Master class on distance learning. Distance lesson as one of the forms of teaching English Distance lesson in English

Distance learning of the English language is free and available to everyone who has the opportunity to use modern information technologies.

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and confident knowledge of it makes it possible to get a job in a prestigious company.

Knowledge of the British language allows future students to count on...

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Read about the Warsaw University of Technology.

You can read about the online English tutor at: .

Free English practice will be useful for those who are planning to enroll in .

You can complete it by getting a job during the summer holidays or on vacation; distance practical skills are acquired while communicating with like-minded people from different countries.

Audio English course

Free online audio courses of the English language can be downloaded to your phone, tablet, player, and you can listen to them later through headphones on the way to work, school, or in hours-long traffic jams.

Using this opportunity, it will be possible to say that not a minute of time is wasted.

Listening in English free download for the youngest children is presented in the form of fairy tales; while listening to them, children will quickly learn numbers, letters, and basic greetings.

Listening to songs, poems Young children learn faster pronunciation and understand the beauty of foreign speech.

In this lesson you:

  • master new lexical units on the topic in all types of speech activity;
  • learn to talk about time and date;
  • master the formation of numerals.

Target: development of language competence of students.



1. develop skills in all types of speech activity;

2. develop logic and thinking.


1. cultivate a culture of behavior through mastering the norms of etiquette (invitation to a holiday).


1. develop the ability to create colorful and unusual calendar designs.

Form of organization: distance lesson.

Duration: 60 minutes.



Lesson topic "Special day"

In this lesson you:

  1. master new lexical units on the topic in all types of speech activity;
  2. learn to talk about time and date;
  3. master the formation of numerals.

Target: development of language competence of students.



1. develop skills in all types of speech activity;

2. develop logic and thinking.


1. cultivate a culture of behavior through mastering the norms of etiquette (invitation to a holiday).


1. develop the ability to create colorful and unusual calendar designs.

Form of organization:distance lesson.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Introduction to the topic.

Good afternoon, children! I"m glad to see you! Let"s start our lesson. How are you today?

Children, today we are going to speak about special days and activities in our country and you have to prepare a speech about it. We"ll repeat Present Continuous Tense and ordinary numbers.

After studying this topic, you will learn how to write invitation cards. At the end of studying the topic, you will have to complete a creative task.

Good luck!

1. Listening training.

Listen to the text about "Halloween" and say what you think is happening at the party.

(p.48 ex.3)

2. Learning to read.

Tell me please, what are special days you know?

Now, let's read the text.


Pete : So, is the party going well?

Tess: What did you say?

Pete: Is the party going well? It sounds as if everyone"s having a great time.

Tess :Yeah, it's absolutely brilliant.

Pete : Well, a party for gang of ten-year-olds isn’t my idea of ​​a good time. Are you all wearing costumes?

Tess : Yes. I"m wearing my witch costume and Chris is wearing his Frankenstein costume.

Pete : Oh, he's not wearing that old thing again!

Tess : Yaeh, and he's terrifying everyone.

Pete: What kind of games are you playing? Are you bobbing for apples?

Tess: Well, I made a pumpkin pie and toffee apples and the kids are really enjoyinthe so they"re nearly all gone.

Pete: Oh, one one, please!

Tess: OK! Are you doing anything at the moment?

Pete: No, not really.

Tess : Well, why don't you come over and help yourself to some toffee apples? The party is nearly over anyway. Then, you can help me clean up!

Pete: I would do anything for a toffee apple! See you in ten minutes.

3. Task 1

Find in the text and write:

  1. three names of games;
  2. two types of food;
  3. two types of customs.

4. Teaching writing.

Dear boys and girls, imagine you want to prepare a speech about special day in your country. Complete the notes about this day.

For example:

Name: City day (Moscow)

Date/ Season : The 1st Sunday in October

Country: Russia

Activities/Food : Have concerts and parades, decorate streets, fireworks display.

Feelings: Happy, excited.

5. Task 2.

And now children, I"ll give you cards and you should fill them in.






6. The numeral.

The Numeral.

A numeral is a word that denotes the number or order of objects in a count. Numerals in English, as well as in Russian, are divided into quantitative and ordinal.

Cardinal numbers(Cardinal numbers) indicate the number of objects and answer the question How many? - How many?

Ordinals(Ordinal numbers) indicate the order of objects when counting and answer the question Which? - Which?

Cardinal numbers.

By structure they are divided into simple, derivative and compound:

  1. To simple include numbers from 1 to 12.

For example: one, two, eleven, twelve.

  1. Derivatives are the numerals from 13 to 19. They are formed using the suffix-teen from the corresponding numerals of the first ten.

For example: four four - four teen - fourteen.

Accent. They carry stress on both the first and second syllables(-"teen). But when such a numeral is followed by a noun with stress on the first syllable, the suffix-teen turns out to be unstressed.

For example: six teen chairs - sixteen chairs.

Derivatives also include numerals denoting tens. They are formed using the suffix–ty.

For example: six six - six ty sixty;

At the same time, some of them are modified, for example: two two – twenty twenty.

3 To compound include numerals denoting tens with ones, starting from the second ten. They are written with a hyphen (dash).

For example: twenty-one twenty-one, forty-seven forty-seven.

In compound numerals within every three digits before tens (and if there are none, then before ones) is placed conjunction and.

For example: 3,516,436 - three million five hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and thirty-six.

In English words hundred hundred, thousand thousand, million million are nouns, therefore, if they are used in singular. they must be preceded by an indefinite article a or numeral one.

1 . They don't accept -s when they are preceded by a numeral, for example:

2. But they accept plural ending-s , if they express an indefinite number of hundreds, thousands, millions, and after them a noun with a preposition is used of .

Hundred s of student s

Thousands of songs

Hundreds of students

thousands of songs

Ordinal Numerals.

Ordinalsformed by adding the ending–th to cardinal number:

For example:four – fourth (four – fourth)

Eleven – eleventh (eleven – eleventh)


one – first (one – first)

two – second (two – second)

three – third (three – third)

five – fifth (five – fifth)

eight – eighth (eight – eighth)

nine – ninth (nine – ninth)

twelve – twelfth (twelve – twelfth)

When forming ordinal numbers ending in–y (that is, all numerals denoting tens, starting from 20), final y changes to i , and before the end–th is added to e :

For example: eighty – eightieth (eighty – eightieth)

Ninety – ninetieth (ninety – ninetieth)

Please note that in complex ordinal numbers the ending–th has only the last digit:

For example: 421st – four hundred and twenty first

5,111th – five thousand, one hundred and eleventh

When ordinal numbers are written as a number, the last two letters of the corresponding ordinal number are usually added to the number:

For example: first = 1st

Second = 2nd

Third = 3rd

Fourth = 4th

Twenty sixth = 26th

Hundred and first = 101st

7. Task 3.

  1. Write the following cardinal numerals with letters and make the corresponding ordinal numerals:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 52, 67, 74, 83, 99, 100.

2. Write in English:

1. 245; 533; 816.

2. 3,562; 7,324.

3. One hundred books; a hundred pages; hundreds of people.

4. A thousand cars; thousands of people; a million books.

6. Chapter 5; bus 6.

8. Consolidation of Present Continuous Tense.

Consolidation of Present Continuous Tense

How Do we form the negative form of the Present Continuous?

Can you give examples?

Children, can you tell me the difference between to make something and to do something.

To make means to produce something (make, produce).

To do means to preform an action (perform an action).

Now you should fill in make or do.

1. ................ the decorations.

2. ................ the dusting.

3. ................ your homework.

4. ............ tea.

5. ................ special dish.

6. ................ a cake.

7. ................ the shopping.

8. ...............a phone call.

Dear boys and girls, thank you very much! You"ve worked hard!

And now you should write an invitation card for a special day!



Activities – event.

Cardinal numbers - cardinal numbers denoting the number of objects.

Сountry is a country.

Costume - suit.

Numeral a numeral denoting the number or order of items in a count.

Ordinal numbers - ordinal numbers indicating the order of objects when counting.

Party - party

Pumpkin pie

To wear - dress

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 9

Tatarsk, Novosibirsk region

Lesson development using COR and EER

Nomination "Multimedia teaching aid"

Pugacheva Olga Anatolyevna

MBOU Secondary School No. 9

English teacher

Isq. category




    Representation of the administration of the educational institution for work [Katunina E.E.]

    Brief analysis of the lesson [Katunina E.E., Pugacheva O.A.]

    Relevance of the lesson [Pugacheva O.A.]

    Methodological development of the lesson [Pugacheva O.A. ]

    List of resources used [internet sources, textbooks]

    Lesson appendix[task cards]

    Electronic application [disc with material]


5 Class , III quarter

1 lesson


Target: introduce the student to some of the sights of Great Britain


developing: develop the ability for visual and auditory differentiation, to identify linguistic patterns, develop the ability for voluntary memorization, to guess the meaning of words from a picture and by analogy with the native language, to develop learning skills;

Educational: develop reading skills, develop reading speed, develop reading skills in order to search for specific information and for the purpose of full understanding, develop lexical skills, develop spelling skills and perceptual listening skills;

Educational: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied, to cultivate a culture of speech.

Equipment: reading texts, task cards, visual aids, video material.

Lesson equipment: illustrations with the sights of Britain (textbook), computer, printer, scanner, headphones, speakers, microphone, web camera, digital camera.

During the classes

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Good morning, Dasha! I'm glad to see you. Howareyou?

(Hello, Dasha. Glad to see you. HowYou?)

I'm fine, thank you. Andyou?

(Thanks, good. How are you?)

I'm fine, too. Are you ready? We have an unusual lesson.

(Okay, thank you. Are you ready? Today we have an unusual lesson)

Look at the picture. What can you see?

(Look at the picture. What do you see?)

(in the picture there is a map of Great Britain, a flag, symbols of Britain)

I can see Great Britain.

(I see the country Great Britain)


You are right!!! Today our lesson is called “Britain-is an attractive land”. Today we are going to speak about the Great Britain; we’ll know new words and We’ll learn about the sights of London. Let'ssbeginourwork!

(You're right. Today the topic of our lesson is Great Britain. Today we will talk about Britain, we will learn a lot of new words, we will get acquainted with the sights of London. So, let's begin our work!)

II .Phonetic exercise. (Appendix No. 1)

SKYPE or email) file (Appendix 1)

I am sending you a file. Repeat after me, please.

(I am sending you a file. Repeat the sounds after me)


[æ] fantastic,family,travel,capital,

famous,favourite,stadium,Great Btitain, Wales


[Λ] London, Londoner, much, lovely, country

[ə]England,Englishman,London, Scotland, Ireland

III. Speech exercises.

In order to travel to another country, you need to be able to answer questions to fill out a form or other documents at the border.

Very good. We are going to visit GB.We have to fill out the questionnaire.Answer the following question, please. (To fill out documents for another country, answer the following questions!)

    What is your name?

    What is your surname?

    How old are you?

    Where are you from?

    What pet have you got?

    What's your address?

    What's your telephone number?

    What is your hobby?

    What is your favorite sport?

    How are you?

    Have you got a family?

IV . The main stage of the lesson.

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 1)

1. Getting to know the sights of Great Britain and London. Listening .

I’m sending you the link, watch your video and answer my questions

Watch the video. Questions to understand what you heard.

-- Nowanswermyquestions!

(Now, based on the video you saw, answer my questions)

What is the capital of GB?

(CapitalGreat Britain)

What are the main sights in London?

(Tell the main attractions of London)

2. Sights of Great Britain. Reading.

Work in the textbook (dialogue). Page. 87, control. 6

Open your book. Read louder, please! Read the text with the correct intonation.

Who is going to stay in Great Britain? Howlong?

(Open the textbook on p. 87, exercise 6. Read the dialogue.

Who is going to visit the UK and how long are they planning to stay there)

V . Warm up for the eyes. (Appendix No. 2)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (Appendix 2)

VI .Working with the card. (Appendix No. 3)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (attachment 3)

Make up sentences using the words from the table

(Make sentences using words from the table)

VII .Physical minute

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 2)

Let's do some more exercises. Stand up, please.I'm sending you the link.

(And now – a physical minute. I’m sending you a link to a video clip, repeat all the exercises)

VIII .Working with the textbook. Make sentences.

Open your book

ex. 5, p.87

Match the words to the descriptions

(Open the textbook on page 87, exercise 5. Connect the words in accordance with their characteristics)

A) a museum is a place where people watch plays

b) a theater is a place where people watch sport events

With) a stadium is a place where people watch films

d) a cinema is a place where you can see collections of different things

IX.Relaxation! Listen to the song.

(A moment of relaxation)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 3)

I'm sending you the link.

song "Lovely Language »

X. Reflection

How are you?

( HowYou?)

Is our lesson interesting for you?

( LessoninterestingForyou?)

What do you like most of all?

(What did you like most?)

-- Whatisdifficult?

(Any difficulties?)

XI . Homework.

    For homework

doex. 2, p.4 8 .

*Additional task

2. Sights of Britain

http:// www.2 uk. ru/ interest

Do you understand what you have to do for homework?

(Is the homework clear?)

Thelessonisover. Good Bye!!! See you soon.

(Lesson over. Goodbye. See you!)

Learning has become a truly exciting process for me.

It seems to me that the main thing I received during one course of study here was motivation to learn the language. Before studying at this center, I thought it was difficult and boring.

Gayane showed me that phrasal verbs and idioms are not a punishment and complication of an already complex foreign language, but what makes the English language alive and interesting.

Thanks to Gayana, her help, her individual approach to each of us, the fact that she took into account our difficulties and offered different solutions and ways out of them, I began to understand spoken English and stopped being afraid to speak myself.

From a person who speaks absolutely no English, in 4 months I became someone who can carry on a conversation. And learning the language has become a part of my life.


Everything is fine! the absence of Russian in classes is cool. not expected

The balance of humor and work in the lessons is at an optimal level - classes are both interesting and productive.


I am very pleased with our teacher and recommend her to everyone.

Denis is a very qualified teacher. Always friendly, punctual, attentive to every student in our group.

The classes are interesting and informative. My goal was to remember forgotten knowledge and gain new ones. We are gradually moving towards the goal together with Denis.


My teacher is Cliff and I am very glad that I got into his group!

The fear of live communication has passed, in the group we often communicate on different topics and at the same time expand our vocabulary. The teacher also spends time on grammar; it is not boring and is supported by a huge number of examples.

If something is not clear, I always get a detailed answer to my question. Clif is a very sympathetic person with positive energy, so in the group we have a very warm relationship with each other.

After work, I go to English with great pleasure, because I always get a new portion of words, knowledge and good mood :) Thank you very much!


Clif is a man who inspires.

I remember how worried I was when I first joined the new group. But they rightly say that a good teacher is, first of all, a good psychologist who feels your fears and opens you up, motivates you to work on yourself!

After a hard day at work, English becomes an outlet. In addition to the fact that Clif is a very versatile and interesting person (with whom you can talk about millions of topics), he approaches the work process very responsibly: we have time to take grammar, new words and talk (which is very important for overcoming the language barrier).

Our lessons have a very sincere atmosphere in which you are not afraid to speak in front of the public, to speak (even with mistakes), and it is very important for him that absolutely everyone understands the new topic.

As he says, the most rewarding thing about his job is seeing people grow before his eyes!

p.s. Our Clif group is a group of friends who watch films in English and discuss them, it’s a thousand stories from life, billions of jokes, going to movies in English, and finally, it’s a group with coconut candies during breaks. I just love these guys so much)


I’ve been learning the language from Emily for ten months now.

Each new lesson with Emily is different from the previous one. It is clear that Emily carefully prepares and approaches each lesson creatively.

Emily conducts some classes in the form of a conversation club, others in the form of an educational game or quiz, others in the form of video listening followed by discussion, in others the focus may be on studying grammar, etc.

Emily tries to organize lessons so that learning English is fun, exciting, intriguing, but not boring. Emily's classes are held in a positive manner; the students in our group do not get tired, but, on the contrary, receive a boost of energy. We come to courses tired after work, we leave really intense classes as if we had rest =)

Emily is certainly talented as a teacher. During class, she pays attention to each student. You can’t just “sit back” - Emily involves everyone in the work, whether you want it or not, you have to work.

We regularly write essays on various topics to supplement homework. At the next lesson we listen to and discuss our essays. I can trace my progress in English, among other things, from these essays: how simple they were at the beginning of my studies and how comprehensive they became in less than a year of study.

Business partners began to notice my progress in both spoken and written English. Which is good news =)

Thanks Emily!


Ace is convenient in terms of time, a high level of training, and an opportunity to communicate with native speakers.

I began to understand spoken language better. My knowledge of grammar has been streamlined. The most difficult topic is “Indirect Speech”. The teacher’s explanations and my own studies helped me.

Most useful:

  1. Writing thematic essays.
  2. Discussion of various topics during classes.
  3. Listen to various fragments on topics.

The teacher is active, knowledgeable, emotional. Classes are held in an active, rich format


Knows his subject impeccably, organizes lessons rationally depending on the level of development and interests of students

A teacher is a calling. Teachers are not born, they are made. And this can fully be attributed to Stanislav. He has an impeccable knowledge of his subject and rationally constructs lessons depending on the level of development and interests of the students.

Uses various teaching methods, visual aids, game forms, draws parallels with music/musicians. He is kind to students, but at the same time demanding. His ability to choose an approach to each person is worthy of praise. He knows how to convey the value of the English language to the student, “ignite” each student, involve him in learning the language headlong, and lead him.

And, of course, motivate and “charge” for results. Has an unconventional approach to presenting information. He often dilutes the lessons and constantly gives information in a different way (diversified), which helps you to love the language even more. Stanislav is a creative person, so in his lessons he strives to develop the creative abilities of his students. A responsible teacher who is very dedicated to his work.


Design engineer

Learning goes far beyond the classroom and continues through communication at the various events that fill every week.

I chose from seven different schools, attended an interview and a trial lesson in each. I chose ACE because... I liked the well-designed format + convenient location. Training takes place in a friendly environment. Every person in the group is interesting to talk to and you are likely to learn something new.


Presentation of material at a high level. the main emphasis was on conversation. for each lesson we received a large supply of spoken English

I came to school with a Beginner level, but I started studying very quickly and easily.

For each lesson we received a large supply of spoken English, which later helped a lot in real life when traveling, watching movies, translating songs, etc. , since it is a “living” language.

The school has a wonderful atmosphere. I always came to class with joy and, in addition to excellent knowledge, received a charge of good mood. The school team is professionals. They will always help if you have questions. I highly recommend this school!!!


Teacher Krylova I.V.

This lesson was developed for 4th grade students of the Center for Distance Education for children studying at home for health reasons
Features of online learning:
the use of information and telecommunication technologies, multi-level learning technologies;
distance learning with the Internet available at a time convenient for the student;
the presence of an individual curriculum that determines the student’s workload per week in the subjects of the school curriculum;

Lesson topic: Vocabulary training on the topic “Seasons and weather”

Program: for general educational institutions in English to the educational complex “English with pleasure” for grades 2-11 M.Z. Biboletova, N.N. Trubaneva, “Title” -2008.

Number of hours per week: 1

Lesson No. 2

Material and technical support of the lesson:
a set of computer equipment supplied as part of the Internet education program for children with disabilities

Teaching methods and techniques used in the lesson:
partially search (analysis of difficulties in studying the topic of control);
control and self-control (consolidation of knowledge, testing);


    Lesson type: a lesson in reviewing what has been learned.

    Integrating didactic goal: systematize the student’s lexical knowledge on the topic “Seasons and weather.”

    Lesson objectives:
    1. Educational: activation of the use of vocabulary on the topic, its use in familiar speech patterns; development of attention to linguistic orthographic forms.
    2. Developmental: developing skills for independently solving basic communication problems; developing skills to work with a teacher remotely, skills of independent work and self-control; development of memory, attention, thinking; development of voluntary attention, skills to draw conclusions and generalizations, independence of judgment.
    3. Educational: formation of the student’s communicative culture.

    This lesson allows you to develop the following key competencies of the student:
    technical skills;
    adapt (the ability to find a new solution).
    Lesson format: off-line mode, on-line mode.

    Form of organization of activities– individual.

    During the classes:

    1. Motivational block. Lesson topic message. Goal setting. Planning activities in the lesson. Introduction to the recommendations for the lesson.

    2. Introduction to the language environment. Updating knowledge. Preparation for completing a practical task. Development of phonetic skills: The student repeats words and phrases from the teacher, answers questions (cold, cloudy, windy, hot, sunny, snowy, winter, summer, autumn, spring, weather, What is your favorite season? – My favorite season is summer; What is the weather like today? – Today is cold and windy; Do you like summer? – Yes, I do. I like summer because it is warm; What can you do in different weather? ...

    We do exercise 15 on page 10. You need to complete the sentences by choosing the proposed options. For example: When it is rainy, I can read the books.(If it's rainy, I can read books), etc.

To review vocabulary we use a memory card.

3. Identifying difficulties. Identification and fixation of the location of difficulty. Practicing pronunciation. In order to memorize vocabulary, we pronounce it many times with translation; if a student makes mistakes in composing questions and answers, we repeat the order of words in interrogative and affirmative sentences.
4. Practical part of the lesson. The student completes the practical part of the lesson independently. You must complete a test consisting of three tasks:

1. Solve the crossword puzzle. Open the crossword puzzle, click on the desired word, and type the desired answer in the window that appears. The task completion is checked automatically. You can use a hint, but then the assessment result will be reduced.

2. Description of the pictures.

a) Various pictures and several sentences are offered. You need to use your mouse to add a sentence that makes sense to each picture. The task completion is checked automatically.

b) Choose the picture you like and add its description. The teacher can help the student cope with the task with guiding questions.

3. Spell check. Fill in the missing letters in the words. The task completion is checked automatically. You can use hints when completing the task.
5. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

a) Correlation between the purpose of the lesson and its results, self-assessment of work in the lesson.

b) Assessing your own performance.
c) Fixation of difficulties as directions for future educational activities.

d) Recording homework.

"assignment to student"

Lesson No. 2

1. To review vocabulary, use a memory card.

2. Do exercise 15 on page 10.

3. . Solve the crossword puzzle. Open the crossword puzzle, click on the desired word, and type the desired answer in the window that appears. The task completion is checked automatically. You can use a hint, but then the assessment result will be reduced.

4 . Various pictures and several sentences are offered. You need to use your mouse to add a sentence that makes sense to each picture. The task completion is checked automatically.
b) Choose the picture you like and add its description.

5. Homework.

Match the pictures and the sentences.

It is warm.

It is windy.

It is cold and snowy.

It is hot and sunny

It is rainy.

It is snowy.

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"Krylov's master class"

Implementation of e-education for teaching students with special educational needs

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 1, Pavlovo



Over the past ten years, virtual forms of learning have become commonplace in most educational institutions.

Today, learning via the Internet is increasingly viewed not just as a convenient form of learning, but as a completely serious alternative to traditional education, allowing the student to gain in-depth knowledge.

At school we were convinced that the use of information technology allows us to develop the creative imagination necessary for the formation of flexible, non-standard thinking; we see that as a result, the student receives not only knowledge, but also ways to comprehend it (mastering the rules of working in the information space). The logic of teaching is focused on the self-development and self-esteem of students in the future.

In our school, when introducing lessons and conducting extracurricular activities, to the extent we are equipped and prepared, we use the capabilities of the LMS (knowledge management system). You can use DropBox to save and use documents, use Google to check practical assignments and essays, and process graphic files in Picasa. We keep electronic diaries, create personal accounts for students and teachers, and much more. These are thematic forums where students can exchange information. This includes the search for information, where students can solve certain educational problems even in the absence of a teacher or under his guidance.

Who is Internet learning addressed to at our school, what forms of its organization are used? First of all, these are distance classes to deepen students’ knowledge, eliminate knowledge gaps, consultation sessions during project work, consultations to prepare students for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, as well as classes with children who do not attend school for health reasons. (Slide 1)

To conduct distance learning I use various platforms and sites: Skype, Google,,, Letopisi or on my personal website

and others.

It is known that e-learning includes chats and laboratory work. control tasks, tests, etc. . (Slide 2,3). What do I use when conducting a distance lesson, how is the lesson itself structured? What are the requirements for the lesson?

1. When preparing a distance lesson, it is necessary to provide for its delivery form - off-line or on-line.
2. Depending on the selected mode, provide for all methods of interaction with students:
- delivery of educational material to students (HTML page with a URL, sending a letter in any format via E-mail, using guest book technology, etc.),
- direct communication with students during practical and test assignments (by E-mail, using guest book technology, conversation (chat), etc.),
- method of accepting tests.
3. For insurance, it is necessary to place the lesson materials on not one, but at least two servers. To communicate with participants in the learning process, you must have a spare “mailbox”.
4. When planning a distance lesson, it is necessary to provide for the inclusion of heuristic methods in the course of the lesson.

I will give examples of two e-learning lessons. E8%EC%E5%ED%E5%ED%E8%E5%EC_%C4%CE%D2_%EF%EE_%E0%ED%E3%EB%E8%E9%F1%EA%EE%EC%F3_% FF%E7%FB%EA%F3&post=58232001_357

The first lesson is held on the “Chronicles” website and the purpose of this lesson is to review the material covered on the topic “Word Formation”. This lesson is intended for 9th grade students who will take exams in English. The lesson is conducted off-line and is divided into two stages.

The first stage of the lesson is a repetition of what has been learned. Students receive theoretical material for repetition. Then they are given a sample of how to complete a test task. The student must independently analyze the theoretical material. If he has questions, he can ask the teacher.

The second stage is practical. The student completes the test and sends the answers to the teacher for verification. The experience of many generations of teachers and the basic principles of didactics indicate that if you want to instill solid knowledge and skills, then in the classroom it is necessary to monitor and evaluate them.

Reflection provides a general analysis of the lesson, its positive and negative aspects, problems encountered and ways to overcome them.

The lesson material must contain links to sites where the student can find additional material, as well as links to reference materials.

The second lesson that I would like to demonstrate is the lesson “Seasons” for grade 4 according to M.Z. Biboletova’s teaching materials. This lesson is conducted on-line and is intended for students who are homeschooled. I conduct on-line lessons on the Skype platform.

In analyzing this lesson, I want to focus on student motivation. One of the problems of a distance lesson is the high activity of students. How to achieve it? First of all, create conditions under which students will involuntarily enter into the learning process and will be participants in the tasks being solved until the end of the lesson. To do this, it is advisable to distribute the lesson into stages that allow students to move from one goal to another, in accordance with the goals of the entire lesson. In other words, throughout the lesson it is necessary to maintain students’ interest in the lesson and create motives for intensifying their activities.

I'm turning to Web 2.0 services. When introducing new lexical and grammatical material, we can use memory cards as in this lesson or "glogs"

Service Google

https:// www. google. com/ url? q= http:// goo. gl/ vj0 zHM& usd=2& usg= ALhdy2_ qux4 nGJqMgQuBc3 i864 DZnFGFjA

https:// www. google. com/ url? q= http:// goo. gl/ zTrtou& usd=2& usg= ALhdy2_ fMNUO7 r- RWmFQ- P.Y.W.5 FBRuWnauA

https:// www. google. com/ url? q= http:// goo. gl/ XL7 AKU& usd=2& usg= ALhdy298 sTLuehuqRhpqatouWqVQ0 iGREQ

Intel Education Galaxy Teacher Community

https:// edugalaxy. intel. ru/ index. php

Homework can also be completed on these services.

I have prepared a selection of sites with which a teacher can create interesting tasks not only for online lessons, but also for lessons at school.

Conclusion. I believe that through online learning we can provide education to students with special educational needs. Today, every teacher can use this method in their practical work. The use of online learning creates conditions for the formation of a child’s readiness for self-development, helps to form a stable system of knowledge and a system of values.


Ready-made educational games and quizzes

Services for creating online games and interactive quizzes

Portals for teachers

Educational games and interactive tasks

Flash cards


Time strips

Useful sites

Structure of distance learning

When developing distance classes, it is possible to use the following structure for their construction:

    Topic of the lesson.

    Objectives of the lesson.

    The problem of the lesson or the main question.

    A list of knowledge, abilities, skills, abilities that are expected to be developed or mastered in this lesson.

    A brief lesson plan indicating the time for each point of the plan.

    Detailed lesson notes.

    List of activities for distance learners.

    List of activities of the distance teacher and other participants in the lesson.

    List of materials required for the lesson (links to websites, prepared files with assignments, etc.)

    Methods and forms of checking the results obtained by students in the lesson.

    Expected types of educational products of students received in this lesson (answers to the teacher’s questions, ideas that arise, own questions, etc.)

    Reflective tasks in class, forms of self-assessment or mutual assessment of students in class.

    The role and place of the lesson in a distance learning course or training system.