Selecting a nickname. The shortest encyclopedia of pseudonyms All pseudonyms

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Nickname(from Greek false name) is an invented name that a person uses in public activities instead of the name given at birth (recorded in official documents).

Most often, pseudonyms are used in literature, art, religion and the occult.

If a person becomes famous, the pseudonym often displaces his real name. And even the person himself begins to perceive himself under a pseudonym.

They take a pseudonym if they want:

Choose a name with a certain energy (program) for success in a specific profession

Have a bright, memorable name

Replace long name with shorter one

Hide national roots

Hide your real name to protect yourself from attention

Literary pseudonyms

Alexander Green – Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky

Alexander Serafimovich – Alexander Serafimovich Popov

Anatole France – Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault

Andre Maurois – Emile Salomon Wilhelm Erzog

Andrey Bely – Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev

Anna Akhmatova – Anna Andreevna Gorenko

Arkady Gaidar – Arkady Petrovich Golikov

Boris Polevoy – Boris Nikolaevich Kampov

Veniamin Kaverin – Veniamin Aleksandrovich Zilber

Voltaire – Marie Francois Arouet

Guillaume Apollinaire – Wilhelm Apollinary Kostrovitsky

Gleb Arsenyev – Sorokin Yuri Alexandrovich

Grigory Gorin – Grigory Izrailevich Ofshtein

Daniil Kharms – Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev

Demyan Bedny – Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov

Jack London – John Griffith Cheney

George Sand – Amandine Aurora Lucille Dupin

Igor Severyanin – Igor Vasilievich Lotarev

Kir Bulychev – Igor Vseevolodovich Mozheiko

Korney Chukovsky – Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov

Lesya Ukrainka – Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka

Lewis Carroll – Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

Maxim Gorky – Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov

Maxim Tank – Evgeniy Ivanovich Skurko

Mark Twain – Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Mikhail Svetlov – Mikhail Arkadyevich Sheinkman

Mikhail Koltsov – Mikhail Efimovich Fridlyand

Moliere – Jean Baptiste Poquelin

O. Henry – William Sidney Porter

Pablo Neruda – Naftali Ricardo Reyes Basualto

Paul Eluard – Eugene Emile Paul Gredel

Panas Mirny – Afanasy Yakovlevich Rudchenko

Prus Boleslav – Alexander Glowacki

Sasha Cherny – Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg

Stendhal – Henri-Marie Bayle

Teffi – Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lokhvitskaya (Buchinskaya)

Sholom Aleichem – Sholom Nokhumovich Rabinovich

Eduard Bagritsky – Eduard Georgievich Dzyubin

Erasmus of Rotterdam – Gerhard Gerhards

Yakub Kolas – Konstantin Mikhailovich Mitskevich

Janis Rainis – Janis Plieksans

Artistic pseudonyms

Woody Allen – Allen Stewart Koenigsberg

Harry Houdini - American illusionist - Eric Weiss

Greta Garbo – Greta Gustafson

Jean Gabin – Jean Alexis Moncorger

Yves Montand – Ivo Livi

Smoktunovsky Innokenty Mikhailovich – Smoktunovich Innokenty Mikhailovich

Pencil: Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev

Madonna – Madonna Louise Ciccone

Marina Vladi – Maria-Louise Polyakova-Baidarova

Marlene Dietrich – Maria Magdalena Dietrich

Marilyn Monroe – Norma Jean Baker

Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna – Feldman Faina Georgievna

Simone Signoret – Simone Kaminker

Sophia Loren – Sofia Scicolone

Utesov Leonid Osipovich – Lazar Iosifovich Weisbein

Fred Astaire – Frederic Austerlitz

Fernandel – Fernand Contandin

Cher – Sherilyn Sarkisyan

Pseudonyms in art

Sandro Botticelli - Italian painter - Alessandro Filipepi

Titian - Italian painter - Tiziano Vecellio

Giorgione - Italian painter - Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco

Le Corbusier – architect – Charles Edouard Jeanneret

Parmigianio - Italian painter - Francesco Mazzola

Pinturicchio - Italian painter - Bernardino di Betto di Biagio

El Greco - Spanish painter - Domenico Theotocopouli

Singing aliases

Grigory Leps - Russian singer - Grigory Viktorovich Lepsveridze

Mario Lanza - American singer (tenor) - Alfredo Arnoldo Cocozza

Maria Callas - American singer (soprano) of Greek origin - Sofia Cecelia Kalos (Kalogeropoulos)

Mark Bernes – Otto Neumann

Mylene Farmer - French singer - Mylene Gautier

Sting – Gordon Sumner

Tina Turner – Anna Mae Bullock

Charles Aznavour – Varenag Aznavourian (Aznauryan)

Pseudonyms in science

Paracelsus - German physician, naturalist and philosopher - Philip Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim

Nicolas Bourbaki is a group of French mathematicians created in 1935.

Nicknames in fashion

Coco Chanel - French designer, trendsetter of women's fashion of the 20th century - Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel

Collective nicknames

The Vasiliev brothers - film directors, screenwriters, namesakes Georgy and Sergei Vasiliev, creators of the film "Chapaev"

Kozma Prutkov - Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, Alexey Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, Vladimir Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, Alexander Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov

Kukryniksy – Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilievich, Krylov Porfiry Nikitich, Sokolov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov - writers, co-authors Ilya Arnoldovich Faizilberg and Evgeny Petrovich Kataev

Political pseudonyms

Lenin - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. Lenin had more than 146 pseudonyms.

Martov: Yuliy Osipovich Tsederbaum

Stalin: Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

Trotsky - Lev (Leiba) Davidovich Bronstein

Kamenev: Lev Borisovich Rosenfeld

Willy Brandt – Herbert Carl Frahm

Rudolf Abel – William Genrikhovich Fischer

Arseny – Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze

Voinov - A.V. Lunacharsky

Grach: Nikolai Bauman

Kirov – Kostrikov Sergey Mironovich

Zinoviev - O.A. Appelbaum

Molotov - V.M. Scriabin

Sablina - N.K. Krupskaya

Sports nicknames

Pele - Brazilian footballer, striker - Edson Arantes do Nascimento

Black Kyrgyz – kickbacker – Alen Ofoyo

Tiger of Madras – chess player – Vishy Anand

Iron Mike - boxer - Mike Tyson

Selecting a nickname


Hello Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna! Help me, please, in choosing pseudonym for creative activities. I do DJing (play music). I can’t think of a creative pseudonym for myself. I really like Latin music, Latin countries, sun, beach, carnivals. I would like a pseudonym from this topic. Thank you in advance. Tell me what else is required from me to help you.

With all respect, Andrew


For those who want to choose a pseudonym, we can offer a pseudonym in three options:

Name (name options)

Last name (surname options)

First and last name.

Please write what set of programs (energies) your pseudonym should include:

For creative activities

For success, fame, fame

For money, business, increasing income

To attract the opposite sex

For love and creating a family

Other programs (write which ones)

A combination of several of the above programs (energies).

For example, a pseudonym for creative activity can help in creativity, give inspiration, ideas, but at the same time not bring money. Or money will come and go.

It is much easier to choose a nickname based on only one program. Because creativity and business at the same time is a rare combination. Creativity and fame are programs close to each other.

And also write examples of nicknames that you like so that we can focus on your taste.

Selecting a nickname

We can find a nickname for you. To do this, the following data is required:

Your photo (but not portfolio), without retouching. Several photos are possible.

Date and place of birth (optional).

In what creative direction do you plan to develop?

What surnames (first names, combination of first and last names) do you like? Please write a list (10-20 options) if you have one. We will consider your options first, maybe some of them will be suitable for you. If you have no options, we will select the options ourselves.

Which egregor to choose a pseudonym from - Russian, European, etc.

Where do you plan to make your career - in Russia, Europe, etc.

We will offer you at least 5 harmonious options with good programs for creativity, fame, success, career, money. If you want any other programs in the pseudonym (besides those listed) - write.

Typically, preparation of a consultation takes at least 5-7 days.

In Russian, in addition to your options, we offer our options.

Nicknames in another language(except Russian) we select and diagnose only from your options.

After the consultation, you can order diagnostics of new options, but diagnostics of new options will be paid additionally. Therefore, before the consultation, we always ask you to send a list of your options (the more, the better) so that at least 1-2 options turn out to be successful. Therefore, if you want to consider new alias options after consultation, you will need to pay for the diagnosis of each alias.

On our website we offer a huge selection of names...

Prices for services are approximate and may change. Therefore, before making a translation, please first write a letter ordering any service (consultation, diagnostics).

To understand what a new name (full name) is, let's give an example:

A person needs to participate in a car race. He wants to win. He orders a car with excellent technical characteristics, pays for the development of such a car, and receives it.

But buying a great car doesn't mean it will win the race.

Firstly, he needs professional qualities as a racer.

Secondly, he needs time to get used to the new car and feel how it works.

Thirdly, professional drivers who may also have good cars can participate in the race.

It is clear that a good professional racer will not win in a bad car.

But if the driver is bad, and his car is great, he won’t get 1st place either.

In other words, if a person wants to succeed in business, he must possess certain qualities of a businessman. If he does not have such qualities, then a new (even very successful) name will not make him a good businessman.

A name can activate and strengthen a program that a person already has. But you need to understand that it takes time to strengthen and activate the program.

Some people will need a week to feel an improvement in their business, while others will need much longer. Maybe a year or two. It all depends on the individual’s individual achievements. And the name (full name) only helps or slows down.

If a person has the necessary energy (character qualities), then he himself can choose a suitable name (full name) with the necessary programs.

If a person does not have the necessary qualities, then he cannot fully objectively evaluate the new name (full name) proposed to him.

An inexperienced car enthusiast cannot objectively choose a suitable car. He may like a car with a beautiful design, but with weak filling.

Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from professionals.

From this page look:

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Nicknames. Selecting a nickname


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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June 18, 2012

Are you satisfied with your full name?

“What should I do if I have an ugly last name?”

This question often arises among novice bloggers, and for some, the need to publish their own name prevents them from starting a blog. The solution is extremely simple - take a pseudonym.

Unlike, pseudonyms are not a way to hide your identity or simplify your identification in the online community, but a way to build your new image. The image that will lead the blogger to money and fame.

Nicknames around us

Perhaps someone thinks that the sonorous, beautiful combination of first and last name is an accident, the merit of far-sighted parents, or a gift from God. This is not true at all.

Leonid Utesov, Marilyn Monroe, Kir Bulychev, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Freddie Mercury – guess which of these names are real?

Don’t guess for too long, none of the given names are real, they are all pseudonyms. Moreover, it is difficult to find an outstanding public figure speaking under his real name and surname. Nowadays there are still many nicknames left in blogging (as a relic of the past), but the future belongs to pseudonyms.

Why does a blogger need a pseudonym?

There are 5 objective reasons why any public person (or team) needs a pseudonym:

  1. Laconic name– long names are difficult to remember, "Alexey Mirgashvadze" remembered much worse than "Lesha Mirny".
  2. Name memorability– too common names, such as "Alexander Petrov", blur in people’s perceptions, merging with dozens of similar surnames or namesakes. Here's something more unique - "Alex the First" will be remembered much better.
  3. Associate with occupation– surnames associated with a person’s profession are better perceived and remembered. For example, branding is full of names like “Vkusnov”, “Blinoff”, “Bystrov”.
  4. Hide origin– chauvinistic sentiments towards individual nations will not subside for a long time, so it is more economically feasible to choose neutral pseudonyms, or with a slight American slant.
  5. Not to be like a famous namesake - for example, when hearing the name Tolstoy, only Lev Nikolaevich comes to mind. At the beginning of my activity, I myself experienced problems with promotion in search engines, due to the wide popularity of my namesake Vladimir Lytvyn (Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine).

9 tricks for choosing a nickname

There is no technology for forming pseudonyms as such, otherwise all the names of stars and writers would be the same. But there are a number of techniques using which you can choose a pseudonym for yourself.

  1. Matching the first name to the last name(and vice versa) - if your first and last names are disharmonious, the simplest solution is to change one of them. For example, from “Fedor Tarasov”, you can make “Taras Tarasov”, or take something exotic for the name. A good example is Angelika Varum (Maria Varum).
  2. First and last name with the same letter– this turn of phrase is simple and easy to remember. For example, Marilyn Monroe, Alena Apina, Harry Harrison.
  3. Nicknames and nicknames– famous people often take successful nicknames given at school, college, or the army as their surnames. The nickname can be slightly changed and taken as a pseudonym. An example is Alexander Marshall.
  4. Heroes of books and films– you can take something from the first or last name of your favorite character (preferably a positive one) and thus create a pseudonym. An example is Alex Ivanhoe.
  5. Last names based on occupation- a simple technique to create a surname based on your occupation. For example, “Suitcases”, “Cakes”, “Rental”.
  6. Surnames based on qualities– just like with the previous example, you can do the same with positive qualities. Example - “Dobrov”, “Veselov”, “Happy”.
  7. Last names– many easy-to-understand pseudonyms are created by forming a surname from a given name. For example, Alexandra Marinina, Romain Gary.
  8. Associated surnames– for creative people, a surname for a pseudonym can be made from personal associations with oneself. Examples include Alexander Green, Andrey Bely, Demyan Bedny, Igor Severyanin.
  9. Surname inheritance– you can choose a city, country, nation, positive phenomenon as a surname. In this way, your surname will have echoes of the power of the original. Examples – Jack London, Lesya Ukrainka, Maxim Tank.

If you don't have a clear idea of ​​which tools to use, you can make a list of alias options and then choose the best one from them.

In any case, whether you chose a new pseudonym or left the name according to your passport, conduct a matching experiment. Imagine yourself at the pinnacle of success, on the cover of a magazine or on a podium in front of an audience of thousands. What name is written on the cover, what name does the presenter say? Is yours current or new?

The history of creating pseudonyms goes back a long way. The word itself has Greek roots, and can be translated as “false name.” Famous people often changed their last name, but their motives were radically different from each other.

What is a pseudonym for?

In ancient China and Japan, great poets took on new names when they achieved fame. They wanted to be sure that their fame was not just a fad, but a recognition of true talent. Many authors went through their creative path again several times.

Often the motive for hiding a name was fear - since the 17th century, actors and writers hid under pseudonyms so as not to disgrace the noble family and not bring the wrath of society upon their heads. In Tsarist Russia, revolutionaries seeking to avoid persecution carried out underground activities under fictitious, transparent nicknames.

Another motive for changing the name is the cacophony of the sound. Singer Krivorotov could hardly win the hearts of female fans in the 80s of the 20th century, but Andrei Razin coped with this task in the best possible way. Modern movie stars also prefer bright and sonorous pseudonyms to their rustic surnames - a well-chosen option quickly becomes famous in all corners of the planet.

The Internet also dictates its own rules to people striving to be at the center of the World Wide Web. Every second site offers to come up with a second name or nickname (nickname), and users have to use all their imagination so as not to get lost in the vastness of the web. Let’s try to figure out how to choose a nickname for different occasions in this article.

A nickname with a twist

The most important thing in a pseudonym is its originality and memorability. The name should arouse the curiosity of the interlocutor and the desire to solve the riddle. It is desirable that the nickname be associated with its bearer and be easily perceived by ear.

It is important to consider the circumstances in which the pseudonym will be used. It is unacceptable to use the nickname Milashka in business communication, but on a dating site its presence will be justified.

Of course, you can always take advantage of the fruits of someone else's mental labor and assign yourself a name from some online directory. However, coming up with original names that do not repeat anyone is always more interesting.

Know yourself

Quite often people take the problem of choosing a name too seriously. In that
In this case, fictitious nicknames sound too pretentious and cumbersome. How to come up with a nickname so that it is easily perceived and does not cause irritation or a bewildered smile? The best thing to do is look back at your past and think about what your friends and family called you. Often close people very subtly notice character details and come up with an accurate comparison. It may happen that you don’t have to come up with anything, since a good nickname has already been stored in your memory for a long time.

How to come up with a last name-pseudonym?

People of creative professions have always sought to change the boring surname they inherited. A bright name on a poster or TV screen attracts the attention of the public and makes them take a fresh look at the personality of the actor or musician. Let's look at several ways to create this type of nickname and try to use them in real life:

Female nicknames

Dear girls, before you come up with an original nickname for communicating on the Internet, think carefully about what goals you want to achieve! What nickname can you come up with for a girl living online? It all depends on the task at hand.

  1. Seduction. Such affectionate nicknames as “Lapulya”, “Sweet” or “Pussy” will come in handy in this situation. However, you should not count on a serious attitude towards your person from the male sex. Nicknames of this type are designed for a quick instinctive reaction, which can lead to indecent proposals, insults and ridicule. Sometimes these pseudonyms cause the opposite effect - disgust and negativity.
  2. Online Games. What nickname should I come up with for a girl who loves online games? Brave ladies are not shy and proudly call themselves “Lady Hammer”, “Warrior”, “Queen of the Night”. The disadvantage of such nicknames is that other players may want to test the strength of the armor of their owners. If you are ready to repel all attacks, then the decision has been made correctly.
  3. Acquaintance. For those who want to build personal happiness with the help of dating sites, it is recommended to choose romantic names that will demonstrate the girl’s femininity and charm. For example, this could be the name itself, written in Latin script. The design of a nickname will help enhance the effect, when instead of one letter there is a graphic icon (a heart or a flower).

Nickname for a man

Men, as representatives of the strong half of humanity, always strive to demonstrate strength and confidence in all aspects of life. And here it is important not to overdo it. Nicknames like “Sex Machine” or “Ladies’ Man” can only cause not only bewilderment, but also laughter.

You need to understand that women value intelligence, a sense of humor and the ability to make money. How to come up with a nickname for such a man? It’s very simple - use a mythological dictionary and a history textbook. A name borrowed from an ancient hero will show the education and erudition of its owner.

Which nickname should I choose?

How to come up with a nickname for “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” and Facebook? Those who like to communicate on social networks know better than anyone the difficulties of choosing a pseudonym. And this is not surprising - thousands of people are racking their brains over how to present themselves to former classmates and current colleagues in the most favorable light. For teenagers communicating with their peers in chats and groups, it is very important not to get lost among the original nicknames and attract maximum attention. To solve this problem, let's try to use the most original ways to solve it.

How to come up with a nickname for social networks?

Results of using an alias

As a result of creative efforts, a lot of variants of pseudonyms are born and a new problem appears - the problem of choice. You don’t have to settle on just one word; it’s better to try out all the options you like. After communicating online for some time under a new nickname, you can understand its pros and cons. If there are more interlocutors and popularity is growing, then you are on the right track. If things got worse, then you should think about mistakes. Perhaps this nickname is inappropriate for this resource and only interferes with the completion of the assigned tasks. There is no need to despair - a negative result is a good reason for new achievements, and a creative approach will help you get the desired result.

In turn, we hope that the article helped answer the question “How to come up with a pseudonym?”, and our tips showed you new ways to form an original name.

Representatives of creative professions often use pseudonyms, the reasons for this can be very different, I have always wondered why people take a different name for themselves, and in general it can be surprising to find out that the name of the writer you are used to is not real. I decided to compile a selection of famous writers who used a pseudonym.

1. Boris Akunin, aka Anatoly Brusnikin and Anna Borisova - pseudonyms of Grigory Chkhartishvili

Initially he published his works as B. Akunin. The Japanese word “akunin” (Japanese 悪人), according to one of the heroes of the novel “The Diamond Chariot,” is translated as “scoundrel, villain,” but of gigantic proportions, in other words, an outstanding personality standing on the side of evil. And it was precisely these villains that Erast Fandorin encountered throughout his career. The decoding of “B” as “Boris” appeared a few years later, when the writer began to be frequently interviewed.

He publishes critical and documentary works under his real name.

2. Georges Sand - real name Amandine Aurora Lucille Dupin, married to Baroness Dudevant.

At the beginning of her writing career, Aurora wrote together with Jules Sandot (French fiction writer): the novels “The Commissioner” (1830), “Rose and Blanche” (1831), which had great success among readers, were published under his signature, since the stepmother of Casimir Dudevant ( husband Aurora) did not want to see her last name on the covers of books. Already on her own, Aurora began new work on the novel “Indiana,” the theme of which was the contrast of a woman seeking ideal love with a sensual and vain man. Sando approved the novel, but refused to sign someone else's text. Aurora chose a male pseudonym: this became for her a symbol of deliverance from the slavish position to which modern society doomed women. Keeping the surname Sand, she added the name Georges.

3. Richard Bachman - the pseudonym under which Stephen King published the books “Rage”, “The Long Walk”, “Road Work”, “The Running Man”, and “Thinner”

There are two versions about the reasons that prompted King to take a pseudonym. The first is to see if his alter ego can achieve the same success as himself. The second explanation is that the publishing standards of the time allowed only one book per year. The surname Bachman was not taken by chance; he is a fan of the musical group “Bachman-Turner Overdrive”.

4. Joe Hill Real name: Joseph Hillstrom King, son of Stephen King.

Wanting to achieve literary success on his own, without using the fame of his father's name, he took the pseudonym "Joe Hill". It was both an abbreviation of his real name Joseph and his middle name Hillstrom, and alluded to the person in whose honor Joseph Hillstrom was named - the famous American labor activist of the early 20th century and songwriter Joe Hill, who was unfairly accused of murder and executed in an American prison in 1915.

5. Robert Galbraith is the pseudonym of JK Rowling, used for the detective series about Cormoran Strike.

According to Rowling herself, publishing a book under a pseudonym freed her from the pressure to meet readers' expectations and live up to a fixed level of quality, and, conversely, gave her the opportunity to hear criticism of work that does not have her name on it. She told the Sunday Times magazine that she hoped that her involvement in writing the novel would not be revealed soon.

The publisher's website claimed that Robert Galbraith was the pseudonym of a former member of the Royal Military Police Special Investigations Unit who left in 2003 and went into private security business.

6. George Elliott's real name is Mary Ann Evans.

Like many other writers of the 19th century (George Sand, Marco Vovchok, the Brontë sisters - “Carrer, Ellis and Acton Bell”, Krestovsky-Khvoshchinskaya) - Mary Evans used a male pseudonym in order to arouse in the public a serious attitude towards her writings and caring for the integrity of your personal life. (In the 19th century, her works were translated into Russian without disclosing her pseudonym, which was inflected like a man’s first and last name: “a novel by George Eliot”).

7. Kir Bulychev real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko

He published science fiction works exclusively under a pseudonym. The first work of fiction, the story “The Debt of Hospitality,” was published as “a translation of a story by the Burmese writer Maung Sein Ji.” Bulychev subsequently used this name several more times, but most of his science fiction works were published under the pseudonym “Kirill Bulychev” - the pseudonym was combined from the name of his wife, Kira, and the maiden name of the writer’s mother. Subsequently, the name “Kirill” on the covers of books began to be written in abbreviation - “Kir.”, and then the “abbreviated” period was used, and this is how the now famous “Kir Bulychev” turned out. The combination Kirill Vsevolodovich Bulychev also occurred. The writer kept his real name a secret until 1982, because he believed that the leadership of the Institute of Oriental Studies would not consider science fiction a serious activity, and was afraid that after revealing his pseudonym he would be fired.

8. Arkady Gaidar, real name Golikov

Vladimir Soloukhin in the artistic and journalistic book “Salt Lake” gives a story according to which the pseudonym “Gaidar” is associated with the activities of A.P. Golikov as the head of the 2nd combat region of the ChON of the Achinsk district of the Yenisei province (now the Republic of Khakassia) in 1922-1924 years:

“Gaidar,” Misha said slowly, as usual, “the word is purely Khakassian.” Only the correct sound is not “Gaidar”, but “Haidar”; and it does not mean “going forward” and not “forward-looking”, but simply “where”. And this word stuck to him because he asked everyone: “Haidar?” That is, where to go? He didn’t know any other Khakass words.

The name “Gaidar” reminded the writer of his school years, bearing in mind that the “G” in this name meant “Golikov”, the “ai” meant “Arkady”, and the “gift”, as if echoing the hero of Alexandre Dumas, D’Artagnan, “in the French manner” meant “from Arzamas.” Thus, the name “Gaidar” stands for “Golikov Arkady from Arzamas.”

The third version of the origin of the pseudonym and surname: from Ukrainian “gaidar” is a sheep shepherd. Arkady Golikov’s childhood was connected with the Gaidars, as he spent several summer months with them for several years in a row. He liked these places and his childhood memories so much that he chose the pseudonym Arkady Gaidar.

9. Teffi Real name Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lokhvitskaya

For the first time, the name Teffi (without initials) appears in the 51st issue of the Theater and Art magazine, in December 1901 (this is the second publication of the writer). Perhaps Teffi took a pseudonym because long before the start of her literary activity, her older sister, the poetess Mirra Lokhvitskaya, whom critics nicknamed the “Russian Sappho,” gained fame. (By the beginning of her literary career, Teffi had already separated from her first husband, after whom she bore the surname Buchinskaya). According to researchers of Teffi’s creativity E.M. Trubilova and D.D. Nikolaev, the pseudonym for Nadezhda Alexandrovna, who loved hoaxes and jokes, and was also the author of literary parodies and feuilletons, became part of a literary game aimed at creating an appropriate image of the author.

The version of the origin of the pseudonym is set out by the writer herself in the story “Pseudonym”. She did not want to sign her texts with a man’s name, as contemporary writers often did: “I didn’t want to hide behind a male pseudonym. Cowardly and cowardly. It’s better to choose something incomprehensible, neither this nor that. But what? We need a name that would bring happiness. The best name is the name of some fool - fools are always happy.” She “remembered one fool, truly excellent and, in addition, one who was lucky, which means that fate itself recognized him as an ideal fool. His name was Stepan, and his family called him Steffy. Having dropped the first letter out of delicacy (so that the fool would not become arrogant),” the writer “decided to sign her play “Taffy””. After the successful premiere of this play, in an interview with a journalist, when asked about the pseudonym, Teffi replied that “it’s... the name of one fool..., that is, such a surname.” The journalist noted that he was “told it was from Kipling.” Taffy, who remembered Kipling’s name, as well as the song “Taffy was a walesman / Taffy was a thief...” from Trilby, agreed with this version.

10. Mark Twain Real name Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Clemens claimed that the pseudonym Mark Twain was taken by him in his youth from river navigation terms. Then he was an assistant pilot on the Mississippi, and the cry of “mark twain” (literally “mark two”) meant that, according to the mark on the lotline, the minimum depth suitable for the passage of river vessels had been reached - 2 fathoms (≈ 3 .7 m).

However, there is a version about the literary origin of this pseudonym: in 1861, Vanity Fair magazine published a humorous story by Artemus Ward (real name Charles Brown) “North Star” about three sailors, one of whom was named Mark Twain. Samuel was very fond of the humorous section of this magazine and read Ward's works in his first appearances.

In addition to “Mark Twain,” Clemens once signed himself in 1896 as “Sieur Louis de Conte” (French: Sieur Louis de Conte) - under this name he published his novel “Personal Memoirs of Joan of Arc of Sir Louis de Conte, her page and secretary."

11. Max Fry is the literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin

The book series was written by Svetlana Martynchik in collaboration with Igor Stepin and published under the pseudonym “Max Frei”. The authors maintained some anonymity, not disclosing their pseudonyms and not appearing in public specifically as the authors of novels (they were known as artists). On the website “Physionomy of the Russian Internet”, under the name Max Fry, there was a portrait of an unknown black man. Coupled with jokes from the Azbuka publishing house that Max Fry was a blue-eyed black man, this fueled rumors that “literary blacks” were writing under a pseudonym.

My pseudonym was chosen precisely because of my hero. I wanted the name of the author and the name of the character from whom the story is told to match. Svetlana Martynchik

Maria Zakharova notes that the language game characteristic of Max Frei’s texts is also manifested in the choice of pseudonym: “for example, Max Frei - max frei (German) - “maximum freely”” and “it is important to note that both Max Frei and Holm Van Zaichik - fictitious, “game”, pseudonyms of Russian-speaking authors"""

12. O. Henry real name William Sidney Porter

In prison, Porter worked in the infirmary as a pharmacist (a rare profession in prison) and wrote stories, looking for a pseudonym. In the end, he chose the version of O. Henry (often incorrectly spelled like the Irish surname O'Henry - O'Henry). Its origin is not entirely clear. The writer himself claimed in an interview that the name Henry was taken from the society news column in the newspaper, and the initial O. was chosen as the simplest letter. He told one of the newspapers that O. stands for Olivier (the French name Olivier), and indeed, he published several stories there under the name Olivier Henry.

According to other sources, this is the name of the famous French pharmacist Etienne Ocean Henry, whose medical reference book was popular at that time.

Another hypothesis was put forward by writer and scientist Guy Davenport: “Oh. Henry" is nothing more than an abbreviation of the name of the prison where the author was imprisoned - Ohio Penitentiary (Ohio State Penitentiary). Also known as the Arena District, which burned to the ground on April 21, 1930.

Al Jennings, who was in prison with Porter and became famous as the author of the book "Through the Dark with O. Henry" (there is an option to translate the title "With O. Henry at the Bottom"), in his book says that the pseudonym was taken from a famous cowboy song , where there are the following lines: “My beloved returned at 12 o’clock. Tell me, O Henry, what is the sentence?” .

There is an opinion that “The famous American writer W. Porter took the pseudonym O. Henry in honor of the physicist J. Henry, whose name was constantly uttered with admiration by the school teacher: “Oh! Henry! It was he who discovered that the discharge of a capacitor through a coil is oscillatory in nature!’” He wrote his first story under this pseudonym, “Dick the Whistler’s Christmas Gift,” published in 1899 in McClure’s Magazine, in prison.

13. George Orwell. Real name Eric Arthur Blair

Starting with the story “Pounds of Dashing in Paris and London” (1933), based on autobiographical material, he was published under the pseudonym “George Orwell”.

14. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

Ilya Ilf - Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg The pseudonym is formed from part of the first name and the first letter of the surname: ILYA Fainzilberg. Evgeny Petrov - Evgeny Petrovich Kataev The younger brother of the writer Valentin Kataev did not want to take advantage of his literary fame, and therefore came up with a pseudonym derived from his father's name.

15. Alexander Green real name is Grinevsky

The writer's pseudonym became the childhood nickname Green - this is how the long surname Grinevsky was shortened at school.

16. Fannie Flagg Real name Patricia Neal

At the beginning of her acting career, she had to change her name, because despite the sonority, it was the same name of the Oscar winner.

17. Lazar Lagin Real name Ginzburg

The pseudonym Lagin is an abbreviation for Lazar Ginzburg, the writer’s first and last name.

18. Boris Polevoy Real name Kampov

The pseudonym Polevoy came about as a result of one of the editors’ proposal to “translate the surname Kampov from Latin” (campus - field) into Russian. One of the few pseudonyms invented not by the bearer, but by other persons.

19. Daniil Kharms Real name Yuvachev

Around 1921-1922, Daniil Yuvachev chose the pseudonym “Kharms”. Researchers have put forward several versions of its origin, finding sources in English, German, French, Hebrew, and Sanskrit. It should be noted that in the writer’s manuscripts there are about forty pseudonyms (Kharms, Haarms, Dandan, Charms, Karl Ivanovich Shusterling and others). When submitting an application to join the All-Russian Union of Poets on October 9, 1925, Kharms answered the questionnaire questions as follows:

1. Last name, first name, patronymic: "Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev-Kharms"

2. Literary pseudonym: “No, I’m writing Kharms”

20. Maxim Gorky real name - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov

The pseudonym M. Gorky first appeared on September 12, 1892 in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus” in the caption to the story “Makar Chudra”. Subsequently, the author said: “I shouldn’t write in literature - Peshkov...”

21. Lewis Carroll real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

This pseudonym was invented on the advice of publisher and writer Yates. It is formed from the author's real names "Charles Lutwidge", which are equivalents of the names "Charles" (Latin: Carolus) and "Louis" (Latin: Ludovicus). Dodgson chose other English equivalents of the same names and swapped them.

22. Veniamin Kaverin real name Zilber

The pseudonym “Kaverin” was taken by him in honor of the hussar P. P. Kaverin, a friend of the young Pushkin, whom he introduced under his own name in the first chapter of “Eugene Onegin”

23. Voltaire's real name is Francois-Marie Arouet

Voltaire - anagram of "Arouet le j(eune)" - "Arouet the younger" (Latin spelling - AROVETLI

24. Kozma Prutkov

The literary mask under which the poets Aleksey Tolstoy (the largest contribution in quantitative terms), the brothers Aleksey, Vladimir and Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov (in fact, the collective pseudonym of all four)

25. Stendhal's real name is Marie-Henri Beyle

As a pseudonym he took the name of Winckelmann’s hometown, whose laurels he claimed. Why Frederick is often added to the pseudonym Stendhal is a mystery.

26. Alberto Moravia

His real surname was Pinkerle, and his later pseudonym Moravia was the surname of his Jewish paternal grandmother.

27. Alexandra Marinina real name - Marina Anatolyevna Alekseeva

In 1991, Marina Alekseeva, together with her colleague Alexander Gorkin, wrote the detective story “The Six-Winged Seraphim,” which was published in the magazine “Police” in the fall of 1992. The story was signed with the pseudonym “Alexandra Marinina,” made up of the authors’ names.

28. Andrey Platonov - real name Andrey Platonovich Klimentov

In the 1920s, he changed his last name from Klimentov to Platonov (the pseudonym was formed on behalf of the writer’s father).

29. Eduard Limonov real name is Savenko

The pseudonym “Limonov” was invented by cartoonist Vagrich Bakhchanyan

30. Joseph Kell - the novel “Inside Mr. Enderby” by Anthony Burgess was published under this pseudonym

Fun fact - the editor of the newspaper where Burgess worked did not know that he was the author of the novel “Inside Mr. Enderby,” so he assigned Burgess to write a review - thus, the author wrote a review of his own book.

31. Toni Morrison Real name: Chloe Ardelia Wofford

While studying at Harvard, she acquired the pseudonym “Tony” - a derivative of her middle name Anthony, which, according to her, was given to her when converting to Catholicism at the age of 12

32. Vernon Sullivan

Alias ​​Boris Vian, who has used 24 aliases, Vernon Sullivan is the most famous of them.

33. Andre Maurois Real name - Emil Erzog

Subsequently, the pseudonym became his official name.

34. Mary Westmacott (Westmacott)- the pseudonym of the English writer, master of detective stories, Agatha Christie, under which she published 6 psychological novels: “The Bread of Giants”, “An Unfinished Portrait”, “Separated in the Spring” (“Lost in the Spring”), “The Rose and the Yew”, “A Daughter is a Daughter” ", "Nosha" ("Burden of Love").

35. Moliere's real name is Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

36. Yuz Aleshkovsky real name Iosif Efimovich Aleshkovsky

37. Sirin V. - pseudonym of Vladimir Nabokov

38. Pamela Travers real name Helen Lyndon Goff

39. Daria Dontsova - real name - Agrippina

40. Knut Hamsun real name Knud Pedersen

41. Anatole France real name - Francois Anatole Thibault

42. Daniel Defoe - real name Foe

43. Ayn Rand née Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum

44. Irving Stone's real name is Tennenbaum

Beautiful, memorable and original nicknames for girls are very popular for communicating on the Internet. There are many services offering their selection for payment. Another name is nicknames (nicknames), since the most common area of ​​their use is Internet resources. A “middle name” can either help you become famous or harm your reputation.

Top 50 best beautiful nicknames for girls. Listツ

  • MissKiss
  • Little Devil =)
  • Kolyuchka
  • @ngel
  • Cooler than Gucci
  • LittleEvil
  • RomaSKA :)
  • Pussycat
  • ZebRa
  • Jlucenok
  • Vikki
  • Nyashka
  • Blonde
  • 4oKoLatka
  • Ice Baby
  • Chocolatte
  • Kisska
  • sexy
  • Blondink@
  • manLOVEchek
  • CJlageHbka9l
  • Daring
  • Vanilla
  • PaNda
  • Vredna
  • PofigistKa
  • Blondy
  • Juliet

    Choosing a beautiful nickname for a girl is not easy, but it is quite possible!

  • LoveMe
  • Krasotka
  • SimplyStar
  • Bagirra
  • B@rbi
  • Caterina
  • Sonya
  • Stacy
  • Marian
  • Kitty
  • RosmariNe
  • SmyleGirl
  • Olivi
  • LadyRed
  • MeliSSa
  • Brittani
  • NaoMI
  • Joanna
  • AlissA
  • Candy
  • Jessika

The importance of a good nickname

Most famous bloggers or media personalities have pseudonyms, which are patented as a brand. They are used if:

  • The real name and surname are too simple and typical.
  • Your real first and last name is ugly or difficult to remember.
  • You need a bright name associated with your occupation.
  • Friends or relatives have called a person this way for a very long time and he feels more comfortable responding to such a name.
  • It would be desirable and appropriate to have a nickname that is shocking, funny or characterizes a person.

A good nickname should be nice-sounding, recognizable and memorable, understandable and close to the majority of the population with whom the girl or guy communicates. Its importance is determined by several factors:

  • The audience with whom the person communicates will be happy to use it to address this individual. This is good word of mouth advertising.
  • The nickname will be associated with the owner’s occupation. For example, if she is a famous athlete, then the thought “if this is a sport, then he/she is the best” will pop up in people’s minds.
  • A pseudonym helps to distinguish a person from the crowd and emphasize his characteristics.
  • He hides personal information about his family and past if he does not want to put it on public display for a number of reasons.
  • If the owner decides to expand his field of activity, then a well-chosen and well-established middle name will already work for the development of new projects.

Nicknames of famous people

Many celebrities have pseudonyms that fit so organically into their image that the public does not even realize that these names are unrealistic. Often their owners themselves become so accustomed to them that even in narrow circles of loved ones they are not called by their real name.

Pseudonyms of writers and poets

Many writers and poets invented pseudonyms for themselves in order to be unknown to the authorities due to the political circumstances of different historical periods. For others, the second name was a way to become shocking or to emphasize the features of their personality.

Yes, everyone's favorite Anna Akhmatova was actually Anna Gorenko. She chose her name in her youth, taking her grandmother’s surname. Eyewitnesses claim that her father, after reading her poems, asked her not to disgrace his name, to which the poetess replied that she did not need his name.

Andrey Bely, whose style of writing stood out very much among modernist writers and remains original to this day, His real name was Boris Bugaev. The color chosen for his family name symbolizes his purity and spirituality, as well as the shade of his hair.

Ukrainian writer Maria Vilenskaya-Markovich perceived by many as a man thanks to a male pseudonym Marko Vovchok. She chose it because it was consonant with her husband’s last name, Markovich, from whose relative she heard a family story about the Cossack Mark.

Maxim Gorky was born with the name Alexey Peshkov. There are several versions of the origin of his pseudonym. The Soviet version is that he was poor and fully experienced a bitter life. More plausible - the name was chosen in honor of his father, who saved a child from cholera by becoming infected himself, and the surname was chosen in honor of the family nickname of his father, who was called Gorky for his sharp tongue.

Witty and sarcastic Teffy was, in fact, Nadezhda Buchinskaya. She managed to be unknown to anyone and be published in humorous magazines. For many readers, even the gender of the author remained a mystery.

Pseudonyms of Chekhov, Pushkin and Akunin

World-famous Anton Pavlovich Chekhov had many pseudonyms - researchers count more than 50. In personal correspondence, he explained this by the fact that he was engaged in two completely different, but equally favorite things - medicine and literature. Conventionally, his second me can be divided into groups:

  • Consonant with real name and surname or abbreviations from them. He often signed himself Antosha, Antosha Chekhonte, An. Ch., Anche, A.Ch., A.P., ...v, Don Antonio Chekhonte and others.
  • Names that are absolutely not consonant with the real ones and distorted names of famous writers: Makar Baldastov, Akaki Tarantulov, Schiller Shakespeareovich Goethe.
  • Phrases of general, literary and medical topics: My Brother's Brother, Young Elder, Hot-tempered Man, Prose Poet, Man without a Spleen, Doctor without Patients and others.

Most of the writer's pseudonyms are very witty and humorous, obviously reflecting his current mood or interests. Despite their originality, he entered world literature with his real name.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin often used:

  • Pseudonyms-digital names, the decoding of which helps to unravel his real name: 1...14-16, 1...14-17, 1...17-14. He signed his poems published on the pages of the Russian Museum with them.
  • Names associated with the critical period in his life - Arz. And St. ar., which mean Arzamasets and Old Arzamasets - in his youth the writer was a member of the Arzamas literary circle.
  • A humorous and favorite pseudonym is Feofilakt Kosichkin.
  • Other pseudonyms, associated or not with the real name of the author: Alexander Nksh, Yehuda Chlamida, Ivan Petrovich, Publisher, The reviewer.

The famous Russian writer Boris Akunin was, in fact, Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili.

In addition to his main pseudonym, which brought him fame, he signed with Anna Borisova and Anatoly Brusnikin. He chose the last 2 aliases for his livejournal.

Beautiful nicknames for girls. List

Nicknames for girls, beautiful and original, are not easy to choose. Now the trend is to combine English and Russian words and celebrity names.

List of interesting nicknames by topic:

  1. Just for a beautiful girl - you can focus on:
  • whether the girl is in a relationship: Not Your Love, Not Acquainted, My Heart Is Busy;
  • the dominant trait of her character or features of her worldview: Without Brakes, Without Complexes, Forget-Me-Not, Not in Format, Loving Life, Both Beautiful and Smart.
  • use the names of personalities or mythical characters with whom the girl associates herself: Helen of Troy, Dulcinea of ​​Toboso
  • To hint at something with a phraseological unit I will save the world = beautiful, from the phrase “Beauty will save the world”, Running on the Waves = has an easy attitude towards life.
  1. For the writer:
  • change the name or surname of your favorite writer: (name) Akhmatovna, Alexandra Pushkin;
  • indicate the features of your style: Telling the Truth = tries to present reliable information, (name) I think so = writes a subjective opinion based on personal experience, Verbose = likes to write long texts;
  • Playful nicknames associated with typing texts: Goddess of the Keyboard, Keyboard Man, Chief among Mice.
  1. For comedians:
  • to change the name of famous comedians: Evgeniy Petrosyanova, Evlampiya Murphy.
  • phrases that, with or without humor, explain the reason for doing this business: A girl who laughs, I’m kidding because she’s ugly.
  1. For women in the fashion and beauty industry pseudonyms that creatively communicate their skills are good: Eyelash Fairy, I Create Beautiful Things, Anka (any other name) Golden Hands.
  2. For girls bloggers you should shave a pseudonym that will combine an indication of their type of activity and a variant of the name: Dasha Healer of Souls (psychologist), Desperate Housewife Vika (housewife), Sumermamasita (mother on maternity leave).

Perhaps these options for nicknames for girls will not seem beautiful to everyone, but they will probably give you an idea about which nickname to choose for yourself.

Beautiful nicknames for guys. List

A variety of options for middle names for men will allow anyone to choose their own option. It would be appropriate to proceed from the specifics of the activity, appearance and character.

List by topic:

  1. Just for guys with an indication of his personal characteristics: Winner in life, Solving Questions, Strength and Power, Adult Child, What Is, Silent Actor, Violent but Kind, Slightly More Beautiful than a Monkey, Godfather like Deniro, Always Wanting, Forever Young.
  2. For bloggers- like girls, you must indicate your occupation and name. In addition, you can use the following options: World Revealer, Breaker of Stereotypes, Pro, Eternal Revolutionary, Inspirer, Honest Man, Curious, Write to the Point.
  3. For athletes good options are:
  • accurately describe the appearance and athletic manner: Local Hulk, Float like a Butterfly, Right Crown, Uppercut;
  • goals: I want to be like Arnie;
  • funny or cartoon names: Kong-Fu Panda
  1. Comedian- depending on what sense of humor is characteristic of a person and what kind of character he has: Shark of Humor (self-confident, impudent), Laugh-Panner (old-fashioned), Satirist (with a satirical sense of humor), Unfunny, Pike-Bearer (self-critical).

In English with translation into Russian

Using English when coming up with a beautiful nickname for a girl is a trend. They are understandable to the majority of the population and illustrate the intersection of cultures.

Interesting options:

  1. Indicating character traits: contradictory - AngelVSDemon (Angel vs. Demon), not modest - Simply Queen, Perfect, funny - Funny princess, Spread, RealMan, Man of Few Words ( Laconic), Man's Man (A Man is a Man), Action Man (Hero, Pro), Bananas (Crazy), Big Daddy (Cool Shot), Dino (Dinosaur, used by men living by the old rules), Fucker (Cool Man, that , who has a lot of women), Hot Red (Clear, Cool).
  2. Describing appearance features: for girls with large breasts - Pamela The Great, plump girls - Honey Bun, with elastic buttocks - Sweetest nut.
  3. Life credo: Love is my Answer (Love is my answer), NoPainNoGain (No Pain - No Growth), LoveFreedom (Love Freedom), Make Happy (I Make Happy)
  4. Hobbies: FashionMyProfession (My fashion is my Profession), LoveBeauty (I Love Beauty), PartyMaker (the one who organizes a party everywhere, Party-goer).

Nicknames for Youtube (YouTube)

Nicknames for YouTube are very important, because the first impression of the name of the channel and its owner determines whether the public will watch the content and whether it will subscribe.

A nickname for YouTube can be a characteristic of the appearance, character, type of activity of the account owner or its subject matter.

  1. In Russian: Bearded Man, Good Viking, Better than Monica Bellucci, Goddess of Shopping, Nice Shopaholic.
  2. In English: Mr. Wolf (Mr. Wolf), Miss Сhanterelle (Miss Chanterelle), Mr./Mrs ... (name), BestGamer (Best Player), TheBestBlogger (Best Blogger), TrueMan (Truther), Alien (Alien), Stoneseeker (Stone Seeker), FunnyPark (Amusement Park), FilmWatcher (Film Watcher), Flying Girl (Flying Girl), News Catcher (News Catcher).
  3. On mixed, often as the first part of the pseudonym, they use the name or occupation and add the words Channel (channel), Page (page), Official (official), Exclusive (exclusive) and others.

Nicknames for social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram)

When choosing a nickname, you need to consider:

  1. Features of the target audience - will they understand such a name. If it is intended for a narrow circle of users, then attention may not be paid to this issue.
  2. The sound of the name and its uniqueness - by naming a page after a famous actress, you can become one of 1000.
  3. Match the chosen name with the image of the owner so that he is not ridiculed.
  4. Compliance between the content and the pseudonym - if Super Mom’s page contains photos of drinking alcohol or obscene texts, the result will be absurd.

We come up with a nickname based on the last name for girls

A beautiful, uncommon surname is unlikely to be replaced by a pseudonym. But there are surnames that sound bad or are reminiscent of unpleasant events. Then they can be changed in the following ways:

  1. Add endings -skaya, -tskaya: Petrova - Petrovskaya, Bachko - Bachkovskaya, Kryzhan - Kryzhanovskaya.
  2. Replace with the association - Sparrow - Flying, Boyko - Fast, Kruk - Predatory.
  3. Translate into a foreign language - Tkachenko - Weaver, Golubenko - Dove.
  4. Transform a first name into a surname and vice versa - Nechepurenko Vitalina - Vitalenko Nechepurina, Anzhelika Lebedeva - Lebedka Anzhelikina.

You can experiment endlessly with choosing a beautiful nickname for girls based on her last name, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

Nicknames by name. Examples

There are several ways to transform a name into an alias:

Cool and cool, funny and interesting nicknames

As a rule, the most successful pseudonyms are very appropriate, characterized by wit and originality.. They are definitely remembered and come to mind once we talk about places, profession, style of their owner. The best of them are characterized by:

  • Specifics - Honest Blogger, Millionaire's Wife.
  • Humor - Joy in Panties, Boiled Sausage.
  • Beautiful sounding - Ice Crystal, Lyalya Solnechnaya.
  • The presence of an association with some cultural phenomenon or character - Bellucci's Hormonica.
  • Using literary devices - Rich Poor, Handsome Quasimodo.

How can a girl choose or come up with a suitable nickname?

The following tips will help you choose a beautiful nickname for a girl:

  1. Think about how you can play off your own first name, last name, and the names of relatives.
  2. Consider options on how to associate a new name with the estate or pseudonym of an idol or with a person who is most successful in a particular field of activity.
  3. Decide whether it is appropriate to use your place of birth and residence for the new name.
  4. Include in the process of inventing a pseudonym epithets with personal qualities or skills that most accurately characterize the image.
  5. Analyze which nicknames are currently relevant and what fonts they are used in. Make sure that the selected option is unique.
  6. In order for most people to like him, you need to choose an accessible, not too abstruse pseudonym.
  7. Sticking to a name that is easy to pronounce will make it easier to remember.
  8. If you like an exotic and unusual option, you need to remember that it should be matched with original thinking and appearance.

You should always remember that the choice of a pseudonym depends primarily on the place where it will be used. On social networks you can change it an unlimited number of times and come up with informal options. To develop your business, it is better to choose one time, but a successful nickname is a really beautiful nickname for a girl.

Useful videos about the best nicknames. How to choose