Growing seedlings of petunias with your own hands. Growing Petunias: Tips from Experienced Gardeners Planting a Bush Petunia

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All about petunias

Petunias are indispensable inhabitants of flower beds, flowerbeds, borders, borders, vases, balconies and windows. They give bright fragrant cascades of flowers in all shades of the rainbow from early summer to frost; sometimes the flowers completely cover the foliage and shoots.

Petunia (Petunia) from the Solanaceae family is a perennial herbaceous plant; about 30 species of petunias originate from America. Petunia blooms in the year of sowing, therefore it is often used as an annual, although if desired, a beloved plant can be dug out of the garden in the fall and kept at home until the next season, also propagating it.

Obtained by crossing different species petuniahybrid garden(P. x hybrida) - upright or creeping, from 20 to 80 cm high (surfinia shoots up to 2 meters). The shape of petunia bushes varies from almost spherical compact to sprawling ampelous. Its strong densely branched branches and pubescent leaves; stems become woody at the base. Funnel-shaped, very fragrant petunia flowers solitary; located in the axils of the next entire leaves on a short strong pedicel.

The color of simple or double petunia flowers is the most diverse: white, cream, yellow, blue, lilac, blue, purple, pink, carmine, bright red in various shades; there are also two-color petunias - with a border, spot, star or stripes of a different color. The petals of some varieties of petunias are decorated with exquisite corrugation or thick fringe. Petunia flowering in favorable conditions lasts several months, usually from the end of June to October (until significant frosts). Trimming overgrown shoots enhances the branching of the petunia bushes and gives them splendor, and the removal of faded flowers causes the formation of new buds. The fruit of a petunia is a box with numerous small seeds.

The diverse varieties of hybrid petunia are divided into several groups:

multiflorous petunias - have a huge number of flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. Unpretentious, grow well in sunny places on any garden soil.

Terry many-flowered petunias - have many double, carnation-like flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.

large-flowered petunias are less profusely flowering, more thermophilic and demanding for good growing conditions. The diameter of their flowers is from 7 to 10 cm.

Terry large-flowered petunias - very showy, reminiscent of roses.

fringed petunias (fimbriata) - have large flowers, decorated with fringe along the edge.

Excellent petunias (superbissium) have very large flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter) with a wavy edge and many dark-colored veins in the throat.

Surfinia- This is a special petunia hybrid, characterized by powerful growth of long hanging stems and unusually abundant, luxurious flowering. The color of large (up to 6 cm in diameter) surfinia flowers is different, mostly saturated colors with a dark or light throat.

Petunia is very photophilous (tolerates weak shading) and thermophilic; it develops better on fertile, light, slightly acidic soils. With the onset of prolonged cold weather and rains, the petunia stops flowering, and when good weather sets in, it resumes it again. Petunia is drought-resistant, but with regular watering, it will thank you with more lush beautiful bushes and abundant flowering.

Petunias are propagated by seeds and cuttings. Petunias have very small seeds, so you need to pay a lot of attention to the developing small seedlings of petunias and ensure regular care. Petunia seeds are sown for seedlings from February to the end of March; surface sowing, without soil incorporation. It is advisable to sow the seeds of petunia, as well as other small-seeded plants, rarely (so that the seedlings do not oppress each other) and take measures before sowing to prevent the appearance of a "black leg" and soil mold. You can sow petunia seeds on snow (it is placed on the surface of the substrate in a pot with a layer of 1-1.5 cm), on which the seeds are clearly visible; melting snow pulls the seeds into the soil. Crops are covered with glass or film.

For the germination of petunia seeds, heat is needed (23-25 ​​degrees); shoots appear in a week and a half. The top layer of earth in a pot with crops should not be damp, but should not dry out, so seedlings are often checked (at least twice a day). It is better to water petunia seedlings from below, from a pallet. In order to avoid the appearance of a "black leg", petunia seedlings, after drying the soil, are periodically sprayed with a light solution of potassium permanganate, regularly turned over and wipe the glass, ventilate the "greenhouse". Petunia seedlings are grown at a temperature of 20 degrees.

Rare planting of seeds allows picking petunia seedlings when they develop 3-4 true leaves. But if necessary (the rapid spread of the "black leg"), an urgent picking of seedlings is carried out at earlier stages of development in order to save at least part of the crops. Before picking seedlings, the soil is moistened. Petunia seedlings have a short subcotyledon knee and a rosette of leaves, therefore, when picking, the seedlings are hooked with a stick, taken by the leaf and carefully removed from the ground, keeping the earth on the roots. When picking, it is impossible to deepen the growth point of the petunia into the ground, therefore, while filling with soil, the cotyledons of the seedling are slightly raised above the ground.
When the petunia seedlings grow up, they begin to be fed (seedlings stretched out due to lack of light do not need to be given nitrogen fertilizers).

Petunia seedlings are planted in the ground after the end of spring frosts, at a distance of 20-40 cm. Petunia has branched roots that do not penetrate deep into the soil; when transplanted, its root system is easily restored.
In regions with a mild climate and warm early spring, petunia seeds can be sown directly into the ground.

Petunias bloom 55-95 days after germination, depending on the variety. In the summer, you can carry out cuttings of the shoots of your favorite petunias.

Ziborova E.Yu.

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Petunia: growing in containers

Petunia is a wonderful annual that adorns our gardens and balconies in summer and autumn. Almost every flower lover strives to grow petunias, since these plants, with proper care, bloom magnificently all season.

Petunias look very nice in a window box. These plants are widely used to decorate balconies and terraces. Ampel varieties of petunias look especially advantageous in a hanging basket.

I have little land in my country house, there is practically no free space. And you want to decorate your yard with flowers!
After some thought, I decided to grow petunias in containers. The selected ampel varieties of petunia of the series "Fortunia" and "Typhoon" showed excellent results.

Planting material for petunias is quite expensive, and the choice of seeds is now very large - you can buy varieties for every taste. Therefore, I prefer to have my own seedlings.
I will tell you how I grow healthy petunia seedlings.

Sowing petunia seeds

Petunia for early flowering sow already in February, using bowls with drainage holes. I scatter small seeds directly on the surface of the leveled and moistened, pre-treated soil.
In petunias, the seeds are light-similar (they require light for germination), you can’t sprinkle them, but I just press them with a plank for better contact with the ground.

For the germination of petunia seeds, a rather high temperature of + 24 ... + 26 degrees is required.
I cover the bowls with petunia crops with non-woven material and put them in a bright, warm place. I believe that under the protection of non-woven material, the microclimate for the germination of petunia seeds is created more favorable than under film or glass. Because in this way the necessary humidity is maintained, and the plants have the opportunity to breathe fresh air.

When the seedlings grow up, I remove the non-woven material. In this case, petunia seedlings quickly adapt to indoor conditions and never fall (as often happens when film or glass is removed from tender crops).

Petunia seedling care

When growing seedlings of petunias, it is important to ensure the correct temperature and light conditions.

Petunia seedlings usually appear within two weeks of sowing.
As soon as sprouts appear, the temperature of plant maintenance should be reduced (to +18 ... +20 during the day and +14 ... +16 degrees at night).

When sowing petunias and other flowers in winter, of course, additional illumination of small seedlings is required so that they grow well and do not stretch. For artificial lighting of plants I use Fluora lamps.

After the appearance of a pair of true leaves, I pick petunia seedlings into disposable cups.

Successful cultivation of petunia seedlings is impossible without careful watering. We must learn to water petunia seedlings on time and moderately. Otherwise, drying out of the soil can destroy small plants. And waterlogging of the substrate provokes the appearance of the “black leg” disease, due to which the seedlings rot from below and fall.

Within 4-5 weeks after germination, petunia seedlings develop slowly, building up the root system. From the age of one and a half months, the seedlings of petunias begin to grow actively.
When a lump of earth in a transparent disposable cup is tightly intertwined with roots, I transplant the grown petunias into pots. In containers with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, petunia seedlings develop before planting in permanent containers.

petunias fertilizer

Every flower grower dreams of having high-quality petunia seedlings so that they bloom profusely all summer. I will give you one important piece of advice here.

Petunias are incredibly "gluttonous" plants in terms of high fertilizer requirements.
I start feeding petunia seedlings two weeks after picking. I continue to fertilize the plants throughout the season, with an interval of two weeks. I apply dressings both under the root, and I do foliar feeding on the leaves.

To feed petunias in the seedling stage, I apply complex mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.
In summer, as the main fertilizer for adult plants, I use potassium monophosphate (15 g per bucket of water), and every other time I add urea to it (10 g per bucket).
Petunias and iron chelate are certainly needed as a prophylaxis against chlorosis so that the leaves do not turn yellow.

I carry out foliar feeding of petunias with fertilizers, which include a group of essential microelements for the normal development of plants in a limited space of a pot.

Petunias in the garden

Petunias before transferring from indoors to the street, it is desirable to gradually begin to harden.
The timing of the transfer of grown petunia seedlings to the garden depends on the local climate.

Growing petunias from A to Z

We have snow melting around mid-April or a little later, the garden soil dries out a little. Then I take out my petunia seedlings to the garden.
I put pots with plants in a frame greenhouse covered with non-woven material (density 60 microns) in two layers.

In mid-May, I plant grown and hardened petunia seedlings in permanent containers, always with drainage holes at the bottom.
The soil for filling them is made up of garden soil with the addition of peat and sand in the ratio (4:2:1).

The number of seedlings in one container depends on the size of the container and the future size of the plants. Larger varieties therefore require larger pots for the plants to reach their full potential. For example, I plant two Fortunia series petunias in a 10-liter container, and Typhoon series petunias - one seedling in a container with a volume of at least 10-15 liters.

Well-chosen varieties and well-placed flower containers create a spectacular mobile garden.

In the hot summer, I water the petunias daily in the evening directly from the hose so that the plants get enough to drink. Each large container takes at least 2 liters of water.

My petunias are grateful for such care and delight the whole season with their lush flowering.

Olga Stepanovna (Tula) "Floriculture: Pleasure and Benefit"

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Growing petunias: planting, care and reproduction

Home » Fertilizers » How to plant a petunia in the ground

How to plant a petunia in the ground

Growing petunias, care and features of varieties

Growing petunias is a very interesting and not difficult process. However, before planting and starting to grow a petunia, it is important to clearly define the landing site.

It can be open ground, various flower beds, hanging baskets, window boxes, planters, and other options. Outwardly, the petunia is a lush semi-shrub plant strewn with open flowers. The main shades of flowers: white, pink, purple.

However, there are more rare shades and complex colors. In length, the stems of this flower can reach up to 1 meter. Petunia is a very spectacular plant that can refresh and decorate even the most boring corner of a summer cottage or building. It looks especially beautiful when stems, decorated with flowers of different shades, hang down along the wall.

Growing petunias in the ground

The most common planting method is through seedlings. However, the seeds of some varieties can be sown directly into the ground. True, in this case, a not very lush and strong shrub may grow. The time for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the specific variety and your desire.

For example, some varieties can be planted from the end of January, some from mid-March. Read the exact sowing time on the package with seeds. For seedlings, it is necessary to prepare seedling cups or a wide container.

Be sure to make holes in the bottom to drain excess water. In principle, petunia is not particularly whimsical. But! For good growth, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of soddy soil, rotted humus, peat and river sand (2: 2: 2: 1).

Pay special attention to the acidity of the soil. Ideally, it should be neutral. Put a drainage layer on the bottom of the dish, for example, from crushed expanded clay. Next, sift all the soil through a sieve, fill the container and moisten.

Mix petunia seeds with sand and spread evenly over the surface. Spray them with water and cover with a layer of soil (2-3 mm). After sowing, cover the dishes with a transparent film or paper (until the first leaves appear). The optimum temperature for petunia seedlings is 22-24? C.

Proper lighting is also important. Optimally, if the seedlings are well lit almost around the clock. Only for a few hours you can create a small shadow over the seedlings.

Watering and fertilizing seedlings

Petunia seedlings should not be watered abundantly 2 times a day at regular intervals. The main thing is that the soil must be constantly moistened. In the phase of 2-3 leaves, the petunia can be transplanted into wider and more spacious boxes or individual cups.

In a large container, the optimal distance between the leaves is 5-6 cm. Now the petunia can be kept at temperatures up to 16-18? C. If you are planting several varieties of petunias, then mark the name of the variety on each container. Do not forget about fertilizers!

It is optimal if you alternate nitrogen and potash fertilizers. For example, the first time you can spray the seedlings with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

For the first time it is necessary to fertilize a week after planting, then after 2 weeks. If you notice that the seedlings are growing very slowly, you can use a growth stimulator, for example, Zircon. To prevent the "black leg", you can pour a little wood ash around the stem. In mid-May, seedlings can be transplanted into the ground.

Also in the last week of May, you can sow petunia seeds. In both cases, you need to properly prepare the site.

Planting in seedlings in the ground

To get started, choose a suitable location. First, remember that the petunia loves sunny areas. Secondly, consider the features of landscape compositions.

For example, petunia perfectly complements flower beds, flower and stone compositions. The next step is soil preparation. It should be loose and moist.

Also apply a complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants, for example, nitrophoska (20-30 gr./sq.m.). Each stem should be planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. For better survival, it is better to land in the morning or after sunset. After planting in the ground, pour each bush under the root with warm water, then mulch with sawdust.

Planting in open ground with seeds

Before sowing seeds, dig up the soil, apply complex fertilizers and sow the seeds mixed with sand. Sprinkle the seeds on top with a small layer of soil.

Keep in mind that seedlings may be too frequent and will have to be thinned out. Pour the bed on which the seeds were sown from a watering can with a scattering nozzle. If the weather is warm, the seeds will sprout in 7-10 days.


Petunia is an unpretentious culture. However, for beautiful and lush flowering, you need to water the plants abundantly (about 1 time per week). Important! Make sure that there is no prolonged stagnation of water.

For petunias, this is detrimental. It is also recommended to fertilize once every two weeks. The use of complex fertilizers for flowers is optimal. You can buy it at the same time as petunia seeds.

Petunia in a flowerpot

The main feature of growing petunias in pots, hanging boxes or flowerpots is to follow some rules. Other plants, such as ivy, cloak-like pelargonium, can also be planted in the same container along with petunias. Such plants not only get along well with each other, but also harmoniously fit into the overall design. From 1 to 10 plants can be planted in pots and other containers (depending on the size of the container).

On average, 1 plant is planted per 1 liter of soil. The optimal soil for growing petunias in a closed container is a mixture of soddy soil, sand, peat and humus. The proportions may vary.

The main thing is that the soil should always be loose and pass moisture well. Pour a layer of drainage material on the bottom of the container, then a layer of soil and add complex mineral fertilizers. Then carefully place the seedlings and water gently. Lush and beautiful petunia blooms ensure regular watering.

True, you need to not only water the petunia under the root, but also regularly spray the leaves. Fertilizer should be added to the spray water once a week.

Moreover, growth stimulants can be useful (as with growing seedlings). If you notice that some leaves or flowers are broken, withered or weakened, then carefully remove them. This will not only be beneficial for the plant, but will also greatly improve the appearance. Important!

The main enemies of petunias are strong wind and rain. Therefore, try to ensure the safest possible conditions.

Petunia in landscape design

Petunia is the same flower that is great for a variety of landscape compositions, for example, ridges, borders, rutaria, rock gardens. Feel free to add it to the list of plants to decorate the landscape.

You can't go wrong! One of the spectacular decorations of the site is flower beds in which only petunias grow. For example, if you have a free square plot, you can turn it into an ideal area for relaxation. In each corner, place a flower bed with a petunia, and put benches between them.

In the middle, you can plant a low coniferous tree. And don't forget the fluffy lawn. The result is a simple and pleasant composition. As you can see, petunia is a real find not only for the grower, but also for the landscape designer.

However, first you need to decide on the variety, color and other features. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Groups and varieties

Basically, our gardeners grow 5 groups of petunias. Each group has a huge number of varieties. Undoubtedly, each variety is remarkable and beautiful in its own way. Multi-flowered petunias. The name speaks for itself.

The varieties of this group delight with a huge number of flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm. Multi-flowered petunias are great for decorating borders, large flower beds, and flower beds. It is recommended to plant them in the sunniest part of the flower garden. For example, among them the Fantasy variety is interesting.

The stems reach a height of 20 cm. The diameter of the flowers is more than 4 cm. The main shades are salmon, pink, raspberry and red.


One of the most interesting groups. Distinctive features of the varieties of this group:

PETUNIA. The secret of successful planting by YuLianka1981 (germination rate 100%)

  • relatively large flowers; resistance to both drought and excessive moisture; harmonious compatibility with varieties of other groups (especially in large flower beds).

Pay attention to the popular variety "Sonia".

In height, these petunias reach up to 25 cm. The main shades are purple, white, raspberry-burgundy, pink.

Often petunia "Sonia" pleases with a combination of two shades in one flower, for example, purple and white. Large-flowered petunias.

Petunia, planting and care, or how to achieve lush flowering

The most common group, striking a variety of subgroups and varieties. There are usually not very many large flowers on the stem. There are also several features of this group:

  • Weak resistance to rain and excessive moisture; At the slightest damage, they lose their decorative effect.

Popular subgroups are large-flowered terry, fringed, excellent petunia. Among the varieties of this group, Fanfar Mix is ​​interesting. As a rule, this is a bush up to 30 cm high. The diameter of the flowers is up to 12 cm. There can be both smooth and fringed edges.

Coloring is monophonic and two-tone. Frequent shades of flowers - pink and raspberry. Small-flowered petunias. Petunias of this group are miniature and very interesting.

An important advantage of small-flowered petunias is the ability to grow without fertilizers and in almost any conditions. Flowers look great in border plantings, small vases, pots, small flower beds. Also, small-flowered petunias are indispensable when planning original mini-flower beds.

For example, a spherical petunia bush looks great, surrounded by spreading leaves of a garden fern. Petunia of the Picobella Light Lavender variety pleases with delicate pink flowering. With this bush, your flower garden can be safely called a real landscape masterpiece.

Moreover, the bush is not only beautiful and decorative, but also compact. Therefore, you have the opportunity to show your imagination and plant other interesting plants. Ampelous petunias.

Flowers of this group are suitable for vertical decoration of rooms, growing them in pots and landscape compositions with stones. The main feature of ampelous petunias is long shoots growing down.

In length, the stems of plants of some varieties reach up to 1 m. The cascading arrangement of large bright flowers looks very advantageous. The Red Wave variety stands out from the group of ampelous petunias. The stems can grow up to 70 cm. It is recommended to grow the red wave in large flowerpots or near a reservoir in your area.

Which variety to choose?

Of course, it's up to you. With petunia, you can constantly experiment. And the result will always please you. The main thing - when studying and choosing a variety, try to imagine how harmoniously these flowers will fit into the interior of your summer house and the landscape of your site. At the first stage, we prepare containers for seedlings:

  • at the bottom of the cup, with drainage holes prepared in advance, we pour a layer of expanded clay approximately 1 cm high; lay out and lightly tamp the soil mixture. It is necessary to leave a distance of 3 - 3.5 cm to the edge of the container. We moisten the soil.

Let's start planting petunias. Since the seeds of the plant are quite small, when planting, you can use a mixture of seeds with sand. This will allow the most even distribution of the seeds in the pot.

You can use coated petunia seeds, but their cost is much higher than that of ordinary ones. Sprinkling petunia seeds with soil is not recommended.

It is best to lightly press them until they are in full contact with the soil. After planting the petunias, the boxes should be covered with covering material. Instead of matter, you can use glass or polyethylene.

In this case, the plants will have to be forcibly ventilated. Under favorable conditions (ambient temperature 24 ° C and humidity 98%), the seeds germinate on days 7-9. There is a simpler, but more costly method of obtaining plant seedlings - planting petunias in peat tablets. For this:

  • purchased peat tablets are poured with warm water and wait for it to swell and cool; place petunia seeds in the central hole with tweezers; water moderately.

Plants dive into pots or into the ground along with tablets. Damage to the root system is completely excluded. For beginner flower growers, this method of growing flower seedlings is most preferable. Planting an ampelous petunia is done in the same way as a bush one.

Growing seedlings of petunias

When the seeds germinate and the first leaves appear, the covering material from the box must be removed. Carefully water the plants and reduce the ambient temperature to 18? C. At the first stage, the petunia develops very slowly.

Initially, the root system of plants is strengthened, and only after that the stems and leaves become stronger. This stage lasts about 4-5 weeks. During this period, you need to monitor:

  • soil moisture. It should not be dry or waterlogged. Timely fertilization. For petunias, complex fertilizers or preparations with a high content of potassium are suitable. Sufficient lighting. In the daytime, the lamp should work at full power, and at night it is advisable to dim the light, but not turn it off completely.

For the development of strong and profusely flowering plants, after the appearance of several leaves, the top of the flower must be pinched. Strengthened plants are transplanted into separate, more spacious containers and continue to care for seedlings according to all of the above rules. A month before planting petunias in the ground, the plants are hardened for 10 days.

In the first half of the term, the daytime temperature near the seedlings should be 18 ° C - 20 ° C, and the night temperature 16 ° C. In the next five days, these figures are reduced by 2? C - 3? C. After carrying out such a procedure, the strengthened flowers will transfer the pick in the open ground the least painfully.

Video: how to plant petunia seedlings

Planting petunias in the ground

Let's move on to the question of how to properly plant a petunia in a permanent place:

  • it is best to plant a plant in cloudy weather or after sunset; it is advisable to dive a seedling together with a clod of earth from a pot; a hole for a seedling should be at least 10 cm deep and wide; the distance between plantings depends on the flower variety. For large-flowered petunias, it is necessary to withstand 23 cm - 25 cm. For small-flowered petunias, 18 cm - 20 cm is enough. Ampelous petunia bushes are planted at a distance of 28 cm - 30 cm; after transplantation, the flowers are watered; for better rooting of the petunia, the ground around the transplanted plant can be covered with humus or peat .

petunia care

Petunia care consists in watering the plants, timely and constant feeding, removing wilted flowers. The plant should be watered only in dry weather. It is advisable to carry out this procedure after sunset. When watering, the water should not stagnate.

It is enough just to moisten the ground around the root system of the flower. The first top dressing is carried out 9 - 11 days after transplanting the plant to a permanent place. It is best to start feeding plants with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Nitroammofoska can be used. For abundant flowering, during the period of bud formation, it is preferable to use fertilizers containing a large amount of phosphorus and potassium, for example, superphosphate and potassium salt. Petunia can be fed with wood ash. This fertilizer contains all the components necessary for the plant.

Moreover, you can use both purchased fertilizer and made it yourself, after a fire or from a stove. Iron is an important component for proper feeding of plants. In the absence of sufficient iron, petunias can develop chlorosis.

The first signs of the disease appear on the leaves: they begin to turn yellow and fall off. Ferovit will come to the rescue, with which the plants are sprayed 3-5 times with an interval between sprayings of 2-3 days. Faded flowers should be removed from the plant.

This leads to the formation of new buds and a long duration of flowering. Petunia flowers, which are properly planted and cared for, will be even more delightful if a beautiful crown of the plant is formed in time.

For this, young shoots striving for high growth are pinched. The procedure is considered correct if pinching is carried out after 4 - 5 leaves.

After the operation, the plant produces abundant multidirectional shoots, which are necessary for the formation of a beautiful "hat". Proper planting and care of the petunia lead to a long and rich flowering. Planting petunia seeds in the video will help novice gardeners become more familiar with the procedure.

Video: sowing and picking petunias

Growing seedlings

This unique plant is grown mainly in seedlings. Most people prefer to purchase ready-made seedlings, but you can grow them yourself. The seeds of this flower do not germinate well, so the choice of land must be approached responsibly.

The soil for sowing seeds should be nutritious, well-drained and neutral. It’s great if it is a mixture of soddy soil, well-rotted humus, river sand and peat. In a container that is intended for seedlings, it is necessary to make holes at the bottom so that excess water does not stagnate and cause rotting of the root system.

Put a drainage layer on the bottom of the pots or box and fill them with sifted earth. The earth needs to be moistened and compacted a little. Now you can sow the petunia seeds, after mixing them with fine sand.

It is not worth deepening into the ground, just sprinkle it on the surface, spray it with water and cover it with a layer of soil 2-3 mm. The sown seeds should be covered with plastic wrap, paper or glass until the first leaves appear. The soil should always be moist, to do this, moisten it twice a day at regular intervals.

Petunia seedlings will feel comfortable in good light and air temperature + 22-24 degrees. Under such conditions, the first shoots will appear in 10 days. The first shoots are still very weak, so do not immediately remove the film. Let them gain some strength.

And until such time as real leaves appear, you should carefully remove the condensate from the film and ventilate the plants. You can pour a little wood ash around the stem.

Such care will protect them from blackleg disease and allow them to quickly adapt to environmental conditions. A week after planting the seeds, the first nitrogen and potassium fertilizers can be applied. The next feeding of seedlings in 2 weeks.

Landing in open ground

The grown seedlings of petunias are planted in open ground when warm sunny weather sets in, the soil warms up well and frosts are no longer expected. Usually it is the middle of May. Landing in the ground begins with the choice of a place on the site.

Petunia prefers sunny areas. You can plant it in a sunny flower bed or supplement it with a flower-stone composition. An area with loose and moist soil is ideal. Before planting, the ground must be fed with any fertilizer for flowering plants.

You can use 20-30 grams of nitrophoska per 1 meter of area. Seedlings are planted at a distance of about half a meter between plants. It is advisable to plant in the morning or after sunset, so that the scorching rays of the sun do not injure the tender seedlings.

Each bush under the root is plentifully watered with warm water and mulched with sawdust. If you decide to plant petunia seeds immediately in open ground, then first be sure to dig the ground and feed it with complex fertilizers. Mix the seeds with fine sand and sow in the ground.

Thoroughly moisten the crops with a scatter nozzle for a watering can. In warm weather, the first shoots will appear in 8-10 days. An unpretentious petunia does not need frequent watering or any special care.

It is enough to water it abundantly once a week and apply complex mineral fertilizers once every 2 weeks. The petunia does not like stagnant water, so make sure it has good drainage.

Reproduction of petunia

At home, the petunia that you especially like can be preserved and propagated.

This flower is propagated by cuttings.

A plant grown in this way is no different from the mother bush and begins to bloom 2-3 weeks earlier than those grown from seeds. The bush that you have chosen for propagation should be transplanted into a pot in August, and pruned with the onset of cold weather , leaving no more than 15 cm, and bring into the house. Such a flower pot is stored in cool conditions at a temperature of no more than +12 degrees and watered moderately so as not to provoke flowering.

Observing these conditions, you can get good cuttings. Plant cuttings are best done in the spring. Lateral basal shoots no more than 9 cm long are ideal cuttings. The lower leaves are removed from them, the upper ones are cut in half.

The ends of the cuttings must be treated with a growth stimulator and planted in cups with soil. When propagated by petunia cuttings, it is very important to plant them as soon as possible. An hour after cutting, they will not be able to take root.

Caring for them is similar to caring for seedlings. No matter how you grow a petunia, it will become a real decoration of your garden. This is a real find for gardeners. Its bright flowers with an unusual aroma will become an essential attribute of any flower bed, balcony or window sill.

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Petunia is a beautiful flower exuding a delicate honey aroma. Very often they are used in the design of decorative landscapes in gardens, summer cottages and city parks. With this option, there is a large number due to the huge number of petunia varieties.

Today we will tell you how you can use it to decorate a flower bed in the garden and not only, as well as what other plants petunia can be combined with. Some examples include photos so you can see the examples first hand.

Petunia Features

Few people know that petunia belongs to the category of nightshade plants, and potatoes also belong to them. long time petunia grew as a wild plant and had no decorative effect, and only in the 19th century it was noticed by breeders who made hybrid decorative varieties based on it.

There are more and more of them every year, gardeners love both old and new types of petunias. The most popular for growing in gardens are petunias of ampelous varieties. In the photo you can see how they look, their description is as follows:

The color range of petunias is striking in its diversity. So, their flowers are:

  • white;
  • red;
  • purple;
  • cream;
  • coral.

Due to the presence of a huge number of varieties, many lovers often use them to decorate the garden. For example, arrange beautiful flower beds based on them. In the photo you can see examples of creating such compositions.

How to choose planting material?

The flower bed in the garden is a well-thought-out composition, where each plant has its place. It is best to plant seedlings in a flower bed according to the planned project.. But sowing seeds in a flower bed is not always a good solution, since many may not ascend and disappear during cultivation, respectively, the design of the garden according to the plan may not work.

Petunia seedlings can be grown independently or purchased ready-made. If there are difficulties with the purchase, then it will not be easy to grow it with your own hands:

  • strictly observe the temperature;
  • the level of humidity must also be maintained;
  • carry out picks and pinching in time.

When growing seedlings of petunias on your own, the process should begin in early spring. In this case seedlings will be ready for transplanting into the ground in early summer. Also, a flower bed in the garden with the help of petunias can be arranged faster, but it is very expensive: buy large bushes and plant them where you need them.

Site and soil selection

Petunia loves the sun very much and treats the heat well. Therefore, in the garden for her, you need to choose places in open sunny areas, which are darkened at noon with the help of a young tree, picket fence or something else. The plant will feel somewhat worse in places with great blackout., where the sun breaks through only for half a day, or under the crowns of trees. But a deep shadow for a petunia is completely contraindicated, the branches will stretch out, and the flowering will be very weak, as a result of which the flowers will turn pale.

For petunias, you need to choose neutral or fertile soil. Best of all - sandy or loamy. But if the soil is heavy and clayey, this will not be very good for the plant: growth and flowering will slow down. The soil can be improved by loosening. To do this, it is dug up and fertile soil is added to it from another site or peat. Also, when planting in the hole, you can add a little baking powder, for example:

  • perlite;
  • vermiculite.

How to plant petunias in the garden

Remember that petunias, especially ampelous ones, tend to grow. They have a developed root system, so to create a beautiful flower bed, you do not need to make plantings thick. This can lead to the struggle of plants for space, as a result of which some will begin to oppress others. In addition, such planting density can provoke the appearance of powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

To avoid this, it is necessary to observe the following distances in the collective plantings of petunias:

  • bush small-flowered specimens should be planted at a distance of about 15–20 cm from each other;
  • large-flowered - 20–25 cm, respectively;
  • ampelous - by 25–30 cm, respectively.

In some cases, ampel varieties require even greater distance from each other. For example, variety "Typhoon" should be planted 40–70 cm apart for a beautiful bloom.

What plants can be combined planting petunias

To get a beautiful and attractive garden composition, petunias can be combined with each other by variety, or with other plants.

When planting flower beds in gardens, you need to choose samples that throughout the summer they are able to maintain an attractive appearance and tolerate heat well. An excellent choice would be flowers such as:

And the background of the composition can be low-growing deciduous plants:

  • cineraria;
  • coleus;
  • chlorophytum;
  • irezine and others.

In the spring, petunias can be combined with bulbous flowers, which dry the leaves for the summer:

  • narcissus;
  • tulip;
  • crocus;
  • muscar;
  • grouse;
  • hyacinth and others.

In case of drought, they should be dug up and replaced with other flowers, or these areas should be temporarily covered with decorative leaves or ground cover plants.

A flowerbed with petunias under a tree will look even better if it is decorated with plants such as:

  • hosts;
  • begonias;
  • daylilies;
  • decorative cereals.

Petunia beds can be planted in containers, then plants can be combined with lobelia, balsam, verbena, viola, pelargonium and other flowers.

Petunias in the garden: flowerbed design options

Design options for flower beds

We present to your attention several examples of the design of compositions in gardens based on petunias. You can see some samples in the photo.


Monoklumba is the simplest composition, while very attractive. In its most rigorous version, it means planting petunias of the same variety, such a flower bed will look like a monochrome spot. But if you place petunias of different shapes and shades on it, it, despite its name, will look diverse.

Composition with coniferous center

A mono-flower can be complemented by such an element as a coniferous tree in the center, which is distinguished by a clear geometry. As options:

  • juniper;
  • cypress.

Flowerbed raised

Such a composition gets its appearance due to the vertical walls. She does not have a bottom, but petunias are able to develop, as well as on open ground. Ampelous plants planted inside. The soil for a raised flower bed can be made better depending on the flower variety. To do this, it can be fertilized with components such as:

  • baking powder;
  • hydrogel;
  • peat;
  • biohumus.

Planting pocket or mini-flower bed

Such solutions are suitable for paved courtyards, where there are small landing pockets between the plates. A large-flowered bush petunia is planted in them, which over time completely covers the earth gaps. Instead, you can take seedlings of ampels and surfinias, which grow much faster than bush plants and create ground cover color compositions. Small flower beds will decorate the paved area and give new shades to the garden composition as a whole.

Round flower bed

For a round flower bed, two varieties of purple and dark pink petunias are taken. It turns out bright and lands in a circle. In the center, you need to place a bush of orange marigolds. As a border, we plant undersized coleus bushes, which will help keep the shape of the composition.

The height of the flowerbed plants decreases from the center to the periphery, the composition itself has the shape of a dome and looks slightly raised above the ground.

Vertical flower bed based on petunias

Petunia is a culture that grows well not only in open, but also in closed ground, so they can be grown in pots and containers. Due to this, they can be used to create vertical multi-tiered compositions that are assembled on the basis of different elements.

A vertical flower bed is made of a wooden screen, containers with flowers are attached vertically to it. Another variant - creation of a flower tower, which is a planting sections piled on top of each other. And the third way is to create an arched metal frame, which serves as the basis for attaching several large planters with petunias.

For ampelous flower varieties, containers should be as spacious as possible and have drainage holes.

Growing petunias in this way is much more difficult than in open soil. One of the problems is the limited amount of soil, which is not very good for the plant. For the normal development of a flower, at least 2 liters of soil mixture are needed, and for ampelous plants - up to 4 liters, respectively.

How to properly care for the composition

Of course, a beautifully designed composition in the garden based on petunias is far from the end of work on it. Naturally, she requires personal care in order to delight you with her flowering and beauty.

The first thing flowers need is regular watering and feeding. In summer, in the heat, you need to water the flower bed at least once a day. Better either in the morning or in the evening when the sun is still not too scorching. At noon, watering is also possible, but only if the composition is shaded.. When watering, it is very important that the sun does not scorch the bushes, otherwise the burns will be too noticeable.

Fertilizers for petunias are needed for lush flowering. Here you can use both mullein, ash solution and other organic matter, as well as mineral fertilizers. But remember that at the seedling stage, petunias need more nitrogen, and during flowering - phosphorus and potassium. If you plan to use purchased fertilizers, pay attention to the packaging, which indicates the ratio of all macronutrients.

Petunias will become a worthy decoration of a garden or plot, not only as part of a composition, but also individually. And if you follow the simple rules of care, they will certainly delight you all summer.

Petunia is a perennial herb of the Solanaceae genus. growing in the tropical zone. Petunias are native to Latin America. Sometimes this plant is also found in North America.

ATTENTION: Modern flower growers grow petunia as an ornamental annual in gardens, on balconies and terraces. Petunia goes well with other ornamental plants and looks harmonious in various compositions. But most importantly, its advantage is unpretentiousness.

An important condition for the successful growth of petunias in a pot is its size.. Petunia loves space. So, for one bush or terry individual, at least 3 liters of substrate are required. Based on this, you can easily calculate how much pot your pets will need.

As for cascade and ampelous varieties, here the requirements for displacement are even greater. For one ampelous or cascading petunia, you need at least 5 liters of soil.

If these conditions are violated, the plants will be crowded, they can get sick, they will be weak. At the same time, flowering may not come (about what to do if the petunia does not bloom, it is said in).

The soil for petunias is prepared in a certain way.:

  • Sod land.
  • Leaf land.
  • Peat.
  • Sand.

Sometimes perlite is added for looseness.

When preparing the soil, remember the following:

  1. It shouldn't be too wet.. Petunia does not like waterlogging, because with an excess of moisture, the roots cease to function properly.
  2. Petunia is a photophilous and heat-loving plant. The pot should be placed on the sunny side. This means that your pet will need adequate hydration. However, excess moisture should be avoided.
  3. The soil must be loose. That is why the soil has such a composition as described above. If there is a need, the substrate in the pot should be loosened.

We wrote in more detail about growing petunias.

Where should the pot be?

Since the petunia loves light, the pot should be positioned so that the plant gets enough sunlight. At the same time, an unpretentious beauty will need regular watering, as well as good drainage (the soil must be ventilated). Since constant exposure to the sun, moist soil, and hard ground can lead to diseases of the root system.

Petunia should not be placed under bushes, trees, awnings, as well as in gazebos. Remember, petunia loves direct sunlight and moderate moisture.!

If desired, petunias can be fed with complex mineral fertilizers.. Then it will become more magnificent, juicy, beautiful. Flowers will be larger, and - longer and more abundant.

IMPORTANT: As for organic fertilizers, here you need to be more careful. Fresh manure is strictly unacceptable. Fertilizers are applied twice a month according to the usual scheme. When fertilizing, the soil must be kept moist to avoid damage to the roots.

More information on how to water a petunia can be found in, and you will learn more nuances about the rules for watering and feeding a plant for abundant flowering.

Trimming and pinching

ATTENTION: If the air temperature is quite cool up to +20 degrees, watering should be reduced so that the roots do not rot!

Possible problems and diseases

The main diseases that petunia can undergo, their signs and prevention:

  • Chlorosis. Manifested in yellowing and falling leaves, caused by iron deficiency in the soil. Prevention and treatment is spraying with iron chilate or Ferovit, as well as fertilizing with complex fertilizers.
  • powdery mildew. It is characterized by a grayish-white bloom on the inside of the leaf. Treatment - fungicide treatment, soil ventilation, pruning of affected leaves.
  • Blackleg. Manifested by the fact that it darkens and rots the stem in the root part. Treatment - the introduction of drugs "Trichodermin", "Fitosporin".
  • Gray rot. Symptoms - the appearance of gray-brown spots on the leaves. A little later, the leaves begin to darken and rot. Treatment - removal of the affected areas of the plant, a slight increase in the dose of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, the use of biological products: "Integral", "Skor", "Maxim".


Learn simple petunia care skills and enjoy beautiful flowers up to 7 months of the year. For this, even basic knowledge of floriculture is enough. The only thing you should study is the features of growing petunias and its needs.

Petunia adorns flower beds in almost all countries of the world. It was imported from Brazil. The first to describe this plant was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who then called it "tobacco". The name comes from the Brazilian "petun", which means tobacco. Only 10 years later, the plant was identified as a separate genus - petunia.

Varieties and types of petunias

In our parks and gardens, garden or hybrid petunias grow. The first terry varieties of petunias were bred in 1855, and in 1881 - large-flowered. In the middle of the last century, the ampelous petunia became the result of cellular hybridization.

Petunias can be divided into two groups according to flower size:

  1. large-flowered (flower diameter - 7-13 centimeters);
  2. many-flowered (flowers - 5-8 centimeters).

To date, plants with small flowers (diameter - 2-4 centimeters) have become very popular, which formed the third group - small-flowered.

Petunia is divided into the following varieties:

  • bush;
  • floribunda;
  • calibrachoa;
  • cascading;
  • ampelous.

bush petunia

It has three subspecies:

  1. milliflora(miniature flowers, the diameter of which is 2-4 centimeters) - Picobella Blue variety;
  2. multiflora(short plant with flowers 5-7 centimeters in diameter) - Mirage Orchid variety;
  3. grandiflora(has flowers in the form of a large gramophone).

cascading petunia

The most popular subspecies are:

  • Rose;
  • Typhoon;
  • Ramblin;
  • Cherry.

ampelous petunia

This species forms shoots that tend downward. The best subspecies of this variety is Surfinia. Most flower growers prefer to grow this particular variety because of the variety of colors, resistance to bad weather conditions and fast growing season.

Surfinias are divided into 3 series:

  1. light wave;
  2. pearl surf;
  3. waterfall.

Terry variety

This variety can be found in bush petunias (multiflora, milliflora and grandiflora). There are cases that it occurs in cascade and ampelous.

Terry flowers require more scrupulous care than other varieties. These flowers are much heavier, so they cannot withstand strong gusts of wind. For their planting, it is necessary to select a protected place. It is worth highlighting the variety Double Cascade Mix.

breeding conditions

Novice flower growers often face the question of how to decorate your balcony with beautiful flowers? There are only two options: buy ready-made seedlings or personally grow planting material.

Almost all varieties and hybrids of petunias propagate through seeds. But there is also propagation by cuttings (for this method, it is necessary to save mother plants). Growth and flowering from cuttings is faster. But endurance and abundant flowering is the strong point of propagation from seeds.

Petunia: growing from seeds

These plants must be sown on the surface of the soil, without sprinkling them, otherwise the seeds will not germinate. Sowing is not as easy as it seems. This is due to the very small seeds. If the seeds do not fall into the seedling container, it is necessary to pick up a small seed with a toothpick and transfer it to the right place.

Important! It is advisable to use a second toothpick to mark the place of sowing seeds, since they are almost impossible to see on dark soil. This method will help to sow evenly.

Using food containers will also make seeding easier. Such containers are easily ventilated, and a transparent lid will be able to let in a sufficient amount of light rays. The use of even low-volume containers is possible before picking the sprouts.

After sowing seeds on the soil surface, it is necessary to pour water from a spray bottle. The place of sowing should be covered with a plastic bag or film. Periodically, they need to be ventilated to avoid the accumulation of condensate, and also to monitor soil moisture.

The first sprouts will appear in 14-15 days (if the seeds are good, then all at once will appear). But this doesn't always happen. Many flower growers argue that if after the expiration of the 2-week period the sprouts did not appear, then waiting for their further appearance is meaningless. There were times when sprouts appeared after a month, but there will be no joy from this. These sprouts will be weak and must be constantly inspected, and the result will be unpredictable.

Sprout diving

Dive must be done with grown sprouts, for this they are seated in different containers.

Containers can be different - from small pots to plastic cups and yogurt containers.

There is a secret to growing! Petunias have a very branched and extensive root system. At home, until it gets warm outside, it will grow for two months - this is at best.

In order to get a strong and healthy seedling, it is necessary to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of land. In cramped conditions, the roots will not receive sufficient nutrition and the result will not be seen.

Watch the video! How to sow a large number of petunias at home

There are two ways:

  • instant dive of sprouts into large containers (but this is inconvenient);
  • at first, use small containers, and after 3-4 weeks, transplant into larger containers. For the entire time of germination, this procedure must be carried out twice. The result of which will be a fairly strong seedling with a very branched root system and well-formed buds. These seedlings will easily tolerate transplantation and quickly adapt after planting in open ground.


Petunia loves light. At the end of winter, when sowing seedlings, it is necessary to organize additional lighting from the moment the sprouts appear. With a small amount of light, the sprouts will stretch and become too weak.

The temperature regime is very important. Before the germination of the first greenery, the temperature should be 23-25 ​​degrees. When the first sprouts appear, the container is ventilated, thereby the time the sprouts stay in the open air will increase. A sharp change in conditions can adversely affect young seedlings.

After picking, when the seedlings get stronger, you can continue lower the temperature. At night it should be about +15 degrees, and during the day - +18 ... +20 degrees.

Watering should be done carefully, avoiding falling on the leaves. The watering measure is also important: the petunia does not like both drying out and excess moisture (rot may appear).

Like any fast growing plant, petunia loves to feed. When planting seedlings on a mixture of earth with hydrogel, which is soaked in a solution of fertilizers, top dressing should be done less often and later. Any complex flower fertilizer can be suitable for top dressing.

To obtain a compact, branched and neat bush, growing shoots need to be pinched. This will not work with an ampelous variety, although it needs to be pinched, but it will grow in length. Such step-by-step cultivation will give the desired results and seedlings can be transplanted into open ground, planters, flower beds.

Petunia cuttings

For vegetative reproduction, well-developed and healthy uterine shoots are collected in autumn. The most difficult thing is to keep these queen cells during the winter with a lack of light.

The cutting itself should begin from the end of February - the beginning of March. For this, the required temperature should be 12-15 degrees, the room should have good lighting.

For cuttings, the tops of the shoots are taken, the length of which is 4-6 centimeters. In large-leaved varieties, it is advisable to remove the bottom sheet, and make the rest shorter. Cut cuttings must be placed in a light and moisture-intensive substrate. Covering with lutrasil will help keep the cuttings moist.

When rooting, the temperature should be between 20 and 22 degrees. Root formation will occur in 6-10 days, and after 10-12 days, the cuttings must be transplanted into pots, pinching the top in advance.

Growing conditions for petunias

In hot and dry summers, petunia flower beds will turn out to be the most beautiful. Hybrids tolerate cool and damp weather better, as well as frost. Because of this, their flowering is longer in autumn.

Varieties with small flowers can tolerate frosts down to 4 degrees, so they can be planted in the soil earlier than other varieties (mid-May). Large-flowered varieties like more heat and need to be planted in late spring.

Fertilizer for petunias

In order for plants to bloom profusely, they need a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Nitrogen fertilizers must be applied after planting in open ground. When the leaves turn yellow, top dressing is repeated after 1 week. To avoid imbalance between growth and flowering, petunias are fertilized with complex dressings with a high concentration of potassium.

Petunia is fertilized regularly, until August. During drought, it is necessary to combine watering and top dressing. In wet weather, fertilizers are scattered under the plants without affecting the leaves.


For abundant flowering of petunias, the soil must be fertile and loose. In addition to fertilizers, loosening the soil should be periodic and regular. This will allow the roots to absorb more oxygen, and watering will be more efficient.

Correct pinching

Novice flower growers do not know how to properly care for these plants. In order for lush bushes to form, they need to be pinched, while removing the upper parts of the shoots. This method is done only when the plant is actively growing. To form a new growth point for several shoots, the stem is cut with pruners above the 5-6th leaf. Thus, new shoots will begin to grow from this place in different directions. In this phase, the seedlings will slow down their development, but at the same time they will be able to get a little stronger. With the appearance of side shoots, the bush takes on a rounded appearance.

Pinching after rooting is carried out only if the seedlings will be planted in open ground. The sprout must adapt, and for this, it needs a couple of days. It is during this period of time that it is necessary to create favorable conditions for plants so that they take root.


Petunias can bloom for a long time and profusely. For planting, you can use vases, containers, flower beds and flower beds. To get the amazing beauty of a flower, you need to spend quite a bit of effort on growing them.

Watch the video! Petunia from sowing to flowering

and is a relative of our favorite tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and potatoes.

For the first time, petunia was found and described by the naturalist from France, Jean Baptiste Lamarck, in 1793 on the South American continent.

However, it was assigned to the genus Nicotiana axillaris due to the fact that petunia leaves look like tobacco. And only ten years later the mistake was corrected and the flower was identified in a separate genus Petunia (translated from the Brazilian "petun" - "tobacco").


In its natural habitat (mainly in Brazil and neighboring countries), the flower is considered perennial.

Flower growers liked the petunia so much that it is now cultivated all over the world.

If the climate allows, it is planted in open ground, like a perennial, but if the weather conditions are too harsh for it, as, for example, in Russia, petunia is grown as an annual crop, in flower beds or in flowerpots. In addition, it can be grown as a home flower.


root system. The main root of the plant is taproot, shallow and has weakly branched adventitious roots.

Petunia purple or shanin (Petunia violacea, Petunia integrifolia)

A low flower growing up to thirty centimeters and having spreading stems up to seventy centimeters in diameter. Elliptical leaves are slightly concave inward. The leaf arrangement is opposite.

The flowers are miniature, on average: 3-4 centimeters in diameter, have a purple or violet color.

Petunia exserta

The bush is compact, medium-sized, up to half a meter in height, has erect stems. Differs in large leaves, shaped like an egg, with a pointed end, arranged alternately.

The flowers are rich red with a long tube, have an original corolla, resembling a pointed star. This effect is created due to the strongly twisted outward petals. Petunia blooms all summer.

Petunia altiplana

It is a perennial flower, the shoots of which branch strongly and spread along the ground. Despite the absence of upright shoots, the bush spreads quite luxuriantly, creating a voluminous shoot up to five centimeters in height.

The leaf surface is not completely covered with villi, but only along the edge of the leaf and along the central vein. The leaves are miniature, about four centimeters long.

Flowers up to three centimeters in diameter, have the shape of a short funnel inherent in the species. The color of the buds is red-violet.

Petunia bajeensis

A perennial flower with an upright, lushly branched shape, growing up to forty centimeters. The villi covering the stem are hard and whitish. The leaves have a different shape from elliptical to lanceolate-oblong.

Funnel-shaped buds with an elongated tube, painted in red-violet tones, the corolla itself is pale pink or light purple.

Petunia scheideana

Perennial tall flower, the shoots of which have a yellowish-green hue and a sprawling shape. The villi on the stem are sparse. Leaf blades are small, on short petioles, have an ovoid or lanceolate shape.

Red-violet or lilac buds have the classic shape of a short funnel for a petunia.

Classification within the genus

A large number of created varieties and hybrids required the identification of distinctive features, thanks to which they could be divided into groups. And such features were the shape and height of the bush, the diameter of the buds and the number of petals in them.

In the shape of a bush


This is a very large group, including low and tall plants with different flower diameters: from five to sixteen centimeters.

The long, erect stems do not need pruning or shaping to keep the shape of the bush.

And to give the bush more splendor, the tops of the shoots can be pinched, which will cause the growth and development of side shoots from dormant buds.

The group is represented by the following hybrids:

  • Triumph series- annual, growing up to sixty centimeters in height. Its flowers are very large and reach 16 centimeters in diameter. The petals are ruffled and divided, forming a corolla of several shades of pink. The inner part of the meek bud tube is somewhat darker and decorated with light strokes;
  • Ultra F1 series- an annual miniature flower, reaching a height of thirty centimeters. The buds for a short bush are large, up to nine centimeters in diameter, they are classic and star-shaped. They differ in numerous shades of color: pink, blue, purple, snow-white, burgundy and red;
  • Limbo F1 series- a low annual, the stems of which are strongly branched and form a rounded bush, up to twenty centimeters in diameter. Despite the short stature, the bush is distinguished by buds of impressive size - up to twelve centimeters in diameter. The big plus of this hybrid is early and numerous flowers. On the bushes you can find buds of white, lilac, pink, red, blue, purple, silver, peach, purple and salmon, decorated with contrasting veins and light spots in the center of the funnel.


These are flowers that are used to decorate houses from the outside and inside, placing them in hanging planters or pots. The stems of this group of petunias are drooping lashes, up to one and a half meters in length.

Blooms profusely and for a long time. The flowers are funnel-shaped or bell-shaped, the petals are even, carved or fringed along the edge. The diameter of the bud reaches eight centimeters. And the flower itself can be two or three colors and have veins, a border and a darker core.

Some series of varieties and hybrids:

  • "Wave"- an annual plant that pushes its stems one hundred and twenty centimeters. If planted outdoors, the plant will act as a groundcover. The flowering of the hybrid is long and abundant. The buds are classic, grow up to 7 centimeters in diameter and are dark blue, purple, lavender, pink of varying degrees of saturation, light lilac or purple;
  • Avalanche F1- has long hanging stems that grow up to eighty centimeters. It looks advantageous in hanging planters, resembling a "waterfall" of large rainbow highlights on a green background. In the open ground, it behaves like a ground cover, while it branches heavily, creating a lively volume. Buds of various shades of red, as well as yellow, snow-white, blue, are decorated with whitish stripes and veins emanating from the center of the bud, creating the effect of a "star";
  • "Velveteen"- has stems meter long. Differs in fast growth and immunity to diseases. The flowers are numerous velvet, reaching a diameter of seven centimeters. Used in gardens to attract pollinating insects, but blooms quite late. The flower is tubular, with a light yellow or black core and dark pink, salmon or purple petals, decorated with dark veins;
  • "Opera Supreme F1" grows stems meter long. Plants are characterized by unpretentiousness to the habitat and the duration of daylight hours. In this regard, it is often used for interior decoration. The shoots of the plant branch strongly, therefore, to give them more decorative forms, pruning and molding are used.


Unlike ampelous, they have thicker and longer shoots.

It is noteworthy that while the plant is small, the stems grow upwards and only when they reach a certain length do they bend under their own weight, becoming drooping.

The flowers of this group are slightly larger in size.

Popular Series:

  • "Gioconda F1"- An annual that blooms all year round. It can grow in a wide temperature range, from -7 to +40°C. Reaching a height of twenty centimeters, the stem bends and continues to grow down to a meter long, while branching heavily. Flowering is numerous. Medium-sized buds, up to six centimeters in diameter, snow-white, pink, salmon, orange, scarlet, purple or violet;
  • "Tornado F1"- hybrids of this series are distinguished by large flowers (up to 70 centimeters in diameter). It grows and branches very quickly, up to a length of one and a half meters. Corollas are painted in different shades of red, in purple, snow-white, and silvery tones. It blooms all summer and part of autumn;
  • "Ramblin" includes twelve low varieties: up to 35 centimeters in height (although the stems grow up to a meter). There are many flowers on the bush, and they are very large, up to eight centimeters in diameter. Buds of several shades of purple and red, snow-white or peach. There is a variety that has a two-tone color of flowers, where pale lilac is combined with light salmon and is decorated with whitish specks;
  • "Burgundy F1"- a novelty among petunias. It grows shoots up to sixty centimeters and is characterized by abundant flowering throughout the summer. Flowers grow up to 6 centimeters in diameter. The series includes so far only two varieties with purple-red or dark blue flowers.

By the number of petals


They have more than five petals. If the petals are not simple, but wavy, then they look very voluminous and spectacular.

The color of the flowers of this group is distinguished by a variety of shades, complemented by inclusions, spots, veins and a border. A big disadvantage of this group is a weak frost resistance and a painful reaction to prolonged rains.


The largest group, including flowers of a classic funnel shape with five petals fused.

In addition, share petunias:

  • with solid and corrugated petals;
  • large-flowered and small-flowered;
  • profusely flowering and multi-flowered.

Cultivation and care

Petunia has won the love of flower growers all over the world not only because of the beauty of flowers, but also because of its unpretentiousness, plasticity and friendliness towards neighbors in the flower bed.


It can be purchased at flower shops or grown independently from seeds and cuttings.

Growing seedlings

Already in January, you can start sowing seeds for seedlings.

Such an early event will provide you with flowers in the open field by the end of May. The same rule applies to ampelous forms: early planting will provide the plant with time to build up the length of the lashes by the beginning of the summer season.

Seeds can be sown up to the third decade of March. Petunia is a long-growing plant and takes about three months to enter the flowering time.

The seeds of the flower are very small, but the purchased planting material is sold in the form of dragees and granules, which greatly facilitates the work, protects against diseases and implies a small amount of top dressing contained in the shell.

Seedling containers can be individual for each plant or shared. The main requirement for containers is a depth of at least 7 centimeters and the presence of drainage holes to remove excess water.

Seeds are sown in cups or boxes with a margin - the lack of natural sunlight can be a factor due to which the seeds simply will not sprout.

Soil Requirements

The soil should be loose, light and nutritious.

You can buy it in a specialized store or cook it yourself.

Soil composition:

  • garden land,
  • peat,
  • sand,
  • vermiculite or and
  • biohumus.

To reduce acidity, a little lime can be added to the soil mixture.

Seeds are sown in well-drained and lightly compacted soil, without deepening. If the seeds are not coated, they must be mixed with sand and sown - this will eliminate the strong crowding of seedlings.

Seeds without shell can be watered growth stimulator, seeds in the shell do not need this, but they need a lot of soil moisture in order for the shell to dissolve.

After sowing, the containers are covered with a film or plastic lids to create a greenhouse effect. Containers should be placed in bright rooms with temperatures above 20°C. Under these conditions, the seeds will begin to germinate in a week.

Humidity Requirements

All this time, you need to monitor the moisture content of the soil (it should be moderately moist) and air. Condensation on the film will adversely affect the seeds, so it is better to remove it.


A pick is made when the fourth true leaf appears, and the ampelous forms are planted at an angle of 45 °.

After picking, the seedlings are kept at home, but she needs additional lighting with lamps so that the seedlings do not stretch.


Seedlings are watered carefully, to the very root. Ideally, you need to organize drip irrigation with settled water. Petunia is a drought-resistant plant and does not need waterlogging, so watering is carried out after the earth ball has dried up.


Like many flowers, petunias need feeding. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied already two weeks after the emergence of sprouts, and after that it is necessary to fertilize in a complex twice a month.

After planting in open ground, phosphate-potassium fertilizers are applied every 5-10 days, which will ensure lush and long flowering.

Transplantation in open ground

From April, you can start hardening procedures for seedlings. But planting plants in open ground is not recommended until the threat of return frosts has passed: this happens around the beginning or middle of May, depending on the region and forecasts.

Planting is best done in the evening or on rainy and cloudy days - this will reduce stress for the plant.

Depending on belonging to the group and the length of the growing shoots, the distance between the bushes varies from 15 to 30 centimeters. After planting, the root circle is mulched with peat, and the plant itself is watered.

A place for planting petunias should be chosen sunny.

Growing petunias at home

To ensure the full development of the flower at home, it is necessary to select a container with a volume of at least 5 liters for each plant.

Petunia needs sunlight and ventilation, but placing a flower on a window or loggia on the south side can threaten burns on the leaves due to glass.

Therefore, during the hours of the greatest activity of the sun, it is worth taking care of shading or placing a flower on the east or west side.