Lunar calendar for the year indoor flowers. Auspicious days for indoor plants and flowers in May

Thanks to the lunar calendar of the grower for 2018, you can figure out the timing of planting and further care for ornamental and flowering plants. The data presented in the form of a convenient table will be useful both for an experienced gardener and for someone who is just starting to do home gardening or growing indoor plants.

The satellite of our planet is capable of exerting an active influence on the energy of all living organisms, including flowering and decorative leafy crops. Such a substance is called ethereal energy, and is completely invisible to people, which completely reduces its significance:

  • on the days of the new moon, lunar ethereal energy is able to shrink and hide well in the tissues of living organisms, therefore, during the period of the new moon, the main energy flow accumulates in the root system, and sap flow slows down greatly. The result is inhibition of development and basic growth processes. Such days are optimal for pruning, but very unfortunate for transplanting and planting;

  • collection of seeds from flowering plants is best timed to coincide with the new moon. The seeds collected on such days are distinguished by excellent keeping quality and guarantee excellent germination. The result is very good, strong and friendly seedlings with a high content of ethereal energy;
  • the period after the full moon is distinguished by the ability to activate growth processes. On such days, it is highly desirable to sow seeds, as well as plant seedlings of ornamental plants and flower seedlings. The released ethereal energy stimulates enhanced growth.

It is also very important to pay attention to the location of the Moon in the sign of the zodiac:

  • the heavenly body in the sign of Taurus patronizes any bulbous flowers, including gladioli, tulips and daffodils. Flowers cut on such days will delight for a long time with their unfading appearance;
  • on days under the sign of Gemini, it is recommended to collect medicinal herbs represented by lavender, lily of the valley, horsetail, wormwood, fern and mint;

  • under the sign of Cancer, it is recommended to fertilize garden flowers, water indoor and garden ornamental plants, and also cut lawn grass and bushes;
  • asters, crocuses, irises and peonies, climbing crops, valerian, as well as dahlias and gladioli, planted under the sign of Virgo, not only take root well, but also rarely get sick.

Garden flowers grow unusually beautiful and very fragrant, and also stand for a long time in the cut, if their cultivation begins on the growing moon.

Planting calendar for garden flowers and other plants

Based on numerous horoscopes, the coming year promises to be very fertile and will allow you to grow many ornamental crops with minimal time, money and effort.


Sowing seeds of flowering flowers for seedlings

Planting climbing ornamental crops

Planting tuberous and bulbous plants

Rooting cuttings of ornamental plants

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings

Days for watering and fertilizing


1, 5, 8-10, 15-16, 25


2-6, 17-18, 21-22, 25-26


3-6, 15-16, 20-21, 24-25


17, 18, 21, 22, 24

2-4, 6-9, 11-14, 17-18, 30
1, 9-11, 18, 27


6-8, 24, 26, 27


3-5, 8,12, 20-21, 24, 27, 30


1, 14-15, 19-20


5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24
October 1, 10-12, 17-19, 27-28


7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26


2-5 1, 4-6, 9—15

Florist's lunar calendar for 2018: planting, transplanting indoor plants, care activities

When caring for indoor decorative crops, you need to consider some very important nuances:

  • indoor flowers transplanted in the days of Sagittarius bloom very quickly, but become extremely tender and subject to any external factors;
  • on the days of Pisces, it is advisable to pay increased attention to irrigation measures and fertilizing indoor plants;
  • when the Moon is in Libra, there comes a good time for sowing, planting and transplanting any indoor flower plants.

Aquarius is the most barren sign, so it is during this period that nothing needs to be planted or sown, since on such days the seeds germinate poorly, and the seedlings that appear often get sick and may even die.

the date



It is forbidden

January 20-21

Favorable irrigation measures, spraying.

It is undesirable to cut the shoots, transplant and loosen the soil

January 25-26

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves

Any work with roots

January 29-30

Watering and fertilizing

Pruning, preventive spraying


Removing from houseplants from yellow foliage and trim greenery

Disease and pest control

Irrigation activities

Transplanting and pruning the aerial part

Any work with roots

Treatment of plants from yellowed leaves, watering and grafting


Planting and transplanting

March 22-23


Caring for climbing and hanging houseplants

Caution in gravies and dressings

March 24-26

Pruning, irrigation and top dressing

March 31-April 1
April 2-3


April 7-8
April 16-18
April 21-22

Pruning, irrigation and top dressing, any planned work with flowering plants

Transplants, especially ampelous ornamental plants

April 29 - May 1


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

May 9-11
May 20-21
May 24-26
May 27-28


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

May 29-30

Abundant irrigation activities

June 18-20

Watering and feeding indoor plants

Any work with the root system

June 23-24


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with roots

June 28-29

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

July 16-17

Watering and feeding indoor plants

July 20-22


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

July 23-24

Plant a new houseplant

Too abundant watering and pruning of leaves negatively affects

July 25-27

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

August 10-11

Formation of the crown of indoor trees, pruning and elimination of yellowed parts of plants

Irrigation activities and spraying, top dressing

August 14-15

Purchase flowers such as an orchid, a rose, or a hibiscus

August 27-28

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings in a permanent place

Preventive treatment for diseases and pests

September 5

Irrigation measures and spraying, top dressing

September 15-17

Carrying out root dressings

September 19

Pruning of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

October 3

It is advisable not to rearrange the flowers from their usual places.

October 10-12


Irrigation measures and spraying.

Any work with the root system

October 15-16

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning of the aerial part

Irrigation measures and spraying

October 24

Watering flowers is highly discouraged.

November 5-6

transplanting to a new place, planting

Do not cut the leaves and damage them

the 13th of November

Irrigation measures and spraying

November 21

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves, transplanting

December 4-5


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with roots

December 14

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings in a permanent place

Preventive treatment for diseases and pests

December 20

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves, transplanting

Not under any sign of the zodiac and not in any lunar phase, caring for decorative leafy or flowering plants will be beneficial.

How to plant annuals (video)

In order for indoor cultures to please for many years, it is necessary to pay attention to the advice of the lunar calendar of the grower, which are advisory, but not mandatory.

With the onset of cold weather, most plants no longer need close attention and care. Proper preparation of such crops for wintering frees the hands of summer residents until spring. But, nevertheless, the cultivation of indoor flowers requires some participation of the owners, even in winter. And in order for the plants to be really healthy and beautiful, pleasing to the eye and blooming luxuriously, it is worth correlating all feasible work with them with the phases of the moon. And the topic of our conversation today will be the grower's lunar calendar for December 2017.

Experienced flower growers assure that sowing and planting plants must be correlated with the phases of the moon. Even caring for indoor crops is best done on favorable days from the point of view of the lunar calendar. The phases of the moon, according to many lovers, have a direct impact on the well-being of plants. So, for example, planting a flower during the active growth of the Moon will ensure its rapid growth and development, much more active than planting during the waning of our satellite. And during the period of the new moon, it is completely better to refuse sowing and planting all kinds of plants. It is believed that at such a time, such work can shorten the life of flowers, taking away their health and energy.

Lunar calendar for december 2017 for the florist

The beginning of the month is the period of the growing moon. It continues until December 2, until almost 16.00 (Moscow time), and the Moon is in the sign of Taurus. Such a period is considered very favorable for summer residents, since Taurus is a fertile and highly productive sign. Plants planted at this time grow and bloom well. The seeds, however, germinate very slowly. But the flowers grow strong, have many shoots and are able to bloom for a long time and very beautifully. Also, plants planted and sown in Taurus on the growing Moon have a strong root system, look stocky and not too tall.

Favorable works 1-2.12.2017:

Soaking, as well as germinating the seeds of those plants that grow slowly;
- watering and loosening the soil, but not in the root zone (it may suffer);
- vaccinations and pinching;
- application of fertilizers.

Experienced flower growers say that when the Moon is in Taurus, it is best to plant various types of begonias and Kalanchoe, you can also plant uzambar violets, Persian cyclamen, ampelous peperomia and primrose.

From 2.12 to 4.12 the period of the full moon lasts, when it is better to refuse to carry out any work with plants. Further, starting from 4.12, the Moon begins to decrease and is for some time in the sign of Gemini, then it passes into the sign of Cancer, and then into the sign of Leo. During the waning of the moon, experienced flower growers do not advise planting and transplanting plants. However, some work can still be done.

So, on the evening of December 4, 2017, you can:

Apply fertilizer in solid form;
- loosen the soil;
- cut and shape plants;
- fight pests.

5.12. and 6.12. worth doing:

liquid top dressing;
- pest control.

7-8.12., when the waning moon passes into the sign of Leo, it is better not to disturb your flowers at all. If necessary, pest control is allowed, but no more. It can also be carried out on December 9-10, when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo.

Starting from 11.12 to 13.12, the Moon enters the sign of Libra. At this time, it is better for flower growers to refrain from all kinds of work with their plants. It is advisable not to water them at this time.

But already from the second half of 13.12 to 15.12. The moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Now watering indoor flowers is becoming more favorable. It is also allowed to:

Feeding plants with liquid fertilizers;
- treatment of indoor crops from pests;
- loosening the soil in pots with plants.

From early morning 16.12. The moon enters the house of Sagittarius, where it will be until 17.12. During this period, it is advisable to refuse to perform various work with flowers. If necessary, it can be carried out:

Dry watering;
- pest control.

On the morning of 17.12. the new moon is coming. And this time is considered by astrologers to be completely unfavorable for any work with plants.

Already from 19.12. The moon begins to grow, being in the earth sign - Capricorn. It is believed that at such a time it is possible to carry out planting and transplanting work, even transplanting plants with a weakened root system is allowed. In addition, you can:

Carry out pinching and grafting;
- prepare cuttings;
- soak the seeds.

Gardeners say that in the sign of Capricorn it is good to transplant and plant dracaena, laurel, Margaret's lapidaria, Friedrich's conophytum, fat woman, ficuses.

From 21.12. The moon enters the sign of Aquarius, and during this period it is better to refrain from fertilizing and watering, as well as other work with flowers.

From the evening of 23.12. and on 25.12. the growing moon is in the sign of Pisces, at this time, in no case should you prune indoor plants. Allowed:

Seed sowing of flowers;
- watering and fertilizing plants.

From 26.12. and until the early morning of 28.12. the growing moon is in the house of Aries, at this time it is better not to disturb indoor flowers. It is better to transfer all work to December 28-29, when the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. This, as we said above, is a favorable time for planting work and other care procedures.

From 30.12. to 31.12. the growing moon is in the sign of Gemini, so at this time it is worth planting indoor plants, as well as treating them from pests. It is believed that such a time is especially favorable for planting and sowing ampelous crops.

Let's hope that the lunar calendar will help you in caring for flowers.

Prepare for the new planting season should be in advance. All experienced gardeners and gardeners know that the main help in planning earthworks is provided by the lunar sowing calendar for 2017, which is formed using the most advanced technologies employed in astrology, astronomy and mathematics.

Such a sowing calendar is very useful for any gardener and gardener, since it takes into account the influence of the moon in each of its phases on the health of plants and on the processes occurring in the soil, depending on its position and the order of the lunar day, as well as the control sign of the zodiac, whose influence also not to be underestimated.

How does the moon affect plants?

The Moon, a natural satellite of the Earth, is the closest celestial body to our planet, therefore its influence on all processes occurring around us is invaluable. The main thing that the moon has the greatest impact on is water in all its manifestations.

Since all the vital juices inside plants also consist mainly of water, therefore, in some lunar phases, which are easy to find out by referring to the lunar sowing calendar for 2017 for Russia and Ukraine, the Moon can “pull” planting crops to itself, contributing to their growth, or "push", which even leads to disease and death of the plant.

Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2017

The knowledge accumulated by our ancestors, together with the knowledge acquired in the process of the evolution of science, has been combined in modern technologies and guards the convenience of today's gardener, gardener and gardener. Many specialists helped to form the sowing lunar year for 2017, all for one thing - so that a modern person working with the earth not only receives the most high-quality and fruitful harvest, but also saves time and resources.

See for each month of 2017 - the sowing calendar:

The lunar sowing calendar takes into account:

Lunar phases, each of which has a huge impact on the health of not only plants, but also all processes on Earth: from the life support of living organisms to the operation of technology and electronics (see.

Days of the lunar calendar. It differs from the sun, because the period of revolution of the moon around the sun differs from the earth.

Days of the week. Each of them has a special characteristic that is transmitted to all the processes that take place on this day.

Influence of the sign of the zodiac. Some signs of the zodiac have a beneficial effect on productivity, others are detrimental. There are also those that have a neutral effect.

Lunar sowing calendar for florist for 2017

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting

Experts strongly do not recommend engaging in landing work during the new moon. On this day, our natural satellite takes the vitality and energy from all living beings on Earth in order to be reborn on its own: that is why this process got its name - the new moon, that is, the formation of a "new" moon.

If you want to plant plants that grow upwards (wheat, flowers, cucumbers, etc.), then this should be done in auspicious days, namely the growing moon. But those crops that grow underground (root parsley, potatoes, beets, etc.) should be planted during the waning moon - this is the most beneficial time for their growth.

Even in ancient times, people began to notice that the Moon magically affects the processes taking place on Earth. This celestial body is located at a small, by cosmic standards, distance from our planet, therefore it is able to make its own adjustments to the course of life of all living organisms. Throughout the history of its existence, man has tried to unravel the secrets of this heavenly body.

Since ancient times, people believed that the moon personifies darkness, and the sun. Many mystical events take place on the days of the full moon. However, there were scientists who were able to shed light on the mystery of the moon. The thing is that the planet exerts incredible gravity on the Earth. In turn, gravity affects all biological rhythms of living beings. But the moon has a special influence on plants.

Gardeners and flower growers even made a special calendar in which favorable and unfavorable days for sowing, care and harvesting are painted. With lunar calendar florist 2017 years you can read in this article.


People who are fond of crop production have noticed that the Moon, being in different places, acts on green spaces in different ways. On some days, their growth slows down, on others, on the contrary, it accelerates. From time immemorial, mankind has been in gardens and gardens for most of its life, which is why the lunar calendar was invented, which helped to understand all the intricacies of the moon's influence on plants and know when to perform certain actions with them.

The grower's lunar calendar is not just a description of the lunar cycles. This is a very important document that even shows what sign of the zodiac the celestial body is in, because these criteria are also extremely important during the landing and harvesting work.

Astrologers say that all signs can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Contributing to fertility - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. If you plant flowers at a time when the moon will sweat their influence, then all the crops will sprout and become pleasing to the eye with their splendor and health.
  2. Neutral. This category includes Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus and Capricorn. If the night celestial body is under their influence, then the crops may not give the expected result, but on the contrary, they may germinate with a vengeance.
  3. Negative. Zodiac signs such as Gemini, Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius have a negative impact on crops, and planting plants at this time is highly undesirable.

According to the statements of the lunar calendar, the planting of flowers and other plants should be carried out during the periods of the growing moon. The result of such an action will be excellent and plentiful. But at a time when the moon is decreasing, it is better to refrain from landing work.

Florist calendar

Already now you can familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar of the grower, according to which it will be possible to plan the planting of flowers and other plants. Astrologers are sure that during the growth of the moon, green plants grow better due to the rapidly rising juice, which first goes along the stem, gets into the leaves and gets to the buds.

On the days of the waning moon, all nutrients remain in the roots, and only some of them enter the flower. That is why it is best to engage in landing during the period when the Earth's satellite is in the growth phase.

In addition, there is an opinion that flowers should not be planted on a full moon. Just like on the days of waning, the juice practically stops moving along the stem and remains in the roots. Your seedlings simply won't germinate. During such a period, it is best to plant plants where the prosperity of the root is needed.

On the days of solar and lunar eclipses, astrologers do not recommend gardening. It is believed that during such a period, nature freezes in anticipation of something unusual. All these days are also indicated in the gardener's lunar calendar.

Let's take a look at the flower grower, painted by month. With it, you will know exactly when to transfer this or that flower to the garden, as well as when to refrain from it.

January calendar

With the advent of winter, plants growth slows down significantly. At this time, plantings need minimal care, so gardeners practically do not disappear in the garden. All that is required is timely watering, fertilizing and processing from bugs.

It is worth noting that the shoots of climbing plants will be most successful if you plant them on the 2nd, 3rd and 11th. In addition, during this period, you can plant tuberous and bulbous plants.

February calendar

In the last month of winter, the days are longer, so many gardeners begin to plant plants and divide the roots. It is worth noting that in February 2017 there will be a lunar and solar eclipse. Follow the calendar carefully so as not to plant seeds in vain.

Note that flower seeds are best planted from February 26 to 29, curly from 26 to 28, bulbous from 8 to 12.

March calendar

Already with the advent of March, the life of flower growers becomes saturated. You need to sow seeds for seedlings. On special days, you can plant and fertilize and trim plants.

Sowing flower seeds is carried out in the period from 28 to 31 March. Rooting of cuttings should be started from the 8th to the 11th.

April calendar

April is the most important month for spring gardening. At noon, the sun is already warming well, so the annual flowers are transferred to the ground. This month should also be planting seeds, transplanting climbing plants, rooting cuttings and other work.

May calendar

May is a busy month for the gardener. A lot of work needs to be done in thirty days. The main task is the division of perennial bushes and planting annual seeds in the ground. Flowers such as asters, marigolds, daisies and cornflowers are planted in May.

We must not forget that in the early days it is desirable to plant the seeds of flowering plants, but at the end of May it is better to postpone the planting of climbing plants. Rooting cuttings is best done at the end of the month.

June horoscope

Any gardener, whether professional or amateur, knows that summer brings with it the active phase of plant growth, so you won’t be bored. It is important to know on what day a particular plant should be planted so that it takes root and gives excellent shoots.

Tip: Try to plant flowers at the same time. So they will get good growth, will bloom perfectly and remain in the garden until the fall.

July horoscope

This month is notable for the fact that flower growers produce cuttings of phloxes and roses. In addition, July is an ideal time for digging up bulbous flowers, dividing irises and other identical flowers.

Note that from July 1 to July 10, it is best to sow the seeds of flowering plants, but from July 23 to July 31, plant climbing plants.

Horoscope for August

Summer is running out, but for summer residents this is the “hottest” time. Just in July, it is necessary to plant perennial tubers so that they give color next year. In addition to these flowers, gardeners are beginning to plant unpretentious, but at the same time beautiful flowers: chamomile, mallow, carnations. To understand when it is possible to plant green plants, and when it is better to wait with it.

From 3 to 7, you should do a transplant, but from 21 to 31 you can sow flower seeds.

Horoscope for September

Many gardeners have already noticed the many benefits of planting flowers in the fall. Plants become more hardened, react less to cold and take root better in the flower bed. Already with the advent of spring, these plants bloom faster and delight the eye.

Horoscope for October

In mid-autumn, the garden is empty for an hour, leaves begin to fall from the trees, and the flowers slowly “fall asleep”. In October, tubers of perennial plants are most often dug up and the last bulbs are planted, which they did not have time to plant in August and September.

From October 19 to October 20, you should be planting seeds, and from 1 to 4, planting climbing plants. It is desirable to allocate the end of October for plant transplantation.

November horoscope

Due to the fact that November is a changeable month, gardeners are in a hurry to finish all their business as soon as possible in order to calmly rest for several months of winter. So, in November, it is customary to plant asters, marigolds, calendula, mignonette and others in the ground.

Using the grower's calendar, you can determine a favorable day for planting and, with a clear conscience, expect excellent shoots in the first days of spring.

Horoscope for December

As a rule, flowers are planted on the balcony in winter. For example, seedlings in pots. Despite the fact that it is a winter month, houseplants also need care, repotting and pruning.

Watering flowers according to the lunar calendar

The most important process for flowers is watering. The beauty and growth of the plant depends on the water that enters the soil. No wonder that this process also depends on the Moon. On those days that are considered favorable, the water is charged with positive energy and in turn transfers it to the plant. Watering on unfavorable days, of course, will not harm green spaces, but it will not bring much benefit either.

Watering flowers is best done at a time when the Moon is under the influence of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Stick to this rule, water the flowers once a week, and they will soon please you with their health and lush flowering.

On days when the Moon is in the constellations of Sagittarius, Leo and Aries, one should refrain from watering flower plants. Astrologers assure that this period is suitable for winter watering, when the Sun is not so active and cannot burn flower foliage with its rays.

If you have indoor plants, then they must not only be watered, but also sprayed. Especially if the weather is hot outside. Stick to the lunar watering calendar and your indoor green "friends" will be with you for a long time. As for spraying, they also need to be done, pushing away from the data of the lunar calendar.

Farmers have long noticed that the Earth's satellite affects soil fertility. Our ancestors watched the changing phases of the moon, determining the best days for sowing plants. This is how the first lunar calendars appeared. Millennia later, scientists found out that the Moon, moving along the earth's orbit, due to gravitational influence causes certain natural phenomena - and therefore affects the state of groundwater and the formation of plants.

The principles of the lunar calendar florist

Today we use detailed calendars based on lunar phases. The lunar cycle lasts a little more than 29 days, which make up the synodic month. It does not always coincide with the calendar month, which causes confusion among inexperienced flower growers. During one lunar cycle, the satellite in turn stays in eight different states.

  • New moon. The first phase of the cycle, when the moon is almost invisible.
  • Waxing Crescent. The satellite appears in the form of a narrow crescent with the ends turned to the left.
  • First quarter. The western (right) half of the moon is visible.
  • Waking moon. Most of the celestial body is visible.
  • Full moon. The entire lunar disk is visible.
  • Waning moon. The satellite begins to go into the shadows on the right side.
  • Last quarter. The opposite of the first quarter. The southern (left) half of the disk is visible.
  • Old moon. The moon takes the form of a crescent with the ends pointing to the right, and resembles the letter "C".

The main rule has been preserved since prehistoric times: plant plants with a growing moon. The position of the celestial body affects the movement of water, including through the tissues of the stalk. At the beginning of the lunar cycle, water rises faster to the leaves and flowers, nourishes them with useful substances and accelerates growth.

When the moon wanes, moisture accumulates in the roots. At this time, tuberous plants are planted. The young and waxing moon is suitable for watering flowers, caring for a flower bed, or harvesting seeds. To transplant a flower into open soil, wait for the start of a new lunar cycle.

- the most mystical phase of the moon. At this time, the juice practically does not rise along the stem, and newly planted flowers may die. The days are also surrounded by bad fame and are considered unfavorable for gardening.

Florist Calendar and Zodiac

Astrologers believe that the presence of the moon in a particular constellation affects the growth of flowers in the same way as its phase. Adherents of this opinion divide the zodiac signs into three types:

  1. Favorable water signs for floriculture: Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. Plants planted on good days grow strong and healthy.
  2. Unfavorable: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo. While the moon is in these signs, the plants should not be transplanted.
  3. Others: Capricorn, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius. Gardening work these days can give unpredictable results.

Lunar calendar florist for 2017

  • January. In cold weather, the grower's activity is transferred to closed loggias and winter gardens. 2.3, 26-29 days of the month are suitable for planting climbing plants, 11-15 - tuberous and bulbous.
  • February. The 8th and 12th are favorable for planting bulbous and tuberous flowers, the 20th-22nd - climbing plants. On February 22-25, you can root cuttings of flowers, on February 23-24 - transplant any plants, on February 26-29 - sow seeds. There will be lunar eclipses on February 11 and 26. Transplanting these days can be detrimental to plants.
  • March. Plant bulbous and tuberous flowers from the 6th to the 10th day of the month, transplant plants from 5 to 8 and from 21 to 25. March 23-26 is suitable for rooting cuttings, and 24-28 for sowing seeds. Climbing plants plant from the 23rd to the 25th. The last months of winter and the first months of summer are good for growing flowers that grow for a long time.
  • April. A busy time in the life of a grower. Sow seeds from 2 to 5, and from 21 to 26 April, plant bulbous and tuberous flowers from 8 to 13, climbing - from 19 to 22 April. Transplant plants on the 2nd to 4th and 24th to 16th days of the month. For rooting cuttings are successful on the 21st-25th.
  • May. Gardeners spend this month planting perennials and annuals, such as asters, marigolds and cornflowers. Dedicate to the sowing of flower seeds May 1-4 or May 21-26, climbing plants - May 3-6 or May 26-27. For planting bulbous and tuberous flowers, 6-11 numbers are suitable, for rooting cuttings - 1-3 and 8-11. It is advisable to transplant plants from May 8 to May 11.
  • June. Ornamental shrubs and biennial flowers are planted in early summer. 19-26 are suitable for sowing seeds, 22-27 for working with climbing flowers, 11-14 and 22-24 for planting tuberous and bulbous representatives of the flora. Root cuttings on June 1, 5, 23-26, for transplanting flowers, take 3-6, 20, 24-27 numbers.
  • July. Plan to transplant flowers on July 5-9 or July 17-21, tuberous and bulbous plants - on 8-11 and 20-23, climbing plants - 22-27. 12-16 numbers are good for sowing, 21-24 - for rooting. At the height of summer, gardeners cut phloxes and roses, and also divide irises.
  • August. The last month of summer is the time at which perennials should be planted for the next season, as well as chamomile, mallow and carnations. For sowing flowers, 14-19 days of the month are suitable. August 6-9 are successful for planting bulbous or tuberous flowers, August 18-21 - for climbing plants. Take rooting of cuttings in 15-20 numbers.
  • September. Inexperienced flower growers believe that their work is completed with the beginning of autumn. But in September there are many beautiful days for planting tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and other plants that will bloom by spring. The ideal days for sowing are September 11-16. Tuberous flowers are best planted on 2, 3-5 numbers, curly - 14-17. These days are also good for working with cuttings. The intervals from 3 to 8, and from 19 to 24 September are favorable for transplanting flowers.
  • October. It's time to complete the planting of bulbous plants (the optimal days are October 1, 7-9) and start growing seedlings. October 12-17 are successful for sowing, 14-17 - for rooting cuttings, 2-5, 18-21 - for transplanting flowers.
  • November. For the last planting of flowers in the year, the days from November 11 to 15 are suitable. Plant tuberous or bulbous plants a little earlier, on the 6th-10th. 22, 23, and 28 days of November are favorable for rooting cuttings, 14-17, 23-26 - for transplanting flowers.

The lunar calendar will tell you not only the landing schedule, but also the time of watering!

Watering flowers according to the lunar calendar

The location of the moon in one or another constellation determines the dates of watering the plants. For this activity, choose the days when the satellite is in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - water signs. At this time, the liquid is absorbed quickly and brings maximum benefit to the flowers. Following this advice, plants can be watered no more than once a week, or even nine days.

Some flowers require more liquid, so they will have to be watered at a less favorable time. Avoid days when the Moon is in air signs: Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Astrologers believe that at this time the roots do not absorb the liquid well, it is absorbed into the soil and the flower can rot. Days when the Moon is in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius require careful plant care. In the cold season, water the flowers at dawn, in the warm season - after sunset. This is how you prevent sunburn.