Russian troops in Belarus. Legends of the West. Official media: relaying the opinion of the Ministry of Defense

On the Internet, I came across an article “During the Zapad-2017 exercises, Putin may occupy Belarus.”

I myself have been living in Kyiv for 5 years. The opinion of Belarusian residents is interesting. That this is a real threat or a hysteria of the neighbors of Ukrainians. After the events in Ukraine and the wars in the Donbass, I fear for my homeland.

Putin may occupy Belarus during Zapad-2017 exercises (Video)

Everything shows that the Kremlin decided in 2017, under the guise of joint exercises "West - 2017" to occupy Belarus, depriving it of the formal status of an independent state that is in alliance with Putin's Russia. Putin's imperial passions do not subside, but flare up as he watches the West stupidly surrender its position after position to him. Belarus is in an extremely difficult situation today. All the positive balance that President A. Lukashenko and his Minister of Foreign Affairs V. Makei managed to achieve over the years of stubbornly establishing relations with the West may come to an end.

In general, there is a strong impression that Putin decided to occupy Belarus under the guise of the Zapad-2017 exercises - after all, he may not withdraw his troops back. And there will be a lot of Russian troops. So, out of 5265 freight cars for 2017 for the transportation of Russian troops and their cargo, as many as 4126 are planned for Belarus. This is 83 times more than in 2016. Recall that all wars, as a rule, began under the guise of exercises.

It is possible that Putin decided to unleash another conflict in the West, and thereby test the reaction of NATO, but already under the rule of the new American President Trump. It is also possible that the Kremlin even decided to quietly remove President Lukashenko and his team from power, having their own uncomfortable opinion about everything that is happening. And in return, promote their own, absolutely predictable and obedient, or even hold a “referendum” on the complete and final entry of Belarus into Russia as a federal district.

This is confirmed by the words of the retired Russian General L. Reshetnikov that for Russia Belarus is, you see, its historical part, and the Belarusian language was invented by the Bolsheviks in 1926 during the erroneous policy of “indigenization” of national languages, which Stalin canceled in 1933.

Naturally, President Lukashenko could not tolerate such a spit from a neighboring state, despite the fact that Moscow denied Reshetnikov's words, passing them off as a personal point of view. In Minsk, everything was understood correctly and therefore they reacted through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as befits a self-respecting state.

To this it should be added that the Kremlin is constantly pressing on the Belarusian leadership with economic levers - oil and gas, financial, bans on Belarusian products. The Moscow Orthodox Church, as a branch of Putin's imperial foreign policy, is also straining the situation. Apparently not by chance, President Lukashenko began to think about the independence of the Belarusian church in order to have his pro-Belarusian exarch. In general, here you have "brotherly" relations! Does Belarus need such a “brother”?!

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that having taken full control under the guise of exercises, Belarus, Putin, with the deployed forces available there, can launch an attack on recalcitrant Ukraine from the north. Then Belarus will unwittingly become an aggressor state, along with Russia. Thus, Putin can share his blame for the aggression, shifting part of it to Belarus. The plan appears to be very insidious, and entirely in the style of the unprincipled Putin.

If Europe and the US do not react accordingly and rally their ranks, then they will have a real war on their eastern borders. After all, hitting the Baltics from Belarus is a piece of cake. Then Putin will have the whole West of the former USSR on a plate, except for Ukraine. The occupation of Belarus, if it takes place, will mean that an active phase of the already ongoing hybrid World War III has begun in Europe, in which Europe and the United States, in case of delay, can lose everything.


17:39 The crews of operational-tactical and army aviation of the Aerospace Forces and the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces have begun flying from operational airfields to permanent deployment points.

Su-35S, Su-30SM, Su-24M, Su-34, Su-25, MiG-31BM, MiG-29SMT aircraft, Mi-28N, Mi-35, Mi-8, Ka-52 helicopters involved in various episodes exercises, including those conducted on the territory of Belarus, will arrive at permanent airfields within two days.

13:16 Alexander Lukashenko outlined the tasks facing the military-industrial complex and the Armed Forces of the country.

First of all, he called a deep modernization of weapons. “It is not necessary to buy T-80, T-90, which cost millions of dollars, if you upgrade existing equipment. The T-72B3 is a very good tank. Belarusian and Russian tank crews told me about this,” Lukashenka said.

According to him, Belarus is actively continuing work in the field of missile weapons. "A lot has been achieved with drones"- said the official leader. At the same time, he noted that strike unmanned aerial vehicles are also being created in the country. "They will soon be put into service,"- said the head of state.

The main thing, according to Lukashenka, is not to lose the schools of optics, mathematics, and electronics that have been preserved since the Soviet era.

Speaking about the development of the Armed Forces, Lukashenka noted that Belarus needs mobile units, very mobile units. “For Belarus, this is what we need with our wooded and swampy terrain,” he summed up.

12:20 The goals and objectives of the exercises have been fully achieved, said Alexander Lukashenko to journalists on September 20 after observing the course of the exercises at the training ground near Borisov: "We worked out not only the actions of the army, but the territorial defense - the way it should work in a threatened period."

Photo by the press service of the President of Belarus

“The goals set in a broad plan have been implemented at Belarusian and Russian training grounds. The results of the exercises will still be summed up, but on the whole the task has been solved. We have shown the ability of the armed forces of Belarus and Russia to defend the interests of our states. It was a demonstration of our capabilities, everything was at a very high level”- stressed the head of state.

The President of Belarus was asked why the heads of the two countries watched the exercises separately? Lukashenka replied with a joke: “And if the projectile is in one place? There won't be two."

“We used to plan together, but then we decided to cover the exercises more widely,” Lukashenka explained. According to him, they agreed that Putin is watching the course of the exercises in the north, and he is in the center.

Asked to comment on the fears of neighboring countries that Russian troops could remain in Belarus after the completion of the exercises, Lukashenka replied: “I will comment with pleasure after a while - when all the troops will be in their places of permanent deployment, both Belarusian and Russian.”

Such fears Lukashenka called "an extremely unprofessional attempt to discredit." He also asked the question: “What would about 5,000 Russian soldiers change if the size of the Belarusian army is 75,000?”

At the same time, according to the head of state, in the case of "Clashes in the West" and need "to call on the Russian brothers for help, it will be instantaneous."

Lukashenka recalled that guarantees for the withdrawal of Russian units from Belarus after the exercises were given many times. “We are not an aggressive state.<…>We will not fight against anyone if no one touches us.<…>I want ordinary human security." he said.

Alexander Lukashenko expressed gratitude to all the personnel who participated in the Belarusian-Russian exercises "West-2017" on the territory of Belarus.

He also noted that the joint military activities of the two countries are aimed solely at protecting national interests.

According to Lukashenka, in the context of growing military activity around the world, Belarus together "with fraternal Russia" ensures the security of the Union State and the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

“We support the necessary military potential in every possible way and jointly take measures to prevent military threats to Belarus and Russia, improve the functioning of the regional group of troops. At the same time, joint military activities and cooperation with Russia in conducting exercises are not directed against third countries and serve solely to protect our national interests,” Lukashenka stressed.

“We have not threatened anyone and we are not going to threaten anyone. Threats and wars did not come from our lands, but those who came to this land always received a worthy rebuff. This is the ideological component of our teachings, there is no other and should not be,”- the head of state is convinced.

12:18 President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the Borisovsky training ground, he observed the defensive operation and the counteroffensive of the Belarusian-Russian group of troops.

Aerial reconnaissance over the range was carried out by drones. The attendees were shown a low-altitude dogfight with the participation of MiG-29 fighters.

Bombing from a height of 200 meters was carried out by a strike group - four Su-34s of the Russian Space Forces. They were piloted by pilots who participated in anti-terrorist operations. Behind them, similar bombing was carried out by Belarusian Su-25 attack aircraft. In the first case, bombs weighing 500 kg were dropped, in the second - 250 kg.

The Su-25s also carried out an "assault circle" maneuver, firing missiles and automatic cannons.

On the ground, the tanks of the defenders conducted concentrated fire on the identified columns of the mock enemy.

During the drawing of the episode of hostilities, the undermining of the fire shaft and the creation of anti-tank ditches by the method of undermining were also demonstrated.

From the air, Belarusian and Russian units supported Mi-8MTV5, Mi-24, Mi-28N, K-52 helicopters. Artillery and multiple launch rocket systems "BelGrad" and "Hurricane" fired on the ground.

Lukashenka visited the auxiliary command post of the regional grouping of troops of Belarus and Russia, as well as the auxiliary command post of the 1st Tank Army of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces.

The head of state also inspected the mobile command post of the commander of the RGV(s). This armored vehicle of domestic production is equipped with the most modern means of communication that allow you to control troops directly on the move. “Well done! We made a good system in a short period of time”,- Lukashenka noted.

09:24 Belarus and Russia have done everything possible to prevent the Zapad-2017 exercises from becoming a factor of military-political irritation, said State Secretary of the Union State Grigory Rapota at the 227th combined-arms training ground (Borisovsky).

Rapota noted that, "since Belarus and Russia have created a regional grouping of troops, it must be combat-ready." To do this, a series of exercises at various levels is being held, Rapota stressed.

He also noted that within the framework of the Union State there are a number of joint programs aimed, among other things, at ensuring the activities of the group of troops.

Rapota disagreed with the statement about the weakening of military-technical cooperation between Belarus and Russia, in particular, with the fact that the Russian military is reluctant to place orders with Belarusian enterprises. At the same time, he said that working groups had been created that should work out solutions to remove barriers, including military-technical cooperation.

08:22 Minister of Defense of Poland Anthony Matserevich on the air Polish Television stated that Russia intends to work out the use of nuclear weapons during the Zapad-2017 exercises.

According to Matserevich, officially disseminated information about the exercises "confuse". “These maneuvers started a month ago and will not end tomorrow. They will continue this time with the use of nuclear weapons, the development of the use of nuclear weapons, which the Russians are doing without entering into the exercise program, ” he said.

Matserevich noted that Russia's military doctrine provides for the possibility of delivering a preventive strike against a potential enemy.

"Exercises Zapad-2017 are not only the largest, but also the most aggressive and multifunctional of all the exercises in Russia over the past 30 years,"- summed up Macerevich.


18:23 On September 20, at the Domanovsky training ground, a mixed unit of the 115th anti-aircraft missile regiment will solve the tasks of providing air defense cover for a group of troops. The Belarusian and Russian crews of the MiG-29 aircraft will work out the issues of covering strike aircraft, as well as the A-50 long-range radar patrol and guidance aircraft.

At the Lepelsky training ground, a rally of military operations will be held to advance, pursue, block and destroy the remnants of illegal armed groups.

At the Osipovichsky training ground, the defeat of the enemy wedged into the defense and the restoration of the original position by conducting a counterattack will be practiced.

At the Borisovsky training ground, coordinated actions of diverse forces and means of the armed forces of Belarus and Russia will be practiced to repel the offensive of a mock enemy, conduct a counteroffensive with further defeat of the enemy and restore the lost position.

Su-34 and Su-25 aircraft, Mi-24 and Mi-28N helicopters will strike at the advancing forces of a mock enemy. Su-24MR aircraft will monitor the results of air strikes, and Mi-8 helicopters will land troops.

The capabilities of new models of weapons and military equipment developed by the military-industrial complex of Belarus will be demonstrated, including the lightly armored vehicle V1 (MZKT) with an anti-tank missile system, the Cayman armored personnel carrier with a four-barreled GShG machine gun, the Groza-R radio-electronic gun for combating multicopters (“ KB Radar"), modernized tanks T-72 BM3.

18:15 At the Losvido training ground, a unit of the 38th Guards Airborne Assault Brigade stopped the penetration of a mock enemy into the gas pipeline section.

At the Lepelsky training ground, a rally of reconnaissance and search actions was held to block and destroy an illegal armed formation with a live firing stage.

18:09 The Russian Defense Minister will observe the exercises on the territory of Belarus together with Alexander Lukashenko Sergei Shoigu. At the Borisovsky training ground, the commander-in-chief of the Belarusian army will be shown a defensive battle.

17:22 In the Dretun area, the Vitebsk guards defended the state border and destroyed scattered groups of an illegal armed group of a mock enemy who tried to penetrate deep into the country.

During the training and combat operations, the main forces of the mock enemy were destroyed, but several groups of up to fifteen people managed to penetrate the territory of the state. The persecution of the militants was organized. The radio intelligence units, together with the crew of the Moskit unmanned aerial complex of the 927th center for the preparation and use of the LHC, discovered enemy forces. Then the guards went to the line of blocking. The militants were surrounded. Mi-8 helicopters of military unit 06752 helped to suppress their resistance.

17:20 At the Domanovsky training ground, a mixed unit of the 115th anti-aircraft missile regiment, consisting of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile battalion and the attached Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile battery of the 147th anti-aircraft missile brigade, in cooperation with military air defense units, while in the positional area, worked out issues of repelling enemy air strikes and maneuvering to a reserve position.

The anti-aircraft "battle" continued with the participation of the crews of the ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft installations and the Igla MANPADS squad. The anti-aircraft gunners successfully destroyed the helicopters of fire support of the imaginary enemy, which imitated mortar lighting mines.

15:23 Subdivisions of the Russian tank formation of the Western Military District repelled the attack of a mock enemy at the Osipovichsky training ground.

The Russian servicemen held the occupied front line of defense and repulsed an attempt to break through the mock enemy deep into the defense line of the Union State. The offensive was accompanied by artillery fire, the use of strike army aviation, complex fire ambushes of T-80 tanks, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, and a system of minefields.

At one site, Russian tankers used a "carousel" tactic in which three T-80 tanks fired continuously, each time appearing at a new point from behind the sandy embankments. The actions of the tankers were supported from prepared positions by self-propelled artillery mounts "Hyacinth" and "Msta-S".

With the use of Belarusian drones "Busel" and "Berkut", places of accumulation of equipment and personnel of a mock enemy were discovered, which were hit with the use of Russian multiple launch rocket systems BM-21 "Grad" and "Tornado-G" and Belarusian "Smerch "and" Polonezov.

From the Belarusian side, military personnel of the battalion tactical group of the 120th Separate Guards Mechanized Brigade, the 465th Missile, 336th Rocket Artillery and 51st Guards Artillery Brigades and military unit 06752 also took part in the training battle.

15:21 At the Borisovsky training ground, the reconnaissance units of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces, together with the Belarusian military personnel, worked out tasks using the Sagittarius intelligence, control and communications systems (KRUS).

The scouts made a 20-kilometer march to the rear of the imaginary enemy, searched for areas where armored vehicles were deployed, command posts, fuel and ammunition depots, as well as unloading stations for military echelons. The Sagittarius complex allowed the reconnaissance group to clarify and transmit the exact coordinates of the targets that were hit by artillery units and aircraft.

Also, reconnaissance units found and neutralized illegal armed groups, opened the location of caches with weapons and ammunition, worked out the placement of "secrets", observers, sniper pairs, equipment and camouflage of hidden positions.

12:43 The Russian Ministry of Defense denied reports on social networks about an incident at the Luzhsky training ground, where an involuntary launch of rockets from a helicopter allegedly took place, as a result of which two people were injured.

The press service of the Western Military District emphasized that on September 18 there were no aviation-related incidents during the maneuvers. “All messages on social networks about “volleys at a crowd of journalists”, “a large number of seriously wounded” are a deliberate provocation or someone’s personal stupidity,”- said the department.

“The guidance system of one of the helicopters made an erroneous target acquisition. As a result of a hit by an unguided rocket, one of the trucks without people was damaged,” explained in the press service.

11:39 “The hype around the Zapad-2017 exercises was created artificially,”- said the CIS Executive Secretary in Minsk Sergey Lebedev.

“In the CIS, the assessment of these exercises is unambiguous - they are planned, conducted on the territory of their own states, and in no way pose a threat to neighboring states,” Lebedev said.

He noted that the exercises aim to strengthen the defense capability, including the CIS, "because both Russia and Belarus are states that are an important component of the defense capability of the CIS."

"The exercises are open, and the fact that numerous international observers, military experts and military attaches are invited to them says that we do not set any secret goals that could pose a threat to other states", he emphasized.

Lebedev is convinced that the exercises will increase the combat effectiveness of the two armies and the CIS as a whole. “We are ready for peaceful international cooperation, including in the military sphere”, - he said.

11:21 An emergency occurred at the Luzhsky training ground near St. Petersburg during the Zapad-2017 exercises - an involuntary launch of air-to-ground missiles from a Ka-52 helicopter took place.

“They flew at the target, there were 500 meters left, according to the instructions on the combat path, the weapons chains were turned on, they turned on, but something went short there, and the missiles went off by themselves. The fragments have a large spread, at least two cars burned down, two people were seriously injured, now they are in the hospital. It was training before some show. Most likely, journalists suffered,- informed 66.RU informed source.

The exact date of the incident is not known. "It happened yesterday or the day before yesterday"- said the source.


22:24 On September 19, the headquarters of various levels will continue to work out issues related to command and control of troops in the conduct of mobile defense.

At the Borisovsky and Osipovichsky training grounds, the units that are part of the regional grouping of forces will work out the issues of defeating the “enemy” that has penetrated the defense, conducting a counteroffensive to restore the original situation. The actions of combined arms units will be supported by artillery and air strikes. Air defense units will cover command posts, firing positions, defense areas of military units and subunits.

At the Lepelsky training ground, military units and subunits will conduct combat operations to block and destroy the identified illegal armed formation with a live firing stage.

The remaining units will perform tasks in accordance with their intended purpose. This is combat duty in the designated area of ​​destruction in the subdivisions of the missile forces, conducting aerial reconnaissance in the area of ​​​​responsibility by crews of unmanned aerial vehicles.

The units of special operations forces will carry out a rally of reconnaissance by forces and means that are in the reserve of commanders of military units to search for sabotage and reconnaissance groups of a mock enemy in designated areas.

At the 174th training ground of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces "Domanovsky", a mixed unit of the 115th anti-aircraft missile regiment, consisting of one S-300 anti-aircraft missile battalion and an attached Osa anti-aircraft missile battery, in cooperation with military air defense units, will work out the issues of repelling air enemy attacks and maneuver to a reserve position.

In the course of practical actions, targets imitating cruise missiles and fire support helicopters will be hit. After the repulse of the simulated strike is completed, the mixed unit will maneuver in the positional area to another position.

18:16 At the training ground near Osipovichi (Mogilev region), units of the Belarusian and Russian armies worked out the issues of conducting combat when repelling an enemy offensive and conducting a counteroffensive.

According to the scenario, the imaginary enemy, having inflicted massive missile and air strikes on the territory of Belarus the day before, unleashed aggression against the Union State. Subsequently, the enemy, with the support of aviation, missile troops and artillery, went on the offensive with a ground group, advancing into the country's territory to a depth of 30 km.

“During September 17, our troops repelled enemy air attacks and delivered a massive fire strike in response. With the transition of the enemy ground grouping to the offensive, they conduct military defensive operations on prepared lines, ”- said the representative of the main department of combat training of the Armed Forces of Belarus Sergei Savitsky.

Units of the 120th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the North-Western Operational Command of the Armed Forces of Belarus and the 423rd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 1st Tank Army of the Western Military District of the RF Armed Forces, artillery units, and aviation took part in the practical actions draw.

In total, about 2,300 servicemen, approximately 30 tanks, 85 armored combat vehicles, 65 pieces of artillery and multiple rocket launchers, including from the Russian Armed Forces - about a thousand servicemen, 20 tanks, 45 armored combat vehicles, 18 pieces of artillery and MLRS .

During the defensive battle, Russian and Belarusian units of the ground forces were supported by artillery, MLRS "BelGrad" and "Smerch", Mi-8MTV5 (Belarus) and Mi-28N (Russia) helicopters. Aerial reconnaissance was conducted by unmanned aerial vehicles of the two countries.

During the counteroffensive, the attackers were supported from the air by Belarusian Mi-8MTV5 and Russian K-52 helicopters. To destroy the reserves of the mock enemy, a tactical airborne assault force was landed.

17 : 55 A friendly mini-football match between the national teams of the armed forces of Belarus and Russia took place in the Uruchcha Sports Palace in Minsk. The final score is 1:1. Major Maxim Chelyadinsky distinguished himself among Belarusians, captain Yevgeny Podvinsky distinguished himself among Russians.

When the score was equalized, and only a few minutes remained before the end of the game, the stands began to chant: “Belarus-Russia! Only together we are strong! ”, The agency reports. "Vayar".

16:42 September 20 Alexander Lukashenko at the 227th combined-arms training ground (Borisovsky) will observe one of the episodes of the Zapad-2017 exercises - a defensive battle.

The training ground is also expected to be attended by representatives of the high command of the Russian Armed Forces, the leadership of integration structures - the Union State, the CIS, the CSTO, as well as foreign observers and diplomats .

16:40 Chief of the General Staff - First Deputy Minister of Defense of Belarus Oleg Belokonev visited the command post of tank army units of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces at the Borisovsky training ground and presented commemorative badges “For Distinction in Teaching” and valuable gifts to the most distinguished Russian servicemen during the exercise.

15:30 Vladimir Putin observes the actions of the troops of the Union State at the main stage of the Belarusian-Russian strategic exercises "West-2017" at the Luzhsky training ground in the Leningrad region.

Photo by the press service of the President of Russia

14:42 President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrived at the Luga training ground in the Leningrad region, where he will observe the active phase of the Zapad-2017 exercises.

Weather permitting, Putin will inspect modern and advanced models of weapons and military equipment, and then from the command post he will observe the progress of today's phase of the exercises. The necessary explanations and reports to the President of Russia will be given by military leaders headed by the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu.

10:53 The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has strengthened aviation control over the northern section of the border. Patrol planes monitor about 900 km of the state border.

In general, the regime of strengthening the border will operate at least until the end of the Belarusian-Russian exercises "West-2017". The border guards cover the directions of possible provocative actions and armed incursions together with the SBU, the National Guard and the police.

05:03 Attack aircraft pilots of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed columns of automotive and armored vehicles at a training ground in the Leningrad Region.

The crews of the Su-25 aircraft worked out visual detection of ground targets and then, at the command of the lead crew, performed practical launches of unguided rocket weapons and firing from an aircraft gun.

The pilots operated as part of a regular flight. Having completed combat use, the crews performed anti-missile maneuvering with the firing of squibs and elements of aerobatics, moving away from the retaliatory strike of a mock enemy from the ground.

Air cover to repel a mock enemy from the air was provided by a pair of Su-35S fighters.

The crews of Su-24M front-line bombers of the Western Military District carried out a massive bombing strike on targets of a mock enemy.

The flights involved two flights of four aircraft each. The crews performed the flight mission in the bearing order.

The crews launched a massive air strike, using high-explosive fragmentation bombs weighing 250 kilograms. The flight crew destroyed ground targets marking infrastructure facilities, fortifications and columns of mock enemy equipment.


21:15 Minister of Defense of Belarus Andrey Ravkov in an interview with the program "Main Air" of the TV channel "Belarus 1" responded to opponents and critics of the Zapad-2017 exercises.

The head of the defense department stressed that the preparation of the Regional Group of Forces is underway, the tasks are being carried out as planned. “If someone doesn’t like it, well, please. And we must strengthen the defense capability of both the Republic of Belarus and the Union State. So that, if just a little, we could stand up and protect our people and our state, ”- Andrey Ravkov said.

He did not comment on the attacks against Belarus and exercises, the appearance of information of a discrediting nature, for example, about the preparation of Belarus and Russia for war, about the deployment of 120,000 troops on the territory of the republic.

Explaining what is happening in the information field, the Minister of Defense said: “Recently, there have appeared, including in the Republic of Belarus, many analysts in the military sphere, most of whom did not even serve in the army. But to speculate on a military topic and present yourself as an analyst who speaks like an authority in the first approximation, this is probably at least ridiculous.

18:29 The personnel of the 336th Rocket Artillery Brigade and the 51st Guards Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Belarus, as well as artillery units of the Russian army, performed live firing at the Osipovichi firing range.

The servicemen successfully completed launches from the Smerch MLRS and fired from the Giacint self-propelled artillery mounts. In addition to firing tasks, the artillerymen worked out the tasks of changing firing positions, the agency reports. « Vayar» .

18:24 On September 18, the headquarters of various levels will continue to work out issues related to command and control of troops in the conduct of mobile defense. This was announced by the press secretary of the Ministry of Defense Vladimir Makarov.

At the Borisovsky training ground, Belarusian and Russian units will practice defensive combat. The actions of the combined arms units will be supported by artillery fire and air strikes.

The search, blocking and destruction of illegal armed formations with the support of aviation will be practiced at the Lepelsky training ground.

At Osipovichi, units of the armed forces of Belarus and Russia will conduct defensive battles with a mock enemy and conduct a counterattack against him. The Special Operations Forces will reconnoitre the locations of mock saboteurs and groups of illegal armed formations, block and destroy them using close air support aircraft.

The units of the territorial troops in the Glubokoye region will continue to guard infrastructure facilities and life support systems, repel the attacks of a mock enemy and eliminate the consequences of these attacks.

16:43 At the aviation training ground "Ruzhansky" in the Brest region, the issues of suppressing violations of the state border in the airspace were worked out.

The allies were faced with the task of destroying the air defense systems of a mock enemy and inflicting an air strike on his positions.

The operation involved Russian Ka-52 Alligator and Mi-28N Night Hunter helicopters, Su-24MR bombers, Su-34 fighters, Belarusian Mi-8 helicopters, Su-25 attack aircraft, combat training Yak-130.

14:49 Last night, units of the 115th anti-aircraft missile regiment marched to a new position area at the Domanovo training ground.

The field camp was closed as soon as possible. Multi-ton vehicles of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, other samples of military and special equipment, lined up in columns, headed for a new positional area. Anti-aircraft cover during the march was carried out by combat vehicles of the Osa air defense missile system of the 147th anti-aircraft missile brigade, anti-aircraft gunners of the Igla MANPADS and crews of ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft installations.

Arriving at a new place, the servicemen began preparations for live firing.

09:07 Repulsing an air attack is being practiced today at the Borisovsky and Osipovichsky training grounds as part of the second stage of the Zapad-2017 exercise. Artillery units will work out the issues of conducting artillery reconnaissance, carrying out fire control preparations, participating in a massive fire strike.

At the training grounds "Lepelsky" and "Losvido" a drawing of reconnaissance and search operations to search for illegal armed groups is being held. And at the Domanovo training ground - a rally of hostilities to participate in repelling a massive missile and air strike - Belarusian Yak-130s and Russian Su-34s will strike at a mock enemy, dropping aerial bombs and launching unguided missiles.

Crews of the Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system of the 147th anti-aircraft missile brigade will conduct live firing at targets simulating air targets at low altitudes.

At the Ruzhansky training ground, the issues of suppressing violations of the State border in the airspace, the destruction of air defense systems of a mock enemy by Russian and Belarusian helicopters, as well as delivering an air strike on its positions will be worked out.

Today, the joint seven-day exercises of the Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia "West-2017" begin in Belarus. The main goal of the exercises is to work out the interaction of various branches of the armed forces to ensure the military security of the Union State.

Number of participants

In total, up to 12,700 military personnel will take part in the exercises, of which about 10,000 will be on Belarusian territory. About 3,000 of them are from Russia. It is planned to use 370 units of armored vehicles, including 140 tanks, up to 150 artillery units, more than 40 aircraft and helicopters in the maneuvers.

Russian troops must leave Belarus by September 30, and weapons and equipment of the Armed Forces of Belarus must return to their permanent deployment points before this date.

Where will the exercises take place?

The exercises will be held at the Ruzhansky, Domanovo, Osipovichsky, Borisovsky, Lepelsky and Losvido training grounds. And also in the areas of Glubokoe and Dretun in the Vitebsk region.

At the same time, Chief of the General Staff Oleg Belokonev, that the training grounds for the exercises were deliberately chosen far from the border.

For the duration of the exercise, the local authorities of the inhabitants of Ivatsevichy do not go into the forest, but in Pruzhany they look for people in camouflage.

Today, exercises "West-2017" began in Belarus. It is they who will give an answer to the question of how Russia will respond to NATO aggression. In fact, this is a mini-rehearsal of the war, which, I hope, will never take place.

A non-nuclear war between the US and Russia is considered impossible. But be that as it may, armies must prepare for it. How will the union state repel NATO aggression if it suddenly follows? This question should be answered by the Zapad-2017 exercises, the active part of which began on September 14, 2017.

You can speculate as much as you like whether the joint Russian-Belarusian exercises threaten the NATO countries or not, but no one particularly hides the main goal of their holding. The Union State must show its Western "partners" that any escalation and any conflict on its western border can only end in one thing: the complete defeat of the aggressor...

The essence of the problem of deployment of the armies of the allied state

In peacetime, the land parts of Russia do not have bases on the territory of Belarus. Therefore, in the event of a threat of invasion from the West, the main burden of covering the border and deploying the main group of allied forces will fall on the brigades of the ground forces and special operations forces of the Republic of Belarus (RB).

Brief technical information about the army of the Republic of Belarus. The Belarusian army has two operational commands covering the two most dangerous directions: western and northwestern. The first (Polish), as the most dangerous, has two motorized rifle (6th and 11th) and one artillery (111th) brigades, the second, covering Minsk from the Baltic, only one - motorized rifle (120th ).

As a mobile reserve and to cover less dangerous areas, two light brigades of the Belarusian special operations forces, the 38th airborne assault and the 103rd airborne, can be used.

In fact, they are equivalent to American light brigades and are armed with armored personnel carriers and armored vehicles, towed artillery and are well stocked with anti-tank weapons.

As we understand, these minor forces are relatively weak. Being at a considerable distance from the location of the main ground forces of Russia in the Western Military District, they can be easily destroyed by the superior forces of the armies of the NATO countries in the very first days of the war. To prevent such a scenario, the Russian army must quickly and effectively support its ally.

Actually, this is the essence of the Zapad-2017 exercises in Belarus.

Deployment of allied forces of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation

The Western Military District of the Russian Federation has three armies. The 6th combined arms army covers St. Petersburg and Pskov, the 20th combined arms army covers Kursk and Voronezh. The 1st Panzer Army is actually in the rear of the Belarusian army and, if necessary, it is supposed to quickly advance by rail to Belarus and save the ally. That is why today, from each of the two divisions (2nd Tamanskaya and 4th Kantemirovskaya) and one of the brigades (27th or 6th), within the framework of the "West-2017" one battalion tactical group is allocated (three in total) who will take part in the exercises on the territory of Belarus.

The transfer and deployment of the main forces of the 1st Tank Army from the air will be covered by air defense units and the Air Force of the Republic of Belarus, which will be assisted by the deployed units of the Russian Aerospace Forces (the redeployment of 2 squadrons has been announced).

During the exercises, emphasis will be placed on the speed of transfer and deployment and the coordination of actions of units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The exercises themselves will last only seven days, during which the Russian units will have to advance from the Moscow region for almost a thousand kilometers, turn around and work out the tasks of repelling the enemy offensive.

Great command and staff game of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation

This is with regard to the actual exercises "West-2017". But there will be others along with them. Three airborne divisions of the Western Military District (76th, 9th, 106th) will be tasked with landing and deploying for combat operations (one battalion from each) in unequipped terrain far from permanent deployment points.

Thus, Western "partners" will be shown that, if necessary, all three Russian airborne divisions will be able to block any potentially dangerous direction and either cover the deployment of the main forces of the ground forces here, or conduct independent combat operations.

Including in Belarus

Also, separate exercises will be held in units of the 6th and 20th combined arms armies of the Western Military District, which will work out their range of tasks.

So, we see that the Zapad-2017 exercises in Belarus themselves are just a small visible part of a large command-and-staff game to deploy the Russian and Belarusian armies in the western operational direction if such a need arises. And she must show the NATO command that it is pointless to blackmail Russia by creating permanent groupings of its troops on its borders and conducting one exercise after another here. Any of their actions by the armies of the allied state will always be answered with worthy and decisive opposition.

Well, that's all: the hordes of "armed terrorists" who tried to break into the territory of Russia and Belarus were defeated during the "West -2017" exercises. On September 20, at the training ground, where the smell of burnt gunpowder and diesel fuel still hovered, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko announced the end of the maneuvers. Old Man with special emphasis (looking at the foreign attaches) said:

Vladimir Putin arrived at the West-2017 strategic exercises. The President of Russia arrived at the training ground to observe military exercises from Russia and Belarus

"Our military cooperation with Russia is not directed against third countries and serves solely to protect our national interests." The same words sounded a hundred times from the lips of Vladimir Putin, the defense ministers of Russia and Belarus. But where is it! Since last year, many politicians and generals of the NATO countries (and Kyiv howling at them) have been intimidating Europe and the world with Moscow's aggressive treachery. And they made up scary stories.

What are they about?

Myth #1: “During the exercises, Russia will introduce a myriad of military equipment into Belarus in order to leave it there.”

Such statements were made by Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko and President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite. What do we see? As soon as the exercises were put on hold, Russian tanks and planes returned to their former locations in unison. You can't hide such an amount of military equipment like galoshes in a haystack. Moreover, there are more NATO spy eyes in Belarus than bedbugs in an old sofa. And the US space intelligence does not take its electronic eyes off the exercise area.

Myth #2. “Russia intends to use nuclear weapons during the military exercises Zapad-2017"».

No, no, this is not a schizophrenic passage of a client of a madhouse, but an official statement by the Minister of Defense of Poland, Anthony Macierewicz. The maneuvers have already ended, and no one has seen nuclear mushrooms over the test sites of Belarus and Russia. Macerevich fell loudly into a puddle of his own nonsense.

Myth #3. "Russia is using exercises to capture Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia."

Ukrainian Minister of Defense Stepan Poltorak spoke in the same spirit: “The Russian group, under the guise of maneuvers, intends to cross the border and seize the territory of Ukraine.”

The exercises are over, but there are still no Russian tanks and paratroopers on the streets of Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn or Kyiv and Kharkov.

Myth number 4. “Russia, under the guise of exercises, will occupy Belarus and change power there.”

This disturbing speech escaped from the mouth of the "hero of breaking through the Ukrainian border" ex-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili. The first echelon with Russian troops and equipment moved home on Wednesday evening. And the sovereign Belarusian authorities “occupied by Moscow” cordially saw off the allied soldiers to their homeland.

Myth number 5. The commander of US forces in Europe, General Ben Hodges, started a rumor that Russia would bring more troops into Belarus than indicated in the exercise plan (and the newspapers even wrote that “the Russian Ministry of Defense ordered more than 4 thousand wagons for transporting personnel across Belarus”).

The Belarusian railway workers are laughing: if so many trains crawled into our republic, the movement would be completely paralyzed!

According to the exercise plan, 12.7 thousand fighters participated in them. And Ukrainian, Finnish and Polish experts scared that there would be 240 thousand bayonets! Well, how not ashamed to lie like that? After all, the entire Belarusian army has only 60 thousand people. Where did 240.000 come from?!

Dear Western partners, maybe it's enough to nightmare our own population? You yourself do not believe in your fairy tales. Otherwise, they would have long ago scrambled away or raised troops in alarm. And you, shouting “The Russians are coming!”, calmly eat coffee with a croissant ...


Why are NATO exercises better?

Alexander KOTS

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Petr Pavel called the West-2017 exercises "serious preparations for a big war." And this despite the fact that the head of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov met with General Pavel on the eve of the maneuvers. And he patiently explained to him that the exercises were of a planned and defensive nature. And if anything, call, here is the communication channel that started working this year after the freezing of relations in 2014. And if you want - come yourself