How does an autonomous sewage system work? Do-it-yourself autonomous sewage system in a private house and its installation. What does the sewer system of a private house consist of?

For many people, a country house is not just a place to relax for the weekend and on vacation, but also a permanent place of residence, replacing a stuffy apartment in the city. Therefore, almost each of them strives to make the living conditions in their own country house as comfortable as possible.

In the event that there is no central sewer network in a holiday village, which is often the case, an autonomous sewer system using a septic tank - a local treatment facility - comes to the rescue.

Classification of septic tanks

The principle of operation of any septic tank, regardless of the material of manufacture and design, is based on the mechanism of biological oxidation. This option was suggested to man by nature itself, therefore such wastewater treatment does not require the use of chemical reagents and does not pose a threat to human health and the environment.

Septic tanks are usually divided into two main types:

Advice! Everyone must decide for themselves the question of how to make an autonomous sewer system, based on the length of stay in the home (temporary or permanent), the number of sanitary appliances used in the house (bathtubs, sinks, toilets, washing machines, etc.) , the number of people living and, of course, on personal preferences and available financial resources.

Cleaning systems, in turn, are also divided into 2 types:

The operating principle of septic tanks using the soil cleaning method

The mechanism of operation of septic tanks of this type is quite simple. Sewage is delivered by gravity to a septic tank, which has a number of chambers that are separated by partitions.

Some of the heavy insoluble substances settle to the bottom, the remaining part ferments and decomposes due to lack of oxygen, forming gas (under the influence of anaerobic bacteria).

Overflows and partitions between adjacent chambers are arranged in such a way that floating particles and sediment do not have the opportunity to get into the next section.

Thanks to this mechanism, wastewater is purified by 50-65%. Then purification is carried out using the soil's filtration abilities - clarified wastewater is evenly distributed over the surface of the soil filtration structure in small portions.

Subsequent cleaning is carried out with the participation of aerobic bacteria, which, with an abundance of oxygen, feed on organic matter and partially decompose it. Depending on the filtration capabilities of the soil, such structures are made either in the form of a filtration well or as an underground filtration field.

At the end of all stages of treatment, the wastewater is purified by 95%, which is quite sufficient, based on sanitary standards.

The operating principle of an autonomous sewage system in the form of a deep biological sedum scheme

A system of this type is a monoblock in which wastewater is treated using each of the above methods - aerobic and anaerobic (autonomous sewage tank or aeration tank).

One of the chambers of this system reproduces conditions similar to those occurring in a soil filtration system. At the same time, the electronic control unit starts the compressor from time to time, which supplies fresh air to the aeration tank.

Forced aeration helps accelerate the biological decomposition of organic matter and ultimately produces 98% purified wastewater.

How to choose the right sewer cleaning system

A comparative analysis of various types of cleaning systems indicates the following conclusions:

Advice! The best autonomous sewage system is one that does not require human participation in its work, eliminates specific odors, performs its direct function well without harming nature, and lasts up to 50 years.

The best option for solving the issue of diverting waste from a home sewer is to tie it into a city highway. Difficulties with connection arise when the common pipe is located at a great distance, or the location of the site does not allow direct connection to the utility network. In such a situation, you will have to study how an autonomous sewage system works and design a private local wastewater treatment plant.

Autonomous system in a country house

Autonomous sewerage is the disposal of wastewater directly in the area adjacent to the house, or the creation of one local system to serve several buildings. There are 3 ways to install an autonomous home sewer system:

  • Drain pit.
  • Septic tank.

Septic tank with outlet through the filtration field to the receiver

  • Treatment station – VOC.

Photo: private autonomous sewage system based on VOC

Cesspools: the simplest type of sewage system

A budget and simple option for installing a home sewer system is to dig a drain hole. The principle is simple: liquid waste is transported through a sewer pipe into a container. If the tank is sealed, then the waste accumulates in the pit until pumping, which is carried out every 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the intensity of sewer use and the internal volume of the tank.

Regular pumping and unpleasant odor: cesspool

There is another type of cesspool - filtration tanks. A container without a bottom is placed in the pit, and the lower part is covered with sand and crushed stone, through which the drainage gradually seeps into the ground. Installation of filter wells without preliminary drainage treatment is prohibited. You can equip a pit without a bottom only for servicing summer cottages with 1 - 2 points of water use: shower and toilet. The main disadvantage of drainage pits is the need for regular cleaning. It is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of a persistent unpleasant odor that does not disappear even after disinfection of the receiving containers. The installation of cesspools is prohibited in residential urban areas, near neighboring plots and buildings.

Septic tanks: improved drain tanks

A septic tank is the best option for installing an autonomous sewer system in a country house or country house, if the number of residents does not exceed 3–4 people, or the house is used for seasonal living.

A septic tank is a structure of several chambers connected to each other. Effluents entering the structure undergo at least 2 stages of purification:

  1. Mechanical. Inside the chamber, primary settling and separation of waste occurs: dense substances and solid insoluble masses settle to the bottom. Liquid waste flows into the next compartment.
  2. Biological. The natural process of filtering sewage waste takes up to 3 days. The processing of organic compounds takes place in a crust on the surface of the liquid during the activity of anaerobic bacteria.

Bacteria that process waste exist in specific conditions: to survive, they need a strong film on the surface of the water and the absence of oxygen. During the cleaning process, a large amount of gas is released - to remove methane, septic tanks must be equipped with ventilation with output to the roof level of residential buildings.

Multi-chamber septic tank on site

Septic tanks as an autonomous sewage system are used to dispose of wastewater in houses and areas not connected to the power grid, or with constant interruptions in power supply. The system is autonomous and non-volatile. The movement of liquid in the compartments is carried out using an overflow, and the discharge is through a discharge pipe into a filtration well or onto a gravel field. Septic tanks with biofiltration systems require regular cleaning. Depending on the type of filter and the amount of waste - up to 1 time every 1 - 2 months.

VOC: full treatment stations

Local treatment stations (LPS) are systems for installing autonomous sewage systems with the maximum degree of purification. The purity of the outlet drain is up to 98%. VOCs are energy-dependent systems that require uninterrupted power supply. Factory complexes are equipped with equipment for multi-stage filtration in automatic mode.

Scheme: complex treatment station

The principle of operation of an autonomous sewage system is the complex processing of wastewater in the chambers of the station:

  1. Primary mechanical cleaning. Several types of mechanical filters are installed in the receiving compartment: large particle catchers, grease catchers.
  2. Aerobic processing. Biofiltration of pre-treated wastewater with aerobic bacteria.
  3. Anaerobic treatment. Removal of organic compounds in a chamber with anaerobic bacteria.
  4. Final purification. Additional mechanical filtration.

The stations do not require cleaning or special care. The owner needs to inspect the internal chambers once a month. Mechanical filters are cleaned once every six months, and maintenance and replacement of equipment parts is carried out once every few years.

What you need to know about autonomous treatment plants: operating principles and types of systems

One station can serve several houses

What do you need to know in order to select and install an autonomous sewage system without errors? The main parameters that are taken into account when selecting the type of station:

  • Average daily volume of water and maximum predicted consumption value during the day: this indicator is needed to determine the volume of the system.
  • The quality of power supply is a determining factor when choosing the type of station.
  • Technical characteristics of the site: relief features, depth of groundwater.
  • The presence or absence of natural reservoirs and ditches.

When choosing a septic tank that operates as an autonomous sewage system based on the principle of anaerobic treatment, choose a ready-made design or construct a system of sealed containers on your own.

External view of the system on site

VOC – factory-made integrated solutions, with full preparation for installation and start-up. Installation is carried out by representatives of the manufacturer or construction companies that specialize in engineering communications.

Factory cleaning systems: manufacturing materials and equipment

Containers for arranging septic tanks and treatment stations are produced in sealed cases made of materials:

  • Polymers based on acrylic resins. Plastic septic tanks and stations can be made of polyethylene, PVC or fiberglass. For a home system, it is better to choose multilayer seamless polyethylene or fiberglass. Such containers are not subject to depressurization along connection lines. The material is resistant to corrosion, withstands exposure to chemicals, and is completely waterproof.

  • Metal. Metal tanks are less reliable due to the risk of depressurization. Weld seams are the weak point of the structure, and it is impossible to carry out regular inspections, because the container is dug into the ground. Metal tanks require preparation before installation: surface and internal treatment with a protective anti-corrosion compound. Another disadvantage of steel containers is their high thermal conductivity. Structures dug into the ground must be insulated before backfilling.

Container in a reinforced concrete ring with sprinkles

When constructing septic tanks yourself, concrete rings and ready-made reinforced concrete parts are used. Select special products for installation in the ground, made from a solution with the lowest degree of permeability.

Cleaning mechanism and operating principle of sewerage

To understand how an autonomous sewage system works in a private house, you need to understand the mechanism for purifying drain water inside a factory structure. VOC stations are complex systems with internal division into several connected and (or) sealed chambers.

In the first settling chamber, the primary mechanical separation of wastewater occurs. The volume of the chamber depends on the type of construction and the length of time the waste is in the receiver. Mechanical filtration involves the natural settling of insoluble sediment and the passage of water through a removable mesh filter basket. The mesh of the mechanical filter accumulates waste that ends up in the sewer drain: garbage, paper. Additionally, manufacturers install shredders in systems that are equipped with electrical equipment.

Cleaning mechanism in a three-chamber system

After the mechanical cleaning chamber, the liquid enters a container with biofilters, where the main processing takes place. Factory designs are produced with active (anaerobic) and aerobic cleaning chambers. There are also systems with combined processing. At the exit from the compartment with biofiltration, the purity of the effluent is 80%. From the biofiltration chamber, the runoff can be discharged directly onto the filtration field or into a tunnel. Some systems are equipped with a final purification tank - a compartment with mechanical filters made of minerals of volcanic origin, natural and artificial absorbents.

Biofiltration: the use of energy-independent anaerobic systems

Structures operating on the principle of an active septic tank are installed when it is necessary to provide wastewater treatment without connecting the system to the electrical network. The design consists of 1 – 2 chambers. Autonomous sewerage operates in a continuous mode, so the volume is calculated based on the fact that it takes 3 days to process the wastewater.

Anaerobic treatment in the septic tank body

The processing of organic matter is carried out due to the vital activity of bacteria, which populate the septic tank artificially (through the sewer). Microorganisms live in an airtight film of fat that enters the container along with wastewater. During processing, a large amount of heat and gases are released - waste products of bacteria. Therefore, the liquid level inside the chamber should not exceed 2/3 of the volume, and the gas removal is ensured by a ventilation pipe.

Crust on the surface is a habitat for bacteria

The number of active microorganisms directly depends on the intensity of sewer use and the chemical composition of the drain. For high-quality cleaning, up to 3 months should pass from the moment the system is launched. Bacteria are sensitive to chlorine and chemicals from household detergents. By regularly draining the water from your washing machine or dishwasher, the number of microorganisms can decrease dramatically. Anaerobic systems require regular maintenance: the receiver tank must be cleaned every few months, leaving up to 1/5 of the volume to preserve a film of bacteria. Do not use chlorine or acid-based cleaning products; it is necessary to minimize the amount of household chemicals entering the drain.

Cleaning in the aeration chamber: how an aerobic biofilter works

Most VOCs are built on the basis of chambers with compressor aeration equipment - aeration tanks. The degree of purity of the output water is from 85 to 98%. When installing stations with a high degree of purification, there are no problems with obtaining permits - such systems are installed in urban and suburban private houses.

Diagram: drain cleaning mechanism

The primary treatment chamber, which is located in front of the biofiltration tank, is additionally equipped with grease traps, which facilitates complete wastewater treatment. The biological processing chamber operates with a constant supply of oxygen. To supply air, manufacturers install compressor equipment into the aeration tank.

Bacteria that process waste live in the activated sludge inside the chamber. Their quantity is regulated naturally. If the volume of waste water increases or there is a need to intensify and speed up the cleaning process, the amount of oxygen supplied is increased. The adjustment process is programmable. During operation, oxygen supply is performed automatically. Aerobic microorganisms are less sensitive to the presence of chemicals in the processed liquid. Therefore, VOCs can be used without restrictions for installation in residential buildings, commercial facilities with intensive use of detergents.

Advantages and features of autonomous stations

Local autonomous systems – absolutely safe home sewerage. Advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness. The design and operating principle of autonomous sewerage stations make it possible to install devices in close proximity to buildings in residential areas. There is no unpleasant odor - the containers are sealed and there is no need for a vent. There is no risk of soil or water pollution. In the event of an emergency, an alarm will sound; if the power supply is cut off, the station can operate normally for several hours.

VOC: no restrictions for installation in residential areas

  1. Minimum maintenance activities. The system does not require regular cleaning. Preventive examinations are carried out once a month. The stations are self-cleaning; there is no need to involve equipment for pumping.
  2. Durability. Plastic structures last for 50 years. Internal parts, including equipment elements in the aeration tank, are made without the use of steel. If the drain is discharged into a filtration field, then the bulk filter is replaced every 10 years.

How to choose the type and capacity of the sewer system without mistakes

Installation of a factory system on site

There are no problems when choosing complex cleaning stations. Autonomous systems can be installed on a site without restrictions on the type and composition of the soil, or the depth of groundwater. The only parameter that the owner must take into account is the number of people living in the house. Factory VOCs are produced in different modifications, with different volumes of processing. For installation in difficult conditions, structures with increased installation depth are selected - for laying pipes below the freezing point.

Video: how an autonomous station works

When arranging a sewer system for your home, give preference to factory-made systems with comprehensive, complete cleaning.

If it is not possible to connect the house to the central sewer system, the only option is an autonomous sewer system in a private house - it is not too difficult to do it yourself, but if necessary, you can attract specialists and special equipment to perform some work. The cost of the project as a whole and the time for its implementation depend on individual characteristics.

Wastewater disposal is one of the determining issues when choosing an autonomous sewage system. The comfort of living largely depends on the correct choice and efficiency of the treatment or storage facility.

To make it easier to compare the possible options, we will briefly list the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

DIY buildings

Sealed cesspool, on the one hand, is a classic, on the other, this classic is increasingly losing ground to more advanced and economical designs due to its main drawback - the need to periodically call a sewer truck to pump out the contents. The services of vacuum cleaners are not only a hassle, but also an inevitable expense. At the same time, during the construction phase, a cesspool is the cheapest option.

Self-built septic tanks depending on the design, they can significantly increase the time intervals between pumping out wastewater or allow you to do without sewage systems altogether, limiting yourself to cleaning the structure once a year or even less often. Undoubtedly, you will have to buy materials for building septic tanks yourself, but from an economic point of view there are certain advantages:

  • You can use used materials,
  • the cost of materials is lower than the finished structure,
  • there is no need to spend money on work (with the rare exception of the necessary use of lifting equipment).

Materials for making tanks for self-construction can include:

  • concrete rings,
  • concrete (for poured construction),
  • brick,
  • large plastic containers (Eurocubes).

Ready solutions

Ready-made septic tanks can be energy-dependent or autonomous. Requiring and not requiring pumping.

There are two main categories of sewage disposal equipment available on the market.

1. Non-volatile factory septic tanks differ in their operational capabilities and, accordingly, in cost. The more efficiently a septic tank works (performance, degree of purification), the more it costs, however, the higher the level of comfort and the less effort required for maintenance.

The photo shows an autonomous sewage system based on a non-volatile septic tank with wastewater treatment in filtration fields

2. Local treatment stations (LTP) are quite expensive, but more efficient structures with the ability to purify wastewater, removing up to 98-99% of impurities and obtaining water suitable for irrigation. Balanced systems and bioremediation methods used make VOCs safe and easy to use. The main disadvantage of VOCs is the high cost of equipment and the need for electricity consumption.

The most popular models of ready-made treatment structures are:

  • Tank,
  • Unilos,
  • Tver,
  • Topas.

How to install a septic tank Tank, as well as about its structure, we described on this page

System design

An autonomous sewage system in a private house will work flawlessly only if during its construction all the nuances of operation are taken into account as much as possible, including:

  • average daily volume of water consumption (the volume of the tank must be at least three daily norms),
  • number of drain points,
  • terrain (it is better to place a treatment or storage facility at the lowest point),
  • groundwater level (the design of the tank and its operation must exclude the possibility of contamination),
  • location of key objects on the site (there are sanitary standards that determine the minimum permissible distances to sources of drinking water, windows and doors of a residential building, fruit trees and vegetable gardens, highways, etc.).

When you design an autonomous sewer system with your own hands, the diagram includes:

  • external communications and treatment facility,
  • internal pipelines and equipment,
  • ventilation system.

To ensure that the developed system fully complies with operating conditions and does not experience overloads, the following items are included in the project:

  • number of residents (including a separately calculated number of possible seasonally visiting relatives in the house),
  • the possible number of short-term guests visiting the house at the same time,
  • number of water intake points and their type (equipping them with one or another equipment),
  • layout of the site (optimally if a diagram is attached indicating the linear dimensions, area, location of the house, outbuildings, sources of drinking water).

Installation of sewer system

In order to understand how to make an autonomous sewer system in a private house, you can consider the entire complex of work, dividing it into separate blocks.

External communications

An external pipeline is a line from a residential building to a wastewater collection or treatment site. The ideal option would be a straight line from one point to another, made with the necessary slope, however, it is not always possible to lay a highway in this way.

In addition, it is possible to insert additional outlets into this main line (drains from a shower room, bathhouse, etc.). All bends and tappings pose a potential risk for blockages, since changes in flow speed can cause solids to become trapped on the pipe walls.

Due to this Certain rules must be followed:

  • To avoid sudden changes in the direction of movement of drains, which can cause blockages, oblique crosses and tees, as well as bends with angles of 15, 30 and 45 degrees, are used for installation.
  • All places of change of direction and insertions are supplemented with inspection wells.

Another important point is selection of pipes for the external system. It is possible to use products from:

  • plastic,
  • cast iron

PVC plastic pipes for external sewerage should be orange, and for internal sewerage - gray

When choosing, not only the cost, but also the characteristics of the pipes are taken into account.

  • If drainage from a dishwasher and washing machine is introduced into the sewer, it is better not to use polymer materials that are sensitive to high temperatures, at least at the beginning of the line, where the drains have not yet cooled down.
  • In areas laid under paths, sidewalks and, especially, under the road, only the strongest cast iron pipes are used for vehicles to enter the area.

There are other nuances that should be taken into account when deciding how to install an autonomous sewer system in a private house.

  • Too high or too low a flow rate can cause blockages, so it is important to ensure that stable slope 2%(2 cm of level decrease for each meter of length).
  • External communications are laid in trenches, the depth of which should be greater than the depth of soil freezing in a given region).
  • Communications require mandatory thermal insulation if it is not possible to lay them below the soil freezing level. When laying in a non-freezing layer, you can do without additional protection
  • For the longevity of the system, all pipes except plastic ones must also be protected from moisture.
  • In addition to inspection wells in difficult places in the system, similar structures are installed along the entire length at the rate of 1 well per 10-15 meters of the main line.

Internal system

Do-it-yourself internal autonomous sewerage in a private house is made from polypropylene or PVC pipes. In this case, the temperature of the effluent and the susceptibility of the material must also be taken into account.

The diameter of the pipes is selected depending on the volume and type of waste at each point. For washbasins, outlets with a diameter of 50 mm are sufficient, and for toilets and general collectors - 110 mm. The amount of slope required for the flow of waste without delays and the formation of traffic jams depends on the diameter of the main: for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm it is 3% (3 cm for each meter of length), and for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm - 2% (2 cm).

To prevent backflow if a blockage occurs It is recommended to install check valves(for each branch separately or common to the collector pipeline). When installing internal sewer systems also water seals are used or, capable of preventing unpleasant odors from the sewer from entering the room.

The most important element of the sewer system is the connection point between its internal and external components, the so-called outlet from the house, which is the transition of the intra-house collector with the main line transporting wastewater to the septic tank.

  • If the sewerage system is installed in an already built house, it is possible to install the outlet above the ground surface. In this case, high-quality thermal insulation will be required to prevent freezing.
  • Release through the foundation below the soil freezing level reduces the risk and is preferable. The possibility of drilling a hole for laying a pipe after the construction of a building is determined individually. It is best to arrange such an exit at the construction stage.
  • The exhaust pipe must pass through the wall with the installation of a sleeve, which protects the exhaust pipe from damage and deformation. As a rule, the sleeve is a piece of pipe with a larger diameter (10-15 cm), which allows the exhaust pipe to be laid in it and protrudes 10 cm beyond the foundation on both sides.
  • When drilling a hole and installing a sleeve, it is important to take into account the need to slope the communications towards the septic tank. The position of the sleeve can determine the magnitude of this slope.

Ventilation of the sewer system

How the autonomous sewage system of a private house works largely depends on efficiency. The latter is designed to normalize the pressure in the pipelines, which changes when water is drained, and also to remove gases from the system. The presence of ventilation also allows you to extend the life of the system, eliminating the possibility.

In addition, the timely flow of air into the rarefaction zone that occurs when water is drained eliminates the possibility of its capture from siphons, which is usually accompanied by unpleasant sounds. The classic solution is to lead its free end to the roof.

During construction, certain requirements and features should be taken into account.

  • The vent pipe should be located on the roof higher than the others (smoke pipe, house ventilation).
  • The horizontal distance from the drain pipe to the nearest window or balcony must be at least 4 m.
  • The optimal diameter of the fan pipe is 110 mm (the same as the diameter of the internal riser). On the one hand, it provides the necessary traction, on the other hand, with such a value, partial narrowing of the passage due to the formation of ice in frosty weather is not critical for the system.

The installation of an autonomous sewer system in a private house is increasingly supplemented, which can replace general ventilation or work together with it. Diaphragm or rod designs respond to changes in pressure. Depending on the model, the valves can operate only for inlet or for inlet and outlet of air. Valves can be installed on a common pipeline or on branches of individual plumbing structures. It is often advisable to install such a device only at the outlet of the washing machine, since it is this device that drains water with a certain pressure, thereby sharply changing the pressure in the pipeline.

A well-equipped autonomous sewage system is the most important tool that allows the owner of a private plot to effectively solve the problems of wastewater disposal and treatment. Only after the creation of a private sewer system does the house become a truly comfortable and comfortable home, fully complying with all current standards.

Thanks to the sewer system, residents have the opportunity to use water without any kind of restrictions: install hydroboxes and bathtubs, washing machines, etc.

The installation of a basic autonomous sewage system can be handled without outside help. All work comes down to installing the tank, laying pipes and ensuring the correct functioning of the created complex.

Before embarking on activities to arrange an autonomous sewage system, you need to study the relevant information and draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of one or another type of existing systems.

Practical experience allowed us to sufficiently analyze the available data and draw a number of important conclusions regarding what a truly effective and high-quality autonomous

In order for the system to fully cope with all the tasks assigned to it, it must meet the following requirements:

Thus, there are quite a lot of different requirements for modern autonomous sewage systems. However, in practice everything turns out to be much simpler than in theory.

Prices for septic tanks TOPAS

Autonomous sewage system TOPAS

The finished sewer system, equipped taking into account all the recommendations, will serve without any complaints for the longest possible time. At the same time, the system will comply with current sanitary and hygienic standards, which will save the owner from unpleasant proceedings with the relevant authorities.

How does an autonomous sewer system work?

Modern sewer systems are compact, extremely convenient, practical and easy to install, as well as environmentally friendly. The most popular systems are those that combine the functions of cleaning and supplying oxygen to working containers.

Such sewers are created using the highest quality materials. Typically the main material is polypropylene. It is characterized by excellent strength, environmental friendliness, thermal conductivity and is lightweight.

The modern market offers a wide range of different biological wastewater treatment stations. Moreover, they all function according to approximately the same mechanism. Certain wastewater treatment plants are responsible for using organic waste as an energy source. For full life activity, such bacteria also need oxygen.

The wastewater treatment system operates according to an extremely simple scheme. At the first stage, the wastewater is artificially saturated with air necessary for life and bacteria. In the process of their development, bacteria eat and mineralize organic matter that is part of sewage water.

Such bio-stations are characterized by a very high rate of wastewater treatment. As a result, purified water can be used without any fear for watering garden plants or drained into a suitable place.

An additional advantage of an autonomous sewer system is that there is no need to make complex determinations of the optimal dimensions of the chamber and the expected volume of wastewater.

Information about the design capacity of the station is given in its name. For example, one of the most famous wastewater treatment systems, Astra Sewerage 5, can cope with the treatment of wastewater generated by five users. A high-performance station called Topaz 150 will be able to serve a holiday or cottage community for 150 residents.

Tips for installing autonomous sewerage elements

In order for an autonomous sewer system to fully cope with all the tasks assigned to it, the installation of its main elements must be carried out in accordance with a number of requirements, namely:

Guide to installing an autonomous sewer system

First step

Select a location to install the septic tank. The minimum permissible distance from the septic tank to residential buildings and roads is 5 m, to garden trees – 3 m, to a water source – 50 m.

Second step

Proceed with excavation work. The dimensions of the pit for installation must exceed the dimensions of the container itself by 30 cm on each side.

Prices for septic tanks Alta Group

Autonomous sewerage Alta Group

The technology allows the installation of a septic tank and a biofilter in a common pit.

Dig a trench for laying external pipes with a 2-centimeter slope for every 100 cm of pipeline length.

Third step

Compact the bottom of the pit and fill it with concrete. Place the plastic container on the hardened concrete pad. Additionally, secure the septic tank to the concrete base using cables.

Fourth step

Build a sewer system. Connect the pipes according to your diagram. At the same stage, fill the biofilter blocks with expanded clay and bioactive absorbent.

Fifth step

Backfill with earth and sand or a cement-sand mixture in layers. Compact each layer of backfill thoroughly. At the same time, fill the septic tank with water to a level slightly higher than the level of the filled material.

The pipes are covered first with sand and then with soil. There is no need to compact the backfill.

Connect the pipes in the house in accordance with the conditions of your situation. At this moment everything is individual.

Find out online from our new article.

Prices for septic tanks EcoProm

Autonomous sewage system Ecoprom

Thus, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the DIY equipment of an autonomous sewer system. The finished complex will effectively cope with all the tasks assigned to it, relieving the owner of a lot of hassle associated with wastewater treatment. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself autonomous sewer system

For a comfortable life in a private house with a kitchen, several bathrooms and showers, you need a reliable system for collecting, filtering and processing waste resulting from human activity, which would not require frequent pumping and time-consuming frequent maintenance. If the house does not have the ability to connect to the central sewer system, then local treatment facilities become the solution. This article will discuss the principle of operation of the autonomous sewer system of a private house and what advantages and disadvantages such a system has.

The sewer system for a private home can be divided into three types:

  • septic tank;
  • local treatment facilities.

cesspool This is the easiest type of sewer system to install and maintain. It involves draining wastewater into a sealed container in which it is stored and from which it is periodically pumped out using a sewage disposal machine. To build a cesspool, as a rule, reinforced concrete rings are used, buried in the ground, and access to the pit is provided by installing a hatch. The disadvantages of such a system are the need to regularly clean the container, as well as the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which cannot be eliminated even by disinfection.

It is a large container consisting of several chambers communicating with each other. In the first chamber, the waste goes through the stage of primary mechanical purification - settling, during which solid parts settle to the bottom, and the water purified from these parts flows by gravity into the second chamber. Here, biological purification occurs - anaerobic bacteria process suspended organic compounds into sludge without access to oxygen, further purifying the water.

Since the process of water purification without access to oxygen is not very effective, the output water has a purification degree of approximately 80%. Such water is unsuitable even for technical needs. For further cleaning, the septic tank involves the use of aeration fields.

The advantages of such a sewer system are autonomy and independence. There is no need to supply electricity to the septic tank, and human intervention is limited to cleaning the system depending on the intensity of use. But when filtering waste in such systems, methane is released, for the removal of which ventilation is installed with an outlet no lower than the level of the roofs of houses.

Third type - local treatment plant (VOC or local treatment facilities). This installation purifies wastewater with the highest quality possible with a purification degree of up to 98%. Let's talk in more detail about how an autonomous sewage system works.

Operating principle of autonomous sewage system

Local treatment facilities are a complex of tanks where wastewater undergoes several stages of purification. A fundamentally autonomous sewage system contains the functions of a septic tank, in which mechanical wastewater treatment occurs, and the functions of aerobic treatment, where aerobic bacteria effectively process fine suspended matter into sludge, maximizing the clarification of the wastewater. Let us consider in detail the principle of operation of VOCs.

At the first stage, wastewater from the house enter the first chamber of the autonomous sewage system, called the receiving chamber. The average volume of such a container is 3 cubic meters. Here, as in a septic tank, large particles are settled, as well as fatty particles are separated using special grease traps.

At the next stage, water flows by gravity into the next chamber, with a volume equal to half of the first chamber. This container is called an aeration tank, since this is where the wastewater is saturated with oxygen. This happens with the help of an air compressor, which, through hoses, pumps air saturated with oxygen into the chamber from below, while simultaneously mixing thanks to the many bubbles rising upward.

Colonies of bacteria settle in the same chamber, which gradually convert the fine suspension into activated sludge, eating it and turning it into large enough flakes that, due to their weight, can settle to the bottom. The high activity of such bacteria is due to the constant flow of oxygen into the aeration tank.

This entire mixture of liquid and activated sludge mixed in it gradually moves by gravity to the next container - a secondary settling tank, in which the sludge settles on a special cone-shaped catcher and is then pumped back into the aeration tank. Purified water, separated from sludge, enters the next stage of purification.

When a maximum amount of waste sludge accumulates in the aeration tank, the system automatically pumps it into a special settling tank, from which it is removed and used for household needs.

After the secondary settling tank, sufficiently purified water enters the next container, coming into contact with a chlorine-containing preparation. Here the final disinfection of wastewater and its further purification takes place. At this stage, the water is purified to 98%, beginning to meet sanitary standards.

Removal of purified water from an autonomous sewer can occur in several ways:

  1. Overflow into a special storage well, from where the water will be pumped out or used for household needs. This method is used when there is a high level of groundwater or when there is a need for industrial water for watering the garden.
  2. Overflow into where the water will go into the ground. This method is possible if there is sandy or loamy soil on the site. The advantage here is that there is no need to pump out wastewater.
  3. Organization. This method is also used when groundwater levels are low. The advantage of aeration fields is the additional fertilization of the soil at the point of discharge of purified water.

Thanks to the intensive recycling process, the autonomous sewage system has the smallest dimensions compared to conventional septic tanks, which indicates the convenience of its installation on the site. Purified water can be used for irrigation on the site, without fear of any harmful substances getting into the soil, and processed sludge is a useful fertilizer that is used in the garden and vegetable garden; it can be scooped up yourself with buckets.

VOC is a closed installation in which cleaning is carried out inside chambers and does not require direct human intervention. The filter elements and grease trap are cleaned approximately once every 6 months, and a preventive visual inspection of the chambers is carried out once a month. Pumps may need to be replaced after several years of use.

The main disadvantage of the station is the need for uninterrupted power supply. If there is a long absence of electricity, some filter elements may become unusable.

How to choose an autonomous sewer system for your home

To make a rational choice of the type of local treatment facility, you need to take into account a number of factors: the condition and composition of the soil in which the sewage system will be installed, groundwater, the shape and size of the site, the number of people living in the house, whether the dwelling is seasonal or permanent.

The choice between a septic tank and a VOC will be justified if you calculate the most common situations:

  1. Budget. If it is limited, then a septic tank should be installed. It is cheaper and requires less money to maintain.
  2. Groundwater. If their level on the site is high, then installing a septic tank becomes impossible, since it will not be possible to install additional treatment facilities (equipment of filtration wells and pits in this case will be expensive and require a large amount of work). The advantage of VOCs is obvious - the output water will not be hazardous to the environment.
  3. Electricity supply. If there are frequent power outages and power outages, installing an autonomous sewer system is not recommended. When the system stops, filters may fail and bacteria may die. Refilling and repairing such a system are expensive procedures. You can install a backup power source, but in this case it would be preferable to use a septic tank-based sewer system.
  4. Seasonal accommodation. If the owners live in the house only part of the year, then the choice falls in favor of a septic tank. Long interruptions in work can negatively affect the operation of local treatment facilities, and running electrical autonomous sewage systems idle will lead to unnecessary financial costs.

Thus, autonomous sewerage is the most progressive way of treating wastewater in a private home. The only drawback is the high cost of the equipment. It is also worth remembering that the VOC requires electricity to operate, and if it is turned off, the device will act as a septic tank. Therefore, the final choice, taking into account all the pros and cons, remains with the owner of the house.