasure either: they are tart, although they have a rather pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of spruce or juniper.

Homeland Cananga odorata - South China, Southeast Asia, India, the islands of Polynesia, where it grows everywhere. The local name "ylang-ylang", or rather, "alang-alang", means "flower of all colors" and its intoxicating sensual smell is perfectly defined by this name.

Ylang-ylang is widely used in perfumery, both traditionally oriental and purely western. Ylang-ylang is the heart of one of the most famous perfumes "Chanel No. 5" and "COCO" of the world famous company Channel (Channel), and its smell is also present in the no less famous and beloved around the world "Aqua De Gio" by Giorgio Armani, " Poison" by Christian Dior and "Champs Elysee" by Guerlain.

Artabotrys siamensis - curly Ylang-Ylang

Curly Ylang-Ylang, Manorangini, Hara-champa, Kantali champa. A very attractive climber, the flowers become intensely yellow over time, very fragrant, their smell intensifies in the evening, and the fragrance spreads until the morning. The fragrance becomes strong when the flower turns yellow and continues for a day or two. It blooms all year round, however, the most intensive flowering in nature is observed from January to March. At home, in Thailand, Artabotrys siamensis grows outdoors and is often used to create a fast growing hedge.

Cochlospermum regium (Cochlospermum royal)

Cochlospermum regium

Other names: Yellow cotton tree, Yellow Cotton Tree.

In Thailand, often seen growing-blooming in the yards. There were no leaves, only yellow double flowers. Certainly attracts attention.

cochlospermum royale

Royal cochlospermum is a tree that grows up to 15 m in height, with wide palmate, slightly pubescent leaves on long petioles. During flowering, usually from December to March, cochlospermum royal looks very impressive! Flowers appear after the leaves fall. Large, up to 9 cm in diameter, golden yellow, fragrant, with 5 petals, they are collected in apical panicle inflorescences.

Cochlospermum regium

Widely cultivated as an ornamental, temple plant. Various industries (food, leather, textile, pharmaceutical) use gum extracted from the bark of a tree (Katira Gum).

"Golden Bell" is one of the most popular folk names for Tekoma erect. And indeed, in the bright sun, its dazzling yellow flowers seem golden. It is also called yellow bell, yellow elder (for the similarity of the shape of the leaves), yellow bignonia (for the similarity of the shape of the flower), Esperanza (hope) and others.

Tecoma erect (Tecoma stans)

Since 1934, Tecoma stans has been officially recognized as the national flower of the US Virgin Islands, and in 1970 it was also chosen as the national flower of the Bahamas, where it blooms profusely almost all year round.

This is a small, fast-growing evergreen tree or shrub, up to 6-7 meters high. Charming, dazzling yellow with reddish lines in the throat, funnel-shaped, five-petal flowers, often slightly curved, irregular in shape, up to 5 cm long and up to 4 cm in diameter, are collected in large racemose inflorescences at the ends of the shoots and in the axils of the leaves. Thin branches gracefully bend under the weight of flowering brushes.

Acacia yellow. Cassia glauca

Senna surattensis, Cassia glauca, Cassia surattensis, Scrambled Egg Bush.

Abundantly flowering shrub, grows everywhere. Belongs to the legume family. Height 2-4 m. Blooms in the dry season, forming abundant clusters of bright golden flowers that appear on almost every branch.

Low bush, with attractive erect inflorescences of a pleasant yellow hue, medium-sized leaves, oval, dark green, shiny. The leaves are paired, with 8-20 pairs of oblong leaf blades. The flowers are yellow-orange, collected in vertical spike-shaped inflorescences resembling candles, for which the plant is often called the Candelabra Tree.

Cassia alata, senna alata, winged senna, candelabra tree

Senna has laxative properties.

Cassia alata, senna alata

A plant of the legume family, a species of the genus Cassia, growing in South Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and other countries of South and Southeast Asia.

Cassia fistula is the national flower of Thailand, symbolizing the majesty of the king with its yellow color. Cassia got its name "Golden Rain" for the falling cascades of yellow flowers. The golden brushes of cassia, like a continuation of the sun's rays, resemble a solar downpour. In full bloom - a stunningly beautiful tree! Unfortunately, it was not possible to catch him in this form.

Cassia tubular (lat. Cassia fistula), Golden rain

Cassia got its name "tubular" for the cylindrical shape of the fruit.

Allamanda laxative, Allamanda cathartica

Shrub up to 2 m tall, and more often liana. The flowers are very fragrant, bright yellow.

All parts of the plant contain a laxative. Carefully! Milky juice can cause skin and eye irritation.

Gray Galfimia (Galphimia glauca)

Evergreen tropical shrub. It blooms throughout the year with attractive yellow flowers collected in inflorescences. Originally from Central America, where it is widely used in traditional medicine, it helps with anxiety.

Gray Galfimia (Galphimia glauca)

Plants of the legume family. Saraka is considered a sacred tree by Buddhists. Under one of its species - Ashoka, according to Buddhists, the Buddha was born. It is rare that a Buddhist temple does without this tree on its territory. Saraka, translated from Sanskrit, means "removing sadness, carefree."

Saraka yellow (Saraka), buds

Evergreen, slow growing tree, up to 10 meters tall, with rough, grey-brown bark. The leaves are paired, bright green, consisting of 4-6 pairs of leaf blades.

Inflorescences of flowers are large, collected in large caps. Flowers yellow. Long stamens, extending far beyond the corolla, give the flower clusters a shaggy appearance.

Since the flowers of saraki are very bright yellow and orange, the trees look very elegant.

A hardy and profusely flowering shrub. In India, lantana has been nicknamed "the curse of the planters" for its wild, indomitable growth. Lanthanum leaves are poisonous to many animals. In addition, it releases special chemicals to inhibit the growth of nearby plants.

The beautiful inflorescences of lantana camara amaze with their multicolor: the individual flowers of which they are composed change color depending on the degree of ripening. At first they are orange or yellow, then they turn dark red or pink.

Kanna ( Canna indica, Canna x generalis)

Despite its botanical name, Canna indica was not brought from India, but from the American tropics and the Caribbean.

Canna indica has been known for a long time, but still many hybrids of this plant, known as Canna X generalis, remain loved by tropical gardeners, especially planted in large flower beds. Red and yellow flowers are most common, but orange, pink, cream and mixed colors are also found with a wide variety of leaf patterns.

An evergreen plant from the same family as the oleander, very similar to it in growing conditions. It has very narrow leaves, similar not so much to oleander, but to willow.

Flowering is not as lush as that of oleander, but almost continuous, except during the winter months. The flowers are solitary, very delicate apricot color (there are also white or yellow flowers). Just like the oleander, all parts of the plant are poisonous!

Tevetia, Yellow Oleander (Thevetia nereifolia, Thevetia peruviana, Cascabela thevetia)

Campsis (Campsis radicans)

Very showy climber, beautiful with its large feathery foliage and large original flowers, long, abundant and colorful flowering.

Large, tubular-funnel-shaped flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter and up to 9 cm long, with a bright orange, tubular corolla and a bright red limb, are collected in apical brushes of 10-15 flowers. The flowers open sequentially and therefore the plant blooms for a long time and abundantly.

Marigolds, Tagetes

Marigolds, Tagetes

The marigolds got their Latin name from Carl Linnaeus in honor of the grandson of Zeus (Jupiter) and the son of Genius - Tages (Tageta), the Etruscans also have a similar myth, which became famous for its beauty and ability to predict the future. In Russia, this plant is called marigolds for the velvety petals.

Marigolds, Tagetes

A genus of annual and perennial plants of the family Asteraceae, or Compositae. Favorite flower of Thais for weaving wreaths and beads from flowers. In combination with jasmine and other fragrant flowers, it acts as a natural fragrance for home and car. These wreaths are also used for Buddhist rituals and ceremonies.

offering bouquets

In addition, yellow is the color of the ruling, so portraits of the king are decorated with marigolds.

decorated portrait of the king

Evergreen climber up to 6 m tall, can grow as a shrub. The flowers change color from white to red as they age, exude a rich fruity aroma (especially strong at night). Three different colors can be observed on one brush.

The botanist Rumphius was very impressed with the variability in the growth and color of flowers and formed the name of the genus from the Latin words quis - who? and qualis - which one? The English name Rangoon creeper indicates one of the places of origin - Burma (Rangoon is an ancient city, the former capital of Myanmar / Burma). There is also a funny name - Drunken sailors; the red tassels of flowers swaying in the evening breeze seemed to someone like drunken sailors trying to catch their balance after visiting the nearest bar.

Mussenda is an ornamental evergreen shrub or small tree, related to coffee, which looks delightful when in bloom. In Thailand, Mussendu is called the Rose of Bangkok. Its stunning beauty comes from the sepals that surround the small flowers, collected in large brushes.

Their colors can be white, red, pink or yellow. The sepals that adorn the moussenda are needed to attract insects that pollinate it.

And the small flowers themselves are mostly yellow, or orange and white.

Heliconia is a herbaceous plant that grows in the tropics of South and Central America and the Pacific Islands. There are many species that differ mainly in the shape of the leaves, the structure of the peduncle, the color of the flowers and bracts. There are species with narrow long leaves, there are with wide and more rounded ones, the peduncle is usually vertical or hanging, the color of the bracts varies from pale yellow to dark purple hues.

Due to its unusual extraordinary appearance, heliconia has received many interesting nicknames: wild banana, lobster claws, false bird of paradise, parrot beak. If you look closely, the flowers really resemble the outlines of animals. The name of the plant was given by Carl Linnaeus in honor of Mount Helikon in southern Greece, where, according to myths, Apollo and the nine muses lived, and therefore the name "heliconia" hints at the beauty and durability of this flower.

Spathodea bell-shaped (Spathodea Сompanulata)

Spathodea bell-shaped (Spathodea companulata) is an evergreen exotic plant of the Bignoniaceae family. It is also called the "tree of fire", "tree-fountain", "fire fountain" because of the huge bright red flowers.

Spathodea: African tulip tree

Spatodea flowers are similar to tulips. Usually they are bright orange with a yellow border, dark red or yellow. Cups of flowers are always raised up, and after rain this beauty is filled with water. It is included in the list of the most dangerous invasive species.

The appearance of the red-headed Calliandra cannot but attract admiring glances. Its fluffy bright red flowers, consisting entirely of stamens, can reach up to 8 cm in diameter.

Calliandra haematocephala – red-headed calliandra

Calliandra is an evergreen perennial plant with broad leaves, consisting of individual dark green pinnate leaves - 5 cm long each. Over time, the plant turns from a bush into a tree, reaching several meters in height and a little less in width. But with regular pruning of its branches, the height may not exceed 90 cm. This species is well used in the art of bonsai.

Calliandra haematocephala – red-headed calliandra

Red Bird of Paradise, Peacock Flower, Parrot Bush.

A beautiful and elegant plant of the legume family with elegant feathery mimosa-like leaves and bright red ruffled flowers with a yellow border around the edge of the petal and long stamens.

The caesalpinia the fairest is the national flower of Barbados. It is called the "Red Pride of Barbados". Tropical vegetation of the island is represented on the coat of arms by two such flowers.

Caesalpinia pulcherrima flava:

Delonix, Delonix

A tree of the legume family, a relative of Caesalpinia.

The flower has four deployed bright red petals on the stem and one vertical, larger, yellow and white speckled, it is called the "sail".

Rose cactus.

Pereskia belongs to the cactus family and hence has a thorny stem. Bright large (up to 10 cm) flowers, from orange to pink, look like roses, remain on the bush for several days, after which funny pear-shaped yellow fruits appear,

Pereskia, Wax rose, Pereskia bleo, green fruits

inedible, but very fragrant - they smell like pineapple.

Pereskia, Wax rose, Pereskia bleo, fruits

Very graceful, with sprawling branches, a tree of the Euphorbiaceae family, contains milky juice. Be careful, the plant is poisonous!

The leaves are glossy, variable, they can be elliptical or oval, violin-shaped or 3-lobed. Flowers about 2.5 cm in diameter, bright red, star-shaped, 5-petaled, collected in terminal racemes.

Jatropha whole-edge, Coral flower (Jatropha integerrima)

Cordia Sebestena (Cordia sebestena)

Tropical sprawling evergreen tree, growing under natural conditions up to 7 m high and the same in diameter, native to Florida, the West Indies, from the north of South America.

Large (up to 17 cm long) rough dark green leaves (alternate, simple, wavy, heart-shaped or oval) resemble sandpaper. Clusters of dark orange tubular flowers (each up to 5 cm in diameter) bloom at the ends of branches throughout the year. Following the spectacular flowers, pear-shaped fruits 2.5-5 cm long appear. They have a pleasant aroma, but are not very tasty. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties. They are used to treat respiratory diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, headaches, colds, dysentery, spider bites, urinary incontinence, etc.

This beautiful plant is native to Florida and India. It has pale green rounded leaves and small, tubular red-orange flowers. Flowering is very beautiful and lasts all year round, flowers grow in clusters, all over the bush, covering it completely.

Chamelia fruits are edible and have a refreshing, sour taste; in Mexico, delicious drinks are made from the berries. The fire bush also has healing properties. The peoples of tropical America have used the juice from the leaves to treat all skin conditions, and studies have shown that the juice of the leaves has antifungal and antibacterial properties. The fruit syrup was used in India for dysentery.

Rousselia horsetail, Coral fern(Russelia equisetiformis)

This is a low-growing shrub native to Mexico, characterized by arcuate bending under its own weight, thin, horsetail-like stems, up to 1.5 m long.

They are named after the Scottish naturalist A. Roussel, but very often romantic names accompany rousel - “coral necklace”, “coral spray”, “firework plant” or “coral fern”.

Each plant has many branches. Small bright red tubular flowers, collected in racemes, cover the stems in abundance. In a tropical climate, rousselia adorns relief flower beds and rocky gardens, where the beauty of the plant is especially clearly revealed.

Couroupita Guianensis (lat. Couroupita guianensis)

The Guianan curupita looks a little unusual. This tall tree, growing up to 35 meters, can consist of several trunks, which are formed from branches hanging and fused to the ground. If there is only one trunk, then it is all covered with various notches. Long and narrow leaves are located at the ends of the main branches.

Couroupita guianensis (lat. Couroupita guianensis), tree

Hanging brushes grow directly from the trunk, on which large yellow-pink flowers bloom during the flowering period.

Couroupita Guianensis (lat. Couroupita guianensis), buds

Such an inflorescence can reach a length of 3 meters. The spectacle is incredible. In addition, a pleasant sweetish aroma begins to spread around the area. These flowers are pollinated by bats.

Couroupita guianensis (lat. Couroupita guianensis), flower

After pollination, fruits are formed - "cannonballs". But in the early stages of their growth, they are nothing special - ordinary round green fruits. They grow for a long time and gradually, after 8-9 months they reach a diameter of about 20 centimeters. After their ripening, the fruits begin to fall to the ground. At the same time, during the impact on the ground, a roar is emitted, comparable to a volley of a cannon. A white jelly-like pulp with many seeds flows out of a broken nut. But after a while, from contact with air, it begins to turn blue and smell unpleasant.

Couroupita Guianensis (lat. Couroupita guianensis), fruit

Adenium, Adenium

Adenium is often called the Desert Rose, due to the fact that its flowers resemble a rose.

The plant has earned popularity due to bright scarlet flowers. Adenium is a beautiful and at the same time poisonous plant; when cut, it secretes milky juice.

The mouth of the flower is usually lighter. Flowers are pink, yellow, white, red-black. Simple and terry.

Adeniums appeared in Thailand about 25 years ago, having got there thanks to those Thais who worked at that time in Saudi Arabia, Libya and Yemen. Most of the adenium species grown in Thailand are Adenium arabicum and obesum.

After many years, a small number of plants have been obtained that have a slow growth (grow much more slowly than true Arabicums) and, growing up, form a bonsai-type appearance with a bushy crown, good caudex and an abundant root system.

bonsai from adenium

Euphorbia Mil, Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia Mil, Euphorbia milii

Other names: Euphorbia Mil, Euphorbia beautiful, "crown of thorns." The name is given by the name of Baron Mil, who brought this plant to France. It is believed that it was the beautiful Euphorbia that served as the crown of thorns to Jesus Christ. The stem is covered with sharp thorns. The succulent that is common in our rooms in Thailand grows outdoors.

Akalifa bristly-hairy (Acalypha hispida Burm. f.)

Akalifa bristly-hairy (Acalypha hispida)

This is a graceful evergreen shrub native to Polynesia, reaching up to three meters in height in nature. It blooms with beautiful bright red pubescent drooping spike-shaped inflorescences, reaching a length of up to 50 cm. With good care, flowering is year-round. The name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek name for nettle: by the similarity of leaves.

Ginger zerumbet, Zingiber zerumbet

Ginger zerumbet, Zingiber zerumbet

The plant is a relative of ginger, the root of which is a spice. In zerumbet ginger, in addition to beautiful inflorescences, leaves and petioles can be used as a seasoning, and the fragrant liquid collected in inflorescences was used earlier as a shampoo.

Etlingera high, Etlíngera elatior

Etlingera high, Etlíngera elatior

Torch Ginger, Flame Lily, Porcelain Rose, Philippine Wax Flower, Rock Rose, Emperor's Torch. Another plant from the ginger family. Folk names reflect the appearance of the flower, which is very unusual: bright red flowers, as if covered with wax, on long

Kvamoklit pinnate, “cypress liana” -Ipomoea quamoclit

Pinnate quamoclit, “cypress liana” - Ipomoea quamoclit

Curly liana, with openwork dark green leaves and bright elegant flowers. The flowers are numerous, star-shaped, 2 to 3 cm. Usually the corollas are carmine red, but variations with white and pink flowers are known. Flowering time: from August to late autumn.

Ipomoea aquatica - Water spinach

The plant is a relative of our morning glory, she is a bindweed. In Europe, it is grown for the sake of delicate flowers, and in Asia - for the sake of no less delicate leaves. is a very popular green vegetable in Thailand.

Passionflower, Passiflora, Passíflōra

passion fruit flower

Luxurious evergreen liana with flowers of unprecedented beauty, once you see it, you remember it for the rest of your life. Passiflora has large bright flowers, shaped like a star. The Spaniards associate this flower with the crown of thorns, the Japanese - with the clock, and in Russia they gave it the name "cavalier star", which, perhaps, most accurately defines its essence.

flower passiflora coccenia

Some species have edible fruits - grenadilla,.

Orchid tree, orchid of the poor.

An evergreen legume tree with purple-red flowers. Its relative, bauhinia blanca, is the national flower of Hong Kong and is depicted on the flag.

Bauhinia purpurea is valued not only for its luxurious flowers, but also for its unusual leaves, resembling a heart or a butterfly in shape.

bauhinia leaves resemble a heart or a butterfly

Purple Allamanda, Cherry Allamanda, Allamanda blanchetii (Allamanda violacea) Cherry Jubilee

Curly slow growing liana with elliptical, densely pubescent, leaves 10-15 cm long, arranged in 4. Two or three light purple flowers are usually concentrated on the tops of the shoots. Carefully! Milky juice can cause skin and eye irritation. All parts of the plant are poisonous if swallowed.

Gomphrena spherical, Gomphrena globosa

A small plant of the amaranth family. In appearance, it most of all resembles a large clover with white patches.

Carambola, Averrhoa carambola

An evergreen tree five meters tall with pink flowers. Fruit -.

A low shrub with lush panicles of pinkish five-petal speckled flowers.

The genus Ruellia belongs to the acanthus family. He
named after the French physician and botanist F. de la Ruelle (life 1474-1537).

A straight-growing ruellia about 50 cm high, its feature is the presence of tuberous-thickened rhizomes with a thickness of a finger. The leaves are lanceolate, the flowers are large lilac with a darker purple throat.

Triple clitoria, Clitoria ternatea

Butterfly pea ("moth peas"), pigeon wings ("pigeon wings"). The Thai name for the plant is anchan.

The scientific name of the genus comes from the Latin word clitoris ("clitoris"). This name was given by the great Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus - he found a boat in the corolla of this plant similar to the mentioned intimate female organ.

It is from the flowers of this plant that they are made.

Nymphaea water lily, Nymphaea

Nymphaea water lily, Nymphaea

This plant, which is also often called a lotus, is actually a water lily or nymphaeum.

Nymphaea water lily, Nymphaea

As is known from Greek mythology, nymphs are the deities of nature: forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and seas. No wonder the flowers named after them are beautiful.

Nymphaea water lily, Nymphaea

Nymphaeum leaves are rounded or heart-shaped, with a deep cut at the base, floating on the surface of the water. The flowers are large, surprisingly beautiful star-shaped or cup-shaped. They can be of all kinds of colors - white, cream, dazzling yellow, orange, pink, dark red and even blue. There are varieties with simple, semi-double and double flowers.

Nymphaea water lily, Nymphaea

They grow everywhere, opening with the sunrise and closing at night.

Gilt or Plumbago ear-shaped / Plumbago auriculata

Name from lat. lead names Plumbum, because. Plumbago was thought to be an antidote for lead poisoning. In addition, the juice of the root of this plant has a blue-gray coloring effect.

Evergreen shrub with spreading branches, sometimes liana-shaped. The inflorescences look like blue phloxes.

Bacopa caroline is a perennial creeping plant with succulent stems and leaves. Grows in salt or fresh water, beyond the water level blooms with pale blue small flowers.

Chinese Violet, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove. An evergreen shrub up to 1 m high. It blooms in white, cream, blue and purple with blue or purple veins. The micrant form blooms with medium-sized (2.5 cm) white flowers with a purple mark on the lower petal.

It is grown to decorate plots and park areas, and the people of Africa and Asia use the leaves of this shrub in salads.

Asystasia, Asystasia gangetica micrantha

Winter is coming in Russia, snow is falling, so the story of tropical flowers will remind you of bright colors, sunny days and wonderful smells. And hopefully it lifts your spirits!

Wood frangipani (Plumeria) grows throughout Southeast Asia, although it is believed to be native to Mexico and Central America. Apparently, he came along with the missionaries, and took root so much that he is sure to be planted near Hindu and Buddhist temples. In English, it is called "temple tree" (temple tree).

Frangipani captivates with its delicate flowers that smell wonderful. The sense of smell plays a big role in religious cults. During the ceremonies, sticks, aromatic oils and essences are used. Therefore, the frangipani had to go to the temple court.

For the island of Bali () the frangipani flower is a symbol. A garland around the neck or one flower behind the ear is offered to guests as a greeting.

Local women wear it behind the ear, put it in offerings to the gods and spirits.

A home temple stands in every Balinese courtyard, a frangipani tree is planted nearby, and its flowers are used daily. In a tropical climate, flowering does not stop, the tree is always in bloom. Caring housewives, who have many trees, dry the flowers in the sun in the yard, so that the dried ones can be used in religious ceremonies.

The most commonly used are white with a yellow center, but there are varieties with flowers of pink, apricot, raspberry and yellow-red.

The frangipani tree (Plumeria) is unpretentious and lives for hundreds of years. It is customary to plant frangipani trees with raspberry flowers in pots and decorate the yard with them.

Spas in Bali place freshly picked flowers in a bowl of water for beauty and fragrance. A traditional Balinese massage is done with oil, which can also smell like frangipani.

If you bring a cutting from the tropics, you can try to grow a house tree at home in Russia. And the smell of flowers will be the same, maybe a little weaker. In a tropical climate, flowers smell so strongly because of competition, there are many of them, and you need to attract attention. And in the Russian climate, a faint unusual aroma will also be very noticeable.

Many perfumes contain the scent of frangipani flowers. Their aroma makes you feel like you are somewhere in the tropics, in a deck chair on white sand under palm trees, on the shores of the azure ocean.

Even in the tropics bloom all year round acacia . There are a lot of different types. The common thing is that on every tree there is a sea of ​​flowers. And there are all kinds of colors: pink, red, white, yellow, lilac.

There are no seasons, the same tree has both mature pods and flowers.

Cactus euphorbia (Euphorbia) common among flower growers in Russia. It is a succulent, strongly branched with erect branches, it has from 3 to 8 ribs. Along the edge of the ribs are tubercles, from which new light green leaves grow. On the windowsill in a small pot, it grows more than a meter high, giving numerous branches on the sides.

In our foyer of the house of culture, in a huge container, the euphorbium cactus was under the ceiling, several meters. And for the New Year he was dressed up like a Christmas tree.

Euphorbia, in fact, - spurge . If you break off a branch, a white, milky juice will stand out. This milkweed juice is used in perfumery, it is added to whitening creams and freckle lotions. Whitening creams, by the way, are very popular among dark-skinned local residents of sunny countries. And, for us, the peoples of the north, a tan seems to be a symbol of health and a well-spent vacation.

So, in the tropics, euphorbias look like trees. Of these, planted in a row, a prickly hedge is obtained.

Some of the species are edible, their branches with thorns removed are sold in markets and supermarkets.

Another type of milkweed in the tropics exists as a shrub, which is planted in front of the gate because of its continuous flowering, for decoration.

bougainvillea - a liana with bright colors of different shades grows not only in the tropics, but also in any warm climate. For example, in the south of Europe. But, closer to the equator, it becomes so magnificent that it looks like an independent tree with colored foliage.

Does the nature of people depend on their environment?

If you are always around, regardless of the season, flowering trees and fruits, and their sweet delicate aroma, can you just enjoy and live today without worrying about the future?

People from countries lying in the tropics, it seems to me, can.

In Thailand, bright, eye-catching plants grow everywhere! This is not surprising for the tropics. I have collected a small selection that grow in our yard, as well as along roadsides. The most popular flower of the land of smiles is considered to be frangipani or whatever it is called plumeria. We have a lot of greenery and plants in our yard, including bushes with plumeria - soft pink near the house, near the pool - white flowers with a yellow center. The subtle and delicate aroma of these flowers captivated me from the first second! I would really like a perfume or aromatic oil with such a scent. Now Thailand for me is forever associated with the unique aroma of frangipani flowers that grow everywhere here!

The plumeria plant belongs to the Kurtaceae family and is distributed mainly in tropical countries. In Indonesia, on the island of Bali, these delicate flowers are indispensable companions of wedding ceremonies and religious rites. Plumeria is a tree with dense oval leaves of dark green color, with visible veins. And on this wonderful tree, flowers with an incredibly pleasant aroma are comfortably clustered! With such a divine floral aroma, there are already perfumes created by an Italian named Frangipani (the flower was also named after him). Plumeria flowers can be not only white or pink, there are also more saturated shades of pink, yellow and even red. Frangipani is sometimes called red jasmine, and in India this plant is called the Tree of Life.

Beyond frangipani in Thailand on Koh Samui I saw many beautiful tropical flowers, including Bougainvillea. This photo shows how brightly lilac bougainvillea flowers stuck around the neighbor's fence! All the rest, unfortunately, remained anonymous for me. I couldn't find any names on the internet. Perhaps someone knows what these wonderful flowers are? I would be happy if you share the names in the comments

With the help of Oleg's comment, I found out that this beautiful tropical flower is called hibiscus. That's why I see it is familiar to me, but my mother once grew one. Hibiscus tea is also brewed from its petals, another name for the flower is Sudanese rose, Chinese rose.

Tree strewn with different bougainvillea flowers

Today, many people are interested in exotic flowers. Photos with names allow you to learn about amazing plants living in other countries. Studying them, you can feel that you saw all these unusual creations of nature live. Some of them can be grown at home, while others will not work with all the desire. The reason can be either huge size or an unpleasant smell, or simply because of the difficulty of creating suitable conditions. Let's talk about the most exotic flowers that can be of serious interest to florists and just lovers of beautiful creations of nature.


This amazing flower is part of the botanical family of Dioscoreaceae, but some experts distinguish it as a separate family of such, which includes about ten plants.

The exotic flower, the photo of which is attached to the article, surprises even experienced botanists with its appearance. To begin with, there are very few plants on Earth that have black flowers. And takka is one of such representatives. However, it cannot be said that his flowers are always pure black. Usually there are shades of purple, dark brown, and also violet-greenish. In some countries of Southeast Asia, you can meet representatives of the family with more variegated colors - green with various marks: purple, brown, yellow.

However, the black color of the petals is not the only reason why takka was included in our rating. Even more surprising is the structure of the inflorescences. Among the rich green leaves, flower arrows stand out sharply. At their tops are umbrellas, consisting of thread-like drooping appendages and small flowers. It looks extremely unusual. It is because of this form that the plant received many unusual names among the people: a bat, a cat's whiskers, and a number of others.

It is quite difficult to grow at home. Large capacity is needed - the plant reaches three meters in the wild. In addition, it needs high humidity, which is difficult to create in an apartment or a private house. The exception is private greenhouses, where takka grows quite well, delighting the owner and guests with an unusual and even slightly frightening appearance.


Also, speaking of unusual plants and citing photos of exotic flowers with names, one cannot but say about sublime psychotria. Once you see it, it will be hard to forget it. The flower looks painfully unusual - it is no coincidence that he received the nickname of the whore sponge among the people.

It is found in the wild in South America. You can see it in Costa Rica, Colombia, and also in Ecuador.

They grow on small trees. The stems and leaves are completely unremarkable, but the buds immediately catch the eye. After all, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from plump, scarlet and appetizing female lips. It is not surprising that the people gave him such an offensive name. True, such beauty does not last long - after a few days, tiny flowers begin to crawl out of the half-open lips, which will destroy this elegant composition. But still, the plant should definitely be included in our list of unusual exotic flowers.

To date, psychotria is included in the Red Books of many countries in South America. Unfortunately, predatory destruction of tropical forests leads to a reduction in places where this plant can feel comfortable. But it was the unusual appearance and unpretentiousness that saved psychotria from complete extermination. She feels great not only in greenhouses, but also in ordinary apartments. The main thing is to create the right conditions. On the one hand, the plant needs good lighting, and on the other hand, it must be protected from direct sunlight. In addition, like most tropical guests, psychotria needs abundant watering, but the water should not stagnate so that the roots do not start to rot. Good drainage must be provided.


But this rare exotic flower is a guest from distant Sumatra. So let's continue. Citing photos of exotic flowers with names, it is impossible not to mention it. Rafflesia is unusual for almost everyone. Let's start with its structure. The whole plant is one flower! There are no roots, no stems, no leaves. Therefore, the process of photosynthesis is impossible here, and in fact it is he who provides most plants with all the substances necessary for life.

However, even this is not the most surprising - nature knows many such "unions". The fact is that these amazingly beautiful exotic flowers, the photo of which is attached to the article, are simply huge in size and weight - they reach one meter in diameter and weigh up to 11 kilograms!

True, keeping it at home is clearly not possible. And it's not just the huge size and the need for a donor tree. Just about the time of flowering, the plant emits a surprisingly unpleasant smell - decaying meat. In general, such a technique is quite justified - as carriers of pollen, the plant uses not bees, bumblebees or hummingbirds, like others, but flies. Well, for them, rotten meat, and not nectar, is an attractive bait. But still, hardly anyone will be pleased with a flower with such an unusual aroma in a living room or even a greenhouse. Therefore, seeing this rare exotic flower is usually only possible in the wild - even the most enthusiastic florists usually hesitate to get involved in its cultivation.

Victoria amazonica

Talking about exotic types of flowers, it is definitely worth mentioning the Amazonian Victoria. In general, it resembles an ordinary water lily. Its appearance and life cycle are very similar to this plant. Yes, and Victoria Amazonskaya belongs to the family of water lilies. What makes this plant unusual is its size. The leaves can reach a diameter of 2.5 meters! Their corners are bent, so that the water does not overwhelm the leaves, and they remain on the surface of the water. Even during heavy rain, water does not accumulate on the surface - the leaves have a huge number of tiny holes through which it simply goes into the pond. In addition, from below they are covered with long and sharp spikes that protect the leaves from herbivorous fish, as well as other aquatic inhabitants.

The flower is also unusual. When open, it reaches 30 centimeters in diameter. Unfortunately, it does not bloom for long - usually about two to three days. But every day it changes color - from exquisite pink to dark purple.

As the name implies, Amazonian Victoria grows in the wild in countries through which the longest river in the world flows. First of all, it is Brazil and Bolivia.

The leaves have a very serious carrying capacity - they can withstand 30 kilograms, and especially large ones and all 50! Local residents actively use this feature, often using large leaves as a small boat when they need to transport children or some things across the river.

At home, such a plant cannot be brought out, but in some large greenhouses they feel good.


If you are interested in unpretentious exotic indoor flowers, then you may be interested in lithops. Their flowers are not very interesting, large and beautiful. Most often they have a white or yellow color, and in structure and size they most of all resemble an ordinary dandelion.

But the leaves are much more interesting. They are very much like ... stones. Yes, yes, lithops usually grow right on the stones, content with a meager amount of moisture and nutrients. And so that animals and birds do not have a desire to feast on fresh herbs, the plant has learned to pretend to be a stone. Putting these small, rounded leaves among the stones, finding them really will not be easy at all.

Which is not surprising - the birthplace of lithops is South Africa. They grow in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia.

But it takes root well at home, and does not require special care. The main thing is to observe the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions. For example, in summer, a pot with it should be placed in the very sun - the hotter the better, as this stimulates the development of the plant. All spring and early summer it needs to be watered abundantly. But make sure that the pot has good drainage in advance - excess moisture may well destroy the plant.

But in winter it should be removed to a dry and bright place, but at the same time make sure that the temperature around does not exceed +12 degrees Celsius. It is not necessary to water it during the cold season at all - the reserves accumulated during the spring and summer are enough for the lithops to live for six months.

It is very important to remember that yellowed old leaves cannot be removed - the integrity of the plant is very easily broken. It is better to wait until they completely die off and fall off on their own.

Perhaps this plant is not included in the list of the most exotic flowers, but still it is quite worthy of mention. Although it is already more famous than most of the plants mentioned earlier.

It lives in North America, mainly on the east coast, where swampy soils prevail. They cannot be called nutritious, so the plants, in order not to die, were forced to adapt to difficult conditions. Very unusual (for the plant world, of course) the Venus flytrap has adapted. The fact is that she switched ... to a predatory lifestyle. Yes, it is one of the carnivorous plants.

The plant is not too tall, with rather small leaves - usually no more than 3-5 centimeters. Flowers, contrary to the opinion of some lovers, are present here - not too beautiful, rather small, with five petals - most often white. But the leaves are of the greatest interest.

Since the soils where the Venus flytrap grows are extremely poor in nitrogen, which plants need, one has to look for alternative ways to obtain it. The plant lures insects with a specific smell, and when they inadvertently sit on the leaves, they simply close, pinching the victim. After that, the release of special substances begins, which simply digest the prey.

It is quite easy to grow a Venus flytrap at home - the seeds are sold in many specialized stores. But be prepared for the fact that you need to take care of it accordingly - choose the right substrate, as well as stock up on enough flies or grasshoppers so that there is something to feed the green predator.

monkey orchid

Orchids are a widely known and popular flower all over the world, which is grown in greenhouses, flower beds and just in pots at home. But still, giving a description of exotic flowers, I would like to mention one relatively little-known representative of this vast family. We are talking about the monkey orchid or Dracula orchid.

By themselves, her flowers are quite unusual - they most of all resemble a triangle with smooth, slightly rounded sides. But the most interesting is not even that. If you look closely at the pattern in which the spots on the petals are formed, then it is easy to recognize in them the image of a monkey muzzle - most likely a capuchin. Many people love monkeys, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that the flower is also quite popular.

But the pleasant surprises don't end there. When the flowers open, it's not just a pleasant smell that spreads around the room or greenhouse - it's the aroma of ripe oranges! Of course, thanks to this, the plant becomes even more popular - after all, almost everyone loves oranges.

The monkey orchid is native to South America. You can meet her in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. But if you wish, you can keep this unusual flower at home. In general, the plant is not too whimsical - the main thing is to withstand the temperature regime. It is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight. It grows best in a cool place - about +25 degrees Celsius in summer and no more than +12 in winter.


Another extremely unusual representative of exotic flowers. Photos with the name of this plant, even on the Internet, can be seen infrequently.

The fruits, according to local tribes (the plant is common mainly in Central and South Africa) are quite tasty - they are often eaten raw or fried. Moreover, shamans even believe that thanks to them, one can be healed of heart diseases.

The fruit itself consists of three shoots - at first they are connected in the upper part, and as they ripen, they open. As a result, the fruit most of all looks like the head of some fantastic worm bursting out of the ground. It looks unusual and, perhaps, even a little creepy.


And finally, the last plant in our review is velvichia. In the wild, it is found only in one place on Earth - in the Namib Desert, which is located partly in Namibia, partly in Angola. Moreover, plants are found only at a distance of no more than 100 kilometers from the sea coast - from this side Africa is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. About this distance from the ocean, fogs reach, slightly moistening the earth and allowing unpretentious plants to survive in such inhospitable conditions.

The plant looks rather unusual. A powerful and rather long root is hidden under the ground, and on top there are several massive leaves, wide at the base and gradually tapering towards the end. Their dimensions are really impressive - the width at the base can reach two meters with a length of up to 8 meters! There are also centenarians among them - as experts managed to establish, the oldest known plant was about two thousand years old! It grows slowly, but lives very long.

If desired, Velvichia can be grown at home. True, for this it is desirable to take a very large capacity. The best temperature for a plant is + 21 ... + 23 degrees Celsius. It does not tolerate low temperatures and drafts at all - Velvichia must be protected from them. But it is desirable to generously moisten the earth, as well as air. You can use a conventional spray gun, spraying the plant several times a day - fortunately, it does not take much time.


This concludes our article. Now you know more about tropical flowers, and photos of these beauties will allow you to make a more complete description of them. And if you wish, you may well grow such unusual plants at home.

Our environment is sometimes taken for granted. Even something unique, like, is forgotten. It seems a little bit of knowledge and a push in the right direction can make people appreciate the environment. So why not start with the wonder that is the rainforest?

Despite the fact that tropical forests cover less than two percent of the total surface area of ​​​​the Earth, about 50% and live in them. They are also found on every continent except Antarctica. It's very amazing! Now let's see what plants are found here. From 40,000 species, in this article, you will learn about 10 of the most amazing rainforest plants that will blow your mind and help you get closer to the amazing nature of our planet.


Bananas are one of the amazing rainforest plants. Even though they look like trees, bananas are not trees but giant herbaceous plants. In a year they reach their full height ranging from 3 to 6 m. The flowers eventually develop into fruits and then mature and are used as food by humans and animals. Banana stems can weigh almost 45 kg and are almost 93% water.

Spreading: Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia as well as non-tropical regions such as the United States of America thanks to modern agricultural technology.


Orchids are the largest plant family in the world. The species vary greatly in weight and size, with some petals reaching 75 cm in length and inflorescences growing up to 3 m in length. They can also have a different color, with the exception of black. Orchids grow on rocks, in soil, underground and on other plants, relying on certain insects or birds for pollination.

Spreading: extremely well adapted and growing in Central America, South America and along the Andean mountains.


What would you do if you didn't have a cup of coffee in the morning? Surely that would be terrible. For coffee, you can thank the rainforest coffee plant. It can grow up to 9 m in height, but is considered a bush or shrub. Coffee fruits resemble grapes, and contain two coffee beans inside. It takes six to eight years for a plant to grow, and its lifespan can be up to 100 years.

Spreading: Ethiopia, Sudan, and Latin America are home to more than two-thirds of the total number of coffee trees on the planet.

Brazilian nut

Rising above all other trees in the rainforest, the Brazil nut can reach over 50 m in height. The plant is widely known for its nutrient-rich fruits. The outer layer of the fruit is so hard that only agouti, a large rodent with sharp teeth, can damage it.

Spreading: tropical forests of Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.

Euphorbia is the most beautiful

This beautiful plant is found in tropical forests as a bush or tree. One might think that the red part of the plant is the flowers, but they are actually the bracts. The flowers are small yellow inflorescences in the middle of the leaves. Also, to clear up the rumors, they are not poisonous, although some believe they are.

Spreading: Mexico and Central America.


The cocoa tree is an evergreen plant whose fruits are pods containing 20 to 60 reddish brown cocoa beans. To obtain 500 g of cocoa, 7 to 14 pods are required. It is very important that the cocoa is harvested correctly.

Spreading: grows below an altitude of 300 m above sea level in regions that receive about 10 cm of precipitation per month. Cocoa originated in the Amazon rainforest and can be found today in southern Mexico.

Hevea brazilian

This tree can grow up to 40 m in height. Hevea brasiliensis is characterized by its milky white sap, which is commonly referred to as natural rubber, and rubber is made from it. The tree is used to produce rubber at the age of six.

Spreading: Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.


This genus of plants includes almost 200 species distributed in tropical America. Depending on the species, these plants can grow up to 4.5 m in height. Flowers can be colored in shades of red, orange, yellow and green. The bracts actually hide the flowers of the plant and protect the nectar, so only certain birds, such as hummingbirds, can get to them. Butterflies also love to feast on sweet nectar.

Spreading: Central and South America.


This strong wind-resistant tree has an extensive root system and bark containing a milky sap called latex. The egg-shaped fruits contain a grainy yellow fruit inside and taste similar to a pear. It is considered the best fruit in Central America, and even the mammals of the rainforest love to snack on it. The first chewing gum was created from the fruit of the sapodilla by the Aztecs!

Spreading: southern Mexico, Belize and northeastern Guatemala.


Bromeliads include over 2,700 species that grow on the ground, on rocks, and on other plants. These beautiful plants have bright flowers. One of the most famous representatives of the bromeliad family is the sweet, wonderful fruit of the pineapple! Bromeliads are even sometimes a refuge for frogs, snails and salamanders, where they stay for life.

Spreading: Central and South America. One species is also found in West Africa.

The rainforest is home to many amazing plants, including those that so many of us feast on; so it is very important to keep this unique. Imagine that you live without bananas, coffee, chocolate, pineapples and beautiful orchids. It's quite sad!