Tarot cards and possibilities of their use. Direct position of the card Two of Clubs

There are basic rules and methods for using Tarot cards. And for a beginner, knowing them and understanding what exactly he is doing and why is much more important than the feeling of the flow of energy and information that comes from the arcana of the Tarot deck, and which an experienced tarot reader is able to catch.

How to use Tarot cards - what a novice tarot reader needs to know

Let’s not make mistakes and mislead others, but let’s talk about the basics of working with Tarot cards. The topic of this article is relevant to: how to use a deck of Tarot cards? People who have just embarked on the path of Tarot are confused by the abundance of ways to work with cards that are freely available on the Internet. That's why I wrote an article about how to use the Tarot, and we'll start with how to ask questions to the Tarot cards.

Deck of Tarot cards - how to ask the right questions during a reading

There are a lot of questions, and they will hardly seem simple to a beginner. How should you ask questions to cards when working with yourself and with other people? How to work with the Daath deck? (The Daath deck is the part of the deck that remains after the spread is made). How to use the Tarot deck itself, etc. - lots of practical questions.

But let's get back to where the conversation started: how to ask tarot questions? First of all, you need to understand that the question should not be vague, general, or too abstract. To the question: what is going on in my life? you will get generalities or a “watery” answer from which you will understand little at all.

  • When asking a question in a Tarot card layout, clarify: what exactly concerns you, what area of ​​life, what topic.
  • Correct option questions when telling fortunes using Tarot cards always specific, for example: what is happening now in my relationship with my loved one?
  • You can also ask about health, work, career, money matters, deals and contracts, etc.
  • The Tarot layout is done for the current situation.

How to use Tarot - different layout options

It has already been said that the question should be specified, and the layout of the Tarot cards should be tailored to the situation. But, you can go the other way - make layouts for answer options, choosing one card for each option. For example, a question to Tarot cards: will I get married in the next six months, a year? By comparing the answers that the Tarot will give, you can judge your chances of getting married. If you want to know about your prospects in love, in finance, career, work, health, etc., do not think many years in advance. This, by the way, is a common mistake of beginners in the matter, how to use tarot. They make a layout for 5-10 cards and want to know the forecast for almost the whole life ahead. Ask for cards for the short term, at most for a year in advance.

How to ask Tarot questions to get a reliable answer? It is important to remember that everything in life changes very quickly. And if you hesitate for more than one year, then, in addition to a vague answer, you will receive advice that will lose its relevance after just a few days. If you want to find out about your own future, about your life prospects and chances of success, ask questions to Tarot cards correctly: what is my main task in the next week... by analogy: in the next month, year?

How to use Tarot - do you need unique abilities to work with Tarot?

And lastly, I often hear questions like this: how to use the Tarot, and do you need special abilities to successfully work with cards? There are associative pictures, and this is an unsystematic, chaotic set. Tarot cards, in contrast to similar combinational sets of pictures and images, are precisely a system, a fortune-telling, predictive system. To learn how to work with it, two conditions must be met.

  • First: have a good memory,
  • and second, trust yourself, your intuition.

You can remember well the meaning of each card in the Tarot deck, but without trusting yourself, you will not go beyond the system.

Direct position of the Two of Staves card:

The Two of Staves symbolizes a person with ideas, ambitions, forced to seek a compromise with other people who have their own ideas and ambitions: this is constructive cooperation, linking goals and means, needs and desires, firmness, courage in an enterprise.

Reverse position of the Two of Staves card:

Reversed card means: anxiety, dependence on others, loss of trust, humiliation.

Dragon Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

Two of Maces

The petroglyphs of the African desert depict a dragon, the owner of the valley.

Direct position of the Two of Clubs card:

Governing body

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Two of Wands - Curiosity leading to intellectual development and discovery. Implementation of your own ideas.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

Deuce - a tall man looks out from the walled roof to the sea and shore. He holds a globe in his right hand and a stick in his left hand rests on the battlement; another stick is fixed in a ring. On the left side you can see the Rose, Cross and Lily.

Direct position of the Two of Wands card:

Divination Meanings: There is no unity between the alternative meanings of this card. On the one hand - wealth, luck, splendor; on the other - physical suffering, illness, annoyance, sadness, humility. The composition on the map gives one assumption: here is a lord, on the one hand, surveying his possessions, and on the other, a globe contemplating the globe. It feels like sadness and humility before the enormity of the wealth of the world.

Reverse position of the Two of Wands card:

Reverse meanings: surprise, miracle, magic, emotional excitement, anxiety, fear.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Description of the lasso:

Flying freely, naturally and effortlessly, the eagle from the height of its flight sees all the plains and mountains stretching below. He hovers in his domain, majestic and self-sufficient.

Direct position of the Two of Fire card - Opportunities:

This card shows that you are now at a point where a world of opportunity is open to you. Because you have become more self-sufficient, more self-loving, you can work more easily with others. Because you are relaxed and free, you can recognize opportunities when they present themselves, sometimes even before others see them. Because you are in tune with your nature, you understand that existence provides you with what you need. Enjoy your flight! And celebrate the majesty of the landscape that lies before you.

Meaning of the card:

The mind can accept any boundaries. But in reality, by its nature, existence cannot have any boundaries, so what will happen on the other side of the boundary? - another sky. That's why I say that heaven beyond heaven is flyable. Don't be content with little. Those who are content with little remain small: their joys are small, their delights are small, their silence is small, their existence is small. But this is not necessary! This humiliation affects your freedom, your unlimited possibilities, your unlimited potential.

Konstantin Laveau (Vereshchagin)

Tarot cards and possibilities of their use:

PartI . Obtaining information and some general questions


With this article I want to open a series of articles devoted to Tarot cards and the possibilities of their use. In no way do I pretend to “invent the wheel”: I cannot say that everything I will talk about is something new and that no one has talked or written about it before me. But at the same time, much of what I will present came to me as a result of reflecting on my personal experience.

The main purpose of this and subsequent articles is to talk about the basic principles of working with Tarot and how a Tarot card deck can be used in general.

General notes about Tarot. Advantages

Tarot cards are currently perhaps the most common tool for fortune telling and predictions. And this is no coincidence. The fact that Tarot cards are used by the majority of predictors is explained, first of all, by the advantages of Tarot that this system has over other tools (other types of cards, coffee grounds, I Ching, beans, stones, shelves, bones and many, many others). And these advantages themselves are determined by the essence of the Tarot.

Most tarot readers and non-tarot readers alike view tarot as a special type of card that can be used for fortune telling/prediction. True, but not entirely complete and accurate. The concept of Taroshira.

Firstly, as already mentioned, Tarot is a special type of cards that are used for fortune telling.

And secondly (!), Tarot is understood as a synthetic philosophical and esoteric system, symbolically encoded in the Arcana, into which numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, and esoteric psychology flow. This is exactly system, in which everything is closely interconnected. The number of cards in the deck is unchanged: there are 78 of them (22 Major Arcana + 56 Minor Arcana). There are non-traditional decks in which additional cards are added, but this addition leads to a change in the entire system: the relationships between the arcana change, and the arcana themselves change. Unlike Tarot, oracle decks can include an arbitrary number of cards. And if you add any card to such a deck, this will not lead to a change in the meanings of other cards and the relationships between them. In other words, the cards in oracle decks are more independent and isolated.

What does the Tarot system describe?

Tarot, just like numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, alchemy or any mythology, creates a model of the Universe. The Tarot system is another point of view on the world and people in this world. This is a model of Microcosm and Macrocosm (in their relationship). This is precisely what allows us to put Tarot on a par with the above-mentioned ancient sciences. The Tarot system is multi-level, multi-aspect. This makes it possible to obtain information that other systems do not provide.

Oracle decks are not so global in their description: they capture only significant (as a rule, for everyday life) events, phenomena, and realities. They do not create a model of the Universe, they do not form a philosophical system.

I will also note that Tarot is a more complex system than numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, since it synthesizes all of the above into a single, complex, multifaceted system. As a result, to work productively with this deck, you need to understand all these ancient sciences. Therefore, ultimately, the Tarot can become a tool of Initiation.

It should also be said about the advantages of cartomancy in general (fortune telling on any cards) over most other methods of divination.

1. You can ask a specific question and receive a multidimensional answer-analysis (due to the fact that there are different positions in the layout, and the layouts themselves are specialized).

2. You can ask as many questions as necessary (cf. I-Ching, fortune telling on coffee grounds).

3. It is possible to clarify the information received with additional layouts or card reports.

4. It is possible to obtain information about the consequences of a hypothetical event (“What will happen if I…”).

And finally, Tarot has another very important advantage - the non-mantic use of the deck. More on this a little later.

Possible uses of Tarot

How can you use Tarot cards?

The possibilities for using cards are wide. With their help you can not only predict.

In my opinion, we can highlight the following main methods the use of Tarot and the goals pursued.

Method of use

(Form of working with Tarot)

Purpose of use

Reading cards

Receiving the information

Magic rituals

Transformation of reality



2. Connecting to Certain Energies

3. Immersion in the Arcana to understand it

A game


Tarot cards are first and foremost a tool. Just as a chisel and hammer are a mason's tool, so cards are a tarot reader's tool. No more, no less. A mason, using his tools, works with stone, and a tarot reader, using cards, works with information and energies. The work of a tarot reader can be described as research and knowledge. Thus, Tarot cards are, first of all, a tool of cognition.

In this article I will focus on reading cards as a way of obtaining information. Subsequent articles will describe other forms of working with Tarot listed above.

Principles of working with Tarot cards.

What to Expect from Tarot Card Reading,

and what questions cannot be answered.

A deck of Tarot cards is a very complex mantic system. That is why, despite the fact that the cards are available to anyone, there are so few truly high-quality tarot readers.

There are a lot of schools and courses, varieties of decks that can be tailored to suit individual perception, but... not everyone can do it.

And the difficulty is that each of the 78 cards of the deck answers any question from any sphere of life, but at the same time has dozens, if not hundreds of meanings within a specific sphere.

Now, just to feel which of the meanings in a particular layout takes place - this is deep knowledge of the cards + intuition + logic = skill.

Yes, yes - logic! In order for the client to understand absolutely everything about his question, he must be convinced and justified why this is so and not otherwise. And only a logically coherent chain can convince a person and accept what you say.

  • Therefore, when working with maps, for viewing accuracy, it is customary to narrow the viewing area as much as possible. Personal life, work, finances, health, etc.

And then, there are a lot of nuances.

For example, sometimes the card of pentacles “pentacles”, that is, money, means, despite the fact that we are looking at the sphere of feelings from the area of ​​personal life. And this is due to the fact that lack of money, for example, does not add peace to a relationship, and a chronic lack of confidence in the future can ultimately ruin a relationship, even if it was originally created out of great love.

Or the second example is illness. Nowadays, even acute respiratory infections entail expenses, not to mention serious illnesses.

You can, of course, simply look at the future, for a certain period. But as the question is asked too generally, such a (general) answer will be received.

  • The cards describe some processes, cause-and-effect relationships in a global sense for the client, but do not give specifics about what exactly should happen in real life.

For example, the Major Arcana Tower means something unexpected, tragic and shocking - this is exactly what the tarot reader describes, as applied to a specific situation.

Let's say some kind of accident looms in the picture. It’s good if the Tower fell in some kind of environment, that using these surrounding maps it is at least somehow possible to specify the area. But it’s impossible to say for sure whether Vasya will break an arm or a leg, or whether a brick will fall on his head.

Of course, it is impossible to see names, even the first letters, specific dates, describe appearance, describe some event specifically (for example, Vasya will come on Monday and invite Manya to his room at the cinema)))

  • Definition of deadlines

Many tarot readers promise to answer the question “when?”, i.e., about the time of the event.

Personally (that is, this is my purely subjective opinion) there is not a single, more or less reliable system for determining dates on the Tarot. Usually there can only be an accidental hit.

I think this is due to the fact that a lot depends on the behavior/decisions/choices of the client himself. Those. if you are destined to be with a certain person, you will be with him. But you can make a lot of mistakes on the way to reunification, as a result you go in circles, go back and in the end be together for 70 years.

Or you can behave as correctly as possible and have a wedding in a year.

And how can you know in advance how much the client, firstly, believes and is ready to unconditionally follow all the advice and warnings, and secondly, in most cases the person self-confidently “does not believe” medieval obscurantism, and will not convert at all, will continue to make mistakes and get lost in 3 birches.

  • Cause and effect relationships as an illustration of sequencepast present Future

If you imagine a person’s fate as a segment, then a certain point at the moment the client contacts (C) is his current position on the path of life.


where A is birth,

B is the natural end,

C is the point where the client is now.


AS is a person's past,

C - current reference point,

SV - future.

And you can trace the cause-and-effect relationships this way:

  • What you have today is the result of what happened before, and at the moment you are already laying the foundation for some near future.

And what happened in the past, but today no longer has any meaning and does not affect the formation of the future(for example, in childhood you were seriously ill with something, you were completely cured, and what’s the point in showing this to the cards?) maps may not show! Please keep this in mind when applying!

  • There is already some segment of the near future, the events of which are a question already “resolved” by your present. Those. it will be there anyway. Usually, these are some events in the coming year - i.e. 365 years from the moment of treatment. But even in this period there is something that can still be “replayed”. Well, or soften and prepare as much as possible.
  • The more distant future (the farther - the more) “looks” schematically for maps.
  • You can look at your entire potential in various areas, but nothing more. For example, a person was born with the gift of writing, but lived his entire life as an illiterate person, accordingly, his outstanding potential in this area will not be realized.

But 500 years ago there were no psychologists; people turned to esotericists. Now there are psychologists, but esotericists have no fewer clients. And it won't.

Because no matter how hard it is to believe, Tarot still works!

And according to my observations, the higher the client’s intelligence and his responsibility for his life, the more he understands that in order to best solve his problem, he needs to use absolutely all methods and methods, even those that are not materialistic.

I declare responsibly - I don’t have one hereditary janitor (I don’t want to say anything offensive about this profession - we are talking about people who associate their “ceiling” in career aspirations with this profession, and are not forced to work due to circumstances). But 90 percent are people with higher education, or even academic degrees.

There are questions that I personally don’t look at on principle:

  • health diagnostics - I am not a doctor, but everyone should mind their own business;

I can review the course of the disease even if relatives contact me and only in certain cases, because here, like with doctors, “do no harm”;

  • pregnancy (presence) - not allowed due to possible harm to the child;
  • I won’t even explain everything related to life expectancy and death, it’s scary to imagine how a person can program himself;
  • various games with Fortune (lottery, sweepstakes, etc.) - That’s what Fortune is for, it’s better to go to work)))
  • questions, a la “tell me, what awaits me?” - I don’t answer, because if you put the question like that, then it’s simple curiosity, because if a person intends to lie on the couch and not participate in his life in any way, then why else would he know what awaits? My services are not for entertainment, but for the creators of their lives.

But to look at the future of a specific issue or problem - this is it!

Precisely, based on the above, I prefer to work with clients who come to “lay out straws”, fix something, influence something.

And not “tell me your fortune for the rest of my life, and for now I’ll lie in the shade.”

Any learning is a journey. Give me your hand, dear reader, I will open you to the world of Tarot.

A little history

78 cards are pages of one book, left by Egyptian magicians in order to have clues during the next incarnation. How to carry secret knowledge unchanged through centuries? Make them a game “for all times”.

Gypsy or familiar playing cards are a close relative of the Tarot, where only court cards and numbered cards of four suits with the Jester - the Joker, who is doomed to walk in a gambling circle, remain.

Another relative is the Tarot of Marseilles. Let's call him uncle: the deck is quite old, the number of cards is the same -78, and all the major arcana are depicted. So why relative? Look at the minor arcana: the suits are drawn schematically, just like in playing cards. It's like a book with the chapters not printed, just their titles. How can you read it? No way. Or invent events and heroes on your own.

Shrouded in a haze of mysticism and superstition, tempered by the fires of the Inquisition, Tarot still arouses keen interest, especially in times of change. What is Tarot? Both experienced tarot readers and students ask themselves this question.

For me, Tarot is the art of asking questions, because you already have all the answers.

You READ them in the book of Thoth, in these 78 cards. The number of decks is huge (according to various sources, from 1500 to 30,000), and continues to increase - publishing your own deck is considered a sign of Mastery. How not to get lost in this sea? How to choose your first deck?

Firstly, choose a classic deck with all the minor arcana depicted, after typing in the search engine: “Tarot gallery ....” with the name of the deck. Look at the pictures, what do you feel? Are the cards starting to speak to you?

The second step It’s better to hold the deck in your hands and look at the quality of the cards’ printing (yes, yes, it’s like when buying a car, everything should be of high quality). Does their energy make you feel good? Yes?! Take it and don’t hesitate!

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YULE. The descent into darkness and the return to it is the beginning of the New Year, recognizing that all beginnings arise from this darkness. On the winter solstice we reach the depths of this darkness on the longest night of the year. The darkness has reached its peak.

Now we're starting to wonder: How long will this last? Will the Earth become darker and colder as the Sun disappears in the south until only darkness remains? But in Yule something amazing happens. The sun stops setting and rises in approximately the same place for several days. This is the decisive time, the peak between events. The sun stands still and everyone is waiting for the turn.

We know the light will return. But does our mind believe what our heart says? Will the light keep its promises? We all have moments of darkness where we don't know how deep we'll go before the light starts to return (or even if it does). There are moments in the world too; it understands us and lives as we do.

The sun begins to move north again, and light returns to our world, to our lives. This is truly something worth celebrating, and has been celebrated across the Northern Hemisphere in remarkably similar ways.

Festival of rebirth and return of the sun

With the end of the longest night, the darkness is defeated by the return of the sun, the return of light, hope and promise. The goddess gives birth to the Sun. The sun begins to rise and the days become longer. Whatever is hidden will begin to appear. It's the sun's birthday! And it really is time to celebrate!

The traditions of Yule, or Winter Solstice, are numerous and lavish, and are associated not only with Christianity on the birthday of the Christ Child, but also with many pre-Christian pagan traditions and even later ones. It is sometimes difficult to determine their sources, but they are all very familiar in our Western culture, even if we do not recognize the symbolism behind them.


Evergreens represent eternal life and were traditionally hung around doorways and windows. Each has its own symbolism.


Highly respected by the Druids, he is a healer and protector. It is carefully cut to ensure that it never touches the ground. Its magical properties are believed to stem from the fact that it lives between worlds, between heaven/heaven and earth. The white berries of the mistletoe represent the fertile white sperm of a life-giving male. That's where the kisses under the mistletoe come from!


The pointed bristles are believed to repel unwanted spirits. Newborn babies were doused with “holly water,” which was considered especially potent if left overnight under the full moon. Holly is dedicated to Hall, the Germanic goddess of the night world, and symbolizes eternal life, goodwill and powerful vital energy. Its red berries represent female blood. Mistletoe and Holly together represent the Sacred Marriage at this time of year with the birth of the Sun/Son.


An evergreen symbol of immortality and resurrection, growing in a spiral, reminding us of reincarnation and rebirth. Sacred to Osiris, where His death and resurrection were a central theme in Egyptian religion. Sacred also to Dionysus, god of vegetation, flowering and the return of spring.

The tree of rebirth - it gives birth to new trees from its roots and grows to a very large age. It is deeply connected to the spiritual realms and ancestors. Often used as a central "world tree" in ritual spaces and often planted in cemeteries. Very poisonous.

Pine/Yule tree

Its branches bring healing and joy to the house, and when burned, they cleanse it.

The custom of decorating a Christmas tree, introduced into modern times, dates back to Victorian times and is attributed to the German Prince Albert.

In ancient Rome, pine trees were an integral part of the goddess's groves. On the eve of the midwinter solstice, Roman priests would cut down a pine tree, decorate it, and carry it with them to temple celebrations. People decorated their houses with branches of evergreen trees and bushes in pots. Pine and spruce trees were cherished as a symbol of rebirth and life in the depths of winter. It was the festival of Saturnalia. Pagan families would bring a living tree into the house so that the tree spirits would have a place to stay warm during the cold winter months - food and treats would be hung from the branches for the spirits to eat.

kissing branch

In the West it is often customary to make decorations using two hoops, one through the other, associated with evergreens, holly and ivy, and rosy apples especially intended for the occasion. Dolls, male and female, are hung inside with other colorful trinkets. A bunch of mistletoe is neatly tied at the bottom of the set, and the entire stage hangs in the center of the room, the center of attention. Each berry on the mistletoe carries the promise of a kiss, and for each kiss, given or taken, the berry is removed. When all the berries are gone, the kissing must stop!

On Yule it is customary to bake special bread

  • 3 cups white flour
  • 500 ml buttermilk (can be bought at the supermarket)
  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking powder)
  • 4 dessert spoons of honey
  • 3 dessert spoons of any syrup / molasses
  • 4 dessert spoons of any cytorus zest
  • 3/4 cup dried fruit mixture
  • 3 pieces ginger, finely chopped
  • chopped walnuts and brown sugar for sprinkling
  • Yule ribbon in red, green or red and gold

Place the flour in a large bowl. Make a well in the center. Add a little salt, soda, all the remaining ingredients and pour in the buttermilk. Mix all remaining ingredients well (preferably with a wooden spoon) until the dough becomes elastic. You can add a little preserved ginger syrup for an extra kick. The amount of flour can be large so that the dough does not stick to your hands. Shape the dough into a ball. Take a sharp knife and easily divide into eight parts, one for each Sun festival. Brush with milk and sprinkle with nuts and sugar.

Place on a greased baking sheet and place the bread in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes. When the bread is done, it will change color and feel "hollow" when you press it. Cool completely on a wire rack. Once cool, tie it with ribbon.

Take a moment to concentrate on the bread you have created and turn the loaf over three times, saying, “From the fields and through the stones, Yule bread can be fed into the fire as the wheel turns. Goddess, bless!"

Yuletide magic

You will need:

  • one wooden spoon,
  • thin red and green or gold ribbon

Take the spoon in your right hand and say, “The brightest blessings of this day, give Love and Peace in equal parts.” Tie a ribbon in a bow around the neck of the spoon and say: “With the warmth of Yule, my heart is blessed. Bless my hearth, which brings joy to the hearts of relatives and guests.”

Take your amulet and place it in a suitable place in your kitchen. It can be enhanced by tying it to a cinnamon bag with a ribbon.

Spirit of Yule

First of all, it is the Festival of the Return of Light, a promise filled with Light born from Darkness.

And the wheel turns...

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  • I turned over the ten of swords. The man in front of me groaned. He had just gotten out of a nasty divorce and was asking about meeting a new woman. “This is a bad card,” he said.

    Pointing to the rising sun in the background, I showed him that there was hope on the horizon. I didn't try to deny the pain shown in the picture. Instead, I illuminated the other side of this card: the symbol of the sunrise is the archetype of new beginnings. And that's what's great about tarot cards: they're rich in symbolism and have many meanings.

    This leads me to say this: “There are no bad cards. There are no good cards. The cards are neutral. It's what you see in them and how you feel that determines whether they are positive or not."

    A pessimist will always see the worst in the map, while an optimist will look for the best. Somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

    Here's a tarot test I like to do with my clients and students: draw any card from a deck, then look for its "good" and "bad" aspects.

    For example, the Ace of Pentacles is considered a very positive card in tarot reading. But if you look at the drawing, there is a passage - an arch and there is no clear idea of ​​​​what is on the other side. The back of this card may be uncertain.

    Let's use another map as an example. The Five of Swords shows a battlefield with people crying and indignant. This card is usually interpreted as a victory through deception. But when you look at the winner, another interpretation emerges: You see the potential for pain and storm clouds and get out of the way. See how it works?

    You can always find evidence of negativity in a "bad" card - and you can find problems with the positive interpretation of a "good" one.

    By looking at both aspects of a tarot card, you gain a well-rounded approach, and more importantly, you free yourself from preconceived notions about a card reading.

    I always get excited when I see the Sun... because that's my reaction.

    + -

  • Feelings of pride and achievement are an extremely powerful emotion, and when channeled in a certain way, it can be the basis for much greater accomplishments. When we use rituals to anchor these feelings in our lives, they become viable, strong seeds for the next year for our growth!

    What you need

    • Candle
    • Incense or incense, aroma lamp
    • Pens and paper
    • Partner! (You can do this alone, but you will get much more out of it if you have a good friend with you, someone who truly appreciates and understands you)

    What to do:

    Step 1

    Sit across from your partner and take a few minutes to focus on your breathing and feel your energy.

    Step 2

    Light a candle

    Step 3

    Burn incense or incense to cleanse and bless the space. This will also bond both of you.

    Step 4

    Call upon the directions of light and the elements (if you wish) and any other deities, totems, ancestors, angels or light beings who wish to join you.

    Step 5

    Take a pen and a piece of paper each and have each of you write down: “2017 was a life-changing year. I’m so proud...” Now try saying out loud something that happened in 2017 that you are proud of and write it down on paper.

    The list can include:

    • Achieved personal goals
    • Business or career achievements
    • Improved or created new relationships
    • Tough decisions are made
    • Challenges faced and emerged victorious
    • Preserving and protecting your borders

    These can be any events - big or small, as long as they make you proud of yourself.


    Step 6

    When your partner is running out of ideas and can't think of one more thing to write, tell them, "I know there's one more thing... Tell me what it is?" And wait as long as necessary, no matter how long it lasts, you can tell him what you are proud of from his achievements. And let him do the same for you. Continue until you have written at least 33 things that you are proud of. Write more if you can.

    Step 7

    When you've actually finished your lists, read them out loud, smile and LOOK at each other - two incredible people who make miracles happen!

    Step 8

    Release all spirits, elements of angels, ancestors, deities of Light called to the ritual.

    Step 9

    Put out the incense and candle.

    Step 10

    Keep your list away from prying eyes. You can pin it somewhere you will see every day, or place it on your altar as a sacred reminder of your innate power to achieve what you desire!

    *This ritual is carried out at the junction of the Old and New Years - we still have time from the calendar New Year to Christmastide and astronomical February 16, 2018.

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  • Dior's creative director talks to us about the power and importance of the growing tarot phenomenon. Tarot cards are back in triumph, and Dior was first at the party. Sales of tarot cards have grown another 30 percent in the past 12 months, following an initial growth spurt in 2016, the highest in 50 years, according to Lynn Araujo, editor and director of communications for US Games Systems.

    Tarot has always held a special place for the house of Dior. The brand's eponymous founder was deeply superstitious and is said to have read his cards before every show. Contemporary Dior creative director Maria Grazia Chiuri placed tarot on various costume details for her Cruise 2018 collection, in which she included feminist tarot card imagery on numerous outfits. Dior has also opened a number of international stores that will feature beautiful illustrations as well as pieces from the themed collection.

    So, what is the reason for the appeal of tarot cards and why do we turn to them so much now? Maria Grazia Chiuri explains the importance and power of the growing phenomenon.

    Why are tarot cards so important to you this season?

    “I studied tarot cards in different collections, their iconography and symbolism. Tarot cards were something that fascinated Monsieur Dior - a material object evoking the spiritual world, and that is why they remained in my imagination. For this collection, I was interested in the work of Niki de Saint Phalle, an extraordinary artist who used the Tarot as inspiration to design one of her most remarkable works: the Tarot Garden in Tuscany, Italy. A magical place inhabited by huge and fantastic figures informed my vision and my design choices for this collection.

    “As I studied the cards, I realized that today tarot is associated with the occult, but in fact its historical origins are associated with the game that unites East and West, and their current iconography is the result of this overlap and juxtaposition of different cultures. Tarot cards also symbolize bonds—the decks were often commissioned by artists for weddings and unions—and stories of life and rebirth. I think about the tarot of Vicky Noble, the artist who created the deck that

    itself represents their rebirth into a new life. the lesser known aspects that I want to restore.”

    To what extent are you superstitious? Have you used tarot cards or clairvoyance personally?

    “I have never been clairvoyant. I believe in the possibility that each of us must determine our future through our choices and our daily work. I'm not interested in knowing the future through cards. What fascinates me about the Tarot is the role it can play in exploring our inner selves and allowing us to learn more about the deepest parts of ourselves."

    Can a Tarot card ever say something about you, or resonate with you?

    “Although I have never participated in a card reading, I am interested in the meaning that each card suggests, which constantly changes in relation to other cards. One of the works that is showing at the latest Venice art exhibition by artist Adelita Husni-Bey also focused on using the Tarot as a tool for exploring one's spiritual connections. All cards have positive and negative meanings, and maintaining a balance of opposites is something very important, especially in the modern world where things happen at an extreme speed and we often have to judge things without looking at them from all points of view.

    “Let's consider the Death card, for example: it is a scary card that seems to indicate the end of something. In fact, this is an extremely important card because it communicates discovery, the possibility of renewal, rebirth. An interesting card, for example, is the Wheel of Fortune because it is an allegory of life: sublime uncertainty and the daily curiosity of new discoveries.”

    “I believe that people who turn to tarot do so for calm and calm. Even without believing in fortune telling, “playing” with cards is a wonderful and fun way to explore the deepest parts of our ego. Tarot reading is spiritual: I think the cards are useful for fitting into our "inner life" by putting it in communication with the larger themes of human existence. In this way, the Tarot helps us overcome our daily

    concerns and allow us to open our eyes and become more aware of what is happening around us.”

    In Tarot there seems to be equality between men and women - is that something that was important to you?

    “The male and female tarot figures have very precise roles, but in the deck they are very well balanced: in the feminist tarot it is a symbol of equality. Understanding that each card has a special character associated with the figure it represents was very important for me to identify the most interesting arcana to express my ideas. For example, the Lovers card, depicting a female and male figure together, shows that love, as a force that “moves the sun and other stars,” as Dante Alighieri rightly wrote at the end of the Divine Comedy, does not distinguish between man and woman, but rather considers them equal and fundamental to understanding this power in the real world."

    “I don’t know the exact reason, but I noticed that people decide to learn how to read tarot themselves. For me, this is a sign that many want to symbolically take their destiny back into their own hands and thus learn to know themselves better, accepting those parts that are not immediately visible and understandable. I think it's a way of getting in touch with our most hidden aspects."

    What are the benefits of using them?

    “I believe that people who turn to tarot do so for peace of mind and calm. Even without believing in fortune telling, "playing" with tarot cards is a wonderful and fun way to explore the deepest parts of our ego. There is always a transcendental force intruding into our daily lives, and it affects us without realizing it. Tarot reading is spiritual: I think tarots are useful for fitting into our "inner life" by putting it in communication with the larger themes of humanity. Thus, tarots help us overcome our daily life and allow us to open our eyes and become better to be aware of what is happening around us."

    “Playing with tarot cards is a fun way to explore the deepest parts of our ego.”

    In Tarot there seems to be equal meaning between men and women - is that something that was important to you?

    “The male and female tarot figures have very precise roles, but in the deck they are very well balanced: in this tarot it is a symbol of equality. Understanding that each card has a special character associated with the figure it represents was very important to

    me to determine the most interesting arcana to express my ideas. For example, the lovers' card, depicting a female and male figure together, shows that love, as a force that “moves the sun and other stars,” as Dante Alighieri rightly wrote at the end of the Divine Comedy, does not distinguish between man and woman, but rather considers them equal and fundamental to understanding this power in the real world."

    Why do you think tarot cards are so popular now?

    “I don’t know the exact reason, but it’s interesting that people sometimes decide to learn how to read tarot themselves. For me, this is a sign that many want to symbolically take their destiny back into their own hands and in this way, learn to know yourself better, also accepting those parts that are not immediately visible and understandable. I think it's a way of getting in touch with our most hidden aspects."

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  • This site is dedicated to people who use their own minds, hearts and faith as their primary navigation system and desire to use Tarot to enhance their natural growth. Below are some of my thoughts on what a tarot reading can and cannot do, and what it should or should not be used for. These are just my opinions - I'm not trying to say that this is how everyone should use tarot cards.

    ** Readings for the future **

    Although the reading indicates the most likely outcome, I do not believe that it is final because we create our own future. What we do now affects our future, and how we respond to events in the future affects our lives at that time.
    That's why I try to rephrase questions that begin, "What awaits me..." I prefer to help people empower themselves and not think that they are slaves to fate. Even if there is a storm, you can sail if you are warned!

    So, my philosophy is that the purpose of a Tarot reading is to give you insight into yourself and the world around you to empower you to create the future you want. This is why I tell people that I am not a “fortune teller”; I am "wheel of fortune".

    **Readings for other people**

    I will not read information if you are interested in what the other person is doing or feeling - mainly due to the ethics of confidentiality since they are not the customer. This is the law of free will. For example, I won't read questions like "Is N. X's mistress?" Or “Does he really love me?” I can, however, rephrase your question to tell you what you need to know about your relationship with another person.

    ** Readings to select action options **

    The purpose of reading is to show options to help you make decisions, not to tell you what you absolutely must do. For example, if you are faced with a choice between option I and option II, I will not tell you, “You should choose option I.” Instead, I'll try to give you all the pros and cons of each option, and maybe some other deciding factors that come up as you read.

    **Frequent Readings**

    Esoteric and psychological telephone lines encourage people to call frequently for consultations. The owners of these lines seem to be more concerned about their income than about the customers' ability to live their lives and learn to make their own decisions. I prefer not to do a reading for a person more than once a month (at most), especially on the same issue, because if you turn to Tarot for advice too often, you are likely avoiding making your own decisions or not listening to advice from your previous readings. This may mean less income for me, however, I hope it will encourage people to take control of their lives.

    Of course, there are exceptions. Let's say you order a reading about relationships, and then a week later you discover that you have a real chance of getting promoted.

    **Readings for medical, legal, etc. matters**

    Tarot cards have proven themselves well in the general diagnosis of the body’s condition; give hints on which organs and systems you should pay attention to, which method of treatment has a better effect on the disease. I am, of course, a doctor, but if you have specific questions about your health, please contact a specialized specialist. The same goes for private legal issues, psychiatric problems, and so on. We can only review general recommendations.